From 8cd1eff5b6ce62bf1bb9d30d311e45f3197ddd8d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ramin Yaghoubzadeh <>
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 15:34:01 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] python: bugfix: Payload enter/exit always sent owner name
 instead of writer name, fixed.

 ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca/      |  51 +++++--
 ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca/util/ | 137 +++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca/ b/ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca/
index 1aeff84..41c3748 100755
--- a/ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca/
+++ b/ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca/
@@ -193,60 +193,80 @@ class Payload(dict):
 		self._collected_modifications = {}
 		self._collected_removals = []
 		self._update_timeout = update_timeout
+		self._batch_update_writer_name = None  # name of remote buffer or None
 		self._batch_update_lock = threading.RLock()
 		self._batch_update_cond = threading.Condition(threading.RLock())
 	def merge(self, payload, writer_name=None):
-		if not self._batch_update_lock.acquire(False):
-			raise IUPayloadLockedError(self.iu)
-		for k, v in payload:
+		self._batch_update_lock.acquire(True)
+		#if not self._batch_update_lock.acquire(False):
+		#	print('Someone failed a lock trying to merge '+str(payload.keys()))
+		#	raise IUPayloadLockedError(self.iu)
+		#print("Payload.merge() IN, Merging "+str(payload.keys()))
+		for k, v in payload.items():
 			if type(k)==str:
 			if type(v)==str:
 		self.iu._modify_payload(is_delta=True, new_items=payload, keys_to_remove=[], writer_name=writer_name)
 		r = dict.update(payload) # batch update
+		#print("Payload.merge() OUT")
 		return r
 	def __setitem__(self, k, v, writer_name=None):
-		if not self._batch_update_lock.acquire(False):
-			raise IUPayloadLockedError(self.iu)
+		self._batch_update_lock.acquire(True)
+		#if not self._batch_update_lock.acquire(False):
+		#	print('Someone failed a lock trying to set '+k+' to '+v)
+		#	raise IUPayloadLockedError(self.iu)
+		#print("Payload.__setitem__() IN, Setting "+k+' to '+v)
+		#print("  by writer "+str(writer_name))
 		if type(k)==str:
 		if type(v)==str:
 		if self._update_on_every_change:
+			#print("  running _modify_payload with writer name "+str(writer_name))
 			self.iu._modify_payload(is_delta=True, new_items={k:v}, keys_to_remove=[], writer_name=writer_name)
 		else: # Collect additions/modifications
+			self._batch_update_writer_name = writer_name
 			self._collected_modifications[k] = v
 		r = dict.__setitem__(self, k, v)
+		#print("Payload.__setitem__() OUT")
 		return r
 	def __delitem__(self, k, writer_name=None):
-		if not self._batch_update_lock.acquire(False):
-			raise IUPayloadLockedError(self.iu)
+		self._batch_update_lock.acquire(True)
+		#if not self._batch_update_lock.acquire(False):
+		#	print('Someone failed a lock trying to del '+k)
+		#	raise IUPayloadLockedError(self.iu)
+		#print("Payload.__delitem__() IN, Deleting "+k)
 		if type(k)==str:
 		if self._update_on_every_change:
 			self.iu._modify_payload(is_delta=True, new_items={}, keys_to_remove=[k], writer_name=writer_name)
 		else: # Collect additions/modifications
+			self._batch_update_writer_name = writer_name
 		r = dict.__delitem__(self, k)
+		#print("Payload.__delitem__() OUT")
 		return r
 	# Context-manager based batch updates, not yet thread-safe (on remote updates)	
 	def __enter__(self):
+		#print('running Payload.__enter__()')
 		self._update_on_every_change = False
 	def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
-		self.iu._modify_payload(is_delta=True, new_items=self._collected_modifications, keys_to_remove=self._collected_removals, writer_name=None)
+		#print('running Payload.__exit__()')
+		self.iu._modify_payload(is_delta=True, new_items=self._collected_modifications, keys_to_remove=self._collected_removals, writer_name=self._batch_update_writer_name)
 		self._collected_modifications = {}
 		self._collected_removals = []
 		self._update_on_every_change = True
+		self._batch_update_writer_name = None
 	def _remotely_enforced_setitem(self, k, v):
