diff --git a/cpp/src/.gitignore b/cpp/src/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05c3e637fa52c0fb86ceb4bcc7022728da9210b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/src/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/cpp/src/Makefile b/cpp/src/Makefile
index cb0a88d55588a8af3e8ef2a773e4205107149679..45ba15946eff401b5ad8cbfae12a09f78153baa0 100644
--- a/cpp/src/Makefile
+++ b/cpp/src/Makefile
@@ -1,18 +1,40 @@
+ifeq ($(WBS_ARCH),mac)
+	LIB_SUFFIX=.dylib
-SOURCES = ipaaca.cc ipaaca.pb.cc ipaaca-test-main.cc
+IPAACASOURCES = ipaaca.cc ipaaca.pb.cc
+SOURCES = ${IPAACASOURCES} ipaaca-test-main.cc
 CCFLAGS=-I. -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/local/include ${CONFIG}
+LIBFLAGS=-fPIC -shared
 BOOSTLIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -lboost_regex-mt -lboost_date_time-mt -lboost_program_options-mt -lboost_thread-mt -lboost_filesystem-mt -lboost_signals-mt -lboost_system-mt
 PROTOLIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -lprotobuf
 LIBS = ${BOOSTLIBS} ${PROTOLIBS} -L/usr/local/lib -lrsc -lrsbcore
-all: protoc
-	#g++ ${CCFLAGS} -o ipaaca-test ${SOURCES} ${LIBS}
-	g++ ${CCFLAGS} -DMAKE_RECEIVER -o ipaaca-receiver ${SOURCES} ${LIBS}
-	g++ ${CCFLAGS} -DMAKE_SENDER -o ipaaca-sender ${SOURCES} ${LIBS}
+COMPILER = gfilt
+all: lib
+	${COMPILER} ${CCFLAGS} -DMAKE_RECEIVER -o ipaaca-receiver ${SOURCES} ${LIBS}
+	${COMPILER} ${CCFLAGS} -DMAKE_SENDER -o ipaaca-sender ${SOURCES} ${LIBS}
+	${COMPILER} ${CCFLAGS} -o ipaaca-main ${SOURCES} ${LIBS}
 	protoc --proto_path=../../proto ../../proto/ipaaca.proto --cpp_out=.
-	rm -f ipaaca-test ipaaca-sender ipaaca-receiver ipaaca.pb.h ipaaca.pb.cc
+	rm -f libipaaca${LIB_SUFFIX} ipaaca-main ipaaca-sender ipaaca-receiver ipaaca.pb.h ipaaca.pb.cc
diff --git a/cpp/src/ipaaca-test-main.cc b/cpp/src/ipaaca-test-main.cc
index 41ddd232ac3227f09ba1b687b47e2c9904bc4531..cefa166dfd5b3820915f3d6da1cd13860aadfb11 100644
--- a/cpp/src/ipaaca-test-main.cc
+++ b/cpp/src/ipaaca-test-main.cc
@@ -5,105 +5,76 @@
 //#include <rsc/logging/LoggerFactory.h>
 // //rsc::logging::LoggerFactory::getInstance().reconfigure(rsc::logging::Logger::LEVEL_ALL);
-//boost::mutex mtx;
-using namespace ipaaca;
+//   TESTS
-class Testo {
-	protected:
-		std::string _name;
-	public:
-		inline Testo(const std::string& name="Testo"): _name(name) { }
-		inline void handleIUEvent(EventPtr event)
-		{
-			std::cout << _name << " received a ";
-			std::string type = event->getType();
-			if (type == "ipaaca::IUPayloadUpdate") {
-				std::cout << *boost::static_pointer_cast<IUPayloadUpdate>(event->getData()) << std::endl;
-			} else if (type == "ipaaca::IULinkUpdate") {
-				std::cout << *boost::static_pointer_cast<IULinkUpdate>(event->getData()) << std::endl;
-			} else {
-				std::cout << type << " (Unhandled type!)" << std::endl;
-			}
-		}
+using namespace ipaaca;
+void my_first_iu_handler(IUInterface::ptr iu, IUEventType type, bool local)
+	std::cout << "" << iu_event_type_to_str(type) << " " << (local?"(of local IU)":"(of remote IU)") << "" << std::endl;
+	if (type == IU_LINKSUPDATED) {
+		std::cout << "  setting something in the remote payload" << std::endl;
+		iu->payload()["new_field"] = "remotely_set";
+	}
 int main() {
-	initialize_ipaaca_rsb();
-	ListenerPtr listener = Factory::getInstance().createListener( Scope("/tutorial/converter"));
-	Testo t("TESTO");
-	HandlerPtr event_handler = HandlerPtr(new EventFunctionHandler(boost::bind(&Testo::handleIUEvent, boost::ref(t), _1)));
-	listener->addHandler( event_handler );
-	while(true) {
-		boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(100));
+	try{
+		//initialize_ipaaca_rsb();
+		InputBuffer::ptr ib = InputBuffer::create("Tester", "testcategory");
+		ib->register_handler(my_first_iu_handler);
+		while (true) {
+			sleep(1);
+		}
+	} catch (ipaaca::Exception& e) {
+		std::cout << "== IPAACA EXCEPTION == " << e.what() << std::endl;
-	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-using namespace ipaaca;
-int main() {
-	initialize_ipaaca_rsb();
-	//Informer<ipaaca::IUPayloadUpdate>::Ptr pinformer = Factory::getInstance().createInformer<ipaaca::IUPayloadUpdate> ( Scope("/tutorial/converter"));
-	//Informer<ipaaca::IULinkUpdate>::Ptr linformer = Factory::getInstance().createInformer<ipaaca::IULinkUpdate> ( Scope("/tutorial/converter"));
-	Informer<AnyType>::Ptr informer = Factory::getInstance().createInformer<AnyType> ( Scope("/tutorial/converter"));
-	IUPayloadUpdate* pup = new ipaaca::IUPayloadUpdate();
-	Informer<ipaaca::IUPayloadUpdate>::DataPtr pdata(pup);
-	pup->uid = "2000";
-	pup->revision = 3;
-	pup->writer_name = "Comp1_OB";
-	pup->is_delta = true;
-	pup->new_items["new_key"] = "new_value";
-	pup->new_items["another_key"] = "some_info";
-	pup->keys_to_remove.push_back("old_key");
-	informer->publish(pdata);
-	IULinkUpdate* lup = new ipaaca::IULinkUpdate();
-	Informer<ipaaca::IULinkUpdate>::DataPtr ldata(lup);
-	lup->uid = "2001";
-	lup->revision = 4;
-	lup->writer_name = "Comp2_IB";
-	lup->is_delta = true;
-	lup->new_links["SLL"].insert("2000");
-	lup->new_links["grin"].insert("1002");
-	lup->links_to_remove["grin"].insert("1001");
-	informer->publish(ldata);
-	std::cout << "Done." << std::endl;
-	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+void iu_handler_for_remote_changes(IUInterface::ptr iu, IUEventType type, bool local)
+	std::cout << "" << iu_event_type_to_str(type) << " " << (local?"(of local IU)":"(of remote IU)") << "" << std::endl;
-//   TESTS
-using namespace ipaaca;
 int main() {
-	//try{
-		initialize_ipaaca_rsb();
-		IU::ref iu = IU::create();
-		std::cout << "payload.get(\"TEST\") = \"" << iu->payload.get("TEST") << "\"" << std::endl;
-		std::cout << "payload[\"TEST\"] = \"" << (std::string) iu->payload["TEST"] << "\"" << std::endl;
-		iu->payload["TEST"] = "123.5-WAS-SET";
-		std::cout << "payload[\"TEST\"] = \"" << (std::string) iu->payload["TEST"] << "\"" << std::endl;
+	try{
+		//initialize_ipaaca_rsb();
-		std::string s = "The string \"" + iu->payload["TEST"].to_str() + "\" is the new value.";
+		OutputBuffer::ptr ob = OutputBuffer::create("Tester");
+		ob->register_handler(iu_handler_for_remote_changes);
+		//std::cout << "Buffer: " << ob->unique_name() << std::endl;
+		IU::ptr iu = IU::create("testcategory");
+		ob->add(iu);
+		std::cout << "Updating in 1 sec" << std::endl;
+		sleep(1);
+		std::cout << "_payload.get(\"TEST\") = \"" << iu->_payload.get("TEST") << "\"" << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "_payload[\"TEST\"] = \"" << (std::string) iu->_payload["TEST"] << "\"" << std::endl;
+		iu->_payload["TEST"] = "123.5-WAS-SET";
+		std::cout << "_payload[\"TEST\"] = \"" << (std::string) iu->_payload["TEST"] << "\"" << std::endl;
+		std::string s = "The string \"" + iu->_payload["TEST"].to_str() + "\" is the new value.";
 		std::cout << "Concatenation test: " << s << std::endl;
-		std::cout << "Interpreted as  long  value: " << iu->payload["TEST"].to_int() << std::endl;
-		std::cout << "Interpreted as double value: " << iu->payload["TEST"].to_float() << std::endl;
-	//} catch (std::exception& e) {
-	//	std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
-	//}
+		iu->add_link("grin", "DUMMY_IU_UID_1234efef1234");
+		std::cout << "Interpreted as  long  value: " << iu->_payload["TEST"].to_int() << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Interpreted as double value: " << iu->_payload["TEST"].to_float() << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Committing and quitting in 1 sec" << std::endl;
+		sleep(1);
+		iu->commit();
+	} catch (ipaaca::Exception& e) {
+		std::cout << "== IPAACA EXCEPTION == " << e.what() << std::endl;
+	}
diff --git a/cpp/src/ipaaca.cc b/cpp/src/ipaaca.cc
index 243e0faf83fc94bbb67ef4c09c3e755b322f0c64..8bf68748863437d98325fc24e9fbe377256a3f52 100644
--- a/cpp/src/ipaaca.cc
+++ b/cpp/src/ipaaca.cc
@@ -2,23 +2,107 @@
 #include <cstdlib>
 namespace ipaaca {
-void initialize_ipaaca_rsb()
+// util and init//{{{
+bool Initializer::_initialized = false;
+//const LinkSet EMPTY_LINK_SET = LinkSet();
+//const std::set<std::string> EMPTY_LINK_SET();
+bool Initializer::initialized() { return _initialized; }
+void Initializer::initialize_ipaaca_rsb_if_needed()
+	if (_initialized) return;
 	ParticipantConfig config = ParticipantConfig::fromConfiguration();
+	boost::shared_ptr<IUConverter> iu_converter(new IUConverter());
+	stringConverterRepository()->registerConverter(iu_converter);
 	boost::shared_ptr<IUPayloadUpdateConverter> payload_update_converter(new IUPayloadUpdateConverter());
-	boost::shared_ptr<IULinkUpdateConverter> link_update_converter(new IULinkUpdateConverter());
+	boost::shared_ptr<IULinkUpdateConverter> link_update_converter(new IULinkUpdateConverter());
+	boost::shared_ptr<ProtocolBufferConverter<protobuf::IUCommission> > iu_commission_converter(new ProtocolBufferConverter<protobuf::IUCommission> ());
+	stringConverterRepository()->registerConverter(iu_commission_converter);
+	boost::shared_ptr<IntConverter> int_converter(new IntConverter());
+	stringConverterRepository()->registerConverter(int_converter);
+	_initialized = true;
 	//IPAACA_TODO("initialize all converters")
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IUPayloadUpdate& obj)
+std::string generate_uuid_string()
+	uuid_t uuidt;
+	uuid_string_t uuidstr;
+	uuid_generate(uuidt);
+	uuid_unparse_lower(uuidt, uuidstr);
+	return uuidstr;
+void init_inprocess_too() {
+	//ParticipantConfig config = Factory::getInstance().getDefaultParticipantConfig();
+	ParticipantConfig config = ParticipantConfig::fromFile("rsb.cfg");
+	//ParticipantConfig::Transport inprocess = config.getTransport("inprocess");
