diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 9ddf5f1c61268e767592f55048abc01e6316df72..ec216b815a41812e41ecae3e80067106c96e93ea 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-image: python:3.11-slim
   PIP_CACHE_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.cache/pip"
@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@ default:
     - pip install virtualenv
     - virtualenv venv
     - source venv/bin/activate
-    - python -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
-    - python -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements-dev.txt
+    - python -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
 stages: # List of stages for jobs, and their order of execution
 #  - build
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ integration-test-job: # Runs integration tests with the database
     DB_DATABASE: "integration-test-db"
     DB_HOST: "integration-test-db"
-    - name: mysql:8
       alias: integration-test-db
@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ e2e-test-job: # Runs e2e tests on the API endpoints
     DB_DATABASE: "e2e-test-db"
     DB_HOST: "e2e-test-db"
-    - name: mysql:8
       alias: e2e-test-db
@@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ lint-test-job: # Runs linters checks on code
   stage: deploy
-    name: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.16.0-debug
+    name: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.17.0-debug
     entrypoint: [""]
   dependencies: []
@@ -160,7 +159,7 @@ publish-dev-docker-container-job:
   stage: deploy
-    name: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.16.0-debug
+    name: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor:v1.17.0-debug
     entrypoint: [""]
   dependencies: []
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index 74497a0c33bd2467a01c728ed79f3c5353baaf50..baf38857efd4d46e2f5d0b8c7ba24ec9f37d4c18 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ repos:
         files: app
         args: [--check]
 -   repo: https://github.com/charliermarsh/ruff-pre-commit
-    rev: 'v0.1.2'
+    rev: 'v0.1.3'
     -   id: ruff
 -   repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/isort
diff --git a/app/api/endpoints/workflow.py b/app/api/endpoints/workflow.py
index 6204525aefc27f2ab360623ad30e3466403d0c58..52c29e9bdffc8387dd53537718112f869807348e 100644
--- a/app/api/endpoints/workflow.py
+++ b/app/api/endpoints/workflow.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from datetime import date
 from typing import Annotated, Any, Awaitable, Callable, List, Optional, Set
 from uuid import UUID
@@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ from app.crud import CRUDWorkflow, CRUDWorkflowVersion
 from app.crud.crud_workflow_mode import CRUDWorkflowMode
 from app.git_repository import GitHubRepository, build_repository
 from app.schemas.workflow import WorkflowIn, WorkflowOut, WorkflowStatistic, WorkflowUpdate
+from app.schemas.workflow_execution import AnonymizedWorkflowExecution
 from app.schemas.workflow_version import WorkflowVersion as WorkflowVersionSchema
 from app.scm import SCM, Provider
 from app.utils.otlp import start_as_current_span_async
@@ -71,11 +73,11 @@ async def list_workflows(
         Workflows in the system
     current_span = trace.get_current_span()
-    if developer_id is not None:
+    if developer_id is not None:  # pragma: no cover
         current_span.set_attribute("developer_id", developer_id)
     if name_substring is not None:  # pragma: no cover
         current_span.set_attribute("name_substring", name_substring)
-    if version_status is not None and len(version_status) > 0:
+    if version_status is not None and len(version_status) > 0:  # pragma: no cover
         current_span.set_attribute("version_status", [stat.name for stat in version_status])
     rbac_operation = "list"
     if developer_id is not None and current_user.uid != developer_id:
@@ -189,6 +191,70 @@ async def create_workflow(
     return WorkflowOut.from_db_workflow(await CRUDWorkflow.get(db, workflow_db.workflow_id))
+@router.get("/developer_statistics", status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK, summary="Get anonymized workflow execution")
+@start_as_current_span_async("api_workflow_get_developer_statistics", tracer=tracer)
+async def get_developer_workflow_statistics(
+    db: DBSession,
+    authorization: Authorization,
+    response: Response,
+    current_user: CurrentUser,
+    developer_id: Optional[str] = Query(
+        None,
+        description="Filter by the developer of the workflows",
+        examples=["28c5353b8bb34984a8bd4169ba94c606"],
+        min_length=3,
+        max_length=64,
+    ),
+    workflow_ids: Optional[List[UUID]] = Query(None, description="Filter by workflow IDs", alias="workflow_id"),
+    start: Optional[date] = Query(None, description="Filter by workflow executions after this date"),
+    end: Optional[date] = Query(None, description="Filter by workflow executions before this date"),
+) -> List[AnonymizedWorkflowExecution]:
+    """
+    Get the workflow executions with meta information and anonymized user IDs.\n
+    Permission "workflow:read_statistics" required if the `developer_id` is the same as the uid of the current user,
+    other "workflow:read_statistics_any".
+    \f
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+        Async database session to perform query on. Dependency Injection.
+    authorization : Callable[[str], Awaitable[Any]]
+        Async function to ask the auth service for authorization. Dependency Injection.
+    response : fastapi.Response
+        Temporary Response object. Dependency Injection.
+    current_user : clowmdb.models.User
+        Current user.  Dependency Injection.
+    developer_id : str | None, default None
+        Filter for workflows developed by a specific user. Query Parameter.
+    workflow_ids: List[uuid.UUID] | None, default None
+        Filter by workflow IDs. Query Parameter.
+    start : datetime.date | None, default None
+        Filter by executions that started after the specified date. Query Parameter.
+    end : datetime.date | None, default None
+        Filter by executions that started before the specified date. Query Parameter.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    statistics : List[app.schema.workflow.AnonymizedWorkflowExecution]
+        List of raw datapoints for analysis.
+    """
+    span = trace.get_current_span()
+    if developer_id:  # pragma: no cover
+        span.set_attribute("developer_id", developer_id)
+    if workflow_ids:  # pragma: no cover
+        span.set_attribute("workflow_ids", [str(wid) for wid in workflow_ids])
+    if start:  # pragma: no cover
+        span.set_attribute("start_day", start.isoformat())
+    if end:  # pragma: no cover
+        span.set_attribute("end_day", end.isoformat())
+    await authorization("read_statistics" if current_user.uid == developer_id else "read_statistics_any")
+    # Instruct client to cache response for 1 hour
+    response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=3600"
+    return await CRUDWorkflow.developer_statistics(
+        db, developer_id=developer_id, workflow_ids=workflow_ids, start=start, end=end
+    )
 @router.get("/{wid}", status_code=status.HTTP_200_OK, summary="Get a workflow")
 @start_as_current_span_async("api_workflow_get", tracer=tracer)
 async def get_workflow(
@@ -203,7 +269,7 @@ async def get_workflow(
 ) -> WorkflowOut:
     Get a specific workflow.\n
-    Permission "workflow: read" required.