@@ -450,6 +470,7 @@ class IU(IUInterface):#{{{
 			# FIXME: Is it actually set locally?
 			if self.is_published:
+				#print('  _modify_payload: running send_iu_pl_upd with writer name '+str(writer_name))
 				# send update to remote holders
@@ -1296,6 +1317,9 @@ class InputBuffer(Buffer):
 					# Notify only for remotely triggered events;
 					# Discard updates that originate from this buffer
+				#else:
+				#	print('Got update written by buffer '+str(
 				if type_ is ipaaca_pb2.IUCommission:
 					# IU commit
 					iu = self._iu_store[]
@@ -1389,16 +1413,20 @@ class OutputBuffer(Buffer):
 		with iu.revision_lock:
 			if (update.revision != 0) and (update.revision != iu.revision):
 				# (0 means "do not pay attention to the revision number" -> "force update")
-				logger.warning("Remote write operation failed because request was out of date; IU "+str(update.uid))
+				logger.warning("Remote update_payload operation failed because request was out of date; IU "+str(update.uid))
+				logger.warning("  Writer was: "+update.writer_name)
+				logger.warning("  Requested update was: (New keys:) "+','.join(update.new_items.keys())+'  (Removed keys:) '+','.join(update.keys_to_remove))
+				logger.warning("  Referred-to revision was "+str(update.revision)+' while local revision is '+str(iu.revision))
 				return 0
 			if update.is_delta:
+				#print('Writing delta update by '+str(update.writer_name))
 				with iu.payload:
 					for k in update.keys_to_remove:
 						iu.payload.__delitem__(k, writer_name=update.writer_name)
 					for k,v in update.new_items.items():
 						iu.payload.__setitem__(k, v, writer_name=update.writer_name)
+				#print('Writing non-incr update by '+str(update.writer_name))
 				iu._set_payload(update.new_items, writer_name=update.writer_name)
 				# _set_payload etc. have also incremented the revision number
 			self.call_iu_event_handlers(update.uid, local=True, event_type=IUEventType.UPDATED, category=iu.category)
@@ -1441,7 +1469,7 @@ class OutputBuffer(Buffer):
 		#if iu._uid is not None:
 		#	raise IUPublishedError(iu)
 		#iu.uid = self._generate_iu_uid()
-	 	if iu.uid in self._iu_store:
+		if iu.uid in self._iu_store:
 			raise IUPublishedError(iu)
 		if iu.buffer is not None:
 			raise IUPublishedError(iu)
@@ -1548,6 +1576,7 @@ class OutputBuffer(Buffer):
 		payload_update.writer_name = writer_name
 		informer = self._get_informer(iu._category)
+		#print("  -- Sent update with writer name "+str(writer_name))
 ## --- RSB -------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca/util/ b/ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca/util/
index d864cf0..438ad76 100644
--- a/ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca/util/
+++ b/ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca/util/
@@ -37,64 +37,91 @@ import threading
 import ipaaca
 NotificationState = ipaaca.enum(
-    NEW = 'new',
-    OLD = 'old',
-    DOWN = 'down'
+		NEW = 'new',
+		OLD = 'old',
+		DOWN = 'down'
+		)
+class ComponentError(Exception):
+	def __init__(self, msg):
+		super(ComponentError, self).__init__(msg)
 class ComponentNotifier(object):
-    NOTIFY_CATEGORY = "componentNotify"
-    SEND_CATEGORIES = "send_categories"
-    RECEIVE_CATEGORIES = "recv_categories"
-    STATE = "state"
-    NAME = "name"
-    FUNCTION = "function"
-    def __init__(self, componentName, componentFunction, sendCategories, receiveCategories, outBuffer=None, inBuffer=None):
-        self.componentName = componentName
-        self.componentFunction = componentFunction
-        self.sendCategories = frozenset(sendCategories)
-        self.receiveCategories = frozenset(receiveCategories)
-        self.inBuffer = inBuffer if inBuffer is not None else ipaaca.InputBuffer(componentName + 'Notifier')
-        self.outBuffer = outBuffer if outBuffer is not None else ipaaca.OutputBuffer(componentName + 'Notifier')
-        self.initialized = False
-        self.notificationHandlers = []
-        self.initializeLock = threading.Lock()
-        self.notificationHandlerLock = threading.Lock()
-        self.submitLock = threading.Lock()        
-    def _submit_notify(self, isNew):
-        with self.submitLock:
-            notifyIU = ipaaca.Message(ComponentNotifier.NOTIFY_CATEGORY)
-            notifyIU.payload = {
-                ComponentNotifier.NAME: self.componentName,
