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-    "markdown": "---\ntitle: Assessment of graph literacy among German medical students -- a cross-sectional study to assess graph interpretation skills\nsubtitle: Draft of the manuscript\ntitle-block-banner: true # \"#145F7D\" als Fakultäts-Farbe\n# title-block-banner-color: \"#F0F0F0\" als weisse Schrift\ntheme:\n  light: flatly\n  dark: darkly\nmetadata-files: \n  - _authordata.yml # vor der finalen Online-Veröffentlichung noch hierhin kopieren\n  - text/_plain-language-summary.md # die Gedankenstruktur des Manuskripts: siehe NOTIZ\nfilters:\n  - authors-block # um den Autoren-Block auch im Word-Dokument zu haben\n  - abstract-section # um den Abstract im normalen Text und nicht im YAML-Header zu schreiben\n  - color-text.lua # Schriftfarben\n  - webr # interaktiver R-Code\nengine: knitr\nwebr: \n  show-startup-message: true\n  packages: ['ggplot2']\nkeywords: \n  - Undergraduate Medical Education\n  - Health Literacy\ndescription: |\n  Eine allgemeine Beschreibung des Projekts, das hinter dem Manuskript steht.\nkey-points:\n  - Medizinische Ausbildung ist ein Querschnittsfach aus den Bereichen Medizin, Pädagogik und Psychologie.\n  - Medical education is a multidisciplinary field of medicine, education, and psychology.\ndate: last-modified\nciteproc: true\nbibliography: text/references.bib\ncsl: bmc-medicine.csl # https://www.zotero.org/styles/bmc-medicine\ncitation-location: margin\nnumber-sections: false\nappendix-style: default\nlightbox: auto\nfunding: \n  statement: \"Der/die Autor*innen erhielt(en) für diese Arbeit keine spezielle Finanzierung.\"\nlang: en\neditor:\n  markdown:\n    canonical: true\n---\n\n\n## Abstract\n\n\n**Background / Hintergrund**: {{< lipsum 1 >}}\n\n**Methods / Methoden**: ...\n\n**Results / Ergebnisse**: ...\n\n**Conclusio / Schlussfolgerungen**: ...\n\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n::: {.callout-caution title=\"IN PROGRESS ...\"}\nThis manuscript is a work in progress. However, thank you for your interest. Please feel free to visit this web site again at a later date.\n\n[*Dieses Manuskript ist noch in Arbeit. Wir danken Ihnen jedoch für Ihr Interesse. Bitte besuchen Sie diese Website zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt noch einmal ...*]{color=\"gray\"}\n:::\n\n::: {.callout-tip title=\"STRUKTUR DES MANUSKRIPTS\" collapse=\"true\"}\n[{{< meta plain-language-summary >}}]{color=\"gray\"}\n:::\n\n## Background\n\n### Broad problem\n\nHealth literacy depends on diverse aspects of skills in processing information. To adequately understand medical reports, treatments and study results a set of abilities is needed. Thinking of future physicians one can imagine a multitude of situations where a high health literacy is required: whenever talking with patients about medical data, consenting in treatments and educating patients about diseases, making clinical decisions depending on laboratory results, imaging and study results, understanding evidence, interpretation of epidemiological data and communication in medical teams.\n\n### Theoretical and/or empirical focus of the problem\n\nOne important aspect of health literacy is graph literacy, meaning the reading and understanding of graphs. This process is depending on decoding and interpreting signs and symbols and known as semiotic activity. Thus, the ability to understand graphs should not be considered isolatioted from other forms of literacy. It is an integral part of the ability to process and communicate information effectively in a world that is increasingly dependent on data and its visual representation.\n\nProcessing those visual representations is essential for understanding scientific and statistical data [@friel2001making] and particularly relevant in areas such as medical research where graphs and data visualizations are frequently used to convey complex information. A personal understanding of the representations is essential when preparing data for communication in order to ensure adequate knowledge transfer to others [@cooper2002graphical]. But misleading representations (either through deliberate manipulation or unintentionally through errors or incompleteness) can also have a significant influence on the reception of information by the recipient [@melnik2023my].\n\nIn summary it ca be said that graph literacy, as a form of semiotic activity, is a crucial component of overall literacy [@roth2002reading]. It can have an impact on risk comprehension [@okan2019using], suggesting that a higher graph literacy may be associated with a better decision-making performance. However, studies of graph literacy mainly refer to patients [@durand2020graph] or the ability of doctors [@caverly2015doctors] to interpret graphical representations.\n\n### Focused problem statement\n\nEspecially for those advising and informing people with less health and graph literacy, it is important to achieve high competence in graph literacy themselves. But lack of understanding of visual representations can significantly impact decision making for patients and for (future) medical doctors.\n\nWhen providing information to patients, medical doctors must be aware about patient health literacy and about their own. Therefore, we conducted a cohort study with medical students for understanding their ability to interpret medical information provided visually.\n\n### Statement of study intent\n\nWe performed a study of medical students to investigate the following questions:\n\n1.  