diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/configs/dummy_environment_config.yaml b/cooperative_cuisine/configs/dummy_environment_config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1096832b82e8e43f191fab57177706264793bc79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/configs/dummy_environment_config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+  clean_plates: 2
+  dirty_plates: 1
+  plate_delay: [ 5, 10 ]
+  # range of seconds until the dirty plate arrives.
+  time_limit_seconds: 300
+  undo_dispenser_pickup: true
+  validate_recipes: false
+  _: Free
+  hash: Counter  # #
+  equal: EdgeCounter  # =
+  A: Agent
+  pipe: Extinguisher
+  P: PlateDispenser
+  C: CuttingBoard
+  X: Trashcan
+  $: ServingWindow
+  S: Sink
+  +: SinkAddon
+  at: Plate  # @ just a clean plate on a counter
+  U: Pot  # with Stove
+  Q: Pan  # with Stove
+  O: Peel  # with Oven
+  F: Basket  # with DeepFryer
+  T: Tomato
+  N: Onion  # oNioN
+  L: Lettuce
+  K: Potato  # Kartoffel
+  I: Fish  # fIIIsh
+  D: Dough
+  E: Cheese  # chEEEse
+  G: Sausage  # sausaGe
+  B: Bun
+  M: Meat
+  question: Counter  # ? mushroom
+  ↓: Counter
+  ^: Counter
+  right: Counter
+  left: Counter
+  wave: Free  # ~ Water
+  minus: Free  # - Ice
+  dquote: Counter  # " wall/truck
+  p: Counter # second plate return ??
+  meals:
+    all: true
+    # if all: false -> only orders for these meals are generated
+    # TODO: what if this list is empty?
+    list:
+      #      - TomatoSoup
+      #      - OnionSoup
+      #      - Salad
+      - FriedFish
+  order_gen_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.orders.RandomOrderGeneration ''
+  # the class to that receives the kwargs. Should be a child class of OrderGeneration in orders.py
+  order_gen_kwargs:
+    order_duration_random_func:
+      # how long should the orders be alive
+      # 'random' library call with getattr, kwargs are passed to the function
+      func: uniform
+      kwargs:
+        a: 40
+        b: 60
+    max_orders: 6
+    # maximum number of active orders at the same time
+    num_start_meals: 2
+    # number of orders generated at the start of the environment
+    sample_on_dur_random_func:
+      # 'random' library call with getattr, kwargs are passed to the function
+      func: uniform
+      kwargs:
+        a: 10
+        b: 20
+    sample_on_serving: false
+    # Sample the delay for the next order only after a meal was served.
+  serving_not_ordered_meals: true
+  # can meals that are not ordered be served / dropped on the serving window
+  radius: 0.4
+  speed_units_per_seconds: 6
+  interaction_range: 1.6
+  restricted_view: False
+  view_angle: 70
+  view_range: 4  # in grid units, can be "null"
+  FireManager:
+    class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.effects.FireEffectManager ''
+    kwargs:
+      spreading_duration: [ 5, 10 ]
+      fire_burns_ingredients_and_meals: true
+hook_callbacks: [ ]
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/configs/environment_config_no_validation.yaml b/cooperative_cuisine/configs/environment_config_no_validation.yaml
index 47fdde17761438f3afd11c81769cf3313bd5dd07..51cbca13a5b19842427432780561616c4210a6d9 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/configs/environment_config_no_validation.yaml
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/configs/environment_config_no_validation.yaml
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ game:
   _: Free
   hash: Counter  # #
+  equal: EdgeCounter  # =
   A: Agent
   pipe: Extinguisher
   P: PlateDispenser
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ layout_chars:
   p: Counter # second plate return ??
