From 70a59a2507f062449c82eca45dbf523eb194c76d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hendrik Buschmeier <>
Date: Fri, 4 Apr 2014 23:48:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Refactoring: Moved individual node modules to

 primo/core/                       |  30 ---
 primo/                           | 310 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 primo/reasoning/        | 127 ----------
 primo/reasoning/ |  47 ----
 primo/reasoning/          |  56 ----
 primo/reasoning/            |  72 ------
 primo/reasoning/Untitled Document 1      |  13 -
 7 files changed, 310 insertions(+), 345 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 primo/core/
 create mode 100644 primo/
 delete mode 100644 primo/reasoning/
 delete mode 100644 primo/reasoning/
 delete mode 100644 primo/reasoning/
 delete mode 100644 primo/reasoning/
 delete mode 100644 primo/reasoning/Untitled Document 1

diff --git a/primo/core/ b/primo/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index 01f7f4c..0000000
--- a/primo/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-import abc
-import re
-class Node(object):
-    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
-    name = "UninitializedName"
-    position = (0, 0)
-    def __init__(self, node_name):
-        # Remove all special characters and replace " " with "_"
-        name = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z_0-9 ]*", "", node_name)
- = name.replace(" ", "_")        
-        # for visual illustration
-        self.pos = (0, 0)
- #   @abc.abstractmethod
- #   def announce_parent(self, node):
- #       """This method will be called by the graph-management to inform nodes
- #       which just became children of other nodes, so they can adapt themselves
- #       (e.g. their cpt)"""
- #       return
-    def __str__(self):
-        print
-        return
diff --git a/primo/ b/primo/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee26ce1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/primo/
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+import abc
+import random
+import re
+import scipy
+from primo.reasoning.density import Beta
+from primo.reasoning.density import Exponential
+from primo.reasoning.density import Gauss
+from primo.reasoning.density import ProbabilityTable
+class Node(object):
+    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
+    name = "UninitializedName"
+    position = (0, 0)
+    def __init__(self, node_name):
+        # Remove all special characters and replace " " with "_"
+        name = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z_0-9 ]*", "", node_name)
+ = name.replace(" ", "_")        
+        # for visual illustration
+        self.pos = (0, 0)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return
+class RandomNode(Node):
+    '''Represents a random variable. There should be subclasses of this for
+    different kinds of data. There are currently DiscreteNode for 
+    discrete-valued random variables and ContinuousNode for random Variables
+    with R or an Intervall in R as domain.
+    At a later point in time there may be structural nodes too.
+    '''
+    #The Continditional Propability Distribution of this random variable
+    cpd = None
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        super(RandomNode, self).__init__(name)
+        #value_range defines the domain of this random variable
+        self.value_range=None
+    def set_cpd(self, cpd):
+        self.cpd = cpd
+    def get_cpd(self):
+        return self.cpd
+    def announce_parent(self, node):
+        '''
+        Adjust the cpd so a new node is incorporated as dependency.
+        '''
+        self.cpd.add_variable(node)
+    def get_cpd_reduced(self, evidence):
+        '''
+        Return a reduced version of the cpd of this node. This reduced version
+        is constructed according to some evidence.
+        @param evidence: A List of (Node,Value) pairs.
+        '''
+        return self.cpd.reduction(evidence)
+    def get_value_range(self):
+        return self.value_range
+    def sample_gobal(self, x, evidence=None):
+        '''
+        This method can be used to sample from this local distribution.
+        @param state: A Dict from Node-objects to values. You can specify the 
+            values of this nodes parents in this dict and the conditional 
+            probability density will be adjusted accordingly.
+        '''
+        raise Exception("Called unimplemented Method")
+    def sample_local(self, x, evidence=None):
+        '''
+        This method can be used to do a random walk in the domain of this node.
+        @param x: The spot around which the next sample shall be generated.
+        @param evidence: Evidence which is to be concerned when new samples are
+            being generated. I am not entirely sure that this belongs here or is
+            correct in theory...
