import argparse from datetime import datetime, timedelta from enum import Enum import os from typing import List, Dict import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pydicom from mu_map.logging import add_logging_args, get_logger_by_args class MyocardialProtocol(Enum): Stress = 1 Rest = 2 headers = argparse.Namespace() = "id" headers.patient_id = "patient_id" headers.age = "age" headers.weight = "weight" headers.size = "size" headers.protocol = "protocol" headers.datetime_acquisition = "datetime_acquisition" headers.datetime_reconstruction = "datetime_reconstruction" headers.pixel_spacing_x = "pixel_spacing_x" headers.pixel_spacing_y = "pixel_spacing_y" headers.pixel_spacing_z = "pixel_spacing_z" headers.shape_x = "shape_x" headers.shape_y = "shape_y" headers.shape_z = "shape_z" headers.radiopharmaceutical = "radiopharmaceutical" headers.radionuclide_dose = "radionuclide_dose" headers.radionuclide_code = "radionuclide_code" headers.radionuclide_meaning = "radionuclide_meaning" headers.energy_window_peak_lower = "energy_window_peak_lower" headers.energy_window_peak_upper = "energy_window_peak_upper" headers.energy_window_scatter_lower = "energy_window_scatter_lower" headers.energy_window_scatter_upper = "energy_window_scatter_upper" headers.detector_count = "detector_count" headers.collimator_type = "collimator_type" headers.rotation_start = "rotation_start" headers.rotation_step = "rotation_step" headers.rotation_scan_arc = "rotation_scan_arc" headers.file_recon_ac = "file_recon_ac" headers.file_recon_no_ac = "file_recon_no_ac" headers.file_mu_map = "file_mu_map" def parse_series_time(dicom_image: pydicom.dataset.FileDataset) -> datetime: """ Parse the date and time of a DICOM series object into a datetime object. :param dicom_image: the dicom file to parse the series date and time from :return: an according python datetime object. """ _date = dicom_image.SeriesDate _time = dicom_image.SeriesTime return datetime( year=int(_date[0:4]), month=int(_date[4:6]), day=int(_date[6:8]), hour=int(_time[0:2]), minute=int(_time[2:4]), second=int(_time[4:6]), microsecond=int(_time.split(".")[1]), ) def parse_age(patient_age: str) -> int: """ Parse and age string as defined in the DICOM standard into an integer representing the age in years. :param patient_age: age string as defined in the DICOM standard :return: the age in years as a number """ assert ( type(patient_age) == str ), f"patient age needs to be a string and not {type(patient_age)}" assert ( len(patient_age) == 4 ), f"patient age [{patient_age}] has to be four characters long" _num, _format = patient_age[:3], patient_age[3] assert ( _format == "Y" ), f"currently, only patient ages in years [Y] is supported, not [{_format}]" return int(_num) def get_projection( dicom_images: List[pydicom.dataset.FileDataset], protocol: MyocardialProtocol ) -> pydicom.dataset.FileDataset: """ Extract the SPECT projection from a list of DICOM images belonging to a myocardial scintigraphy study given a study protocol. :param dicom_images: list of DICOM images of a study :param protocol: the protocol for which the projection images should be extracted :return: the extracted DICOM image """ _filter = filter(lambda image: "TOMO" in image.ImageType, dicom_images) _filter = filter(lambda image: in image.SeriesDescription, _filter) dicom_images = list(_filter) if len(dicom_images) != 1: raise ValueError( f"No or multiple projections {len(dicom_images)} for protocol {} available" ) return dicom_images[0] def get_reconstruction( dicom_images: List[pydicom.dataset.FileDataset], protocol: MyocardialProtocol, corrected: bool = True, ) -> pydicom.dataset.FileDataset: """ Extract a SPECT reconstruction from a list of DICOM images belonging to a myocardial scintigraphy study given a study protocol. The corrected flag can