diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/Buffer.java b/java/src/ipaaca/Buffer.java
index f2ea13060aa73cae62e8e554a4b44cab6321c760..e335e1f4175e82a68e8e6b2e7873a724f0c94d87 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/Buffer.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/Buffer.java
@@ -7,82 +7,82 @@ import java.util.UUID;
  * Base class for InputBuffer and OutputBuffer.
-public abstract class Buffer {
-	private final String owningComponentName;
-	private List<IUEventHandler> eventHandlers = new ArrayList<IUEventHandler>();
-	protected final String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-","");
-	protected String uniqueName;	
-	public String getUniqueName() {
-		return uniqueName;
-	}
+public abstract class Buffer
+    private final String owningComponentName;
-	public String getOwningComponentName() {
-		return owningComponentName;
-	}
-//	def __init__(self, owning_component_name, participant_config=None):
-//		'''Create a Buffer.
-//		Keyword arguments:
-//		owning_compontent_name -- 
-//		participant_config -- RSB configuration
-//		'''
-//		super(Buffer, self).__init__()
-//		self._owning_component_name = owning_component_name
-//		self._participant_config = participant_config #rsb.ParticipantConfig.fromDefaultSources() if participant_config is None else participant_config
-//		self._uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())[0:8]
-//		# Initialise with a temporary, but already unique, name
-//		self._unique_name = "undef-"+self._uuid
-//		self._iu_store = IUStore()
-//		self._iu_event_handlers = []
-	/**
-	 * @param owningComponentName name of the entity that owns this Buffer
-	 * @param participantConfig RSB configuration
-	 */
-	public Buffer(String owningComponentName)
-	{
-		this.owningComponentName = owningComponentName;
-		uniqueName = "undef-"+uuid;
-	}
+    private List<IUEventHandler> eventHandlers = new ArrayList<IUEventHandler>();
+    protected final String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", "");
+    protected String uniqueName;
-//	def register_handler(self, handler_function, for_event_types=None, for_categories=None):
-//		"""Register a new IU event handler function.
-//		Keyword arguments:
-//		handler_function -- a function with the signature (IU, event_type, local)
-//		for_event_types -- a list of event types or None if handler should
-//			be called for all event types
-//		for_categories -- a list of category names or None if handler should
-//			be called for all categoires
-//		 """
-//		handler = IUEventHandler(handler_function=handler_function, for_event_types=for_event_types, for_categories=for_categories)
-//		self._iu_event_handlers.append(handler)
-	public void registerHandler(IUEventHandler handler)
-	{
-	    eventHandlers.add(handler);
-	}
-//	def call_iu_event_handlers(self, uid, local, event_type, category):
-//		"""Call registered IU event handler functions registered for this event_type and category."""
-//		for h in self._iu_event_handlers:
-//			# print('calling an update handler for '+event_type+' -> '+str(h))
-//			h.call(self, uid, local=local, event_type=event_type, category=category)
-	/**
-	 * Call registered IU event handler functions registered for this event_type and category. 
-	 */
-	public void callIuEventHandlers(String uid, boolean local, IUEventType type, String category)
-	{
-		for(IUEventHandler h:eventHandlers)
-		{
-			h.call(this, uid, local, type, category);
-		}
-	}
-	public abstract AbstractIU getIU(String iuid);
+    public String getUniqueName()
+    {
+        return uniqueName;
+    }
+    public String getOwningComponentName()
+    {
+        return owningComponentName;
+    }
+    // def __init__(self, owning_component_name, participant_config=None):
+    // '''Create a Buffer.
+    //
+    // Keyword arguments:
+    // owning_compontent_name --
+    // participant_config -- RSB configuration
+    // '''
+    // super(Buffer, self).__init__()
+    // self._owning_component_name = owning_component_name
+    // self._participant_config = participant_config #rsb.ParticipantConfig.fromDefaultSources() if participant_config is None else participant_config
+    // self._uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())[0:8]
+    // # Initialise with a temporary, but already unique, name
+    // self._unique_name = "undef-"+self._uuid
+    // self._iu_store = IUStore()
+    // self._iu_event_handlers = []
+    /**
+     * @param owningComponentName name of the entity that owns this Buffer
+     * @param participantConfig RSB configuration
+     */
+    public Buffer(String owningComponentName)
+    {
+        this.owningComponentName = owningComponentName;
+        uniqueName = "undef-" + uuid;
+    }
+    // def register_handler(self, handler_function, for_event_types=None, for_categories=None):
+    // """Register a new IU event handler function.
+    //
+    // Keyword arguments:
+    // handler_function -- a function with the signature (IU, event_type, local)
+    // for_event_types -- a list of event types or None if handler should
+    // be called for all event types
+    // for_categories -- a list of category names or None if handler should
+    // be called for all categoires
+    //
+    // """
+    // handler = IUEventHandler(handler_function=handler_function, for_event_types=for_event_types, for_categories=for_categories)
+    // self._iu_event_handlers.append(handler)
+    public void registerHandler(IUEventHandler handler)
+    {
+        eventHandlers.add(handler);
+    }
+    // def call_iu_event_handlers(self, uid, local, event_type, category):
+    // """Call registered IU event handler functions registered for this event_type and category."""
+    // for h in self._iu_event_handlers:
+    // # print('calling an update handler for '+event_type+' -> '+str(h))
+    // h.call(self, uid, local=local, event_type=event_type, category=category)
+    /**
+     * Call registered IU event handler functions registered for this event_type and category.
