diff --git a/app/__init__.py b/app/__init__.py
index 960d4e90ff926e2f36f9765a79eae95646806667..77742800ab76f8dff4e2ea89df4896a0e9e7c955 100644
--- a/app/__init__.py
+++ b/app/__init__.py
@@ -90,7 +90,4 @@ def create_app(config: Config = Config) -> Flask:
     from .users import bp as users_blueprint
     app.register_blueprint(users_blueprint, url_prefix='/users')
-    from .test import bp as test_blueprint
-    app.register_blueprint(test_blueprint, url_prefix='/test')
     return app
diff --git a/app/api/schemas.py b/app/api/schemas.py
index 7abb56de79536da5334f13173edb11f843959048..f0792f7c4a32c5ca8c92b3b6da06bf55feee1c54 100644
--- a/app/api/schemas.py
+++ b/app/api/schemas.py
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class TesseractOCRPipelineModelSchema(ma.SQLAlchemySchema):
     publishing_year = ma.Int(
-    shared = ma.Boolean(required=True)
+    is_public = ma.Boolean(required=True)
 class JobSchema(ma.SQLAlchemySchema):
diff --git a/app/models.py b/app/models.py
index 7927c81f7ae7b722978eef9e309482cd78905dd4..d28331a0fb693ee6c4a3d2c7e325240148c646f3 100644
--- a/app/models.py
+++ b/app/models.py
@@ -61,6 +61,12 @@ class UserSettingJobStatusMailNotificationLevel(IntEnum):
     NONE = 1
     END = 2
     ALL = 3
+class ProfilePrivacySettings(IntEnum):
+    SHOW_EMAIL = 1
 # endregion enums
@@ -220,7 +226,6 @@ class Role(HashidMixin, db.Model):
 class Token(db.Model):
     __tablename__ = 'tokens'
     # Primary key
@@ -255,12 +260,20 @@ class Avatar(HashidMixin, FileMixin, db.Model):
     def path(self):
         return os.path.join(self.user.path, 'avatar')
+    def delete(self):
+        try:
+            os.remove(self.path)
+        except OSError as e:
+            current_app.logger.error(e)
+        db.session.delete(self)
 class User(HashidMixin, UserMixin, db.Model):
     __tablename__ = 'users'
     # Primary key
     id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
     # Foreign keys
     role_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('roles.id'))
+    # privacy_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('privacies.id'))
     # Fields
     email = db.Column(db.String(254), index=True, unique=True)
     username = db.Column(db.String(64), index=True, unique=True)
@@ -277,6 +290,8 @@ class User(HashidMixin, UserMixin, db.Model):
     location = db.Column(db.String(64))
     website = db.Column(db.String(128))
     organization = db.Column(db.String(128))
+    is_public = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False)
+    profile_privacy_settings = db.Column(db.Integer(), default=0)
     # Backrefs: role: Role
     # Relationships
     avatar = db.relationship(
@@ -502,6 +517,22 @@ class User(HashidMixin, UserMixin, db.Model):
             return False
         return check_password_hash(self.password_hash, password)
+    #region Profile Privacy settings
+    def has_profile_privacy_setting(self, setting):
+        return self.profile_privacy_settings & setting == setting
+    def add_profile_privacy_setting(self, setting):
+        if not self.has_profile_privacy_setting(setting):
+            self.profile_privacy_settings += setting
+    def remove_profile_privacy_setting(self, setting):
+        if self.has_profile_privacy_setting(setting):
+            self.profile_privacy_settings -= setting
+    def reset_profile_privacy_settings(self):
+        self.profile_privacy_settings = 0
+    #endregion Profile Privacy settings
     def to_json_serializeable(self, backrefs=False, relationships=False):
         json_serializeable = {
             'id': self.hashid,
@@ -519,7 +550,12 @@ class User(HashidMixin, UserMixin, db.Model):
             'location': self.location,
             'organization': self.organization,
             'job_status_mail_notification_level': \
-                    self.setting_job_status_mail_notification_level.name
+                    self.setting_job_status_mail_notification_level.name,
+            'is_public': self.is_public,
+            'show_email': self.has_profile_privacy_setting(ProfilePrivacySettings.SHOW_EMAIL),
+            'show_last_seen': self.has_profile_privacy_setting(ProfilePrivacySettings.SHOW_LAST_SEEN),
+            'show_member_since': self.has_profile_privacy_setting(ProfilePrivacySettings.SHOW_MEMBER_SINCE)
         if backrefs:
             json_serializeable['role'] = \
diff --git a/app/profile/forms.py b/app/profile/forms.py
index 20bd4ad4b9ed93ca6de61211aa37c73310d6edd8..5059451981e0232cf466ad43285c28e4218fe132 100644
--- a/app/profile/forms.py
+++ b/app/profile/forms.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
 from wtforms import (
+    BooleanField,
@@ -16,9 +17,6 @@ from app.models import User
 from app.auth import USERNAME_REGEX
 class EditProfileSettingsForm(FlaskForm):
-    avatar = FileField(
-        'Image File'
-    )
     email = StringField(
         validators=[InputRequired(), Length(max=254), Email()]
@@ -37,6 +35,26 @@ class EditProfileSettingsForm(FlaskForm):
+    submit = SubmitField()
+    def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs):
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.user = user
+    def validate_email(self, field):
+        if (field.data != self.user.email
+                and User.query.filter_by(email=field.data).first()):
+            raise ValidationError('Email already registered')
+    def validate_username(self, field):
+        if (field.data != self.user.username
+                and User.query.filter_by(username=field.data).first()):
+            raise ValidationError('Username already in use')
+class EditPublicProfileInformationForm(FlaskForm):
+    avatar = FileField(
+        'Image File'
+    )
     full_name = StringField(
         'Full name',
@@ -68,20 +86,13 @@ class EditProfileSettingsForm(FlaskForm):
     submit = SubmitField()
-    def __init__(self, user, *args, **kwargs):
-        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.user = user
-    def validate_email(self, field):
-        if (field.data != self.user.email
-                and User.query.filter_by(email=field.data).first()):
-            raise ValidationError('Email already registered')
-    def validate_username(self, field):
-        if (field.data != self.user.username
-                and User.query.filter_by(username=field.data).first()):
-            raise ValidationError('Username already in use')
     def validate_image_file(self, field):
         if not field.data.filename.lower().endswith('.jpg' or '.png' or '.jpeg'):
             raise ValidationError('only .jpg, .png and .jpeg!')