+	//inprocess.setEnabled(true);
+	//config.addTransport(inprocess);
+	Factory::getInstance().setDefaultParticipantConfig(config);
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SmartLinkMap& obj)//{{{
+	os << "{";
+	bool first = true;
+	for (LinkMap::const_iterator it=obj._links.begin(); it!=obj._links.end(); ++it) {
+		if (first) { first=false; } else { os << ", "; }
+		os << "'" << it->first << "': [";
+		bool firstinner = true;
+		for (LinkSet::const_iterator it2=it->second.begin(); it2!=it->second.end(); ++it2) {
+			if (firstinner) { firstinner=false; } else { os << ", "; }
+			os << "'" << *it2 << "'";
+		}
+		os << "]";
+	}
+	os << "}";
+	return os;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Payload& obj)//{{{
+	os << "{";
+	bool first = true;
+	for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it=obj._store.begin(); it!=obj._store.end(); ++it) {
+		if (first) { first=false; } else { os << ", "; }
+		os << "'" << it->first << "':'" << it->second << "'";
+	}
+	os << "}";
+	return os;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IUInterface& obj)//{{{
+	os << "IUInterface(uid='" << obj.uid() << "'";
+	os << ", category='" << obj.category() << "'";
+	os << ", revision=" << obj.revision();
+	os << ", committed=" << (obj.committed()?"True":"False");
+	os << ", owner_name='" << obj.owner_name() << "'";
+	os << ", payload=";
+	os << obj.const_payload();
+	os << ", links=";
+	os << obj._links;
+	os << ")";
+	return os;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IUPayloadUpdate& obj)//{{{
 	os << "PayloadUpdate(uid=" << obj.uid << ", revision=" << obj.revision;
 	os << ", writer_name=" << obj.writer_name << ", is_delta=" << (obj.is_delta?"True":"False");
@@ -37,8 +121,8 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IUPayloadUpdate& obj)
 	os << "])";
 	return os;
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IULinkUpdate& obj)
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IULinkUpdate& obj)//{{{
 	os << "LinkUpdate(uid=" << obj.uid << ", revision=" << obj.revision;
 	os << ", writer_name=" << obj.writer_name << ", is_delta=" << (obj.is_delta?"True":"False");
@@ -69,25 +153,793 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IULinkUpdate& obj)
 	os << "})";
 	return os;
+// SmartLinkMap//{{{
-void init_inprocess_too() {
-	//ParticipantConfig config = Factory::getInstance().getDefaultParticipantConfig();
-	ParticipantConfig config = ParticipantConfig::fromFile("rsb.cfg");
-	//ParticipantConfig::Transport inprocess = config.getTransport("inprocess");
-	//inprocess.setEnabled(true);
-	//config.addTransport(inprocess);
-	Factory::getInstance().setDefaultParticipantConfig(config);
+LinkSet SmartLinkMap::empty_link_set;
+void SmartLinkMap::_add_and_remove_links(const LinkMap& add, const LinkMap& remove)
+	// remove specified links
+	for (LinkMap::const_iterator it = remove.begin(); it != remove.end(); ++it ) {
+		// if link type exists
+		if (_links.count(it->first) > 0) {
+			// remove one by one
+			for (LinkSet::const_iterator it2=it->second.begin(); it2!=it->second.end(); ++it2) {
+				_links[it->first].erase(*it2);
+			}
+			// wipe the type key if no more links are left
+			if (_links[it->first].size() == 0) {
+				_links.erase(it->first);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// add specified links
+	for (LinkMap::const_iterator it = add.begin(); it != add.end(); ++it ) {
+		for (LinkSet::const_iterator it2=it->second.begin(); it2!=it->second.end(); ++it2) {
+			_links[it->first].insert(*it2);
+		}
+	}
+void SmartLinkMap::_replace_links(const LinkMap& links)
+	//_links.clear();
+	_links=links;
+const LinkSet& SmartLinkMap::get_links(const std::string& key)
+	LinkMap::const_iterator it = _links.find(key);
+	if (it==_links.end()) return empty_link_set;
+	return it->second;
+const LinkMap& SmartLinkMap::get_all_links()
+	return _links;
+// IUEventHandler//{{{
+IUEventHandler::IUEventHandler(IUEventHandlerFunction function, IUEventType event_mask, const std::string& category)
+: _function(function), _event_mask(event_mask), _for_all_categories(false)
+	if (category=="") {
+		_for_all_categories = true;
+	} else {
+		_categories.insert(category);
+	}
+IUEventHandler::IUEventHandler(IUEventHandlerFunction function, IUEventType event_mask, const std::set<std::string>& categories)
+: _function(function), _event_mask(event_mask), _for_all_categories(false)
+	if (categories.size()==0) {
+		_for_all_categories = true;
+	} else {
+		_categories = categories;
+	}
+void IUEventHandler::call(Buffer* buffer, boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> iu, bool local, IUEventType event_type, const std::string& category)
+	if (_condition_met(event_type, category)) {
+		//IUInterface::ptr iu = buffer->get(uid);
+		//if (iu) {
+			_function(iu, event_type, local);
+		//}
+	}
-IU::ref IU::create(/* params */)
+// Buffer//{{{
+void Buffer::_allocate_unique_name(const std::string& basename, const std::string& function) {
+	std::string uuid = ipaaca::generate_uuid_string();
+	_basename = basename;
+	_uuid = uuid.substr(0,8);
+	_unique_name = "/ipaaca/component/" + _basename + "ID" + _uuid + "/" + function;
+void Buffer::register_handler(IUEventHandlerFunction function, IUEventType event_mask, const std::set<std::string>& categories)
+	IUEventHandler::ptr handler = IUEventHandler::ptr(new IUEventHandler(function, event_mask, categories));
+	_event_handlers.push_back(handler);
+void Buffer::register_handler(IUEventHandlerFunction function, IUEventType event_mask, const std::string& category)
-	IU::ref iu = IU::ref(new IU(/* params */));
-	iu->payload.initialize(iu);
+	IUEventHandler::ptr handler = IUEventHandler::ptr(new IUEventHandler(function, event_mask, category));
+	_event_handlers.push_back(handler);
+void Buffer::call_iu_event_handlers(boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> iu, bool local, IUEventType event_type, const std::string& category)
+	//IPAACA_INFO("handling an event " << ipaaca::iu_event_type_to_str(event_type) << " for IU " << iu->uid())
+	for (std::vector<IUEventHandler::ptr>::iterator it = _event_handlers.begin(); it != _event_handlers.end(); ++it) {
+		(*it)->call(this, iu, local, event_type, category);
+	}
+// Callbacks for OutputBuffer//{{{
+CallbackIUPayloadUpdate::CallbackIUPayloadUpdate(Buffer* buffer): _buffer(buffer) { }
+CallbackIULinkUpdate::CallbackIULinkUpdate(Buffer* buffer): _buffer(buffer) { }
+CallbackIUCommission::CallbackIUCommission(Buffer* buffer): _buffer(buffer) { }
+boost::shared_ptr<int> CallbackIUPayloadUpdate::call(const std::string& methodName, boost::shared_ptr<IUPayloadUpdate> update)
+	IUInterface::ptr iui = _buffer->get(update->uid);
+	if (! iui) {
+		IPAACA_WARNING("Remote InBuffer tried to spuriously write non-existent IU " << update->uid)
+		return boost::shared_ptr<int>(new int(0));
+	}
+	IU::ptr iu = boost::static_pointer_cast<IU>(iui);
+	iu->_revision_lock.lock();
+	if ((update->revision != 0) && (update->revision != iu->_revision)) {
+		IPAACA_INFO("Remote write operation failed because request was out of date; IU " << update->uid)
+		iu->_revision_lock.unlock();
+		return boost::shared_ptr<int>(new int(0));
+	}
+	if (update->is_delta) {
+		for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it=update->keys_to_remove.begin(); it!=update->keys_to_remove.end(); ++it) {
+			iu->payload()._internal_remove(*it, update->writer_name); //_buffer->unique_name());
+		}
+		for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it=update->new_items.begin(); it!=update->new_items.end(); ++it) {
+			iu->payload()._internal_set(it->first, it->second, update->writer_name); //_buffer->unique_name());
+		}
+	} else {
+		iu->payload()._internal_replace_all(update->new_items, update->writer_name); //_buffer->unique_name());
+	}
+	_buffer->call_iu_event_handlers(iu, true, IU_UPDATED, iu->category());
+	revision_t revision = iu->revision();
+	iu->_revision_lock.unlock();
+	return boost::shared_ptr<int>(new int(revision));
+boost::shared_ptr<int> CallbackIULinkUpdate::call(const std::string& methodName, boost::shared_ptr<IULinkUpdate> update)
+	IUInterface::ptr iui = _buffer->get(update->uid);
+	if (! iui) {
+		IPAACA_WARNING("Remote InBuffer tried to spuriously write non-existent IU " << update->uid)
+		return boost::shared_ptr<int>(new int(0));
+	}
+	IU::ptr iu = boost::static_pointer_cast<IU>(iui);
+	iu->_revision_lock.lock();
+	if ((update->revision != 0) && (update->revision != iu->_revision)) {
+		IPAACA_INFO("Remote write operation failed because request was out of date; IU " << update->uid)
+		iu->_revision_lock.unlock();
+		return boost::shared_ptr<int>(new int(0));
+	}
+	if (update->is_delta) {
+		iu->modify_links(update->new_links, update->links_to_remove, update->writer_name);
+	} else {
+		iu->set_links(update->new_links, update->writer_name);
+	}
+	_buffer->call_iu_event_handlers(iu, true, IU_LINKSUPDATED, iu->category());
+	revision_t revision = iu->revision();
+	iu->_revision_lock.unlock();
+	return boost::shared_ptr<int>(new int(revision));
+boost::shared_ptr<int> CallbackIUCommission::call(const std::string& methodName, boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IUCommission> update)
+	IUInterface::ptr iui = _buffer->get(update->uid());
+	if (! iui) {
+		IPAACA_WARNING("Remote InBuffer tried to spuriously write non-existent IU " << update->uid())
+		return boost::shared_ptr<int>(new int(0));
+	}
+	IU::ptr iu = boost::static_pointer_cast<IU>(iui);
+	iu->_revision_lock.lock();
+	if ((update->revision() != 0) && (update->revision() != iu->_revision)) {
+		IPAACA_INFO("Remote write operation failed because request was out of date; IU " << update->uid())