+     */
+    public void callIuEventHandlers(String uid, boolean local, IUEventType type, String category)
+    {
+        for (IUEventHandler h : eventHandlers)
+        {
+            h.call(this, uid, local, type, category);
+        }
+    }
+    public abstract AbstractIU getIU(String iuid);
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/HandlerFunctor.java b/java/src/ipaaca/HandlerFunctor.java
index 5f4edbdbd5115c75796bde9b697c95f599ce7ea3..4020b7321978d2ee847081934cc032b9ba399961 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/HandlerFunctor.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/HandlerFunctor.java
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 package ipaaca;
-public interface HandlerFunctor {
-	void handle(AbstractIU iu, IUEventType type, boolean local);
+public interface HandlerFunctor
+    void handle(AbstractIU iu, IUEventType type, boolean local);
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/IUAccessMode.java b/java/src/ipaaca/IUAccessMode.java
index 6562e012f99610e269f0579c4c33aee2767bb00a..02941316bd71d8e6a8fe899e7228c52d0e0a671b 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/IUAccessMode.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/IUAccessMode.java
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 package ipaaca;
-public enum IUAccessMode {
+public enum IUAccessMode
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/IUCommittedException.java b/java/src/ipaaca/IUCommittedException.java
index dd079b50da9e311555d1021ed26c6f685fe0fb56..9564de2f8af84d1e6f22cbef7b11dc5027e04f2c 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/IUCommittedException.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/IUCommittedException.java
@@ -3,19 +3,21 @@ package ipaaca;
  * Error indicating that an IU is immutable because it has been committed to.
  * @author hvanwelbergen
- *
+ * 
-public class IUCommittedException extends RuntimeException{
-	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-	private final AbstractIU iu;
-	public AbstractIU getIU() {
-		return iu;
-	}
-	public IUCommittedException(AbstractIU iu)
-	{
-		super("Writing to IU " + iu.getUid() + " failed -- it has been committed to.");
-		this.iu = iu;
-	}
+public class IUCommittedException extends RuntimeException
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+    private final AbstractIU iu;
+    public AbstractIU getIU()
+    {
+        return iu;
+    }
+    public IUCommittedException(AbstractIU iu)
+    {
+        super("Writing to IU " + iu.getUid() + " failed -- it has been committed to.");
+        this.iu = iu;
+    }
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/IUConverter.java b/java/src/ipaaca/IUConverter.java
index 7b16418012bd55a351db9998b3520cd65ab9baf7..5f3d46b23573ceec5e057f3e124dc3340264844f 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/IUConverter.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/IUConverter.java
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 package ipaaca;
 import ipaaca.protobuf.Ipaaca.IU;
 import ipaaca.protobuf.Ipaaca.LinkSet;
 import ipaaca.protobuf.Ipaaca.PayloadItem;
@@ -22,17 +23,17 @@ import rsb.converter.WireContents;
  * Serializes AbstractIUs into protocolbuffer IUs and vice versa.
  * @author hvanwelbergen
- *
+ * 
 public class IUConverter implements Converter<ByteBuffer>
     private final ConverterSignature signature;
     public IUConverter(ConverterSignature signature)
         this.signature = signature;
     public ConverterSignature getSignature()
@@ -42,36 +43,23 @@ public class IUConverter implements Converter<ByteBuffer>
     public WireContents<ByteBuffer> serialize(Class<?> typeInfo, Object obj) throws ConversionException
-        AbstractIU iua = (AbstractIU)obj;
+        AbstractIU iua = (AbstractIU) obj;
         List<PayloadItem> payloadItems = new ArrayList<PayloadItem>();
-        for(Entry<String, String> entry:iua.getPayload().entrySet())
+        for (Entry<String, String> entry : iua.getPayload().entrySet())
-            payloadItems.add(PayloadItem.newBuilder()
-                    .setKey(entry.getKey())
-                    .setValue(entry.getValue())
-                    .setType("")
-                    .build());
+            payloadItems.add(PayloadItem.newBuilder().setKey(entry.getKey()).setValue(entry.getValue()).setType("").build());
         List<LinkSet> links = new ArrayList<LinkSet>();
-        for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry:iua.getAllLinks().asMap().entrySet())
+        for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : iua.getAllLinks().asMap().entrySet())
-        IU iu = IU.newBuilder()
-                .setUid(iua.getUid())
-                .setRevision(iua.getRevision())
-                .setCategory(iua.getCategory())
-                .setOwnerName(iua.getOwnerName())
-                .setCommitted(iua.isCommitted())
-                .setAccessMode(IU.AccessMode.PUSH) //TODO for other access modes (also in Python version)
-                .setReadOnly(iua.isReadOnly())
-                .setPayloadType("MAP")
-                .addAllPayload(payloadItems)
-                .addAllLinks(links)
-                .build();
-        return new WireContents<ByteBuffer>(ByteBuffer.wrap(iu.toByteArray()),"ipaaca-iu");        
+        IU iu = IU.newBuilder().setUid(iua.getUid()).setRevision(iua.getRevision()).setCategory(iua.getCategory())
+                .setOwnerName(iua.getOwnerName()).setCommitted(iua.isCommitted()).setAccessMode(IU.AccessMode.PUSH) // TODO for other access modes (also in Python version)
+                .setReadOnly(iua.isReadOnly()).setPayloadType("MAP").addAllPayload(payloadItems).addAllLinks(links).build();
+        return new WireContents<ByteBuffer>(ByteBuffer.wrap(iu.toByteArray()), "ipaaca-iu");
@@ -87,22 +75,22 @@ public class IUConverter implements Converter<ByteBuffer>
             throw new RuntimeException(e);
-        if(iu.getAccessMode() == IU.AccessMode.PUSH)
+        if (iu.getAccessMode() == IU.AccessMode.PUSH)
             RemotePushIU iuout = new RemotePushIU(iu.getUid());
             iuout.committed = iu.getCommitted();
-            iuout.setReadOnly(iu.getReadOnly());            
-            iuout.payload = new Payload(iuout,iu.getPayloadList());            
+            iuout.setReadOnly(iu.getReadOnly());
+            iuout.payload = new Payload(iuout, iu.getPayloadList());
             SetMultimap<String, String> links = HashMultimap.create();
-            for(LinkSet ls: iu.getLinksList())
+            for (LinkSet ls : iu.getLinksList())
-                links.putAll(ls.getType(),ls.getTargetsList());
+                links.putAll(ls.getType(), ls.getTargetsList());
-            return new UserData<RemotePushIU>(iuout, RemotePushIU.class);            
+            return new UserData<RemotePushIU>(iuout, RemotePushIU.class);
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/IUEventHandler.java b/java/src/ipaaca/IUEventHandler.java
index 85f956fdeb9b5a1531471c00e2f24b032776303d..25f2135f70f7a46e527653fd1347c90d8b5c509d 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/IUEventHandler.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/IUEventHandler.java
@@ -7,76 +7,78 @@ import java.util.Set;
  * Wrapper for IU event handling functions.
