From dd81ab000aa56ce7778649a293ce978adfeee11d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christoph Kowalski <>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 15:42:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Integrated overcooked-ai into cooperative cuisine.
 Transferring the layouts and creating the configs. Additionally, enabling the
 choice of random or determinstic order generation in the configs.

 cooperative_cuisine/                 |   1 +
 .../additional_config_base.yaml               |   3 +-
 .../environment/environment_config_rl.yaml    |  28 ++-
 ...fig_rl_deterministic_order_generation.yaml | 166 +++++++++++++
 .../environment_config_rl_small_rewards.yaml  |  34 ++-
 .../config/environment/order_config.yaml      |  33 ---
 .../overcooked-ai_environment_config.yaml     | 179 ++++++++++++++
 .../item_info/item_info_overcooked-ai.yaml    | 219 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../config/random_orders.yaml                 |   2 -
 .../config/rl_config.yaml                     |   4 +-
 .../reinforcement_learning/         |  57 +++--
 .../layouts/  |  42 ++++
 .../1-cramped-room.layout                     |   4 +
 .../overcooked_ai_layouts/centre_pots.layout  |  12 +
 .../cramped_corridor.layout                   |  23 ++
 .../{ => layouts}/rl.layout                   |   0
 .../{ => layouts}/rl_small.layout             |   0
 .../obs_converter/           |  46 +++-
 .../obs_converter/    |  59 ++++-
 .../reinforcement_learning/   |  13 ++
 .../reinforcement_learning/        |   3 +
 .../                       |   3 +
 .../                     |  15 +-
 23 files changed, 860 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/environment_config_rl_deterministic_order_generation.yaml
 delete mode 100644 cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/order_config.yaml
 create mode 100644 cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/overcooked-ai_environment_config.yaml
 create mode 100644 cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/item_info/item_info_overcooked-ai.yaml
 delete mode 100644 cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/random_orders.yaml
 create mode 100644 cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/
 create mode 100644 cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/overcooked_ai_layouts/1-cramped-room.layout
 create mode 100644 cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/overcooked_ai_layouts/centre_pots.layout
 create mode 100644 cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/overcooked_ai_layouts/cramped_corridor.layout
 rename cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/{ => layouts}/rl.layout (100%)
 rename cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/{ => layouts}/rl_small.layout (100%)
 create mode 100644 cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/

diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/ b/cooperative_cuisine/
index 8ee060e8..968a042a 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/
@@ -651,6 +651,7 @@ class DeterministicOrderGeneration(OrderGeneration):
                 self.current_queue[0].start -= diff_to_next
             self.next_order_time = self.current_queue[0].start
             orders.extend(self.get_orders(passed_time, now, [], []))
+"Create order for meal {orders}.")
         return orders
     def parse_timed_orders(self) -> list[ParsedTimedOrder]:
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/additional_configs/additional_config_base.yaml b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/additional_configs/additional_config_base.yaml
index 56ca8938..4ba0f49b 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/additional_configs/additional_config_base.yaml
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/additional_configs/additional_config_base.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-order_generator: "random_orders.yaml"
 # Here the filename of the converter should be given. The converter class needs to be called StateConverter and implement the abstract StateToObservationConverter class
-  _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.reinforcement_learning.obs_converter.base_converter_onehot.BaseStateConverterOnehot"
+  _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.reinforcement_learning.obs_converter.base_converter.BaseStateConverter"
 log_path: "logs/reinforcement_learning"
 checkpoint_path: "rl_agent_checkpoints"
 render_mode: "rgb_array"
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/environment_config_rl.yaml b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/environment_config_rl.yaml
index 5151d980..8e0a6160 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/environment_config_rl.yaml
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/environment_config_rl.yaml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ game:
   undo_dispenser_pickup: true
   validate_recipes: false
+layout_name: rl_small.layout
   _: Free
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ layout_chars:
+  order_generator:
+    _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.orders.RandomOrderGeneration"
+    _partial_: true
     all: false
     # if all: false -> only orders for these meals are generated
@@ -97,38 +100,59 @@ effect_manager: { }
 #      spreading_duration: [ 5, 10 ]
 #      fire_burns_ingredients_and_meals: true
   # # ---------------  Scoring  ---------------
     hooks: [ completed_order ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
       static_score: 0.95
     hooks: [ serve_not_ordered_meal ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
       static_score: 0.95
     hooks: [ trashcan_usage ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
       static_score: -0.2
     hooks: [ cutting_board_100 ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
       static_score: 0.1
     hooks: [ post_step ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
       static_score: -0.01
     hooks: [ drop_off_on_cooking_equipment ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
       static_score: 0.01
     hooks: [ player_start_interaction ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
       static_score: 0.01
 #    json_states:
 #      hooks: [ json_state ]
 #      record_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.recording.LogRecorder ''
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/environment_config_rl_deterministic_order_generation.yaml b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/environment_config_rl_deterministic_order_generation.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de3613ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/environment_config_rl_deterministic_order_generation.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+  clean_plates: 2
+  dirty_plates: 0
+  plate_delay: [ 2, 4 ]
+  return_dirty: False
+  # range of seconds until the dirty plate arrives.