+		iu->_revision_lock.unlock();
+		return boost::shared_ptr<int>(new int(0));
+	}
+	if (iu->committed()) {
+		return boost::shared_ptr<int>(new int(0));
+	} else {
+	}
+	iu->_internal_commit(update->writer_name());
+	_buffer->call_iu_event_handlers(iu, true, IU_LINKSUPDATED, iu->category());
+	revision_t revision = iu->revision();
+	iu->_revision_lock.unlock();
+	return boost::shared_ptr<int>(new int(revision));
+// OutputBuffer//{{{
+OutputBuffer::OutputBuffer(const std::string& basename)
+:Buffer(basename, "OB")
+	_id_prefix = _basename + "-" + _uuid + "-IU-";
+	_initialize_server();
+void OutputBuffer::_initialize_server()
+	_server = Factory::getInstance().createServer( Scope( _unique_name ) );
+	_server->registerMethod("updatePayload", Server::CallbackPtr(new CallbackIUPayloadUpdate(this)));
+	_server->registerMethod("updateLinks", Server::CallbackPtr(new CallbackIULinkUpdate(this)));
+	_server->registerMethod("commit", Server::CallbackPtr(new CallbackIUCommission(this)));
+OutputBuffer::ptr OutputBuffer::create(const std::string& basename)
+	Initializer::initialize_ipaaca_rsb_if_needed();
+	return OutputBuffer::ptr(new OutputBuffer(basename));
+IUInterface::ptr OutputBuffer::get(const std::string& iu_uid)
+	IUStore::iterator it = _iu_store.find(iu_uid);
+	if (it==_iu_store.end()) return IUInterface::ptr();
+	return it->second;
+std::set<IUInterface::ptr> OutputBuffer::get_ius()
+	std::set<IUInterface::ptr> set;
+	for (IUStore::iterator it=_iu_store.begin(); it!=_iu_store.end(); ++it) set.insert(it->second);
+	return set;
+void OutputBuffer::_send_iu_link_update(IUInterface* iu, bool is_delta, revision_t revision, const LinkMap& new_links, const LinkMap& links_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name)
+	IULinkUpdate* lup = new ipaaca::IULinkUpdate();
+	Informer<ipaaca::IULinkUpdate>::DataPtr ldata(lup);
+	lup->uid = iu->uid();
+	lup->is_delta = is_delta;
+	lup->revision = revision;
+	lup->is_delta = true;
+	lup->new_links = new_links;
+	if (is_delta) lup->links_to_remove = links_to_remove;
+	if (writer_name=="") lup->writer_name = _unique_name;
+	else lup->writer_name = writer_name;
+	Informer<AnyType>::Ptr informer = _get_informer(iu->category());
+	informer->publish(ldata);
+void OutputBuffer::_send_iu_payload_update(IUInterface* iu, bool is_delta, revision_t revision, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_items, const std::vector<std::string>& keys_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name)
+	IUPayloadUpdate* pup = new ipaaca::IUPayloadUpdate();
+	Informer<ipaaca::IUPayloadUpdate>::DataPtr pdata(pup);
+	pup->uid = iu->uid();
+	pup->is_delta = is_delta;
+	pup->revision = revision;
+	pup->new_items = new_items;
+	if (is_delta) pup->keys_to_remove = keys_to_remove;
+	if (writer_name=="") pup->writer_name = _unique_name;
+	else pup->writer_name = writer_name;
+	Informer<AnyType>::Ptr informer = _get_informer(iu->category());
+	informer->publish(pdata);
+void OutputBuffer::_send_iu_commission(IUInterface* iu, revision_t revision, const std::string& writer_name)
+	Informer<protobuf::IUCommission>::DataPtr data(new protobuf::IUCommission());
+	data->set_uid(iu->uid());
+	data->set_revision(revision);
+	if (writer_name=="") data->set_writer_name(_unique_name);
+	else data->set_writer_name(writer_name);
+	Informer<AnyType>::Ptr informer = _get_informer(iu->category());
+	informer->publish(data);
+void OutputBuffer::add(IU::ptr iu)
+	if (_iu_store.count(iu->uid()) > 0) {
+		throw IUPublishedError();
+	}
+	_iu_store[iu->uid()] = iu;
+	iu->_associate_with_buffer(this); //shared_from_this());
+	_publish_iu(iu);
+void OutputBuffer::_publish_iu(IU::ptr iu)
+	Informer<AnyType>::Ptr informer = _get_informer(iu->_category);
+	Informer<ipaaca::IU>::DataPtr iu_data(iu);
+	informer->publish(iu_data);
+Informer<AnyType>::Ptr OutputBuffer::_get_informer(const std::string& category)
+	if (_informer_store.count(category) > 0) {
+		return _informer_store[category];
+	} else {
+		//IPAACA_INFO("Making new informer for category " << category)
+		std::string scope_string = "/ipaaca/category/" + category;
+		Informer<AnyType>::Ptr informer = Factory::getInstance().createInformer<AnyType> ( Scope(scope_string));
+		_informer_store[category] = informer;
+		return informer;
+	}
+boost::shared_ptr<IU> OutputBuffer::remove(const std::string& iu_uid)
+	IUStore::iterator it = _iu_store.find(iu_uid);
+	if (it == _iu_store.end()) throw IUNotFoundError();
+	IU::ptr iu = it->second;
+	_retract_iu(iu);
+	_iu_store.erase(iu_uid);
 	return iu;
+boost::shared_ptr<IU> OutputBuffer::remove(IU::ptr iu)
+	return remove(iu->uid()); // to make sure it is in the store
+void OutputBuffer::_retract_iu(IU::ptr iu)
+	Informer<protobuf::IURetraction>::DataPtr data(new protobuf::IURetraction());
+	data->set_uid(iu->uid());
+	data->set_revision(iu->revision());
+	Informer<AnyType>::Ptr informer = _get_informer(iu->category());
+	informer->publish(data);
+// InputBuffer//{{{
+InputBuffer::InputBuffer(const std::string& basename, const std::vector<std::string>& category_interests)
+:Buffer(basename, "IB")
+	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it=category_interests.begin(); it!=category_interests.end(); ++it) {
+		_create_category_listener_if_needed(*it);
+	}
+InputBuffer::InputBuffer(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1)
+:Buffer(basename, "IB")
+	_create_category_listener_if_needed(category_interest1);
+InputBuffer::InputBuffer(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1, const std::string& category_interest2)
+:Buffer(basename, "IB")
+	_create_category_listener_if_needed(category_interest1);
+	_create_category_listener_if_needed(category_interest2);
+InputBuffer::InputBuffer(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1, const std::string& category_interest2, const std::string& category_interest3)
+:Buffer(basename, "IB")
+	_create_category_listener_if_needed(category_interest1);
+	_create_category_listener_if_needed(category_interest2);
+	_create_category_listener_if_needed(category_interest3);
+InputBuffer::InputBuffer(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1, const std::string& category_interest2, const std::string& category_interest3, const std::string& category_interest4)
+:Buffer(basename, "IB")
+	_create_category_listener_if_needed(category_interest1);
+	_create_category_listener_if_needed(category_interest2);
+	_create_category_listener_if_needed(category_interest3);
+	_create_category_listener_if_needed(category_interest4);
+InputBuffer::ptr InputBuffer::create(const std::string& basename, const std::vector<std::string>& category_interests)
+	Initializer::initialize_ipaaca_rsb_if_needed();
+	return InputBuffer::ptr(new InputBuffer(basename, category_interests));
+InputBuffer::ptr InputBuffer::create(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1)
+	Initializer::initialize_ipaaca_rsb_if_needed();
+	return InputBuffer::ptr(new InputBuffer(basename, category_interest1));
+InputBuffer::ptr InputBuffer::create(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1, const std::string& category_interest2)
+	Initializer::initialize_ipaaca_rsb_if_needed();
+	return InputBuffer::ptr(new InputBuffer(basename, category_interest1, category_interest2));
+InputBuffer::ptr InputBuffer::create(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1, const std::string& category_interest2, const std::string& category_interest3)
+	Initializer::initialize_ipaaca_rsb_if_needed();
+	return InputBuffer::ptr(new InputBuffer(basename, category_interest1, category_interest2, category_interest3));
+InputBuffer::ptr InputBuffer::create(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1, const std::string& category_interest2, const std::string& category_interest3, const std::string& category_interest4)
+	Initializer::initialize_ipaaca_rsb_if_needed();
+	return InputBuffer::ptr(new InputBuffer(basename, category_interest1, category_interest2, category_interest3, category_interest4));
+IUInterface::ptr InputBuffer::get(const std::string& iu_uid)
+	RemotePushIUStore::iterator it = _iu_store.find(iu_uid); // TODO genericize
+	if (it==_iu_store.end()) return IUInterface::ptr();
+	return it->second;
+std::set<IUInterface::ptr> InputBuffer::get_ius()
+	std::set<IUInterface::ptr> set;
+	for (RemotePushIUStore::iterator it=_iu_store.begin(); it!=_iu_store.end(); ++it) set.insert(it->second); // TODO genericize
+	return set;
+RemoteServerPtr InputBuffer::_get_remote_server(const std::string& unique_server_name)
+	std::map<std::string, RemoteServerPtr>::iterator it = _remote_server_store.find(unique_server_name);
+	if (it!=_remote_server_store.end()) return it->second;
+	RemoteServerPtr remote_server = Factory::getInstance().createRemoteServer(Scope(unique_server_name));
+	_remote_server_store[unique_server_name] = remote_server;
+	return remote_server;
+ListenerPtr InputBuffer::_create_category_listener_if_needed(const std::string& category)
+	std::map<std::string, ListenerPtr>::iterator it = _listener_store.find(category);
+	if (it!=_listener_store.end()) return it->second;
+	//IPAACA_INFO("Creating a new listener for category " << category)
+	std::string scope_string = "/ipaaca/category/" + category;
+	ListenerPtr listener = Factory::getInstance().createListener( Scope(scope_string) );
+	HandlerPtr event_handler = HandlerPtr(
+			new EventFunctionHandler(
+				boost::bind(&InputBuffer::_handle_iu_events, this, _1)
+			)
+		);
+	listener->addHandler(event_handler);
+	_listener_store[category] = listener;
+	return listener;
+	/*
+		'''Return (or create, store and return) a category listener.'''