  * @author hvanwelbergen
-public class IUEventHandler {
-	private final EnumSet<IUEventType> eventTypes; 
-	private Set<String>categories;
-	private final HandlerFunctor handleFunctor;
-//	def __init__(self, handler_function, for_event_types=None, for_categories=None):
-//		"""Create an IUEventHandler.
-//		Keyword arguments:
-//		handler_function -- the handler function with the signature
-//			(IU, event_type, local)
-//		for_event_types -- a list of event types or None if handler should
-//			be called for all event types
-//		for_categories -- a list of category names or None if handler should
-//			be called for all categoires
-//		"""
-//		super(IUEventHandler, self).__init__()
-//		self._handler_function = handler_function
-//		self._for_event_types = (
-//			None if for_event_types is None else
-//			(for_event_types[:] if hasattr(for_event_types, '__iter__') else [for_event_types]))
-//		self._for_categories = (
-//			None if for_categories is None else
-//			(for_categories[:] if hasattr(for_categories, '__iter__') else [for_categories]))
-	public IUEventHandler(HandlerFunctor func, EnumSet<IUEventType> eventTypes, Set<String>categories)
-	{
-		this.eventTypes = eventTypes;
-		this.categories = categories;
-		this.handleFunctor = func;
-	}
-//	def condition_met(self, event_type, category):
-//		"""Check whether this IUEventHandler should be called.
-//		Keyword arguments:
-//		event_type -- type of the IU event
-//		category -- category of the IU which triggered the event
-//		"""
-//		type_condition_met = (self._for_event_types is None or event_type in self._for_event_types)
-//		cat_condition_met = (self._for_categories is None or category in self._for_categories)
-//		return type_condition_met and cat_condition_met
-	/**
-	 * Check whether this IUEventHandler should be called.
-	 * @param type type of the IU event
-	 * @param category category of the IU which triggered the event
-	 */
-	private boolean conditionMet(IUEventType type, String category)
-	{
-		return eventTypes.contains(type) && categories.contains(category);
-	}
-//	def call(self, buffer, iu_uid, local, event_type, category):
-//		"""Call this IUEventHandler's function, if it applies.
-//		Keyword arguments:
-//		buffer -- the buffer in which the IU is stored
-//		iu_uid -- the uid of the IU
-//		local -- is the IU local or remote to this component? @RAMIN: Is this correct?
-//		event_type -- IU event type
-//		category -- category of the IU
-//		"""
-//		if self.condition_met(event_type, category):
-//			iu = buffer._iu_store[iu_uid]
-//			self._handler_function(iu, event_type, local)
-	public void call(Buffer buf, String iuUid, boolean local, IUEventType type, String category)
-	{
-		if(conditionMet(type,category))
-		{
-			AbstractIU iu = buf.getIU(iuUid);
-			handleFunctor.handle(iu, type, local);
-		}
-	}
+public class IUEventHandler
+    private final EnumSet<IUEventType> eventTypes;
+    private Set<String> categories;
+    private final HandlerFunctor handleFunctor;
+    // def __init__(self, handler_function, for_event_types=None, for_categories=None):
+    // """Create an IUEventHandler.
+    //
+    // Keyword arguments:
+    // handler_function -- the handler function with the signature
+    // (IU, event_type, local)
+    // for_event_types -- a list of event types or None if handler should
+    // be called for all event types
+    // for_categories -- a list of category names or None if handler should
+    // be called for all categoires
+    // """
+    // super(IUEventHandler, self).__init__()
+    // self._handler_function = handler_function
+    // self._for_event_types = (
+    // None if for_event_types is None else
+    // (for_event_types[:] if hasattr(for_event_types, '__iter__') else [for_event_types]))
+    // self._for_categories = (
+    // None if for_categories is None else
+    // (for_categories[:] if hasattr(for_categories, '__iter__') else [for_categories]))
+    public IUEventHandler(HandlerFunctor func, EnumSet<IUEventType> eventTypes, Set<String> categories)
+    {
+        this.eventTypes = eventTypes;
+        this.categories = categories;
+        this.handleFunctor = func;
+    }
+    // def condition_met(self, event_type, category):
+    // """Check whether this IUEventHandler should be called.
+    //
+    // Keyword arguments:
+    // event_type -- type of the IU event
+    // category -- category of the IU which triggered the event
+    // """
+    // type_condition_met = (self._for_event_types is None or event_type in self._for_event_types)
+    // cat_condition_met = (self._for_categories is None or category in self._for_categories)
+    // return type_condition_met and cat_condition_met
+    /**
+     * Check whether this IUEventHandler should be called.
+     * @param type type of the IU event
+     * @param category category of the IU which triggered the event
+     */
+    private boolean conditionMet(IUEventType type, String category)
+    {
+        return eventTypes.contains(type) && categories.contains(category);
+    }
+    // def call(self, buffer, iu_uid, local, event_type, category):
+    // """Call this IUEventHandler's function, if it applies.
+    //
+    // Keyword arguments:
+    // buffer -- the buffer in which the IU is stored
+    // iu_uid -- the uid of the IU
+    // local -- is the IU local or remote to this component? @RAMIN: Is this correct?
