From 58225e5481b264ae115b9c5a272ee14c5b3d3b7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christopher Lenke <>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 18:37:07 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] 23.09.2024

 ...varchar__varchar__varchar__int8__bool_.txt | 100 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 100 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Procedures/create_download_pg_varchar__varchar__varchar__varchar__varchar__varchar__int8__bool_.txt

diff --git a/Procedures/create_download_pg_varchar__varchar__varchar__varchar__varchar__varchar__int8__bool_.txt b/Procedures/create_download_pg_varchar__varchar__varchar__varchar__varchar__varchar__int8__bool_.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a30ece8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Procedures/create_download_pg_varchar__varchar__varchar__varchar__varchar__varchar__int8__bool_.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+-- DROP PROCEDURE schema_xyz.create_download_pg(varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, int8, bool);
+CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE schema_xyz.create_download_pg(source_schema_name character varying, source_item_tablename character varying, source_affiliation_tablename character varying, target_schema character varying, desired_tablename character varying, data_format character varying, limit_size bigint, use_random boolean)
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+AS $procedure$
+create_string varchar(2000);
+source_item_tab varchar(100);
+source_aff_tab varchar(100);
+desired_tab varchar(300);
+data format has to be wos or scp
+limit_size without random will be much faster than with random
+restriction to countrycode 'DEU'
+limit_size of 0 means no limitation, all deu addresses
+source_item_tab = source_schema_name || '.' || source_item_tablename; 	
+source_aff_tab = source_schema_name || '.' || source_affiliation_tablename;
+desired_tab = target_schema || '.' || desired_tablename;	
+EXECUTE 'drop table if exists '||desired_tab;
+if (lower(data_format) = 'wos') then  
+	create_string = 'create table '||desired_tab||' as (
+	select b.item_id, aff_seq_nr, pubyear, 
+	trim(both from city) as city, 
+	array_to_string(organization || wos_suborganization || 
+	trim(both from wos_street) ||
+	trim(both from postal_code|| '' '' ||city) ||
+	trim(both from country)
+	, '', '') as address_full 
+	from '||source_aff_tab||' a
+	join '||source_item_tab||' b
+	on a.item_id=b.item_id ';
+elsif (lower(data_format) = 'scp') then 
+	create_string = 'create table '||desired_tab||' as (
+	select b.item_id, aff_seq_nr, pubyear, 
+	when is null then trim(both from a.scopus_city_group)
+	when a.scopus_city_group is null then trim(both from
+End as city,
+	array_to_string(organization ||
+	trim(both from scopus_address_part) ||
+	trim(both from scopus_city_group) ||
+	trim(both from country) ||
+	trim(both from countrycode)
+	, '', '') as address_full 
+	from '||source_aff_tab||' a
+	join '||source_item_tab||' b
+	on a.item_id=b.item_id '; 
+	RAISE EXCEPTION 'unknown data format, has to be wos or scp'; 
+end if;
+-- random without limt does not make sense and will be ignored, else long runtime for nothing
+if ( limit_size::integer > 0 and use_random = True) THEN 
+	create_string = create_string || 'WHERE (a.item_id, a.aff_seq_nr) IN 
+  	(SELECT item_id, aff_seq_nr FROM '||source_aff_tab||' where countrycode=''DEU'' 
+	ORDER BY random() LIMIT '||limit_size||')';
+elsif (limit_size::integer>0) then 
+	create_string = create_string || 'WHERE (a.item_id, a.aff_seq_nr) IN 
+  	(SELECT item_id, aff_seq_nr FROM '||source_aff_tab||' where countrycode=''DEU'' LIMIT '||limit_size||')';
+	create_string = create_string || 'WHERE (a.item_id, a.aff_seq_nr) IN 
+  	(SELECT item_id, aff_seq_nr FROM '||source_aff_tab||' where countrycode=''DEU'')';
+end if;
+create_string = create_string || ')';
+raise notice 'execute string %s', create_string ;
+execute create_string;
+-- cleanup
+execute 'update '||desired_tab||' 
+set address_full = regexp_replace(address_full, ''(, ){2,}'', '', '') 
+where address_full like ''%, , %'' ';