+        '''
+        raise Exception("Called unimplemented Method")
+    def is_valid(self):
+        raise Exception("Called an unimplemented function")
+class DiscreteNode(RandomNode):
+    '''#TODO: write doc'''
+    def __init__(self, name, value_range):
+        super(DiscreteNode, self).__init__(name)
+        self.value_range = value_range
+        self.cpd = ProbabilityTable()
+        self.cpd.add_variable(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "DiscreteNode("")"
+    def set_probability(self, value, node_value_pairs):
+        self.cpd.set_probability(value, node_value_pairs)
+    def get_probability(self, value, node_value_pairs):
+        return self.cpd.get_probability([(self,value)] + node_value_pairs)
+    def set_probability_table(self, table, nodes):
+        self.cpd.set_probability_table(table, nodes)
+    def is_valid(self):
+        return self.cpd.is_normalized_as_cpt(self)
+    def sample_global(self, state, evidence):
+        if evidence==None or not self in evidence.keys():
+            compatibles=self.value_range
+        else:
+            compatibles=[]
+            for v in self.value_range:
+                if evidence[self].is_compatible(v):
+                    compatibles.append(v)
+        return self.cpd.sample_global(state,self,compatibles)
+    def sample_local(self, x, evidence=None):
+        if evidence==None or not self in evidence.keys():
+            compatibles=self.value_range
+        else:
+            compatibles=[]
+            for v in self.value_range:
+                if evidence[self].is_compatible(v):
+                    compatibles.append(v)
+        return random.choice(compatibles), 1.0
+class ContinuousNode(RandomNode):
+    '''
+    Represents a random-variable with a real-valued domain. Can only be defined
+    on a subset or on whole R. The probability density can have different forms.
+    Objects of this class can be created by a ContinuousNodeFactory.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, name, value_range, DensityClass):
+        super(ContinuousNode, self).__init__(name)
+        #value_range is a 2-tuple that defines this variable's domain.
+        self.value_range = value_range
+        #the class density_class defines the class of function that is used
+        #for this ContinuousNode's pdf.
+        self.density_class = DensityClass
+        #cpd - ConditionalProbabilityDensity is the concrete density function 
+        #of this ContinuousNode, conditioned on this Node's parents.
+        self.cpd = DensityClass(self)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "str(ContinuousNode)"")"
+    def set_density_parameters(self, density_parameters):
+        self.cpd.set_parameters(density_parameters)
+    def sample_local(self, x, evidence):
+        '''
+        This method can be used to do a random walk in the domain of this node.
+        @param x: The spot around which the next sample shall be generated.
+        @param evidence: Evidence which is to be concerned when new samples are
+            being generated. I am not entirely sure that this belongs here or is
+            correct in theory...
+        ATTENTION:
+        This is the most simple and stupid implementation of the method. It
+        uses bogo-search to find a sample that fits the evidence. You could
+        reimplement it by constructing the integral over the normalvariate in the
+        intervalls allowed by the evidence and then generate a sample directly.
+        Currently this method has O(inf).'''
+        std_walk=1.0
+        #intersect possible evidence-interval with value_range:
+        if self in evidence.keys():
+            evidence_range=evidence[self].get_interval()
+            lower_limit=max(self.value_range[0],evidence_range[0])
+            upper_limit=min(self.value_range[1],evidence_range[1])
+        else:
+            lower_limit=self.value_range[0]
+            upper_limit=self.value_range[1]
+        if lower_limit==upper_limit:
+            v=lower_limit
+        if lower_limit>upper_limit:
+            raise Exception("Intersection of random variable's value_range and"
+                "allowed Interval for Evidence is empty - no sampling possible")
+        #generate the actual sample
+        distribution=scipy.stats.norm(x, std_walk)
+        lower_cdf=distribution.cdf(lower_limit)
+        upper_cdf=distribution.cdf(upper_limit)
+        sample_in_integral=random.uniform(lower_cdf, upper_cdf)
+        sample=distribution.ppf(sample_in_integral)
+        a=scipy.stats.norm(self.value_range[0], std_walk).cdf(x)
+        b=scipy.stats.norm(self.value_range[0], std_walk).cdf(sample)
+        cdf_ratio = a/b 
+        return sample,cdf_ratio
+    def sample_global(self, state, evidence):
+        '''
+        This method can be used to sample from this local distribution.
+        @param state: A Dict from Node-objects to values. You can specify the 
+            values of this nodes parents in this dict and the conditional 
+            probability density will be adjusted accordingly.
+        '''
+        #is there some evidence for this node?