What is ...\n2.  Why are ...\n\n\n\n## Methods\n\n\n### Setting and subjects\n\nOur study was conducted at Medical Faculty of Münster, Germany. It takes six years to complete a course in medical school in Germany, with students enrolled directly from secondary schools. The course of study is divided into a pre-clinical section (the first two years) and a clinical section (the last four years). To improve students' clinical experience, they are rotated in various hospital departments during their final year (\"clinical/practical\" year).\n\n### Study design\n\nThe participants were asked to complete the graph literacy scale voluntarily and anonymously.\n\n### Ethical approval\n\n{{< lipsum 1 >}}\n\n### Data collection\n\nData collection for this study was determined à priori as follows:\n\n...\n\n```{webr-r}\n#| context: setup\n\n# Download a dataset\ndownload.file(\n  'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coatless/raw-data/main/penguins.csv',\n  'penguins.csv'\n)\n\n# Read the data\ndf_penguins = read.csv(\"penguins.csv\")\n```\n\n### Outcome Measures\n\n...\n\n### Statistical methods\n\n...\n\n```{webr-r}\n#| context: interactive\n\n# Download a dataset\ndownload.file(\n  'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coatless/raw-data/main/penguins.csv',\n  'penguins.csv'\n) # Download the dataset\n\n# Read the data\npenguins = read.csv(\"penguins.csv\") # Read the data\n\n# Scatterplot example: penguin bill length versus bill depth\nggplot2::ggplot(data = penguins, ggplot2::aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm)) + # Build a scatterplot\n  ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(color = species, \n                 shape = species),\n             size = 2)  +\n  ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c(\"darkorange\",\"darkorchid\",\"cyan4\"))\n```\n\n\n\n\n## Results\n\n### Recruitment Process and Demographic Characteristics\n\nThe recruitment process is shown in Figure 1. We obtained XX complete data sets (return rate YY.Z%) after contacting ...\n\n<!-- Man kann Code-Ergebnisse über {{< embed notebooks/EDA.qmd#fig-map >}} einfügen -->\n\n### Primary and secondary Outcomes\n\n![Beispielgrafik: ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte ...](Durchschnittswerte_Selbsteinschätzung_NKLM_14a.jpg)\n\n<!-- Man kann Code-Ergebnisse über {{< embed notebooks/EDA.qmd#fig-map >}} einfügen -->\n\n\n\n## Discussion\n\n### Summary\n\nAfter the evaluation of all datasets, the following findings emerged. The first is that ...\n\n### Limitation: study population\n\n{{< lipsum 1 >}}\n\n### Limitation: study design\n\n...\n\n### Integration with prior work\n\nOnly a few studies provide insights into the graphical and numerical skills among medical students.\n\nIn a cross-sectional, descriptive study, the researchers applied the Objective Numeracy, Subjective Numeracy, and Graph Literacy Scales to medical students in their final two years of medical school and to medical residents. The study included 169 participants, comprising 70% sixth-year seventh-year students, and 30% residents. The findings showed that the mean graph literacy was 10.35. A multiple linear regression analysis revealed that higher scores in the Graph Literacy Scale were associated with the male gender and younger age. The study concluded that numeracy and graph literacy scales' mean scores were high among the medical students in this sample [@mas2018graphical].\n\n### Implications for practice\n\n{{< lipsum 1 >}}\n\n### Implications for research\n\n...\n\n### Conclusions\n\n...\n\n\n\n## References {.unnumbered}\n\n::: {#refs}\n:::\n\n## Declarations {.appendix}\n\n\n### Ethics approval and consent to participate\n\n{{< lipsum 1 >}}\n\n### Consent for publication\n\nNot applicable\n\n### Availability of data and materials\n\nThe original data that support the findings of this study are available from Open Science Framework (osf.io, see manuscript-URL).\n\n### Competing interests\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.\n\n### Funding\n\nThe author(s) received no specific funding for this work.\n\n### Authors' contributions\n\n{{< lipsum 1 >}}\n\n### CRediT authorship contribution statement\n\n**Janina Soler Wenglein:** Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Visualization, Writing - original draft.  \n**Hendrik Friederichs:** Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Supervision, Writing - review & editing, Writing - original draft.\n\n### Acknowledgments\n\nThe authors are grateful for the insightful comments offered by the anonymous peer reviewers at {{< meta citation.container-title >}}. The generosity and expertise of one and all have improved this study in innumerable ways and saved us from many errors; those that inevitably remain are entirely our own responsibility.\n\n",
-    "supporting": [],