+    Permission "workflow:read" required.
@@ -225,7 +291,7 @@ async def get_workflow(
     current_span = trace.get_current_span()
     current_span.set_attribute("workflow_id", str(workflow.workflow_id))
-    if version_status is not None and len(version_status) > 0:
+    if version_status is not None and len(version_status) > 0:  # pragma: no cover
         current_span.set_attribute("version_status", [stat.name for stat in version_status])
     rbac_operation = "read_any" if workflow.developer_id != current_user.uid and version_status is not None else "read"
     await authorization(rbac_operation)
@@ -244,7 +310,8 @@ async def get_workflow_statistics(
     workflow: CurrentWorkflow, db: DBSession, authorization: Authorization, response: Response
 ) -> List[WorkflowStatistic]:
-    Get the number of started workflow per day.
+    Get the number of started workflow per day.\n
+    Permission "workflow:read" required.
@@ -255,16 +322,17 @@ async def get_workflow_statistics(
     authorization : Callable[[str], Awaitable[Any]]
         Async function to ask the auth service for authorization. Dependency Injection.
     response : fastapi.Response
-        Temporal Response object. Dependency Injection.
+        Temporary Response object. Dependency Injection.
-    statistics : List[app.schema.Workflow.WorkflowStatistic]
+    statistics : List[app.schema.workflow.WorkflowStatistic]
+        List of datapoints aggregated by day.
     trace.get_current_span().set_attribute("workflow_id", str(workflow.workflow_id))
     await authorization("read")
-    # Instruct client to cache response for 1 hour
-    response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=3600"
+    # Instruct client to cache response for 24 hour
+    response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "max-age=86400"
     return await CRUDWorkflow.statistics(db, workflow.workflow_id)
diff --git a/app/crud/crud_workflow.py b/app/crud/crud_workflow.py
index 3f5b7876526cfd1af666b9a9d6a21a7a8ae23ada..9b7a9f9339620adf0b2bd263fe357058fab53981 100644
--- a/app/crud/crud_workflow.py
+++ b/app/crud/crud_workflow.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-from typing import List, Optional, Union
+from datetime import date, datetime
+from hashlib import sha256
+from os import urandom
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
 from uuid import UUID
 from clowmdb.models import Workflow, WorkflowExecution, WorkflowVersion
@@ -10,6 +13,7 @@ from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
 from app.crud.crud_workflow_mode import CRUDWorkflowMode
 from app.crud.crud_workflow_version import CRUDWorkflowVersion
 from app.schemas.workflow import WorkflowIn, WorkflowStatistic
+from app.schemas.workflow_execution import AnonymizedWorkflowExecution
 tracer = trace.get_tracer_provider().get_tracer(__name__)
@@ -101,6 +105,92 @@ class CRUDWorkflow:
             await db.execute(stmt)
             await db.commit()
+    @staticmethod
+    async def developer_statistics(
+        db: AsyncSession,
+        developer_id: Optional[str] = None,
+        workflow_ids: Optional[List[UUID]] = None,
+        start: Optional[date] = None,
+        end: Optional[date] = None,
+    ) -> List[AnonymizedWorkflowExecution]:
+        """
+        Get all workflow executions for a set of workflows with anonymized user ID.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        developer_id : str | None, default None
+            Filter workflow by developer ID.
+        workflow_ids : uuid.UUID | None, default None
+            Filter workflows by ID.
+        start : datetime.date | None, default None
+            Filter workflow execution that started after this date.
+        end : datetime.date | None, default None
+            Filter workflow execution that started before this date
+        Returns
+        -------
+        stats : List[app.schemas.Workflow.AnonymizedWorkflowExecution]
+            List of datapoints
+        """
+        with tracer.start_as_current_span("db_get_workflow_developer_statistics") as span:
+            stmt = (
+                select(
+                    cast(func.FROM_UNIXTIME(WorkflowExecution.start_time), Date).label("started_at"),
+                    WorkflowExecution._execution_id,
+                    WorkflowExecution.user_id,
+                    WorkflowExecution._workflow_mode_id,
+                    WorkflowVersion.git_commit_hash,
+                    Workflow._workflow_id,
+                    Workflow.developer_id,
+                    WorkflowExecution.status,
+                )
+                .select_from(WorkflowExecution)
+                .join(WorkflowVersion)
+                .join(Workflow)
+                .where(WorkflowExecution.end_time != None)  # noqa:E711
+            )
+            if developer_id:
+                span.set_attribute("developer_id", developer_id)
+                stmt = stmt.where(Workflow.developer_id == developer_id)
+            if workflow_ids:
+                span.set_attribute("workflow_ids", [str(wid) for wid in workflow_ids])
+                stmt = stmt.where(*[Workflow._workflow_id == wid.bytes for wid in workflow_ids])
+            if start:
+                span.set_attribute("start_date", start.isoformat())
+                timestamp = round(datetime(year=start.year, month=start.month, day=start.day).timestamp())
+                stmt = stmt.where(WorkflowExecution.start_time > timestamp)
+            if end:
+                span.set_attribute("end_date", end.isoformat())
+                timestamp = round(datetime(year=end.year, month=end.month, day=end.day).timestamp())
+                stmt = stmt.where(WorkflowExecution.start_time < timestamp)
+            user_hashes: Dict[str, str] = {}
+            def hash_user_id(uid: str) -> str:
+                if uid not in user_hashes.keys():
+                    hash_obj = sha256(usedforsecurity=True)
+                    hash_obj.update(bytes.fromhex(uid if len(uid) % 2 == 0 else uid + "0"))
+                    hash_obj.update(urandom(32))
+                    user_hashes[uid] = hash_obj.hexdigest()
+                return user_hashes[uid]
+            span.set_attribute("sql_query", str(stmt))
+            rows = await db.execute(stmt)
+            return [
+                AnonymizedWorkflowExecution(
+                    workflow_execution_id=row._execution_id,
+                    pseudo_uid=hash_user_id(row.user_id),
+                    workflow_mode_id=row._workflow_mode_id,
+                    started_at=row.started_at,
+                    workflow_id=row._workflow_id,
+                    developer_id=row.developer_id,
+                    git_commit_hash=row.git_commit_hash,
+                    status=row.status,
+                )
+                for row in rows
+            ]
     async def statistics(db: AsyncSession, workflow_id: Union[bytes, UUID]) -> List[WorkflowStatistic]:
@@ -115,7 +205,7 @@ class CRUDWorkflow:
-        stat : List[app.schemas.Workflow.WorkflowStatistic]
+        stats : List[app.schemas.Workflow.WorkflowStatistic]
             List of datapoints
         with tracer.start_as_current_span("db_get_workflow_statistics") as span:
diff --git a/app/git_repository/abstract_repository.py b/app/git_repository/abstract_repository.py
index ec974eae7b98665fa1080ce08ddf53e875bf9830..2ac6a395eede851c3390e59e785400f9c6f332aa 100644
--- a/app/git_repository/abstract_repository.py
+++ b/app/git_repository/abstract_repository.py
@@ -145,12 +145,13 @@ class GitRepository(ABC):
             Flags if the files exist.