+		if iu_category in self._listener_store: return self._informer_store[iu_category]
+		cat_listener = rsb.createListener(rsb.Scope("/ipaaca/category/"+str(iu_category)), config=self._participant_config)
+		cat_listener.addHandler(self._handle_iu_events)
+		self._listener_store[iu_category] = cat_listener
+		self._category_interests.append(iu_category)
+		logger.info("Added listener in scope "+"/ipaaca/category/"+iu_category)
+		return cat_listener
+	*/
+void InputBuffer::_handle_iu_events(EventPtr event)
+	std::string type = event->getType();
+	if (type == "ipaaca::RemotePushIU") {
+		boost::shared_ptr<RemotePushIU> iu = boost::static_pointer_cast<RemotePushIU>(event->getData());
+		if (_iu_store.count(iu->category()) > 0) {
+			// already got the IU... ignore
+		} else {
+			_iu_store[iu->uid()] = iu;
+			iu->_set_buffer(this);
+			call_iu_event_handlers(iu, false, IU_ADDED, iu->category() );
+		}
+		//IPAACA_INFO( "New RemotePushIU state: " << (*iu) )
+	} else {
+		RemotePushIUStore::iterator it;
+		if (type == "ipaaca::IUPayloadUpdate") {
+			boost::shared_ptr<IUPayloadUpdate> update = boost::static_pointer_cast<IUPayloadUpdate>(event->getData());
+			//IPAACA_INFO("** writer name: " << update->writer_name)
+			if (update->writer_name == _unique_name) {
+				return;
+			}
+			it = _iu_store.find(update->uid);
+			if (it == _iu_store.end()) {
+				IPAACA_INFO("Ignoring UPDATED message for an IU that we did not fully receive before")
+				return;
+			}
+			//
+			it->second->_apply_update(update);
+			call_iu_event_handlers(it->second, false, IU_UPDATED, it->second->category() );
+			//
+			//
+		} else if (type == "ipaaca::IULinkUpdate") {
+			boost::shared_ptr<IULinkUpdate> update = boost::static_pointer_cast<IULinkUpdate>(event->getData());
+			if (update->writer_name == _unique_name) {
+				return;
+			}
+			it = _iu_store.find(update->uid);
+			if (it == _iu_store.end()) {
+				IPAACA_INFO("Ignoring LINKSUPDATED message for an IU that we did not fully receive before")
+				return;
+			}
+			//
+			it->second->_apply_link_update(update);
+			call_iu_event_handlers(it->second, false, IU_LINKSUPDATED, it->second->category() );
+			//
+			//
+		} else if (type == "ipaaca::protobuf::IUCommission") {
+			boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IUCommission> update = boost::static_pointer_cast<protobuf::IUCommission>(event->getData());
+			if (update->writer_name() == _unique_name) {
+				return;
+			}
+			it = _iu_store.find(update->uid());
+			if (it == _iu_store.end()) {
+				IPAACA_INFO("Ignoring COMMITTED message for an IU that we did not fully receive before")
+				return;
+			}
+			//
+			it->second->_apply_commission();
+			it->second->_revision = update->revision();
+			call_iu_event_handlers(it->second, false, IU_COMMITTED, it->second->category() );
+			//
+			//
+		} else {
+			std::cout << "(Unhandled Event type " << type << " !)" << std::endl;
+			return;
+		}
+		//IPAACA_INFO( "New RemotePushIU state: " << *(it->second) )
+	}
+// IUInterface//{{{
+: _buffer(NULL), _committed(false)
+void IUInterface::_set_uid(const std::string& uid) {
+	if (_uid != "") {
+		throw IUAlreadyHasAnUIDError();
+	}
+	_uid = uid;
+void IUInterface::_set_buffer(Buffer* buffer) { //boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer) {
+	if (_buffer) {
+		throw IUAlreadyInABufferError();
+	}
+	_buffer = buffer;
+void IUInterface::_set_owner_name(const std::string& owner_name) {
+	if (_owner_name != "") {
+		throw IUAlreadyHasAnOwnerNameError();
+	}
+	_owner_name = owner_name;
+/// set the buffer pointer and the owner names of IU and Payload
+void IUInterface::_associate_with_buffer(Buffer* buffer) { //boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer) {
+	_set_buffer(buffer); // will throw if already set
+	_set_owner_name(buffer->unique_name());
+	payload()._set_owner_name(buffer->unique_name());
+/// C++-specific convenience function to add one single link
+void IUInterface::add_link(const std::string& type, const std::string& target, const std::string& writer_name)
+	LinkMap none;
+	LinkMap add;
+	add[type].insert(target);
+	_modify_links(true, add, none, writer_name);
+	_add_and_remove_links(add, none);
+/// C++-specific convenience function to remove one single link
+void IUInterface::remove_link(const std::string& type, const std::string& target, const std::string& writer_name)
+	LinkMap none;
+	LinkMap remove;
+	remove[type].insert(target);
+	_modify_links(true, none, remove, writer_name);
+	_add_and_remove_links(none, remove);
+void IUInterface::add_links(const std::string& type, const LinkSet& targets, const std::string& writer_name)
+	LinkMap none;
+	LinkMap add;
+	add[type] = targets;
+	_modify_links(true, add, none, writer_name);
+	_add_and_remove_links(add, none);
+void IUInterface::remove_links(const std::string& type, const LinkSet& targets, const std::string& writer_name)
+	LinkMap none;
+	LinkMap remove;
+	remove[type] = targets;
+	_modify_links(true, none, remove, writer_name);
+	_add_and_remove_links(none, remove);
+void IUInterface::modify_links(const LinkMap& add, const LinkMap& remove, const std::string& writer_name)
+	_modify_links(true, add, remove, writer_name);
+	_add_and_remove_links(add, remove);
+void IUInterface::set_links(const LinkMap& links, const std::string& writer_name)
+	LinkMap none;
+	_modify_links(false, links, none, writer_name);
+	_replace_links(links);
+// IU//{{{
+IU::ptr IU::create(const std::string& category, IUAccessMode access_mode, bool read_only, const std::string& payload_type)
+	IU::ptr iu = IU::ptr(new IU(category, access_mode, read_only, payload_type)); /* params */ //));
+	iu->_payload.initialize(iu);
+	return iu;
+IU::IU(const std::string& category, IUAccessMode access_mode, bool read_only, const std::string& payload_type)
+	_revision = 1;
+	_uid = ipaaca::generate_uuid_string();
+	_category = category;
+	_payload_type = payload_type;
+	// payload initialization deferred to IU::create(), above
+	_read_only = read_only;
+	_access_mode = access_mode;
+	_committed = false;
+void IU::_modify_links(bool is_delta, const LinkMap& new_links, const LinkMap& links_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name)
+	_revision_lock.lock();
+	if (_committed) {
+		_revision_lock.unlock();
+		throw IUCommittedError();
+	}
+	_increase_revision_number();
+	if (is_published()) {
+		_buffer->_send_iu_link_update(this, is_delta, _revision, new_links, links_to_remove, writer_name);
+	}
+	_revision_lock.unlock();
+void IU::_modify_payload(bool is_delta, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_items, const std::vector<std::string>& keys_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name)
+	_revision_lock.lock();
+	if (_committed) {
+		_revision_lock.unlock();
+		throw IUCommittedError();
+	}
+	_increase_revision_number();
+	if (is_published()) {
+		_buffer->_send_iu_payload_update(this, is_delta, _revision, new_items, keys_to_remove, writer_name);
+	}
+	_revision_lock.unlock();
+void IU::commit()
+	_internal_commit();
+void IU::_internal_commit(const std::string& writer_name)
+	_revision_lock.lock();
+	if (_committed) {
+		_revision_lock.unlock();
+		throw IUCommittedError();
+	}
+	_increase_revision_number();
+	_committed = true;
+	if (is_published()) {
+		_buffer->_send_iu_commission(this, _revision, writer_name);
+	}
+	_revision_lock.unlock();
+// RemotePushIU//{{{
+RemotePushIU::ptr RemotePushIU::create()
+	RemotePushIU::ptr iu = RemotePushIU::ptr(new RemotePushIU(/* params */));
+	iu->_payload.initialize(iu);
+	return iu;
+	// nothing
+void RemotePushIU::_modify_links(bool is_delta, const LinkMap& new_links, const LinkMap& links_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name)
+	if (_committed) {
+		throw IUCommittedError();
+	}
+	if (_read_only) {
+		throw IUReadOnlyError();
+	}
+	RemoteServerPtr server = boost::static_pointer_cast<InputBuffer>(_buffer)->_get_remote_server(_owner_name);
+	IULinkUpdate::ptr update = IULinkUpdate::ptr(new IULinkUpdate());
+	update->uid = _uid;
+	update->revision = _revision;
+	update->is_delta = is_delta;
+	update->writer_name = _buffer->unique_name();
+	update->new_links = new_links;
+	update->links_to_remove = links_to_remove;
+	boost::shared_ptr<int> result = server->call<int>("updateLinks", update, 1); // TODO 1 sec
+	if (*result == 0) {
+		throw IUUpdateFailedError();
+	} else {
+		_revision = *result;
+	}
+void RemotePushIU::_modify_payload(bool is_delta, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_items, const std::vector<std::string>& keys_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name)
+	if (_committed) {
+		throw IUCommittedError();
+	}
+	if (_read_only) {
+		throw IUReadOnlyError();
+	}
+	RemoteServerPtr server = boost::static_pointer_cast<InputBuffer>(_buffer)->_get_remote_server(_owner_name);
+	IUPayloadUpdate::ptr update = IUPayloadUpdate::ptr(new IUPayloadUpdate());
+	update->uid = _uid;
+	update->revision = _revision;
+	update->is_delta = is_delta;
+	update->writer_name = _buffer->unique_name();
+	update->new_items = new_items;
+	update->keys_to_remove = keys_to_remove;
+	boost::shared_ptr<int> result = server->call<int>("updatePayload", update, 1); // TODO 1 sec
+	if (*result == 0) {
+		throw IUUpdateFailedError();
+	} else {
+		_revision = *result;
+	}
+void RemotePushIU::commit()
+	if (_read_only) {
+		throw IUReadOnlyError();
+	}
+	if (_committed) {
+		// Following python version: ignoring multiple commit
+		return;
+	}
+	RemoteServerPtr server = boost::static_pointer_cast<InputBuffer>(_buffer)->_get_remote_server(_owner_name);
+	boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IUCommission> update = boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IUCommission>(new protobuf::IUCommission());
+	update->set_uid(_uid);
+	update->set_revision(_revision);
+	update->set_writer_name(_buffer->unique_name());
+	boost::shared_ptr<int> result = server->call<int>("commit", update, 1); // TODO 1 sec