+class EditPrivacySettingsForm(FlaskForm):
+    is_public = BooleanField('Public profile')
+    show_email = BooleanField('Show email')
+    show_last_seen = BooleanField('Show last seen')
+    show_member_since = BooleanField('Show member since')
+    submit = SubmitField()
diff --git a/app/profile/routes.py b/app/profile/routes.py
index 4702dcb7ca5d573cfec733bc4c7a2b037d806e9b..b4711aa54c8113066150d738a9502f4995005232 100644
--- a/app/profile/routes.py
+++ b/app/profile/routes.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 from flask import (
+    current_app,
@@ -8,12 +9,15 @@ from flask import (
 from flask_login import current_user, login_required
+from threading import Thread
 import os
 from app import db
-from app.models import Avatar, User
+from app.models import Avatar, ProfilePrivacySettings, User
 from . import bp
 from .forms import (
-  EditProfileSettingsForm
+  EditPrivacySettingsForm,
+  EditProfileSettingsForm,
+  EditPublicProfileInformationForm
@@ -25,8 +29,12 @@ def before_request():
 def profile(user_id):
     user = User.query.get_or_404(user_id)
+    user_data = user.to_json_serializeable()
+    if not user.is_public and user != current_user:
+        abort(403)
     return render_template('profile/profile_page.html.j2', 
-        user=user)
+        user=user,
+        user_data=user_data)
 def avatar_download(user_id, avatar_id):
@@ -41,6 +49,21 @@ def avatar_download(user_id, avatar_id):
+@bp.route('/<hashid:user_id>/avatars/<hashid:avatar_id>', methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_avatar(avatar_id, user_id):
+    def _delete_avatar(app, avatar_id):
+        with app.app_context():
+            avatar_file = Avatar.query.get(avatar_id)
+            print(avatar_file)
+            avatar_file.delete()
+            db.session.commit()
+    thread = Thread(
+        target=_delete_avatar,
+        args=(current_app._get_current_object(), avatar_id)
+    )
+    thread.start()
+    return {}, 202
 @bp.route('/<hashid:user_id>/edit-profile', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
 def edit_profile(user_id):
     user = User.query.get_or_404(user_id)
@@ -49,24 +72,58 @@ def edit_profile(user_id):
+    edit_privacy_settings_form = EditPrivacySettingsForm(
+        data=current_user.to_json_serializeable(),
+        prefix='edit-privacy-settings-form'
+    )
+    edit_public_profile_information_form = EditPublicProfileInformationForm(
+        data=current_user.to_json_serializeable(),
+        prefix='edit-public-profile-information-form'
+    )
     if edit_profile_settings_form.validate_on_submit():
-        if edit_profile_settings_form.avatar.data:
+        current_user.email = edit_profile_settings_form.email.data
+        current_user.username = edit_profile_settings_form.username.data
+        db.session.commit()
+        message = Markup(f'Profile settings updated')
+        flash(message, 'success')
+        return redirect(url_for('.profile', user_id=user.id))
+    if (edit_privacy_settings_form.submit.data
+        and edit_privacy_settings_form.validate()):
+        current_user.is_public = edit_privacy_settings_form.is_public.data
+        if edit_privacy_settings_form.show_email.data:
+            current_user.add_profile_privacy_setting(ProfilePrivacySettings.SHOW_EMAIL)
+        else:
+            current_user.remove_profile_privacy_setting(ProfilePrivacySettings.SHOW_EMAIL)
+        if edit_privacy_settings_form.show_last_seen.data:
+            current_user.add_profile_privacy_setting(ProfilePrivacySettings.SHOW_LAST_SEEN)
+        else:
+            current_user.remove_profile_privacy_setting(ProfilePrivacySettings.SHOW_LAST_SEEN)
+        if edit_privacy_settings_form.show_member_since.data:
+            current_user.add_profile_privacy_setting(ProfilePrivacySettings.SHOW_MEMBER_SINCE)
+        else:
+            current_user.remove_profile_privacy_setting(ProfilePrivacySettings.SHOW_MEMBER_SINCE)
+        db.session.commit()
+        flash('Your changes have been saved')
+        return redirect(url_for('.profile', user_id=user.id))
+    if edit_public_profile_information_form.validate_on_submit():
+        if edit_public_profile_information_form.avatar.data:
-                Avatar.create(edit_profile_settings_form.avatar.data, user=current_user)
+                Avatar.create(edit_public_profile_information_form.avatar.data, user=current_user)
             except (AttributeError, OSError):
-        current_user.email = edit_profile_settings_form.email.data
-        current_user.username = edit_profile_settings_form.username.data
-        current_user.about_me = edit_profile_settings_form.about_me.data
-        current_user.location = edit_profile_settings_form.location.data
-        current_user.organization = edit_profile_settings_form.organization.data
-        current_user.website = edit_profile_settings_form.website.data
-        current_user.full_name = edit_profile_settings_form.full_name.data
+        current_user.about_me = edit_public_profile_information_form.about_me.data
+        current_user.location = edit_public_profile_information_form.location.data
+        current_user.organization = edit_public_profile_information_form.organization.data
+        current_user.website = edit_public_profile_information_form.website.data
+        current_user.full_name = edit_public_profile_information_form.full_name.data
         message = Markup(f'Profile settings updated')
         flash(message, 'success')
         return redirect(url_for('.profile', user_id=user.id))
     return render_template('profile/edit_profile.html.j2',
+        edit_privacy_settings_form=edit_privacy_settings_form,
+        edit_public_profile_information_form=edit_public_profile_information_form,
         title='Edit Profile')
diff --git a/app/services/forms.py b/app/services/forms.py
index 562696eb6320f35089cd6458101b144bc1fa48e0..1ad544dcd72be41e26a917d97ad2a64dfb2ac2e0 100644
--- a/app/services/forms.py
+++ b/app/services/forms.py
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@ class CreateTesseractOCRPipelineJobForm(CreateJobBaseForm):
         if 'methods' in service_info:
             if 'binarization' in service_info['methods']:
                 del self.binarization.render_kw['disabled']
-            if 'ocropus_nlbin_threshold' in service_info['methods']:
-                del self.ocropus_nlbin_threshold.render_kw['disabled']
+                if 'ocropus_nlbin_threshold' in service_info['methods']:
+                    del self.ocropus_nlbin_threshold.render_kw['disabled']
         models = [
             x for x in TesseractOCRPipelineModel.query.order_by(TesseractOCRPipelineModel.title).all()
-            if version in x.compatible_service_versions and (x.shared == True or x.user == current_user)
+            if version in x.compatible_service_versions and (x.is_public == True or x.user == current_user)
         self.model.choices = [('', 'Choose your option')]
         self.model.choices += [(x.hashid, f'{x.title} [{x.version}]') for x in models]
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class CreateSpacyNLPPipelineJobForm(CreateJobBaseForm):
                 del self.encoding_detection.render_kw['disabled']
         models = [
             x for x in SpaCyNLPPipelineModel.query.order_by(SpaCyNLPPipelineModel.title).all()
-            if version in x.compatible_service_versions and (x.shared == True or x.user == current_user)
+            if version in x.compatible_service_versions and (x.is_public == True or x.user == current_user)
         self.model.choices = [('', 'Choose your option')]
         self.model.choices += [(x.hashid, f'{x.title} [{x.version}]') for x in models]
diff --git a/app/services/routes.py b/app/services/routes.py
index 7748240c894761613ce4ea88a30b96c555087ab0..24688c88dd8ebb79e4764b6c547703fa8be25b3e 100644
--- a/app/services/routes.py
+++ b/app/services/routes.py
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def tesseract_ocr_pipeline():
         return {}, 201, {'Location': job.url}
     tesseract_ocr_pipeline_models = [
         x for x in TesseractOCRPipelineModel.query.all()
-        if version in x.compatible_service_versions and (x.shared == True or x.user == current_user)
+        if version in x.compatible_service_versions and (x.is_public == True or x.user == current_user)
     return render_template(
diff --git a/app/settings/forms.py b/app/settings/forms.py
index 335f73d30887dc0423b3a6b648b9ed4aea2eb1ec..552799270c7c3c6e0c174e0052ba8925b8bc2f75 100644
--- a/app/settings/forms.py
+++ b/app/settings/forms.py
@@ -62,15 +62,3 @@ class EditNotificationSettingsForm(FlaskForm):
             for x in UserSettingJobStatusMailNotificationLevel
-class EditPrivacySettingsForm(FlaskForm):
-    private_profile = BooleanField(
-        'Private profile'
-    )
-    private_email = BooleanField(
-        'Private email'
-    )
-    only_username = BooleanField(
-        'Show only username'
-    )
-    submit = SubmitField()
diff --git a/app/settings/routes.py b/app/settings/routes.py
index d7e36218f21ce80209e930d2bfa8eaac347bb729..754a98cde6d9ab2ce58777942336a1a305e48106 100644
--- a/app/settings/routes.py
+++ b/app/settings/routes.py
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-from flask import flash, redirect, render_template, url_for
