import uuid import numpy as np import yaml from cooperative_cuisine import ROOT_DIR from cooperative_cuisine.counter_factory import convert_words_to_chars from cooperative_cuisine.items import ItemType dummy_env_config_path = ROOT_DIR / "configs" / "dummy_environment_config.yaml" with open(dummy_env_config_path) as c: dummy_env_config = yaml.load(c, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) character_map = dummy_env_config["layout_chars"] character_map = convert_words_to_chars(character_map) counter_set = {"Counter", "PlateDispenser", "CuttingBoard", "Trashcan", "ServingWindow", "Sink", "SinkAddon"} def layout_thumbnail(layout_path, vis, max_size, item_lookup): with open(layout_path) as file: layout = grid = [] counter = [] player = [] x = 0 for line in layout.split("\n"): row = [] if line.startswith(";") or not line: continue for y, char in enumerate(line.strip()): t = character_map[char] row.append(0) match t: case "Agent": player.append([float(y), float(x)]) case "Free" | "Water" | "Ice" | "Lava": pass case _: counter.append(([float(y), float(x)], t)) grid.append(row) x += 1 image = np.array(grid).T def map_t(t): if t in counter_set: return t if t in item_lookup: i = item_lookup[t] if i.type == ItemType.Equipment and return if i.type == ItemType.Ingredient: return f"{t}Dispenser" return "Counter" def map_t_occupied(t): if t in counter_set: return None if t in item_lookup: i = item_lookup[t] if i.type == ItemType.Equipment and return {"category": "ItemCookingEquipment", "type": t, "content_list": [], "content_ready": None, "active_effects": []} if i.type == ItemType.Ingredient: return {"category": "Item", "type": t, "active_effects": []} return None state = {"players": [ {"id": str(i), "pos": p, "facing_direction": [0, 1], "holding": None, "current_nearest_counter_pos": None, "current_nearest_counter_id": None} for i, p in enumerate(player)], "counters": [{"id": uuid.uuid4().hex, "pos": pos, "orientation": [0, 1], "type": map_t(t), "occupied_by": map_t_occupied(t), "active_effects": []} for pos, t in counter], "kitchen": {"width": image.shape[0], "height": image.shape[1]}, } grid_size = int(max_size // max(state["kitchen"]["width"], state["kitchen"]["height"])) vis.set_grid_size(grid_size) return vis.draw_gamescreen(state, [])