+  time_limit_seconds: 300
+  undo_dispenser_pickup: true
+  validate_recipes: false
+layout_name: rl_small.layout
+  _: Free
+  hash: Counter  # #
+  A: Agent
+  pipe: Extinguisher
+  P: PlateDispenser
+  C: CuttingBoard
+  X: Trashcan
+  $: ServingWindow
+  S: Sink
+  +: SinkAddon
+  at: Plate  # @ just a clean plate on a counter
+  U: Pot  # with Stove
+  Q: Pan  # with Stove
+  O: Peel  # with Oven
+  F: Basket  # with DeepFryer
+  T: Tomato
+  N: Onion  # oNioN
+  L: Lettuce
+  K: Potato  # Kartoffel
+  I: Fish  # fIIIsh
+  D: Dough
+  E: Cheese  # chEEEse
+  G: Sausage  # sausaGe
+  B: Bun
+  M: Meat
+  question: Counter  # ? mushroom
+  ↓: Counter
+  ^: Counter
+  right: Counter
+  left: Counter
+  wave: Free  # ~ Water
+  minus: Free  # - Ice
+  dquote: Counter  # " wall/truck
+  p: Counter # second plate return ??
+  order_generator:
+    _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.orders.DeterministicOrderGeneration"
+    _partial_: true
+  meals:
+    all: false
+    # if all: false -> only orders for these meals are generated
+    # TODO: what if this list is empty?
+    list:
+      - TomatoSoup
+      - OnionSoup
+      #- Salad
+      #    - FriedFish
+  # the class to that receives the kwargs. Should be a child class of OrderGeneration in
+  order_gen_kwargs:
+    # structure: [meal_name, start, duration] (start and duration as seconds or timedeltas
+    timed_orders:
+      - [ TomatoSoup, 0:00, 0:10 ]
+      - [ OnionSoup, 0:00, 0:10 ]
+      - [ TomatoSoup, 0:10, 0:10 ]
+      - [ TomatoSoup, 0:15, 0:06 ]
+    never_no_order: False
+    never_no_order_update_all_remaining: False
+  serving_not_ordered_meals: null
+  radius: 0.4
+  speed_units_per_seconds: 1
+  interaction_range: 1.6
+  restricted_view: False
+  view_angle: 95
+effect_manager: { }
+#  FireManager:
+#    class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.effects.FireEffectManager ''
+#    kwargs:
+#      spreading_duration: [ 5, 10 ]
+#      fire_burns_ingredients_and_meals: true
+  # # ---------------  Scoring  ---------------
+  orders:
+    hooks: [ completed_order ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: 0.95
+  serve_not_ordered_meals:
+    hooks: [ serve_not_ordered_meal ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: 0.95
+  trashcan_usages:
+    hooks: [ trashcan_usage ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: -0.2
+  item_cut:
+    hooks: [ cutting_board_100 ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: 0.1
+  stepped:
+    hooks: [ post_step ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: -0.01
+  combine:
+    hooks: [ drop_off_on_cooking_equipment ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: 0.01
+  start_interact:
+    hooks: [ player_start_interaction ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: 0.01
+#    json_states:
+#      hooks: [ json_state ]
+#      record_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.recording.LogRecorder ''
+#      record_class_kwargs:
+#        record_path: USER_LOG_DIR/ENV_NAME/json_states.jsonl
+#  actions:
+#    hooks: [ pre_perform_action ]
+#    record_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.recording.LogRecorder ''
+#    record_class_kwargs:
+#      record_path: USER_LOG_DIR/ENV_NAME/LOG_RECORD_NAME.jsonl
+#  random_env_events:
+#    hooks: [ order_duration_sample, plate_out_of_kitchen_time ]
+#    record_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.recording.LogRecorder ''
+#    record_class_kwargs:
+#      record_path: USER_LOG_DIR/ENV_NAME/LOG_RECORD_NAME.jsonl
+#      add_hook_ref: true
+#  env_configs:
+#    hooks: [ env_initialized, item_info_config ]
+#    record_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.recording.LogRecorder ''
+#    record_class_kwargs:
+#      record_path: USER_LOG_DIR/ENV_NAME/LOG_RECORD_NAME.jsonl
+#      add_hook_ref: true
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/environment_config_rl_small_rewards.yaml b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/environment_config_rl_small_rewards.yaml
index c7f0fbf3..6b7d3943 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/environment_config_rl_small_rewards.yaml
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/environment_config_rl_small_rewards.yaml
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ game:
   undo_dispenser_pickup: true
   validate_recipes: false
+layout_name: rl_small.layout
@@ -51,6 +52,9 @@ layout_chars:
+  order_generator:
+    _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.orders.RandomOrderGeneration"
+    _partial_: true
     all: true
     # if all: false -> only orders for these meals are generated
@@ -97,38 +101,58 @@ effect_manager: { }
 #      spreading_duration: [ 5, 10 ]
 #      fire_burns_ingredients_and_meals: true
   # # ---------------  Scoring  ---------------
     hooks: [ completed_order ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
       static_score: 0.1
     hooks: [ serve_not_ordered_meal ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
       static_score: 0.1
     hooks: [ trashcan_usage ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
       static_score: -0.2
     hooks: [ cutting_board_100 ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
-      static_score: 0.0
+      static_score: 0
     hooks: [ post_step ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
-      static_score: -0.0
+      static_score: 0
     hooks: [ drop_off_on_cooking_equipment ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
-      static_score: 0.0
+      static_score: 0
     hooks: [ player_start_interaction ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
-      static_score: 0.0
+      static_score: 0
 #    json_states:
 #      hooks: [ json_state ]
 #      record_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.recording.LogRecorder ''
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/order_config.yaml b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/order_config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cc3de7d..00000000
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/order_config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-  meals:
-    all: true
-    # if all: false -> only orders for these meals are generated
-    # TODO: what if this list is empty?
