diff --git a/Procedures/wostransfo_proc_pg_text__int8_.txt b/Procedures/wostransfo_proc_pg_text__int8_.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f5ad0a61a17afbcb68c55fd600a4fc5db2c9eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Procedures/wostransfo_proc_pg_text__int8_.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+-- DROP PROCEDURE schema_xyz.wostransfo_proc_pg(text, int8);
+CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE schema_xyz.wostransfo_proc_pg(input_table text, art bigint)
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+AS $procedure$
+/* Type=2: simple type: only wos_standard_plus Type=1: additionally insert wos_standard_plus_erg. Caution: takes a long time! (is not used)
+city_cleaning: remove postcodes (they may interfere because they are not available in the city field in WoS) */
+/* Rename address_full to address_full_original in the input table and create a new column address_full */
+EXECUTE 'alter table '||input_table||' rename column address_full to address_full_original';
+EXECUTE 'alter table '||input_table||' rename column city to city_original';
+EXECUTE 'alter table '||input_table||' add address_full varchar';
+EXECUTE 'alter table '||input_table||' add city varchar';
+execute 'ALTER TABLE '||input_table||' SET UNLOGGED';  
+if (art=1) THEN
+EXECUTE 'update /*+ parallel(24) */ '||input_table||' set address_full=schema_xyz.wos_transformation_pg(address_full_original,1)';
+EXECUTE 'update /*+ parallel(24) */ '||input_table||' set city=schema_xyz.wos_transformation_pg(city_original,1)';
+elsif (art=2) then
+EXECUTE 'update /*+ parallel(24) */ '||input_table||' set address_full=schema_xyz.wos_transformation_pg(address_full_original,2)';
+EXECUTE 'update /*+ parallel(24) */ '||input_table||' set city=schema_xyz.wos_transformation_pg(city_original,2)';
+if (art=1 or art=2) then
+EXECUTE 'update /*+ parallel(24) */ '||input_table||' set city=schema_xyz.city_cleaning_pg(city)';
+end if;
+	END;