diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/drawing.py b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/drawing.py
index c18691a6503d3d3613e3ec7db4043ba8a5e09fcb..c416278e8fcc0259bdef231b5db85ab01f42614b 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/drawing.py
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/drawing.py
@@ -924,7 +924,22 @@ class Visualizer:
         self, screen: pygame.Surface, graph_dict, width, height, grid_size
     ) -> None:
         # screen.fill(self.config["GameWindow"]["background_color"])
         positions_dict = graph_dict["layout"]
+        positions = np.array(list(positions_dict.values()))
+        unique_x_vals = np.unique(positions[:, 0])
+        new_positions_unique = np.linspace(
+            start=0,
+            stop=np.max(positions[:, 0]),
+            num=len(unique_x_vals),
+        )
+        replace_map = {
+            unique_x_vals[i]: new_positions_unique[i] for i in range(len(unique_x_vals))
+        }
+        for k, v in graph_dict["layout"].items():
+            graph_dict["layout"][k] = (replace_map[v[0]], v[1])
         positions = np.array(list(positions_dict.values()))
         positions = positions - positions.min(axis=0)
         positions[positions == 0] = 0.000001
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/gui.py b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/gui.py
index b46340e0cb1c02d8b13520b9a524ce2583af9723..a245e5fe375920e17e1ac4df1798441961568662 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/gui.py
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/gui.py
@@ -537,24 +537,30 @@ class PyGameGUI:
-        img = pygame.image.load(
-            ROOT_DIR / "pygame_2d_vis" / "gui_images" / f"continue_{self.language}.png"
-        ).convert_alpha()
-        image_rect = img.get_rect()
-        img_width = self.buttons_width * 1.5
-        img_height = img_width * (image_rect.height / image_rect.width)
-        new_dims = (img_width, img_height)
-        img = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img, new_dims)
-        image_rect = img.get_rect()
-        image_rect.centery += 80
-        self.press_a_image = pygame_gui.elements.UIImage(
-            image_rect,
-            img,
-            manager=self.manager,
-            anchors={"centerx": "centerx", "centery": "centery"},
-        )
+        if self.visualization_config["Gui"]["press_button_to_continue"]:
+            img = pygame.image.load(
+                ROOT_DIR
+                / "pygame_2d_vis"
+                / "gui_images"
+                / f"continue_{self.language}.png"
+            ).convert_alpha()
+            image_rect = img.get_rect()
+            img_width = self.buttons_width * 1.5
+            img_height = img_width * (image_rect.height / image_rect.width)
+            new_dims = (img_width, img_height)
+            img = pygame.transform.smoothscale(img, new_dims)
+            image_rect = img.get_rect()
+            image_rect.centery += 80
+            self.press_a_image = pygame_gui.elements.UIImage(
+                image_rect,
+                img,
+                manager=self.manager,
+                anchors={"centerx": "centerx", "centery": "centery"},
+            )
+        else:
+            self.press_a_image = None
         # self.press_a_image.set_dimensions(new_dims)
         if not self.CONNECT_WITH_STUDY_SERVER:
@@ -1094,9 +1100,11 @@ class PyGameGUI:
             + self.other_elements
         for element in all_elements:
-            element.hide()
+            if element:
+                element.hide()
         for element in elements + self.on_all_screens:
-            element.show()
+            if element:
+                element.show()
     def setup_tutorial_screen(self):
         """Updates the tutorial screen with the current tutorial image and the continue button."""
@@ -1575,8 +1583,11 @@ class PyGameGUI:
             meal = re.sub(r"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])", " ", meal)
             positions = np.array(list(rg["layout"].values()))
-            unique_vals = np.unique(positions[:, 1])
-            height = row_height * len(unique_vals)
+            unique_x_vals = np.unique(positions[:, 0])
+            height = row_height * len(np.unique(positions[:, 1]))
             graph_height = height * 0.9
             graph_surface = pygame.Surface(