-    list:
-      - TomatoSoup
-      - OnionSoup
-      - Salad
-  #order_gen_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.orders.RandomOrderGeneration ''
-  # the class to that receives the kwargs. Should be a child class of OrderGeneration in
-  order_gen_kwargs:
-    order_duration_random_func:
-      # how long should the orders be alive
-      # 'random' library call with getattr, kwargs are passed to the function
-      func: uniform
-      kwargs:
-        a: 40
-        b: 60
-    max_orders: 6
-    # maximum number of active orders at the same time
-    num_start_meals: 2
-    # number of orders generated at the start of the environment
-    sample_on_dur_random_func:
-      # 'random' library call with getattr, kwargs are passed to the function
-      func: uniform
-      kwargs:
-        a: 10
-        b: 20
-    sample_on_serving: false
-    # Sample the delay for the next order only after a meal was served.
-  serving_not_ordered_meals: true
-  # can meals that are not ordered be served / dropped on the serving window
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/overcooked-ai_environment_config.yaml b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/overcooked-ai_environment_config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54d96c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/environment/overcooked-ai_environment_config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+  clean_plates: 1
+  dirty_plates: 0
+  plate_delay: [ 0, 0 ]
+  return_dirty: False
+  # range of seconds until the dirty plate arrives.
+  time_limit_seconds: 300
+  undo_dispenser_pickup: true
+  validate_recipes: false
+layout_name: centre_pots.layout
+  _: Free
+  hash: Counter  # #
+  A: Agent
+  pipe: Extinguisher
+  P: PlateDispenser
+  C: CuttingBoard
+  X: Trashcan
+  $: ServingWindow
+  S: Sink
+  +: SinkAddon
+  at: Plate  # @ just a clean plate on a counter
+  U: Pot  # with Stove
+  Q: Pan  # with Stove
+  O: Peel  # with Oven
+  F: Basket  # with DeepFryer
+  T: Tomato
+  N: Onion  # oNioN
+  L: Lettuce
+  K: Potato  # Kartoffel
+  I: Fish  # fIIIsh
+  D: Dough
+  E: Cheese  # chEEEse
+  G: Sausage  # sausaGe
+  B: Bun
+  M: Meat
+  question: Counter  # ? mushroom
+  ↓: Counter
+  ^: Counter
+  right: Counter
+  left: Counter
+  wave: Free  # ~ Water
+  minus: Free  # - Ice
+  dquote: Counter  # " wall/truck
+  p: Counter # second plate return ??
+  order_generator:
+    _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.orders.RandomOrderGeneration"
+    _partial_: true
+  meals:
+    all: false
+    # if all: false -> only orders for these meals are generated
+    # TODO: what if this list is empty?
+    list:
+      - TomatoSoup
+      - OnionSoup
+      - Salad
+  # the class to that receives the kwargs. Should be a child class of OrderGeneration in
+  order_gen_kwargs:
+    order_duration_random_func:
+      # how long should the orders be alive
+      # 'random' library call with getattr, kwargs are passed to the function
+      func: uniform
+      kwargs:
+        a: 40
+        b: 60
+    max_orders: 6
+    # maximum number of active orders at the same time
+    num_start_meals: 2
+    # number of orders generated at the start of the environment
+    sample_on_dur_random_func:
+      # 'random' library call with getattr, kwargs are passed to the function
+      func: uniform
+      kwargs:
+        a: 10
+        b: 20
+    sample_on_serving: false
+    # Sample the delay for the next order only after a meal was served.