+    "markdown": "---\ntitle: Assessment of graph literacy among German medical students -- a cross-sectional study to assess graph interpretation skills\nsubtitle: Draft of the manuscript\ntitle-block-banner: true # \"#145F7D\" als Fakultäts-Farbe\n# title-block-banner-color: \"#F0F0F0\" als weisse Schrift\ntheme:\n  light: flatly\n  dark: darkly\nmetadata-files: \n  - _authordata.yml # vor der finalen Online-Veröffentlichung noch hierhin kopieren\n  - text/_plain-language-summary.md # die Gedankenstruktur des Manuskripts: siehe NOTIZ\nfilters:\n  - authors-block # um den Autoren-Block auch im Word-Dokument zu haben\n  - abstract-section # um den Abstract im normalen Text und nicht im YAML-Header zu schreiben\n  - color-text.lua # Schriftfarben\n  - webr # interaktiver R-Code\nengine: knitr\nwebr: \n  show-startup-message: true\n  packages: ['ggplot2']\nkeywords: \n  - Undergraduate Medical Education\n  - Health Literacy\ndescription: |\n  Eine allgemeine Beschreibung des Projekts, das hinter dem Manuskript steht.\nkey-points:\n  - Medizinische Ausbildung ist ein Querschnittsfach aus den Bereichen Medizin, Pädagogik und Psychologie.\n  - Medical education is a multidisciplinary field of medicine, education, and psychology.\ndate: last-modified\nciteproc: true\nbibliography: text/references.bib\nzotero: \"graph-literacy-progress\"\ncsl: bmc-medicine.csl # https://www.zotero.org/styles/bmc-medicine\ncitation-location: margin\nnumber-sections: false\nappendix-style: default\nlightbox: auto\nfunding: \n  statement: \"Der/die Autor*innen erhielt(en) für diese Arbeit keine spezielle Finanzierung.\"\nlang: en\neditor:\n  markdown:\n    canonical: true\n---\n\n\n## Abstract\n\n\n**Background / Hintergrund**: {{< lipsum 1 >}}\n\n**Methods / Methoden**: ...\n\n**Results / Ergebnisse**: ...\n\n**Conclusio / Schlussfolgerungen**: ...\n\n\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n::: {.callout-caution title=\"IN PROGRESS ...\"}\nThis manuscript is a work in progress. However, thank you for your interest. Please feel free to visit this web site again at a later date.\n\n[*Dieses Manuskript ist noch in Arbeit. Wir danken Ihnen jedoch für Ihr Interesse. Bitte besuchen Sie diese Website zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt noch einmal ...*]{color=\"gray\"}\n:::\n\n::: {.callout-tip title=\"STRUKTUR DES MANUSKRIPTS\" collapse=\"true\"}\n[{{< meta plain-language-summary >}}]{color=\"gray\"}\n:::\n\n## Background\n\n### Broad problem\n\nHealth literacy depends on diverse aspects of skills in processing information. To adequately understand medical reports, treatments and study results a set of abilities is needed. Thinking of future physicians one can imagine a multitude of situations where a high health literacy is required: whenever talking with patients about medical data, consenting in treatments and educating patients about diseases, making clinical decisions depending on laboratory results, imaging and study results, understanding evidence, interpretation of epidemiological data and communication in medical teams.\n\n### Theoretical and/or empirical focus of the problem\n\nOne important aspect of health literacy is graph literacy, meaning the reading and understanding of graphs. This process is depending on decoding and interpreting signs and symbols and known as semiotic activity. Thus, the ability to understand graphs should not be considered isolatioted from other forms of literacy. It is an integral part of the ability to process and communicate information effectively in a world that is increasingly dependent on data and its visual representation.\n\nProcessing those visual representations is essential for understanding scientific and statistical data [@friel2001making] and particularly relevant in areas such as medical research where graphs and data visualizations are frequently used to convey complex information. A personal understanding of the representations is essential when preparing data for communication in order to ensure adequate knowledge transfer to others [@cooper2002graphical]. But misleading representations (either through deliberate manipulation or unintentionally through errors or incompleteness) can also have a significant influence on the reception of information by the recipient [@melnik2023my].\n\nIn summary it ca be said that graph literacy, as a form of semiotic activity, is a crucial component of overall literacy [@roth2002reading]. It can have an impact on risk comprehension [@okan2019using], suggesting that a higher graph literacy may be associated with a better decision-making performance. However, studies of graph literacy mainly refer to patients [@durand2020graph] or the ability of doctors [@caverly2015doctors] to interpret graphical representations.\n\n### Focused problem statement\n\nEspecially for those advising and informing people with less health and graph literacy, it is important to achieve high competence in graph literacy themselves. But lack of understanding of visual representations can significantly impact decision making for patients and for (future) medical doctors.\n\nWhen providing information to patients, medical doctors must be aware about patient health literacy and about their own. Therefore, we conducted a cohort study with medical students for understanding their ability to interpret medical information provided visually.\n\n### Statement of study intent\n\nWe performed a study of medical students to investigate the following questions:\n\n1.  What is ...\n2.  Why are ...\n\n\n\n## Methods\n\n---\nbibliography: text/references.bib\nzotero: \"graph-literacy-progress\"\n---\n\n### Setting and subjects\n\nOur study was conducted at Medical Faculty of Münster, Germany. It takes six years to complete a course in medical school in Germany, with students enrolled directly from secondary schools. The course of study is divided into a pre-clinical section (the first two years) and a clinical section (the last four years). To improve students' clinical experience, they are rotated in various hospital departments during their final year (\"clinical/practical\" year).