diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 6ea806fdd741f951f956607ef5a8e3d78458e4ac..29b005217923aac85e2858910f1171328a74b2b5 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ variables:
diff --git a/CONFIG.md b/CONFIG.md
index e549c8fed6aed9909f3cea00a481c2966743afbc..f48297fb947f4c9c4fc5dbecd187a11752c7c66a 100644
--- a/CONFIG.md
+++ b/CONFIG.md
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@
 | Env variable                                     | Config file key                           | Default               | Value                                      | Example                    | Description                                                                                       |
-| * `CLOWM_CLUSTER__SLURM__URI`                    | `cluster.slurm.uri`                       | unset                 | HHTP Url                                   | `http://localhost`         | HTTP URL to communicate with the Slurm cluster                                                    |
+| * `CLOWM_CLUSTER__TOWER_SECRET`                  | `cluster.tower_secret`                    | unset                 | string                                     | `tiI-h_PiFt7HqOc38ekbcQ`   | Shared secret between cluster and logging service                                                 |
+| * `CLOWM_CLUSTER__SLURM__URI`                    | `cluster.slurm.uri`                       | unset                 | HTTP Url                                   | `http://localhost`         | HTTP URL to communicate with the Slurm cluster                                                    |
 | * `CLOWM_CLUSTER__SLURM__TOKEN`                  | `cluster.slurm.token`                     | unset                 | String                                     | -                          | JWT for communication with the Slurm REST API.                                                    |
 | `CLOWM_CLUSTER__SLURM__USER`                     | `cluster.slurm.user`                      | `slurm`               | String                                     | `slurm`                    | User on the slurm cluster who should run the job. Should be the user of the `cluster.slurm.token` |
 | `CLOWM_CLUSTER__NXF_CONFIG`                      | `cluster.nxf_config`                      | unset                 | Path on slurm cluster                      | `/path/to/nextflow.config` | Configuration file on the slurm cluster that is the same for every nextflow run                   |
diff --git a/clowm/api/__init__.py b/clowm/api/__init__.py
index 6a6e316e9e7dd44c164587b5c3d19c587c734ade..f7b2694a5763b516fec30deb7d72b903c297efd8 100644
--- a/clowm/api/__init__.py
+++ b/clowm/api/__init__.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, status
 from clowm.schemas.security import ErrorDetail
 from .dependencies.user import decode_bearer_token
+from .dependencies.workflow import validate_tower_secret
 from .endpoints import (
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ from .endpoints import (
+    trace,
@@ -69,3 +71,5 @@ for endpoint in [
+api_router.include_router(trace.router, dependencies=[Depends(validate_tower_secret)], include_in_schema=False)
diff --git a/clowm/api/background/cluster.py b/clowm/api/background/cluster.py
index 723d9607e4b89742764ee7f0792d57248ddcb04f..d0f41213ebdbf9ba70a93804cdb81826421ff878 100644
--- a/clowm/api/background/cluster.py
+++ b/clowm/api/background/cluster.py
@@ -213,10 +213,11 @@ async def start_workflow_execution(
                                 span.set_attribute("workflow_execution_status", str(fresh_execution.status))
                                 if fresh_execution.end_time is None:
                                     # Mark job as finished with an error
-                                    await CRUDWorkflowExecution.set_error(
+                                    await CRUDWorkflowExecution.update_status(
+                                        end_timestamp=round(time.time()),
                     await _monitor_proper_job_execution(
@@ -228,8 +229,11 @@ async def start_workflow_execution(
         except (HTTPError, KeyError):
             # Mark job as aborted when there is an error
             async with background_dependencies.get_background_db() as db:
-                await CRUDWorkflowExecution.set_error(
-                    db=db, execution_id=execution.execution_id, status=WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.ERROR
+                await CRUDWorkflowExecution.update_status(
+                    db=db,
+                    execution_id=execution.execution_id,
+                    status=WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.ERROR,
+                    end_timestamp=round(time.time()),
diff --git a/clowm/api/background/metrics.py b/clowm/api/background/metrics.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a5b871deac5ec31cb81fd6df248ac76a3e61d8da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clowm/api/background/metrics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from uuid import UUID
+from opentelemetry import trace
+from clowm.crud import CRUDWorkflowExecution
+from clowm.schemas.tower import Task
+from ...api.background import dependencies
+tracer = trace.get_tracer_provider().get_tracer(__name__)
+async def save_cpu_hours(execution_id: UUID, tasks: list[Task]) -> None:
+    """
+    Update the cpu-hours field of a workflow execution with the spent CPU hours so far.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    execution_id : uuid.UUID
+        Id of a workflow execution.
+    tasks : list[clowm.schemas.tower.Task]
+        A list of nextflow tasks.
+    """
+    with tracer.start_as_current_span(
+        "background_save_cpu_hours", attributes={"execution_id": str(execution_id)}
+    ) as span:
+        cpu_hours = 0.0
+        cpus = []
+        realtime = []
+        task_ids = []
+        for task in tasks:
+            if task.status == "COMPLETED" and task.realtime is not None:
+                cpus.append(task.cpus)
+                realtime.append(task.realtime)
+                task_ids.append(task.taskId)
+                cpu_hours += task.cpus * task.realtime / 60000000
+        if cpu_hours > 0:
+            span.set_attributes({"cpus": cpus, "realtime": realtime, "task_ids": task_ids})
+            async with dependencies.get_background_db() as db:
+                await CRUDWorkflowExecution.update_cpu_hours(db=db, execution_id=execution_id, cpu_hours=cpu_hours)
diff --git a/clowm/api/dependencies/__init__.py b/clowm/api/dependencies/__init__.py
index b2a4e9f27185b4a458ef48e2f0097b8dfd5672cb..fb0e4f6a4dc578057c78be265fd9c295327ea320 100644
--- a/clowm/api/dependencies/__init__.py
+++ b/clowm/api/dependencies/__init__.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from .bucket import CurrentBucket
 from .resource import CurrentResource, CurrentResourceVersion
 from .services import DBSession, HTTPClient, OIDCClientDep, RGWService, S3Service
 from .user import AuthorizationDependency, CurrentUser, PathUser
-from .workflow import CurrentWorkflow, CurrentWorkflowExecution, CurrentWorkflowVersion
+from .workflow import CurrentWorkflow, CurrentWorkflowExecution, CurrentWorkflowVersion, TowerWorkflowExecution
 __all__ = [
@@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ __all__ = [
+    "TowerWorkflowExecution",
diff --git a/clowm/api/dependencies/resource.py b/clowm/api/dependencies/resource.py
index 9a3e06cd1880c0b41a9712485da71d8762347661..f8728d78506a9b4c735e237ee5e931aca97ca9f3 100644
--- a/clowm/api/dependencies/resource.py
+++ b/clowm/api/dependencies/resource.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ async def get_current_resource(rid: Annotated[UUID, Path()], db: DBSession) -> R
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path.
     resource = await CRUDResource.get(db, resource_id=rid)
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ async def get_current_resource_version(rvid: Annotated[UUID, Path()], resource:
     rvid : uuid. UUID
         ID of a resource version. Path parameter.
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path.
-    resource_version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+    resource_version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
         Resource Version associated with the ID in the path.
     resource_version: list[ResourceVersion] = [
diff --git a/clowm/api/dependencies/workflow.py b/clowm/api/dependencies/workflow.py
index aeca587a5574b1faf509b4b2732db98ce9b734cb..94f6d6c2ad46548453a245005524a8705c4fa811 100644
--- a/clowm/api/dependencies/workflow.py
+++ b/clowm/api/dependencies/workflow.py
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
+import secrets
 from typing import Annotated
 from uuid import UUID
 from fastapi import Depends, HTTPException, Path, status
+from fastapi.security import HTTPBasic, HTTPBasicCredentials
 from opentelemetry import trace
+from clowm.core.config import settings
 from clowm.crud import CRUDWorkflow, CRUDWorkflowExecution, CRUDWorkflowVersion
 from clowm.models import Workflow, WorkflowExecution, WorkflowVersion
@@ -11,6 +14,9 @@ from .services import DBSession
 tracer = trace.get_tracer_provider().get_tracer(__name__)
+security = HTTPBasic()
+secret_bytes = settings.cluster.tower_secret.get_secret_value().encode("utf-8")
 async def get_current_workflow(
     wid: Annotated[UUID, Path(description="ID of a workflow", examples=["0cc78936-381b-4bdd-999d-736c40591078"])],
@@ -117,3 +123,57 @@ async def get_current_workflow_version(
 CurrentWorkflowVersion = Annotated[WorkflowVersion, Depends(get_current_workflow_version)]
+async def get_current_workflow_execution_by_id_fragment(
+    eid: Annotated[
+        str, Path(description="Start of ID of a workflow execution.", examples=["0cc78936381b4bdd"], max_length=16)
+    ],
+    db: DBSession,
+) -> WorkflowExecution:
+    """
+    Get the workflow from the database with the start of ID given in the path.
+    FastAPI Dependency Injection Function.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    eid: str
+        Start of ID of workflow execution. Path parameter.
+    db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+        Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    workflow_execution : clowm.models.Workflow
+        Workflow execution associated with start of ID in the path.
+    """
+    execution = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.get_by_id_fragment(db=db, execution_id_start=eid)
+    if execution is None:
+        raise HTTPException(
+            status_code=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, detail=f"Workflow Execution with start of id '{eid}' not found"
+        )
+    return execution
+TowerWorkflowExecution = Annotated[WorkflowExecution, Depends(get_current_workflow_execution_by_id_fragment)]
+def validate_tower_secret(credentials: Annotated[HTTPBasicCredentials, Depends(security)]) -> None:
+    """
+    Validate the secret that nextflow send with the metrics.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    credentials : fastapi.security.HTTPBasicCredentials
+        Tuple of irrelevant username and tower secret.
+    """
+    current_password_bytes = credentials.password.encode("utf-8")
+    is_correct_password = secrets.compare_digest(current_password_bytes, secret_bytes)
+    if not is_correct_password:
+        raise HTTPException(
+            status_code=status.HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED,
+            detail="Incorrect Nextflow Tower secret",
+            headers={"WWW-Authenticate": "Basic"},
+        )
diff --git a/clowm/api/endpoints/resource_version.py b/clowm/api/endpoints/resource_version.py
index f08ec0b29cbfceb82623b8e5151578329d278087..e2065cd1112046ef52b22cc30773f681e9866ad5 100644
--- a/clowm/api/endpoints/resource_version.py
+++ b/clowm/api/endpoints/resource_version.py
@@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ async def list_resource_versions(
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency injection.