         with tracer.start_as_current_span("git_check_files_exists") as span:
-            span.set_attribute("repository", self.url)
+            span.set_attributes({"repository": self.url, "files": files})
             tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(self.check_file_exists(file, client=client)) for file in files]
             result = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
             if raise_error:
                 missing_files = [f for f, exist in zip(files, result) if not exist]
                 if len(missing_files) > 0:
+                    span.set_attribute("missing_files", missing_files)
                     raise HTTPException(
                         detail=f"The files {', '.join(missing_files)} are missing in the repo {str(self)}",
@@ -175,7 +176,8 @@ class GitRepository(ABC):
             with SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=512000) as f:  # temporary file with 500kB data spooled in memory
                 await self.download_file(filepath, client=client, file_handle=f)
-                obj.upload_fileobj(f)
+                with tracer.start_as_current_span("s3_upload_file"):
+                    obj.upload_fileobj(f)
     async def download_file_stream(self, filepath: str, client: AsyncClient) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]:
diff --git a/app/schemas/workflow.py b/app/schemas/workflow.py
index 6936e52a6a6a60e6cd6e0d36860e7849284ad8ba..008ba377c61637fa3693116cc376e5b98e18ef6a 100644
--- a/app/schemas/workflow.py
+++ b/app/schemas/workflow.py
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ class WorkflowIn(_BaseWorkflow):
 class WorkflowOut(_BaseWorkflow):
-    workflow_id: UUID = Field(..., description="Id of the workflow", examples=["0cc78936-381b-4bdd-999d-736c40591078"])
+    workflow_id: UUID = Field(..., description="ID of the workflow")
     versions: List[WorkflowVersion] = Field(..., description="Versions of the workflow")
     developer_id: str = Field(
-        ..., description="Id of developer of the workflow", examples=["28c5353b8bb34984a8bd4169ba94c606"]
+        ..., description="ID of developer of the workflow", examples=["28c5353b8bb34984a8bd4169ba94c606"]
     private: bool = Field(default=False, description="Flag if the workflow is hosted in a private git repository")
diff --git a/app/schemas/workflow_execution.py b/app/schemas/workflow_execution.py
index 80b44a4c6d57ced71bae2a72153c166b676b5fa4..6a0e158fbf90bfad3ad0626a32f4270aa2d1b5aa 100644
--- a/app/schemas/workflow_execution.py
+++ b/app/schemas/workflow_execution.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from datetime import datetime
+from datetime import date, datetime
 from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
 from uuid import UUID
@@ -38,9 +38,7 @@ class WorkflowExecutionIn(_BaseWorkflowExecution):
 class WorkflowExecutionOut(_BaseWorkflowExecution):
-    execution_id: UUID = Field(
-        ..., description="ID of the workflow execution", examples=["0cc78936-381b-4bdd-999d-736c40591078"]
-    )
+    execution_id: UUID = Field(..., description="ID of the workflow execution")
     user_id: str = Field(
         ..., description="UID of user who started the workflow", examples=["28c5353b8bb34984a8bd4169ba94c606"]
@@ -62,9 +60,7 @@ class WorkflowExecutionOut(_BaseWorkflowExecution):
     workflow_version_id: Optional[str] = Field(  # type: ignore[assignment]
         None, description="Workflow version git commit hash", examples=["ba8bcd9294c2c96aedefa1763a84a18077c50c0f"]
-    workflow_id: Optional[UUID] = Field(
-        None, description="Id of the workflow", examples=["0cc78936-381b-4bdd-999d-736c40591078"]
-    )
+    workflow_id: Optional[UUID] = Field(None, description="Id of the workflow")
     def from_db_model(
@@ -118,3 +114,28 @@ class DevWorkflowExecutionIn(BaseModel):
     def serialize_dt(self, url: AnyHttpUrl, _info: FieldSerializationInfo) -> str:
         return str(url)
+class AnonymizedWorkflowExecution(BaseModel):
+    workflow_execution_id: UUID = Field(..., description="ID of the workflow execution")
+    pseudo_uid: str = Field(
+        ...,
+        description="Anonymized user ID of the user who ran the workflow execution",
+        examples=["7ed4249857b656e96f456449796e461e6001d3fb2481a44701f70ca437bd53a2"],
+    )
+    workflow_mode_id: Optional[UUID] = Field(None, description="ID of the workflow mode this workflow execution ran in")
+    git_commit_hash: str = Field(
+        ..., description="Hash of the git commit", examples=["ba8bcd9294c2c96aedefa1763a84a18077c50c0f"]
+    )
+    started_at: date = Field(
+        ..., description="Day of the workflow execution", examples=[date(day=1, month=1, year=2023)]
+    )
+    workflow_id: UUID = Field(..., description="ID of the workflow")
+    developer_id: str = Field(
+        ..., description="ID of developer of the workflow", examples=["28c5353b8bb34984a8bd4169ba94c606"]
+    )
+    status: WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus = Field(
+        ...,
+        description="End status of the workflow execution",
+        examples=[WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.SUCCESS],
+    )
diff --git a/app/tests/api/test_workflow.py b/app/tests/api/test_workflow.py
index f1a73a177090bd0abe03a5cd27a1abce6405b4a5..9b11e265535bce13d851b759ccbd474ce5a329de 100644
--- a/app/tests/api/test_workflow.py
+++ b/app/tests/api/test_workflow.py
@@ -507,6 +507,40 @@ class TestWorkflowRoutesList(_TestWorkflowRoutes):
         assert len(workflows) == 1
         assert workflows[0]["workflow_id"] == str(random_workflow.workflow_id)
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_list_workflow_statistics(
+        self,
+        client: AsyncClient,
+        random_user: UserWithAuthHeader,
+        random_workflow: WorkflowOut,
+        random_completed_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting all workflow executions as workflow statistics.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        client : httpx.AsyncClient
+            HTTP Client to perform the request on.
