From 471310700df130d548f5786882c29620770d6cdd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skoester <>
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 18:34:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] gpsr grammar extended

 ps-grammar/gpsr/gpsr.jsgf | 36 +++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ps-grammar/gpsr/gpsr.jsgf b/ps-grammar/gpsr/gpsr.jsgf
index e5140198..550942ce 100644
--- a/ps-grammar/gpsr/gpsr.jsgf
+++ b/ps-grammar/gpsr/gpsr.jsgf
@@ -1,50 +1,48 @@
 #JSGF V1.0;
 grammar ToBI_GPSR;
-public <task> = (<location_task> | <item_task> | <interact_task>);
+public <task> = <location_task> | <item_task> | <interact_task>;
-<location_task> = (<nav_commands> [the] (<locations> | <furniture>) [[(and | then)] <task>]);
+<location_task> = <nav_commands> [the] [<locations>]  [<furniture>] [[(and | then)] <task>];
+<nav_commands> = ((move | go | navigate) to) | (get into) | from | exit | leave;
 <locations> = [the] (kitchen | bathroom | corridor);
-<nav_commands> = (((move | go | navigate) to) | (get into) | from | exit | leave);
-<furniture> = (shelf | (diner table));
+<furniture> = shelf | ([dinner|kitchen] table) | bin | locker;
-<item_task> = ((<interact_item> | <move_item> | <transport_item>) [[(and | then)] <task>]);
+<item_task> = (<interact_item> | <move_item> | <transport_item>) [[(and | then)] <task>];
-<interact_item> = (<search_commands> [the] <items> [[and] <move_item>]);
-<search_commands> = (identify | detect | find | count);
+<interact_item> = <search_commands> [the] <items> [[and] <move_item>];
+<search_commands> = identify | detect | find | count;
-<move_item> = (<move_commands> (([the | this] <items>) | it | them ));
-<move_commands> = (get | take | grasp );
+<move_item> = <move_commands> (([the | this] <items>) | it | them );
+<move_commands> = get | take | grasp ;
 <transport_item> = [and] <transport_commands> [<pron>] [<items>] [<item_destination>];
 <transport_commands> = (bring | carry | retrieve) [<noname>];
-<item_destination> = ( [<person>] [at | to] [<locations>]);
+<item_destination> = [<person>] [at | to] [<locations>];
-<items> = ([the] (coffee | crackers | milk));
+<items> = [the] (coffee | crackers | milk | chocolate | coke | sponge);
-<interact_task> = ((<talk_with_person> | <interact_with_person>) [[(and | then)] <task>]);
+<interact_task> = (<talk_with_person> | <interact_with_person>) [[(and | then)] <task>];
 <talk_with_person> = <talk_commands> ((something about <person>) | (the day of the month));
 <talk_commands> = tell | report | answer | introduce;
-<interact_with_person> = (<memory_commands> [<pron>] [<person>] [(in front of you) | ([<noname>] [the] <locations>)]);
-<person> = [<noname> | <pron>] (yourself | person | him | her | them | he | she | (the person) | tobi | mary | female | male);
-<talk_commands> = (((introduce | (tell something about)) <person>) | (the day of the month));
+<interact_with_person> = <memory_commands> [<pron>] [<person>] [(in front of you) | ([<noname>] [the] <locations>)];
 <memory_commands> = follow | memorize | find;
+<person> = [<noname> | <pron>] (yourself | person | him | her | them | he | she | person | tobi | female | male | <name>);
+<name> = anna | mary; 
-<pron> = (it | them | a | this | the);
-<noname> = (to | at | from | in | from);
+<pron> = it | them | a | this | the;
+<noname> = to | at | from | in | from;