diff --git a/Procedures/exclude_ii_pg.txt b/Procedures/exclude_ii_pg.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4a25eb3f64eaaa81aa3b354b1b5773ec32a64bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Procedures/exclude_ii_pg.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+-- DROP PROCEDURE schema_xyz.exclude_ii_pg(text);
+CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE schema_xyz.exclude_ii_pg(input_table text)
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql
+AS $procedure$
+ec cursor is SELECT epid, uid_, pattern_nf, pattern_city from schema_xyz.exclude_pattern;
+/* exclude things are deleted and a table _ex is created to save the excude results. input table must contain adr_id and top.
+  exclude_pattern RECORD;
+EXECUTE 'alter table '||input_table||' add column exclude bigint, add column exclude_id bigint';
+for exclude_pattern in ec
+   EXECUTE 'update '||input_table||' set exclude=1, exclude_id='||exclude_pattern.epid|| '
+   where (
+   top='||exclude_pattern.uid_||' 
+   and adr_id in (select adr_id from schema_xyz.result_II where 
+   upper(address_full) like '''||exclude_pattern.pattern_nf||''' and (city is null or upper(city) like '''||exclude_pattern.pattern_city||''')))';
+EXECUTE 'drop table if exists '||input_table||'_ex';
+EXECUTE 'create table '||input_table||'_ex as (select * from '||input_table||')';
+EXECUTE 'delete from '||input_table||' where exclude=1';
+	END;