+  serving_not_ordered_meals: true
+  # can meals that are not ordered be served / dropped on the serving window
+  radius: 0.1
+  speed_units_per_seconds: 1
+  interaction_range: 1
+  restricted_view: False
+  view_angle: 60
+effect_manager: { }
+#  FireManager:
+#    class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.effects.FireEffectManager ''
+#    kwargs:
+#      spreading_duration: [ 5, 10 ]
+#      fire_burns_ingredients_and_meals: true
+  # # ---------------  Scoring  ---------------
+  orders:
+    hooks: [ completed_order ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: 5
+  serve_not_ordered_meals:
+    hooks: [ serve_not_ordered_meal ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: 3
+  trashcan_usages:
+    hooks: [ trashcan_usage ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: 0
+  item_cut:
+    hooks: [ cutting_board_100 ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: 0
+  stepped:
+    hooks: [ post_step ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: 0
+  combine:
+    hooks: [ drop_off_on_cooking_equipment ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: 0
+  start_interact:
+    hooks: [ player_start_interaction ]
+    callback_class:
+      _target_: "cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks"
+      _partial_: true
+    callback_class_kwargs:
+      static_score: 0
+#    json_states:
+#      hooks: [ json_state ]
+#      record_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.recording.LogRecorder ''
+#      record_class_kwargs:
+#        record_path: USER_LOG_DIR/ENV_NAME/json_states.jsonl
+#  actions:
+#    hooks: [ pre_perform_action ]
+#    record_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.recording.LogRecorder ''
+#    record_class_kwargs:
+#      record_path: USER_LOG_DIR/ENV_NAME/LOG_RECORD_NAME.jsonl
+#  random_env_events:
+#    hooks: [ order_duration_sample, plate_out_of_kitchen_time ]
+#    record_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.recording.LogRecorder ''
+#    record_class_kwargs:
+#      record_path: USER_LOG_DIR/ENV_NAME/LOG_RECORD_NAME.jsonl
+#      add_hook_ref: true
+#  env_configs:
+#    hooks: [ env_initialized, item_info_config ]
+#    record_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.recording.LogRecorder ''
+#    record_class_kwargs:
+#      record_path: USER_LOG_DIR/ENV_NAME/LOG_RECORD_NAME.jsonl
+#      add_hook_ref: true
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/item_info/item_info_overcooked-ai.yaml b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/item_info/item_info_overcooked-ai.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62d1fab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/item_info/item_info_overcooked-ai.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+  type: Equipment
+  type: Equipment
+  type: Equipment
+  type: Equipment
+  type: Equipment
+  type: Equipment
+  equipment: Stove
+  type: Equipment
+  equipment: Stove
+  type: Equipment
+  equipment: DeepFryer
+  type: Equipment
+  equipment: Oven
+  type: Equipment
+  type: Equipment
+  needs: [ DirtyPlate ]
+  seconds: 2.0
+  equipment: Sink
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  type: Ingredient
+  type: Ingredient
+  type: Ingredient
+  type: Ingredient
+  type: Ingredient
+  type: Ingredient
+  type: Ingredient
+  type: Ingredient
+  type: Ingredient
+  type: Ingredient
+# Chopped things
+  type: Ingredient
+  needs: [ Tomato ]
+  seconds: 4.0
+  equipment: CuttingBoard
+  type: Ingredient
+  needs: [ Lettuce ]
+  seconds: 3.0
+  equipment: CuttingBoard
+  type: Ingredient
+  needs: [ Onion ]
+  seconds: 4.0
+  equipment: CuttingBoard
+  type: Ingredient
+  needs: [ Meat ]
+  seconds: 4.0
+  equipment: CuttingBoard
+  type: Ingredient
+  needs: [ Potato ]
+  seconds: 4.0
+  equipment: CuttingBoard
+  type: Ingredient
+  needs: [ Fish ]
+  seconds: 4.0
+  equipment: CuttingBoard
+  type: Ingredient
+  needs: [ Dough ]
+  seconds: 4.0
+  equipment: CuttingBoard
+  type: Ingredient
+  needs: [ Cheese ]
+  seconds: 4.0
+  equipment: CuttingBoard
+  type: Ingredient
+  needs: [ Sausage ]
+  seconds: 4.0
+  equipment: CuttingBoard
+  type: Ingredient
+  seconds: 5.0
+  needs: [ RawPatty ]
+  equipment: Pan
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  type: Meal
+  seconds: 5.0
+  needs: [ RawChips ]
+  equipment: Basket
+  type: Meal
+  seconds: 5.0
+  needs: [ ChoppedFish ]
+  equipment: Basket
+  type: Meal
+  needs: [ Bun, ChoppedLettuce, ChoppedTomato, CookedPatty ]
+  equipment: ~
+  type: Meal
+  needs: [ ChoppedLettuce, ChoppedTomato ]
+  equipment: ~
+  type: Meal
+  needs: [Tomato,Tomato, Tomato ]
+  seconds: 1
+  equipment: Pot
+  type: Meal
+  needs: [ Onion, Onion, Onion ]
+  seconds: 1
+  equipment: Pot
+  type: Meal
+  needs: [ FriedFish, Chips ]
+  equipment: ~
+  type: Meal
+  needs: [ PizzaBase, ChoppedTomato, GratedCheese, ChoppedSausage ]
+  seconds: 7.0
+  equipment: Peel
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  type: Waste
+  seconds: 10.0
+  needs: [ CookedPatty ]
+  equipment: Pan
+  type: Waste
+  seconds: 10.0
+  needs: [ Chips ]
+  equipment: Basket
+  type: Waste
+  seconds: 10.0
+  needs: [ FriedFish ]
+  equipment: Basket
+  type: Waste
+  needs: [ TomatoSoup ]
+  seconds: 20.0
+  equipment: Pot
+  type: Waste
+  needs: [ OnionSoup ]
+  seconds: 20.0
+  equipment: Pot
+  type: Waste
+  needs: [ Pizza ]
+  seconds: 10.0
+  equipment: Peel
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/random_orders.yaml b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/random_orders.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index e8a93ff7..00000000