-                ComponentNotifier.FUNCTION: self.componentFunction,
-                ComponentNotifier.SEND_CATEGORIES: ",".join(self.sendCategories),
-                ComponentNotifier.RECEIVE_CATEGORIES:  ",".join(self.receiveCategories),
-                ComponentNotifier.STATE: NotificationState.NEW if isNew else NotificationState.OLD,
-            }          
-            self.outBuffer.add(notifyIU)
-    def _handle_iu_event(self, iu, event_type, local):
-        if iu.payload[ComponentNotifier.NAME] == self.componentName:
-            return
-        with self.notificationHandlerLock:
-            for h in self.notificationHandlers:
-                h(iu, event_type, local)
-        if iu.payload[ComponentNotifier.STATE] == "new":
-            #print("submitting")
-            self._submit_notify(False)
+	NOTIFY_CATEGORY = "componentNotify"
+	SEND_CATEGORIES = "send_categories"
+	RECEIVE_CATEGORIES = "recv_categories"
+	STATE = "state"
+	NAME = "name"
+	FUNCTION = "function"
+	def __init__(self, component_name, component_function, send_categories, receive_categories, out_buffer=None, in_buffer=None):
+		self.component_name = component_name
+		self.component_function = component_function
+		self.send_categories = frozenset(send_categories)
+		self.receive_categories = frozenset(receive_categories)
+		self.in_buffer = in_buffer if in_buffer is not None else ipaaca.InputBuffer(component_name + 'Notifier')
+		self.out_buffer = out_buffer if out_buffer is not None else ipaaca.OutputBuffer(component_name + 'Notifier')
+		self.terminated = False
+		self.initialized = False
+		self.notification_handlers = []
+		self.initialize_lock = threading.Lock()
+		self.notification_handler_lock = threading.Lock()
+		self.submit_lock = threading.Lock()
+	def _submit_notify(self, is_new):
+		with self.submit_lock:
+			notify_iu = ipaaca.Message(ComponentNotifier.NOTIFY_CATEGORY)
+			notify_iu.payload = {
+					ComponentNotifier.NAME: self.component_name,
+					ComponentNotifier.FUNCTION: self.component_function,
+					ComponentNotifier.SEND_CATEGORIES: ",".join(self.send_categories),
+					ComponentNotifier.RECEIVE_CATEGORIES:  ",".join(self.receive_categories),
+					ComponentNotifier.STATE: NotificationState.NEW if is_new else NotificationState.OLD,
+					}          
+			self.out_buffer.add(notify_iu)
+	def terminate(self):
+		with self.submit_lock:
+			if self.terminated: return
+			self.terminated = True
+			notify_iu = ipaaca.Message(ComponentNotifier.NOTIFY_CATEGORY)
+			notify_iu.payload = {
+					ComponentNotifier.NAME: self.component_name,
+					ComponentNotifier.FUNCTION: self.component_function,
+					ComponentNotifier.SEND_CATEGORIES: ",".join(self.send_categories),
+					ComponentNotifier.RECEIVE_CATEGORIES:  ",".join(self.receive_categories),
+					ComponentNotifier.STATE: NotificationState.DOWN,
+					}          
+			self.out_buffer.add(notify_iu)
+	def _handle_iu_event(self, iu, event_type, local):
+		if iu.payload[ComponentNotifier.NAME] == self.component_name:
+			return
+		with self.notification_handler_lock:
+			for h in self.notification_handlers:
+				h(iu, event_type, local)
+		if iu.payload[ComponentNotifier.STATE] == "new":
+			#print("submitting")
+			self._submit_notify(False)
+	def add_notification_handler(self, handler):
+		with self.notification_handler_lock:
+			self.notification_handlers.append(handler)
-    def add_notification_handler(self, handler):
-        with self.notificationHandlerLock:
-            self.notificationHandlers.append(handler)
-    def initialize(self):
-        with self.initializeLock:
-            if (not self.initialized):
-                self.inBuffer.register_handler(self._handle_iu_event, ipaaca.IUEventType.MESSAGE, ComponentNotifier.NOTIFY_CATEGORY)
-                self._submit_notify(isNew=True)
-                self.initialized = True
+	def initialize(self):
+		with self.initialize_lock:
+			if self.terminated:
+				raise ComponentError('Attempted to reinitialize component '+component_name+' after termination')
+			if (not self.initialized):
+				self.in_buffer.register_handler(self._handle_iu_event, ipaaca.IUEventType.MESSAGE, ComponentNotifier.NOTIFY_CATEGORY)
+				self._submit_notify(True)
+				self.initialized = True
+	def __enter__(self):
+		self.initialize()
+	def __exit__(self, t, v, tb):
+		self.terminate()