From 81f3f56743bd95dc9dcc1bdc2599386a4b2f8445 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skoester <>
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 13:08:31 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] added some words to the dirctionary and fixed error in state
 mashine for the speechRec

 ps-grammar/dictionary/tobiDic.dic                |  2 ++
 .../speechRecognition/speechRecognition.jsgf     | 16 ++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ps-grammar/dictionary/tobiDic.dic b/ps-grammar/dictionary/tobiDic.dic
index 3d4523fc..474337c3 100644
--- a/ps-grammar/dictionary/tobiDic.dic
+++ b/ps-grammar/dictionary/tobiDic.dic
@@ -17670,6 +17670,7 @@ canaanite	K EY N AH N AY T
 canace	K AA N AA CH IY
 canada	K AE N AH D AH
 canada's	K AE N AH D AH Z
+canadas	K AE N AH D AH Z
 canadair	K AE N AH D EH R
 canaday	K AE N AH D EY
 canadian	K AH N EY D IY AH N
@@ -62434,6 +62435,7 @@ juliano	JH UW L IY AA N OW
 julie	JH UW L IY
 julie's	JH UW L IY Z
 julien	JH UW L IY AH N
+julienne	JH UW L IY EH N
 juliet	JH UW L IY EH T
 julieta	Y UW L IY T AH
 julietta	JH UW L IY EH T AH
diff --git a/ps-grammar/speechRecognition/speechRecognition.jsgf b/ps-grammar/speechRecognition/speechRecognition.jsgf
index 25b97a5d..12b19550 100644
--- a/ps-grammar/speechRecognition/speechRecognition.jsgf
+++ b/ps-grammar/speechRecognition/speechRecognition.jsgf
@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@ grammar speechRecognition;
 public <task> = <question1> | <question2> | <question3> | <question4> | <question5> | <question6> | <question7> | <question8> | <question9> | <question10> | <question11> | <question12> | <question13> | <question14> | <question15> | <question16> | <question17> | <question18> | <question19> | <question20> | <question21> | <question22> | <question23> | <question24> | <question25>;
 <question1>  = which american state is nearest to the former soviet union;
-<question2>  = how many tentacles does a sqiud have;
-<question3>  = what is converted into alcohol druring brewing;
+<question2>  = how many tentacles does a squid have;
+<question3>  = what is converted into alcohol during brewing;
 <question4>  = which river forms the eastern section of the border between england and scotland;
 <question5>  = in what year was prince andrew born;
 <question6>  = name the two families in romeo and juliet;
 <question7>  = if cats are feline what are sheep;
 <question8>  = for which fruit is the us state of georgia famous;
 <question9>  = which is the financial centre and main city of switzerland;
-<question10> = which tv programmes theme was called hit and miss;
-<question11> = which guitarist is known as slowhand;
+<question10> = which tv programs theme was called hit and miss;
+<question11> = which guitarist is known as slow hand;
 <question12> = what is an infant whale commonly called;
 <question13> = what do the british call the vegetables that americans call zucchini;
 <question14> = what is an otters home called;
-<question15> = how have vedgetables been cut which are served julienne;
-<question16> = in roman mythology neptune is teh equivalent to which greek god;
-<question17> = which ty character said live longand prosper;
+<question15> = how have vegetables been cut which are served julienne;
+<question16> = in roman mythology neptune is the equivalent to which greek god;
+<question17> = which tv character said live long and prosper;
 <question18> = in which state would you find the city birmingham;
 <question19> = which hills divide england from scotland;
 <question20> = what continent has the fewest flowering plants;
-<question21> = what is canada national animal;
+<question21> = what is canadas national animal;
 <question22> = what is the alternative common name for a black leopard;
 <question23> = what in cornwall is the most southerly point of mainland britain;
 <question24> = what explorer introduced pigs to nord america;