+    // event_type -- IU event type
+    // category -- category of the IU
+    // """
+    // if self.condition_met(event_type, category):
+    // iu = buffer._iu_store[iu_uid]
+    // self._handler_function(iu, event_type, local)
+    public void call(Buffer buf, String iuUid, boolean local, IUEventType type, String category)
+    {
+        if (conditionMet(type, category))
+        {
+            AbstractIU iu = buf.getIU(iuUid);
+            handleFunctor.handle(iu, type, local);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/IUEventType.java b/java/src/ipaaca/IUEventType.java
index 9b618c610fcb43f026dba45468de15288e7e0ee5..efb2b1b419623883dbcf2a0ebacf1ee33b28096c 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/IUEventType.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/IUEventType.java
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 package ipaaca;
-public enum IUEventType {
+public enum IUEventType
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/IUPublishedException.java b/java/src/ipaaca/IUPublishedException.java
index d94d5ddbda97d7b46557dfd70abec234dcfae1bf..ee8bc46cecbac08d33df742ea4ca7837e779df6d 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/IUPublishedException.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/IUPublishedException.java
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package ipaaca;
  * IUPublishedException exceptions occur when publishing (=putting it in an output buffer) an already published IU.
  * @author hvanwelbergen
- *
+ * 
 public class IUPublishedException extends RuntimeException
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/IUReadOnlyException.java b/java/src/ipaaca/IUReadOnlyException.java
index cc7b935420cf5549868873ea01fbda5a4e4d1619..6218d376b7c6cfd3d01bbe22dbd45c31ff554a9b 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/IUReadOnlyException.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/IUReadOnlyException.java
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package ipaaca;
  * IUReadOnlyException's occur when writing to a read-only IU
  * @author hvanwelbergen
- *
+ * 
 public class IUReadOnlyException extends RuntimeException
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/IUUpdateFailedException.java b/java/src/ipaaca/IUUpdateFailedException.java
index e2b9b178e97e198d5f16c36e025d491f40dfb3c2..d756efa5bd4e288a69a986297a0d9549561e5a1b 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/IUUpdateFailedException.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/IUUpdateFailedException.java
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package ipaaca;
  * Indicates that a remote update failed
  * @author hvanwelbergen
- *
+ * 
 public class IUUpdateFailedException extends RuntimeException
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/Initializer.java b/java/src/ipaaca/Initializer.java
index 0695993a5b7cef625809aae4a90b6cf8e9c370f2..815fb8e4381e254bbcd5fb92035f89f1c2239245 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/Initializer.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/Initializer.java
@@ -8,11 +8,14 @@ import rsb.converter.ProtocolBufferConverter;
  * Hooks up the ipaaca converters, call initializeIpaacaRsb() before using ipaaca.
  * @author hvanwelbergen
- *
+ * 
 public final class Initializer
-    private Initializer(){}
+    private Initializer()
+    {
+    }
     public static void initializeIpaacaRsb()
         DefaultConverterRepository.getDefaultConverterRepository().addConverter(new IntConverter());
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/InputBuffer.java b/java/src/ipaaca/InputBuffer.java
index 961785a29501e2e4bd5b3e6dfc03c4d84f2377e6..b9f195019ae8cc849eb7a156bafd976741bc35b4 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/InputBuffer.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/InputBuffer.java
@@ -25,68 +25,69 @@ import rsb.patterns.RemoteServer;
  * An InputBuffer that holds remote IUs.
  * @author hvanwelbergen
-public class InputBuffer extends Buffer{
-	private Map<String,RemoteServer> remoteServerStore = new HashMap<String,RemoteServer>();
-	private Map<String,Listener> listenerStore = new HashMap<String,Listener>();
-	private Set<String> categoryInterests = new HashSet<String>();
-	private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InputBuffer.class.getName());
-	private IUStore<RemotePushIU> iuStore = new IUStore<RemotePushIU>();
-	public void close()
-	{
-	    for(Listener listener: listenerStore.values())
-	    {
-	        listener.deactivate();
-	    }
-	    for(RemoteServer remServer: remoteServerStore.values())
-	    {
-	        remServer.deactivate();
-	    }
-	}
-//	def __init__(self, owning_component_name, category_interests=None, participant_config=None):
-//		'''Create an InputBuffer.
-//		Keyword arguments:
-//		owning_compontent_name -- name of the entity that owns this InputBuffer
-//		category_interests -- list of IU categories this Buffer is interested in
-//		participant_config = RSB configuration
-//		'''
-//		super(InputBuffer, self).__init__(owning_component_name, participant_config)
-//		self._unique_name = '/ipaaca/component/'+str(owning_component_name)+'ID'+self._uuid+'/IB'
-//		self._listener_store = {} # one per IU category
-//		self._remote_server_store = {} # one per remote-IU-owning Component
-//		self._category_interests = []
-//		if category_interests is not None:
-//			for cat in category_interests:
-//				self._create_category_listener_if_needed(cat)
-	public InputBuffer(String owningComponentName, Set<String>categoryInterests)
-	{
-		super(owningComponentName);
-		uniqueName = "/ipaaca/component/"+ owningComponentName +"ID"+uuid+"/IB";
-		for (String cat:categoryInterests)
-		{
-			createCategoryListenerIfNeeded(cat);
-		}		
-	}
-//	def _get_remote_server(self, iu):
-//		'''Return (or create, store and return) a remote server.'''
-//		if iu.owner_name in self._remote_server_store:
-//			return self._remote_server_store[iu.owner_name]
-//		remote_server = rsb.createRemoteServer(rsb.Scope(str(iu.owner_name)))
-//		self._remote_server_store[iu.owner_name] = remote_server
-//		return remote_server
-	public RemoteServer getRemoteServer(AbstractIU iu)
-	{
-		if(remoteServerStore.containsKey(iu.getOwnerName()))
-		{
-			return remoteServerStore.get(iu.getOwnerName());
-		}
-		logger.debug("Getting remote server for {}",iu.getOwnerName());
-		RemoteServer remoteServer = Factory.getInstance().createRemoteServer(new Scope(iu.getOwnerName()));
-		try
+public class InputBuffer extends Buffer
+    private Map<String, RemoteServer> remoteServerStore = new HashMap<String, RemoteServer>();
+    private Map<String, Listener> listenerStore = new HashMap<String, Listener>();
+    private Set<String> categoryInterests = new HashSet<String>();
+    private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InputBuffer.class.getName());
+    private IUStore<RemotePushIU> iuStore = new IUStore<RemotePushIU>();
+    public void close()
+    {
+        for (Listener listener : listenerStore.values())
+        {
+            listener.deactivate();
+        }
+        for (RemoteServer remServer : remoteServerStore.values())
+        {
+            remServer.deactivate();
+        }
+    }
+    // def __init__(self, owning_component_name, category_interests=None, participant_config=None):
+    // '''Create an InputBuffer.