+from flask import abort, flash, redirect, render_template, url_for
 from flask_login import current_user, login_required
 from app import db
-from app.models import UserSettingJobStatusMailNotificationLevel
+from app.models import ProfilePrivacySettings, UserSettingJobStatusMailNotificationLevel
 from . import bp
 from .forms import (
-    EditNotificationSettingsForm,
-    EditPrivacySettingsForm
+    EditNotificationSettingsForm
@@ -21,17 +20,13 @@ def settings():
-    edit_privacy_settings_form = EditPrivacySettingsForm(
-        data=current_user.to_json_serializeable(),
-        prefix='edit-privacy-settings-form'
-    )
     if change_password_form.submit.data and change_password_form.validate():
         current_user.password = change_password_form.new_password.data
         flash('Your changes have been saved')
         return redirect(url_for('.index'))
-    if (edit_notification_settings_form.submit.data
+    if (edit_notification_settings_form.submit
             and edit_notification_settings_form.validate()):
         current_user.setting_job_status_mail_notification_level = (
@@ -45,6 +40,5 @@ def settings():
-        edit_privacy_settings_form=edit_privacy_settings_form,
diff --git a/app/static/js/RessourceLists/SpacyNLPPipelineModelList.js b/app/static/js/RessourceLists/SpacyNLPPipelineModelList.js
index 78693c912dfd1ffedc5f3970d29b0c258e305be4..d03c79ebd42f5368c1f93832daba3515bad334ba 100644
--- a/app/static/js/RessourceLists/SpacyNLPPipelineModelList.js
+++ b/app/static/js/RessourceLists/SpacyNLPPipelineModelList.js
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ class SpaCyNLPPipelineModelList extends RessourceList {
           <div class="switch action-switch center-align" data-action="share-request">
             <span class="share"></span>
-              <input type="checkbox" class="shared">
+              <input type="checkbox" class="is_public">
               <span class="lever"></span>
-              shared
+              public
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class SpaCyNLPPipelineModelList extends RessourceList {
         'title': spaCyNLPPipelineModel.title,
         'title-2': spaCyNLPPipelineModel.title,
         'version': spaCyNLPPipelineModel.version,
-        'shared': spaCyNLPPipelineModel.shared ? 'True' : 'False'
+        'is_public': spaCyNLPPipelineModel.is_public ? 'True' : 'False'
     sortArgs: ['creation-date', {order: 'desc'}],
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class SpaCyNLPPipelineModelList extends RessourceList {
-      {name: 'shared', attr: 'data-checked'}
+      {name: 'is_public', attr: 'data-checked'}
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class SpaCyNLPPipelineModelList extends RessourceList {
   init(user) {
     if (user.role.name !== ('Administrator' || 'Contributor')) {
-      for (let switchElement of this.listjs.list.querySelectorAll('.shared')) {
+      for (let switchElement of this.listjs.list.querySelectorAll('.is_public')) {
         switchElement.setAttribute('disabled', '');
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ class SpaCyNLPPipelineModelList extends RessourceList {
     let spaCyNLPPipelineModelId = spaCyNLPPipelineModelElement.dataset.id;
     switch (action) {
       case 'share-request': {
-        let shared = actionSwitchElement.querySelector('input').checked;
-        Utils.shareSpaCyNLPPipelineModelRequest(this.userId, spaCyNLPPipelineModelId, shared);
+        let is_public = actionSwitchElement.querySelector('input').checked;
+        Utils.shareSpaCyNLPPipelineModelRequest(this.userId, spaCyNLPPipelineModelId, is_public);
       default: {
diff --git a/app/static/js/RessourceLists/TesseractOCRPipelineModelList.js b/app/static/js/RessourceLists/TesseractOCRPipelineModelList.js
index 22c4bc3782c4ba191c700ab4903157f92ab5b364..d299af1b41fe352e63e280c185f3b045d6722b67 100644
--- a/app/static/js/RessourceLists/TesseractOCRPipelineModelList.js
+++ b/app/static/js/RessourceLists/TesseractOCRPipelineModelList.js
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ class TesseractOCRPipelineModelList extends RessourceList {
           <div class="switch action-switch center-align" data-action="share-request">
             <span class="share"></span>
-              <input type="checkbox" class="shared">
+              <input type="checkbox" class="is_public">
               <span class="lever"></span>
-              shared
+              public
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class TesseractOCRPipelineModelList extends RessourceList {
         'title': tesseractOCRPipelineModel.title,
         'title-2': tesseractOCRPipelineModel.title,
         'version': tesseractOCRPipelineModel.version,
-        'shared': tesseractOCRPipelineModel.shared ? 'True' : 'False'
+        'is_public': tesseractOCRPipelineModel.is_public ? 'True' : 'False'
     sortArgs: ['creation-date', {order: 'desc'}],
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class TesseractOCRPipelineModelList extends RessourceList {
-      {name: 'shared', attr: 'data-checked'}
+      {name: 'is_public', attr: 'data-checked'}
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class TesseractOCRPipelineModelList extends RessourceList {
   init (user) {
     if (user.role.name !== ('Administrator' || 'Contributor')) {
-      for (let switchElement of this.listjs.list.querySelectorAll('.shared')) {
+      for (let switchElement of this.listjs.list.querySelectorAll('.is_public')) {
         switchElement.setAttribute('disabled', '');
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@ class TesseractOCRPipelineModelList extends RessourceList {
     let tesseractOCRPipelineModelId = tesseractOCRPipelineModelElement.dataset.id;
     switch (action) {
       case 'share-request': {
-        let shared = actionSwitchElement.querySelector('input').checked;
-        Utils.shareTesseractOCRPipelineModelRequest(this.userId, tesseractOCRPipelineModelId, shared);
+        let is_public = actionSwitchElement.querySelector('input').checked;
+        Utils.shareTesseractOCRPipelineModelRequest(this.userId, tesseractOCRPipelineModelId, is_public);
       default: {
diff --git a/app/static/js/Utils.js b/app/static/js/Utils.js
index ea8b1efc0435099ac5ef33af5e35d69cfd4120e1..899147b46b3f3aa91ec9bc8f60c49f78e54d012c 100644
--- a/app/static/js/Utils.js
+++ b/app/static/js/Utils.js
@@ -429,11 +429,11 @@ class Utils {
-  static shareTesseractOCRPipelineModelRequest(userId, tesseractOCRPipelineModelId, shared) {
+  static shareTesseractOCRPipelineModelRequest(userId, tesseractOCRPipelineModelId, is_public) {
     return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
       let tesseractOCRPipelineModel = app.data.users[userId].tesseract_ocr_pipeline_models[tesseractOCRPipelineModelId];
       let msg = '';
-      if (shared) {
+      if (is_public) {
         msg = `Model "${tesseractOCRPipelineModel.title}" is now public`;
       } else {
         msg = `Model "${tesseractOCRPipelineModel.title}" is now private`;
@@ -453,11 +453,11 @@ class Utils {
-  static shareSpaCyNLPPipelineModelRequest(userId, spaCyNLPPipelineModelId, shared) {
+  static shareSpaCyNLPPipelineModelRequest(userId, spaCyNLPPipelineModelId, is_public) {
     return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
       let spaCyNLPPipelineModel = app.data.users[userId].spacy_nlp_pipeline_models[spaCyNLPPipelineModelId];
       let msg = '';
-      if (shared) {
+      if (is_public) {
         msg = `Model "${spaCyNLPPipelineModel.title}" is now public`;
       } else {
         msg = `Model "${spaCyNLPPipelineModel.title}" is now private`;
diff --git a/app/templates/_sidenav.html.j2 b/app/templates/_sidenav.html.j2
index 1aff7f8950e34d65b6e4cd3d3d89fce00b637f16..ffdf86a69cf7d62c3d5eee51f24b95b56d13da2f 100644
--- a/app/templates/_sidenav.html.j2
+++ b/app/templates/_sidenav.html.j2
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@
   <li class="service-color service-color-border border-darken" data-service="corpus-analysis" style="border-left: 10px solid; margin-top: 5px;"><a href="{{ url_for('services.corpus_analysis') }}"><i class="nopaque-icons service-icon" data-service="corpus-analysis"></i>Corpus analysis</a></li>
   <li><div class="divider"></div></li>
   <li><a class="subheader">Account</a></li>
-  <li><a href="{{ url_for('settings.settings') }}"><i class="material-icons">settings</i>Settings</a></li>
+  <li><a href="{{ url_for('settings.settings') }}"><i class="material-icons">settings</i>General Settings</a></li>
+  <li><a href="{{ url_for('profile.edit_profile', user_id=current_user.id) }}"><i class="material-icons left">contact_page</i>Profile settings</a></li>
   <li><a href="{{ url_for('auth.logout') }}">Log out</a></li>
   {% if current_user.can(Permission.ADMINISTRATE) or current_user.can(Permission.USE_API) %}
   <li><div class="divider"></div></li>
diff --git a/app/templates/profile/edit_profile.html.j2 b/app/templates/profile/edit_profile.html.j2
index 1f4bd0e7d032c3ae817d2470e1949f28d0c25c87..7b1dbef7232e39a63ae7291d83c49de750ff0739 100644
--- a/app/templates/profile/edit_profile.html.j2
+++ b/app/templates/profile/edit_profile.html.j2
@@ -9,48 +9,186 @@
     <div class="col s12">
       <div class="card">
         <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
           <div class="card-content">