     all: true
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/configs/layouts/zztest_layouts/screenshot_tutorial.layout b/cooperative_cuisine/configs/layouts/zztest_layouts/screenshot_tutorial.layout
index aeca0151c18ed089f5f8ad0ed583923516a7a612..068eb9bab45600e61c1bd7a1c3e81cad5397711e 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/configs/layouts/zztest_layouts/screenshot_tutorial.layout
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/configs/layouts/zztest_layouts/screenshot_tutorial.layout
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/drawing.py b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/drawing.py
index 8cb8fcb9c9925f50666116fc8be1925d6dc3866a..5375ad8530bbaa729b68f60826d6b04d97ade2d4 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/drawing.py
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/drawing.py
@@ -113,9 +113,10 @@ class Visualizer:
         self.font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 20)
         self.init_get_state_image = False
-        self.observation_screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
-            (100, 100), flags=pygame.HIDDEN
-        )
+        # TODO FIX THIS
+        # self.observation_screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
+        #     (100, 100), flags=pygame.HIDDEN
+        # )
         self.grid_size = 48
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/grid.py b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/grid.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85b927e29d4f4c936fca5c3d81355694d619418d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/grid.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+import uuid
+from pprint import pprint
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import yaml
+from collections import defaultdict
+from cooperative_cuisine import ROOT_DIR
+from cooperative_cuisine.counter_factory import convert_words_to_chars
+from cooperative_cuisine.items import ItemInfo, ItemType
+from cooperative_cuisine.pygame_2d_vis.drawing import Visualizer
+dummy_env_config_path = ROOT_DIR / "configs" / "dummy_environment_config.yaml"
+with open(dummy_env_config_path) as c:
+    dummy_env_config = yaml.load(c, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
+character_map = dummy_env_config["layout_chars"]
+character_map = convert_words_to_chars(character_map)
+def layout_thumbnail(layout_path, vis, max_size, item_lookup):
+    with open(layout_path) as file:
+        layout = file.read()
+    colors = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
+    v = list(set(character_map.values()))
+    idx_free = v.index("Free")
+    zero = v[0]
+    v[0] = "Free"
+    v[idx_free] = zero
+    colors.update({c: i for i, c in enumerate(v)})
+    grid = []
+    counter = []
+    player = []
+    x = 0
+    for line in layout.split("\n"):
+        row = []
+        if line.startswith(";") or not line:
+            continue
+        for y, char in enumerate(line.strip()):
+            t = character_map[char]
+            row.append(colors[t])
+            match t:
+                case "Agent":
+                    player.append([float(y), float(x)])
+                case "Free" | "Water" | "Ice" | "Lava":
+                    pass
+                case _:
+                    counter.append(([float(y), float(x)], t))
+        grid.append(row)
+        x += 1
+    image = np.array(grid).T
+    def map_t(t):
+        if t in {"Counter", "PlateDispenser", "CuttingBoard", "Trashcan", "ServingWindow", "Sink", "SinkAddon"}:
+            return t
+        if t in item_lookup:
+            i = item_lookup[t]
+            if i.type == ItemType.Equipment and i.equipment:
+                return i.equipment.name
+            if i.type == ItemType.Ingredient:
+                return t + "Dispenser"
+        return "Counter"
+    def map_t_occupied(t):
+        if t in {"Counter", "PlateDispenser", "CuttingBoard", "Trashcan", "ServingWindow", "Sink", "SinkAddon"}:
+            return None
+        if t in item_lookup:
+            i = item_lookup[t]
+            if i.type == ItemType.Equipment and i.equipment:
+                return {"category": "ItemCookingEquipment", "type": t, "content_list": [], "content_ready": None,
+                        "active_effects": []}
+            if i.type == ItemType.Ingredient:
+                return {"category": "Item", "type": t, "content_list": [], "content_ready": None, "active_effects": []}
+        return None
+    state = {"players": [
+        {"id": str(i), "pos": p, "facing_direction": [0, 1], "holding": None, "current_nearest_counter_pos": None,
+         "current_nearest_counter_id": None} for i, p in enumerate(player)],
+        "counters": [{"id": uuid.uuid4().hex, "pos": pos, "orientation": [0, 1], "type": map_t(t),
+                      "occupied_by": map_t_occupied(t), "active_effects": []} for pos, t in counter],