+    //
+    // Keyword arguments:
+    // owning_compontent_name -- name of the entity that owns this InputBuffer
+    // category_interests -- list of IU categories this Buffer is interested in
+    // participant_config = RSB configuration
+    // '''
+    // super(InputBuffer, self).__init__(owning_component_name, participant_config)
+    // self._unique_name = '/ipaaca/component/'+str(owning_component_name)+'ID'+self._uuid+'/IB'
+    // self._listener_store = {} # one per IU category
+    // self._remote_server_store = {} # one per remote-IU-owning Component
+    // self._category_interests = []
+    // if category_interests is not None:
+    // for cat in category_interests:
+    // self._create_category_listener_if_needed(cat)
+    public InputBuffer(String owningComponentName, Set<String> categoryInterests)
+    {
+        super(owningComponentName);
+        uniqueName = "/ipaaca/component/" + owningComponentName + "ID" + uuid + "/IB";
+        for (String cat : categoryInterests)
+        {
+            createCategoryListenerIfNeeded(cat);
+        }
+    }
+    // def _get_remote_server(self, iu):
+    // '''Return (or create, store and return) a remote server.'''
+    // if iu.owner_name in self._remote_server_store:
+    // return self._remote_server_store[iu.owner_name]
+    // remote_server = rsb.createRemoteServer(rsb.Scope(str(iu.owner_name)))
+    // self._remote_server_store[iu.owner_name] = remote_server
+    // return remote_server
+    public RemoteServer getRemoteServer(AbstractIU iu)
+    {
+        if (remoteServerStore.containsKey(iu.getOwnerName()))
+        {
+            return remoteServerStore.get(iu.getOwnerName());
+        }
+        logger.debug("Getting remote server for {}", iu.getOwnerName());
+        RemoteServer remoteServer = Factory.getInstance().createRemoteServer(new Scope(iu.getOwnerName()));
+        try
@@ -94,183 +95,186 @@ public class InputBuffer extends Buffer{
             throw new RuntimeException(e);
-		remoteServerStore.put(iu.getOwnerName(), remoteServer);		
-		return remoteServer;
-	}
-//	def _create_category_listener_if_needed(self, iu_category):
-//		'''Return (or create, store and return) a category listener.'''
-//		if iu_category in self._listener_store: return self._informer_store[iu_category]
-//		cat_listener = rsb.createListener(rsb.Scope("/ipaaca/category/"+str(iu_category)), config=self._participant_config)
-//		cat_listener.addHandler(self._handle_iu_events)
-//		self._listener_store[iu_category] = cat_listener
-//		self._category_interests.append(iu_category)
-//		logger.info("Added category listener for "+iu_category)
-//		return cat_listener
-	private Listener createCategoryListenerIfNeeded(String category)
-	{
-		if(listenerStore.containsKey(category))
-		{
-			return listenerStore.get(category);
-		}
-		Listener listener = Factory.getInstance().createListener(new Scope("/ipaaca/category/"+category));
-		listenerStore.put(category,listener);
-		categoryInterests.add(category);
-		listener.addHandler(new InputHandler(), true);
-		logger.info("Added category listener for {}",category);
-		try
+        remoteServerStore.put(iu.getOwnerName(), remoteServer);
+        return remoteServer;
+    }
+    // def _create_category_listener_if_needed(self, iu_category):
+    // '''Return (or create, store and return) a category listener.'''
+    // if iu_category in self._listener_store: return self._informer_store[iu_category]
+    // cat_listener = rsb.createListener(rsb.Scope("/ipaaca/category/"+str(iu_category)), config=self._participant_config)
+    // cat_listener.addHandler(self._handle_iu_events)
+    // self._listener_store[iu_category] = cat_listener
+    // self._category_interests.append(iu_category)
+    // logger.info("Added category listener for "+iu_category)
+    // return cat_listener
+    private Listener createCategoryListenerIfNeeded(String category)
+    {
+        if (listenerStore.containsKey(category))
+        {
+            return listenerStore.get(category);
+        }
+        Listener listener = Factory.getInstance().createListener(new Scope("/ipaaca/category/" + category));
+        listenerStore.put(category, listener);
+        categoryInterests.add(category);
+        listener.addHandler(new InputHandler(), true);
+        logger.info("Added category listener for {}", category);
+        try
         catch (InitializeException e)
             throw new RuntimeException(e);
-        }        
-		return listener;
-	}
-	class InputHandler implements Handler
-	{
+        }
+        return listener;
+    }
-		@Override
-		public void internalNotify(Event ev) {
-			handleIUEvents(ev);
-		}
-	}
-//	def _handle_iu_events(self, event):
-//		'''Dispatch incoming IU events.
-//		Adds incoming IU's to the store, applies payload and commit updates to
-//		IU, calls IU event handlers.'
-//		Keyword arguments:
-//		event -- a converted RSB event
-//		'''
-//		if type(event.data) is RemotePushIU:
-//			# a new IU
-//			if event.data.uid in self._iu_store:
-//				# already in our store
-//				pass
-//			else:
-//				self._iu_store[ event.data.uid ] = event.data
-//				event.data.buffer = self
-//				self.call_iu_event_handlers(event.data.uid, local=False, event_type=IUEventType.ADDED, category=event.data.category)
-//		else:
-//			# an update to an existing IU
-//			if event.data.writer_name == self.unique_name:
-//				# Discard updates that originate from this buffer
-//				return
-//			if event.data.uid not in self._iu_store:
-//				# TODO: we should request the IU's owner to send us the IU
-//				logger.warning("Update message for IU which we did not fully receive before.")