+        random_user : app.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
+            Random user for testing.
+        random_workflow : app.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
+            Random workflow for testing.
+        random_completed_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing
+        """
+        response = await client.get(
+            f"{self.base_path}/developer_statistics",
+            headers=random_user.auth_headers,
+        )
+        assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
+        executions = response.json()
+        assert len(executions) == 1
+        execution = executions[0]
+        assert execution["workflow_id"] == str(random_workflow.workflow_id)
+        assert execution["workflow_execution_id"] == str(random_completed_workflow_execution.execution_id)
+        assert execution["git_commit_hash"] == random_completed_workflow_execution.workflow_version_id
 class TestWorkflowRoutesGet(_TestWorkflowRoutes):
@@ -560,10 +594,10 @@ class TestWorkflowRoutesGet(_TestWorkflowRoutes):
         client: AsyncClient,
         random_user: UserWithAuthHeader,
         random_workflow: WorkflowOut,
-        random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
+        random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
     ) -> None:
-        Test for getting a non-existing workflow.
+        Test for getting the aggregated workflow statistics.
@@ -571,6 +605,10 @@ class TestWorkflowRoutesGet(_TestWorkflowRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : app.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
+        random_workflow : app.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
+            Random workflow for testing.
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing
         response = await client.get(
             "/".join([self.base_path, str(random_workflow.workflow_id), "statistics"]),
diff --git a/app/tests/api/test_workflow_execution.py b/app/tests/api/test_workflow_execution.py
index e33c0e91751fed99503d70547a07cf22dc16cd23..5539139cf8581a356653ac9432f89a1c6ce0d0d2 100644
--- a/app/tests/api/test_workflow_execution.py
+++ b/app/tests/api/test_workflow_execution.py
@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesGet(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
         client: AsyncClient,
         random_user: UserWithAuthHeader,
-        random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
+        random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
     ) -> None:
         Test for getting a workflow execution.
@@ -1021,23 +1021,24 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesGet(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : app.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         response = await client.get(
-            "/".join([self.base_path, str(random_workflow_execution.execution_id)]), headers=random_user.auth_headers
+            "/".join([self.base_path, str(random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id)]),
+            headers=random_user.auth_headers,
         assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
         execution = response.json()
-        assert execution["execution_id"] == str(random_workflow_execution.execution_id)
+        assert execution["execution_id"] == str(random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id)
     async def test_get_workflow_execution_params(
         client: AsyncClient,
         random_user: UserWithAuthHeader,
-        random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
+        random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
     ) -> None:
         Test for getting the parameters of a workflow execution.
@@ -1048,11 +1049,11 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesGet(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : app.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         response = await client.get(
-            "/".join([self.base_path, str(random_workflow_execution.execution_id), "params"]),
+            "/".join([self.base_path, str(random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id), "params"]),
         assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK
@@ -1086,7 +1087,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesList(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
         client: AsyncClient,
         random_user: UserWithAuthHeader,
-        random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
+        random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
     ) -> None:
         Test for listing all workflow executions.
@@ -1097,7 +1098,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesList(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : app.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         response = await client.get(self.base_path, headers=random_user.auth_headers)
@@ -1109,7 +1110,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesList(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
                 for execution in executions
-                if execution["execution_id"] == str(random_workflow_execution.execution_id)
+                if execution["execution_id"] == str(random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id)
             == 1
@@ -1121,7 +1122,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesDelete(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
         client: AsyncClient,
         random_user: UserWithAuthHeader,
-        random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
+        random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
     ) -> None:
         Test for deleting an unfinished workflow execution.
@@ -1132,11 +1133,12 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesDelete(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : app.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         response = await client.delete(
-            "/".join([self.base_path, str(random_workflow_execution.execution_id)]), headers=random_user.auth_headers
+            "/".join([self.base_path, str(random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id)]),
+            headers=random_user.auth_headers,
         assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
@@ -1146,7 +1148,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesDelete(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
         client: AsyncClient,
         db: AsyncSession,
         random_user: UserWithAuthHeader,
-        random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
+        random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
     ) -> None:
         Test for deleting a workflow execution.