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/random_orders.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-  order_gen_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.orders.RandomOrderGeneration ''
-  callback_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.scores.ScoreViaHooks ''
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/rl_config.yaml b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/rl_config.yaml
index 4fd36579..af22536d 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/rl_config.yaml
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/config/rl_config.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  - environment: environment_config_rl
-  - item_info: item_info_rl
+  - environment: overcooked-ai_environment_config
+  - item_info: item_info_overcooked-ai
   - model: PPO
   - additional_configs: additional_config_base
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
index 5bb014ba..211fbb63 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import yaml
 from gymnasium import spaces, Env
 from hydra.utils import instantiate
 from omegaconf import OmegaConf
+from layouts.convert_overcooked_ai_layouts import convert_overcookd_ai_layouts
 from cooperative_cuisine import ROOT_DIR
 from cooperative_cuisine.action import ActionType, InterActionData, Action
@@ -34,6 +35,13 @@ class SimpleActionSpace(Enum):
 def get_env_action(player_id, simple_action, duration):
+    """
+    Creates a concrete action.
+    :param player_id:id of the player
+    :param simple_action: an action in the form of a SimpleActionSpace
+    :param duration: for how long an action should be conducted
+    :return: a concrete action
+    """
     match simple_action:
         case SimpleActionSpace.Up:
             return Action(
@@ -80,14 +88,15 @@ def get_env_action(player_id, simple_action, duration):
-layout_path: Path = ROOT_DIR / "reinforcement_learning" / "rl_small.layout"
-with open(layout_path, "r") as file:
-    layout =
 with open(ROOT_DIR / "pygame_2d_vis" / "visualization.yaml", "r") as file:
     visualization_config = yaml.safe_load(file)
 def shuffle_counters(env):
+    """
+    Shuffles the counters of an environment
+    :param env: the environment object
+    """
     sample_counter = []
     other_counters = []
     for counter in env.counters:
@@ -104,11 +113,10 @@ def shuffle_counters(env):
 class StateToObservationConverter:
-    '''
+    """
+    Abstract definition of a class that gets and environment and outputs a state representation for rl
+    """
-    '''
     def setup(self, env):
@@ -126,6 +134,10 @@ class EnvGymWrapper(Env):
     metadata = {"render_modes": ["human", "rgb_array"], "render_fps": 10}
     def __init__(self, config):
+        """
+        :param config:  gets the rl and environment configuration from hydra
+        Initializes all necessary variables
+        """
         self.gridsize = 40
         self.randomize_counter_placement = False
@@ -133,18 +145,21 @@ class EnvGymWrapper(Env):
         self.full_vector_state = True
         config_env = OmegaConf.to_container(config.environment, resolve=True)
         config_item_info = OmegaConf.to_container(config.item_info, resolve=True)
-        order_generator = config.additional_configs.order_generator
-        custom_config_path = ROOT_DIR / "reinforcement_learning" / "config" / order_generator
-        with open(custom_config_path, "r") as file:
-            custom_classes = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.Loader)
-        for key, value in config_env['hook_callbacks'].items():
-            value['callback_class'] = custom_classes['callback_class']
-        config_env["orders"]["order_gen_class"] = custom_classes['order_gen_class']
+        for val in config_env['hook_callbacks']:
+            config_env['hook_callbacks'][val]["callback_class"] = instantiate(config_env['hook_callbacks'][val]["callback_class"])
+        config_env["orders"]["order_gen_class"] = instantiate(config_env["orders"]["order_generator"])
         self.config_env = config_env
         self.config_item_info = config_item_info
+        layout_file = config_env["layout_name"]
+        layout_path: Path = ROOT_DIR / "reinforcement_learning" / "layouts" / layout_file
+        if not Path(layout_path).is_file():
+            convert_overcookd_ai_layouts(ROOT_DIR, layout_file)
+        with open(layout_path, "r") as file:
+            self.layout =
         self.env: Environment = Environment(
-            layout_config=layout,
+            layout_config=self.layout,
@@ -191,6 +206,10 @@ class EnvGymWrapper(Env):
         self.prev_score = 0
     def step(self, action):
+        """
+        takes one step in the environment and returns the observation, reward, info whether terminated, truncated
+        and additional information
+        """
         # this is simply a work-around to enable no action which is necessary for the
         if action == 8:
             observation = self.get_observation()
@@ -225,9 +244,12 @@ class EnvGymWrapper(Env):
         return observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info
     def reset(self, seed=None, options=None):
+        """
+        Resets the environment according to the configs
+        """
         self.env: Environment = Environment(
-            layout_config=layout,
+            layout_config=self.layout,
@@ -255,6 +277,9 @@ class EnvGymWrapper(Env):
         return obs
     def render(self):
+        """
+        Create a visual representation of the environment
+        """
         observation = self.get_env_img(self.gridsize)
         img = observation.astype(np.uint8)