-//				return
-//			if type(event.data) is iuProtoBuf_pb2.IUCommission:
-//				# IU commit
-//				iu = self._iu_store[event.data.uid]
-//				iu._apply_commission()
-//				iu._revision = event.data.revision
-//				self.call_iu_event_handlers(event.data.uid, local=False, event_type=IUEventType.COMMITTED, category=iu.category)
-//			elif type(event.data) is IUPayloadUpdate:
-//				# IU payload update
-//				iu = self._iu_store[event.data.uid]
-//				iu._apply_update(event.data)
-//				self.call_iu_event_handlers(event.data.uid, local=False, event_type=IUEventType.UPDATED, category=iu.category)
-	/**
-	 * Dispatch incoming IU events.
-	 */
-	private void handleIUEvents(Event event)
-	{
-	    if(event.getData() instanceof RemotePushIU)
-		{
-			RemotePushIU rp = (RemotePushIU)event.getData();
-			//a new IU
-			if(iuStore.containsKey(rp.getUid()))
-			{
-				// already in our store
-				return;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				iuStore.put(rp.getUid(), rp);
-				rp.setBuffer(this);
-				this.callIuEventHandlers(rp.getUid(), false, IUEventType.ADDED, rp.getCategory());				
-			}
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-		    if (event.getData() instanceof IULinkUpdate)
+    class InputHandler implements Handler
+    {
+        @Override
+        public void internalNotify(Event ev)
+        {
+            handleIUEvents(ev);
+        }
+    }
+    // def _handle_iu_events(self, event):
+    // '''Dispatch incoming IU events.
+    //
+    // Adds incoming IU's to the store, applies payload and commit updates to
+    // IU, calls IU event handlers.'
+    //
+    // Keyword arguments:
+    // event -- a converted RSB event
+    // '''
+    // if type(event.data) is RemotePushIU:
+    // # a new IU
+    // if event.data.uid in self._iu_store:
+    // # already in our store
+    // pass
+    // else:
+    // self._iu_store[ event.data.uid ] = event.data
+    // event.data.buffer = self
+    // self.call_iu_event_handlers(event.data.uid, local=False, event_type=IUEventType.ADDED, category=event.data.category)
+    // else:
+    // # an update to an existing IU
+    // if event.data.writer_name == self.unique_name:
+    // # Discard updates that originate from this buffer
+    // return
+    // if event.data.uid not in self._iu_store:
+    // # TODO: we should request the IU's owner to send us the IU
+    // logger.warning("Update message for IU which we did not fully receive before.")
+    // return
+    // if type(event.data) is iuProtoBuf_pb2.IUCommission:
+    // # IU commit
+    // iu = self._iu_store[event.data.uid]
+    // iu._apply_commission()
+    // iu._revision = event.data.revision
+    // self.call_iu_event_handlers(event.data.uid, local=False, event_type=IUEventType.COMMITTED, category=iu.category)
+    // elif type(event.data) is IUPayloadUpdate:
+    // # IU payload update
+    // iu = self._iu_store[event.data.uid]
+    // iu._apply_update(event.data)
+    // self.call_iu_event_handlers(event.data.uid, local=False, event_type=IUEventType.UPDATED, category=iu.category)
+    /**
+     * Dispatch incoming IU events.
+     */
+    private void handleIUEvents(Event event)
+    {
+        if (event.getData() instanceof RemotePushIU)
+        {
+            RemotePushIU rp = (RemotePushIU) event.getData();
+            // a new IU
+            if (iuStore.containsKey(rp.getUid()))
+            {
+                // already in our store
+                return;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                iuStore.put(rp.getUid(), rp);
+                rp.setBuffer(this);
+                this.callIuEventHandlers(rp.getUid(), false, IUEventType.ADDED, rp.getCategory());
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (event.getData() instanceof IULinkUpdate)
-		        IULinkUpdate iuLinkUpdate = (IULinkUpdate)event.getData();
-		        if(iuLinkUpdate.getWriterName().equals(this.getUniqueName()))
+                IULinkUpdate iuLinkUpdate = (IULinkUpdate) event.getData();
+                if (iuLinkUpdate.getWriterName().equals(this.getUniqueName()))
-                    //Discard updates that originate from this buffer
+                    // Discard updates that originate from this buffer
-		        if(!iuStore.containsKey(iuLinkUpdate.getUid()))
+                if (!iuStore.containsKey(iuLinkUpdate.getUid()))
                     logger.warn("Link update message for IU which we did not fully receive before.");
-		        RemotePushIU iu = this.iuStore.get(iuLinkUpdate.getUid());
+                RemotePushIU iu = this.iuStore.get(iuLinkUpdate.getUid());
                 callIuEventHandlers(iu.getUid(), false, IUEventType.LINKSUPDATED, iu.category);
-		    if (event.getData() instanceof IUPayloadUpdate)
-			{
-				IUPayloadUpdate iuUpdate = (IUPayloadUpdate)event.getData();
-				logger.debug("handleIUEvents invoked with an IUPayloadUpdate: {}", iuUpdate);                
-				if(iuUpdate.getWriterName().equals(this.getUniqueName()))
-				{
-					//Discard updates that originate from this buffer
-					return;
-				}
-				if(!iuStore.containsKey(iuUpdate.getUid()))
-				{
-					logger.warn("Update message for IU which we did not fully receive before.");
-					return;
-				}
-				RemotePushIU iu = this.iuStore.get(iuUpdate.getUid());
-				iu.applyUpdate(iuUpdate);
-				callIuEventHandlers(iu.getUid(), false, IUEventType.UPDATED, iu.category);
-			}
-			if (event.getData() instanceof IUCommission)
-			{
-			    IUCommission iuc = (IUCommission)event.getData();
-			    logger.debug("handleIUEvents invoked with an IUCommission: {}", iuc);    
-			    logger.debug("{}, {}",iuc.getWriterName(), this.getUniqueName());
-				if(iuc.getWriterName().equals(this.getUniqueName()))
-				{
-					//Discard updates that originate from this buffer
-					return;
-				}
-				if(!iuStore.containsKey(iuc.getUid()))
-				{
-					logger.warn("Update message for IU which we did not fully receive before.");
-					return;
-				}
-				RemotePushIU iu = this.iuStore.get(iuc.getUid());
-				iu.applyCommmision();
-				iu.setRevision(iuc.getRevision());
-				callIuEventHandlers(iuc.getUid(), false, IUEventType.COMMITTED, iu.getCategory());								