-            {{ edit_profile_settings_form.hidden_tag() }}
+            <div class="row">
+              <div class="col s6">
+                {{ edit_profile_settings_form.hidden_tag() }}
+                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_profile_settings_form.username, material_icon='person') }}
+                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_profile_settings_form.email, material_icon='email') }}
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+          <div class="card-action">
+            <div class="right-align">
+              {{ wtf.render_field(edit_profile_settings_form.submit, material_icon='send') }}
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </form>
+      </div>
+      <form method="POST">
+        {{ edit_privacy_settings_form.hidden_tag() }}
+        <div class="card">
+          <div class="card-content">
+            <span class="card-title">Privacy settings</span>
+            <br>
+            {{ wtf.render_field(edit_privacy_settings_form.is_public, id='public-profile') }}
+            <br>
+            <hr>
+            <br>
+            {{ wtf.render_field(edit_privacy_settings_form.show_email, data_action='disable', disabled=true) }}
+            <br>
+            {{ wtf.render_field(edit_privacy_settings_form.show_last_seen, data_action='disable', disabled=true) }}
+            <br>
+            {{ wtf.render_field(edit_privacy_settings_form.show_member_since, data_action='disable', disabled=true) }}
+            <br>
+          </div>
+          <div class="card-action">
+            <div class="right-align">
+              {{ wtf.render_field(edit_privacy_settings_form.submit, material_icon='send') }}
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </form>
+      <div class="card">
+        <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+          <div class="card-content">
+            {{ edit_public_profile_information_form.hidden_tag() }}
+            <div class="row">
+              <div class="col s12">
+                <span class="card-title">Public Profile</span>
+              </div>
+            </div>
             <div class="row">
               <div class="col s5">
                 <div class="row">
-                  <div class="col s1"></div>
-                  <div class="col s10">
+                  <div class="col s2"></div>
+                  <div class="col s8">
                     {% if current_user.avatar %}
-                    <img src="{{ url_for('profile.avatar_download', user_id=user.id, avatar_id=current_user.avatar.id) }}" alt="user-image" class="circle responsive-img">
+                    <img src="{{ url_for('profile.avatar_download', user_id=user.id, avatar_id=current_user.avatar.id) }}" alt="user-image" class="circle responsive-img" id="avatar">
                     {% else %}
-                    <img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/user_avatar.png') }}" alt="user-image" class="circle responsive-img">
+                    <img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/user_avatar.png') }}" alt="user-image" class="circle responsive-img" id="placeholder-avatar">
                     {% endif %}
-                  <div class="col s1"></div>
+                  <div class="col s2"></div>
                 <div class="row">
-                  <div class="col s12">
-                    {{wtf.render_field(edit_profile_settings_form.avatar, accept='image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif', placeholder="Choose an image file")}}
+                  <div class="col s2">
+                    <div class="center-align">
+                      <a class="action-button btn-floating red waves-effect waves-light modal-trigger" href="#delete-request" style="margin-top:15px;"><i class="material-icons">delete</i></a>
+                    </div>
+                  </div>
+                  <div class="col s10">
+                    {{wtf.render_field(edit_public_profile_information_form.avatar, accept='image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif', placeholder='Choose an image file', id='avatar-upload', data_action='disable')}}
               <div class="col s7">
-                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_profile_settings_form.username, material_icon='person') }}
-                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_profile_settings_form.email, material_icon='email') }}
-                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_profile_settings_form.full_name, material_icon='badge') }}
-                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_profile_settings_form.about_me, material_icon='description') }}
-                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_profile_settings_form.website, material_icon='laptop') }}
-                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_profile_settings_form.organization, material_icon='business') }}
-                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_profile_settings_form.location, material_icon='location_on') }}
+                <p></p>
+                <br>
+                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_public_profile_information_form.full_name, material_icon='badge') }}
+                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_public_profile_information_form.about_me, material_icon='description') }}
+                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_public_profile_information_form.website, material_icon='laptop') }}
+                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_public_profile_information_form.organization, material_icon='business') }}
+                {{ wtf.render_field(edit_public_profile_information_form.location, material_icon='location_on') }}
           <div class="card-action">
             <div class="right-align">
-              {{ wtf.render_field(edit_profile_settings_form.submit, material_icon='send') }}
+              {{ wtf.render_field(edit_public_profile_information_form.submit, material_icon='send') }}
 {% endblock page_content %}
+{% block modals %}
+<div class="modal" id="delete-request">
+  <div class="modal-content">
+    <h4>Confirm Avatar deletion</h4>
+    <p>Do you really want to delete your Avatar?</p>
+  </div>
+  <div class="modal-footer">
+    <a class="action-button btn modal-close waves-effect waves-light" data-action="cancel">Cancel</a>
+    <a class="action-button btn modal-close red waves-effect waves-light" data-action="delete">Delete</a>
+  </div>
+{% endblock modals %}
+{% block scripts %}
+{{ super() }}
+let publicProfile = document.querySelector('#public-profile');
+let disableButtons = document.querySelectorAll('[data-action="disable"]');
+let deleteButton = document.querySelector('[data-action="delete"]');
+let cancelButton = document.querySelector('[data-action="cancel"]');
+let deleteRequestModal = document.querySelector('#delete-request');
+let avatar = document.querySelector('#avatar');
+let placeholderAvatar = document.querySelector('#placeholder-avatar');
+let avatarUpload = document.querySelector('#avatar-upload');
+for (let i = 0; i < disableButtons.length; i++) {
+  disableButtons[i].disabled = !publicProfile.checked;
+publicProfile.addEventListener('change', function() {
+  if (publicProfile.checked) {
+    for (let i = 0; i < disableButtons.length; i++) {
+      disableButtons[i].disabled = false;
+    }
+  } else {
+    for (let i = 0; i < disableButtons.length; i++) {
+      disableButtons[i].checked = false;
+      disableButtons[i].disabled = true;
+    }
+  }
+avatarUpload.addEventListener('change', function() {
+  let file = this.files[0];
+  if (avatar){
+    avatar.src = URL.createObjectURL(file);
+  } else {
+    placeholderAvatar.src = URL.createObjectURL(file);
+  }
+deleteButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
+  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+    let user_id = "{{ current_user.hashid }}";
+    let avatar_id = "{{ current_user.avatar.hashid }}";
+    fetch(`/profile/${user_id}/avatars/${avatar_id}`, {method: 'DELETE', headers: {Accept: 'application/json'}})
+      .then(
+        (response) => {
+          if (response.status === 403) {app.flash('Forbidden', 'error'); reject(response);}
+          if (response.status === 404) {app.flash('Not Found', 'error'); reject(response);}
+          app.flash(`Avatar marked for deletion`, 'corpus');
+          resolve(response);
+        },
+        (response) => {
+          app.flash('Something went wrong', 'error');
+          reject(response);
+        }
+      );
+    avatar.src = "{{ url_for('static', filename='images/user_avatar.png') }}";
+  });
+cancelButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
+  let modal = M.Modal.getInstance(deleteRequestModal);
+  modal.close();
+{% endblock scripts %}
diff --git a/app/templates/profile/profile_page.html.j2 b/app/templates/profile/profile_page.html.j2
index dbcd78cad576d67d08c65a04203131efbea64bdc..be137392dfb693662061edf308529590d5be1dfa 100644
--- a/app/templates/profile/profile_page.html.j2
+++ b/app/templates/profile/profile_page.html.j2
@@ -2,96 +2,133 @@
 {% import "materialize/wtf.html.j2" as wtf %}
 {% block page_content %}
-    <div class="container">