-    version_status : list[clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion.Status] | None, default None
+    version_status : list[clowm.models.ResourceVersion.Status] | None, default None
         Filter resource version by their status. Query Parameter.
     current_span = trace.get_current_span()
@@ -126,11 +126,11 @@ async def request_resource_version(
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
     resource_version_in : clowm.schemas.resource_version.ResourceVersionIn
         Data about the new resource version. HTTP Body.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
@@ -178,11 +178,11 @@ async def get_resource_version(
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency injection.
-    resource_version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+    resource_version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
         Resource Version associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ async def resource_file_tree(
         Raw request object to read headers from.
     s3 : types_aiobotocore_s3.service_resource import S3ServiceResource
         S3 Service to perform operations on buckets. Dependency Injection.
-    resource_version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+    resource_version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
         Resource Version associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
@@ -301,11 +301,11 @@ async def request_resource_version_review(
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency injection.
-    resource_version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+    resource_version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
         Resource Version associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
@@ -374,11 +374,11 @@ async def request_resource_version_sync(
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency injection.
-    resource_version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+    resource_version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
         Resource Version associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
@@ -444,11 +444,11 @@ async def resource_version_review(
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
     background_tasks : fastapi.BackgroundTasks
         Entrypoint for new BackgroundTasks. Provided by FastAPI.
-    resource_version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+    resource_version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
         Resource Version associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
@@ -503,9 +503,9 @@ async def resource_version_sync(
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
-    resource_version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+    resource_version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
         Resource Version associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
@@ -594,9 +594,9 @@ async def resource_version_latest(
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
-    resource_version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+    resource_version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
         Resource Version associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
     background_tasks : fastapi.BackgroundTasks
         Entrypoint for new BackgroundTasks. Provided by FastAPI.
@@ -637,9 +637,9 @@ async def delete_resource_version_cluster(
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
-    resource_version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+    resource_version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
         Resource Version associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
@@ -686,9 +686,9 @@ async def delete_resource_version_s3(
     authorization : Callable[[str], Awaitable[Any]]
         Async function to ask the auth service for authorization. Dependency Injection.
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
-    resource_version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+    resource_version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
         Resource Version associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
diff --git a/clowm/api/endpoints/resources.py b/clowm/api/endpoints/resources.py
index 2677834a814b8d43ef9137902156057db5c44208..aa2bea1d2c150b873c2f6b41bdb94a79e762a717 100644
--- a/clowm/api/endpoints/resources.py
+++ b/clowm/api/endpoints/resources.py
@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ async def list_resources(
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
     maintainer_id : uuid.UUID | None, default None
         Filter resources by a maintainer. Query Parameter.
-    version_status : list[clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion.Status] | None, default None
+    version_status : list[clowm.models.ResourceVersion.Status] | None, default None
         Filter resource version by their status. Query Parameter.
     name_substring : str | None, default None
         Filter resources by a substring in their name. Query Parameter.
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ async def create_resource(
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency injection.
     resource_in : clowm.schemas.resource.ResourceIn
         Data about the new resource. HTTP Body.
@@ -197,11 +197,11 @@ async def get_resource(
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency injection.
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
-    version_status : list[clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion.Status] | None, default None
+    version_status : list[clowm.models.ResourceVersion.Status] | None, default None
         Filter resource version by their status. Query Parameter.
     current_span = trace.get_current_span()
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ async def delete_resource(
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         Resource associated with the ID in the path. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
diff --git a/clowm/api/endpoints/trace.py b/clowm/api/endpoints/trace.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28398835b70e1080bbf99ee6ea919a0ec10bfe28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clowm/api/endpoints/trace.py
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+from typing import Annotated
+from fastapi import APIRouter, BackgroundTasks, Query
+from opentelemetry import trace
+from clowm.core.config import settings
+from clowm.crud import CRUDWorkflowExecution
+from clowm.models.workflow_execution import WorkflowExecution
+from clowm.otlp import start_as_current_span_async
+from clowm.schemas.tower import BeginWorkflow, CompleteWorkflow, CreateWorkflowIn, CreateWorkflowOut, ReportProgress
+from ..background.metrics import save_cpu_hours
+from ..dependencies import DBSession, TowerWorkflowExecution
+from ..dependencies.workflow import get_current_workflow_execution_by_id_fragment
+router = APIRouter(prefix="/trace", tags=["Trace"])
+tracer = trace.get_tracer_provider().get_tracer(__name__)
+@router.post("/create", summary="Create workflow run event")
+@start_as_current_span_async("api_create_workflow_execution", tracer=tracer)
+async def create(
+    workspaceId: Annotated[
+        str, Query(description="ID of the workflow execution", examples=["0cc78936381b4bdd"], max_length=16)
+    ],
+    event_in: CreateWorkflowIn,
+    db: DBSession,
+) -> CreateWorkflowOut:
+    """
+    Event send by nextflow for creating the workflow run.
+    \f
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    workspaceId : str
+        ID of the nextflow workspace. Correspond to the start of the workflow execution ID. URL Query Parameter.
+    event_in : clowm.schemas.tower.CreateWorkflowIn
+        Additional data send by nextflow. HTTP Body.
+    db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+        Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    workflow_out : clowm.schemas.tower.CreateWorkflowOut
+        Response with execution ID which can be parsed by nextflow.
+    """
+    trace.get_current_span().set_attribute("workflow_execution_id_start", workspaceId)
+    # Check that Workflow execution exists
+    execution = await get_current_workflow_execution_by_id_fragment(eid=workspaceId, db=db)
+    await CRUDWorkflowExecution.update_status(
+        db=db, execution_id=execution.execution_id, status=WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.SCHEDULED
+    )
+    return CreateWorkflowOut(workflowId=workspaceId)
+@router.put("/{eid}/begin", summary="Begin workflow run event")
+@start_as_current_span_async("api_begin_workflow_execution", tracer=tracer)
+async def begin(
+    event_in: BeginWorkflow,
+    workflow_execution: TowerWorkflowExecution,
+    db: DBSession,
+) -> dict[str, str]:
+    """
+    Event send by nextflow for beginning the workflow run.
+    \f
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    event_in : clowm.schemas.tower.BeginWorkflow
+        Additional data send by nextflow. HTTP Body.
+    workflow_execution : clowm.models.Workflow
+        Workflow execution associated with start of ID in the path.
+    db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+        Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    response : dict[str, str]
+        Response with watch url
+    """
+    trace.get_current_span().set_attribute("workflow_execution_id", str(workflow_execution.execution_id))
+    await CRUDWorkflowExecution.update_status(
+        db=db, execution_id=workflow_execution.execution_id, status=WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.RUNNING
+    )
+    return {"watchUrl": str(settings.ui_uri) + settings.api_prefix.strip("/")}
+@router.put("/{eid}/complete", summary="Complete workflow run event")
+@start_as_current_span_async("api_complete_workflow_execution", tracer=tracer)
+async def complete(
+    event_in: CompleteWorkflow,
+    workflow_execution: TowerWorkflowExecution,
+    db: DBSession,
+) -> dict:
+    """
+    Event send by nextflow for completing the workflow run.
+    \f
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    event_in : clowm.schemas.tower.CompleteWorkflow
+        Additional data send by nextflow. HTTP Body.
+    workflow_execution : clowm.models.Workflow
+        Workflow execution associated with start of ID in the path.
+    db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+        Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    response : Dict
+        Empty Dict
+    """
+    current_span = trace.get_current_span()
+    status = WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.ERROR
+    current_span.set_attributes(
+        {"workflow_execution_id": str(workflow_execution.execution_id), "success": event_in.workflow.success}
+    )
+    if event_in.workflow.errorReport is not None:
+        current_span.set_attribute("error_report", event_in.workflow.errorReport)
+    if event_in.workflow.success:
+        status = WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.SUCCESS
+    elif event_in.workflow.errorReport is not None and event_in.workflow.errorReport.startswith("SIG"):
+        status = WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.CANCELED
+    await CRUDWorkflowExecution.update_status(
+        db=db, execution_id=workflow_execution.execution_id, status=status, end_timestamp=event_in.instant
+    )
+    return {}
+@router.put("/{eid}/progress", summary="Progress workflow event")
+@start_as_current_span_async("api_progress_workflow_execution", tracer=tracer)
+async def progress(
+    progress_event: ReportProgress,
+    workflow_execution: TowerWorkflowExecution,
+    background_tasks: BackgroundTasks,
+) -> dict:
+    """
+    Event send by nextflow for progress in the workflow run.
+    \f
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    progress_event : clowm.schemas.tower.ReportProgress
+        Additional data send by nextflow. HTTP Body.
+    workflow_execution : clowm.models.Workflow
+        Workflow execution associated with start of ID in the path.
+    background_tasks : fastapi.BackgroundTasks
+    Returns
+    -------
+    response : Dict
+        Empty Dict
+    """
+    trace.get_current_span().set_attribute("workflow_execution_id", str(workflow_execution.execution_id))
+    if progress_event.tasks:
+        background_tasks.add_task(
+            save_cpu_hours, execution_id=workflow_execution.execution_id, tasks=progress_event.tasks
+        )
+    return {}
+@router.put("/{eid}/heartbeat", summary="Heartbeat workflow event")
+@start_as_current_span_async("api_heartbeat_workflow_execution", tracer=tracer)
+async def heartbeat(
+    progress_event: ReportProgress,
+    workflow_execution: TowerWorkflowExecution,
+) -> dict:
+    """
+    Event send by nextflow for heartbeat signal by workflow run.
+    \f
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    progress_event : clowm.schemas.tower.ReportProgress
+        Additional data send by nextflow. HTTP Body.
+    workflow_execution : clowm.models.Workflow
+        Workflow execution associated with start of ID in the path.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    response : Dict
+        Empty Dict
+    """
+    trace.get_current_span().set_attribute("workflow_execution_id", str(workflow_execution.execution_id))
+    return {}
diff --git a/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow.py b/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow.py
index a61cc3913a6df59afa6fe2441d35acd899d96527..81b26ace3eeff7e21303f289f897c9d45345f2e7 100644
--- a/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow.py
+++ b/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow.py
@@ -71,11 +71,11 @@ async def list_workflows(
         Filter workflows by a developer. Query Parameter.
     name_substring : string | None, default None
         Filter workflows by a substring in their name. Query Parameter.
-    version_status : list[clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion.Status] | None, default None
+    version_status : list[clowm.models.WorkflowVersion.Status] | None, default None
         Status of Workflow versions to filter for to fetch. Query Parameter.
     authorization : Callable[[str], Awaitable[Any]]
         Async function to ask the auth service for authorization. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency injection.