@@ -1159,17 +1161,18 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesDelete(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             Async database session to perform query on.
         random_user : app.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         await db.execute(
-            .where(WorkflowExecution._execution_id == random_workflow_execution.execution_id.bytes)
+            .where(WorkflowExecution._execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.bytes)
         await db.commit()
         response = await client.delete(
-            "/".join([self.base_path, str(random_workflow_execution.execution_id)]), headers=random_user.auth_headers
+            "/".join([self.base_path, str(random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id)]),
+            headers=random_user.auth_headers,
         assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
@@ -1180,7 +1183,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCancel(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
         client: AsyncClient,
         random_user: UserWithAuthHeader,
-        random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
+        random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
         mock_slurm_cluster: MockSlurmCluster,
     ) -> None:
@@ -1192,17 +1195,17 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCancel(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             HTTP Client to perform the request on.
         random_user : app.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         mock_slurm_cluster : app.tests.mocks.mock_slurm_cluster.MockSlurmCluster
             Mock Slurm cluster to inspect submitted jobs.
         response = await client.post(
-            "/".join([self.base_path, str(random_workflow_execution.execution_id), "cancel"]),
+            "/".join([self.base_path, str(random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id), "cancel"]),
         assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
-        job_active = mock_slurm_cluster.job_active(random_workflow_execution.slurm_job_id)
+        job_active = mock_slurm_cluster.job_active(random_running_workflow_execution.slurm_job_id)
         assert not job_active
@@ -1211,7 +1214,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCancel(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
         client: AsyncClient,
         db: AsyncSession,
         random_user: UserWithAuthHeader,
-        random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
+        random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution,
     ) -> None:
         Test for canceling a finished workflow execution.
@@ -1224,17 +1227,17 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionRoutesCancel(_TestWorkflowExecutionRoutes):
             Async database session to perform query on.
         random_user : app.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
             Random user for testing.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         await db.execute(
-            .where(WorkflowExecution._execution_id == random_workflow_execution.execution_id.bytes)
+            .where(WorkflowExecution._execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.bytes)
         await db.commit()
         response = await client.post(
-            "/".join([self.base_path, str(random_workflow_execution.execution_id), "cancel"]),
+            "/".join([self.base_path, str(random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id), "cancel"]),
         assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST
diff --git a/app/tests/conftest.py b/app/tests/conftest.py
index 7e7a2210d3eb0e9152ae976d47d6d4d327819ce7..0b00faa98fc5ec3ca33b6b72491160ca3c4574a4 100644
--- a/app/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/app/tests/conftest.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import asyncio
+import time
 from functools import partial
 from io import BytesIO
 from secrets import token_urlsafe
@@ -278,7 +279,7 @@ async def random_workflow_version(db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut
-async def random_workflow_execution(
+async def random_running_workflow_execution(
     db: AsyncSession,
     random_workflow_version: WorkflowVersion,
     random_user: UserWithAuthHeader,
@@ -286,7 +287,7 @@ async def random_workflow_execution(
     mock_slurm_cluster: MockSlurmCluster,
 ) -> AsyncIterator[WorkflowExecution]:
-    Create a random workflow execution. Will be deleted, when the user is deleted.
+    Create a random running workflow execution. Will be deleted, when the user is deleted.
     execution = WorkflowExecution(
@@ -308,6 +309,23 @@ async def random_workflow_execution(
+async def random_completed_workflow_execution(
+    db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+) -> WorkflowExecution:
+    """
+    Create a random workflow execution which is completed.
+    """
+    await db.execute(
+        update(WorkflowExecution)
+        .where(WorkflowExecution._execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.bytes)
+        .values(end_time=round(time.time()), status=WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.SUCCESS)
+    )
+    await db.commit()
+    return random_running_workflow_execution
 async def random_workflow_mode(
     db: AsyncSession,
diff --git a/app/tests/crud/test_user.py b/app/tests/crud/test_user.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7db6677c3e6f660439694f0b03e9b3d02b7f185a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/tests/crud/test_user.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import pytest
+from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
+from app.crud import CRUDUser
+from app.tests.utils.user import UserWithAuthHeader
+from app.tests.utils.utils import random_hex_string
+class TestUserCRUD:
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_user(self, db: AsyncSession, random_user: UserWithAuthHeader) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting a user from the database
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_user : app.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
+            Random user for testing.
+        """
+        user = await CRUDUser.get(db, random_user.user.uid)
+        assert user is not None
+        assert user == random_user.user
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_non_existing_user(self, db: AsyncSession) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting a non-existing user from the database
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        """
+        user = await CRUDUser.get(db, random_hex_string())
+        assert user is None
diff --git a/app/tests/crud/test_workflow.py b/app/tests/crud/test_workflow.py
index 47b2a07c092cb0cc5d4f48af17d3c2d688cbbdf2..637c2d8002b12564b319c24ab4fac0a91061832c 100644
--- a/app/tests/crud/test_workflow.py
+++ b/app/tests/crud/test_workflow.py
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
 import random
-from datetime import date
+from datetime import date, timedelta
+from uuid import uuid4
 import pytest
 from clowmdb.models import Workflow, WorkflowExecution, WorkflowVersion
 from sqlalchemy import delete, select
 from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
+from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
 from app.crud import CRUDWorkflow
 from app.schemas.workflow import WorkflowIn, WorkflowOut
+from app.schemas.workflow_mode import WorkflowModeIn
 from app.tests.utils.user import UserWithAuthHeader
 from app.tests.utils.utils import random_hex_string, random_lower_string
@@ -137,10 +140,10 @@ class TestWorkflowCRUDGet:
     async def test_get_workflow_statistics(
-        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut, random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
     ) -> None:
-        Test for getting a workflow by its name from CRUD Repository.
+        Test for getting the aggregated workflow statistics.
@@ -148,12 +151,215 @@ class TestWorkflowCRUDGet:
             Async database session to perform query on.
         random_workflow : app.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
             Random bucket for testing.
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing.
         statistics = await CRUDWorkflow.statistics(db, random_workflow.workflow_id)
         assert len(statistics) == 1
         assert statistics[0].day == date.today()
         assert statistics[0].count == 1
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_workflow_developer_statistics(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut, random_completed_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting workflow statistics for developer.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_workflow : app.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
+            Random bucket for testing.
+        random_completed_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing.
+        """
+        statistics = await CRUDWorkflow.developer_statistics(db)
+        assert len(statistics) == 1
+        assert statistics[0].started_at == date.today()
+        assert statistics[0].workflow_id == random_workflow.workflow_id
+        assert statistics[0].workflow_execution_id == random_completed_workflow_execution.execution_id
+        assert statistics[0].git_commit_hash == random_completed_workflow_execution.workflow_version_id
+        assert statistics[0].pseudo_uid != random_completed_workflow_execution.user_id
+        assert statistics[0].developer_id == random_workflow.developer_id
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_workflow_developer_statistics_with_developer_id(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut, random_completed_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting workflow statistics for developer with a developer ID.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_workflow : app.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
+            Random bucket for testing.