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	public InputBuffer(String owningComponentName) {
-		super(owningComponentName);		
-	}
+            if (event.getData() instanceof IUPayloadUpdate)
+            {
+                IUPayloadUpdate iuUpdate = (IUPayloadUpdate) event.getData();
+                logger.debug("handleIUEvents invoked with an IUPayloadUpdate: {}", iuUpdate);
+                if (iuUpdate.getWriterName().equals(this.getUniqueName()))
+                {
+                    // Discard updates that originate from this buffer
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (!iuStore.containsKey(iuUpdate.getUid()))
+                {
+                    logger.warn("Update message for IU which we did not fully receive before.");
+                    return;
+                }
+                RemotePushIU iu = this.iuStore.get(iuUpdate.getUid());
+                iu.applyUpdate(iuUpdate);
+                callIuEventHandlers(iu.getUid(), false, IUEventType.UPDATED, iu.category);
+            }
+            if (event.getData() instanceof IUCommission)
+            {
+                IUCommission iuc = (IUCommission) event.getData();
+                logger.debug("handleIUEvents invoked with an IUCommission: {}", iuc);
+                logger.debug("{}, {}", iuc.getWriterName(), this.getUniqueName());
+                if (iuc.getWriterName().equals(this.getUniqueName()))
+                {
+                    // Discard updates that originate from this buffer
+                    return;
+                }
+                if (!iuStore.containsKey(iuc.getUid()))
+                {
+                    logger.warn("Update message for IU which we did not fully receive before.");
+                    return;
+                }
+                RemotePushIU iu = this.iuStore.get(iuc.getUid());
+                iu.applyCommmision();
+                iu.setRevision(iuc.getRevision());
+                callIuEventHandlers(iuc.getUid(), false, IUEventType.COMMITTED, iu.getCategory());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    public InputBuffer(String owningComponentName)
+    {
+        super(owningComponentName);
+    }
     public AbstractIU getIU(String iuid)
         return iuStore.get(iuid);
-	public Collection<RemotePushIU> getIUs()
-	{
-	    return iuStore.values();
-	}
+    public Collection<RemotePushIU> getIUs()
+    {
+        return iuStore.values();
+    }
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/IntConverter.java b/java/src/ipaaca/IntConverter.java
index 1327b103c9a6aacbbe5a4f4fc85f8a7f60e6b555..9ca0c6012318d481d6797be06b177ac7129a3b68 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/IntConverter.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/IntConverter.java
@@ -14,27 +14,24 @@ import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException;
  * Serializer/deserializer for ints
  * @author hvanwelbergen
- *
+ * 
 public class IntConverter implements Converter<ByteBuffer>
     public ConverterSignature getSignature()
-        return new ConverterSignature("int32",Integer.class);
+        return new ConverterSignature("int32", Integer.class);
     public WireContents<ByteBuffer> serialize(Class<?> typeInfo, Object obj) throws ConversionException
-        Integer intVal = (Integer)obj;
-        IntMessage message = IntMessage.newBuilder()
-            .setValue(intVal)
-            .build();
-        return new WireContents<ByteBuffer>(ByteBuffer.wrap(message.toByteArray()),"int32");        
+        Integer intVal = (Integer) obj;
+        IntMessage message = IntMessage.newBuilder().setValue(intVal).build();
+        return new WireContents<ByteBuffer>(ByteBuffer.wrap(message.toByteArray()), "int32");
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/LinkUpdateConverter.java b/java/src/ipaaca/LinkUpdateConverter.java
index a61e0e417452fc40bc27f97cbe02d1683fd8990d..3351d8c473b5c971992ee28c4a11f9cfa5da758a 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/LinkUpdateConverter.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/LinkUpdateConverter.java
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException;
  * Serializer/deserializer for IULinkUpdate
  * @author hvanwelbergen
- *
+ * 
 public class LinkUpdateConverter implements Converter<ByteBuffer>
@@ -33,20 +33,20 @@ public class LinkUpdateConverter implements Converter<ByteBuffer>
             throw new RuntimeException(e);
-        return new UserData<IULinkUpdate>(pl, IULinkUpdate.class);   
+        return new UserData<IULinkUpdate>(pl, IULinkUpdate.class);
     public ConverterSignature getSignature()
-        return new ConverterSignature(LINKUPDATE_WIRESCHEMA,IULinkUpdate.class);
+        return new ConverterSignature(LINKUPDATE_WIRESCHEMA, IULinkUpdate.class);
     public WireContents<ByteBuffer> serialize(Class<?> typeInfo, Object obj) throws ConversionException
-        IULinkUpdate pl = (IULinkUpdate)obj;
-        return new WireContents<ByteBuffer>(ByteBuffer.wrap(pl.toByteArray()),LINKUPDATE_WIRESCHEMA);        
+        IULinkUpdate pl = (IULinkUpdate) obj;
+        return new WireContents<ByteBuffer>(ByteBuffer.wrap(pl.toByteArray()), LINKUPDATE_WIRESCHEMA);
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/LocalIU.java b/java/src/ipaaca/LocalIU.java
index 6abb71b824c65bff5ccedbeffee963b4df001369..e971a9c7bfd2f4a5a511f1989a8fa60dda514c6f 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/LocalIU.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/LocalIU.java
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ public class LocalIU extends AbstractIU
                 committed = true;
-                if(outputBuffer!=null)
-                {    
-                    outputBuffer.sendIUCommission(this, writerName);                
+                if (outputBuffer != null)
+                {
+                    outputBuffer.sendIUCommission(this, writerName);
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public class LocalIU extends AbstractIU
         synchronized (revisionLock)
-            if(isPublished())
+            if (isPublished())
                 String wName = null;