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ async def create_workflow(
         Data about the new Workflow. HTML Body.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ async def get_developer_workflow_statistics(
         Async function to ask the auth service for authorization. Dependency Injection.
     response : fastapi.Response
         Temporary Response object. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user.  Dependency Injection.
     developer_id : str | None, default None
         Filter for workflows developed by a specific user. Query Parameter.
@@ -298,13 +298,13 @@ async def get_workflow(
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
-    version_status : list[clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion.Status] | None, default None
+    version_status : list[clowm.models.WorkflowVersion.Status] | None, default None
         Status of Workflow versions to filter for to fetch. Query Parameter
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user.  Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[str], Awaitable[Any]]
         Async function to ask the auth service for authorization. Dependency Injection.
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ async def get_workflow_statistics(
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
@@ -384,13 +384,13 @@ async def delete_workflow(
     background_tasks : fastapi.BackgroundTasks
         Entrypoint for new BackgroundTasks. Provided by FastAPI.
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[str], Awaitable[Any]]
         Async function to ask the auth service for authorization. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency Injection.
     trace.get_current_span().set_attribute("workflow_id", str(workflow.workflow_id))
@@ -447,11 +447,11 @@ async def update_workflow(
     background_tasks : fastapi.BackgroundTasks
         Entrypoint for new BackgroundTasks. Provided by FastAPI
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[str], Awaitable[Any]]
         Async function to ask the auth service for authorization. Dependency Injection.
diff --git a/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow_credentials.py b/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow_credentials.py
index 17cb425444807717e376db45c71ec7a1b8b4b7d5..d4586c00c3462c8730bf0d1413d0a52845ce7cab 100644
--- a/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow_credentials.py
+++ b/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow_credentials.py
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ async def get_workflow_credentials(
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user.  Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
@@ -84,11 +84,11 @@ async def update_workflow_credentials(
     credentials : clowm.schemas.workflow.WorkflowCredentialsIn
         Updated credentials for the workflow git repository
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user.  Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[str], Awaitable[Any]]
         Async function to ask the auth service for authorization. Dependency Injection.
@@ -145,11 +145,11 @@ async def delete_workflow_credentials(
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user.  Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[str], Awaitable[Any]]
         Async function to ask the auth service for authorization. Dependency Injection.
diff --git a/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow_execution.py b/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow_execution.py
index 36a038d1fd932fa9f36f50002413a73876e55b8a..827395d877e4fee565fbe0c780a5d1224263596c 100644
--- a/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow_execution.py
+++ b/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow_execution.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import json
+import time
 from tempfile import SpooledTemporaryFile
 from typing import Annotated, Any, Callable
 from uuid import UUID
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ async def start_workflow(
         Meta-data and parameters for the workflow to start. HTTP Body.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user who will be the owner of the newly created bucket. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ async def start_workflow(
-    execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+    execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
         Created workflow execution from the database
     current_span = trace.get_current_span()
@@ -214,7 +215,7 @@ async def start_arbitrary_workflow(
         Meta-data and parameters for the workflow to start. HTTP Body.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user who will be the owner of the newly created bucket. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
@@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ async def start_arbitrary_workflow(
-    execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+    execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
         Created workflow execution from the database
     if not settings.dev_system:  # pragma: no cover
@@ -342,20 +343,20 @@ async def list_workflow_executions(
     executor_id : str | None, default None
         Filter for workflow executions by a user. Query Parameter.
-    execution_status : list[clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus] | None, default None
+    execution_status : list[clowm.models.WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus] | None, default None
         Filter for status of workflow execution. Query Parameter.
     workflow_version_id : str | None, default None
         Filter for workflow version, Query Parameter.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user who will be the owner of the newly created bucket. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    executions : list[clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution]
+    executions : list[clowm.models.WorkflowExecution]
         List of filtered workflow executions.
     current_span = trace.get_current_span()
@@ -397,16 +398,16 @@ async def get_workflow_execution(
-    workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+    workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
         Workflow execution with given ID. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user who will be the owner of the newly created bucket. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+    execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
         Workflow execution with the given ID.
     trace.get_current_span().set_attribute("execution_id", str(workflow_execution.execution_id))
@@ -433,9 +434,9 @@ async def get_workflow_execution_params(
-    workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+    workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
         Workflow execution with given ID. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user who will be the owner of the newly created bucket. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
@@ -444,7 +445,7 @@ async def get_workflow_execution_params(
-    execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+    execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
         Workflow execution with the given id.
     trace.get_current_span().set_attribute("execution_id", str(workflow_execution.execution_id))
@@ -478,11 +479,11 @@ async def delete_workflow_execution(
     background_tasks : fastapi.BackgroundTasks
         Entrypoint for new BackgroundTasks. Provided by FastAPI.
-    workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+    workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
         Workflow execution with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user who will be the owner of the newly created bucket. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
@@ -524,11 +525,11 @@ async def cancel_workflow_execution(
     background_tasks : fastapi.BackgroundTasks
         Entrypoint for new BackgroundTasks. Provided by FastAPI.
-    workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+    workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
         Workflow execution with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user who will be the owner of the newly created bucket. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
@@ -548,4 +549,9 @@ async def cancel_workflow_execution(
     if workflow_execution.slurm_job_id >= 0:
         background_tasks.add_task(cancel_slurm_job, job_id=workflow_execution.slurm_job_id)
-    await CRUDWorkflowExecution.set_error(workflow_execution.execution_id, db=db)
+    await CRUDWorkflowExecution.update_status(
+        workflow_execution.execution_id,
+        db=db,
+        status=WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.CANCELED,
+        end_timestamp=round(time.time()),
+    )
diff --git a/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow_version.py b/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow_version.py
index e98590c62e02e5149246c55dd23257f5e987cc81..9f4d272859c7ecbc488d13cf6a85982bf333407a 100644
--- a/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow_version.py
+++ b/clowm/api/endpoints/workflow_version.py
@@ -61,13 +61,13 @@ async def list_workflow_version(
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
-    version_status : list[clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion.Status] | None, default None
+    version_status : list[clowm.models.WorkflowVersion.Status] | None, default None
         Status of Workflow versions to filter for to fetch. Query Parameter
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user who will be the owner of the newly created bucket. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
@@ -128,13 +128,13 @@ async def get_workflow_version(
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     git_commit_hash: str
         Version ID
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user who will be the owner of the newly created bucket. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
@@ -193,11 +193,11 @@ async def update_workflow_version_status(
     background_tasks : fastapi.BackgroundTasks
         Entrypoint for new BackgroundTasks. Provided by FastAPI.
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     version_status : clowm.schemas.workflow_version.WorkflowVersionStatus
         New Status of the workflow version. HTTP Body.
-    workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+    workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
         Workflow version with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ async def update_workflow_version_status(
-    version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+    version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
         Version of the workflow with updated status
@@ -249,20 +249,20 @@ async def deprecate_workflow_version(
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
-    workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+    workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
         Workflow version with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user: clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user: clowm.models.User
         Current user who will be the owner of the newly created bucket. Dependency Injection.
-    version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+    version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
         Version of the workflow with deprecated status
@@ -296,22 +296,22 @@ async def update_workflow_version_parameter_extension(
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
-    workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+    workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
         Workflow version with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user: clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user: clowm.models.User
         Current user who will be the owner of the newly created bucket. Dependency Injection.
     parameter_extension : clowm.schemas.workflow_version.ParameterExtension
         Parameter extension specific for this CloWM instance.
-    version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+    version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
         Version of the workflow with the updated parameter extension
@@ -347,15 +347,15 @@ async def delete_workflow_version_parameter_extension(
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
-    workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+    workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
         Workflow version with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user: clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user: clowm.models.User
         Current user who will be the owner of the newly created bucket. Dependency Injection.
@@ -397,9 +397,9 @@ async def download_workflow_documentation(
     request : fastapi.Request
         Raw request object
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
-    workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+    workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
         Workflow version with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
@@ -514,15 +514,15 @@ async def upload_workflow_version_icon(
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     background_tasks : fastapi.BackgroundTasks
         Entrypoint for new BackgroundTasks. Provided by FastAPI.
-    workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+    workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
         Workflow version with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
@@ -576,15 +576,15 @@ async def delete_workflow_version_icon(
-    workflow : clowmdb.models.Workflow
+    workflow : clowm.models.Workflow
         Workflow with given ID. Dependency Injection.
-    workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+    workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
         Workflow version with given ID. Dependency Injection.
     background_tasks : fastapi.BackgroundTasks
         Entrypoint for new BackgroundTasks. Provided by FastAPI.
     authorization : Callable[[clowm.core.rbac.RBACOperation], None]
         Function to call determines if the current user is authorized for this request. Dependency Injection.
-    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+    current_user : clowm.models.User
         Current user. Dependency Injection.
     db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
         Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
diff --git a/clowm/core/config.py b/clowm/core/config.py
index 24ef7bab8e452e1711f6cfecdb6a24509355a719..e6224e415d0597f0cc03c37a0fe9958211723a50 100644
--- a/clowm/core/config.py
+++ b/clowm/core/config.py
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ class ClusterSettings(BaseModel):
     resource_container_path: str = Field(
         "/vol/resources", description="Base path in the container where all resources are available"
+    tower_secret: SecretStr = Field(..., description="Shared secret between nextflow cluster and logging services")
 class Settings(BaseSettings):
diff --git a/clowm/crud/crud_resource.py b/clowm/crud/crud_resource.py
index c11f6b1685e430a4d58d0b4b8eadf08c3f77c99e..e603ca5bbb42b8b6774bbc804a52fac7d3e8f06d 100644
--- a/clowm/crud/crud_resource.py
+++ b/clowm/crud/crud_resource.py
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class CRUDResource:
-        resource : clowmdb.models.Resource | None
+        resource : clowm.models.Resource | None
             The resource with the given ID if it exists, None otherwise
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class CRUDResource:
-        resource : clowmdb.models.Resource | None
+        resource : clowm.models.Resource | None
             The resource with the given name if it exists, None otherwise
@@ -79,14 +79,14 @@ class CRUDResource:
             Substring to filter for in the name of a resource.
         maintainer_id : uuid.UUID | None, default None
             Filter resources by maintainer.
-        version_status : list[clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion.Status] | None, default None
+        version_status : list[clowm.models.ResourceVersion.Status] | None, default None
             Filter versions of a resource based on the status. Removes resources that have no version after this filter.
         public : bool | None, default None
             Filter resources to include only public resources.