+        random_completed_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing.
+        """
+        statistics = await CRUDWorkflow.developer_statistics(db, developer_id=random_workflow.developer_id)
+        assert len(statistics) == 1
+        assert statistics[0].started_at == date.today()
+        assert statistics[0].workflow_id == random_workflow.workflow_id
+        assert statistics[0].workflow_execution_id == random_completed_workflow_execution.execution_id
+        assert statistics[0].git_commit_hash == random_completed_workflow_execution.workflow_version_id
+        assert statistics[0].pseudo_uid != random_completed_workflow_execution.user_id
+        assert statistics[0].developer_id == random_workflow.developer_id
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_workflow_developer_statistics_with_non_existent_developer_id(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut, random_completed_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting workflow statistics for developer with a non-existing developer ID.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_workflow : app.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
+            Random bucket for testing.
+        random_completed_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing.
+        """
+        statistics = await CRUDWorkflow.developer_statistics(db, developer_id=random_lower_string(40))
+        assert len(statistics) == 0
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_workflow_developer_statistics_with_workflow_id(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut, random_completed_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting workflow statistics for developer with a workflow ID.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_workflow : app.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
+            Random bucket for testing.
+        random_completed_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing.
+        """
+        statistics = await CRUDWorkflow.developer_statistics(db, workflow_ids=[random_workflow.workflow_id])
+        assert len(statistics) == 1
+        assert statistics[0].started_at == date.today()
+        assert statistics[0].workflow_id == random_workflow.workflow_id
+        assert statistics[0].workflow_execution_id == random_completed_workflow_execution.execution_id
+        assert statistics[0].git_commit_hash == random_completed_workflow_execution.workflow_version_id
+        assert statistics[0].pseudo_uid != random_completed_workflow_execution.user_id
+        assert statistics[0].developer_id == random_workflow.developer_id
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_workflow_developer_statistics_with_non_existent_workflow_id(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut, random_completed_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting workflow statistics for developer with a non-existing workflow ID.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_workflow : app.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
+            Random bucket for testing.
+        random_completed_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing.
+        """
+        statistics = await CRUDWorkflow.developer_statistics(db, workflow_ids=[uuid4()])
+        assert len(statistics) == 0
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_workflow_developer_statistics_with_start_date(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut, random_completed_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting workflow statistics for developer with a start date in the past.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_workflow : app.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
+            Random bucket for testing.
+        random_completed_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing.
+        """
+        statistics = await CRUDWorkflow.developer_statistics(db, start=date.today() - timedelta(days=7))
+        assert len(statistics) == 1
+        assert statistics[0].started_at == date.today()
+        assert statistics[0].workflow_id == random_workflow.workflow_id
+        assert statistics[0].workflow_execution_id == random_completed_workflow_execution.execution_id
+        assert statistics[0].git_commit_hash == random_completed_workflow_execution.workflow_version_id
+        assert statistics[0].pseudo_uid != random_completed_workflow_execution.user_id
+        assert statistics[0].developer_id == random_workflow.developer_id
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_workflow_developer_statistics_with_bad_start_day(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut, random_completed_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting workflow statistics for developer with a start date in the future.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_workflow : app.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
+            Random bucket for testing.
+        random_completed_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing.
+        """
+        statistics = await CRUDWorkflow.developer_statistics(db, start=date.today() + timedelta(days=7))
+        assert len(statistics) == 0
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_workflow_developer_statistics_with_end_date(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut, random_completed_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting workflow statistics for developer with a end date in the future.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_workflow : app.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
+            Random bucket for testing.
+        random_completed_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing.
+        """
+        statistics = await CRUDWorkflow.developer_statistics(db, end=date.today() + timedelta(days=7))
+        assert len(statistics) == 1
+        assert statistics[0].started_at == date.today()
+        assert statistics[0].workflow_id == random_workflow.workflow_id
+        assert statistics[0].workflow_execution_id == random_completed_workflow_execution.execution_id
+        assert statistics[0].git_commit_hash == random_completed_workflow_execution.workflow_version_id
+        assert statistics[0].pseudo_uid != random_completed_workflow_execution.user_id
+        assert statistics[0].developer_id == random_workflow.developer_id
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_workflow_developer_statistics_with_bad_end_day(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut, random_completed_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting workflow statistics for developer with a end date in the past.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_workflow : app.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
+            Random bucket for testing.
+        random_completed_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing.
+        """
+        statistics = await CRUDWorkflow.developer_statistics(db, end=date.today() - timedelta(days=7))
+        assert len(statistics) == 0
 class TestWorkflowCRUDCreate:
@@ -185,6 +391,47 @@ class TestWorkflowCRUDCreate:
         await db.execute(delete(Workflow).where(Workflow._workflow_id == workflow.workflow_id.bytes))
         await db.commit()
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_create_workflow_with_mode(self, db: AsyncSession, random_user: UserWithAuthHeader) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for creating a workflow with a mode in CRUD Repository.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_user : app.tests.utils.user.UserWithAuthHeader
+            Random user for testing.
+        """
+        workflow_in = WorkflowIn(
+            git_commit_hash=random_hex_string(),
+            name=random_lower_string(10),
+            short_description=random_lower_string(65),
+            repository_url="https://github.com/example/example",
+            modes=[
+                WorkflowModeIn(
+                    schema_path="example/schema.json", name=random_lower_string(), entrypoint=random_lower_string()
+                )
+            ],
+        )
+        workflow = await CRUDWorkflow.create(db, workflow=workflow_in, developer=random_user.user.uid)
+        assert workflow is not None
+        stmt = (
+            select(Workflow)
+            .where(Workflow._workflow_id == workflow.workflow_id.bytes)
+            .options(joinedload(Workflow.versions).selectinload(WorkflowVersion.workflow_modes))
+        )
+        created_workflow = await db.scalar(stmt)
+        assert created_workflow is not None
+        assert created_workflow == workflow
+        assert len(created_workflow.versions) == 1
+        assert len(created_workflow.versions[0].workflow_modes) == 1
+        await db.execute(delete(Workflow).where(Workflow._workflow_id == workflow.workflow_id.bytes))
+        await db.commit()
     async def test_create_workflow_credentials(self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut) -> None:
diff --git a/app/tests/crud/test_workflow_execution.py b/app/tests/crud/test_workflow_execution.py
index b0f8013d004dabc8d9fed86863e8cdab41a33b43..815eaf8dea2671e9f335c48a141dd074850976f3 100644
--- a/app/tests/crud/test_workflow_execution.py
+++ b/app/tests/crud/test_workflow_execution.py
@@ -79,7 +79,9 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDCreate:
 class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDGet:
-    async def test_get_workflow_execution(self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution) -> None:
+    async def test_get_workflow_execution(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
         Test for getting a workflow execution by its execution id.