+        "kitchen": {"width": image.shape[0], "height": image.shape[1]},
+    }
+    # im = viz.get_state_image(grid_size=32, state=state).transpose((1, 0, 2))
+    grid_size = max_size / max(state["kitchen"]["width"], state["kitchen"]["height"])
+    vis.set_grid_size(grid_size)
+    surf = vis.draw_gamescreen(state, [])
+    return surf
+    # plt.imshow(im)
+    # plt.show()
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/gui.py b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/gui.py
index 0742e326a25fd4a005d21bddb7ed92199b9a47b8..aab8ff64bdeb9d7c3f6722b57fb06f522c942628 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/gui.py
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/gui.py
@@ -17,17 +17,20 @@ import pygame
 import pygame_gui
 import requests
 import yaml
+from minerl.env.test_fake_env import color
 from pygame import mixer
 from websockets.sync.client import connect
 from cooperative_cuisine import ROOT_DIR
 from cooperative_cuisine.action import ActionType, InterActionData, Action
 from cooperative_cuisine.argument_parser import create_gui_parser
+from cooperative_cuisine.environment import Environment
 from cooperative_cuisine.game_server import (
+from cooperative_cuisine.items import ItemInfo
 from cooperative_cuisine.pygame_2d_vis.drawing import Visualizer, CacheFlags
 from cooperative_cuisine.pygame_2d_vis.game_colors import colors
 from cooperative_cuisine.server_results import PlayerInfo
@@ -35,6 +38,7 @@ from cooperative_cuisine.state_representation import StateRepresentation
 from cooperative_cuisine.utils import (
     setup_logging, load_config_files,
+from cooperative_cuisine.pygame_2d_vis.grid import layout_thumbnail
 class MenuStates(Enum):
@@ -219,6 +223,8 @@ class PyGameGUI:
         self.layout_file_paths = sorted(list(self.layout_file_paths_dict.keys()))
         self.current_layout_idx = 0
+        self.selected_layout_path = self.layout_file_paths_dict["basic.layout"]
         self.last_state: StateRepresentation
         self.player_info = {"0": {"name": "0"}}
@@ -710,6 +716,29 @@ class PyGameGUI:
+        self.scroll_space_layouts = pygame_gui.elements.UIScrollingContainer(
+            relative_rect=pygame.Rect((0, 0), (self.buttons_width * 1.2, self.window_height)),
+            manager=self.manager,
+            anchors={"top": "top", "left": "left"},
+        )
+        self.setup_layout_selection()
+        rect = pygame.Rect(
+            (0, 0),
+            (
+                self.window_width * 0.5,
+                self.buttons_height,
+            ),
+        )
+        self.selected_layout_label = pygame_gui.elements.UILabel(
+            text="translations.selected_layout",
+            text_kwargs={"layout": "basic.layout"},
+            relative_rect=rect,
+            manager=self.manager,
+            object_id="#selected_layout",
+            anchors={"centerx": "centerx", "bottom_target": self.start_button},
+        )
         # Tutorial screen
@@ -722,6 +751,7 @@ class PyGameGUI:
             anchors={"centerx": "centerx", "bottom": "bottom"},
+        # TODO update on pregame
         button_rect = pygame.Rect((0, 0), (220, 80))
         button_rect.bottom = -self.elements_margin
@@ -919,6 +949,16 @@ class PyGameGUI:
             anchors={"centery": "centery", "right": "right"},
+        rect = pygame.Rect((0, 0), (self.buttons_width, self.buttons_height))
+        rect.bottomright = (0, 0)
+        self.return_to_main_button = pygame_gui.elements.UIButton(
+            relative_rect=rect,
+            text="translations.return_to_main_menu",
+            manager=self.manager,
+            object_id="#main_menu_button",
+            anchors={"right": "right", "bottom": "bottom"},
+        )
         # PostGame screen
@@ -1055,14 +1095,10 @@ class PyGameGUI:
-                self.continue_button_two
+                self.continue_button_two,
+                self.scroll_space_layouts
-        if not self.CONNECT_WITH_STUDY_SERVER:
-            self.start_screen_elements.append(self.layout_selection)
-        else:
-            self.other_elements.append(self.layout_selection)
         self.tutorial_screen_elements = [
@@ -1085,6 +1121,15 @@ class PyGameGUI:
+        if not self.CONNECT_WITH_STUDY_SERVER:
+            self.start_screen_elements.append(self.scroll_space_layouts)
+            self.game_screen_elements.append(self.return_to_main_button)
+            self.other_elements.append(self.layout_selection)
+        else:
+            self.other_elements.append(self.scroll_space_layouts)
+            self.other_elements.append(self.return_to_main_button)
+            self.other_elements.append(self.layout_selection)
         self.postgame_screen_elements = [
@@ -1122,6 +1167,105 @@ class PyGameGUI:
             if element:
+    def setup_layout_selection(self):
+        """Sets up the layout selection screen with the layout selection dropdown."""