be used to either extract an attenuation corrected or a non-attenuation corrected image. If there are multiple images, they are sorted by acquisition date and the newest is returned. :param dicom_images: list of DICOM images of a study :param protocol: the protocol for which the projection images should be extracted :param corrected: extract an attenuation or non-attenuation corrected image :return: the extracted DICOM image """ _filter = filter(lambda image: "RECON TOMO" in image.ImageType, dicom_images) _filter = filter( lambda image: in image.SeriesDescription, dicom_images ) if corrected: _filter = filter( lambda image: "AC" in image.SeriesDescription and "NoAC" not in image.SeriesDescription, dicom_images, ) else: _filter = filter(lambda image: "NoAC" in image.SeriesDescription, dicom_images) # for SPECT reconstructions created in clinical studies this value exists and is set to 'APEX_TO_BASE' # for the reconstructions with attenuation maps it does not exist _filter = filter( lambda image: not hasattr(image, "SliceProgressionDirection"), dicom_images ) dicom_images = list(_filter) dicom_images.sort(key=lambda image: parse_series_time(image), reverse=True) if len(dicom_images) == 0: _str = "AC" if corrected else "NoAC" raise ValueError( f"{_str} Reconstruction for protocol {} is not available" ) return dicom_images[0] def get_attenuation_map( dicom_images: List[pydicom.dataset.FileDataset], protocol: MyocardialProtocol ) -> pydicom.dataset.FileDataset: """ Extract an attenuation map from a list of DICOM images belonging to a myocardial scintigraphy study given a study protocol. If there are multiple attenuation maps, they are sorted by acquisition date and the newest is returned. :param dicom_images: list of DICOM images of a study :param protocol: the protocol for which the projection images should be extracted :return: the extracted DICOM image """ _filter = filter(lambda image: "RECON TOMO" in image.ImageType, dicom_images) _filter = filter( lambda image: in image.SeriesDescription, dicom_images ) _filter = filter(lambda image: "ยต-map" in image.SeriesDescription, dicom_images) dicom_images = list(_filter) dicom_images.sort(key=lambda image: parse_series_time(image), reverse=True) if len(dicom_images) == 0: raise ValueError( f"Attenuation map for protocol {} is not available" ) return dicom_images[0] if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Prepare a dataset from DICOM directories", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "dicom_dirs", type=str, nargs="+", help="paths to DICOMDIR files or directories containing one of them", ) parser.add_argument( "--dataset_dir", type=str, required=True, help="directory where images, meta-information and the logs are stored", ) parser.add_argument( "--images_dir", type=str, default="images", help="sub-directory of --dataset_dir where images are stored", ) parser.add_argument( "--meta_csv", type=str, default="meta.csv", help="CSV file under --dataset_dir where meta-information is stored", ) parser.add_argument( "--prefix_projection", type=str, default="projection", help="prefix used to store DICOM images of projections - format <id>-<protocol>-<prefix>.dcm", ) parser.add_argument( "--prefix_mu_map", type=str, default="mu_map", help="prefix used to store DICOM images of attenuation maps - format <id>-<protocol>-<prefix>.dcm", ) parser.add_argument( "--prefix_recon_ac", type=str, default="recon_ac", help="prefix used to store DICOM images of reconstructions with attenuation correction - format <id>-<protocol>-<prefix>.dcm", ) parser.add_argument( "--prefix_recon_no_ac", type=str, default="recon_no_ac", help="prefix used to store DICOM images of reconstructions without attenuation correction - format <id>-<protocol>-<prefix>.dcm", ) add_logging_args( parser, defaults={"--logfile": "prepare.log", "--loglevel": "DEBUG"} ) args = parser.parse_args() args.dicom_dirs = [ (os.path.dirname(_file) if os.path.isfile(_file) else _file) for _file in args.dicom_dirs ] args.images_dir = os.path.join(args.dataset_dir, args.images_dir) args.meta_csv = os.path.join(args.dataset_dir, args.meta_csv) args.logfile = os.path.join(args.dataset_dir, args.logfile) if not os.path.exists(args.dataset_dir): os.mkdir(args.dataset_dir) if not os.path.exists(args.images_dir): os.mkdir(args.images_dir) global logger logger = get_logger_by_args(args) patients = [] dicom_dir_by_patient: Dict[str, str] = {} for dicom_dir in args.dicom_dirs: dataset = pydicom.dcmread(os.path.join(dicom_dir, "DICOMDIR")) for patient in dataset.patient_records: assert ( patient.PatientID not in dicom_dir_by_patient ), f"Patient {patient.PatientID} is contained twice in the given DICOM directories ({dicom_dir} and {dicom_dir_by_patient[patient.PatientID]})" dicom_dir_by_patient[patient.PatientID] = dicom_dir patients.append(patient) _id = 1 if os.path.exists(args.meta_csv): data = pd.read_csv(args.meta_csv) _id = int(data[].max()) else: data = pd.DataFrame(dict([(key, []) for key in vars(headers).keys()])) for i, patient in enumerate(patients, start=1): logger.debug(f"Process patient {str(i):>3}/{len(patients)}:") # get all myocardial scintigraphy studies studies = list( filter( lambda child: child.DirectoryRecordType == "STUDY" and child.StudyDescription == "Myokardszintigraphie", patient.children, ) ) # extract all dicom images dicom_images = [] for study in studies: series = list( filter( lambda child: child.DirectoryRecordType == "SERIES", study.children ) ) for _series in series: images = list( filter( lambda child: child.DirectoryRecordType == "IMAGE", _series.children, ) ) # all SPECT data is stored as a single 3D array which means that it is a series with a single image # this is not the case for CTs, which are skipped here if len(images) != 1: continue images = list( map( lambda image: pydicom.dcmread( os.path.join( dicom_dir_by_patient[patient.PatientID], *image.ReferencedFileID, ), stop_before_pixels=True, ), images, ) ) if len(images) == 0: continue dicom_images.append(images[0]) for protocol in MyocardialProtocol: if ( len( data[ (data[headers.patient_id] == patient.PatientID) & (data[headers.protocol] == ] ) > 0 ): f"Skip {patient.PatientID}:{} since it is already contained in the dataset" ) continue try: projection_image = get_projection(dicom_images, protocol=protocol) recon_ac = get_reconstruction( dicom_images, protocol=protocol, corrected=True ) recon_noac = get_reconstruction( dicom_images, protocol=protocol, corrected=False ) attenuation_map = get_attenuation_map( dicom_images, protocol=protocol ) except ValueError as e:"Skip {patient.PatientID}:{} because {e}") continue recon_images = [recon_ac, recon_noac, attenuation_map] # extract date times and assert that they are equal for all reconstruction images datetimes = list(map(parse_series_time, recon_images)) _datetimes = sorted(datetimes, reverse=True) _datetimes_delta = list(map(lambda dt: _datetimes[0] - dt, _datetimes)) _equal = all( map(lambda dt: dt < timedelta(seconds=300), _datetimes_delta) ) assert ( _equal ), f"Not all dates and times of the reconstructions are equal: {datetimes}" # extract pixel spacings and assert that they are equal for all reconstruction images _map_lists = map( lambda image: [*image.PixelSpacing, image.SliceThickness], recon_images, ) _map_lists = map( lambda pixel_spacing: list(map(float, pixel_spacing)), _map_lists ) _map_ndarrays = map( lambda pixel_spacing: np.array(pixel_spacing), _map_lists ) pixel_spacings = list(_map_ndarrays) _equal = all( map( lambda pixel_spacing: ( pixel_spacing == pixel_spacings[0] ).all(), pixel_spacings, ) ) assert ( _equal ), f"Not all pixel spacings