@@ -87,12 +89,12 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDGet:
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
             Async database session to perform query on.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
-        execution = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.get(db, random_workflow_execution.execution_id)
+        execution = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.get(db, random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id)
         assert execution is not None
-        assert execution == random_workflow_execution
+        assert execution == random_running_workflow_execution
     async def test_get_non_existing_workflow_execution(self, db: AsyncSession) -> None:
@@ -111,7 +113,7 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDGet:
 class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDList:
     async def test_list_workflow_executions(
-        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
     ) -> None:
         Test for listing all workflow executions.
@@ -120,16 +122,16 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDList:
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
             Async database session to perform query on.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         executions = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.list(db)
         assert len(executions) > 0
-        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution == random_workflow_execution) == 1
+        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution == random_running_workflow_execution) == 1
     async def test_get_list_workflow_executions_of_user(
-        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
     ) -> None:
         Test for listing all workflow executions and filter by user.
@@ -138,17 +140,17 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDList:
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
             Async database session to perform query on.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
-        executions = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.list(db, uid=random_workflow_execution.user_id)
+        executions = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.list(db, uid=random_running_workflow_execution.user_id)
         assert len(executions) > 0
-        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution == random_workflow_execution) == 1
-        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution.user_id == random_workflow_execution.user_id) >= 1
+        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution == random_running_workflow_execution) == 1
+        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution.user_id == random_running_workflow_execution.user_id) >= 1
     async def test_get_list_workflow_executions_of_non_existing_user(
-        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
     ) -> None:
         Test for listing all workflow executions and filter by non-existing user.
@@ -157,16 +159,16 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDList:
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
             Async database session to perform query on.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         executions = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.list(db, uid=random_lower_string())
         assert len(executions) == 0
-        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution == random_workflow_execution) == 0
+        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution == random_running_workflow_execution) == 0
     async def test_get_list_workflow_executions_of_workflow_version(
-        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
     ) -> None:
         Test for listing all workflow executions and filter by workflow version id.
@@ -175,26 +177,26 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDList:
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
             Async database session to perform query on.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         executions = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.list(
-            db, workflow_version_id=random_workflow_execution.workflow_version_id
+            db, workflow_version_id=random_running_workflow_execution.workflow_version_id
         assert len(executions) > 0
-        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution == random_workflow_execution) == 1
+        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution == random_running_workflow_execution) == 1
         assert (
                 for execution in executions
-                if execution.workflow_version_id == random_workflow_execution.workflow_version_id
+                if execution.workflow_version_id == random_running_workflow_execution.workflow_version_id
             >= 1
     async def test_get_list_workflow_executions_of_non_existing_workflow_version(
-        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
     ) -> None:
         Test for listing all workflow executions and filter by non-existing workflow version id.
@@ -203,16 +205,16 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDList:
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
             Async database session to perform query on.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
         executions = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.list(db, workflow_version_id=random_hex_string())
         assert len(executions) == 0
-        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution == random_workflow_execution) == 0
+        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution == random_running_workflow_execution) == 0
     async def test_get_list_workflow_executions_with_given_status(
-        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
     ) -> None:
         Test for listing all workflow executions and filter by status.
@@ -221,19 +223,19 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDList:
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
             Async database session to perform query on.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
-        executions = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.list(db, status_list=[random_workflow_execution.status])
+        executions = await CRUDWorkflowExecution.list(db, status_list=[random_running_workflow_execution.status])
         assert len(executions) > 0
-        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution == random_workflow_execution) == 1
-        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution.status == random_workflow_execution.status) >= 1
+        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution == random_running_workflow_execution) == 1
+        assert sum(1 for execution in executions if execution.status == random_running_workflow_execution.status) >= 1
 class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDLUpdate:
     async def test_cancel_workflow_execution(
-        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
     ) -> None:
         Test for canceling a workflow execution.
@@ -242,23 +244,46 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDLUpdate:
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
             Async database session to perform query on.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
-        await CRUDWorkflowExecution.cancel(db, random_workflow_execution.execution_id)
+        await CRUDWorkflowExecution.cancel(db, random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id)
         stmt = select(WorkflowExecution).where(
-            WorkflowExecution._execution_id == random_workflow_execution.execution_id.bytes
+            WorkflowExecution._execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.bytes
         execution = await db.scalar(stmt)
         assert execution is not None
         assert execution.status == WorkflowExecution.WorkflowExecutionStatus.CANCELED
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_update_workflow_execution_slurm_job(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for updating the slurm job id of a workflow execution.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+            Random workflow execution for testing.
+        """
+        await CRUDWorkflowExecution.update_slurm_job_id(db, random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id, 250)
+        stmt = select(WorkflowExecution).where(
+            WorkflowExecution._execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.bytes
+        )
+        execution = await db.scalar(stmt)
+        assert execution is not None
+        assert execution.slurm_job_id == 250
 class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDDelete:
     async def test_delete_workflow_execution(
-        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_running_workflow_execution: WorkflowExecution
     ) -> None:
         Test for deleting a workflow execution.
@@ -267,13 +292,13 @@ class TestWorkflowExecutionCRUDDelete:
         db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
             Async database session to perform query on.
-        random_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
+        random_running_workflow_execution : clowmdb.models.WorkflowExecution
             Random workflow execution for testing.