\n\n### Study design\n\nGraph literacy can be measured with the so-called 'graph literacy scale' introduced by Galesic et al. in 2011 [@galesic2011]. The participants were asked to complete the graph literacy scale voluntarily and anonymously.\n\n### Ethical approval\n\n{{< lipsum 1 >}}\n\n### Data collection\n\nData collection for this study was determined à priori as follows:\n\n...\n\n```{webr-r}\n#| context: setup\n\n# Download a dataset\ndownload.file(\n  'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coatless/raw-data/main/penguins.csv',\n  'penguins.csv'\n)\n\n# Read the data\ndf_penguins = read.csv(\"penguins.csv\")\n```\n\n### Outcome Measures\n\n...\n\n### Statistical methods\n\n...\n\n```{webr-r}\n#| context: interactive\n\n# Download a dataset\ndownload.file(\n  'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coatless/raw-data/main/penguins.csv',\n  'penguins.csv'\n) # Download the dataset\n\n# Read the data\npenguins = read.csv(\"penguins.csv\")\n\n# Scatterplot example: penguin bill length versus bill depth\nggplot2::ggplot(data = penguins, ggplot2::aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm)) + # Build a scatterplot\n  ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(color = species, \n                 shape = species),\n             size = 2)  +\n  ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c(\"darkorange\",\"darkorchid\",\"cyan4\"))\n```\n\n\n\n## Results\n\n### Recruitment Process and Demographic Characteristics\n\nThe recruitment process is shown in Figure 1. We obtained XX complete data sets (return rate YY.Z%) after contacting ...\n\n<!-- Man kann Code-Ergebnisse über {{< embed notebooks/EDA.qmd#fig-map >}} einfügen -->\n\n### Primary and secondary Outcomes\n\n![Beispielgrafik: ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte ...](Durchschnittswerte_Selbsteinschätzung_NKLM_14a.jpg)\n\n<!-- Man kann Code-Ergebnisse über {{< embed notebooks/EDA.qmd#fig-map >}} einfügen -->\n\n\n\n## Discussion\n\n### Summary\n\nAfter the evaluation of all datasets, the following findings emerged. The first is that ...\n\n### Limitation: study population\n\n{{< lipsum 1 >}}\n\n### Limitation: study design\n\n...\n\n### Integration with prior work\n\nOnly a few studies provide insights into the graphical and numerical skills among medical students.\n\nIn a cross-sectional, descriptive study, the researchers applied the Objective Numeracy, Subjective Numeracy, and Graph Literacy Scales to medical students in their final two years of medical school and to medical residents. The study included 169 participants, comprising 70% sixth-year seventh-year students, and 30% residents. The findings showed that the mean graph literacy was 10.35. A multiple linear regression analysis revealed that higher scores in the Graph Literacy Scale were associated with the male gender and younger age. The study concluded that numeracy and graph literacy scales' mean scores were high among the medical students in this sample [@mas2018graphical].\n\n### Implications for practice\n\n{{< lipsum 1 >}}\n\n### Implications for research\n\n...\n\n### Conclusions\n\n...\n\n\n\n## References {.unnumbered}\n\n::: {#refs}\n:::\n\n## Declarations {.appendix}\n\n\n### Ethics approval and consent to participate\n\n{{< lipsum 1 >}}\n\n### Consent for publication\n\nNot applicable\n\n### Availability of data and materials\n\nThe original data that support the findings of this study are available from Open Science Framework (osf.io, see manuscript-URL).\n\n### Competing interests\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.\n\n### Funding\n\nThe author(s) received no specific funding for this work.\n\n### Authors' contributions\n\n{{< lipsum 1 >}}\n\n### CRediT authorship contribution statement\n\n**Janina Soler Wenglein:** Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Visualization, Writing - original draft.  \n**Hendrik Friederichs:** Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Supervision, Writing - review & editing, Writing - original draft.\n\n### Acknowledgments\n\nThe authors are grateful for the insightful comments offered by the anonymous peer reviewers at {{< meta citation.container-title >}}. The generosity and expertise of one and all have improved this study in innumerable ways and saved us from many errors; those that inevitably remain are entirely our own responsibility.\n\n",
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     "filters": [
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--- a/index.qmd
+++ b/index.qmd
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ key-points:
 date: last-modified
 citeproc: true
 bibliography: text/references.bib
+zotero: "graph-literacy-progress"
 csl: bmc-medicine.csl # https://www.zotero.org/styles/bmc-medicine
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+<meta name="dcterms.date" content="2024-01-30">
 <meta name="keywords" content="Undergraduate Medical Education, Health Literacy">
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@@ -215,10 +215,10 @@ div.csl-indent {
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+<meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2024-01-30">
+<meta name="citation_cover_date" content="2024-01-30">
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@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ div.csl-indent {
