import numpy as np def mse(prediction: np.array, target: np.array): se = (prediction - target) ** 2 mse = se.sum() / se.size return mse def nmae(prediction: np.array, target: np.array): mae = np.absolute(prediction - target) / prediction.size nmae = mae.sum() / (target.max() - target.min()) return nmae if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse import pandas as pd import torch from mu_map.dataset.default import MuMapDataset from mu_map.dataset.normalization import norm_by_str, norm_choices from mu_map.dataset.transform import SequenceTransform, PadCropTranform from mu_map.models.unet import UNet parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Compute, print and store measures for a given model", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "--device", type=str, default="cpu", choices=["cpu", "cuda"], help="the device on which the model is evaluated (cpu or cuda)", ) parser.add_argument( "--weights", type=str, required=True, help="the model weights which should be scored", ) parser.add_argument("--out", type=str, help="write results as a csv file") parser.add_argument( "--dataset_dir", type=str, default="data/initial/", help="directory where the dataset is found", ) parser.add_argument( "--split", type=str, default="validation", choices=["train", "test", "validation", "all"], help="the split of the dataset to be processed", ) parser.add_argument( "--norm", type=str, choices=["none", *norm_choices], default="mean", help="type of normalization applied to the reconstructions", ) parser.add_argument( "--size", type=int, default=32, help="pad/crop the third tensor dimension to this value", ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.split == "all": args.split = None torch.set_grad_enabled(False) device = torch.device(args.device) model = UNet() model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.weights, map_location=device)) model = transform_normalization = SequenceTransform( transforms=[ norm_by_str(args.norm), PadCropTranform(dim=3, size=args.size), ] ) dataset = MuMapDataset( "data/initial/", transform_normalization=transform_normalization, split_name=args.split, ) measures = {"NMAE": nmae, "MSE": mse} values = pd.Dataframe(map(lambda x: (x, []), measures.keys())) for i, (recon, mu_map) in enumerate(dataset): print( f"Process input {str(i):>{len(str(len(dataset)))}}/{len(dataset)}", end="\r" ) prediction = model(recon.unsqueeze(dim=0).to(device)) prediction = prediction.squeeze().cpu().numpy() mu_map = mu_map.squeeze().cpu().numpy() row = dict( map(lambda item: (item[0], item[1](prediction, mu_map)), measures.items) ) values = values.append(row, ignore_index=True) print(f" " * 100, end="\r") print("Scores:") for measure_name, measure_values in values.items(): mean = measure_values.mean() std = np.std(measure_values) print(f" - {measure_name:>6}: {mean:.6f}±{std:.6f}")