From 0eaf05b0bc6d44838d1889763f298761257b6a44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ramin Yaghoubzadeh <>
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2012 01:18:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [C++] Almost fully working. Cross-tested in a triple setup
 with Python and Java versions.

 cpp/src/Makefile            |  17 ++++--
 cpp/src/ |   3 +
 cpp/src/           |  80 +++++++++---------------
 cpp/src/ipaaca.h            |  60 +++++++++---------
 cpp/test/src/.gitignore     |   3 +
 cpp/test/src/Makefile       |  23 +++++++
 cpp/test/src/  | 117 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 cpp/test/src/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 cpp/test/src/Makefile
 create mode 100644 cpp/test/src/

diff --git a/cpp/src/Makefile b/cpp/src/Makefile
index e0644e5..45ba159 100644
--- a/cpp/src/Makefile
+++ b/cpp/src/Makefile
@@ -1,26 +1,33 @@
+ifeq ($(WBS_ARCH),mac)
+	LIB_SUFFIX=.dylib
 CCFLAGS=-I. -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/local/include ${CONFIG}
+LIBFLAGS=-fPIC -shared
 BOOSTLIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -lboost_regex-mt -lboost_date_time-mt -lboost_program_options-mt -lboost_thread-mt -lboost_filesystem-mt -lboost_signals-mt -lboost_system-mt
 PROTOLIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -lprotobuf
 LIBS = ${BOOSTLIBS} ${PROTOLIBS} -L/usr/local/lib -lrsc -lrsbcore
 COMPILER = gfilt
-all: receiver sender
+all: lib
 	${COMPILER} ${CCFLAGS} -DMAKE_RECEIVER -o ipaaca-receiver ${SOURCES} ${LIBS}
 	${COMPILER} ${CCFLAGS} -DMAKE_SENDER -o ipaaca-sender ${SOURCES} ${LIBS}
-	${COMPILER} ${CCFLAGS} -o textsender ${TEXTSOURCES} ${LIBS}
 	${COMPILER} ${CCFLAGS} -o ipaaca-main ${SOURCES} ${LIBS}
@@ -28,6 +35,6 @@ protoc:
 	protoc --proto_path=../../proto ../../proto/ipaaca.proto --cpp_out=.
-	rm -f ipaaca-main ipaaca-sender ipaaca-receiver textsender ipaaca.pb.h
+	rm -f libipaaca${LIB_SUFFIX} ipaaca-main ipaaca-sender ipaaca-receiver ipaaca.pb.h
diff --git a/cpp/src/ b/cpp/src/
index edf8764..cefa166 100644
--- a/cpp/src/
+++ b/cpp/src/
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@ int main() {
 		IU::ptr iu = IU::create("testcategory");
+		std::cout << "Updating in 1 sec" << std::endl;
+		sleep(1);
 		std::cout << "_payload.get(\"TEST\") = \"" << iu->_payload.get("TEST") << "\"" << std::endl;
 		std::cout << "_payload[\"TEST\"] = \"" << (std::string) iu->_payload["TEST"] << "\"" << std::endl;
 		iu->_payload["TEST"] = "123.5-WAS-SET";
diff --git a/cpp/src/ b/cpp/src/
index 533e12c..8bf6874 100644
--- a/cpp/src/
+++ b/cpp/src/
@@ -247,13 +247,10 @@ void Buffer::register_handler(IUEventHandlerFunction function, IUEventType event
 void Buffer::call_iu_event_handlers(boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> iu, bool local, IUEventType event_type, const std::string& category)
-	IPAACA_INFO("handling an event " << ipaaca::iu_event_type_to_str(event_type) << " for IU " << iu->uid())
-	//IUInterface::ptr iu = buffer->get(uid);
-	//if (iu) {
-		for (std::vector<IUEventHandler::ptr>::iterator it = _event_handlers.begin(); it != _event_handlers.end(); ++it) {
-			(*it)->call(this, iu, local, event_type, category);
-		}
-	//}
+	//IPAACA_INFO("handling an event " << ipaaca::iu_event_type_to_str(event_type) << " for IU " << iu->uid())
+	for (std::vector<IUEventHandler::ptr>::iterator it = _event_handlers.begin(); it != _event_handlers.end(); ++it) {
+		(*it)->call(this, iu, local, event_type, category);
+	}
@@ -441,7 +438,7 @@ Informer<AnyType>::Ptr OutputBuffer::_get_informer(const std::string& category)
 	if (_informer_store.count(category) > 0) {
 		return _informer_store[category];
 	} else {
-		IPAACA_INFO("making new informer for category " << category)
+		//IPAACA_INFO("Making new informer for category " << category)
 		std::string scope_string = "/ipaaca/category/" + category;
