#JSGF V1.0; grammar ToBI_GPRS; public <task> = [<robot_name>] [(would | could) you] [please] <command> [please] [<robot_name>]; <robot_name> = tobi | robot; <command> = <bring_command> | <goto_command> | <find_command> | <follow_command> | <cleanup_command> | <show_command> | <pointat_command>; <bring_command> = (<bringVerb> [<person>] [<article>] <grab_object> [<preposition> [<article>] <location>] [(to|into) [<article>] <second_location>]) | (<bringVerb> [<article>] <person> <preposition> <article> <location>); <goto_command> = <gotoVerb> <preposition> ([<article>] <location>); <follow_command> = <followVerb> <person>; <find_command> = <findVerb> [<article>] (<grab_object> | <person>) [in [<article>] <location>]; <pointat_command> = <pointatVerb> [<article>] <location>; <learn_command> = <learnVerb> [<article>] (<person> | <location>); <cleanup_command> = <cleanupVerb> [<article> <room_class>]; <show_command> = <showVerb> [<person>] (([<article>] <grab_object>) | ([the (path|way) to] [<article>] <location>)); <bringVerb> = bring | carry | retrieve | fetch | get | give | put | attend | deliver | convey | gather | (pick up) | take | lead | grasp; <findVerb> = detect | find | (search [for]) | (check [for]) | acquire | attain | obtain | (look for); <pointatVerb> = (point at) | denote | direct | indicate | suggest | show; <showVerb> = show | demonstrate | present | (point at) | denote | direct | indicate | suggest; <gotoVerb> = navigate | go | approach | move | run | travel | ride; <followVerb> = follow | chase | (come after); <learnVerb> = learn | remember | memorize | determine | gain | study | train; <cleanupVerb> = (clean up) | (tidy up) | clear | (do up) | (straighten up); <person> = someone | <personal_pronoun> | <person_name> | (person | man | woman | guy | girl | boy | human | robot); <personal_pronoun> = him | her | me; <person_name> = james|john|robert|michael|william|david|richard|charles|linda|thomas|mary|patricia|joseph|dorothy|barbara|susan|jennifer|maria|elizabeth|margaret; <grab_object> = <bathroom_class> | <drink_class> | <snack_class> | <food_class> | <tool_class> | tool | (bathroom stuff) | drink | snack | object | food | something | stuff | item | beverage | things; <bathroom_class> = (shower gel) | (hair gel); <drink_class> = (orange juice) | (fruit juice) | (ice tea) | coffee | beer; <snack_class> = chocolates | (chewing gum) | peanuts; <food_class> = (noodle sauce) | (cat food) | dumplings | tacos; <tool_class> = sponge | tape | (sole latex); <location> = <appliance_class> | <shelf_class> | <seat_class> | <table_class> | <door_class> | <exit_class> | exit | door | seating | utensil | location | room | appliance | shelf | seat | table | somewhere | apartment | furniture; <second_location> = <appliance_class> | <shelf_class> | <seat_class> | <table_class> | <door_class> | door | seating | utensil | location | room | appliance | shelf | seat | table | somewhere | apartment | furniture; <appliance_class> = (coat rack) | kitchen_counter | fridge | bar; <shelf_class> = book_shelf | (food shelf); <seat_class> = <seating_class>; <seating_class> = sofa | bed; <table_class> = kitchen_table | desk | side_table | couch_table | (bedroom table); <door_class> = (room door); <room_class> = kitchen | living_room | bedroom | hallway; <utensil_class> = trash_bin; <exit_class> = (exit door) | (entry door); <preposition> = into | to | from | on; <further_preposition> = (on [top of]) | in | (next to) | at | near; <article> = the | an | a | some | this;