                 if (getBuffer() != null)
@@ -127,24 +127,19 @@ public class LocalIU extends AbstractIU
                     wName = null;
-                Set<LinkSet> addSet = new HashSet<LinkSet>();                
-                for(Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry :linksToAdd.asMap().entrySet())
+                Set<LinkSet> addSet = new HashSet<LinkSet>();
+                for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : linksToAdd.asMap().entrySet())
-                Set<LinkSet> removeSet = new HashSet<LinkSet>();                
-                for(Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry :linksToRemove.asMap().entrySet())
+                Set<LinkSet> removeSet = new HashSet<LinkSet>();
+                for (Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : linksToRemove.asMap().entrySet())
-                outputBuffer.sendIULinkUpdate(this,IULinkUpdate.newBuilder()
-                        .setUid(getUid())
-                        .setRevision(getRevision())
-                        .setWriterName(wName)
-                        .setIsDelta(isDelta)
-                        .addAllNewLinks(addSet)
-                        .addAllLinksToRemove(removeSet)
-                        .build());
+                outputBuffer.sendIULinkUpdate(this,
+                        IULinkUpdate.newBuilder().setUid(getUid()).setRevision(getRevision()).setWriterName(wName).setIsDelta(isDelta)
+                                .addAllNewLinks(addSet).addAllLinksToRemove(removeSet).build());
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/Payload.java b/java/src/ipaaca/Payload.java
index 77d6ec10550db8f439a3668f1d40d1cd30f7696e..c2e3a93604a3e68817c3615c20bcc032318a4e85 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/Payload.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/Payload.java
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public class Payload implements Map<String, String>
         this.iu = iu;
     // def __init__(self, remote_push_iu, new_payload):
     // """Create remote payload object.
@@ -34,46 +34,46 @@ public class Payload implements Map<String, String>
     // self._remote_push_iu = remote_push_iu
     // if new_payload is not None:
     // for k,v in new_payload.items():
-    // dict.__setitem__(self, k, v)    
+    // dict.__setitem__(self, k, v)
     public Payload(AbstractIU iu, List<PayloadItem> payloadItems)
-        this(iu,payloadItems,null);      
+        this(iu, payloadItems, null);
-    public Payload(AbstractIU iu, Map<String,String> newPayload)
+    public Payload(AbstractIU iu, Map<String, String> newPayload)
-        this(iu,newPayload,null);      
+        this(iu, newPayload, null);
-    public Payload(AbstractIU iu, Map<String,String> newPayload, String writerName)
+    public Payload(AbstractIU iu, Map<String, String> newPayload, String writerName)
         this.iu = iu;
         set(newPayload, writerName);
-    public Payload(AbstractIU iu, List<PayloadItem>newPayload, String writerName)
+    public Payload(AbstractIU iu, List<PayloadItem> newPayload, String writerName)
         this.iu = iu;
-        set(newPayload,writerName);       
+        set(newPayload, writerName);
-    public void set(Map<String,String> newPayload, String writerName)
+    public void set(Map<String, String> newPayload, String writerName)
         iu.setPayload(newPayload, writerName);
-    public void set(List<PayloadItem>newPayload, String writerName)
+    public void set(List<PayloadItem> newPayload, String writerName)
-        iu.handlePayloadSetting(newPayload,writerName);
+        iu.handlePayloadSetting(newPayload, writerName);
         for (PayloadItem item : newPayload)
             map.put(item.getKey(), item.getValue());
     // def _remotely_enforced_setitem(self, k, v):
     // """Sets an item when requested remotely."""
     // return dict.__setitem__(self, k, v)
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ public class Payload implements Map<String, String>
     // raise IUUpdateFailedError(self._remote_push_iu)
     // else:
     // self._remote_push_iu._revision = new_revision
-    // dict.__setitem__(self, k, v)    
+    // dict.__setitem__(self, k, v)
      * Set item in this payload.
      * Requests item setting from the OutputBuffer holding the local version
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ public class Payload implements Map<String, String>
      * Requests item deletion from the OutputBuffer holding the local version
      * of this IU. Returns when permission is granted and item is deleted;
      * otherwise raises an IUUpdateFailedError.
-     */    
+     */
     public String remove(Object key, String writer)
         iu.removeFromPayload(key, writer);
diff --git a/java/src/ipaaca/PayloadConverter.java b/java/src/ipaaca/PayloadConverter.java
index c78546ce806ef58cf8335c34185adb49e86a248d..c07993fa074f6fef846a6c8270984b9c251898a0 100644
--- a/java/src/ipaaca/PayloadConverter.java
+++ b/java/src/ipaaca/PayloadConverter.java
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException;
  * Serializer/deserializer for IUPayloadUpdate
  * @author hvanwelbergen
- *
+ * 
 public class PayloadConverter implements Converter<ByteBuffer>
@@ -33,20 +33,20 @@ public class PayloadConverter implements Converter<ByteBuffer>
             throw new RuntimeException(e);
-        return new UserData<IUPayloadUpdate>(pl, IUPayloadUpdate.class);   
+        return new UserData<IUPayloadUpdate>(pl, IUPayloadUpdate.class);
     public ConverterSignature getSignature()
-        return new ConverterSignature(PAYLOAD_WIRESCHEMA,IUPayloadUpdate.class);
+        return new ConverterSignature(PAYLOAD_WIRESCHEMA, IUPayloadUpdate.class);
     public WireContents<ByteBuffer> serialize(Class<?> typeInfo, Object obj) throws ConversionException
-        IUPayloadUpdate pl = (IUPayloadUpdate)obj;
-        return new WireContents<ByteBuffer>(ByteBuffer.wrap(pl.toByteArray()),PAYLOAD_WIRESCHEMA);        
+        IUPayloadUpdate pl = (IUPayloadUpdate) obj;
+        return new WireContents<ByteBuffer>(ByteBuffer.wrap(pl.toByteArray()), PAYLOAD_WIRESCHEMA);