-        workflows : list[clowmdb.models.Resource]
+        workflows : list[clowm.models.Resource]
             List of resources.
         with tracer.start_as_current_span("db_list_resources") as span:
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ class CRUDResource:
-        resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        resource : clowm.models.Resource
             The newly created resource
         with tracer.start_as_current_span(
diff --git a/clowm/crud/crud_resource_version.py b/clowm/crud/crud_resource_version.py
index fe9f01489bc204e1a28fe3bfb85a1aacb45486d1..3721a2f7460c188f7054caaa433e9ba787652f46 100644
--- a/clowm/crud/crud_resource_version.py
+++ b/clowm/crud/crud_resource_version.py
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class CRUDResourceVersion:
-        resource_version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion | None
+        resource_version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion | None
             The resource version with the given ID if it exists, None otherwise
         stmt = select(ResourceVersion).where(ResourceVersion.resource_version_id == resource_version_id)
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class CRUDResourceVersion:
             ID of a resource version.
         resource_id : uuid.UUID | None, default None
             ID of a resource. Must be set if `status` is LATEST.
-        status : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion.Status
+        status : clowm.models.ResourceVersion.Status
             New status of the resource version
         slurm_job_id : int | None, default None
             Slurm job id if the update comes from a executed slurm job
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ class CRUDResourceVersion:
-        resource_version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+        resource_version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
             The newly created resource version
         with tracer.start_as_current_span(
diff --git a/clowm/crud/crud_workflow_execution.py b/clowm/crud/crud_workflow_execution.py
index fb16b46e3f42872ba3d6de68faac717dd6fd77a7..5777dc2f724e0f84f7a4063c15e90887a2998988 100644
--- a/clowm/crud/crud_workflow_execution.py
+++ b/clowm/crud/crud_workflow_execution.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+from datetime import datetime
+from math import ceil
 from typing import Sequence
 from uuid import UUID
@@ -183,14 +185,15 @@ class CRUDWorkflowExecution:
             await db.commit()
-    async def set_error(
+    async def update_status(
         execution_id: UUID,
-        status: WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus = WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.CANCELED,
+        status: WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus,
+        end_timestamp: int | float | None = None,
         db: AsyncSession,
     ) -> None:
-        Update the status of a workflow execution to CANCELED in the database.
+        Update the status and optional end_time of a workflow execution in the database.
@@ -198,18 +201,28 @@ class CRUDWorkflowExecution:
             Async database session to perform query on.
         execution_id : uuid.UUID
             ID of the workflow execution
-        status : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus, default WorkflowExecutionStatus.CANCELED
-            Error status the workflow execution should get
+        status : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus
+            New status of the workflow execution
+        end_timestamp : int | float | None, default None
+            Optional end timestamp for the workflow.
-        stmt = (
-            update(WorkflowExecution)
-            .where(WorkflowExecution.execution_id == execution_id)
-            .values(status=status.name, end_time=func.UNIX_TIMESTAMP())
-        )
         with tracer.start_as_current_span(
-            "db_cancel_workflow_execution",
-            attributes={"workflow_execution_id": str(execution_id), "status": status.name, "sql_query": str(stmt)},
-        ):
+            "db_update_workflow_execution_status", attributes={"workflow_execution_id": str(execution_id)}
+        ) as span:
+            stmt = (
+                update(WorkflowExecution)
+                .where(WorkflowExecution.execution_id == execution_id)
+                .values(status=status.name)
+            )
+            if end_timestamp is not None:
+                span.set_attribute("end_timestamp", round(end_timestamp))
+                try:
+                    # Check if end_time is in seconds or milliseconds
+                    datetime.fromtimestamp(end_timestamp)
+                    stmt = stmt.values(end_time=round(end_timestamp))
+                except ValueError:
+                    stmt = stmt.values(end_time=round(end_timestamp / 1000))
+            span.set_attribute("sql_query", str(stmt))
             await db.execute(stmt)
             await db.commit()
@@ -242,3 +255,62 @@ class CRUDWorkflowExecution:
             await db.execute(stmt)
             await db.commit()
+    @staticmethod
+    async def update_cpu_hours(
+        execution_id: UUID,
+        cpu_hours: float,
+        *,
+        db: AsyncSession,
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Update the cpu hours for a workflow execution.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        execution_id : str | bytes
+            ID of the workflow execution
+        cpu_hours : float
+            The number of cpus a task is using.
+        """
+        stmt = (
+            update(WorkflowExecution)
+            .where(WorkflowExecution.execution_id == execution_id)
+            .values(cpu_hours=WorkflowExecution.cpu_hours + cpu_hours)
+        )
+        with tracer.start_as_current_span(
+            "db_update_cpu_hours",
+            attributes={"execution_id": str(execution_id), "cpu_hours": cpu_hours, "sql_query": str(stmt)},
+        ):
+            await db.execute(stmt)
+            await db.commit()
+    @staticmethod
+    async def get_by_id_fragment(execution_id_start: str | bytes, *, db: AsyncSession) -> WorkflowExecution | None:
+        """
+        Get a workflow execution by its execution id from the database.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        execution_id_start : str | bytes
+            Start of the ID of the workflow execution
+        Returns
+        -------
+        workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
+            The workflow execution with the given id if it exists, None otherwise
+        """
+        id_start = (
+            int(execution_id_start, 16).to_bytes(ceil(len(execution_id_start) / 2), "big")
+            if isinstance(execution_id_start, str)
+            else execution_id_start
+        )
+        stmt = select(WorkflowExecution).where(func.hex(WorkflowExecution.execution_id).startswith(func.hex(id_start)))
+        with tracer.start_as_current_span(
+            "db_get_workflow_execution", attributes={"sql_query": str(stmt), "execution_id_start": id_start.hex()}
+        ):
+            return await db.scalar(stmt)
diff --git a/clowm/db/session.py b/clowm/db/session.py
index 0229865e4a9c4d857b8c4ed2d73bd2c13f5a49d0..95cd104999ed936500dc1b534293cd0f248d8d42 100644
--- a/clowm/db/session.py
+++ b/clowm/db/session.py
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ async def get_async_session(url: str, verbose: bool = False) -> AsyncIterator[As
     async with get_async_session(url=db_url) as db:
             await db.select(...)
-    engineAsync = create_async_engine(url, echo=verbose, pool_recycle=3600)
-    async with async_sessionmaker(engineAsync, expire_on_commit=False)() as session:
+    async_engine = create_async_engine(url, echo=verbose, pool_recycle=3600)
+    async with async_sessionmaker(async_engine, expire_on_commit=False)() as session:
         yield session
-    await engineAsync.dispose()
+    await async_engine.dispose()
diff --git a/clowm/schemas/resource.py b/clowm/schemas/resource.py
index 612d16dbcbeba7c1d6b7ff2ceead81febe0107fe..0658f67eb33f174e28f2b97c19c57a297e75142f 100644
--- a/clowm/schemas/resource.py
+++ b/clowm/schemas/resource.py
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ class ResourceOut(BaseResource):
-        db_resource: clowmdb.models.Resource
+        db_resource: clowm.models.Resource
             Database model of a resource.
-        versions : list[clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion] | None, default None
+        versions : list[clowm.models.ResourceVersion] | None, default None
             List of versions to attach to the schema. If None, they will be loaded from the DB model.
diff --git a/clowm/schemas/tower.py b/clowm/schemas/tower.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6290efd32c318ea587cc5e7e8b65e9c3887e91d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clowm/schemas/tower.py
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+from datetime import datetime
+from pathlib import Path as LibPath
+from typing import Annotated, Any
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+from pydantic.functional_serializers import PlainSerializer
+from .types import URL, UUID
+class _BaseTraceRequest(BaseModel):
+    instant: int | float = Field(..., description="Unix timestamp of the request")
+DateTime = Annotated[datetime, PlainSerializer(lambda date: date.isoformat(), return_type=str, when_used="unless-none")]
+Path = Annotated[LibPath, PlainSerializer(lambda path: str(path), return_type=str, when_used="unless-none")]
+class Process(BaseModel):
+    index: int
+    pending: int
+    ignored: int
+    loadCpus: int
+    succeeded: int
+    running: int
+    retries: int
+    peakRunning: int
+    name: str
+    loadMemory: int
+    stored: int
+    terminated: bool
+    aborted: int
+    failed: int
+    peakCpus: int
+    peakMemory: int
+    cached: int
+    submitted: int
+class Stats(BaseModel):
+    succeededCount: int
+    computeTimeFmt: str
+    cachedCount: int
+    processes: list[Process]
+    changeTimestamp: int
+    peakRunning: int
+    succeedDuration: int
+    cachedPct: float
+    loadMemory: int
+    succeedCountFmt: str
+    failedPct: float
+    ignoredCount: int
+    submittedCount: int
+    peakMemory: int
+    succeedPct: float
+    succeedCount: int
+    runningCount: int
+    pendingCount: int
+    loadCpus: int
+    cachedDuration: int
+    abortedCount: int
+    failedDuration: int
+    failedCount: int
+    loadMemoryFmt: str
+    retriesCount: int
+    cachedCountFmt: str
+    progressLength: int
+    peakMemoryFmt: str
+    failedCountFmt: str
+    ignoredCountFmt: str
+    peakCpus: int
+    ignoredPct: float
+class Manifest(BaseModel):
+    doi: str | None = None
+    nextflowVersion: str | None = None
+    defaultBranch: str
+    version: str | None = None
+    homePage: URL | None = Field(None, examples=["https://example.com"])
+    gitmodules: str | None = None
+    description: str | None = None
+    recurseSubmodules: bool
+    name: str | None = None
+    mainScript: str
+    author: str | None = None
+class NextflowVersion(BaseModel):
+    version: str
+    build: int
+    timestamp: DateTime
+    enable: dict[str, int]
+class Workflow(BaseModel):
+    start: DateTime
+    projectDir: Path
+    manifest: Manifest
+    complete: DateTime | None = None
+    profile: str
+    homeDir: Path
+    workDir: Path
+    container: str | None = None
+    commitId: str | None = None
+    errorMessage: str | None = None
+    repository: URL | None = Field(None, examples=["https://example.com"])
+    containerEngine: str | None = None
+    scriptFile: Path
+    userName: str
+    launchDir: Path
+    runName: str
+    configFiles: list[Path]
+    sessionId: str
+    errorReport: str | None = None
+    workflowStats: Stats
+    scriptId: str
+    revision: str | None = None
+    exitStatus: int | None = None
+    commandLine: str
+    stubRun: bool
+    nextflow: NextflowVersion
+    stats: Stats | None = Field(None)
+    resume: bool
+    success: bool
+    projectName: str
+    scriptName: str
+    duration: int | None = None
+    params: Any | None = None
+    id: str
+    configText: str
+    operationId: str | None = None
+    logFile: str | None = None
+    outFile: str | None = None
+class Task(BaseModel):
+    taskId: int
+    status: str
+    hash: str
+    name: str
+    exit: int
+    submit: DateTime | None = None
+    start: DateTime | None = None
+    process: str
+    tag: str | None = None
+    module: list[str]
+    container: str | None = None
+    attempt: int
+    script: str
+    scratch: str | bool | None = None
+    workdir: Path
+    queue: str | None = None
+    cpus: int
+    memory: int | None = None
+    disk: str | None = None
+    time: int | None = None
+    errorAction: str | None = None
+    complete: DateTime | None = None
+    env: str | None = None
+    duration: int | None = Field(None)
+    realtime: int | None = Field(None)