 		Informer<AnyType>::Ptr informer = Factory::getInstance().createInformer<AnyType> ( Scope(scope_string));
 		_informer_store[category] = informer;
@@ -450,13 +447,28 @@ Informer<AnyType>::Ptr OutputBuffer::_get_informer(const std::string& category)
 boost::shared_ptr<IU> OutputBuffer::remove(const std::string& iu_uid)
+	IUStore::iterator it = _iu_store.find(iu_uid);
+	if (it == _iu_store.end()) throw IUNotFoundError();
+	IU::ptr iu = it->second;
+	_retract_iu(iu);
+	_iu_store.erase(iu_uid);
+	return iu;
 boost::shared_ptr<IU> OutputBuffer::remove(IU::ptr iu)
+	return remove(iu->uid()); // to make sure it is in the store
+void OutputBuffer::_retract_iu(IU::ptr iu)
+	Informer<protobuf::IURetraction>::DataPtr data(new protobuf::IURetraction());
+	data->set_uid(iu->uid());
+	data->set_revision(iu->revision());
+	Informer<AnyType>::Ptr informer = _get_informer(iu->category());
+	informer->publish(data);
 // InputBuffer//{{{
@@ -546,10 +558,9 @@ RemoteServerPtr InputBuffer::_get_remote_server(const std::string& unique_server
 ListenerPtr InputBuffer::_create_category_listener_if_needed(const std::string& category)
-	IPAACA_INFO("entering")
 	std::map<std::string, ListenerPtr>::iterator it = _listener_store.find(category);
 	if (it!=_listener_store.end()) return it->second;
-	IPAACA_INFO("creating a new listener")
+	//IPAACA_INFO("Creating a new listener for category " << category)
 	std::string scope_string = "/ipaaca/category/" + category;
 	ListenerPtr listener = Factory::getInstance().createListener( Scope(scope_string) );
 	HandlerPtr event_handler = HandlerPtr(
@@ -559,7 +570,6 @@ ListenerPtr InputBuffer::_create_category_listener_if_needed(const std::string&
 	_listener_store[category] = listener;
-	IPAACA_INFO("done")
 	return listener;
 		'''Return (or create, store and return) a category listener.'''
@@ -584,14 +594,13 @@ void InputBuffer::_handle_iu_events(EventPtr event)
 			call_iu_event_handlers(iu, false, IU_ADDED, iu->category() );
-		IPAACA_INFO( "New RemotePushIU state: " << (*iu) )
+		//IPAACA_INFO( "New RemotePushIU state: " << (*iu) )
 	} else {
 		RemotePushIUStore::iterator it;
 		if (type == "ipaaca::IUPayloadUpdate") {
 			boost::shared_ptr<IUPayloadUpdate> update = boost::static_pointer_cast<IUPayloadUpdate>(event->getData());
-			IPAACA_INFO("** writer name: " << update->writer_name)
+			//IPAACA_INFO("** writer name: " << update->writer_name)
 			if (update->writer_name == _unique_name) {
-				//IPAACA_INFO("Ignoring locally-written IU update")
 			it = _iu_store.find(update->uid);
@@ -607,7 +616,6 @@ void InputBuffer::_handle_iu_events(EventPtr event)
 		} else if (type == "ipaaca::IULinkUpdate") {
 			boost::shared_ptr<IULinkUpdate> update = boost::static_pointer_cast<IULinkUpdate>(event->getData());
 			if (update->writer_name == _unique_name) {
-				//IPAACA_INFO("Ignoring locally-written IU update")
 			it = _iu_store.find(update->uid);
@@ -623,7 +631,6 @@ void InputBuffer::_handle_iu_events(EventPtr event)
 		} else if (type == "ipaaca::protobuf::IUCommission") {
 			boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IUCommission> update = boost::static_pointer_cast<protobuf::IUCommission>(event->getData());
 			if (update->writer_name() == _unique_name) {
-				//IPAACA_INFO("Ignoring locally-written IU commit")
 			it = _iu_store.find(update->uid());
@@ -641,37 +648,8 @@ void InputBuffer::_handle_iu_events(EventPtr event)
 			std::cout << "(Unhandled Event type " << type << " !)" << std::endl;
-		IPAACA_INFO( "New RemotePushIU state: " << *(it->second) )
+		//IPAACA_INFO( "New RemotePushIU state: " << *(it->second) )
-	/*
-	else:
-		# an update to an existing IU
-		if == self.unique_name:
-			# Discard updates that originate from this buffer
-			return
-		if not in self._iu_store:
-			# TODO: we should request the IU's owner to send us the IU
-			logger.warning("Update message for IU which we did not fully receive before.")