 <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_title=Is my visualization better than yours? Analyzing factors modulating exponential growth bias in graphs;,citation_author=Gerda Ana Melnik-Leroy;,citation_author=Linas Aidokas;,citation_author=Gintautas Dzemyda;,citation_author=Giedrė Dzemydaitė;,citation_author=Virginijus Marcinkevičius;,citation_author=Vytautas Tiešis;,citation_author=Ana Usovaitė;,citation_publication_date=2023;,citation_cover_date=2023;,citation_year=2023;,citation_volume=14;,citation_journal_title=Frontiers in Psychology;,citation_publisher=Frontiers;">
 <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_title=Using the short graph literacy scale to predict precursors of health behavior change;,citation_author=Yasmina Okan;,citation_author=Eva Janssen;,citation_author=Mirta Galesic;,citation_author=Erika A Waters;,citation_publication_date=2019;,citation_cover_date=2019;,citation_year=2019;,citation_issue=3;,citation_volume=39;,citation_journal_title=Medical Decision Making;,citation_publisher=SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA;">
 <meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_title=Reading graphs: Contributions to an integrative concept of literacy;,citation_author=Wolff-Michael Roth;,citation_publication_date=2002;,citation_cover_date=2002;,citation_year=2002;,citation_issue=1;,citation_volume=34;,citation_journal_title=Journal of curriculum studies;,citation_publisher=Taylor &amp;amp;amp; Francis;">
+<meta name="citation_reference" content="citation_title=Graph literacy: A cross-cultural comparison.;,citation_author=Mirta Galesic;,citation_author=Rocio Garcia-Retamero;,citation_publication_date=2011-05;,citation_cover_date=2011-05;,citation_year=2011;,citation_issue=3;,citation_volume=31;,citation_journal_title=Medical Decision Making;">
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-              <p class="date">January 26, 2024</p>
+              <p class="date">January 30, 2024</p>
@@ -295,7 +296,7 @@ div.csl-indent {
       <div class="abstract">
         <div class="block-title">Abstract</div>
-        <p><strong>Background / Hintergrund</strong>: Nunc ac dignissim magna. Vestibulum vitae egestas elit. Proin feugiat leo quis ante condimentum, eu ornare mauris feugiat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris cursus laoreet ex, dignissim bibendum est posuere iaculis. Suspendisse et maximus elit. In fringilla gravida ornare. Aenean id lectus pulvinar, sagittis felis nec, rutrum risus. Nam vel neque eu arcu blandit fringilla et in quam. Aliquam luctus est sit amet vestibulum eleifend. Phasellus elementum sagittis molestie. Proin tempor lorem arcu, at condimentum purus volutpat eu. Fusce et pellentesque ligula. Pellentesque id tellus at erat luctus fringilla. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
+        <p><strong>Background / Hintergrund</strong>: Nullam dapibus cursus dolor sit amet consequat. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur vel nulla non magna lacinia tincidunt. Duis porttitor quam leo, et blandit velit efficitur ut. Etiam auctor tincidunt porttitor. Phasellus sed accumsan mi. Fusce ut erat dui. Suspendisse eu augue eget turpis condimentum finibus eu non lorem. Donec finibus eros eu ante condimentum, sed pharetra sapien sagittis. Phasellus non dolor ac ante mollis auctor nec et sapien. Pellentesque vulputate at nisi eu tincidunt. Vestibulum at dolor aliquam, hendrerit purus eu, eleifend massa. Morbi consectetur eros id tincidunt gravida. Fusce ut enim quis orci hendrerit lacinia sed vitae enim.</p>
         <p><strong>Methods / Methoden</strong>: …</p>
         <p><strong>Results / Ergebnisse</strong>: …</p>
         <p><strong>Conclusio / Schlussfolgerungen</strong>: …</p>
@@ -453,19 +454,21 @@ STRUKTUR DES MANUSKRIPTS
-<section id="methods" class="level2">
+<section id="methods" class="level2 page-columns page-full">
 <h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="methods">Methods</h2>
 <section id="setting-and-subjects" class="level3">
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="setting-and-subjects">Setting and subjects</h3>
 <p>Our study was conducted at Medical Faculty of Münster, Germany. It takes six years to complete a course in medical school in Germany, with students enrolled directly from secondary schools. The course of study is divided into a pre-clinical section (the first two years) and a clinical section (the last four years). To improve students’ clinical experience, they are rotated in various hospital departments during their final year (“clinical/practical” year).</p>
-<section id="study-design" class="level3">
+<section id="study-design" class="level3 page-columns page-full">
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="study-design">Study design</h3>
-<p>The participants were asked to complete the graph literacy scale voluntarily and anonymously.</p>
+<p>Graph literacy can be measured with the so-called ‘graph literacy scale’ introduced by Galesic et al.&nbsp;in 2011 <span class="citation" data-cites="galesic2011">[<a href="#ref-galesic2011" role="doc-biblioref">8</a>]</span>. The participants were asked to complete the graph literacy scale voluntarily and anonymously.</p>
+<div class="no-row-height column-margin column-container"><div id="ref-galesic2011" class="csl-entry" role="listitem">
+8. Galesic M, Garcia-Retamero R. Graph literacy: A cross-cultural comparison. Medical Decision Making. 2011;31:444457.