+    pcpu: float | None = Field(None)
+    rchar: int | None = Field(None)
+    wchar: int | None = Field(None)
+    syscr: int | None = Field(None)
+    syscw: int | None = Field(None)
+    readBytes: int | None = Field(None)
+    writeBytes: int | None = Field(None)
+    pmem: float | None = Field(None)
+    vmem: int | None = Field(None)
+    rss: int | None = Field(None)
+    peakVmem: int | None = Field(None)
+    peakRss: int | None = Field(None)
+    volCtxt: int | None = Field(None)
+    invCtxt: int | None = Field(None)
+    nativeId: int | None = None
+    executor: str | None = None
+    cloudZone: str | None = None
+    machineType: str | None = None
+    priceModel: str | None = None
+class Progress(BaseModel):
+    pending: int
+    ignored: int
+    loadCpus: int
+    loadMemory: int
+    processes: list[Process]
+    aborted: int
+    succeeded: int
+    peakMemory: int
+    peakCpus: int
+    failed: int
+    running: int
+    retries: int
+    peakRunning: int
+    cached: int
+    submitted: int
+class Metric(BaseModel):
+    mean: float
+    min: float
+    q1: float
+    q2: float
+    q3: float
+    max: float
+    minLabel: str
+    maxLabel: str
+    q1Label: str
+    q2Label: str
+    q3Label: str
+class ProcessMetric(BaseModel):
+    cpuUsage: Metric | None = None
+    process: str
+    mem: Metric | None = None
+    memUsage: Metric | None = None
+    timeUsage: Metric | None = None
+    vmem: Metric | None = None
+    reads: Metric | None = None
+    cpu: Metric | None = None
+    time: Metric | None = None
+    writes: Metric | None = None
+class CompleteWorkflow(_BaseTraceRequest):
+    workflow: Workflow
+    metrics: list[ProcessMetric]
+    progress: Progress
+class ReportProgress(_BaseTraceRequest):
+    tasks: list[Task] | None = None
+    progress: Progress
+class BeginWorkflow(_BaseTraceRequest):
+    workflow: Workflow
+    processNames: list[str]
+    towerLaunch: bool
+class _CreateWorkflowBase(BaseModel):
+    workflowId: str | None = Field(None, description="ID of the current workflow")
+class CreateWorkflowIn(_CreateWorkflowBase, _BaseTraceRequest):
+    sessionId: UUID = Field(..., description="Session ID of the nextflow run")
+    projectName: str = Field(..., description="Name of the Pipeline nextflow executes")
+    repository: URL | None = Field(
+        None, description="URL of the repository the pipeline comes from", examples=["https://example.com"]
+    )
+    runName: str = Field(..., description="Randomly generated name of the run")
+class CreateWorkflowOut(_CreateWorkflowBase):
+    pass
diff --git a/clowm/smtp/send_email.py b/clowm/smtp/send_email.py
index 769f5154d5e50303fe70844ad72bf3cf9a3fe01a..7622c4368f15018d3a37a9fe9de1ed04b37b3289 100644
--- a/clowm/smtp/send_email.py
+++ b/clowm/smtp/send_email.py
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ async def send_sync_request_email(
         The reviewed workflow version.
     request_reason : str
         The reason for the synchronization request
-    requester : clowmdb.models.User
+    requester : clowm.models.User
         The user who requested this synchronization
     async with get_background_db() as db:
@@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ async def send_sync_response_email(resource: Resource, version: ResourceVersion,
-    resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+    resource : clowm.models.Resource
         The reviewed workflow.
-    version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+    version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
         The reviewed workflow version.
     deny_reason : str | None
         If the request was denied, a reason must be given
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ async def send_sync_success_email(resource: ResourceOut, version: ResourceVersio
         The reviewed workflow.
     version : clowm.schemas.resource_version.ResourceVersionOut
         The reviewed workflow version.
-    requester : clowmdb.models.User
+    requester : clowm.models.User
         The user who requested this synchronization
     html, plain = EmailTemplates.SYNC_SUCCESS.render(resource=resource, version=version, requester=requester)
diff --git a/clowm/tests/api/test_resource.py b/clowm/tests/api/test_resource.py
index 5945aabca119e412b55e9ed920ca20498eeade31..606e18ff79ed242ec4ccb7e20d1fcff63a5d6e3f 100644
--- a/clowm/tests/api/test_resource.py
+++ b/clowm/tests/api/test_resource.py
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class TestResourceRouteCreate(_TestResourceRoutes):
             Random user for testing.
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
             Async database session to perform query on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
         resource = ResourceIn(
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ class TestResourceRouteDelete(_TestResourceRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class TestResourceRouteGet(_TestResourceRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ class TestResourceRouteGet(_TestResourceRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class TestResourceRouteGet(_TestResourceRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
diff --git a/clowm/tests/api/test_resource_version.py b/clowm/tests/api/test_resource_version.py
index bcb67e7dffc8a0c1891df26363000ddd412bcec3..8464f84da2adb156ea171f31a37e77b94e036c7e 100644
--- a/clowm/tests/api/test_resource_version.py
+++ b/clowm/tests/api/test_resource_version.py
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class TestResourceVersionRouteCreate(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
         cleanup : clowm.tests.utils.utils.CleanupList
             Cleanup object where (async) functions can be registered which get executed after a (failed) test.
@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRouteGet(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRouteGet(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class TestResourceVersionRouteGet(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
         response = await client.get(
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ class TestResourceVersionRouteGet(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing .
         response = await client.get(
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ class TestResourceVersionRouteGet(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_resource_version : clowmdb.models.ResourceVersion
+        random_resource_version : clowm.models.ResourceVersion
             Random resource version for testing.
         cleanup : clowm.tests.utils.utils.CleanupList
             Cleanup object where (async) functions can be registered which get executed after a (failed) test.
@@ -275,9 +275,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRouteDelete(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -320,9 +320,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRouteDelete(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -393,9 +393,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRoutePut(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -453,9 +453,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRoutePut(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -500,9 +500,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRoutePut(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -547,9 +547,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRoutePut(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -616,9 +616,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRoutePut(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -661,9 +661,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRoutePut(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -736,9 +736,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRoutePut(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -798,9 +798,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRoutePut(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -858,9 +858,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRoutePut(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
@@ -903,9 +903,9 @@ class TestResourceVersionRoutePut(_TestResourceVersionRoutes):
         client : httpx.AsyncClient
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
-        random_resource_version_states : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource_version_states : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource version with all possible states for testing.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
diff --git a/clowm/tests/api/test_trace.py b/clowm/tests/api/test_trace.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7eceda74beeaaad64b273cdb31fce97d30b6fa22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clowm/tests/api/test_trace.py
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+from datetime import datetime
+from uuid import uuid4
+import pytest
+from fastapi import status
+from httpx import AsyncClient
+from sqlalchemy import select
+from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
+from clowm.core.config import settings
+from clowm.models import WorkflowExecution
+from clowm.schemas.tower import CreateWorkflowOut
+from clowm.tests.utils import random_hex_string, random_lower_string, trace
+from clowm.tests.utils.trace import security_header
+class _TestTraceRoutes:
+    base_path: str = "/trace"
+class TestTraceRoutesCreate(_TestTraceRoutes):
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_create_workflow_trace(
+        self, client: AsyncClient, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for sending the create workflow event.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        client : httpx.AsyncClient
+            HTTP Client to perform the request on. pytest fixture.
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing. pytest fixture.
+        """
+        body = {
+            "sessionId": str(uuid4()),
+            "projectName": random_lower_string(),
+            "repository": "https://github.com/example/example",
+            "runName": random_lower_string(),
+            "instant": round(datetime.now().timestamp()),
+            "workflowId": None,
+        }
+        response = await client.post(
+            f"{self.base_path}/create",
+            params={"workspaceId": str(random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.hex[:16])},
+            json=body,
+            headers=security_header,
+        )
+        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
+        r = CreateWorkflowOut.model_validate_json(response.content)
+        assert r.workflowId == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.hex[:16]
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_create_workflow_trace_with_unknown_execution(self, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for sending the create workflow event where the execution id does not exist.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        client : httpx.AsyncClient
+            HTTP Client to perform the request on. pytest fixture.
+        """
+        body = {
+            "sessionId": str(uuid4()),
+            "projectName": random_lower_string(),
+            "repository": "https://github.com/example/example",
+            "runName": random_lower_string(),
+            "instant": round(datetime.now().timestamp()),
+            "workflowId": None,
+        }
+        response = await client.post(
+            f"{self.base_path}/create",
+            params={"workspaceId": random_hex_string(16)},
+            json=body,
+            headers=security_header,
+        )
+        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
+class TestTraceRoutesBegin(_TestTraceRoutes):
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_begin_workflow(
+        self, client: AsyncClient, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for sending the begin workflow event.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        client : httpx.AsyncClient
+            HTTP Client to perform the request on. pytest fixture.
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing. pytest fixture.
+        """
+        response = await client.put(
+            f"{self.base_path}/{random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.hex[:16]}/begin",
+            content=trace.begin_workflow_event.model_dump_json(),
+            headers=security_header,
+        )
+        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
+        r = response.json()
+        assert r.get("watchUrl", "").startswith(str(settings.ui_uri))
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_begin_workflow_with_unknown_execution(self, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for sending the begin workflow event where the execution id does not exist.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        client : httpx.AsyncClient
+            HTTP Client to perform the request on. pytest fixture.
