diff --git a/ipaacalib/cpp/examples/src/example-component.cc b/ipaacalib/cpp/examples/src/example-component.cc
index 23bb04ee9be44db791c209da03bf782a553ed11f..908ada021ac80b694118b3c36918a52a2f1c906d 100644
--- a/ipaacalib/cpp/examples/src/example-component.cc
+++ b/ipaacalib/cpp/examples/src/example-component.cc
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ class LegacyComponent {
 		void handle_iu_event(IUInterface::ptr iu, IUEventType event_type, bool local);
 		/// example publishing function to produce a 'grounded' IU
 		void publish_reply_iu(const std::string& text, const std::string& received_iu_uid);
+		void publish_reply_message(const std::string& text, const std::string& received_iu_uid);
 		void publish_hello_world();
@@ -78,6 +79,9 @@ void LegacyComponent::handle_iu_event(IUInterface::ptr iu, IUEventType event_typ
 			std::string description = iu->payload()["description"];
 			std::cout << "[ Current description: " << description << "]" << std::endl;
+			/// let's also react by emitting an IU ourselves (function below)
+			publish_reply_iu("important-result", iu->uid());
 		} else if (event_type == IU_ADDED) {
 			std::cout << "[Received new IU!]" << std::endl;
@@ -90,7 +94,7 @@ void LegacyComponent::handle_iu_event(IUInterface::ptr iu, IUEventType event_typ
 			std::cout << "[ Current description: " << description << "]" << std::endl;
 			/// let's also react by emitting an IU ourselves (function below)
-			publish_reply_iu("important-result", iu->uid());
+			publish_reply_message("important-result", iu->uid());
 		} else if (event_type == IU_UPDATED) {
 			std::cout << "[Received IU payload update for IU " << iu->uid() << "]" << std::endl;
@@ -128,6 +132,12 @@ void LegacyComponent::publish_reply_iu(const std::string& text, const std::strin
 	/// add to output buffer ( = "publish")
+void LegacyComponent::publish_reply_message(const std::string& text, const std::string& received_iu_uid) {
+	IU::ptr iu = Message::create( "myResultCategory" );
+	iu->payload()["description"] = "SomeResult";
+	iu->add_link("GRIN", received_iu_uid);
+	_out_buf->add(iu);
 void LegacyComponent::publish_hello_world() {
 	IU::ptr iu = Message::create( "myCategoryInterest"); //helloWorld" );
diff --git a/ipaacalib/cpp/src/ipaaca.cc b/ipaacalib/cpp/src/ipaaca.cc
index 8667be123c6e88af8167d9d201dc96229da6b521..9da3bf19faae592820ebdf1b492e865c005a2faf 100644
--- a/ipaacalib/cpp/src/ipaaca.cc
+++ b/ipaacalib/cpp/src/ipaaca.cc
@@ -1202,6 +1202,7 @@ IUConverter::IUConverter()
 std::string IUConverter::serialize(const AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire)
+	//std::cout << "serialize" << std::endl;
 	// Ensure that DATA actually holds a datum of the data-type we expect.
 	assert(data.first == getDataType()); // "ipaaca::IU"
 	// NOTE: a dynamic_pointer_cast cannot be used from void*
@@ -1242,11 +1243,22 @@ std::string IUConverter::serialize(const AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire)
-	return getWireSchema();
+	switch(obj->access_mode()) {
+			//std::cout << "Requesting to send as ipaaca-iu" << std::endl;
+			return "ipaaca-iu";
+			//std::cout << "Requesting to send as ipaaca-messageiu" << std::endl;
+			return "ipaaca-messageiu";
+		default:
+			//std::cout << "Requesting to send as default" << std::endl;
+			return getWireSchema();
+	}
 AnnotatedData IUConverter::deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema, const std::string& wire) {
+	//std::cout << "deserialize" << std::endl;
 	assert(wireSchema == getWireSchema()); // "ipaaca-iu"
 	boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IU> pbo(new protobuf::IU());
@@ -1315,6 +1327,7 @@ AnnotatedData IUConverter::deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema, const std:
 // MessageConverter//{{{
@@ -1364,7 +1377,15 @@ std::string MessageConverter::serialize(const AnnotatedData& data, std::string&
-	return getWireSchema();
+	switch(obj->access_mode()) {
+			return "ipaaca-iu";
+			return "ipaaca-messageiu";
+		default:
+			//std::cout << "Requesting to send as default" << std::endl;
+			return getWireSchema();
+	}
diff --git a/ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca.py b/ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca.py
index e097cb72588092a2094edfd714adb8a61b9b45b6..f6f80ad68d273b92d29cb97b23e67d83becbae05 100755
--- a/ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca.py
+++ b/ipaacalib/python/src/ipaaca.py
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ class IUInterface(object): #{{{
 	def __str__(self):
 		s = unicode(self.__class__)+"{ "