 <section id="ethical-approval" class="level3">
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="ethical-approval">Ethical approval</h3>
-<p>Ut ut condimentum augue, nec eleifend nisl. Sed facilisis egestas odio ac pretium. Pellentesque consequat magna sed venenatis sagittis. Vivamus feugiat lobortis magna vitae accumsan. Pellentesque euismod malesuada hendrerit. Ut non mauris non arcu condimentum sodales vitae vitae dolor. Nullam dapibus, velit eget lacinia rutrum, ipsum justo malesuada odio, et lobortis sapien magna vel lacus. Nulla purus neque, hendrerit non malesuada eget, mattis vel erat. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
+<p>Etiam quis tortor luctus, pellentesque ante a, finibus dolor. Phasellus in nibh et magna pulvinar malesuada. Ut nisl ex, sagittis at sollicitudin et, sollicitudin id nunc. In id porta urna. Proin porta dolor dolor, vel dapibus nisi lacinia in. Pellentesque ante mauris, ornare non euismod a, fermentum ut sapien. Proin sed vehicula enim. Aliquam tortor odio, vestibulum vitae odio in, tempor molestie justo. Praesent maximus lacus nec leo maximus blandit.</p>
 <section id="data-collection" class="level3">
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="data-collection">Data collection</h3>
@@ -519,7 +522,7 @@ download.file(
 ) # Download the dataset
 # Read the data
-penguins = read.csv("penguins.csv") # Read the data
+penguins = read.csv("penguins.csv")
 # Scatterplot example: penguin bill length versus bill depth
 ggplot2::ggplot(data = penguins, ggplot2::aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm)) + # Build a scatterplot
   ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(color = species, 
@@ -690,7 +693,7 @@ ggplot2::ggplot(data = penguins, ggplot2::aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="primary-and-secondary-outcomes">Primary and secondary Outcomes</h3>
 <div class="quarto-figure quarto-figure-center">
 <figure class="figure">
-<p><a href="Durchschnittswerte_Selbsteinschätzung_NKLM_14a.jpg" class="lightbox" data-glightbox="description: .lightbox-desc-1" data-gallery="quarto-lightbox-gallery-1" title="Beispielgrafik: ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte …"><img src="Durchschnittswerte_Selbsteinschätzung_NKLM_14a.jpg" class="img-fluid figure-img" alt="Beispielgrafik: ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte …"></a></p>
+<p><a href="Durchschnittswerte_Selbsteinschätzung_NKLM_14a.jpg" class="lightbox" data-gallery="quarto-lightbox-gallery-1" data-glightbox="description: .lightbox-desc-1" title="Beispielgrafik: ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte …"><img src="Durchschnittswerte_Selbsteinschätzung_NKLM_14a.jpg" class="img-fluid figure-img" alt="Beispielgrafik: ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte …"></a></p>
 <figcaption>Beispielgrafik: ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte …</figcaption>
@@ -705,7 +708,7 @@ ggplot2::ggplot(data = penguins, ggplot2::aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth
 <section id="limitation-study-population" class="level3">
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="limitation-study-population">Limitation: study population</h3>
-<p>Nullam dapibus cursus dolor sit amet consequat. Nulla facilisi. Curabitur vel nulla non magna lacinia tincidunt. Duis porttitor quam leo, et blandit velit efficitur ut. Etiam auctor tincidunt porttitor. Phasellus sed accumsan mi. Fusce ut erat dui. Suspendisse eu augue eget turpis condimentum finibus eu non lorem. Donec finibus eros eu ante condimentum, sed pharetra sapien sagittis. Phasellus non dolor ac ante mollis auctor nec et sapien. Pellentesque vulputate at nisi eu tincidunt. Vestibulum at dolor aliquam, hendrerit purus eu, eleifend massa. Morbi consectetur eros id tincidunt gravida. Fusce ut enim quis orci hendrerit lacinia sed vitae enim.</p>
+<p>Nulla eget cursus ipsum. Vivamus porttitor leo diam, sed volutpat lectus facilisis sit amet. Maecenas et pulvinar metus. Ut at dignissim tellus. In in tincidunt elit. Etiam vulputate lobortis arcu, vel faucibus leo lobortis ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. In interdum orci ac est euismod euismod. Nunc eleifend tristique risus, at lacinia odio commodo in. Sed aliquet ligula odio, sed tempor neque ultricies sit amet.</p>
 <section id="limitation-study-design" class="level3">
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="limitation-study-design">Limitation: study design</h3>
@@ -714,13 +717,13 @@ ggplot2::ggplot(data = penguins, ggplot2::aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth
 <section id="integration-with-prior-work" class="level3 page-columns page-full">
