diff --git a/Functions/is_hi_in_date_pg_int8__date__date_.txt b/Functions/is_hi_in_date_pg_int8__date__date_.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e9eaa0ec9769f9091cb97bda14248e469cac71b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Functions/is_hi_in_date_pg_int8__date__date_.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
--- DROP FUNCTION schema_xyz.is_hi_in_date_pg(int8, date, date);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION schema_xyz.is_hi_in_date_pg(my_uid bigint, my_first_date date, my_last_date date)
- RETURNS bigint
- LANGUAGE plpgsql
-AS $function$
-ergebnis bigint;
-select count(*) into ergebnis
-from schema_xyz.relation where uid_1=my_uid and uid_0=0 
-and type in (0,1) 
---and ((extract(year from first_date) <= my_first_year and extract(year from last_date) > my_first_year) 
---or (extract(year from first_date) < my_last_year and extract(year from last_date) >=  my_last_year));
-and ((first_date >= my_first_date and first_date <= my_last_date) 
-or (last_date >= my_first_date and last_date <=  my_last_date)
-or (first_date <= my_first_date and last_date >=  my_last_date)
-if my_first_year=my_last_year then 
-select count(*) into ergebnis 
-from relation where uid_1=my_uid and uid_0=0 
-and type in (0,1) 
-and ((extract(year from first_date) = my_first_year and extract(year from last_date) =  my_last_year));
-end if;
-if ergebnis >0 then ergebnis:=1;
-else ergebnis:=0;
-end if;
-RETURN ergebnis;