+        """
+        response = await client.put(
+            f"{self.base_path}/{random_hex_string(16)}/begin",
+            content=trace.begin_workflow_event.model_dump_json(),
+            headers=security_header,
+        )
+        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
+class TestTraceRoutesProgress(_TestTraceRoutes):
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_report_progress_workflow(
+        self, client: AsyncClient, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution, db: AsyncSession
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for sending the report progress workflow event.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        client : httpx.AsyncClient
+            HTTP Client to perform the request on. pytest fixture.
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing. pytest fixture.
+        """
+        response = await client.put(
+            f"{self.base_path}/{random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.hex[:16]}/progress",
+            content=trace.progress_event.model_dump_json(),
+            headers=security_header,
+        )
+        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
+        assert trace.progress_event.tasks is not None
+        assert len(trace.progress_event.tasks) > 0
+        task = trace.progress_event.tasks[0]
+        assert task.realtime is not None
+        stmt = select(WorkflowExecution).where(
+            WorkflowExecution.execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id
+        )
+        await db.reset()
+        db_execution = await db.scalar(stmt)
+        assert db_execution is not None
+        assert db_execution.cpu_hours == task.realtime * task.cpus / 60000000
+class TestTraceRoutesHeartbeat(_TestTraceRoutes):
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_heartbeat_workflow(
+        self, client: AsyncClient, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for sending the heartbeat workflow event.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        client : httpx.AsyncClient
+            HTTP Client to perform the request on. pytest fixture.
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing. pytest fixture.
+        """
+        request_body = trace.progress_event.model_dump().copy()
+        del request_body["tasks"]
+        response = await client.put(
+            f"{self.base_path}/{random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.hex[:16]}/heartbeat",
+            json=request_body,
+            headers=security_header,
+        )
+        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
+class TestTraceRoutesComplete(_TestTraceRoutes):
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_complete_workflow_with_success(
+        self, client: AsyncClient, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for sending the complete workflow event with success.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        client : httpx.AsyncClient
+            HTTP Client to perform the request on. pytest fixture.
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on. pytest fixture.
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing. pytest fixture.
+        """
+        response = await client.put(
+            f"{self.base_path}/{random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.hex[:16]}/complete",
+            content=trace.complete_workflow_event.model_dump_json(),
+            headers=security_header,
+        )
+        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
+        stmt = select(WorkflowExecution).where(
+            WorkflowExecution.execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id
+        )
+        execution = await db.scalar(stmt)
+        assert execution is not None
+        assert execution == random_running_workflow_execution
+        assert execution.status == WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.SUCCESS
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_complete_workflow_with_error(
+        self, client: AsyncClient, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for sending the complete workflow event with an error.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        client : httpx.AsyncClient
+            HTTP Client to perform the request on. pytest fixture.
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on. pytest fixture.
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing. pytest fixture.
+        """
+        body = trace.complete_workflow_event.model_dump().copy()
+        body["workflow"]["success"] = False  # type: ignore[index]
+        response = await client.put(
+            f"{self.base_path}/{random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.hex[:16]}/complete",
+            json=body,
+            headers=security_header,
+        )
+        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
+        stmt = select(WorkflowExecution).where(
+            WorkflowExecution.execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id
+        )
+        execution = await db.scalar(stmt)
+        assert execution is not None
+        assert execution == random_running_workflow_execution
+        assert execution.status == WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.ERROR
+        assert execution.end_time is not None
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_complete_workflow_with_cancel(
+        self, client: AsyncClient, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for sending the complete workflow event with canceled workflow run.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        client : httpx.AsyncClient
+            HTTP Client to perform the request on. pytest fixture.
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on. pytest fixture.
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing. pytest fixture.
+        """
+        body = trace.complete_workflow_event.model_dump().copy()
+        body["workflow"]["success"] = False  # type: ignore[index]
+        body["workflow"]["errorReport"] = "SIGTERM"  # type: ignore[index]
+        response = await client.put(
+            f"{self.base_path}/{random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.hex[:16]}/complete",
+            json=body,
+            headers=security_header,
+        )
+        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
+        stmt = select(WorkflowExecution).where(
+            WorkflowExecution.execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id
+        )
+        execution = await db.scalar(stmt)
+        assert execution is not None
+        assert execution == random_running_workflow_execution
+        assert execution.status == WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.CANCELED
+        assert execution.end_time is not None
diff --git a/clowm/tests/api/test_workflow.py b/clowm/tests/api/test_workflow.py
index fa21b3b0beafd4490c8c42dbdb07314246da2479..be758f4045d755a645aef8a8e229e67f0637ce50 100644
--- a/clowm/tests/api/test_workflow.py
+++ b/clowm/tests/api/test_workflow.py
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ class TestWorkflowRoutesList(_TestWorkflowRoutes):
             Random user for testing.
         random_workflow : clowm.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
             Random workflow for testing.
-        random_completed_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_completed_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing
         response = await client.get(
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@ class TestWorkflowRoutesGet(_TestWorkflowRoutes):
             Random user for testing.
         random_workflow : clowm.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
             Random workflow for testing.
-        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing
         response = await client.get(
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ class TestWorkflowRoutesDelete(_TestWorkflowRoutes):
             Random workflow for testing.
         mock_s3_service : types_aiobotocore_s3.service_resource.S3ServiceResource
             Mock S3 Service to manipulate objects.
-        random_workflow_mode : clowmdb.model.WorkflowMode
+        random_workflow_mode : clowm.model.WorkflowMode
             Random workflow mode for testing
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
             Async database session to perform query on.
@@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ class TestWorkflowRoutesUpdate(_TestWorkflowRoutes):
             Random user for testing.
         random_workflow : clowm.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
             Random workflow for testing.
-        random_workflow_mode : clowmdb.model.WorkflowMode
+        random_workflow_mode : clowm.model.WorkflowMode
             Random workflow mode for testing
         mock_s3_service : types_aiobotocore_s3.service_resource.S3ServiceResource
             Mock S3 Service to manipulate objects.
@@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ class TestWorkflowRoutesUpdate(_TestWorkflowRoutes):
             Random user for testing.
         random_workflow : clowm.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
             Random workflow for testing.
-        random_workflow_mode : clowmdb.model.WorkflowMode
+        random_workflow_mode : clowm.model.WorkflowMode
             Random workflow mode for testing
         mock_s3_service : types_aiobotocore_s3.service_resource.S3ServiceResource
             Mock S3 Service to manipulate objects.
@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@ class TestWorkflowRoutesUpdate(_TestWorkflowRoutes):
             Random user for testing.
         random_workflow : clowm.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
             Random workflow for testing.
-        random_workflow_mode : clowmdb.model.WorkflowMode
+        random_workflow_mode : clowm.model.WorkflowMode
             Random workflow mode for testing
         mock_s3_service : types_aiobotocore_s3.service_resource.S3ServiceResource
             Mock S3 Service to manipulate objects.
diff --git a/clowm/tests/api/test_workflow_execution.py b/clowm/tests/api/test_workflow_execution.py
index 0fc86e058349c1ca626652548273ce19d8ff6820..7618fc9901f488618554702f6c97041037663e73 100644
--- a/clowm/tests/api/test_workflow_execution.py
+++ b/clowm/tests/api/test_workflow_execution.py
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCreate(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             Random user for testing.
         random_workflow : clowm.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
             Random workflow for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         mock_s3_service: types_aiobotocore_s3.service_resource.S3ServiceResource
             Mock S3 Service to manipulate objects.
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCreate(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         random_private_workflow : clowm.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
             Random private workflow for testing.
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCreate(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             Random user for testing.
         random_workflow : clowm.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
             Random workflow for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         mock_s3_service : types_aiobotocore_s3.service_resource.S3ServiceResource
             Mock S3 Service to manipulate objects.
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCreate(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             Async database session to perform query on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         active_execution_counter = 0
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCreate(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             Async database session to perform query on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         await db.execute(
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCreate(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         mock_slurm_cluster : clowm.tests.mocks.mock_slurm_cluster.MockSlurmCluster
             Mock Slurm cluster to inspect submitted jobs.
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCreate(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         mock_slurm_cluster : clowm.tests.mocks.mock_slurm_cluster.MockSlurmCluster
             Mock Slurm cluster to inspect submitted jobs.
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCreate(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         mock_slurm_cluster : clowm.tests.mocks.mock_slurm_cluster.MockSlurmCluster
             Mock Slurm cluster to inspect submitted jobs.
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCreate(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             Random user for testing.
         random_workflow : clowm.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
             Random workflow for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         mock_slurm_cluster : clowm.tests.mocks.mock_slurm_cluster.MockSlurmCluster
             Mock Slurm cluster to inspect submitted jobs.
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCreate(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             Random user for testing.
         random_workflow : clowm.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
             Random workflow for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         mock_s3_service : types_aiobotocore_s3.service_resource.S3ServiceResource
             Mock S3 Service to manipulate objects.
@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesGet(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         response = await client.get(
@@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesGet(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         response = await client.get(
@@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesList(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         response = await client.get(self.base_path, headers=random_user.auth_headers)
@@ -1095,7 +1095,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesDelete(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         response = await client.delete(
@@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesDelete(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             Async database session to perform query on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         await db.execute(
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCancel(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         mock_slurm_cluster : clowm.tests.mocks.mock_slurm_cluster.MockSlurmCluster
             Mock Slurm cluster to inspect submitted jobs.
@@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCancel(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             Async database session to perform query on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         await db.execute(
diff --git a/clowm/tests/api/test_workflow_version.py b/clowm/tests/api/test_workflow_version.py
index 0c0b1995776507a2a19dc197ef0b73dcf7ec838a..4561e96c475cc26ff8d91f072a095833223d3a94 100644
--- a/clowm/tests/api/test_workflow_version.py
+++ b/clowm/tests/api/test_workflow_version.py
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ class TestWorkflowVersionRoutesGetDocumentation(_TestWorkflowVersionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         document : clowm.api.endpoints.workflow_version.DocumentationEnum
             All possible documents as pytest parameter.
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ class TestWorkflowVersionRoutesGetDocumentation(_TestWorkflowVersionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         document : clowm.api.endpoints.workflow_version.DocumentationEnum
             All possible documents as pytest parameter.
@@ -396,9 +396,9 @@ class TestWorkflowVersionRoutesGetDocumentation(_TestWorkflowVersionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
-        random_workflow_mode : clowmdb.models.WorkflowMode
+        random_workflow_mode : clowm.models.WorkflowMode
             Random workflow mode for testing.
         document : clowm.api.endpoints.workflow_version.DocumentationEnum
             All possible documents as pytest parameter.
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ class TestWorkflowVersionIconRoutes(_TestWorkflowVersionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         mock_s3_service : types_aiobotocore_s3.service_resource.S3ServiceResource
             Mock S3 Service to manipulate objects.