+	if (*result == 0) {
+		throw IUUpdateFailedError();
+	} else {
+		_revision = *result;
+	}
+void RemotePushIU::_apply_link_update(IULinkUpdate::ptr update)
+	_revision = update->revision;
+	if (update->is_delta) {
+		_add_and_remove_links(update->new_links, update->links_to_remove);
+	} else {
+		_replace_links(update->new_links);
+	}
+void RemotePushIU::_apply_update(IUPayloadUpdate::ptr update)
+	_revision = update->revision;
+	if (update->is_delta) {
+		for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it=update->keys_to_remove.begin(); it!=update->keys_to_remove.end(); ++it) {
+			_payload._remotely_enforced_delitem(*it);
+		}
+		for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it=update->new_items.begin(); it!=update->new_items.end(); ++it) {
+			_payload._remotely_enforced_setitem(it->first, it->second);
+		}
+	} else {
+		_payload._remotely_enforced_wipe();
+		for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it=update->new_items.begin(); it!=update->new_items.end(); ++it) {
+			_payload._remotely_enforced_setitem(it->first, it->second);
+		}
+	}
+void RemotePushIU::_apply_commission()
+	_committed = true;
+void Payload::_remotely_enforced_wipe()
+	_store.clear();
+void Payload::_remotely_enforced_delitem(const std::string& k)
+	_store.erase(k);
+void Payload::_remotely_enforced_setitem(const std::string& k, const std::string& v)
+	_store[k] = v;
 // PayloadEntryProxy//{{{
@@ -116,9 +968,6 @@ PayloadEntryProxy::operator double()
 // Payload//{{{
 void Payload::initialize(boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> iu)
 	_iu = iu;
@@ -130,22 +979,32 @@ PayloadEntryProxy Payload::operator[](const std::string& key)
 	return PayloadEntryProxy(this, key);
-inline void Payload::set(const std::string& k, const std::string& v) {
-	//self._iu._modify_payload(self, isdelta=true, newitm={k:v}, keystorm=[], writer_name=None );
+inline void Payload::_internal_set(const std::string& k, const std::string& v, const std::string& writer_name) {
+	std::map<std::string, std::string> _new;
+	std::vector<std::string> _remove;
+	_new[k]=v;
+	_iu->_modify_payload(true, _new, _remove, writer_name );
 	_store[k] = v;
-inline void Payload::remove(const std::string& k) {
-	//self._iu._modify_payload(self, isdelta=true, newitm={}, keystorm=[k], writer_name=None );
+inline void Payload::_internal_remove(const std::string& k, const std::string& writer_name) {
+	std::map<std::string, std::string> _new;
+	std::vector<std::string> _remove;
+	_remove.push_back(k);
+	_iu->_modify_payload(true, _new, _remove, writer_name );
+void Payload::_internal_replace_all(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_contents, const std::string& writer_name)
+	std::vector<std::string> _remove;
+	_iu->_modify_payload(false, new_contents, _remove, writer_name );
+	_store = new_contents;
 inline std::string Payload::get(const std::string& k) {
 	if (_store.count(k)>0) return _store[k];
 // IUConverter//{{{
@@ -161,17 +1020,26 @@ std::string IUConverter::serialize(const AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire)
 	boost::shared_ptr<const IU> obj = boost::static_pointer_cast<const IU> (data.second);
 	boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IU> pbo(new protobuf::IU());
 	// transfer obj data to pbo
-	pbo->set_uid(obj->uid);
-	pbo->set_revision(obj->revision);
-	pbo->set_writer_name(obj->writer_name);
-	pbo->set_is_delta(obj->is_delta);
-	for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it=obj->new_items.begin(); it!=obj->new_items.end(); ++it) {
-		protobuf::PayloadItem* item = pbo->add_new_items();
+	pbo->set_uid(obj->uid());
+	pbo->set_revision(obj->revision());
+	pbo->set_category(obj->category());
+	pbo->set_payload_type(obj->payload_type());
+	pbo->set_owner_name(obj->owner_name());
+	pbo->set_committed(obj->committed());
+	pbo->set_access_mode(ipaaca::protobuf::IU::PUSH); // TODO
+	pbo->set_read_only(obj->read_only());
+	for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it=obj->_payload._store.begin(); it!=obj->_payload._store.end(); ++it) {
+		protobuf::PayloadItem* item = pbo->add_payload();
+		item->set_type("str"); // FIXME other types than str (later)
-	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it=obj->keys_to_remove.begin(); it!=obj->keys_to_remove.end(); ++it) {
-		pbo->add_keys_to_remove(*it);
+	for (LinkMap::const_iterator it=obj->_links._links.begin(); it!=obj->_links._links.end(); ++it) {
+		protobuf::LinkSet* links = pbo->add_links();
+		links->set_type(it->first);
+		for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it2=it->second.begin(); it2!=it->second.end(); ++it2) {
+			links->add_targets(*it2);
+		}
 	return getWireSchema();
@@ -179,30 +1047,47 @@ std::string IUConverter::serialize(const AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire)
 AnnotatedData IUConverter::deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema, const std::string& wire) {
-	assert(wireSchema == getWireSchema()); // "ipaaca-iu-payload-update"
+	assert(wireSchema == getWireSchema()); // "ipaaca-iu"
 	boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IU> pbo(new protobuf::IU());
-	boost::shared_ptr<IU> obj(new IU());
-	// transfer pbo data to obj
-	obj->uid = pbo->uid();
-	obj->revision = pbo->revision();
-	obj->writer_name = pbo->writer_name();
-	obj->is_delta = pbo->is_delta();
-	for (int i=0; i<pbo->new_items_size(); i++) {
-		const protobuf::PayloadItem& it = pbo->new_items(i);
-		obj->new_items[it.key()] = it.value();
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<pbo->keys_to_remove_size(); i++) {
-		obj->keys_to_remove.push_back(pbo->keys_to_remove(i));
+	IUAccessMode mode = static_cast<IUAccessMode>(pbo->access_mode());
+	switch(mode) {
+			{
+			// Create a "remote push IU"
+			boost::shared_ptr<RemotePushIU> obj = RemotePushIU::create();
+			// transfer pbo data to obj
+			obj->_uid = pbo->uid();
+			obj->_revision = pbo->revision();
+			obj->_category = pbo->category();
+			obj->_payload_type = pbo->payload_type();
+			obj->_owner_name = pbo->owner_name();
+			obj->_committed = pbo->committed();
+			obj->_read_only = pbo->read_only();
+			obj->_access_mode = IU_ACCESS_PUSH;
+			for (int i=0; i<pbo->payload_size(); i++) {
+				const protobuf::PayloadItem& it = pbo->payload(i);
+				obj->_payload._store[it.key()] = it.value();
+			}
+			for (int i=0; i<pbo->links_size(); i++) {
+				const protobuf::LinkSet& pls = pbo->links(i);
+				LinkSet& ls = obj->_links._links[pls.type()];
+				for (int j=0; j<pls.targets_size(); j++) {
+					ls.insert(pls.targets(j));
+				}
+			}
+			//return std::make_pair(getDataType(), obj);
+			return std::make_pair("ipaaca::RemotePushIU", obj);
+			break;
+			}
+		default:
+			// other cases not handled yet! ( TODO )
+			throw NotImplementedError();
-	return std::make_pair(getDataType(), obj);
 // IUPayloadUpdateConverter//{{{
@@ -319,17 +1204,36 @@ AnnotatedData IULinkUpdateConverter::deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema,
+// IntConverter//{{{
+: Converter<std::string> ("int", "int32", true)
+std::string IntConverter::serialize(const AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire)
+	// Ensure that DATA actually holds a datum of the data-type we expect.
+	assert(data.first == getDataType()); // "int"
+	// NOTE: a dynamic_pointer_cast cannot be used from void*
+	boost::shared_ptr<const int> obj = boost::static_pointer_cast<const int> (data.second);
+	boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IntMessage> pbo(new protobuf::IntMessage());
+	// transfer obj data to pbo
+	pbo->set_value(*obj);
+	pbo->SerializeToString(&wire);
+	return getWireSchema();
+AnnotatedData IntConverter::deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema, const std::string& wire) {
+	assert(wireSchema == getWireSchema()); // "int"
+	boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IntMessage> pbo(new protobuf::IntMessage());
+	pbo->ParseFromString(wire);
+	boost::shared_ptr<int> obj = boost::shared_ptr<int>(new int(pbo->value()));
+	return std::make_pair("int", obj);
 } // of namespace ipaaca
diff --git a/cpp/src/ipaaca.h b/cpp/src/ipaaca.h
index b585605eb45618e28bb7466ca8e424ded0b8a5c7..2c42c7ec9505eff197e9510b3e5775294fbb6d3a 100644
--- a/cpp/src/ipaaca.h
+++ b/cpp/src/ipaaca.h
@@ -1,16 +1,33 @@
 #ifndef __IPAACA_H__
 #define __IPAACA_H_
+/// ipaaca/IU/RSB protocol major version number
+/// ipaaca/IU/RSB protocol minor version number
+/// running release number of ipaaca-c++
+#define IPAACA_CPP_RELEASE_NUMBER             1
+/// date of last release number increment
+#define IPAACA_CPP_RELEASE_DATE     "2012-04-13"
 #define IPAACA_INFO(i) std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << __func__ << "() -- " << i << std::endl;
-#define IPAACA_IMPLEMENT_ME(i) std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << __func__ << "() -- IMPLEMENT ME" << std::endl;
+#define IPAACA_WARNING(i) std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << __func__ << "() -- WARNING: " << i << std::endl;
+#define IPAACA_IMPLEMENT_ME std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << __func__ << "() -- IMPLEMENT ME" << std::endl;
 #define IPAACA_TODO(i) std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " << __func__ << "() -- TODO: " << i << std::endl;
 #define IPAACA_INFO(i) ;
+#define IPAACA_WARNING(i) ;
 #define IPAACA_TODO(i) ;
+/// marking pure virtual functions for extra readability
+/// value to return when reading nonexistant payload keys
 #include <iostream>
@@ -30,94 +47,346 @@
 #include <ipaaca.pb.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <uuid/uuid.h>
 //using namespace boost;
 using namespace rsb;
+using namespace rsb::filter;
 using namespace rsb::converter;
+using namespace rsb::patterns;
 namespace ipaaca {
-enum IUEventType {
+typedef uint32_t revision_t;
+/// Type of the IU event. Realized as an integer to enable bit masks for filters.