+		s += "category="+("<None>" if self._category is None else self._category)+" "
 		s += "uid="+self._uid+" "
 		s += "(buffer="+(self.buffer.unique_name if self.buffer is not None else "<None>")+") "
 		s += "owner_name=" + ("<None>" if self.owner_name is None else self.owner_name) + " "
@@ -720,7 +721,11 @@ class IUConverter(rsb.converter.Converter):#{{{
 		pbo.payload_type = iu._payload_type
 		pbo.owner_name = iu._owner_name
 		pbo.committed = iu._committed
-		pbo.access_mode = iu._access_mode #ipaaca_pb2.IU.PUSH # TODO
+		am=ipaaca_pb2.IU.PUSH #default
+		if iu._access_mode == IUAccessMode.MESSAGE:
+			am=ipaaca_pb2.IU.MESSAGE
+		# TODO add other types later
+		pbo.access_mode = am
 		pbo.read_only = iu._read_only
 		for k,v in iu._payload.items():
 			entry = pbo.payload.add()
@@ -729,11 +734,99 @@ class IUConverter(rsb.converter.Converter):#{{{
 			linkset = pbo.links.add()
 			linkset.type = type_
-		return bytearray(pbo.SerializeToString()), self.wireSchema
+		ws = "ipaaca-messageiu" if iu._access_mode == IUAccessMode.MESSAGE else self.wireSchema
+		return bytearray(pbo.SerializeToString()), ws
 	def deserialize(self, byte_stream, ws):
 		type = self.getDataType()
-		if type == IU:
+		#print('IUConverter.deserialize got a '+str(type)+' over wireSchema '+ws)
+		if type == IU or type == Message:
+			pbo = ipaaca_pb2.IU()
+			pbo.ParseFromString( str(byte_stream) )
+			if pbo.access_mode ==  ipaaca_pb2.IU.PUSH:
+				_payload = {}
+				for entry in pbo.payload:
+					k, v = unpack_typed_payload_item(entry)
+					_payload[k] = v
+				_links = collections.defaultdict(set)
+				for linkset in pbo.links:
+					for target_uid in linkset.targets:
+						_links[linkset.type].add(target_uid)
+				remote_push_iu = RemotePushIU(
+						uid=pbo.uid,
+						revision=pbo.revision,
+						read_only = pbo.read_only,
+						owner_name = pbo.owner_name,
+						category = pbo.category,
+						payload_type = pbo.payload_type,
+						committed = pbo.committed,
+						payload=_payload,
+						links=_links
+					)
+				return remote_push_iu
+			elif pbo.access_mode ==  ipaaca_pb2.IU.MESSAGE:
+				_payload = {}
+				for entry in pbo.payload:
+					k, v = unpack_typed_payload_item(entry)
+					_payload[k] = v
+				_links = collections.defaultdict(set)
+				for linkset in pbo.links:
+					for target_uid in linkset.targets:
+						_links[linkset.type].add(target_uid)
+				remote_message = RemoteMessage(
+						uid=pbo.uid,
+						revision=pbo.revision,
+						read_only = pbo.read_only,
+						owner_name = pbo.owner_name,
+						category = pbo.category,
+						payload_type = pbo.payload_type,
+						committed = pbo.committed,
+						payload=_payload,
+						links=_links
+					)
+				return remote_message
+			else:
+				raise Exception("We can only handle IUs with access mode 'PUSH' or 'MESSAGE' for now!")
+		else:
+			raise ValueError("Inacceptable dataType %s" % type)
+class MessageConverter(rsb.converter.Converter):#{{{
+	'''
+	Converter class for Full IU representations
+	wire:bytearray <-> wire-schema:ipaaca-full-iu <-> class ipaacaRSB.IU
+	'''
+	def __init__(self, wireSchema="ipaaca-messageiu", dataType=Message):
+		super(IUConverter, self).__init__(bytearray, dataType, wireSchema)
+	def serialize(self, iu):
+		pbo = ipaaca_pb2.IU()
+		pbo.uid = iu._uid
+		pbo.revision = iu._revision
+		pbo.category = iu._category
+		pbo.payload_type = iu._payload_type
+		pbo.owner_name = iu._owner_name
+		pbo.committed = iu._committed
+		am=ipaaca_pb2.IU.PUSH #default
+		if iu._access_mode == IUAccessMode.MESSAGE:
+			am=ipaaca_pb2.IU.MESSAGE
+		# TODO add other types later
+		pbo.access_mode = am
+		pbo.read_only = iu._read_only
+		for k,v in iu._payload.items():
+			entry = pbo.payload.add()
+			pack_typed_payload_item(entry, k, v)
+		for type_ in iu._links.keys():
+			linkset = pbo.links.add()
+			linkset.type = type_
+			linkset.targets.extend(iu._links[type_])
+		ws = "ipaaca-messageiu" if iu._access_mode == IUAccessMode.MESSAGE else self.wireSchema
+		return bytearray(pbo.SerializeToString()), ws
+	def deserialize(self, byte_stream, ws):
+		type = self.getDataType()
+		#print('MessageConverter.deserialize got a '+str(type)+' over wireSchema '+ws)
+		if type == IU or type == Message:
 			pbo = ipaaca_pb2.IU()
 			pbo.ParseFromString( str(byte_stream) )
 			if pbo.access_mode ==  ipaaca_pb2.IU.PUSH:
@@ -1360,6 +1453,8 @@ def initialize_ipaaca_rsb():#{{{
 		IntConverter(wireSchema="int32", dataType=int))
 		IUConverter(wireSchema="ipaaca-iu", dataType=IU))
+	rsb.converter.registerGlobalConverter(
+		IUConverter(wireSchema="ipaaca-messageiu", dataType=Message))