+        added_layouts = []
+        layout_display_width = self.buttons_width
+        layout_display_height = self.buttons_height * 3
+        overall_scroll_height = layout_display_height * len(self.layout_file_paths_dict)
+        self.layouts_main_container = pygame_gui.elements.UIPanel(
+            relative_rect=pygame.Rect(
+                (0, 0),
+                (
+                    self.buttons_width,
+                    overall_scroll_height,
+                ),
+            ),
+            object_id="#graph_container",
+            manager=self.manager,
+            container=self.scroll_space_layouts,
+            # anchors={"centerx": "centerx", "top": "top"},
+        )
+        self.scroll_space_layouts.set_scrollable_area_dimensions(
+            (self.buttons_width, overall_scroll_height)
+        )
+        with open(ROOT_DIR / "pygame_2d_vis" / "visualization.yaml", "r") as file:
+            visualization_config = yaml.safe_load(file)
+        vis = Visualizer(visualization_config)
+        vis.cache_flags = CacheFlags.NONE
+        vis.create_player_colors(10)
+        with open(ROOT_DIR / "configs" / "item_info.yaml") as file:
+            item_info = file.read()
+        item_lookup = yaml.safe_load(item_info)
+        for item_name in item_lookup:
+            item_lookup[item_name] = ItemInfo(name=item_name, **item_lookup[item_name])
+        for item_name, item_info in item_lookup.items():
+            if item_info.equipment:
+                item_info.equipment = item_lookup[item_info.equipment]
+        self.layout_buttons = {}
+        for idx, layout_name in enumerate(
+            sorted(self.layout_file_paths_dict.keys(), key=lambda x: "000000" if x == "basic.layout" else x)):
+            if idx == 0:
+                anchors = {"centerx": "centerx", "top": "top"}
+            else:
+                anchors = {
+                    "centerx": "centerx",
+                    "top_target": added_layouts[idx - 1],
+                }
+            container = pygame_gui.elements.UIPanel(
+                relative_rect=pygame.Rect(
+                    (0, 0),
+                    (
+                        layout_display_width,
+                        layout_display_height,
+                    ),
+                ),
+                object_id="#graph_container",
+                manager=self.manager,
+                container=self.layouts_main_container,
+                anchors=anchors,
+            )
+            layout_path = self.layout_file_paths_dict[layout_name]
+            layout_surface = layout_thumbnail(layout_path, vis, layout_display_height * 0.9, item_lookup)
+            layout_image = pygame_gui.elements.UIImage(
+                relative_rect=layout_surface.get_rect(),
+                image_surface=layout_surface,
+                manager=self.manager,
+                container=container,
+                anchors={"center": "center"},
+            )
+            w, h = layout_image.get_abs_rect().size
+            rect = pygame.Rect(
+                (0, 0),
+                (w + 2, h + 2),
+            )
+            button = pygame_gui.elements.UIButton(
+                text=layout_name.replace(".layout", ""),
+                relative_rect=rect,
+                manager=self.manager,
+                container=container,
+                object_id="#layout_button",
+                anchors={"centerx": "centerx", "centery": "centery"},
+            )
+            button.update_theming(
+                '{"colours": {"normal_bg": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"}}'
+            )
+            self.layout_buttons[button] = layout_name
+            added_layouts.append(container)
     def setup_tutorial_screen(self):
         """Updates the tutorial screen with the current tutorial image and the continue button."""