+typedef uint32_t IUEventType;
+#define IU_ADDED         1
+#define IU_COMMITTED     2
+#define IU_DELETED       4
+#define IU_RETRACTED     8
+#define IU_UPDATED      16
+/// Bit mask for receiving all events
+#define IU_ALL_EVENTS   63
+/// Convert an int event type to a human-readable string
+inline std::string iu_event_type_to_str(IUEventType type)
+	switch(type) {
+		case IU_ADDED: return "ADDED";
+		case IU_COMMITTED: return "COMMITTED";
+		case IU_DELETED: return "DELETED";
+		case IU_RETRACTED: return "RETRACTED";
+		case IU_UPDATED: return "UPDATED";
+		default: return "(NOT A KNOWN SINGLE IU EVENT TYPE)";
+	}
+/// IU access mode: PUSH means that updates are broadcast; REMOTE means that reads are RPC calls; MESSAGE means a fire-and-forget message
 enum IUAccessMode {
+class PayloadEntryProxy;
 class Payload;
 class IUInterface;
 class IU;
 class RemotePushIU;
-// class IULinkUpdate
-// class IULinkUpdateConverter;
+class IULinkUpdate;
+class IULinkUpdateConverter;
+class IUPayloadUpdate;
+class IUPayloadUpdateConverter;
 class IUStore;
 class FrozenIUStore;
-class IUEventHandler;
+class Buffer;
+class InputBuffer;
+class OutputBuffer;
+/// generate a UUID as an ASCII string
+std::string generate_uuid_string();
-class Buffer {
+/// store for (local) IUs. TODO Stores need to be unified more
+class IUStore: public std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<IU> >
+/// store for RemotePushIUs. TODO Stores need to be unified more
+class RemotePushIUStore: public std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<RemotePushIU> > // TODO genericize to all remote IU types
-class InputBuffer: public Buffer {
+/// a reentrant lock/mutex
+class Lock
+	protected:
+		pthread_mutexattr_t _attrs;
+		pthread_mutex_t _mutex;
+	public:
+		inline Lock() {
+			pthread_mutexattr_init(&_attrs);
+			pthread_mutexattr_settype(&_attrs, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);
+			pthread_mutex_init(&_mutex, &_attrs);
+		}
+		inline ~Lock() {
+			pthread_mutex_destroy(&_mutex);
+			pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&_attrs);
+		}
+		inline void lock() {
+			pthread_mutex_lock(&_mutex);
+		}
+		inline void unlock() {
+			pthread_mutex_unlock(&_mutex);
+		}
-class OutputBuffer: public Buffer {
+typedef std::set<std::string> LinkSet;
+typedef std::map<std::string, LinkSet> LinkMap;
+class SmartLinkMap {
+	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SmartLinkMap& obj);
+	friend class IUInterface;
+	friend class IU;
+	friend class IUConverter;
+	public:
+		const LinkSet& get_links(const std::string& key);
+		const LinkMap& get_all_links();
+	protected:
+		LinkMap _links;
+		static LinkSet empty_link_set;
+		void _add_and_remove_links(const LinkMap& add, const LinkMap& remove);
+		void _replace_links(const LinkMap& links);
-class IUEventFunctionHandler: public rsb::EventFunctionHandler {
+const LinkSet EMPTY_LINK_SET;
+//const std::set<std::string> EMPTY_LINK_SET;
+//typedef boost::function<void (const std::string&, bool, IUEventType, const std::string&)> IUEventHandlerFunction;
+typedef boost::function<void (boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface>, IUEventType, bool)> IUEventHandlerFunction;
+class IUEventHandler {
+	protected:
+		IUEventHandlerFunction _function;
+		IUEventType _event_mask;
+		bool _for_all_categories;
+		std::set<std::string> _categories;
+	protected:
+		inline bool _condition_met(IUEventType event_type, const std::string& category)
+		{
+			return ((_event_mask&event_type)!=0) && (_for_all_categories || (_categories.count(category)>0));
+		}
+	public:
+		IUEventHandler(IUEventHandlerFunction function, IUEventType event_mask, const std::string& category);
+		IUEventHandler(IUEventHandlerFunction function, IUEventType event_mask, const std::set<std::string>& categories);
+		//void call(Buffer* buffer, const std::string& uid, bool local, IUEventType event_type, const std::string& category);
+		void call(Buffer* buffer, boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> iu, bool local, IUEventType event_type, const std::string& category);
+	typedef boost::shared_ptr<IUEventHandler> ptr;
+class Buffer { //: public boost::enable_shared_from_this<Buffer> {//{{{
+	friend class IU;
+	friend class RemotePushIU;
+	friend class CallbackIUPayloadUpdate;
+	friend class CallbackIULinkUpdate;
+	friend class CallbackIUCommission;
+	protected:
+		std::string _uuid;
+		std::string _basename;
+		std::string _unique_name;
+		std::string _id_prefix;
+		std::vector<IUEventHandler::ptr> _event_handlers;
+	protected:
+		_IPAACA_ABSTRACT_ virtual void _send_iu_link_update(IUInterface* iu, bool is_delta, revision_t revision, const LinkMap& new_links, const LinkMap& links_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name="undef") = 0;
+		_IPAACA_ABSTRACT_ virtual void _send_iu_payload_update(IUInterface* iu, bool is_delta, revision_t revision, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_items, const std::vector<std::string>& keys_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name="undef") = 0;
+		_IPAACA_ABSTRACT_ virtual void _send_iu_commission(IUInterface* iu, revision_t revision, const std::string& writer_name="undef") = 0;
+		void _allocate_unique_name(const std::string& basename, const std::string& function);
+		inline Buffer(const std::string& basename, const std::string& function) {
+			_allocate_unique_name(basename, function);
+		}
+		void call_iu_event_handlers(boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> iu, bool local, IUEventType event_type, const std::string& category);
+	public:
+		virtual inline ~Buffer() { }
+		inline const std::string& unique_name() { return _unique_name; }
+		void register_handler(IUEventHandlerFunction function, IUEventType event_mask, const std::set<std::string>& categories);
+		void register_handler(IUEventHandlerFunction function, IUEventType event_mask = IU_ALL_EVENTS, const std::string& category="");
+		//_IPAACA_ABSTRACT_ virtual void add(boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> iu) = 0;
+		_IPAACA_ABSTRACT_ virtual boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> get(const std::string& iu_uid) = 0;
+		_IPAACA_ABSTRACT_ virtual std::set<boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> > get_ius() = 0;
+class CallbackIUPayloadUpdate: public Server::Callback<IUPayloadUpdate, int> {
 		Buffer* _buffer;
-		inline IUEventFunctionHandler(Buffer* buffer, const EventFunction& function, const std::string& method="")
-			: EventFunctionHandler(function, method), _buffer(buffer) { }
+		CallbackIUPayloadUpdate(Buffer* buffer);
+		boost::shared_ptr<int> call(const std::string& methodName, boost::shared_ptr<IUPayloadUpdate> update);
+class CallbackIULinkUpdate: public Server::Callback<IULinkUpdate, int> {
+	protected:
+		Buffer* _buffer;
+	public:
+		CallbackIULinkUpdate(Buffer* buffer);
+	public:
+		boost::shared_ptr<int> call(const std::string& methodName, boost::shared_ptr<IULinkUpdate> update);
+class CallbackIUCommission: public Server::Callback<protobuf::IUCommission, int> {
+	protected:
+		Buffer* _buffer;
+	public:
+		CallbackIUCommission(Buffer* buffer);
+	public:
+		boost::shared_ptr<int> call(const std::string& methodName, boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IUCommission> update);
+class OutputBuffer: public Buffer { //, public boost::enable_shared_from_this<OutputBuffer>  {//{{{
+	friend class IU;
+	friend class RemotePushIU;
+	protected:
+	protected:
+		std::map<std::string, Informer<AnyType>::Ptr> _informer_store;
+		IUStore _iu_store;
+		Lock _iu_id_counter_lock;
+		ServerPtr _server;
+	protected:
+		// informing functions
+		void _send_iu_link_update(IUInterface* iu, bool is_delta, revision_t revision, const LinkMap& new_links, const LinkMap& links_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name="undef");
+		void _send_iu_payload_update(IUInterface* iu, bool is_delta, revision_t revision, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_items, const std::vector<std::string>& keys_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name="undef");
+		void _send_iu_commission(IUInterface* iu, revision_t revision, const std::string& writer_name);
+		// remote access functions
+		// _remote_update_links(IULinkUpdate)
+		// _remote_update_payload(IUPayloadUpdate)
+		// _remote_commit(protobuf::IUCommission)
+	protected:
+		void _publish_iu(boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu);
+		void _retract_iu(boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu);
+		Informer<AnyType>::Ptr _get_informer(const std::string& category);
+	protected:
+		OutputBuffer(const std::string& basename);
+		void _initialize_server();
+	public:
+		static boost::shared_ptr<OutputBuffer> create(const std::string& basename);
+		~OutputBuffer() {
+		}
+		void add(boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu);
+		boost::shared_ptr<IU> remove(const std::string& iu_uid);
+		boost::shared_ptr<IU> remove(boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu);
+		boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> get(const std::string& iu_uid);
+		std::set<boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> > get_ius();
+	typedef boost::shared_ptr<OutputBuffer> ptr;
+class InputBuffer: public Buffer { //, public boost::enable_shared_from_this<InputBuffer>  {//{{{
+	friend class IU;
+	friend class RemotePushIU;
+	protected:
+		std::map<std::string, ListenerPtr> _listener_store;
+		std::map<std::string, RemoteServerPtr> _remote_server_store;
+		RemotePushIUStore _iu_store;  // TODO genericize
+	protected:
+		inline void _send_iu_link_update(IUInterface* iu, bool is_delta, revision_t revision, const LinkMap& new_links, const LinkMap& links_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name="undef")
+		{
+			IPAACA_WARNING("(ERROR) InputBuffer::_send_iu_link_update() should never be invoked")
+		}
+		inline void _send_iu_payload_update(IUInterface* iu, bool is_delta, revision_t revision, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_items, const std::vector<std::string>& keys_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name="undef")
+		{
+			IPAACA_WARNING("(ERROR) InputBuffer::_send_iu_payload_update() should never be invoked")
+		}
+		inline void _send_iu_commission(IUInterface* iu, revision_t revision, const std::string& writer_name="undef")
+		{
+			IPAACA_WARNING("(ERROR) InputBuffer::_send_iu_commission() should never be invoked")
