diff --git a/mu_map/vis/alignment.py b/mu_map/vis/alignment.py
index 7cdebefe6c34ff99c0692a6433ad1e38501f2871..473b1de5f46a8b6af44990d8ce0b92d011dc8baf 100644
--- a/mu_map/vis/alignment.py
+++ b/mu_map/vis/alignment.py
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+Visualize different forms of alignment of images with a varying
+numbers of slices.
 import argparse
 import math
 import os
diff --git a/mu_map/vis/hist2d.py b/mu_map/vis/hist2d.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dc65d28a490a48d028e4e5494944c4aa0aaf6e5c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/mu_map/vis/hist2d.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import cv2 as cv
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import numpy as np
-import pydicom
-from mu_map.dataset.util import align_images
-from mu_map.file.dicom import load_dcm_img
-from mu_map.util import to_grayscale
-mu_map = load_dcm_img("./data/second/images/0085-stress-mu_map.dcm")
-# mu_map_syn = load_dcm_img("./tmp/0085-stress-mu_map-dl.dcm")
-mu_map_syn = load_dcm_img("./data/second/images/0084-stress-mu_map.dcm")
-mu_map, mu_map_syn = align_images(mu_map, mu_map_syn)
-_max = max(mu_map.max(), mu_map_syn.max())
-_mu_map = to_grayscale(mu_map[mu_map.shape[0] // 2], max_val=_max, min_val=0)
-_mu_map_syn = to_grayscale(mu_map_syn[mu_map_syn.shape[0] // 2], max_val=_max, min_val=0)
-_mu_map = cv.resize(_mu_map, (512, 512))
-_mu_map_syn = cv.resize(_mu_map_syn, (512, 512))
-s = np.full((512, 10), 239, np.uint8)
-# cv.imshow("Test", np.hstack((_mu_map, s, _mu_map_syn)))
-# cv.waitKey(0)
-fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
-for ax in axs:
-    ax.set_xlabel(r"μ-Map CT (cm$^{-1}$)")
-    ax.set_ylabel(r"μ-Map DL (cm$^{-1}$)")
-hist, _, _, _ = axs[0].hist2d(mu_map.flatten(), mu_map_syn.flatten(), bins=[100, 100], range=((0.0, 0.2), (0.0, 0.2)))
-hist[0, 0] = 0
-axs[1].imshow(hist, origin="lower")
diff --git a/mu_map/vis/loss_curve.py b/mu_map/vis/loss_curve.py
index b0ae6c71e326e05d24ff09f7104941686e9d3cc4..b6e839e12377c1a61b21a372084c29aaf8dbd4e1 100644
--- a/mu_map/vis/loss_curve.py
+++ b/mu_map/vis/loss_curve.py
@@ -1,16 +1,37 @@
+Visualize a loss curve from logs of a training.
 import argparse
+from typing import List
+import matplotlib as mlp
 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 import numpy as np
-from mu_map.logging import parse_file
+from mu_map.logging import parse_file, LogLine
 # https://colorbrewer2.org/#type=diverging&scheme=RdBu&n=3lk
 COLORS = ["#ef8a62", "#67a9cf"]
-def parse_loss(logs, loss_type):
+def parse_loss(logs: List[LogLine], loss_type: str) -> np.ndarray:
+    """
+    Parse losses from a list of log lines.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    logs: list of LogLine
+        the logs to be parsed
+    loss_type: str
+        identifier of the loss (e.g., "train" or "validation")
+    Returns
+    -------
+    np.ndarray
+        array with the shape (2, n) where n is the number of losses,
+        the first index is either the epoch or the loss
+    """
     _logs = map(lambda logline: logline.message, logs)
     _logs = filter(lambda log: loss_type in log, _logs)
     _logs = filter(lambda log: "Loss" in log, _logs)
@@ -29,7 +50,35 @@ def parse_loss(logs, loss_type):
     return np.array(list(epochs)), np.array(list(losses))
-def plot_loss(logfile, loss_types, ax, normalize=False, from_epoch=0, to_epoch=None, start_idx_message=3):
+def plot_loss(
+    logfile: str,
+    loss_types: List[str],
+    ax: mpl.axes.Axes,
+    normalize: bool = False,
+    from_epoch: int = 0,
+    to_epoch: int = None,
+    start_idx_message: int = 3,
+    """
+    Plot a loss curve from a log file.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    logfile: str
+        the log file
+    loss_types: list of str
+        the names of the losses to plot (e.g. "train", "validation")
+    ax: mlp.axes.Axes
+        the axes to plot on
+    normalize: bool, optional
+        if the losses should be normalized to [0, 1]
+    from_epoch: int, optional
+        set the starting epoch of the plot
+    to_epoch: int, optional
+        the epoch at which the plot ends
+    start_idx_message: int, optional
+        see `mu_map.logging.parse_file`
+    """
     logs = parse_file(logfile, start_idx_message=start_idx_message)
     logs = list(filter(lambda logline: logline.loglevel == "INFO", logs))
diff --git a/mu_map/vis/slices.py b/mu_map/vis/slices.py
index 73d02fc3eec6c3c4bbe621e6588b700ba3bdaab0..75f05027201eb5ab3a13cca1ebf51da639959b26 100644
--- a/mu_map/vis/slices.py
+++ b/mu_map/vis/slices.py
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+Visualize 3D images slice by slice.
+Multiple images can be visualized side by side.
 from typing import List, Optional
 import numpy as np