         img = img.transpose((1, 2, 0))
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66c8e647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+def convert_overcookd_ai_layouts(file_root, filename):
+    convertion_dict = {
+        " ": "_",
+        "X": "#",
+        "O": "N",
+        "T": "T",
+        "P": "U",
+        "D": "P",
+        "S": "$",
+        "1": "A",
+        "2": "_"
+    }
+    loadpath = Path(file_root) / "reinforcement_learning" / "layouts" / "overcooked_ai_layouts" / filename
+    savepath = Path(file_root) / "reinforcement_learning" / "layouts" / filename
+    with open(loadpath, "r") as f:
+        layoutfile =
+        f.close()
+        layout = eval(layoutfile)
+        lines = layout["grid"].split("\n")
+        additional_info = []
+        for key in layout:
+            if key != "grid":
+                additional_info.append(
+                    '; {}: {}'.format(key, str(layout[key]).replace("'", "").replace("None", "null")))
+        with open(savepath, "w+") as f:
+            for line in lines:
+                line = line.lstrip()
+                for char in line:
+                    f.write(convertion_dict[char])
+                f.write("\n")
+            for info in additional_info:
+                f.write(info)
+                f.write("\n")
+        f.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    convert_overcookd_ai_layouts("", "cramped_corridor.layout")
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/overcooked_ai_layouts/1-cramped-room.layout b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/overcooked_ai_layouts/1-cramped-room.layout
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..49655d1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/overcooked_ai_layouts/1-cramped-room.layout
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/overcooked_ai_layouts/centre_pots.layout b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/overcooked_ai_layouts/centre_pots.layout
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f6eb555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/overcooked_ai_layouts/centre_pots.layout
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+    "grid":  """XXXOSSX
+                X  1  X
+                X P P X
+                X  2  X
+                XDDOXXX""",
+    "start_bonus_orders": [],
+    "start_all_orders" : [
+        { "ingredients" : ["onion", "onion", "onion"]}
+    ],
+    "rew_shaping_params": None
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/overcooked_ai_layouts/cramped_corridor.layout b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/overcooked_ai_layouts/cramped_corridor.layout
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8674189f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/overcooked_ai_layouts/cramped_corridor.layout
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+    "grid":  """XTPXXXXSX
+                D      2X
+                XXXX XXXX
+                D      1X
+                XOPXXXXSX""",
+    "start_bonus_orders": [
+        { "ingredients" : ["tomato", "onion"]},
+        { "ingredients" : ["tomato"]},
+        { "ingredients" : ["tomato", "tomato"]}
+    ],
+    "start_all_orders" : [
+        { "ingredients" : ["tomato"]},
+        { "ingredients" : ["onion", "onion", "onion"]},
+        { "ingredients" : ["tomato", "tomato", "tomato"]},
+        { "ingredients" : ["tomato", "onion"] },
+        { "ingredients" : ["tomato", "tomato"]}
+    ],
+    "onion_value" : 21,
+    "tomato_value" : 13,
+    "onion_time" : 15,
+    "tomato_time" : 7
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/rl.layout b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/rl.layout
similarity index 100%
rename from cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/rl.layout
rename to cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/rl.layout
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/rl_small.layout b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/rl_small.layout
similarity index 100%
rename from cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/rl_small.layout
rename to cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/rl_small.layout
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/obs_converter/ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/obs_converter/
index 703a7d7a..da96510f 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/obs_converter/
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/obs_converter/
@@ -8,13 +8,19 @@ from cooperative_cuisine.reinforcement_learning.gym_env import StateToObservatio
 class BaseStateConverter(StateToObservationConverter):
+    """
+    Converts an environment state to an Encoding where each counter/item has its unique value
+    """
     def __init__(self):
         self.onehot = False
+        self.grid_height: int | None = None
+        self.grid_width: int | None = None
         self.counter_list = [
+            "OnionDispenser",
@@ -26,23 +32,34 @@ class BaseStateConverter(StateToObservationConverter):
         self.item_list = [
-            "PotOne",
-            "PotTwo",
-            "PotThree",
-            "PotDone",
+            "PotOne_Tomato",
+            "PotTwo_Tomato",
+            "PotThree_Tomato",
+            "PotDone_Tomato",
+            "PotOne_Onion",
+            "PotTwo_Onion",
+            "PotThree_Onion",
+            "PotDone_Onion",
+            "Onion",
+            "PlateOnionSoup",
+            "ChoppedOnion",
         self.player = "0"
     def setup(self, env):
+        """
+        Constructor setting basic variables as attributes.
