From d0db5dc9a08e27b5a6fd65b0b2b85b34cfbb2e92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Linus Schwarz <>
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2023 02:59:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] fixed objectProp cases in grammar

 psGrammar/tasks/gpsr/gpsr23.jsgf | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/psGrammar/tasks/gpsr/gpsr23.jsgf b/psGrammar/tasks/gpsr/gpsr23.jsgf
index 4768dc03..be1b61bd 100644
--- a/psGrammar/tasks/gpsr/gpsr23.jsgf
+++ b/psGrammar/tasks/gpsr/gpsr23.jsgf
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public <sentence> 		= [could you | robot | tobi | tiago] [please] <command>;
 <bringMeObj>    		= <V_bring> <NP_me> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>);
 <bringMeObjFromPlcmt> 		= <V_bring> <NP_me> (<NP_object> | <NP_absobject>) <fromLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
 <bringMeRelObjFromPlcmt>    = <V_bring> <NP_me> <NP_relObject> <NP_object> <fromLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
-<bringMeShapedObjFromPlcmt> = <V_bring> <NP_me> <NP_shapeObjectCat> <fromLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
+<bringMeShapedObjFromPlcmt> = <V_bring> <NP_me> <NP_objectprop> (object | <NP_category>) <fromLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
 <countObjOnPlcmt> 		= <V_count> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>) there are <placePrep> <NP_placement>;
@@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ public <sentence> 		= [could you | robot | tobi | tiago] [please] <command>;
 <arePrep> 			= are;
 <absPrep>           = (at the (left | right) of) | ((left | right) most);
 <relPrep>           = (at the (left | right)) of | (above | behind | under | (on top of));
-<shape>             = biggest | largest | smallest | heaviest | lightest | thinnest;
 <V_take>    			= bring | take | get | grasp | (pick up);
 <V_place>   			= put | place;