-        <div class="row">
-          <div class="col s12">
-            <div class="card">
-              <div class="card-content">
+  <div class="container">
+    <div class="row">
+      <div class="col s12">
+        <div class="card">
+          <div class="card-content">
+            <div class="row">
+              <div class="col s1"></div>
+              <div class="col s3">
+                <br>
+                <br>
+                {% if user.avatar %}
+                <img src="{{ url_for('profile.avatar_download', user_id=user.id, avatar_id=user.avatar.id) }}" alt="user-image" class="circle responsive-img">
+                {% else %}
+                <img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/user_avatar.png') }}" alt="user-image" class="circle responsive-img">
+                {% endif %}
+              </div>
+              <div class="col s1"></div>
+              <div class="col s7">
                 <div class="row">
-                  <div class="col s1"></div>
-                  <div class="col s4">
-                    {% if user.avatar %}
-                    <img src="{{ url_for('profile.avatar_download', user_id=user.id, avatar_id=user.avatar.id) }}" alt="user-image" class="circle responsive-img">
-                    {% else %}
-                    <img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/user_avatar.png') }}" alt="user-image" class="circle responsive-img">
-                    {% endif %}
+                  <div class="col s12">
+                    <h3 style="float:left">{{ user.username }}<span class="new badge green" id="public-information-badge" data-badge-caption="custom caption" style="margin-top:20px;"></span></h3>
-                  <div class="col s7">
-                    <h3>{{ user.username }}</h3>
+                  <div class="col 12">
+                    {% if user_data['show_last_seen'] %}
                     <div class="chip">Last seen: {{ user.last_seen.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') }}</div>
+                    {% endif %}
                     {% if user.location %}
                     <p><span class="material-icons" style="margin-right:20px; margin-top:20px;">location_on</span><i>{{ user.location }}</i></p>
                     {% endif %}
                     {% if user.about_me%}
-                    <div class="card">
-                      <div class="card-content">
-                        <span class="card-title">About me</span>
-                        <p>{{ user.about_me }}</p>
-                      </div>
+                    <div style="border-left: solid 3px #E91E63; padding-left: 15px;">
+                      <h5>About me</h5>
+                      <p>{{ user.about_me }}</p>
                     {% endif %}
-                <div class="row">
-                  <div class="col s1"></div>
-                  <div class="col s6">
-                    <table>
-                      {% if user.full_name %}
-                      <tr>
-                        <td><span class="material-icons">person</span></td>
-                        <td>{{ user.full_name }} </td>
-                      </tr>
-                      {% endif %}
-                      {% if user.email %}
-                      <tr>
-                        <td><span class="material-icons">email</span></td>
-                        <td>{{ user.email }}</td>
-                      </tr>
-                      {% endif %}
-                      {% if user.website %}
-                      <tr>
-                        <td><span class="material-icons">laptop</span></td>
-                        <td><a href="{{ user.website }}">{{ user.website }}</a></td>
-                      </tr>
-                      {% endif %}
-                      {% if user.organization %}
-                      <tr>
-                        <td><span class="material-icons">business</span></td>
-                        <td>{{ user.organization }}</td>
-                      </tr>
-                      {% endif %}
-                    </table>
-                    <br>
-                    <p><i>Member since: {{ user.member_since.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}</i></p>
-                    <p></p>
-                    <br>
-                    {% if current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.id == user.id %}
-                    <a class="waves-effect waves-light btn-small" href="{{ url_for('profile.edit_profile', user_id=user.id) }}">Edit profile</a>
-                    {% endif %}
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="row">
-          <div class="col s6">
-            <div class="card">
-              <div class="card-content">
-                <h4>Groups</h4>
+            <p></p>
+            <br>
+            <div class="row">
+              <div class="col s1"></div>
+              <div class="col s8">
+                <table>
+                  {% if user.full_name %}
+                  <tr>
+                    <td><span class="material-icons">person</span></td>
+                    <td>{{ user.full_name }} </td>
+                  </tr>
+                  {% endif %}
+                  {% if user_data['show_email'] %}
+                  <tr>
+                    <td><span class="material-icons">email</span></td>
+                    <td>{{ user.email }}</td>
+                  </tr>
+                  {% endif %}
+                  {% if user.website %}
+                  <tr>
+                    <td><span class="material-icons">laptop</span></td>
+                    <td><a href="{{ user.website }}">{{ user.website }}</a></td>
+                  </tr>
+                  {% endif %}
+                  {% if user.organization %}
+                  <tr>
+                    <td><span class="material-icons">business</span></td>
+                    <td>{{ user.organization }}</td>
+                  </tr>
+                  {% endif %}
+                </table>
+                <br>
+                {% if user_data['show_member_since'] %}
+                <p><i>Member since: {{ user.member_since.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}</i></p>
+                {% endif %}
+                <p></p>
+                <br>
+                {% if current_user.is_authenticated and current_user.id == user.id %}
+                <a class="waves-effect waves-light btn-small" href="{{ url_for('profile.edit_profile', user_id=user.id) }}">Edit profile</a>
+                {% endif %}
-          <div class="col s6">
-            <div class="card">
-              <div class="card-content">
-                <h4>Public corpora</h4>
-                <div class="public-corpora-list" data-user-id="{{ user.hashid }}"></div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <div class="row">
+      <div class="col s6">
+        <div class="card">
+          <div class="card-content">
+            <h4>Groups</h4>
+      </div>
+      <div class="col s6">
+        <div class="card">
+          <div class="card-content">
+            <h4>Public corpora</h4>
+            {# <div class="public-corpora-list" data-user-id="{{ user.hashid }}"></div> #}
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+  </div>
 {% endblock page_content %}
+{% block scripts %}
+{{ super() }}
+let publicInformationBadge = document.querySelector('#public-information-badge');
+if ("{{ user }}" == "{{ current_user }}") {
+  if ("{{ user.is_public }}" == "True") {
+    publicInformationBadge.dataset.badgeCaption = 'Your profile is public';
+    publicInformationBadge.classList.add('green');
+    publicInformationBadge.classList.remove('red');
+  } else {
+    publicInformationBadge.dataset.badgeCaption = 'Your profile is private';
+    publicInformationBadge.classList.add('red');
+    publicInformationBadge.classList.remove('green');
+  }
+} else {
+  publicInformationBadge.remove();
+{% endblock scripts %}
diff --git a/app/templates/services/tesseract_ocr_pipeline.html.j2 b/app/templates/services/tesseract_ocr_pipeline.html.j2
index 3bb14254cef558585aed5dba9ec1af462acaf221..c9617d5aa811a156addc37f4eec7a0e54617a1ae 100644
--- a/app/templates/services/tesseract_ocr_pipeline.html.j2
+++ b/app/templates/services/tesseract_ocr_pipeline.html.j2
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
+              {% endif %}
               {% if 'disabled' not in form.ocropus_nlbin_threshold.render_kw or not form.ocropus_nlbin_threshold.render_kw['disabled'] %}
               <div class="col s9 hide" id="create-job-form-ocropus_nlbin_threshold-container">
@@ -92,7 +93,6 @@
                 <p class="range-field">{{ form.ocropus_nlbin_threshold() }}</p>
               {% endif %}
-              {% endif %}
               Seperate each setting with the following
               <div class="col s12"><p>&nbsp;</p></div>
diff --git a/app/templates/settings/settings.html.j2 b/app/templates/settings/settings.html.j2
index f272e63a8cb745e4f370cf4d647fcf39eaca4cf1..e9cfb97bda684a8a654a6d0bbde8bc1a19564ae1 100644
--- a/app/templates/settings/settings.html.j2
+++ b/app/templates/settings/settings.html.j2
@@ -23,24 +23,6 @@
-      <div class="card">
-        <div class="card-content">
-          <span class="card-title">Privacy settings</span>
-          <br>
-          {{ wtf.render_field(edit_privacy_settings_form.private_profile) }}
