import json from typing import Dict, List import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from mu_map.dataset.util import align_images DEFAULT_BED_CONTOURS_FILENAME = "bed_contours.json" def load_contours(filename: str, as_ndarry: bool = True) -> Dict[int, np.ndarray]: """ Load contours from a json file. The structure of the file is a dict where the key is the id of the according image and the value is a numpy array of the contour. :param filename: filename of a json file containing contours :param as_ndarry: directly parse contours as numpy arrays :return: a dict mapping ids to contours """ with open(filename, mode="r") as f: contours = json.load(f) if not as_ndarry: return contours _map = map( lambda item: (int(item[0]), np.array(item[1]).astype(int)), contours.items() ) return dict(_map) def remove_bed(mu_map: np.ndarray, bed_contour: np.ndarray): """ Remove the bed defined by a contour from all slices. :param mu_map: the mu_map from which the bed is removed. :param bed_contour: the contour describing where the bed is found :return: the mu_map with the bed removed """ _mu_map = mu_map.copy() for i in range(_mu_map.shape[0]): mu_map[i] = cv.drawContours(_mu_map[i], [bed_contour], -1, 0.0, -1) return _mu_map def add_bed(without_bed: np.ndarray, with_bed: np.ndarray, bed_contour: np.ndarray): """ Add the bed to every slice of a mu_map. :param without_bed: the mu_map without the bed :param with_bed: the mu_map with the bed :param bed_contour: the contour defining the location of the bed :return: the mu_map with the bed added """ with_bed, without_bed = align_images(with_bed, without_bed) for _slice in range(with_bed.shape[0]): with_bed_i = with_bed[_slice] without_bed_i = without_bed[_slice] cnt_img = np.zeros(without_bed_i.shape, dtype=np.uint8) cnt_img = cv.drawContours(cnt_img, [bed_contour], -1, 255, -1) without_bed[_slice] = np.where(cnt_img > 0, with_bed_i, without_bed_i) return without_bed if __name__ == "__main__": def scale_points(points: List[List[int]], scale: float): """ Utility function to scale all points in a list of points. """ for i in range(len(points)): for j in range(len(points[i])): points[i][j] = round(points[i][j] * scale) import argparse from enum import Enum import os from import headers from mu_map.dataset.default import MuMapDataset from mu_map.util import to_grayscale, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="draw and save contours to exclude the bed from mu maps", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "dataset_dir", type=str, help="the directory containing the dataset" ) parser.add_argument( "--revise_ids", type=int, nargs="*", help="only revise the contour of an image withe a specified index", ) parser.add_argument( "--output_file", type=str, default=DEFAULT_BED_CONTOURS_FILENAME, help="default file in dataset dir where the drawn contours are stored", ) args = parser.parse_args() args.output_file = os.path.join(args.dataset_dir, args.output_file) controls = """ Controls: Left click to add points to the current contour. q: exit d: delete last point c: delete all points f: forward (next slice) b: backward (previous slice) n: save contour and go to the next image v: change the visual mode between drawing contours and hiding the are within """ print(controls) print() # set bed contours file to None so that existing contours are not used dataset = MuMapDataset(args.dataset_dir, bed_contours_file=None) if os.path.isfile(args.output_file): try: bed_contours = load_contours(args.output_file, as_ndarry=False) except: print(f"JSON file {args.output_file} is corrupted! Create a new one.") bed_contours = {} with open(args.output_file, mode="w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(bed_contours, sort_keys=True)) else: bed_contours = {} class VisualMode(Enum): DRAW_CONTOURS = 1 HIDE_BED = 2 # save the points of the contour in a list and defined a mouse callback points = [] def mouse_callback(event, x, y, flags, param): if event == cv.EVENT_LBUTTONUP: points.append([x, y]) # create a window for display window_name = "Bed Removal" window_size = 1024 cv.namedWindow(window_name, cv.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv.resizeWindow(window_name, window_size, window_size) cv.setMouseCallback(window_name, mouse_callback) ids = list(dataset.table[]) if args.revise_ids: ids = args.revise_ids for _i, _id in enumerate(ids): _, mu_map = dataset.get_item_by_id(_id) if str(_id) in bed_contours and not args.revise_ids: print(f"Skip {_id} because file already contains these contours") continue if args.revise_ids and str(_id) in bed_contours: points.extend(bed_contours[str(_id)].copy()) print( f"Image {str(_i + 1):>{len(str(len(ids)))}}/{len(ids)}, ID: {_id:>{len(str(max(ids)))}}", end="\r", ) # select the center slice for display (the bed location is constant over all slices) mu_map = mu_map.squeeze().numpy() _slice = 0 scale = window_size / mu_map.shape[1] scale_points(points, scale) # set initial visual mode visual_mode = VisualMode.DRAW_CONTOURS while True: # compute image to display to_show = mu_map[_slice] to_show = to_grayscale(to_show, min_val=mu_map.min(), max_val=mu_map.max()) to_show = cv.resize(to_show, (window_size, window_size)) if visual_mode == VisualMode.DRAW_CONTOURS: # draw lines between all points for p1, p2 in zip(points[:-1], points[1:]): to_show = cv.line(to_show, p1, p2, color=COLOR_WHITE, thickness=2) # close the contour if len(points) > 0: to_show = cv.line( to_show, points[0], points[-1], color=COLOR_WHITE, thickness=2 ) # draw all points as circles for point in points: to_show = to_show, point, radius=4, color=COLOR_BLACK, thickness=-1 ) to_show = to_show, point, radius=4, color=COLOR_WHITE, thickness=1 ) else: # eliminate area inside the contour _points = np.array(points).astype(int) to_show = cv.drawContours( to_show, [_points], -1, COLOR_BLACK, thickness=-1 ) # visualize image and handle inputs cv.imshow(window_name, to_show) key = cv.waitKey(100) if key == ord("q"): # write current contours to output file if len(points) > 0: scale_points(points, 1.0 / scale) bed_contours[str(_id)] = points.copy() with open(args.output_file, mode="w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(bed_contours, sort_keys=True)) exit(0) elif key == ord("d"): points = points[:-1] elif key == ord("c"): points.clear() elif key == ord("n"): break elif key == ord("f"): _slice = (_slice + 1) % mu_map.shape[0] elif key == ord("b"): _slice = (_slice - 1) % mu_map.shape[0] elif key == ord("v"): visual_mode = ( VisualMode.DRAW_CONTOURS if visual_mode == VisualMode.HIDE_BED else VisualMode.HIDE_BED ) # save current contour in dict scale_points(points, 1.0 / scale) bed_contours[str(_id)] = points.copy() points.clear() # write contours to output file with open(args.output_file, mode="w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(bed_contours, sort_keys=True))