-			return
-		if type_ is ipaaca_pb2.IUCommission:
-			# IU commit
-			iu = self._iu_store[]
-			iu._apply_commission()
-			iu._revision =
-			self.call_iu_event_handlers(, local=False, event_type=IUEventType.COMMITTED, category=iu.category)
-		elif type_ is IUPayloadUpdate:
-			# IU payload update
-			iu = self._iu_store[]
-			iu._apply_update(
-			self.call_iu_event_handlers(, local=False, event_type=IUEventType.UPDATED, category=iu.category)
-		elif type_ is IULinkUpdate:
-			# IU link update
-			iu = self._iu_store[]
-			iu._apply_link_update(
-			self.call_iu_event_handlers(, local=False, event_type=IUEventType.LINKSUPDATED, category=iu.category)
-		else:
-			logger.warning('Warning: _handle_iu_events failed to handle an object of type '+str(type_))
-	*/
@@ -1036,7 +1014,6 @@ IUConverter::IUConverter()
 std::string IUConverter::serialize(const AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire)
-	IPAACA_INFO("entering")
 	// Ensure that DATA actually holds a datum of the data-type we expect.
 	assert(data.first == getDataType()); // "ipaaca::IU"
 	// NOTE: a dynamic_pointer_cast cannot be used from void*
@@ -1065,7 +1042,6 @@ std::string IUConverter::serialize(const AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire)
-	IPAACA_INFO("leaving")
 	return getWireSchema();
@@ -1231,13 +1207,12 @@ AnnotatedData IULinkUpdateConverter::deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema,
 // IntConverter//{{{
-: Converter<std::string> ("int", "int", true)
+: Converter<std::string> ("int", "int32", true)
 std::string IntConverter::serialize(const AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire)
-	IPAACA_INFO("entering")
 	// Ensure that DATA actually holds a datum of the data-type we expect.
 	assert(data.first == getDataType()); // "int"
 	// NOTE: a dynamic_pointer_cast cannot be used from void*
@@ -1246,7 +1221,6 @@ std::string IntConverter::serialize(const AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire
 	// transfer obj data to pbo
-	IPAACA_INFO("leaving")
 	return getWireSchema();
diff --git a/cpp/src/ipaaca.h b/cpp/src/ipaaca.h
index ed7a318..2c42c7e 100644
--- a/cpp/src/ipaaca.h
+++ b/cpp/src/ipaaca.h
@@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
 #ifndef __IPAACA_H__
 #define __IPAACA_H_
+/// ipaaca/IU/RSB protocol major version number
+/// ipaaca/IU/RSB protocol minor version number
+/// running release number of ipaaca-c++
+#define IPAACA_CPP_RELEASE_NUMBER             1
+/// date of last release number increment
+#define IPAACA_CPP_RELEASE_DATE     "2012-04-13"
 #define IPAACA_INFO(i) std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << __func__ << "() -- " << i << std::endl;
 #define IPAACA_WARNING(i) std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << __func__ << "() -- WARNING: " << i << std::endl;
@@ -13,9 +24,10 @@
 #define IPAACA_TODO(i) ;
-// just for marking pure virtual functions for readability
+/// marking pure virtual functions for extra readability
+/// value to return when reading nonexistant payload keys
 #include <iostream>
@@ -48,28 +60,18 @@ namespace ipaaca {
 typedef uint32_t revision_t;
+/// Type of the IU event. Realized as an integer to enable bit masks for filters.