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="integration-with-prior-work">Integration with prior work</h3>
 <p>Only a few studies provide insights into the graphical and numerical skills among medical students.</p>
-<p>In a cross-sectional, descriptive study, the researchers applied the Objective Numeracy, Subjective Numeracy, and Graph Literacy Scales to medical students in their final two years of medical school and to medical residents. The study included 169 participants, comprising 70% sixth-year seventh-year students, and 30% residents. The findings showed that the mean graph literacy was 10.35. A multiple linear regression analysis revealed that higher scores in the Graph Literacy Scale were associated with the male gender and younger age. The study concluded that numeracy and graph literacy scales’ mean scores were high among the medical students in this sample <span class="citation" data-cites="mas2018graphical">[<a href="#ref-mas2018graphical" role="doc-biblioref">8</a>]</span>.</p>
+<p>In a cross-sectional, descriptive study, the researchers applied the Objective Numeracy, Subjective Numeracy, and Graph Literacy Scales to medical students in their final two years of medical school and to medical residents. The study included 169 participants, comprising 70% sixth-year seventh-year students, and 30% residents. The findings showed that the mean graph literacy was 10.35. A multiple linear regression analysis revealed that higher scores in the Graph Literacy Scale were associated with the male gender and younger age. The study concluded that numeracy and graph literacy scales’ mean scores were high among the medical students in this sample <span class="citation" data-cites="mas2018graphical">[<a href="#ref-mas2018graphical" role="doc-biblioref">9</a>]</span>.</p>
 <div class="no-row-height column-margin column-container"><div id="ref-mas2018graphical" class="csl-entry" role="listitem">
-8. Mas G, Tello T, Ortiz P, Petrova D, Garcı́a-Retamero R. Graphical and numerical skills in pre-and postgraduate medical students from a private university. Gac Med Mex. 2018;154:163–9.
+9. Mas G, Tello T, Ortiz P, Petrova D, Garcı́a-Retamero R. Graphical and numerical skills in pre-and postgraduate medical students from a private university. Gac Med Mex. 2018;154:163–9.
 <section id="implications-for-practice" class="level3">
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="implications-for-practice">Implications for practice</h3>
-<p>Ut ut condimentum augue, nec eleifend nisl. Sed facilisis egestas odio ac pretium. Pellentesque consequat magna sed venenatis sagittis. Vivamus feugiat lobortis magna vitae accumsan. Pellentesque euismod malesuada hendrerit. Ut non mauris non arcu condimentum sodales vitae vitae dolor. Nullam dapibus, velit eget lacinia rutrum, ipsum justo malesuada odio, et lobortis sapien magna vel lacus. Nulla purus neque, hendrerit non malesuada eget, mattis vel erat. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
+<p>Praesent ornare dolor turpis, sed tincidunt nisl pretium eget. Curabitur sed iaculis ex, vitae tristique sapien. Quisque nec ex dolor. Quisque ut nisl a libero egestas molestie. Nulla vel porta nulla. Phasellus id pretium arcu. Etiam sed mi pellentesque nibh scelerisque elementum sed at urna. Ut congue molestie nibh, sit amet pretium ligula consectetur eu. Integer consectetur augue justo, at placerat erat posuere at. Ut elementum urna lectus, vitae bibendum neque pulvinar quis. Suspendisse vulputate cursus eros id maximus. Duis pulvinar facilisis massa, et condimentum est viverra congue. Curabitur ornare convallis nisl. Morbi dictum scelerisque turpis quis pellentesque. Etiam lectus risus, luctus lobortis risus ut, rutrum vulputate justo. Nulla facilisi.</p>
 <section id="implications-for-research" class="level3">
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="implications-for-research">Implications for research</h3>
@@ -741,7 +744,7 @@ ggplot2::ggplot(data = penguins, ggplot2::aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth
 <section id="ethics-approval-and-consent-to-participate" class="level3">
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="ethics-approval-and-consent-to-participate">Ethics approval and consent to participate</h3>