+        if self in evidence.keys():
+            #if only one value is allowed we can return it immediatly
+            unique=evidence[self].get_unique_value()
+            if unique!=None:
+                return unique
+            #if a whole interval is allowed intersect it with this variable's
+            #value_range to get limits for sampling
+            else:
+                evidence_range=evidence[self].get_interval()
+                lower_limit=max(self.value_range[0],evidence_range[0])
+                upper_limit=min(self.value_range[1],evidence_range[1])
+        #without evidence this variable's value_range represents limits for sampling
+        else:
+            lower_limit=self.value_range[0]
+            upper_limit=self.value_range[1]
+        #check if only one value is allowed and in case return immediatly
+        if lower_limit==upper_limit:
+            return lower_limit
+        #check for empty interval
+        if lower_limit>upper_limit:
+            raise Exception("Intersection of random variable's value_range and"
+                "allowed Interval for Evidence is empty - no sampling possible")
+        proposal=self.cpd.sample_global(state,lower_limit,upper_limit)
+        return proposal
+    def get_probability(self, value, state):
+        '''
+        This method can be used to query the cpd for how probable a value is,
+        given this nodes markov-blanket.
+        @param value: The value for this random-variable.
+        @param state: A Dict from Node-objects to values. Should at least contain
+            all variables from this nodes markov-blanket.
+        '''
+        return self.cpd.get_probability(value, state)
+class ContinuousNodeFactory(object):
+    '''This class offers methods for generating ContinuousNodes'''
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def createGaussNode(self, name):
+        '''
+        Create a LinearGaussNode with linear dependencies on parents.
+        @param name: The name of the node.
+        '''        
+        return self.createContinuousNode(name,(-float("Inf"),float("Inf")),Gauss)
+    def createExponentialNode(self, name):
+        '''
+        Create a LinearExponentialNode with linear dependencies on parents.
+        @param name: The name of the node.
+        '''  
+        return self.createContinuousNode(name,(0,float("Inf")),Exponential)
+    def createBetaNode(self, name):
+        '''
+        Create a LinearBetaNode with linear dependencies on parents.
+        @param name: The name of the node.
+        '''  
+        return self.createContinuousNode(name,(0,1),Beta)
+    def createContinuousNode(self,name,value_range,DensityClass):
+        '''
+        Create a ContinuousNode. This method should only be invoked from
+        outside this class if no specialized method is available.
+        @param name: The name of the node.
+        @param value_range: A 2-tuple which represents the interval that is the
+            domain of the variable.
+        @param DensityClass: A class from primo.reasoning.density that shall be
+            the node's pdf
+        '''  
+        return ContinuousNode(name,value_range,DensityClass)
diff --git a/primo/reasoning/ b/primo/reasoning/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e963e7..0000000
--- a/primo/reasoning/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from primo.reasoning import RandomNode
-import random
-import scipy
-class ContinuousNode(RandomNode):
-    '''
-    Represents a random-variable with a real-valued domain. Can only be defined
-    on a subset or on whole R. The probability density can have different forms.
-    Objects of this class can be created by a ContinuousNodeFactory.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, name, value_range, DensityClass):
-        super(ContinuousNode, self).__init__(name)
-        #value_range is a 2-tuple that defines this variable's domain.
-        self.value_range = value_range
-        #the class density_class defines the class of function that is used
-        #for this ContinuousNode's pdf.
-        self.density_class = DensityClass
-        #cpd - ConditionalProbabilityDensity is the concrete density function 
-        #of this ContinuousNode, conditioned on this Node's parents.
-        self.cpd = DensityClass(self)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "str(ContinuousNode)"")"
-    def set_density_parameters(self, density_parameters):
-        self.cpd.set_parameters(density_parameters)
-    def sample_local(self, x, evidence):
-        '''
-        This method can be used to do a random walk in the domain of this node.
-        @param x: The spot around which the next sample shall be generated.
-        @param evidence: Evidence which is to be concerned when new samples are
-            being generated. I am not entirely sure that this belongs here or is
-            correct in theory...
-        ATTENTION:
-        This is the most simple and stupid implementation of the method. It
-        uses bogo-search to find a sample that fits the evidence. You could
-        reimplement it by constructing the integral over the normalvariate in the
-        intervalls allowed by the evidence and then generate a sample directly.
-        Currently this method has O(inf).'''
