Explore projects
Benjamin Paaßen / proto-dist-ml
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA Python3 library for prototype- and distance-based machine learning models.
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This project accompanies the lecture deep learning.
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Jonas Scherer / Not_seeing_the_forest_for_the_trees_Combination_of_path_integration_and_landmark_cues_in_human_virtual_navigation
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
neuro / neuro.gitlab.io
MIT LicenseWebseite des fMRT-Kolloquiums, basierend auf Hugo und als HTML mit gitlab-pages präsentiert (https://neuro.pages.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/neuro/)
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ml4proflow / pub / ml4proflow-pub-indin23
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ml4proflow / ml4proflow-mods-informationfusion
MIT LicenseThis package provides information fusion modules for ml4proflow.
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This package provides modules of the ina use cases for ml4proflow.
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ml4proflow / ml4proflow-mods-iem
MIT LicenseThis package provides modules of the iem use case for ml4proflow.
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ml4proflow / ml4proflow-mods-amiro
MIT LicenseThis module provides an interface for the AMiRo (Autonomous Mini Robot) in ml4proflow
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ml4proflow / ml4proflow-mods-acoustic-ssad
MIT LicenseThis package contains modules of the end-of-line test use cases for ml4proflow.
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ml4proflow / ml4proflow-jupyter
MIT LicenseThis package provides a graphical user interface based on Jupyter Notebooks for ml4proflow.
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