-<p>Duis ornare ex ac iaculis pretium. Maecenas sagittis odio id erat pharetra, sit amet consectetur quam sollicitudin. Vivamus pharetra quam purus, nec sagittis risus pretium at. Nullam feugiat, turpis ac accumsan interdum, sem tellus blandit neque, id vulputate diam quam semper nisl. Donec sit amet enim at neque porttitor aliquet. Phasellus facilisis nulla eget placerat eleifend. Vestibulum non egestas eros, eget lobortis ipsum. Nulla rutrum massa eget enim aliquam, id porttitor erat luctus. Nunc sagittis quis eros eu sagittis. Pellentesque dictum, erat at pellentesque sollicitudin, justo augue pulvinar metus, quis rutrum est mi nec felis. Vestibulum efficitur mi lorem, at elementum purus tincidunt a. Aliquam finibus enim magna, vitae pellentesque erat faucibus at. Nulla mauris tellus, imperdiet id lobortis et, dignissim condimentum ipsum. Morbi nulla orci, varius at aliquet sed, facilisis id tortor. Donec ut urna nisi.</p>
+<p>Ut ut condimentum augue, nec eleifend nisl. Sed facilisis egestas odio ac pretium. Pellentesque consequat magna sed venenatis sagittis. Vivamus feugiat lobortis magna vitae accumsan. Pellentesque euismod malesuada hendrerit. Ut non mauris non arcu condimentum sodales vitae vitae dolor. Nullam dapibus, velit eget lacinia rutrum, ipsum justo malesuada odio, et lobortis sapien magna vel lacus. Nulla purus neque, hendrerit non malesuada eget, mattis vel erat. Suspendisse potenti.</p>
 <section id="consent-for-publication" class="level3">
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="consent-for-publication">Consent for publication</h3>
@@ -761,7 +764,7 @@ ggplot2::ggplot(data = penguins, ggplot2::aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth
 <section id="authors-contributions" class="level3">
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="authors-contributions">Authors’ contributions</h3>
-<p>Nulla eget cursus ipsum. Vivamus porttitor leo diam, sed volutpat lectus facilisis sit amet. Maecenas et pulvinar metus. Ut at dignissim tellus. In in tincidunt elit. Etiam vulputate lobortis arcu, vel faucibus leo lobortis ac. Aliquam erat volutpat. In interdum orci ac est euismod euismod. Nunc eleifend tristique risus, at lacinia odio commodo in. Sed aliquet ligula odio, sed tempor neque ultricies sit amet.</p>
+<p>Duis urna urna, pellentesque eu urna ut, malesuada bibendum dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus ornare, arcu quis molestie ultrices, magna est accumsan augue, auctor vulputate erat quam quis neque. Nullam scelerisque odio vel ultricies facilisis. Ut porta arcu non magna sagittis lacinia. Cras ornare vulputate lectus a tristique. Pellentesque ac arcu congue, rhoncus mi id, dignissim ligula.</p>
 <section id="credit-authorship-contribution-statement" class="level3">
 <h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="credit-authorship-contribution-statement">CRediT authorship contribution statement</h3>
@@ -779,7 +782,7 @@ ggplot2::ggplot(data = penguins, ggplot2::aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth
   author = {Janina Soler Wenglein and Hendrik Friederichs},
   title = {Assessment of Graph Literacy Among {German} Medical Students
     -\/- a Cross-Sectional Study to Assess Graph Interpretation Skills},
-  date = {2024-01-26},
+  date = {2024-01-30},
   langid = {en}
 </code><button title="Copy to Clipboard" class="code-copy-button"><i class="bi"></i></button></pre><div class="quarto-appendix-secondary-label">For attribution, please cite this work as:</div><div id="ref-soler wenglein2024" class="csl-entry quarto-appendix-citeas" role="listitem">
@@ -1320,7 +1323,7 @@ window.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
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+++ b/text/_methods.md
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+bibliography: text/references.bib
+zotero: "graph-literacy-progress"
 ### Setting and subjects
@@ -5,7 +9,7 @@ Our study was conducted at Medical Faculty of Münster, Germany. It takes six ye
 ### Study design
-The participants were asked to complete the graph literacy scale voluntarily and anonymously.
+Graph literacy can be measured with the so-called 'graph literacy scale' introduced by Galesic et al. in 2011 [@galesic2011]. The participants were asked to complete the graph literacy scale voluntarily and anonymously.
 ### Ethical approval
@@ -57,4 +61,3 @@ ggplot2::ggplot(data = penguins, ggplot2::aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth
              size = 2)  +
   ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("darkorange","darkorchid","cyan4"))
diff --git a/text/references.bib b/text/references.bib
index bebef3a72f8923c84ccc851a2d706323d3e78f8e..cf6c040a60ed019877d03d55f5cebeb023fe8e94 100644
--- a/text/references.bib
+++ b/text/references.bib
@@ -140,3 +140,16 @@
   publisher={Taylor \& Francis}
+	title = {Graph literacy: a cross-cultural comparison.},
+	author = {Galesic, Mirta and Garcia-Retamero, Rocio},
+	year = {2011},
+	month = {05},
+	date = {2011-05},
+	journal = {Medical Decision Making},
+	pages = {444{\textendash}457},
+	volume = {31},
+	number = {3}