-        std_walk=1.0
-        #intersect possible evidence-interval with value_range:
-        if self in evidence.keys():
-            evidence_range=evidence[self].get_interval()
-            lower_limit=max(self.value_range[0],evidence_range[0])
-            upper_limit=min(self.value_range[1],evidence_range[1])
-        else:
-            lower_limit=self.value_range[0]
-            upper_limit=self.value_range[1]
-        if lower_limit==upper_limit:
-            v=lower_limit
-        if lower_limit>upper_limit:
-            raise Exception("Intersection of random variable's value_range and"
-                "allowed Interval for Evidence is empty - no sampling possible")
-        #generate the actual sample
-        distribution=scipy.stats.norm(x, std_walk)
-        lower_cdf=distribution.cdf(lower_limit)
-        upper_cdf=distribution.cdf(upper_limit)
-        sample_in_integral=random.uniform(lower_cdf, upper_cdf)
-        sample=distribution.ppf(sample_in_integral)
-        a=scipy.stats.norm(self.value_range[0], std_walk).cdf(x)
-        b=scipy.stats.norm(self.value_range[0], std_walk).cdf(sample)
-        cdf_ratio = a/b 
-        return sample,cdf_ratio
-    def sample_global(self, state, evidence):
-        '''
-        This method can be used to sample from this local distribution.
-        @param state: A Dict from Node-objects to values. You can specify the 
-            values of this nodes parents in this dict and the conditional 
-            probability density will be adjusted accordingly.
-        '''
-        #is there some evidence for this node?
-        if self in evidence.keys():
-            #if only one value is allowed we can return it immediatly
-            unique=evidence[self].get_unique_value()
-            if unique!=None:
-                return unique
-            #if a whole interval is allowed intersect it with this variable's
-            #value_range to get limits for sampling
-            else:
-                evidence_range=evidence[self].get_interval()
-                lower_limit=max(self.value_range[0],evidence_range[0])
-                upper_limit=min(self.value_range[1],evidence_range[1])
-        #without evidence this variable's value_range represents limits for sampling
-        else:
-            lower_limit=self.value_range[0]
-            upper_limit=self.value_range[1]
-        #check if only one value is allowed and in case return immediatly
-        if lower_limit==upper_limit:
-            return lower_limit
-        #check for empty interval
-        if lower_limit>upper_limit:
-            raise Exception("Intersection of random variable's value_range and"
-                "allowed Interval for Evidence is empty - no sampling possible")
-        proposal=self.cpd.sample_global(state,lower_limit,upper_limit)
-        return proposal
-    def get_probability(self, value, state):
-        '''
-        This method can be used to query the cpd for how probable a value is,
-        given this nodes markov-blanket.
-        @param value: The value for this random-variable.
-        @param state: A Dict from Node-objects to values. Should at least contain
-            all variables from this nodes markov-blanket.
-        '''
-        return self.cpd.get_probability(value, state)
diff --git a/primo/reasoning/ b/primo/reasoning/
deleted file mode 100644
index a400f66..0000000
--- a/primo/reasoning/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-from primo.reasoning import ContinuousNode
-from primo.reasoning.density import Gauss
-from primo.reasoning.density import Exponential
-from primo.reasoning.density import Beta
-class ContinuousNodeFactory(object):
-    '''This class offers methods for generating ContinuousNodes'''
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    def createGaussNode(self, name):
-        '''
-        Create a LinearGaussNode with linear dependencies on parents.
-        @param name: The name of the node.
-        '''        
-        return self.createContinuousNode(name,(-float("Inf"),float("Inf")),Gauss)
-    def createExponentialNode(self, name):
-        '''
-        Create a LinearExponentialNode with linear dependencies on parents.
-        @param name: The name of the node.
-        '''  
-        return self.createContinuousNode(name,(0,float("Inf")),Exponential)
-    def createBetaNode(self, name):
-        '''
-        Create a LinearBetaNode with linear dependencies on parents.
-        @param name: The name of the node.
-        '''  
-        return self.createContinuousNode(name,(0,1),Beta)
-    def createContinuousNode(self,name,value_range,DensityClass):
-        '''
-        Create a ContinuousNode. This method should only be invoked from
-        outside this class if no specialized method is available.
-        @param name: The name of the node.
-        @param value_range: A 2-tuple which represents the interval that is the
-            domain of the variable.