+        """
         self.grid_width, self.grid_height = int(env.kitchen_width), int(
@@ -115,18 +132,31 @@ class BaseStateConverter(StateToObservationConverter):
             if == "Pot":
                 if len(item.content_list) > 0:
                     if item.content_list[0].name == "TomatoSoup":
-                        item_name = "PotDone"
+                        item_name = "PotDone_Tomato"
+                    if item.content_list[0].name == "OnionSoup":
+                        item_name = "PotDone_Onion"
                     elif len(item.content_list) == 1:
-                        item_name = "PotOne"
+                        if item.content_list[0].name == "Tomato":
+                            item_name = "PotOne_Tomato"
+                        if item.content_list[0].name == "Onion":
+                            item_name = "PotOne_Onion"
                     elif len(item.content_list) == 2:
-                        item_name = "PotTwo"
+                        if item.content_list[0].name == "Tomato":
+                            item_name = "PotTwo_Tomato"
+                        if item.content_list[0].name == "Onion":
+                            item_name = "PotTwo_Onion"
                     elif len(item.content_list) == 3:
-                        item_name = "PotThree"
+                        if item.content_list[0].name == "Tomato":
+                            item_name = "PotThree_Tomato"
+                        if item.content_list[0].name == "Onion":
+                            item_name = "PotThree_Onion"
             if "Plate" in
                 content_list = [ for i in item.content_list]
                 match content_list:
                     case ["TomatoSoup"]:
                         item_name = "PlateTomatoSoup"
+                    case ["OnionSoup"]:
+                        item_name = "PlateOnionSoup"
                     case ["ChoppedTomato"]:
                         item_name = "PlateChoppedTomato"
                     case ["ChoppedLettuce"]:
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/obs_converter/ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/obs_converter/
index d3a7d877..d4735a76 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/obs_converter/
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/obs_converter/
@@ -8,15 +8,23 @@ from cooperative_cuisine.reinforcement_learning.gym_env import StateToObservatio
 class BaseStateConverterOnehot(StateToObservationConverter):
+    """
+    Converts an environment state to an Onehot Encoding
+    """
     def __init__(self):
+        """
+        Constructor setting basic variables as attributes.
+        """
         self.onehot = True
-        self.grid_height = None
-        self.grid_width = None
+        self.grid_height: int | None = None
+        self.grid_width: int | None = None
         self.counter_list = [
+            "OnionDispenser",
@@ -28,27 +36,42 @@ class BaseStateConverterOnehot(StateToObservationConverter):
         self.item_list = [
-            "PotOne",
-            "PotTwo",
-            "PotThree",
-            "PotDone",
+            "PotOne_Tomato",
+            "PotTwo_Tomato",
+            "PotThree_Tomato",
+            "PotDone_Tomato",
+            "PotOne_Onion",
+            "PotTwo_Onion",
+            "PotThree_Onion",
+            "PotDone_Onion",
+            "Onion",
+            "PlateOnionSoup",
+            "ChoppedOnion",
         self.player = "0"
     def setup(self, env):
+        """
+        Set the grid width and height according to the present environment
+        Args: Environment used
+        """
         self.grid_width, self.grid_height = int(env.kitchen_width), int(
     def convert_state_to_observation(self, env) -> np.ndarray:
+        """
+        Converts the environment into an onehot encoding
+        Args: Environment
+        """
         grid_base_array = np.zeros(
@@ -92,7 +115,7 @@ class BaseStateConverterOnehot(StateToObservationConverter):
         player_item_one_hot = self.vectorize_item(
             env.players[self.player].holding, self.item_list
+        # simply concat all entities to one large vector
         final = np.concatenate(
@@ -116,22 +139,36 @@ class BaseStateConverterOnehot(StateToObservationConverter):
             item_name =
+        # different naming convention for the different pots to include the progress. New implementation should be found here
         if isinstance(item, CookingEquipment):
             if == "Pot":
                 if len(item.content_list) > 0:
                     if item.content_list[0].name == "TomatoSoup":
-                        item_name = "PotDone"
+                        item_name = "PotDone_Tomato"
+                    if item.content_list[0].name == "OnionSoup":
+                        item_name = "PotDone_Onion"
                     elif len(item.content_list) == 1:
-                        item_name = "PotOne"
+                        if item.content_list[0].name == "Tomato":
+                            item_name = "PotOne_Tomato"
+                        if item.content_list[0].name == "Onion":
+                            item_name = "PotOne_Onion"