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ class TestWorkflowVersionIconRoutes(_TestWorkflowVersionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         mock_s3_service : types_aiobotocore_s3.service_resource.S3ServiceResource
             Mock S3 Service to manipulate objects.
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ class TestWorkflowVersionIconRoutes(_TestWorkflowVersionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_second_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         files = {"icon": ("RickRoll.txt", BytesIO(b"Never gonna give you up"), "plain/text")}
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ class TestWorkflowVersionIconRoutes(_TestWorkflowVersionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         mock_s3_service : types_aiobotocore_s3.service_resource.S3ServiceResource
             Mock S3 Service to manipulate objects.
@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ class TestWorkflowVersionIconRoutes(_TestWorkflowVersionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_second_user : clowm.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.models.WorkflowVersion
+        random_workflow_version : clowm.models.WorkflowVersion
             Random workflow version for testing.
         mock_s3_service : types_aiobotocore_s3.service_resource.S3ServiceResource
             Mock S3 Service to manipulate objects.
diff --git a/clowm/tests/conftest.py b/clowm/tests/conftest.py
index 4acf1631be0179c1665e7da646489d1a658306d7..25c38bb6db3fd9c138b915de94adca0590eff86c 100644
--- a/clowm/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/clowm/tests/conftest.py
@@ -432,8 +432,8 @@ async def random_running_workflow_execution(
         .where(WorkflowExecution.execution_id == execution.execution_id)
-        #       .values(slurm_job_id=slurm_job_id)
+    await db.commit()
     parameter_obj = await mock_s3_service.Object(
         bucket_name=settings.s3.data_bucket, key=settings.s3.execution_parameters_key(execution.execution_id)
diff --git a/clowm/tests/crud/test_resource.py b/clowm/tests/crud/test_resource.py
index 3e0fd134249a91d7d5b5c8c7f44c1d214497ba33..1b762328227acb976b6c4364bf83aada033febea 100644
--- a/clowm/tests/crud/test_resource.py
+++ b/clowm/tests/crud/test_resource.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class TestResourceCRUDGet:
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
             Async database session to perform query on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
         resource = await CRUDResource.get(db, resource_id=random_resource.resource_id)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class TestResourceCRUDGet:
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
             Async database session to perform query on.
-        random_resource : clowmdb.models.Resource
+        random_resource : clowm.models.Resource
             Random resource for testing.
         resource = await CRUDResource.get_by_name(db, name=random_resource.name)
diff --git a/clowm/tests/crud/test_workflow_execution.py b/clowm/tests/crud/test_workflow_execution.py
index c5e905e2ff61dac615dc3829a9e327376c686a5b..8d04e07074bddce71c46790d8f5fbf5992beb8e9 100644
--- a/clowm/tests/crud/test_workflow_execution.py
+++ b/clowm/tests/crud/test_workflow_execution.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import time
 from uuid import uuid4
 import pytest
@@ -108,6 +109,39 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDGet:
         execution = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.get(uuid4(), db=db)
         assert execution is None
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_workflow_execution_by_id_fragment(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting a workflow execution by its execution id.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on. pytest fixture.
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing. pytest fixture.
+        """
+        execution = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.get_by_id_fragment(
+            db=db, execution_id_start=random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.hex[:16]
+        )
+        assert execution is not None
+        assert execution == random_running_workflow_execution
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_non_existing_workflow_execution_by_id_fragment(self, db: AsyncSession) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting a non-existing workflow execution.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on. pytest fixture.
+        """
+        execution = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.get_by_id_fragment(db=db, execution_id_start=random_hex_string(16))
+        assert execution is None
 class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDList:
@@ -234,13 +268,13 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDList:
         assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution.status == random_running_workflow_execution.status) >= 1
-class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDLUpdate:
+class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDUpdate:
-    async def test_cancel_workflow_execution(
+    async def test_update_workflow_execution_slurm_job(
         self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
     ) -> None:
-        Test for canceling a workflow execution.
+        Test for updating the slurm job id of a workflow execution.
@@ -249,37 +283,101 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDLUpdate:
         random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
-        await CRUDWorkflowExecution.set_error(random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id, db=db)
+        await CRUDWorkflowExecution.update_slurm_job_id(random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id, 250, db=db)
         stmt = select(WorkflowExecution).where(
             WorkflowExecution.execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id
         execution = await db.scalar(stmt)
         assert execution is not None
-        assert execution.status == WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.CANCELED
+        assert execution.slurm_job_id == 250
-    async def test_update_workflow_execution_slurm_job(
+    async def test_update_workflow_status(
         self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
     ) -> None:
-        Test for updating the slurm job id of a workflow execution.
+        Test for updating the workflow execution status.
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
-            Async database session to perform query on.
+            Async database session to perform query on. pytest fixture.
         random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
-            Random workflow execution for testing.
+            Random workflow execution for testing. pytest fixture.
-        await CRUDWorkflowExecution.update_slurm_job_id(random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id, 250, db=db)
+        await CRUDWorkflowExecution.update_status(
+            db=db,
+            execution_id=random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id,
+            status=WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.RUNNING,
+        )
         stmt = select(WorkflowExecution).where(
             WorkflowExecution.execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id
         execution = await db.scalar(stmt)
         assert execution is not None
-        assert execution.slurm_job_id == 250
+        assert execution == random_running_workflow_execution
+        assert execution.status == WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.RUNNING
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_update_workflow_status_with_timestamp(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for updating the workflow execution status with and end timestamp.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on. pytest fixture.
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing. pytest fixture.
+        """
+        await CRUDWorkflowExecution.update_status(
+            db=db,
+            execution_id=random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id,
+            status=WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.ERROR,
+            end_timestamp=round(time.time()),
+        )
+        stmt = select(WorkflowExecution).where(
+            WorkflowExecution.execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id
+        )
+        execution = await db.scalar(stmt)
+        assert execution is not None
+        assert execution == random_running_workflow_execution
+        assert execution.status == WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.ERROR
+        assert execution.end_time is not None
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_update_execution_cpu_hours(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for updating the workflow execution cpu hours.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on. pytest fixture.
+        random_workflow_execution : clowm.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing. pytest fixture.
+        """
+        await CRUDWorkflowExecution.update_cpu_hours(
+            db=db, execution_id=random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id, cpu_hours=6.5
+        )
+        stmt = select(WorkflowExecution).where(
+            WorkflowExecution.execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id
+        )
+        execution = await db.scalar(stmt)
+        assert execution is not None
+        assert execution == random_running_workflow_execution
+        assert execution.cpu_hours == 6.5
 class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDDelete:
diff --git a/clowm/tests/utils/trace.py b/clowm/tests/utils/trace.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c265c19e5f1e6aedf47804f853cb304788e31bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clowm/tests/utils/trace.py
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+from base64 import b64encode
+from datetime import datetime
+from clowm.core.config import settings
+from clowm.schemas.tower import BeginWorkflow, CompleteWorkflow, ReportProgress
+_digest = b64encode(f"@token:{settings.cluster.tower_secret.get_secret_value()}".encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
+security_header = {"Authorization": f"Basic {_digest}"}
+begin_workflow_event = BeginWorkflow.model_validate(
+    {
+        "instant": datetime.now().timestamp(),
+        "workflow": {
+            "start": "2023-02-28T08:41:08.402Z",
+            "projectDir": "string",
+            "manifest": {
+                "doi": "string",
+                "nextflowVersion": "string",
+                "defaultBranch": "string",
+                "version": "string",
+                "homePage": "https://example.com",
+                "gitmodules": "string",
+                "description": "string",
+                "recurseSubmodules": False,
+                "name": "string",
+                "mainScript": "string",
+                "author": "string",
+            },
+            "complete": "2023-02-28T08:41:08.402Z",
+            "profile": "string",
+            "homeDir": "string",
+            "workDir": "string",
+            "container": "string",
+            "commitId": "string",
+            "errorMessage": "string",
+            "repository": "https://example.com",
+            "containerEngine": "string",
+            "scriptFile": "string",
+            "userName": "string",
+            "launchDir": "string",
+            "runName": "string",
+            "configFiles": ["string"],
+            "sessionId": "string",
+            "errorReport": "string",
+            "workflowStats": {
+                "succeededCount": 0,
+                "computeTimeFmt": "string",
+                "cachedCount": 0,
+                "processes": [
+                    {
+                        "index": 0,
+                        "pending": 0,
+                        "ignored": 0,
+                        "loadCpus": 0,
+                        "succeeded": 0,
+                        "running": 0,
+                        "retries": 0,
+                        "peakRunning": 0,
+                        "name": "string",
+                        "loadMemory": 0,
+                        "stored": 0,
+                        "terminated": False,
+                        "aborted": 0,
+                        "failed": 0,
+                        "peakCpus": 0,
+                        "peakMemory": 0,
+                        "cached": 0,
+                        "submitted": 0,
+                    }
+                ],
+                "changeTimestamp": 0,
+                "peakRunning": 0,
+                "succeedDuration": 0,
+                "cachedPct": 0,
+                "loadMemory": 0,
+                "succeedCountFmt": "string",
+                "failedPct": 0,
+                "ignoredCount": 0,
+                "submittedCount": 0,
+                "peakMemory": 0,
+                "succeedPct": 0,
+                "succeedCount": 0,
+                "runningCount": 0,
+                "pendingCount": 0,
+                "loadCpus": 0,
+                "cachedDuration": 0,
+                "abortedCount": 0,
+                "failedDuration": 0,
+                "failedCount": 0,
+                "loadMemoryFmt": "string",
+                "retriesCount": 0,
+                "cachedCountFmt": "string",
+                "progressLength": 0,
+                "peakMemoryFmt": "string",
+                "failedCountFmt": "string",
+                "ignoredCountFmt": "string",
+                "peakCpus": 0,
+                "ignoredPct": 0,
+            },
+            "scriptId": "string",
+            "revision": "string",