-        @param DensityClass: A class from primo.reasoning.density that shall be
-            the node's pdf
-        '''  
-        return ContinuousNode(name,value_range,DensityClass)
diff --git a/primo/reasoning/ b/primo/reasoning/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b28eb2..0000000
--- a/primo/reasoning/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from primo.reasoning import RandomNode
-from primo.reasoning.density import ProbabilityTable
-import random
-class DiscreteNode(RandomNode):
-    '''#TODO: write doc'''
-    def __init__(self, name, value_range):
-        super(DiscreteNode, self).__init__(name)
-        self.value_range = value_range
-        self.cpd = ProbabilityTable()
-        self.cpd.add_variable(self)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "DiscreteNode("")"
-    def set_probability(self, value, node_value_pairs):
-        self.cpd.set_probability(value, node_value_pairs)
-    def get_probability(self, value, node_value_pairs):
-        return self.cpd.get_probability([(self,value)] + node_value_pairs)
-    def set_probability_table(self, table, nodes):
-        self.cpd.set_probability_table(table, nodes)
-    def is_valid(self):
-        return self.cpd.is_normalized_as_cpt(self)
-    def sample_global(self, state, evidence):
-        if evidence==None or not self in evidence.keys():
-            compatibles=self.value_range
-        else:
-            compatibles=[]
-            for v in self.value_range:
-                if evidence[self].is_compatible(v):
-                    compatibles.append(v)
-        return self.cpd.sample_global(state,self,compatibles)
-    def sample_local(self, x, evidence=None):
-        if evidence==None or not self in evidence.keys():
-            compatibles=self.value_range
-        else:
-            compatibles=[]
-            for v in self.value_range:
-                if evidence[self].is_compatible(v):
-                    compatibles.append(v)
-        return random.choice(compatibles),1.0
diff --git a/primo/reasoning/ b/primo/reasoning/
deleted file mode 100644
index 54302da..0000000
--- a/primo/reasoning/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from primo.core import Node
-#from primo.reasoning.density import Density
-class RandomNode(Node):
-    '''Represents a random variable. There should be subclasses of this for
-    different kinds of data. There are currently DiscreteNode for discrete-valued
-    random variables and ContinuousNode for random Variables with R or an Intervall
-    in R as domain.
-    At a later point in time there may be structural nodes too.
-    '''
-    #The Continditional Propability Distribution of this random variable
-    cpd = None
-    def __init__(self, name):
-        super(RandomNode, self).__init__(name)
-        #value_range defines the domain of this random variable
-        self.value_range=None
-    def set_cpd(self, cpd):
-        self.cpd = cpd
-    def get_cpd(self):
-        return self.cpd
-    def announce_parent(self, node):
-        '''
-        Adjust the cpd so a new node is incorporated as dependency.
-        '''
-        self.cpd.add_variable(node)
-    def get_cpd_reduced(self, evidence):
-        '''
-        Return a reduced version of the cpd of this node. This reduced version
-        is constructed according to some evidence.
-        @param evidence: A List of (Node,Value) pairs.
-        '''
-        return self.cpd.reduction(evidence)
-    def get_value_range(self):
-        return self.value_range
-    def sample_gobal(self, x, evidence=None):
-        '''
-        This method can be used to sample from this local distribution.
-        @param state: A Dict from Node-objects to values. You can specify the 
-            values of this nodes parents in this dict and the conditional 
-            probability density will be adjusted accordingly.
-        '''
-        raise Exception("Called unimplemented Method")
-    def sample_local(self, x, evidence=None):
-        '''
-        This method can be used to do a random walk in the domain of this node.
-        @param x: The spot around which the next sample shall be generated.
-        @param evidence: Evidence which is to be concerned when new samples are
-            being generated. I am not entirely sure that this belongs here or is
-            correct in theory...
-        '''
-        raise Exception("Called unimplemented Method")
-    def is_valid(self):
-        raise Exception("Called an unimplemented function")
diff --git a/primo/reasoning/Untitled Document 1 b/primo/reasoning/Untitled Document 1
deleted file mode 100644
index a2c36d4..0000000
--- a/primo/reasoning/Untitled Document 1	
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-from primo.reasoning import ContinuousNode
-from primo.reasoning import LinearGaussNode
-class ContinuousNodeFactory(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    def createLinearGaussNode(self, name):
-        return self.createContinuousNode(name,(-float("Inf"),float("Inf")),LinearGauss)
-    def createContinuousNode(self,name,value_range,DensityClass):
-        return ContinuousNode(name,value_range,DensityClass)