From 51a98fa256a670daf38566de666c305ddc018429 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Linus Schwarz <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2023 14:21:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Deleted fautly characters

 psGrammar/tasks/gpsr/questions.jsgf | 102 ++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/psGrammar/tasks/gpsr/questions.jsgf b/psGrammar/tasks/gpsr/questions.jsgf
index 6b4c3044..0c044bd3 100644
--- a/psGrammar/tasks/gpsr/questions.jsgf
+++ b/psGrammar/tasks/gpsr/questions.jsgf
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-#JSGF V1.0;
+#Jsgf V10;
 grammar questions;
 public <question> = [(tobi | biron | robot)] (<quest_predef>);
 public <quest_predef> = <predef1> | <predef2> | <predef3> | <predef4> | <predef5> | <predef6> | <predef7> | <predef8> | <predef9> | <predef10> | <predef11> | <predef12> | <predef13> | <predef14> | <predef15> | <predef16>|<predef17> |<predef18> |<predef19> |<predef20> |<predef21> |<predef22> |<predef23> |<predef24> |<predef25> |<predef26> |<predef27> | <predef28> | <predef29> | <predef30> | <predef31> | <predef32> | <predef33> | <predef34> | <predef35> | <predef36> | <predef10> | <predef11> | <predef12> | <predef13> | <predef14> | <predef15> | <predef16>|<predef17> |<predef18> |<predef19> |<predef20> |<predef21> |<predef22> |<predef23> |<predef24> |<predef25>;
-<predef1>  = Whos the most handsome person in Canada;
-<predef2>  = How many time zones are there in Canada;
-<predef3>  = Whats the longest street in the world;
-<predef4>  = How long is Yonge Street in Ontario;
-<predef5>  = Whats the name of the bear cub exported from Canada to the London Zoo;
-<predef6>  = Where was the Blackberry Smartphone developed;
-<predef7>  = What is the worlds largest coin;
-<predef8>  = In what year was Canada invaded by the USA for the first time;
-<predef9>  = What year was Canada invaded by the USA for the second time;
-<predef10> = What country holds the record for the most gold medals at the Winter Olympics;
-<predef11> = Who coined the term Beatlemania;
-<predef12> = Why is Canada named Canada;
-<predef13> = When was The Mounted Police formed;
-<predef14> = When was The Royal Canadian Mounted Police formed;
-<predef15> = How big is the RCMP;
-<predef16> = What else is Montreal called;
-<predef17> = Where is The Hotel de Glace located;
-<predef18> = How many tons of ice are required to build The Hotel de Glace;
-<predef19> = How many tons of snow are required to build The Hotel de Glace;
-<predef20> = Can I visit the Hotel de Glace in summer;
-<predef21> = Where is Canadas only desert;
-<predef22> = How big is Canadas only desert;
-<predef23> = Name 3 famous male Canadians.;
-<predef24> = Name 3 famous female Canadians.;
-<predef25> = Whats the origin of the Comic Sans font;
-<predef26> = What is a nanobot;
-<predef27> = How small can a nanobot be;
-<predef28> = Why wasnt Tron nominated for an award by The Motion Picture Academy;
-<predef29> = Which was the first computer with a hard disk drive;
-<predef30> = When was the first computer with a hard disk drive launched;
-<predef31> = How big was the first hard disk drive;
-<predef32> = What does CAPTCHA stands for;
-<predef33> = What was the first computer bug;
-<predef34> = Name all of the robots on Mars.;
-<predef35> = Who is the worlds first android;
-<predef36> = What is a Mechanical Knight;
-<predef37> = What was the first computer in pass the Turing test;
-<predef38> = What does Moravecs paradox state;
-<predef39> = What is the AI knowledge engineering bottleneck;
-<predef40> = Why is Elon Musk is worried about AIs impact on humanity;
-<predef41> = Do you think robots are a threat to humanity;
-<predef42> = What is a chatbot;
-<predef43> = Are self driving cars safe;
-<predef44> = Who invented the compiler;
-<predef45> = Who created the C Programming Language;
-<predef46> = Who created the Python Programming Language;
-<predef47> = Is Mark Zuckerberg a robot;
-<predef48> = Who is the inventor of the Apple I microcomputer;
-<predef49> = Who is considered to be the first computer programmer;
-<predef50> = Which program do Jedi use to open PDF files;
+<predef1>  = (whos the most handsome person in canada);
+<predef2>  = (how many time zones are there in canada);
+<predef3>  = (whats the longest street in the world);
+<predef4>  = (how long is yonge street in ontario);
+<predef5>  = (whats the name of the bear cub exported from canada to the london zoo);
+<predef6>  = (where was the blackberry smartphone developed);
+<predef7>  = (what is the worlds largest coin);
+<predef8>  = (in what year was canada invaded by the usa for the first time);
+<predef9>  = (what year was canada invaded by the usa for the second time);
+<predef10> = (what country holds the record for the most gold medals at the winter olympics);
+<predef11> = (who coined the term beatlemania);
+<predef12> = (why is canada named canada);
+<predef13> = (when was the mounted police formed);
+<predef14> = (when was the royal canadian mounted police formed);
+<predef15> = (how big is the rcmp);
+<predef16> = (what else is montreal called);
+<predef17> = (where is the hotel de glace located);
+<predef18> = (how many tons of ice are required to build the hotel de glace);
+<predef19> = (how many tons of snow are required to build the hotel de glace);
+<predef20> = (can i visit the hotel de glace in summer);
+<predef21> = (where is canadas only desert);
+<predef22> = (how big is canadas only desert);
+<predef23> = (name three famous male canadians);
+<predef24> = (name three famous female canadians);
+<predef25> = (whats the origin of the comic sans font);
+<predef26> = (what is a nanobot);
+<predef27> = (how small can a nanobot be);
+<predef28> = (why wasnt tron nominated for an award by the motion picture academy);
+<predef29> = (which was the first computer with a hard disk drive);
+<predef30> = (when was the first computer with a hard disk drive launched);
+<predef31> = (how big was the first hard disk drive);
+<predef32> = (what does captcha stands for);
+<predef33> = (what was the first computer bug);
+<predef34> = (name all of the robots on mars);
+<predef35> = (who is the worlds first android);
+<predef36> = (what is a mechanical Knight);
+<predef37> = (what was the first computer in pass the turing test);
+<predef38> = (what does moravecs paradox state);
+<predef39> = (what is the ai knowledge engineering bottleneck);
+<predef40> = (why is Elon musk is worried about ais impact on humanity);
+<predef41> = (do you think robots are a threat to humanity);
+<predef42> = (what is a chatbot);
+<predef43> = (are self driving cars safe);
+<predef44> = (who invented the compiler);
+<predef45> = (who created the c programming language);
+<predef46> = (who created the python programming language);
+<predef47> = (is mark zuckerberg a robot);
+<predef48> = (who is the inventor of the apple i microcomputer);
+<predef49> = (who is considered to be the first computer programmer);
+<predef50> = (which program do Jedi use to open pdf files);