                     elif len(item.content_list) == 2:
-                        item_name = "PotTwo"
+                        if item.content_list[0].name == "Tomato":
+                            item_name = "PotTwo_Tomato"
+                        if item.content_list[0].name == "Onion":
+                            item_name = "PotTwo_Onion"
                     elif len(item.content_list) == 3:
-                        item_name = "PotThree"
+                        if item.content_list[0].name == "Tomato":
+                            item_name = "PotThree_Tomato"
+                        if item.content_list[0].name == "Onion":
+                            item_name = "PotThree_Onion"
             if "Plate" in
                 content_list = [ for i in item.content_list]
                 match content_list:
                     case ["TomatoSoup"]:
                         item_name = "PlateTomatoSoup"
+                    case ["OnionSoup"]:
+                        item_name = "PlateOnionSoup"
                     case ["ChoppedTomato"]:
                         item_name = "PlateChoppedTomato"
                     case ["ChoppedLettuce"]:
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e2ae81e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Overcooked-AI and Cooperative Cuisine
+## Use the overcooked-AI levels and configs in cooperative cuisine
+All the layouts from overcooked-AI can be used within cooperative cuisine. Dedicated configs are defined and can be loaded via hydra.
+The overcooked-ai_environment_config.yaml must be chosen as environment config. Under layout_name any layout from overcooked-AI can be defined.
+Additionally, the item_config must be item_info_overcooked-ai.yaml. 
+With those chosen configs the layouts and rewards from overcooked-AI are used.
+## How is the connection between Overcooked-AI and cooperative cuisine defined? 
+Cooperative Cuisine is highly modular due to the usage of hydra as config manager. 
+Therefore, the parameters used for overcooked-AI are simply used in the dedicated config file. 
+The layout format is different, which is why a mapping is defined which converts the overcooked-AI layout into the cooperative cuisine layout. 
+The layout file has to be present in cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/layouts/overcooked_ai_layouts.
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
index 96c7e736..1d29bd4a 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ from gym_env import EnvGymWrapper, SimpleActionSpace
 @hydra.main(version_base="1.3", config_path="config", config_name="rl_config")
 def main(cfg: DictConfig):
+    """
+    Enables steering the agent in the environment used for rl.
+    """
     env = EnvGymWrapper(cfg)
     env.render_mode = "rgb_array"
     play(env, keys_to_action={"a": 2, "d": 3, "w": 0, "s": 1, " ": 4, "k": 5}, noop=8)
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
index 0a403432..60b443aa 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ from hydra.utils import instantiate, call
 @hydra.main(version_base="1.3", config_path="config", config_name="rl_config")
 def main(cfg: DictConfig):
+    """
+    loads the trained model and enables the user to see an example with the according rewards.
+    """
     additional_config = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.additional_configs, resolve=True)
     model_save_path = additional_config["log_path"] + "/" + additional_config["checkpoint_path"] + "/" + \
                       additional_config["project_name"] + "_" + OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.model, resolve=True)[
diff --git a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
index d039aa9a..aaad353f 100644
--- a/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
+++ b/cooperative_cuisine/reinforcement_learning/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any
 import wandb
 from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
@@ -17,13 +18,17 @@ from hydra.utils import instantiate
 @hydra.main(version_base="1.3", config_path="config", config_name="rl_config")
 def main(cfg: DictConfig):
-    additional_configs = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.additional_configs, resolve=True)
-    rl_logs = Path(additional_configs["log_path"])
+    """
+    trains an agent from scratch and saves the model to the specified path
+    All configs are managed with hydra.
+    """
+    additional_configs: dict[str, Any] = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.additional_configs, resolve=True)
+    rl_logs: Path = Path(additional_configs["log_path"])
-    rl_agent_checkpoints = rl_logs / Path(additional_configs["checkpoint_path"])
+    rl_agent_checkpoints: Path = rl_logs / Path(additional_configs["checkpoint_path"])
-    config = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.model, resolve=True)
-    debug = additional_configs["debug_mode"]
+    config: dict[str, Any] = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg.model, resolve=True)
+    debug: bool = additional_configs["debug_mode"]
     vec_env = additional_configs["vec_env"]
     number_envs_parallel = config["number_envs_parallel"]
     model_class = instantiate(cfg.model.model_type)