+            "exitStatus": 0,
+            "commandLine": "string",
+            "stubRun": False,
+            "nextflow": {
+                "version": "string",
+                "build": 0,
+                "timestamp": "2023-02-28T08:41:08.402Z",
+                "enable": {"additionalProp1": 0, "additionalProp2": 0, "additionalProp3": 0},
+            },
+            "stats": {
+                "succeededCount": 0,
+                "computeTimeFmt": "string",
+                "cachedCount": 0,
+                "processes": [
+                    {
+                        "index": 0,
+                        "pending": 0,
+                        "ignored": 0,
+                        "loadCpus": 0,
+                        "succeeded": 0,
+                        "running": 0,
+                        "retries": 0,
+                        "peakRunning": 0,
+                        "name": "string",
+                        "loadMemory": 0,
+                        "stored": 0,
+                        "terminated": False,
+                        "aborted": 0,
+                        "failed": 0,
+                        "peakCpus": 0,
+                        "peakMemory": 0,
+                        "cached": 0,
+                        "submitted": 0,
+                    }
+                ],
+                "changeTimestamp": 0,
+                "peakRunning": 0,
+                "succeedDuration": 0,
+                "cachedPct": 0,
+                "loadMemory": 0,
+                "succeedCountFmt": "string",
+                "failedPct": 0,
+                "ignoredCount": 0,
+                "submittedCount": 0,
+                "peakMemory": 0,
+                "succeedPct": 0,
+                "succeedCount": 0,
+                "runningCount": 0,
+                "pendingCount": 0,
+                "loadCpus": 0,
+                "cachedDuration": 0,
+                "abortedCount": 0,
+                "failedDuration": 0,
+                "failedCount": 0,
+                "loadMemoryFmt": "string",
+                "retriesCount": 0,
+                "cachedCountFmt": "string",
+                "progressLength": 0,
+                "peakMemoryFmt": "string",
+                "failedCountFmt": "string",
+                "ignoredCountFmt": "string",
+                "peakCpus": 0,
+                "ignoredPct": 0,
+            },
+            "resume": False,
+            "success": False,
+            "projectName": "string",
+            "scriptName": "string",
+            "duration": 0,
+            "params": {
+                "additionalProp1": "string",
+            },
+            "id": "string",
+            "configText": "string",
+            "operationId": "string",
+            "logFile": "string",
+            "outFile": "string",
+        },
+        "processNames": ["string"],
+        "towerLaunch": False,
+    }
+progress_event = ReportProgress.model_validate(
+    {
+        "instant": datetime.now().timestamp(),
+        "tasks": [
+            {
+                "taskId": 0,
+                "status": "COMPLETED",
+                "hash": "string",
+                "name": "string",
+                "exit": 0,
+                "submit": "2023-02-28T08:46:32.691Z",
+                "start": "2023-02-28T08:46:32.691Z",
+                "process": "string",
+                "tag": "string",
+                "module": ["string"],
+                "container": "string",
+                "attempt": 0,
+                "script": "string",
+                "scratch": "string",
+                "workdir": "string",
+                "queue": "string",
+                "cpus": 3,
+                "memory": 0,
+                "disk": "string",
+                "time": 0,
+                "errorAction": "string",
+                "complete": "2023-02-28T08:46:32.691Z",
+                "env": "string",
+                "duration": 0,
+                "realtime": 600000,
+                "pcpu": 0,
+                "rchar": 0,
+                "wchar": 0,
+                "syscr": 0,
+                "syscw": 0,
+                "readBytes": 0,
+                "writeBytes": 0,
+                "pmem": 0,
+                "vmem": 0,
+                "rss": 0,
+                "peakVmem": 0,
+                "peakRss": 0,
+                "volCtxt": 0,
+                "invCtxt": 0,
+                "nativeId": 0,
+                "executor": "string",
+                "cloudZone": "string",
+                "machineType": "string",
+                "priceModel": "string",
+            }
+        ],
+        "progress": {
+            "pending": 0,
+            "ignored": 0,
+            "loadCpus": 0,
+            "loadMemory": 0,
+            "processes": [
+                {
+                    "index": 0,
+                    "pending": 0,
+                    "ignored": 0,
+                    "loadCpus": 0,
+                    "succeeded": 0,
+                    "running": 0,
+                    "retries": 0,
+                    "peakRunning": 0,
+                    "name": "string",
+                    "loadMemory": 0,
+                    "stored": 0,
+                    "terminated": False,
+                    "aborted": 0,
+                    "failed": 0,
+                    "peakCpus": 0,
+                    "peakMemory": 0,
+                    "cached": 0,
+                    "submitted": 0,
+                }
+            ],
+            "aborted": 0,
+            "succeeded": 0,
+            "peakMemory": 0,
+            "peakCpus": 0,
+            "failed": 0,
+            "running": 0,
+            "retries": 0,
+            "peakRunning": 0,
+            "cached": 0,
+            "submitted": 0,
+        },
+    }
+complete_workflow_event = CompleteWorkflow.model_validate(
+    {
+        "instant": datetime.now().timestamp(),
+        "workflow": {
+            "start": "2023-02-28T08:47:12.191Z",
+            "projectDir": "string",
+            "manifest": {
+                "doi": "string",
+                "nextflowVersion": "string",
+                "defaultBranch": "string",
+                "version": "string",
+                "homePage": "https://example.com",
+                "gitmodules": "string",
+                "description": "string",
+                "recurseSubmodules": False,
+                "name": "string",
+                "mainScript": "string",
+                "author": "string",
+            },
+            "complete": "2023-02-28T08:47:12.191Z",
+            "profile": "string",
+            "homeDir": "string",
+            "workDir": "string",
+            "container": "string",
+            "commitId": "string",
+            "errorMessage": "string",
+            "repository": "https://example.com",
+            "containerEngine": "string",
+            "scriptFile": "string",
+            "userName": "string",
+            "launchDir": "string",
+            "runName": "string",
+            "configFiles": ["string"],
+            "sessionId": "string",
+            "errorReport": "string",
+            "workflowStats": {
+                "succeededCount": 0,
+                "computeTimeFmt": "string",
+                "cachedCount": 0,
+                "processes": [
+                    {
+                        "index": 0,
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+                        "name": "string",
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+                        "stored": 0,
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+                        "submitted": 0,
+                    }
+                ],
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+                "ignoredCountFmt": "string",
+                "peakCpus": 0,
+                "ignoredPct": 0,
+            },
+            "scriptId": "string",
+            "revision": "string",
+            "exitStatus": 0,
+            "commandLine": "string",
+            "stubRun": False,
+            "nextflow": {
+                "version": "string",
+                "build": 0,
+                "timestamp": "2023-02-28T08:47:12.192Z",
+                "enable": {"additionalProp1": 0, "additionalProp2": 0, "additionalProp3": 0},
+            },
+            "stats": {
+                "succeededCount": 0,
+                "computeTimeFmt": "string",
+                "cachedCount": 0,
+                "processes": [
+                    {
+                        "index": 0,
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+                        "cached": 0,
+                        "submitted": 0,
+                    }
+                ],
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+            },
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+            "duration": 0,
+            "params": {"additionalProp1": "string", "additionalProp2": "string", "additionalProp3": "string"},
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+            "logFile": "string",
+            "outFile": "string",
+        },
+        "metrics": [
+            {
+                "cpuUsage": {
+                    "mean": 0,
+                    "min": 0,
+                    "q1": 0,
+                    "q2": 0,
+                    "q3": 0,
+                    "max": 0,
+                    "minLabel": "string",
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+                    "q2Label": "string",
+                    "q3Label": "string",
+                },
+                "process": "string",
+                "mem": None,
+                "memUsage": None,
+                "timeUsage": None,
+                "vmem": {
+                    "mean": 0,
+                    "min": 0,
+                    "q1": 0,
+                    "q2": 0,
+                    "q3": 0,
+                    "max": 0,
+                    "minLabel": "string",
+                    "maxLabel": "string",
+                    "q1Label": "string",
+                    "q2Label": "string",
+                    "q3Label": "string",
+                },
+                "reads": {
+                    "mean": 0,
+                    "min": 0,
+                    "q1": 0,
+                    "q2": 0,
+                    "q3": 0,
+                    "max": 0,
+                    "minLabel": "string",
+                    "maxLabel": "string",
+                    "q1Label": "string",
+                    "q2Label": "string",
+                    "q3Label": "string",
+                },
+                "cpu": {
+                    "mean": 0,
+                    "min": 0,
+                    "q1": 0,
+                    "q2": 0,
+                    "q3": 0,
+                    "max": 0,
+                    "minLabel": "string",
+                    "maxLabel": "string",
+                    "q1Label": "string",
+                    "q2Label": "string",
+                    "q3Label": "string",
+                },
+                "time": {
+                    "mean": 0,
+                    "min": 0,
+                    "q1": 0,
+                    "q2": 0,
+                    "q3": 0,
+                    "max": 0,
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+                    "q1Label": "string",
+                    "q2Label": "string",
+                    "q3Label": "string",
+                },
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+                    "min": 0,
+                    "q1": 0,
+                    "q2": 0,
+                    "q3": 0,
+                    "max": 0,
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+                    "q3Label": "string",
+                },
+            }
+        ],
+        "progress": {
+            "pending": 0,
+            "ignored": 0,
+            "loadCpus": 0,
+            "loadMemory": 0,
+            "processes": [
+                {
+                    "index": 0,
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+                    "ignored": 0,
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+                }
+            ],
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+            "cached": 0,
+            "submitted": 0,
+        },
+    }
diff --git a/example-config/example-config.json b/example-config/example-config.json
index 8fc1f26ed25a5f0e58d57583c6cd526beb191bd9..e02e516de48bc52a492f3ce5bed7a2407859042a 100644
--- a/example-config/example-config.json
+++ b/example-config/example-config.json
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@
     "job_monitoring": "EXPONENTIAL",
     "execution_cleanup": true,
     "resource_cluster_path": "/vol/data/databases",
-    "resource_container_path": "/vol/resources"
+    "resource_container_path": "/vol/resources",
+    "tower_secret": "xxx"
   "api_prefix": "/api",
   "private_key_file": "/path/to/key",
diff --git a/example-config/example-config.toml b/example-config/example-config.toml
index d1ea534367c171e3867b17b5fe710d6f658048d0..06ef5e96b20faa503cff4541b8d4fcef120bb78a 100644
--- a/example-config/example-config.toml
+++ b/example-config/example-config.toml
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ password = "xxx"
   execution_cleanup = true
   resource_cluster_path = "/vol/data/databases"
   resource_container_path = "/vol/resources"
+  tower_secret = "xxx"
     uri = "http://localhost"
     token = "xxx"
diff --git a/example-config/example-config.yaml b/example-config/example-config.yaml
index fc919a59d2d5e1a578996a47ca011cb31ae221cd..540c40f5284b586d9bdf02a4716b348ae6d10bb0 100644
--- a/example-config/example-config.yaml
+++ b/example-config/example-config.yaml
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ cluster:
   execution_cleanup: true
   resource_cluster_path: "/vol/data/databases"
   resource_container_path: "/vol/resources"
+  tower_secret: "xxx"
   client_secret: "xxx"
   client_id: "xxx"