+		}
+	protected:
+		RemoteServerPtr _get_remote_server(const std::string& unique_server_name);
+		ListenerPtr _create_category_listener_if_needed(const std::string& category);
+		void _handle_iu_events(EventPtr event);
+	protected:
+		InputBuffer(const std::string& basename, const std::vector<std::string>& category_interests);
+		InputBuffer(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1);
+		InputBuffer(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1, const std::string& category_interest2);
+		InputBuffer(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1, const std::string& category_interest2, const std::string& category_interest3);
+		InputBuffer(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1, const std::string& category_interest2, const std::string& category_interest3, const std::string& category_interest4);
+	public:
+		static boost::shared_ptr<InputBuffer> create(const std::string& basename, const std::vector<std::string>& category_interests);
+		static boost::shared_ptr<InputBuffer> create(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1);
+		static boost::shared_ptr<InputBuffer> create(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1, const std::string& category_interest2);
+		static boost::shared_ptr<InputBuffer> create(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1, const std::string& category_interest2, const std::string& category_interest3);
+		static boost::shared_ptr<InputBuffer> create(const std::string& basename, const std::string& category_interest1, const std::string& category_interest2, const std::string& category_interest3, const std::string& category_interest4);
+		~InputBuffer() {
+		}
+		boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> get(const std::string& iu_uid);
+		std::set<boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> > get_ius();
+	typedef boost::shared_ptr<InputBuffer> ptr;
+class IUConverter: public rsb::converter::Converter<std::string> {//{{{
+	public:
+		IUConverter();
+		std::string serialize(const rsb::AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire);
+		rsb::AnnotatedData deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema, const std::string& wire);
-class IUPayloadUpdate {
+class IUPayloadUpdate {//{{{
 		std::string uid;
-		uint32_t revision;
+		revision_t revision;
 		std::string writer_name;
 		bool is_delta;
 		std::map<std::string, std::string> new_items;
 		std::vector<std::string> keys_to_remove;
 	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IUPayloadUpdate& obj);
-class IUPayloadUpdateConverter: public rsb::converter::Converter<std::string> {
+	typedef boost::shared_ptr<IUPayloadUpdate> ptr;
+class IUPayloadUpdateConverter: public rsb::converter::Converter<std::string> {//{{{
 		std::string serialize(const rsb::AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire);
 		rsb::AnnotatedData deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema, const std::string& wire);
-class IULinkUpdate {
+class IULinkUpdate {//{{{
 		std::string uid;
-		uint32_t revision;
+		revision_t revision;
 		std::string writer_name;
 		bool is_delta;
 		std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string> > new_links;
 		std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string> > links_to_remove;
 	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IULinkUpdate& obj);
-class IULinkUpdateConverter: public rsb::converter::Converter<std::string> {
+	typedef boost::shared_ptr<IULinkUpdate> ptr;
+class IULinkUpdateConverter: public rsb::converter::Converter<std::string> {//{{{
 		std::string serialize(const rsb::AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire);
 		rsb::AnnotatedData deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema, const std::string& wire);
-void initialize_ipaaca_rsb();
+class IntConverter: public rsb::converter::Converter<std::string> {//{{{
+	public:
+		IntConverter();
+		std::string serialize(const rsb::AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire);
+		rsb::AnnotatedData deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema, const std::string& wire);
-class PayloadEntryProxy
+class Initializer
+	public:
+		static void initialize_ipaaca_rsb_if_needed();
+		static bool initialized();
+	protected:
+		static bool _initialized;
+class PayloadEntryProxy//{{{
 		Payload* _payload;
@@ -131,60 +400,256 @@ class PayloadEntryProxy
 		inline std::string to_str() { return operator std::string(); }
 		inline long to_int() { return operator long(); }
 		inline double to_float() { return operator double(); }
-class Payload
+class Payload//{{{
+	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Payload& obj);
+	friend class IUInterface;
+	friend class IU;
+	friend class RemotePushIU;
+	friend class IUConverter;
+	friend class CallbackIUPayloadUpdate;
+		std::string _owner_name;
 		std::map<std::string, std::string> _store;
 		boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> _iu;
-		friend class IU;
-		friend class RemotePushIU;
-		Payload();
 		void initialize(boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> iu);
+		inline void _set_owner_name(const std::string& name) { _owner_name = name; }
+		void _remotely_enforced_wipe();
+		void _remotely_enforced_delitem(const std::string& k);
+		void _remotely_enforced_setitem(const std::string& k, const std::string& v);
+		void _internal_replace_all(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_contents, const std::string& writer_name="");
+		void _internal_set(const std::string& k, const std::string& v, const std::string& writer_name="");
+		void _internal_remove(const std::string& k, const std::string& writer_name="");
+		inline const std::string& owner_name() { return _owner_name; }
+		// access
 		PayloadEntryProxy operator[](const std::string& key);
-		void set(const std::string& k, const std::string& v);
-		void remove(const std::string& k);
+		inline void set(const std::string& k, const std::string& v) { _internal_set(k, v); }
+		inline void remove(const std::string& k) { _internal_remove(k); }
 		std::string get(const std::string& k);
+	typedef boost::shared_ptr<Payload> ptr;
-class IUInterface {
+class IUInterface {//{{{
+	friend class IUConverter;
+	friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IUInterface& obj);
+	protected:
+		IUInterface();
 		inline virtual ~IUInterface() { }
+	protected:
+		std::string _uid;
+		revision_t _revision;
+		std::string _category;
+		std::string _payload_type; // default is "MAP"
+		std::string _owner_name;
+		bool _committed;
+		IUAccessMode _access_mode;
+		bool _read_only;
+		//boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> _buffer;
+		Buffer* _buffer;
+		SmartLinkMap _links;
+	protected:
+		friend class Payload;
+		// Internal functions that perform the update logic,
+		//  e.g. sending a notification across the network
+		_IPAACA_ABSTRACT_ virtual void _modify_links(bool is_delta, const LinkMap& new_links, const LinkMap& links_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name) = 0;
+		_IPAACA_ABSTRACT_ virtual void _modify_payload(bool is_delta, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_items, const std::vector<std::string>& keys_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name) = 0;
+		//void _set_buffer(boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer);
+		void _associate_with_buffer(Buffer* buffer);
+		void _set_buffer(Buffer* buffer);
+		void _set_uid(const std::string& uid);
+		void _set_owner_name(const std::string& owner_name);
+	protected:
+		// internal functions that do not emit update events
+		inline void _add_and_remove_links(const LinkMap& add, const LinkMap& remove) { _links._add_and_remove_links(add, remove); }
+		inline void _replace_links(const LinkMap& links) { _links._replace_links(links); }
+	public:
+		inline bool is_published() { return (_buffer != 0); }
+		inline const std::string& uid() const { return _uid; }
+		inline revision_t revision() const { return _revision; }
+		inline const std::string& category() const { return _category; }
+		inline const std::string& payload_type() const { return _payload_type; }
+		inline const std::string& owner_name() const { return _owner_name; }
+		inline bool committed() const { return _committed; }
+		inline IUAccessMode access_mode() const { return _access_mode; }
+		inline bool read_only() const { return _read_only; }
+		//inline boost::shared_ptr<Buffer> buffer() { return _buffer; }
+		inline Buffer* buffer() const { return _buffer; }
+		inline const LinkSet& get_links(std::string type) { return _links.get_links(type); }
+		inline const LinkMap& get_all_links() { return _links.get_all_links(); }
+		// Payload
+		_IPAACA_ABSTRACT_ virtual Payload& payload() = 0;
+		_IPAACA_ABSTRACT_ virtual const Payload& const_payload() const = 0;
+		// setters
+		_IPAACA_ABSTRACT_ virtual void commit() = 0;
+		// functions to modify and update links:
+		void add_links(const std::string& type, const LinkSet& targets, const std::string& writer_name = "");
+		void remove_links(const std::string& type, const LinkSet& targets, const std::string& writer_name = "");
+		void modify_links(const LinkMap& add, const LinkMap& remove, const std::string& writer_name = "");
+		void set_links(const LinkMap& links, const std::string& writer_name = "");
+		//    (with cpp specific convenience functions:)
+		void add_link(const std::string& type, const std::string& target, const std::string& writer_name = "");
+		void remove_link(const std::string& type, const std::string& target, const std::string& writer_name = "");
+	typedef boost::shared_ptr<IUInterface> ptr;
-class IU: public IUInterface {
+class IU: public IUInterface {//{{{
+	friend class Buffer;
+	friend class InputBuffer;
+	friend class OutputBuffer;
+	friend class CallbackIUPayloadUpdate;
+	friend class CallbackIULinkUpdate;
+	friend class CallbackIUCommission;
-		Payload payload;
+		Payload _payload;
-		inline IU() { }
+		Lock _revision_lock;
+	protected:
+		inline void _increase_revision_number() { _revision++; }
+		IU(const std::string& category, IUAccessMode access_mode=IU_ACCESS_PUSH, bool read_only=false, const std::string& payload_type="MAP" );
-		inline ~IU() { }
-		static boost::shared_ptr<IU> create();
-	typedef boost::shared_ptr<IU> ref;
+		inline ~IU() {
+		}