 typedef uint32_t IUEventType;
 #define IU_ADDED         1
 #define IU_COMMITTED     2
 #define IU_DELETED       4
 #define IU_RETRACTED     8
 #define IU_UPDATED      16
+/// Bit mask for receiving all events
 #define IU_ALL_EVENTS   63
-enum IUEventType {
+/// Convert an int event type to a human-readable string
 inline std::string iu_event_type_to_str(IUEventType type)
 	switch(type) {
@@ -83,18 +85,13 @@ inline std::string iu_event_type_to_str(IUEventType type)
+/// IU access mode: PUSH means that updates are broadcast; REMOTE means that reads are RPC calls; MESSAGE means a fire-and-forget message
 enum IUAccessMode {
-//class {
-//    template<typename T>
-//    operator shared_ptr<T>() { return shared_ptr<T>(); }
-//} NullPointer;
 class PayloadEntryProxy;
 class Payload;
 class IUInterface;
@@ -110,16 +107,19 @@ class Buffer;
 class InputBuffer;
 class OutputBuffer;
+/// generate a UUID as an ASCII string
 std::string generate_uuid_string();
+/// store for (local) IUs. TODO Stores need to be unified more
 class IUStore: public std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<IU> >
+/// store for RemotePushIUs. TODO Stores need to be unified more
 class RemotePushIUStore: public std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<RemotePushIU> > // TODO genericize to all remote IU types
+/// a reentrant lock/mutex
 class Lock
@@ -291,15 +291,15 @@ class InputBuffer: public Buffer { //, public boost::enable_shared_from_this<Inp
 		inline void _send_iu_link_update(IUInterface* iu, bool is_delta, revision_t revision, const LinkMap& new_links, const LinkMap& links_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name="undef")
-			IPAACA_INFO("(ERROR) InputBuffer::_send_iu_link_update() should never be invoked")
+			IPAACA_WARNING("(ERROR) InputBuffer::_send_iu_link_update() should never be invoked")
 		inline void _send_iu_payload_update(IUInterface* iu, bool is_delta, revision_t revision, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_items, const std::vector<std::string>& keys_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name="undef")
-			IPAACA_INFO("(ERROR) InputBuffer::_send_iu_payload_update() should never be invoked")
+			IPAACA_WARNING("(ERROR) InputBuffer::_send_iu_payload_update() should never be invoked")
 		inline void _send_iu_commission(IUInterface* iu, revision_t revision, const std::string& writer_name="undef")
-			IPAACA_INFO("(ERROR) InputBuffer::_send_iu_commission() should never be invoked")
+			IPAACA_WARNING("(ERROR) InputBuffer::_send_iu_commission() should never be invoked")
 		RemoteServerPtr _get_remote_server(const std::string& unique_server_name);
@@ -322,10 +322,6 @@ class InputBuffer: public Buffer { //, public boost::enable_shared_from_this<Inp
 		boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> get(const std::string& iu_uid);
 		std::set<boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> > get_ius();
-		//inline void add(boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu)
-		//{
-		//}
 	typedef boost::shared_ptr<InputBuffer> ptr;
@@ -570,6 +566,14 @@ class Exception: public std::exception//{{{
 			return _description.c_str();
+class IUNotFoundError: public Exception//{{{
+	public:
+		inline ~IUNotFoundError() throw() { }
+		inline IUNotFoundError() { //boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu) {
+			_description = "IUNotFoundError";
+		}
 class IUPublishedError: public Exception//{{{
diff --git a/cpp/test/src/.gitignore b/cpp/test/src/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05c3e63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/test/src/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/cpp/test/src/Makefile b/cpp/test/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1619f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/test/src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+IPAACASOURCES = ../../src/
+CCFLAGS=-I. -I../../src -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/local/include ${CONFIG}
+BOOSTLIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -lboost_regex-mt -lboost_date_time-mt -lboost_program_options-mt -lboost_thread-mt -lboost_filesystem-mt -lboost_signals-mt -lboost_system-mt
+PROTOLIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -lprotobuf
+LIBS = ${BOOSTLIBS} ${PROTOLIBS} -L/usr/local/lib -lrsc -lrsbcore
+COMPILER = gfilt
+all: protoc textsender
+	${COMPILER} ${CCFLAGS} -o textsender ${TEXTSOURCES} ${LIBS}
+	protoc --proto_path=../../../proto ../../../proto/ipaaca.proto --cpp_out=.