-          <br>
-          {{ wtf.render_field(edit_privacy_settings_form.private_email) }}
-          <br>
-          {{ wtf.render_field(edit_privacy_settings_form.only_username) }}
-          <br>
-        </div>
-        <div class="card-action">
-          <div class="right-align">
-            {{ wtf.render_field(edit_notification_settings_form.submit, material_icon='send') }}
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
       <form method="POST">
         {{ change_password_form.hidden_tag() }}
diff --git a/app/templates/test/analyse_corpus.concordance.html.j2 b/app/templates/test/analyse_corpus.concordance.html.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 31320f70d2346e4de66b12843920700e79b5d082..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/templates/test/analyse_corpus.concordance.html.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-<div class="row" id="concordance-extension-container">
-  <div class="col s12">
-    <div class="card">
-      <div class="card-content">
-        <form id="concordance-extension-form">
-          <div class="row">
-            <div class="input-field col s12 m9">
-              <i class="material-icons prefix">search</i>
-              <input class="validate corpus-analysis-action" id="concordance-extension-form-query" name="query" type="text" 
-              required pattern=".*\S+.*" 
-              placeholder="&lt;ent_type=&quot;PERSON&quot;&gt; []* &lt;/ent_type&gt; []* [simple_pos=&quot;VERB&quot;] :: match.text_publishing_year=&quot;1991&quot;;">
-              </input>
-              <label for="concordance-extension-form-query">Query</label>
-              <span class="error-color-text helper-text hide" id="concordance-extension-error"></span>
-              <a class="modal-trigger" href="#cql-tutorial-modal" style="margin-left: 40px;"><i class="material-icons" style="font-size: inherit;">help</i>
-                Corpus Query Language tutorial</a>
-              <span> | </span>
-              <a class="modal-trigger" href="#tagsets-modal"><i class="material-icons" style="font-size: inherit;">info</i> Tagsets</a>
-            </div>
-            <div class="input-field col s12 m3">
-              <i class="material-icons prefix">arrow_forward</i>
-              <input class="validate corpus-analysis-action" id="concordance-extension-form-subcorpus-name" name="subcorpus-name" type="text" 
-                required pattern="^[A-Z][a-z0-9\-]*" value="Last">
-              </input>
-              <label for="concordance-extension-form-subcorpus-name">Subcorpus name</label>
-            </div>
-            <div class="col s12 m9 l9">
-              <div class="row">
-                <div class="input-field col s4 l3">
-                  <i class="material-icons prefix">short_text</i>
-                  <select class="corpus-analysis-action" name="context">
-                    <option value="10" selected>10</option>
-                    <option value="15">15</option>
-                    <option value="20">20</option>
-                    <option value="25">25</option>
-                    <option value="30">30</option>
-                  </select>
-                  <label>Context</label>
-                </div>
-                <div class="input-field col s4 l3">
-                  <i class="material-icons prefix">format_list_numbered</i>
-                  <select class="corpus-analysis-action" name="per-page">
-                    <option value="10" selected>10</option>
-                    <option value="15">15</option>
-                    <option value="20">20</option>
-                    <option value="25">25</option>
-                  </select>
-                  <label>Matches per page</label>
-                </div>
-                <div class="input-field col s4 l3">
-                  <i class="material-icons prefix">format_shapes</i>
-                  <select name="text-style">
-                    <option value="0">Plain text</option>
-                    <option value="1" selected>Highlight entities</option>
-                    <option value="2">Token text</option>
-                  </select>
-                  <label>Text style</label>
-                </div>
-                <div class="input-field col s4 l3">
-                  <i class="material-icons prefix">format_quote</i>
-                  <select name="token-representation">
-                    <option value="lemma">lemma</option>
-                    <option value="pos">pos</option>
-                    <option value="simple_pos">simple_pos</option>
-                    <option value="word" selected>word</option>
-                  </select>
-                  <label>Token representation</label>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            <div class="col s12 m3 l3 right-align">
-              <p class="hide-on-small-only">&nbsp;</p>
-              <a class="btn waves-effect waves-light modal-trigger" href="#concordance-query-builder" id="concordance-query-builder-button">
-                <i class="material-icons left">build</i>
-                Query builder
-              </a>
-              <button class="btn waves-effect waves-light corpus-analysis-action" id="concordance-extension-form-submit" type="submit" name="submit">
-                Send 
-                <i class="material-icons right">send</i>
-              </button>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </form>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="col s12">
-    <div id="concordance-extension-subcorpus-list"></div>
-    <div class="card">
-      <div class="card-content">
-        <div class="progress hide" id="concordance-extension-progress">
-          <div class="indeterminate"></div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="row">
-          <div class="col s9"><p class="hide" id="concordance-extension-subcorpus-info"></p></div>
-          <div class="col s3 right-align" id="concordance-extension-subcorpus-actions"></div>
-        </div>
-        <table class="highlight">
-          <thead>
-            <tr>
-              <th style="width: 2%;"></th>
-              <th style="width: 8%;">Source</th>
-              <th class="right-align" style="width: 22.5%;">Left context</th>
-              <th class="center-align" style="width: 40%;">KWIC</th>
-              <th class="left-align" style="width: 22.5%;">Right Context</th>
-              <th class="left-align" style="width: 5%;"></th>
-            </tr>
-          </thead>
-          <tbody id="concordance-extension-subcorpus-items"></tbody>
-        </table>
-        <ul class="pagination hide" id="concordance-extension-subcorpus-pagination"></ul>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
diff --git a/app/templates/test/analyse_corpus.html.j2 b/app/templates/test/analyse_corpus.html.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index faef6abd6672c03c79510e64f4dff9116a478f2c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/templates/test/analyse_corpus.html.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,454 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "base.html.j2" %}
-{% import "materialize/wtf.html.j2" as wtf %}
-  a   {color: #FFFFFF;}
-{% block main_attribs %} class="service-scheme" data-service="corpus-analysis" id="corpus-analysis-app-container"{% endblock main_attribs %}
-{% block page_content %}
-<ul class="row tabs no-autoinit" id="corpus-analysis-app-extension-tabs">
-  <li class="tab col s3"><a href="#corpus-analysis-app-overview"><i class="nopaque-icons service-icon left" data-service="corpus-analysis"></i>Corpus analysis</a></li>
-  <li class="tab col s3"><a class="active" href="#concordance-extension-container"><i class="material-icons left">list_alt</i>Concordance</a></li>
-  <li class="tab col s3"><a href="#reader-extension-container"><i class="material-icons left">chrome_reader_mode</i>Reader</a></li>
-{# <div class="row" id="corpus-analysis-app-overview">
-  <div class="col s12">
-    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>
-  </div>
-  <div class="col s3">
-    <div class="card extension-selector hoverable" data-target="concordance-extension-container">
-      <div class="card-content">
-        <span class="card-title"><i class="material-icons left">list_alt</i>Concordance</span>
-        <p>Query your corpus with the CQP query language utilizing a KWIC view.</p>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  <div class="col s3">
-    <div class="card extension-selector hoverable" data-target="reader-extension-container">
-      <div class="card-content">
-        <span class="card-title"><i class="material-icons left">chrome_reader_mode</i>Reader</span>
-        <p>Inspect your corpus in detail with a full text view, including annotations.</p>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-</div> #}
-{% include "test/analyse_corpus.concordance.html.j2" %}
-{% endblock page_content %}
-{% block modals %}
-{{ super() }}
-<div class="modal no-autoinit" id="corpus-analysis-app-init-modal">
-  <div class="modal-content">
-    <h4>Initializing session...</h4>
-    <p>If the loading takes to long or an error occured,
-      <a onclick="window.location.reload()" href="#">click here</a>
-      to refresh your session or
-      <a href="">go back</a>!