-        await CRUDWorkflowExecution.delete(db, random_workflow_execution.execution_id)
+        await CRUDWorkflowExecution.delete(db, random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id)
         stmt = select(WorkflowExecution).where(
-            WorkflowExecution._execution_id == random_workflow_execution.execution_id.bytes
+            WorkflowExecution._execution_id == random_running_workflow_execution.execution_id.bytes
         execution = await db.scalar(stmt)
         assert execution is None
diff --git a/app/tests/crud/test_workflow_version.py b/app/tests/crud/test_workflow_version.py
index c0d6734ff195a75df32818839e4609d772add8ba..2dfddbee25323d282186c0115866658036eadd86 100644
--- a/app/tests/crud/test_workflow_version.py
+++ b/app/tests/crud/test_workflow_version.py
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+from uuid import uuid4
 import pytest
-from clowmdb.models import WorkflowVersion
+from clowmdb.models import WorkflowMode, WorkflowVersion
 from sqlalchemy import select
 from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
+from sqlalchemy.orm import selectinload
 from app.crud import CRUDWorkflowVersion
 from app.schemas.workflow import WorkflowOut
@@ -28,6 +31,44 @@ class TestWorkflowVersionCRUDGet:
         assert version.workflow_id == random_workflow_version.workflow_id
         assert version.git_commit_hash == random_workflow_version.git_commit_hash
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_specific_workflow_version_with_workflow_id(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow_version: WorkflowVersion
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting a workflow version and constraint it by a workflow ID from CRUD Repository.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.model.WorkflowVersion
+            Random workflow version for testing.
+        """
+        version = await CRUDWorkflowVersion.get(
+            db, random_workflow_version.git_commit_hash, workflow_id=random_workflow_version.workflow_id
+        )
+        assert version is not None
+        assert version.workflow_id == random_workflow_version.workflow_id
+        assert version.git_commit_hash == random_workflow_version.git_commit_hash
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_get_specific_workflow_version_with_false_workflow_id(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow_version: WorkflowVersion
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for getting a workflow version and constraint it with a non-existing workflow ID CRUD Repository.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_workflow_version : clowmdb.model.WorkflowVersion
+            Random workflow version for testing.
+        """
+        version = await CRUDWorkflowVersion.get(db, random_workflow_version.git_commit_hash, workflow_id=uuid4())
+        assert version is None
     async def test_get_specific_workflow_version_with_populated_workflow(
         self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow_version: WorkflowVersion
@@ -145,10 +186,52 @@ class TestWorkflowVersionCRUDCreate:
         assert workflow_version is not None
-        stmt = select(WorkflowVersion).where(WorkflowVersion.git_commit_hash == workflow_version.git_commit_hash)
+        stmt = (
+            select(WorkflowVersion)
+            .where(WorkflowVersion.git_commit_hash == workflow_version.git_commit_hash)
+            .options(selectinload(WorkflowVersion.workflow_modes))
+        )
+        created_workflow_version = await db.scalar(stmt)
+        assert created_workflow_version is not None
+        assert created_workflow_version == workflow_version
+        assert len(created_workflow_version.workflow_modes) == 0
+    @pytest.mark.asyncio
+    async def test_create_workflow_version_with_mode(
+        self, db: AsyncSession, random_workflow: WorkflowOut, random_workflow_mode: WorkflowMode
+    ) -> None:
+        """
+        Test for creating a workflow version in CRUD Repository.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        db : sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.AsyncSession.
+            Async database session to perform query on.
+        random_workflow : app.schemas.workflow.WorkflowOut
+            Random bucket for testing.
+        random_workflow_mode : clowmdb.models.WorkflowMode
+            Random workflow mode for testing.
+        """
+        workflow_version = await CRUDWorkflowVersion.create(
+            db,
+            git_commit_hash=random_hex_string(),
+            version="v2.0.0",
+            wid=random_workflow.workflow_id,
+            previous_version=random_workflow.versions[-1].git_commit_hash,
+            modes=[random_workflow_mode.mode_id],
+        )
+        assert workflow_version is not None
+        stmt = (
+            select(WorkflowVersion)
+            .where(WorkflowVersion.git_commit_hash == workflow_version.git_commit_hash)
+            .options(selectinload(WorkflowVersion.workflow_modes))
+        )
         created_workflow_version = await db.scalar(stmt)
         assert created_workflow_version is not None
         assert created_workflow_version == workflow_version
+        assert len(created_workflow_version.workflow_modes) == 1
+        assert created_workflow_version.workflow_modes[0].mode_id == random_workflow_mode.mode_id
 class TestWorkflowVersionCRUDUpdate:
diff --git a/app/tests/utils/user.py b/app/tests/utils/user.py
index 109cc0a9e56bf546a3d23c060026f70ceb31f200..ff514b4ca098533bce88bf17f3e6988a32d83343 100644
--- a/app/tests/utils/user.py
+++ b/app/tests/utils/user.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from authlib.jose import JsonWebToken
 from clowmdb.models import User
 from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession
-from .utils import random_lower_string
+from .utils import random_hex_string, random_lower_string
 _jwt = JsonWebToken(["HS256"])
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ async def create_random_user(db: AsyncSession) -> User:
         Newly created user.
     user = User(
-        uid=random_lower_string(),
+        uid=random_hex_string(),
diff --git a/app/utils/backoff_strategy.py b/app/utils/backoff_strategy.py
index ca90f8176701510d3650e447d0b98e050033bcae..3e12ddc7ad50f4a72dc7d7a863bfd5ef0493a103 100644
--- a/app/utils/backoff_strategy.py
+++ b/app/utils/backoff_strategy.py
@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ class BackoffStrategy(ABC, Generator):
         Compute the next value in the infinite series for this backoff strategy.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        iteration : int
+            The number of the current interation
         val : int
diff --git a/requirements-dev.txt b/requirements-dev.txt
index d0e72cf34023f4028e1b6d4eb7f07b0276c6444c..174fa2d54e6f59c1252c5332e373d64c7f5b8929 100644
--- a/requirements-dev.txt
+++ b/requirements-dev.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ pytest-asyncio>=0.21.0,<0.22.0
 # Linters