+		static boost::shared_ptr<IU> create(const std::string& category, IUAccessMode access_mode=IU_ACCESS_PUSH, bool read_only=false, const std::string& payload_type="MAP" );
+		inline Payload& payload() { return _payload; }
+		inline const Payload& const_payload() const { return _payload; }
+		void commit();
+	protected:
+		void _modify_links(bool is_delta, const LinkMap& new_links, const LinkMap& links_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name = "");
+		void _modify_payload(bool is_delta, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_items, const std::vector<std::string>& keys_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name = "");
+	protected:
+		void _internal_commit(const std::string& writer_name = "");
+	public:
+	typedef boost::shared_ptr<IU> ptr;
-class RemotePushIU: public IUInterface {
+class RemotePushIU: public IUInterface {//{{{
+	friend class Buffer;
+	friend class InputBuffer;
+	friend class OutputBuffer;
+	friend class IUConverter;
-		inline ~RemotePushIU() { }
+		Payload _payload;
+	protected:
+		RemotePushIU();
+		static boost::shared_ptr<RemotePushIU> create();
+	public:
+		inline ~RemotePushIU() {
+		}
+		inline Payload& payload() { return _payload; }
+		inline const Payload& const_payload() const { return _payload; }
+		void commit();
+	protected:
+		void _modify_links(bool is_delta, const LinkMap& new_links, const LinkMap& links_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name = "");
+		void _modify_payload(bool is_delta, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& new_items, const std::vector<std::string>& keys_to_remove, const std::string& writer_name = "");
+	protected:
+		void _apply_update(IUPayloadUpdate::ptr update);
+		void _apply_link_update(IULinkUpdate::ptr update);
+		void _apply_commission();
+	typedef boost::shared_ptr<RemotePushIU> ptr;
-class IUPublishedError: public std::exception
+class Exception: public std::exception//{{{
 		std::string _description;
+		inline Exception(const std::string& description=""): _description(description) { }
+	public:
+		inline ~Exception() throw() { }
+		const char* what() const throw() {
+			return _description.c_str();
+		}
+class IUNotFoundError: public Exception//{{{
+	public:
+		inline ~IUNotFoundError() throw() { }
+		inline IUNotFoundError() { //boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu) {
+			_description = "IUNotFoundError";
+		}
+class IUPublishedError: public Exception//{{{
 		inline ~IUPublishedError() throw() { }
 		inline IUPublishedError() { //boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu) {
 			_description = "IUPublishedError";
-		const char* what() const throw() {
-			return _description.c_str();
+class IUCommittedError: public Exception//{{{
+	public:
+		inline ~IUCommittedError() throw() { }
+		inline IUCommittedError() { //boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu) {
+			_description = "IUCommittedError";
+class IUUpdateFailedError: public Exception//{{{
+	public:
+		inline ~IUUpdateFailedError() throw() { }
+		inline IUUpdateFailedError() { //boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu) {
+			_description = "IUUpdateFailedError";
+		}
+class IUReadOnlyError: public Exception//{{{
+	public:
+		inline ~IUReadOnlyError() throw() { }
+		inline IUReadOnlyError() { //boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu) {
+			_description = "IUReadOnlyError";
+		}
+class IUAlreadyInABufferError: public Exception//{{{
+	public:
+		inline ~IUAlreadyInABufferError() throw() { }
+		inline IUAlreadyInABufferError() { //boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu) {
+			_description = "IUAlreadyInABufferError";
+		}
+class IUAlreadyHasAnUIDError: public Exception//{{{
+	public:
+		inline ~IUAlreadyHasAnUIDError() throw() { }
+		inline IUAlreadyHasAnUIDError() { //boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu) {
+			_description = "IUAlreadyHasAnUIDError";
+		}
+class IUAlreadyHasAnOwnerNameError: public Exception//{{{
+	public:
+		inline ~IUAlreadyHasAnOwnerNameError() throw() { }
+		inline IUAlreadyHasAnOwnerNameError() { //boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu) {
+			_description = "IUAlreadyHasAnOwnerNameError";
+		}
+class NotImplementedError: public Exception//{{{
+	public:
+		inline ~NotImplementedError() throw() { }
+		inline NotImplementedError() { //boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu) {
+			_description = "NotImplementedError";
+		}
+// (snippets) //{{{
+class IUEventFunctionHandler: public rsb::EventFunctionHandler {
+	protected:
+		Buffer* _buffer;
+	public:
+		inline IUEventFunctionHandler(Buffer* buffer, const EventFunction& function, const std::string& method="")
+			: EventFunctionHandler(function, method), _buffer(buffer) { }
 } // of namespace ipaaca
diff --git a/cpp/test/src/.gitignore b/cpp/test/src/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05c3e637fa52c0fb86ceb4bcc7022728da9210b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/test/src/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/cpp/test/src/Makefile b/cpp/test/src/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1619f9c8f58ce0903d5ef997ef2ce28af80d7cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/test/src/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+IPAACASOURCES = ../../src/ipaaca.cc ipaaca.pb.cc
+CCFLAGS=-I. -I../../src -I/usr/local/include -I/opt/local/include ${CONFIG}
+BOOSTLIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -lboost_regex-mt -lboost_date_time-mt -lboost_program_options-mt -lboost_thread-mt -lboost_filesystem-mt -lboost_signals-mt -lboost_system-mt
+PROTOLIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -lprotobuf
+LIBS = ${BOOSTLIBS} ${PROTOLIBS} -L/usr/local/lib -lrsc -lrsbcore
+COMPILER = gfilt
+all: protoc textsender
+	${COMPILER} ${CCFLAGS} -o textsender ${TEXTSOURCES} ${LIBS}
+	protoc --proto_path=../../../proto ../../../proto/ipaaca.proto --cpp_out=.
+	rm -f textsender ipaaca.pb.h ipaaca.pb.cc
diff --git a/cpp/test/src/textsender.cc b/cpp/test/src/textsender.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..85be4c5cc11dc8198a3a31f9a01a36ca1916a8d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/test/src/textsender.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#include <ipaaca.h>
+#include <typeinfo>
+using namespace ipaaca;
+const char RECV_CATEGORY[] = "WORD";
+const char SEND_CATEGORY[] = "TEXT";
+class TextSender {
+	protected:
+		OutputBuffer::ptr _ob;
+		InputBuffer::ptr  _ib;
+	public:
+		TextSender();
+		void outbuffer_handle_iu_event(IUInterface::ptr iu, IUEventType event_type, bool local);
+		void inbuffer_handle_iu_event(IUInterface::ptr iu, IUEventType event_type, bool local);
+		IUInterface::ptr find_last_iu();
+		void publish_text_to_print(const std::string& text, const std::string& parent_iu_uid="");
+TextSender::TextSender() {
+	_ob = OutputBuffer::create("TextSenderOut");
+	_ob->register_handler(boost::bind(&TextSender::outbuffer_handle_iu_event, this, _1, _2, _3));
+	_ib = InputBuffer::create("TextSenderIn", RECV_CATEGORY);
+	_ib->register_handler(boost::bind(&TextSender::inbuffer_handle_iu_event, this, _1, _2, _3));
+void TextSender::outbuffer_handle_iu_event(IUInterface::ptr iu, IUEventType event_type, bool local)
+	std::cout << "(own IU event " << iu_event_type_to_str(event_type) << " " << iu->uid() << ")" << std::endl;
+	if (event_type == IU_UPDATED) {
+		std::set<std::string> parent_uids = iu->get_links("GRIN");
+		if (parent_uids.size() > 0) {
+			std::string parent_uid = *(parent_uids.begin());
+			std::cout << "updating parent ..." << std::endl;
+			std::set<std::string> next_uids = iu->get_links("SUCCESSOR");
+			if (next_uids.size() > 0) {
+				std::string next_uid = *(next_uids.begin());
+				IUInterface::ptr next_iu = _ob->get(next_uid);
+				std::set<std::string> next_letter_grin_links = next_iu->get_links("GRIN");
+				if (next_letter_grin_links.count(parent_uid) == 0) {
+					// next letter belongs to new word
+					IUInterface::ptr parent_iu = _ib->get(parent_uid);
+					parent_iu->payload()["STATE"] = "REALIZED";
+				} else {
+					IUInterface::ptr parent_iu = _ib->get(parent_uid);
+					parent_iu->payload()["STATE"] = "STARTED";
+				}
+			} else {
+				// there are no more letters, this is the end of the final word
+				IUInterface::ptr parent_iu = _ib->get(parent_uid);
+				parent_iu->payload()["STATE"] = "REALIZED";
+			}
+			std::cout << " ... done." << std::endl;
+		}
+	} else {
+	}
+void TextSender::inbuffer_handle_iu_event(IUInterface::ptr iu, IUEventType event_type, bool local)
+	if (event_type == IU_LINKSUPDATED) {
+		std::cout << "links updated" << std::endl;
+	} else if (event_type == IU_ADDED) {
+		std::string word = iu->payload()["WORD"];
+		std::cout << "Received new word: " << word << std::endl;
+		publish_text_to_print(word, iu->uid());
+	} else if (event_type == IU_RETRACTED) {
+		std::string retracted_uid = iu->uid();
+	} else {
+		std::cout << "(IU event " << iu_event_type_to_str(event_type) << " " << iu->uid() << ")" << std::endl;
+	}
+IUInterface::ptr TextSender::find_last_iu() {
+	std::set<IUInterface::ptr> ius = _ob->get_ius();
+	for (std::set<IUInterface::ptr>::iterator it = ius.begin(); it!=ius.end(); ++it) {
+		if ((*it)->get_links("SUCCESSOR").size() == 0) return *it;
+	}
+	return IUInterface::ptr();
+void TextSender::publish_text_to_print(const std::string& text, const std::string& parent_iu_uid) {
+	IUInterface::ptr previous_iu = find_last_iu();
+	if (previous_iu) {
+		// insert a blank if we already have words in the buffer
+		IU::ptr iu = IU::create( SEND_CATEGORY );
+		iu->payload()["CONTENT"] = " ";
+		_ob->add(iu);
+		previous_iu->add_link( "SUCCESSOR", iu->uid() );
+		iu->add_link( "PREDECESSOR", previous_iu->uid() );
+		if (parent_iu_uid != "") iu->add_link( "GRIN", parent_iu_uid );
+		previous_iu = iu;
+	}
+	for (int i=0; i<text.size(); ++i) {
+		IU::ptr iu = IU::create( SEND_CATEGORY );
+		iu->payload()["CONTENT"] = std::string(1, text.at(i));
+		_ob->add(iu);
+		if (previous_iu) {
+			previous_iu->add_link( "SUCCESSOR", iu->uid() );
+			iu->add_link( "PREDECESSOR", previous_iu->uid() );
+			if (parent_iu_uid != "") iu->add_link( "GRIN", parent_iu_uid );
+		}
+		if (previous_iu) std::cout << "previous IU: " << *previous_iu << std::endl;
+		previous_iu = iu;
+	}
+int main() {
+	TextSender sender;
+	sleep(1);
+	sender.publish_text_to_print("(INIT)");
+	std::cout << "Press Ctrl-C to cancel..." << std::endl;
+	while (true) sleep(1);