-    </p>
-    <div class="progress" id="corpus-analysis-app-init-progress">
-      <div class="indeterminate"></div>
-    </div>
-    <p class="error-color-text hide" id="corpus-analysis-app-init-error"></p>
-  </div>
-<div class="modal" id="cql-tutorial-modal">
-  <div class="modal-content">
-    {% with headline_num=4 %}
-    {% include "main/manual/_08_cqp_query_language.html.j2" %}
-    {% endwith %}
-  </div>
-<div class="modal" id="tagsets-modal">
-  <div class="modal-content">
-    <h4>Tagsets</h4>
-    <ul class="tabs">
-      <li class="tab"><a class="active" href="#simple_pos-tagset">simple_pos</a></li>
-      <li class="tab"><a href="#english-ent_type-tagset">English ent_type</a></li>
-      <li class="tab"><a href="#english-pos-tagset">English pos</a></li>
-      <li class="tab"><a href="#german-ent_type-tagset">German ent_type</a></li>
-      <li class="tab"><a href="#german-pos-tagset">German pos</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    {% include "main/manual/_10_tagsets.html.j2" %}
-  </div>
-<div class="modal" id="concordance-query-builder">
-  <div class="modal-content">
-    <div>
-      <nav>
-        <div class="nav-wrapper" id="query-builder-nav">
-          <a href="#!" class="brand-logo"><i class="material-icons">build</i>Query Builder</a>
-          <i class="material-icons close right" id="close-query-builder">close</i>
-          <a class="modal-trigger" href="#query-builder-tutorial-modal" >
-            <i class="material-icons right tooltipped" id="query-builder-tutorial-info-icon" data-position="bottom" data-tooltip="Click here if you are unsure how to use the Query Builder <br>and want to find out what other options it offers.">help</i>
-          </a>
-        </div>
-      </nav>
-    </div>
-    <p></p>
-    <div id="query-container" class="hide">
-      <div class="row">
-        <h6 class="col s2">Your Query:
-          <a class="modal-trigger" href="#query-builder-tutorial-modal">
-          <i class="material-icons left" id="general-options-query-builder-tutorial-info-icon">help_outline</i></a>
-        </h6>
-      </div>
-      <div class="row">
-        <div class="col s10" id="your-query" data-position="bottom" data-tooltip="You can edit your query by deleting individual elements or moving them via drag and drop."></div>
-        <a class="btn-small waves-effect waves-teal col s1" id="insert-query-button">
-          <i class="material-icons">send</i>
-        </a>
-      </div>
-      <p><i> Preview:</i></p>
-      <p id="query-preview"></p>
-      <br>
-    </div>
-    <h6>Use the following options to build your query. If you need help, click on the question mark in the upper right corner!</h6>
-    <p></p>
-    <a class="btn-large waves-effect waves-light tooltipped" id="positional-attr-button" data-position="bottom" data-tooltip="Search for any token, for example a word, a lemma or a part-of-speech tag">Add new token to your query</a>
-    <a class="btn-large waves-effect waves-light tooltipped" id="structural-attr-button" data-position="bottom" data-tooltip="Structure your query with structural attributes, for example sentences, entities or annotate the text">Add structural attributes to your query</a>
-    <div id="structural-attr" class="hide">
-      <p></p>
-      <h6>Which structural attribute do you want to add to your query?<a class="modal-trigger" href="#query-builder-tutorial-modal"><i class="material-icons left" id="add-structural-attribute-tutorial-info-icon">help_outline</i></a></h6>
-      <p></p>
-      <div class="row">
-        <div class="col s12">
-          <a class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" id="sentence">sentence</a>
-          <a class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" id="entity">entity</a>
-          <a class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" id="text-annotation">Meta Data</a>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div id="entity-builder" class="hide">
-        <p></p>
-        <br>
-        <div class="row">
-          <a class="btn waves-effect waves-light col s4" id="empty-entity">Add Entity of any type</a>
-          <p class="col s1 l1"></p>
-          <div class= "input-field col s3">
-              <select name="englishenttype" id="english-ent-type">
-                <option value="" disabled selected>English ent_type</option>
-                <option value="CARDINAL">CARDINAL</option>
-                <option value="DATE">DATE</option>
-                <option value="EVENT">EVENT</option>
-                <option value="FAC">FAC</option>
-                <option value="GPE">GPE</option>
-                <option value="LANGUAGE">LANGUAGE</option>
-                <option value="LAW">LAW</option>
-                <option value="LOC">LOC</option>
-                <option value="MONEY">MONEY</option>
-                <option value="NORP">NORP</option>
-                <option value="ORDINAL">ORDINAL</option>
-                <option value="ORG">ORG</option>
-                <option value="PERCENT">PERCENT</option>
-                <option value="PERSON">PERSON</option>
-                <option value="PRODUCT">PRODUCT</option>
-                <option value="QUANTITY">QUANTITY</option>
-                <option value="TIME">TIME</option>
-                <option value="WORK_OF_ART">WORK_OF_ART</option>
-              </select>
-              <label>Entity Type</label>
-          </div>
-          <div class= "input-field col s3">
-              <select name="germanenttype" id="german-ent-type">
-                <option value="" disabled selected>German ent_type</option>
-                <option value="LOC">LOC</option>
-                <option value="MISC">MISC</option>
-                <option value="ORG">ORG</option>
-                <option value="PER">PER</option>
-              </select>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div id="text-annotation-builder" class="hide">
-        <p></p>
-        <br>
-        <div class="row">
-          <div class= "input-field col s4 l3">
-            <select name="text-annotation-options" id="text-annotation-options">
-              <option class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" value="address">address</option>
-              <option class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" value="author">author</option>
-              <option class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" value="booktitle">booktitle</option>
-              <option class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" value="chapter">chapter</option>
-              <option class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" value="editor">editor</option>
-              <option class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" value="institution">institution</option>
-              <option class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" value="journal">journal</option>
-              <option class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" value="pages">pages</option>
-              <option class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" value="publisher">publisher</option>
-              <option class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" value="publishing_year">publishing year</option>
-              <option class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" value="school">school</option>
-              <option class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light" value="title">title</option>
-            </select>
-            <label>Meta data</label>
-          </div>
-          <div class= "input-field col s7 l5">
-            <i class="material-icons prefix">mode_edit</i>
-            <input placeholder="Type in your text annotation" type="text" id="text-annotation-input">
-          </div>
-          <div class="col s1 l1 center-align">
-            <p class="btn-floating waves-effect waves-light" id="text-annotation-submit">
-              <i class="material-icons right">send</i>
-            </p>
-          </div>
-          <div class="hide" id="no-value-metadata-message"><i>No value entered!</i></div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-    <div id="positional-attr" class="hide">
-      <p></p>
-      <div class="row" id="token-kind-selector">
-        <div class="col s5">
-          <h6>Which kind of token are you looking for? <a class="modal-trigger" href="#query-builder-tutorial-modal"><i class="material-icons left" id="token-tutorial-info-icon">help_outline</i></a></h6>
-        </div>
-        <div class="input-field col s3">
-          <select id="token-attr">
-            <option value="word" selected>word</option>
-            <option value="lemma">lemma</option>
-            <option value="english-pos">english pos</option>
-            <option value="german-pos">german pos</option>
-            <option value="simple-pos-button">simple_pos</option>
-            <option value="empty-token">empty token</option>
-          </select>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <p></p>
-      <div id="token-builder-content">
-        <div class="row" >
-          <div id="token-query"></div>
-          <div id="word-builder">
-              <div class= "input-field col s3 l4">
-                <i class="material-icons prefix">mode_edit</i>
-                <input placeholder="Type in your word" type="text" id="word-input">
-              </div>
-          </div>
-          <div id="lemma-builder" class="hide" >
-              <div class= "input-field col s3 l4">
-                <i class="material-icons prefix">mode_edit</i>
-                <input placeholder="Type in your lemma" type="text" id="lemma-input">
-              </div>
-          </div>
-          <div id="english-pos-builder" class="hide">
-            <div class="col s6 m4 l4">
-              <div class="row">
-                <div class= "input-field col s12">
-                  <select name="englishpos" id="english-pos">
-                    <option value="default" disabled selected>English pos tagset</option>
-                    <option value="ADD">email</option>
-                    <option value="AFX">affix</option>
-                    <option value="CC">conjunction, coordinating</option>
-                    <option value="CD">cardinal number</option>
-                    <option value="DT">determiner</option>
-                    <option value="EX">existential there</option>
-                    <option value="FW">foreign word</option>
-                    <option value="HYPH">punctuation mark, hyphen</option>
-                    <option value="IN">conjunction, subordinating or preposition</option>
-                    <option value="JJ">adjective</option>
-                    <option value="JJR">adjective, comparative</option>
-                    <option value="JJS">adjective, superlative</option>