of the reconstructions are equal: {pixel_spacings}" pixel_spacing = pixel_spacings[0] # extract shapes and assert that they are equal for all reconstruction images _map_lists = map( lambda image: [image.Rows, image.Columns, image.NumberOfSlices], recon_images, ) _map_lists = map(lambda shape: list(map(int, shape)), _map_lists) _map_ndarrays = map(lambda shape: np.array(shape), _map_lists) shapes = list(_map_ndarrays) _equal = all(map(lambda shape: (shape == shapes[0]).all(), shapes)) # assert _equal, f"Not all shapes of the reconstructions are equal: {shapes}" # print(shapes) shape = shapes[0] # exctract and sort energy windows energy_windows = projection_image.EnergyWindowInformationSequence energy_windows = map( lambda ew: ew.EnergyWindowRangeSequence[0], energy_windows ) energy_windows = map( lambda ew: ( float(ew.EnergyWindowLowerLimit), float(ew.EnergyWindowUpperLimit), ), energy_windows, ) energy_windows = list(energy_windows) energy_windows.sort(key=lambda ew: ew[0], reverse=True) # re-read images with pixel-level data and save accordingly projection_image = pydicom.dcmread(projection_image.filename) recon_ac = pydicom.dcmread(recon_ac.filename) recon_noac = pydicom.dcmread(recon_noac.filename) attenuation_map = pydicom.dcmread(attenuation_map.filename) pydicom.dcmwrite( os.path.join( args.images_dir, f"{_id:04d}-{}-{args.prefix_projection}.dcm", ), projection_image, ) pydicom.dcmwrite( os.path.join( args.images_dir, f"{_id:04d}-{}-{args.prefix_recon_ac}.dcm", ), recon_ac, ) pydicom.dcmwrite( os.path.join( args.images_dir, f"{_id:04d}-{}-{args.prefix_recon_no_ac}.dcm", ), recon_noac, ) pydicom.dcmwrite( os.path.join( args.images_dir, f"{_id:04d}-{}-{args.prefix_mu_map}.dcm", ), attenuation_map, ) row = { _id, headers.patient_id: projection_image.PatientID, headers.age: parse_age(projection_image.PatientAge), headers.weight: float(projection_image.PatientWeight), headers.size: float(projection_image.PatientSize), headers.protocol:, headers.datetime_acquisition: parse_series_time(projection_image), headers.datetime_reconstruction: datetimes[0], headers.pixel_spacing_x: pixel_spacing[0], headers.pixel_spacing_y: pixel_spacing[1], headers.pixel_spacing_z: pixel_spacing[2], headers.shape_x: shape[0], headers.shape_y: shape[1], headers.shape_z: shape[2], headers.radiopharmaceutical: projection_image.RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence[ 0 ].Radiopharmaceutical, headers.radionuclide_dose: projection_image.RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence[ 0 ].RadionuclideTotalDose, headers.radionuclide_code: projection_image.RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence[ 0 ] .RadionuclideCodeSequence[0] .CodeValue, headers.radionuclide_meaning: projection_image.RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence[ 0 ] .RadionuclideCodeSequence[0] .CodeMeaning, headers.energy_window_peak_lower: energy_windows[0][0], headers.energy_window_peak_upper: energy_windows[0][1], headers.energy_window_scatter_lower: energy_windows[1][0], headers.energy_window_scatter_upper: energy_windows[1][1], headers.detector_count: len( projection_image.DetectorInformationSequence ), headers.collimator_type: projection_image.DetectorInformationSequence[ 0 ].CollimatorType, headers.rotation_start: float( projection_image.RotationInformationSequence[0].StartAngle ), headers.rotation_step: float( projection_image.RotationInformationSequence[0].AngularStep ), headers.rotation_scan_arc: float( projection_image.RotationInformationSequence[0].ScanArc ), headers.file_recon_ac: "filename_recon_ac.dcm", headers.file_recon_no_ac: "filename_recon_no_ac.dcm", headers.file_mu_map: "filanem_mu_map.dcm", } _id += 1 row = pd.DataFrame(row, index=[0]) data = pd.concat((data, row), ignore_index=True) data.to_csv(args.meta_csv, index=False)