diff --git a/psGrammar/demos/demoDynamic.jsgf b/psGrammar/demos/demoDynamic.jsgf
index 7b07a22511ed45fa8a9a8740f77c498de11b6443..6f3d7a6a36e223606088504c57221fab7864a467 100644
--- a/psGrammar/demos/demoDynamic.jsgf
+++ b/psGrammar/demos/demoDynamic.jsgf
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #JSGF V1.0;
 grammar commands;
-public <command> = [<robot>] ( <save> | <wave> | <who> | <goTo> | <followMe> | <followHand> | <gravity> | <exit> | <trash> | <search>);
+public <command> = [<robot>] ( <save> | <wave> | <who> | <goTo> | <followMe> | <followHand> | <gravity> | <exit> | <trash> | <search> | <describe> | <difference>);
 <robot> = (tobi | robot | tiago);
@@ -9,23 +9,24 @@ public <command> = [<robot>] ( <save> | <wave> | <who> | <goTo> | <followMe> | <
 <wave> = (wait for me);
 <who> = (who are you);
 <goTo> = (go to location);
+<followMe> = (follow me);
 <followHand> = (come with me) | (give me your hand);
 <gravity> = (gravity compensation) | (show me your gripper) | (switch to gravity mode);
 <exit> = (stop the task);
-<followMe> = (follow me);
-<handover> = handover;
+<trash> = ([please] ((take out the trash) | (take out the garbage)));
+<search> = ([please] search for [a] [waving] person);
+<describe> = (tell me what you see);
+<difference> = (spot the difference);
+<handover> = handover;
 <ordering> = (start taking orders) | (take my order);
 <learn> = (learn a person);
 <rec> = (recognize me);
 <count> = (count the people);
 <explain> = (what can you do) | (explain your skills);
-<see> = (tell me what you see);
 <demo> = (end the (demonstration | demo));
 <grasp> = ((grasp | give ) [me] ( an | the ) object);
-<trash> = ([please] ((take out the trash) | (take out the garbage)));
-<search> = ([please] search for [a] [waving] person);
-<difference> = (spot the difference);
\ No newline at end of file