-                  </select>
-                  <label>Part-of-speech tags</label>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-          <div id="german-pos-builder" class="hide">
-            <div class="col s6 m4 l4">
-              <div class="row">
-                <div class= "input-field col s12">
-                  <select name="germanpos" id="german-pos">
-                    <option value="default" disabled selected>German pos tagset</option>
-                    <option value="ADJA">adjective, attributive</option>
-                    <option value="ADJD">adjective, adverbial or predicative</option>
-                    <option value="ADV">adverb</option>
-                    <option value="APPO">postposition</option>
-                    <option value="APPR">preposition; circumposition left</option>
-                    <option value="APPRART">preposition with article</option>
-                    <option value="APZR">circumposition right</option>
-                    <option value="ART">definite or indefinite article</option>
-                  </select>
-                  <label>Part-of-speech tags</label>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-          <div id="simplepos-builder" class="hide">
-            <div class="col s6 m4 l4">
-              <div class="row">
-                <div class= "input-field col s12">
-                  <select name="simplepos" id="simple-pos">
-                    <option value="default" disabled selected>simple_pos tagset</option>
-                    <option value="ADJ">adjective</option>
-                    <option value="ADP">adposition</option>
-                    <option value="ADV">adverb</option>
-                    <option value="AUX">auxiliary verb</option>
-                    <option value="CONJ">coordinating conjunction</option>
-                    <option value="DET">determiner</option>
-                    <option value="INTJ">interjection</option>
-                    <option value="NOUN">noun</option>
-                    <option value="NUM">numeral</option>
-                    <option value="PART">particle</option>
-                    <option value="PRON">pronoun</option>
-                    <option value="PROPN">proper noun</option>
-                    <option value="PUNCT">punctuation</option>
-                    <option value="SCONJ">subordinating conjunction</option>
-                    <option value="SYM">symbol</option>
-                    <option value="VERB">verb</option>
-                    <option value="X">other</option>
-                  </select>
-                  <label>Simple part-of-speech tags</label>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-          <div class="col s1 l1 center-align">
-              <p class="btn-floating waves-effect waves-light" id="token-submit">
-                <i class="material-icons right">send</i>
-              </p>
-          </div>
-          <div class="hide" id="no-value-message"><i>No value entered!</i></div>
-        </div>
-        <div id="token-edit-options">
-          <div class="row">
-            <h6>Options to edit your token: <a class="modal-trigger" href="#query-builder-tutorial-modal"><i class="material-icons left" id="edit-options-tutorial-info-icon">help_outline</i></a></h6>
-          </div>
-          <p></p>
-          <div class="row">
-            <div id="input-options" class="col s5 m5 l5 xl4">
-                <a id="wildcard-char" class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light tooltipped" data-position="top" data-tooltip="Look for a variable character (also called wildcard character)">Wildcard character</a>
-                <a id="option-group" class="btn-small waves-effect waves-light tooltipped" data-position="top" data-tooltip="Find character sequences from a list of options">Option Group</a>
-            </div>
-            <div class="col s3 m3 l3 xl3" id="incidence-modifiers-button">
-              <a class="dropdown-trigger btn-small  waves-effect waves-light" href="#" data-target="incidence-modifiers" data-position="top" data-tooltip="Incidence Modifiers are special characters or patterns, <br>which determine how often a character represented previously should occur.">incidence modifiers</a>
-            </div>
-            <ul id="incidence-modifiers" class="dropdown-content">
-              <li><a id="one-or-more" data-token="+" class="tooltipped" data-position ="top" data-tooltip="...occurrences of the character/token before">one or more (+)</a></li>
-              <li><a id="zero-or-more" data-token="*" class="tooltipped" data-position ="top" data-tooltip="...occurrences of the character/token before">zero or more (*)</a></li>
-              <li><a id="zero-or-one" data-token="?" class="tooltipped" data-position ="top" data-tooltip="...occurrences of the character/token before">zero or one (?)</a></li>
-              <li><a id="exactly-n" class="modal-trigger tooltipped" href="#exactlyN" data-token="{n}" class="" data-position ="top" data-tooltip="...occurrences of the character/token before">exactly n ({n})</a></li>
-              <li><a id="between-n-m" class="modal-trigger tooltipped" href="#betweenNM" data-token="{n,m}" class="" data-position ="top" data-tooltip="...occurrences of the character/token before">between n and m ({n,m})</a></li>
-            </ul>
-            <div id="ignore-case-checkbox" class="col s2 m2 l2 xl2">
-              <p id="ignore-case">
-                  <label>
-                    <input type="checkbox" class="filled-in" />
-                    <span>Ignore Case</span>
-                  </label>
-              </p>
-            </div>
-            <div class="col s2 m2 l2 xl2" id="condition-container">
-              <a class="btn-small tooltipped waves-effect waves-light" id="or" data-position="bottom" data-tooltip="You can add another condition to your token. <br>At least one must be fulfilled">or</a>
-              <a class="btn-small tooltipped waves-effect waves-light" id="and" data-position="bottom" data-tooltip="You can add another condition to your token. <br>Both must be fulfilled">and</a>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div id="exactlyN" class="modal">
-          <div class="row modal-content">
-            <div class="input-field col s10">
-                <i class="material-icons prefix">mode_edit</i>
-                <input placeholder="type in a number for 'n'" type="text" id="n-input">
-            </div>
-            <div class="col s2">
-              <p class="btn-floating waves-effect waves-light" id="n-submit">
-                <i class="material-icons right">send</i>
-              </p>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-      </div>
-      <div id="betweenNM" class="modal">
-          <div class="row modal-content">
-            <div class= "input-field col s5">
-                <i class="material-icons prefix">mode_edit</i>
-                <input placeholder="number for 'n'" type="text" id="n-m-input">
-            </div>
-            <div class= "input-field col s5">
-                <i class="material-icons prefix">mode_edit</i>
-                <input placeholder="number for 'm'" type="text" id="m-input">
-            </div>
-            <div class="col s2">
-              <p class="btn-floating waves-effect waves-light" id="n-m-submit">
-                <i class="material-icons right">send</i>
-              </p>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-<div class="modal modal-fixed-footer" id="query-builder-tutorial-modal">
-  <div class="modal-content" >
-    <div id="query-builder-tutorial-start"></div>
-    <ul class="tabs">
-      <li class="tab"><a class="active" href="#query-builder-tutorial">Query Builder Tutorial</a></li>
-      {# <li class="tab"><a href="#qb-examples">Examples</a></li> #}
-      <li class="tab"><a href="#cql-cb-tutorial">Corpus Query Language Tutorial</a></li>
-      <li class="tab"><a href="#tagsets-cb-tutorial">Tagsets</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    <div id="query-builder-tutorial">
-      {% include "main/manual/_09_query_builder.html.j2" %}
-    </div>
-    {# <div id="qb-examples"></div> #}
-    <div id ="cql-cb-tutorial">
-      {% with headline_num=4 %}
-        {% include "main/manual/_08_cqp_query_language.html.j2" %}
-      {% endwith %}
-    </div>
-    <div id="tagsets-cb-tutorial">
-      <h4>Tagsets</h4>
-      {% include "main/manual/_10_tagsets.html.j2" %}
-    </div>
-    <div class="fixed-action-btn">
-      <a class="btn-floating btn-large teal" id="scroll-up-button-query-builder-tutorial" href='#query-builder-tutorial-start'>
-        <i class="large material-icons">arrow_upward</i>
-      </a>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-{% endblock modals %}
-{% block scripts %}
-{{ super() }}
-const concordanceQueryBuilder = new ConcordanceQueryBuilder()
-{% endblock scripts %}
diff --git a/app/test/__init__.py b/app/test/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 047d8dfccbfa55143c660eeb497250b36c27c6d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/test/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-from flask import Blueprint
-bp = Blueprint('test', __name__)
-from . import routes
diff --git a/app/test/routes.py b/app/test/routes.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fe424fa018dd3e6a7dee23a604da85f6bf85782..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/app/test/routes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-from flask import render_template
-from flask_login import login_required
-from app.models import Corpus, CorpusFile, CorpusStatus
-from . import bp
-import os
-def test():
-    return render_template('test/analyse_corpus.html.j2', title="Test")
diff --git a/migrations/versions/5b2a6e590166_.py b/migrations/versions/5b2a6e590166_.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1497f38478e0d35f9cae71d414e18248ed2938ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/versions/5b2a6e590166_.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+"""Add is_public and profile_privacy_settings columns to users table
+Revision ID: 5b2a6e590166
+Revises: ef6a275f8079
+Create Date: 2022-12-12 12:39:09.339847
+from alembic import op
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision = '5b2a6e590166'
+down_revision = 'ef6a275f8079'
+branch_labels = None
+depends_on = None
+def upgrade():
+    op.add_column(
+        'users',
+        sa.Column('is_public', sa.Boolean(), nullable=True)
+    )
+    op.add_column(
+        'users',
+        sa.Column('profile_privacy_settings', sa.Integer(), nullable=True)
+    )
+    op.execute('UPDATE users SET is_public = false;')
+    op.execute('UPDATE users SET profile_privacy_settings = 0;')
+def downgrade():
+    op.drop_column('users', 'is_public')
+    op.drop_column('users', 'profile_privacy_settings')