@@ -1504,13 +1648,12 @@ class PyGameGUI:
             environment_config_path = ROOT_DIR / "configs" / "tutorial_env_config.yaml"
             environment_config_path = ROOT_DIR / "configs" / "environment_config.yaml"
-            layout_path = self.layout_file_paths_dict[
-                self.layout_selection.selected_option
-            ]
+            layout_path = self.selected_layout_path
             # layout_path = self.layout_file_paths[self.current_layout_idx]
         item_info_path = ROOT_DIR / "configs" / "item_info.yaml"
-        item_info, layout, environment_config, _ = load_config_files(item_info_path, layout_path, environment_config_path)
+        item_info, layout, environment_config, _ = load_config_files(item_info_path, layout_path,
+                                                                     environment_config_path)
         num_players = 1 if tutorial else self.number_players
         seed = int(random.random() * 100000)
@@ -1849,6 +1992,7 @@ class PyGameGUI:
+        self.setup_layout_selection()
     def reset_gui_values(self):
         """Reset the values of the GUI elements to their default values. Default values are defined here."""
@@ -2086,6 +2230,14 @@ class PyGameGUI:
                         self.split_players = False
                     case self.split_players_button:
                         self.split_players = not self.split_players
+                    case other:
+                        if button in self.layout_buttons:
+                            selected_layout = self.layout_buttons[button]
+                            self.selected_layout_path = self.layout_file_paths_dict[selected_layout]
+                            print("SELECTED LAYOUT", self.selected_layout_path)
+                            self.selected_layout_label.set_text(
+                                "translations.selected_layout", text_kwargs={"layout": selected_layout}
+                            )
@@ -2106,6 +2258,15 @@ class PyGameGUI:
+            case MenuStates.Game:
+                if button in [self.return_to_main_button]:
+                    if not self.CONNECT_WITH_STUDY_SERVER:
+                        self.menu_state = MenuStates.Start
+                        self.stop_game_on_server("Return to main button")
+                        self.disconnect_websockets()
+            ############################################
             case MenuStates.PostGame:
                 if button in [
@@ -2190,6 +2351,7 @@ class PyGameGUI:
+                self.return_to_main_button
             elif self.menu_state == MenuStates.Start:
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/gui_theme.json b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/gui_theme.json
index ae44b16f07da3c54c36b65f20804eb8e2611508e..989d929004a6eaa498f95cde892a2e55b216cd74 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/gui_theme.json
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/gui_theme.json
@@ -231,5 +231,12 @@
     "misc": {
       "text_horiz_alignment": "left"
+  },
+  "#layout_label": {
+    "font": {
+      "size": 20,
+      "bold": 1,
+      "colour": "#000000"
+    }
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/locales/translations.de.json b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/locales/translations.de.json
index 43fdaa6662c95786559d0e500e071002184b8c5f..ece17718f16907b024446819aeec94aaa669289c 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/locales/translations.de.json
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/locales/translations.de.json
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
     "Salad": "Salat:",
     "Fried Fish": "Backfisch:",
     "Burger With Chips": "Burger mit Pommes:",
-    "recipe_score": "Punkte: %{score}"
+    "recipe_score": "Punkte: %{score}",
+    "return_to_main_menu": "Hauptmenü",
+    "selected_layout": "Layout: %{layout}"
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/locales/translations.en.json b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/locales/translations.en.json
index cd705584605ea2e884f455d978f60b520016405f..4c72cb91ebbc691f84fc03bbaea0b294bcbb974a 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/locales/translations.en.json
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/pygame_2d_vis/locales/translations.en.json
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
     "Salad": "Salad:",
     "Fried Fish": "Fried Fish:",
     "Burger With Chips": "Burger with Chips:",
-    "recipe_score": "Points: %{score}"
+    "recipe_score": "Points: %{score}",
+    "return_to_main_menu": "Main Menu",
+    "selected_layout": "Layout: %{layout}"
\ No newline at end of file