diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/configs/human_readable_print_templates.yaml b/cooperative_cuisine/configs/human_readable_print_templates.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e1bec2cddac67bac7ce25dad95188e7c0e36d9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/configs/human_readable_print_templates.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+post_dispenser_pick_up: "Player $player picked up $return_this from the $counter."
+post_counter_pick_up: "Player $player picked $return_this up from $counter."
+post_counter_drop_off: "Player $player dropped $item off on $counter."
+cutting_board_100: "Player $player_name finished chopping at $counter."
+player_start_interaction: "Player $player started interacting with $counter."
+player_end_interact: "Player $player stopped interacting with $counter."
+post_serving: "Item $item was served at $counter."
+dirty_plate_arrives: "A plate returned to $counter."
+trashcan_usage: "Player $player threw $item in $counter."
+plate_cleaned: "Player $player_name cleaned a plate at $counter."
+added_plate_to_sink: "Player $player put $item in $counter."
+drop_on_sink_addon: "Player $player put $item on $counter."
+pick_up_from_sink_addon: "Player $player picked up $occupied_by from $counter."
+serve_not_ordered_meal: "Meal $meal was served but it was not ordered."
+completed_order: "Order $order was completed."
+new_orders: "Orders $new_orders were ordered."
+order_expired: "Order $order expired."
+action_on_not_reachable_counter: "Action $action was performed yet nearest counter $counter was not reachable."
+new_fire: "A fire broke out at $target."
+fire_spreading: "A fire spread to target."
+drop_off_on_cooking_equipment: "Player $player put $item in/on $equipment at $counter."
+post_plate_dispenser_pick_up: "Player $player picked up $returned_item from $counter."
+post_plate_dispenser_drop_off: "Player $player dropped $item on $counter."
+on_item_transition: "$item became $result."
+progress_started: "Item $item started progressing."
+progress_finished: "Item $item finished its progress."
+content_ready: "Meal $result was created on $before."
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/recording.py b/cooperative_cuisine/recording.py
index 8d19009df42f4eaac6d5c0c45c10579c46dfd892..c46f4190d75bf7bb1c20893ee9286fd2a9baaf9e 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/recording.py
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/recording.py
@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ import traceback
 from pathlib import Path
 from string import Template
+import yaml
+from cooperative_cuisine import ROOT_DIR
 from cooperative_cuisine.counters import Counter
 from cooperative_cuisine.environment import Environment
 from cooperative_cuisine.hooks import HookCallbackClass
@@ -162,8 +165,9 @@ def print_recorded_events_human_readable(jsonl_path: Path):
             return None
-    seen_keys = []
-    print()
+    with open(ROOT_DIR / "configs" / "human_readable_print_templates.yaml", "r") as f:
+        string_templates = yaml.safe_load(f)
     column_size = 20
     with open(jsonl_path, "r") as jsonl_file:
         for line in jsonl_file:
@@ -200,110 +204,17 @@ def print_recorded_events_human_readable(jsonl_path: Path):
                         except KeyError as e:
-            # print(hook)
-            match hook:
-                case "post_dispenser_pick_up":
-                    n = Template(
-                        "Player $player picked up $return_this from the $counter."
-                    )
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "post_counter_pick_up":
-                    n = Template("Player $player picked $return_this up from $counter.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "post_counter_drop_off":
-                    n = Template("Player $player dropped $item off on $counter.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "cutting_board_100":
-                    n = Template("Player $player_name finished chopping at $counter.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "player_start_interaction":
-                    n = Template("Player $player started interacting with $counter.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "player_end_interact":
-                    n = Template("Player $player stopped interacting with $counter.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "post_serving":
-                    n = Template("Item $item was served at $counter.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                # case "no_serving":
-                #     pass
-                case "dirty_plate_arrives":
-                    n = Template("A plate returned to $counter.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "trashcan_usage":
-                    n = Template("Player $player threw $item in $counter.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "plate_cleaned":
-                    n = Template("Player $player_name cleaned a plate at $counter.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "added_plate_to_sink":
-                    n = Template("Player $player put $item in $counter.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "drop_on_sink_addon":
-                    n = Template("Player $player put $item on $counter.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "pick_up_from_sink_addon":
-                    n = Template("Player $player picked up $occupied_by from $counter.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "serve_not_ordered_meal":
-                    n = Template("Meal $meal was served but it was not ordered.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                # case "serve_without_plate":
-                #     pass
-                case "completed_order":
-                    n = Template("Order $order was completed.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "new_orders":
-                    n = Template("Orders $new_orders were ordered.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "order_expired":
-                    n = Template("Order $order expired.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "action_on_not_reachable_counter":
-                    n = Template("Action $action was performed yet nearest counter $counter was not reachable.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "new_fire":
-                    n = Template("A fire broke out at $target.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "fire_spreading":
-                    n = Template("A fire spread to target.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "drop_off_on_cooking_equipment":
-                    n = Template(
-                        "Player $player put $item in/on $equipment at $counter."
-                    )
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                # case "players_collide":
-                #     pass
-                case "post_plate_dispenser_pick_up":
-                    n = Template(
-                        "Player $player picked up $returned_item from $counter."
-                    )
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "post_plate_dispenser_drop_off":
-                    n = Template("Player $player dropped $item on $counter.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "on_item_transition":
-                    n = Template("$item became $result.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "progress_started":
-                    n = Template("Item $item started progressing.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "progress_finished":
-                    n = Template("Item $item finished its progress.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case "content_ready":
-                    n = Template("Meal $result was created on $before.")
-                    print(n.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
-                case other:
-                    print()
-                    print(hook)
-                    for key, item in record.items():
-                        print(f"  - {(key+':').ljust(column_size)}{item}")
+            if hook in string_templates.keys():
+                string_template = Template(string_templates[hook])
+                print(string_template.substitute(**dict(record.items())))
+            else:
+                print(hook)
+                for key, item in record.items():
+                    print(f"  - {(key+':').ljust(column_size)}{item}")
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     jsonl_path: Path = Path(
-        "/home/fabian/.local/state/cooperative_cuisine/log/9dac74d0af424115a70932c51db9023d/game_events.jsonl"
+        "/Users/fheinrich/Library/Logs/cooperative_cuisine/e8b0551442934324bd3204c46379ebe5/game_events.jsonl"