+	rm -f textsender ipaaca.pb.h
diff --git a/cpp/test/src/ b/cpp/test/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85be4c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/test/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#include <ipaaca.h>
+#include <typeinfo>
+using namespace ipaaca;
+const char RECV_CATEGORY[] = "WORD";
+const char SEND_CATEGORY[] = "TEXT";
+class TextSender {
+	protected:
+		OutputBuffer::ptr _ob;
+		InputBuffer::ptr  _ib;
+	public:
+		TextSender();
+		void outbuffer_handle_iu_event(IUInterface::ptr iu, IUEventType event_type, bool local);
+		void inbuffer_handle_iu_event(IUInterface::ptr iu, IUEventType event_type, bool local);
+		IUInterface::ptr find_last_iu();
+		void publish_text_to_print(const std::string& text, const std::string& parent_iu_uid="");
+TextSender::TextSender() {
+	_ob = OutputBuffer::create("TextSenderOut");
+	_ob->register_handler(boost::bind(&TextSender::outbuffer_handle_iu_event, this, _1, _2, _3));
+	_ib = InputBuffer::create("TextSenderIn", RECV_CATEGORY);
+	_ib->register_handler(boost::bind(&TextSender::inbuffer_handle_iu_event, this, _1, _2, _3));
+void TextSender::outbuffer_handle_iu_event(IUInterface::ptr iu, IUEventType event_type, bool local)
+	std::cout << "(own IU event " << iu_event_type_to_str(event_type) << " " << iu->uid() << ")" << std::endl;
+	if (event_type == IU_UPDATED) {
+		std::set<std::string> parent_uids = iu->get_links("GRIN");
+		if (parent_uids.size() > 0) {
+			std::string parent_uid = *(parent_uids.begin());
+			std::cout << "updating parent ..." << std::endl;
+			std::set<std::string> next_uids = iu->get_links("SUCCESSOR");
+			if (next_uids.size() > 0) {
+				std::string next_uid = *(next_uids.begin());
+				IUInterface::ptr next_iu = _ob->get(next_uid);
+				std::set<std::string> next_letter_grin_links = next_iu->get_links("GRIN");
+				if (next_letter_grin_links.count(parent_uid) == 0) {
+					// next letter belongs to new word
+					IUInterface::ptr parent_iu = _ib->get(parent_uid);
+					parent_iu->payload()["STATE"] = "REALIZED";
+				} else {
+					IUInterface::ptr parent_iu = _ib->get(parent_uid);
+					parent_iu->payload()["STATE"] = "STARTED";
+				}
+			} else {
+				// there are no more letters, this is the end of the final word
+				IUInterface::ptr parent_iu = _ib->get(parent_uid);
+				parent_iu->payload()["STATE"] = "REALIZED";
+			}
+			std::cout << " ... done." << std::endl;
+		}
+	} else {
+	}
+void TextSender::inbuffer_handle_iu_event(IUInterface::ptr iu, IUEventType event_type, bool local)
+	if (event_type == IU_LINKSUPDATED) {
+		std::cout << "links updated" << std::endl;
+	} else if (event_type == IU_ADDED) {
+		std::string word = iu->payload()["WORD"];
+		std::cout << "Received new word: " << word << std::endl;
+		publish_text_to_print(word, iu->uid());
+	} else if (event_type == IU_RETRACTED) {
+		std::string retracted_uid = iu->uid();
+	} else {
+		std::cout << "(IU event " << iu_event_type_to_str(event_type) << " " << iu->uid() << ")" << std::endl;
+	}
+IUInterface::ptr TextSender::find_last_iu() {
+	std::set<IUInterface::ptr> ius = _ob->get_ius();
+	for (std::set<IUInterface::ptr>::iterator it = ius.begin(); it!=ius.end(); ++it) {
+		if ((*it)->get_links("SUCCESSOR").size() == 0) return *it;
+	}
+	return IUInterface::ptr();
+void TextSender::publish_text_to_print(const std::string& text, const std::string& parent_iu_uid) {
+	IUInterface::ptr previous_iu = find_last_iu();
+	if (previous_iu) {
+		// insert a blank if we already have words in the buffer
+		IU::ptr iu = IU::create( SEND_CATEGORY );
+		iu->payload()["CONTENT"] = " ";
+		_ob->add(iu);
+		previous_iu->add_link( "SUCCESSOR", iu->uid() );
+		iu->add_link( "PREDECESSOR", previous_iu->uid() );
+		if (parent_iu_uid != "") iu->add_link( "GRIN", parent_iu_uid );
+		previous_iu = iu;
+	}
+	for (int i=0; i<text.size(); ++i) {
+		IU::ptr iu = IU::create( SEND_CATEGORY );
+		iu->payload()["CONTENT"] = std::string(1,;
+		_ob->add(iu);
+		if (previous_iu) {
+			previous_iu->add_link( "SUCCESSOR", iu->uid() );
+			iu->add_link( "PREDECESSOR", previous_iu->uid() );
+			if (parent_iu_uid != "") iu->add_link( "GRIN", parent_iu_uid );
+		}
+		if (previous_iu) std::cout << "previous IU: " << *previous_iu << std::endl;
+		previous_iu = iu;
+	}
+int main() {
+	TextSender sender;
+	sleep(1);
+	sender.publish_text_to_print("(INIT)");
+	std::cout << "Press Ctrl-C to cancel..." << std::endl;
+	while (true) sleep(1);