import os from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple import tempfile import numpy as np import stir from mu_map.file.interfile import ( Interfile, parse_interfile_header_str, load_interfile, write_interfile, InterfileKeys, TEMPLATE_HEADER_IMAGE, ) from mu_map.recon.filter import GaussianFilter """ Template for a STIR OSEM reconstruction configuration. """ TEMPLATE_RECON_PARAMS = """ OSMAPOSLParameters := objective function type:= PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData Parameters:= input file := {PROJECTION} projector pair type := Matrix Projector Pair Using Matrix Parameters := Matrix type := SPECT UB Projection Matrix By Bin SPECT UB Parameters:= ; width of PSF maximum number of sigmas:= 2.0 ;PSF type of correction { 2D // 3D // Geometrical } psf type:= Geometrical ; next 2 parameters define the PSF. They are ignored if psf_type is "Geometrical" ; These values are mostly dependent on your collimator. ; the PSF is modelled as a Gaussian with sigma dependent on the distance from the collimator ; sigma_at_depth = collimator_slope * depth_in_cm + collimator sigma 0(cm) collimator slope := 0.0163 collimator sigma 0(cm) := 0.1466 ;Attenuation correction { Simple // Full // No } attenuation type := {ATTENUATION_TYPE} ;Values in attenuation map in cm-1 attenuation map := {ATTENUATION_MAP} ;Mask properties { Cylinder // Attenuation Map // Explicit Mask // No} mask type := {MASK_TYPE} mask file := {MASK_FILE} ; if next variable is set to 0, only a single view is kept in memory keep all views in cache:=1 End Projection Matrix By Bin SPECT UB Parameters:= End Projector Pair Using Matrix Parameters := end PoissonLogLikelihoodWithLinearModelForMeanAndProjData Parameters:= initial estimate := {INIT_FILE} output filename prefix := {OUTPUT_PREFIX} number of subsets:= {N_SUBSETS} number of subiterations:= {N_SUBITERATIONS} Save estimates at subiteration intervals:= {SAVE_INTERVALS} END := """ def uniform_estimate(projection: Interfile) -> Interfile: """ Create a uniform estimate (image with all ones) for a projection. This serves as the initial estimate for the EM reconstruction. :param projection: the projection for which the uniform estimate is created :return: an interfile image with all ones in a size matching the projection """ header_proj, image_proj = projection image = np.ones( (image_proj.shape[1], image_proj.shape[2], image_proj.shape[2]), np.float32 ) offset = -0.5 * image_proj.shape[2] * float(header_proj[InterfileKeys.spacing(1)]) header = TEMPLATE_HEADER_IMAGE.replace("{ROWS}", str(image.shape[2])) header = header.replace("{COLUMNS}", str(image.shape[1])) header = header.replace("{SLICES}", str(image.shape[0])) header = header.replace("{SPACING_X}", header_proj[InterfileKeys.spacing(1)]) header = header.replace("{SPACING_Y}", header_proj[InterfileKeys.spacing(1)]) header = header.replace("{SPACING_Z}", header_proj[InterfileKeys.spacing(1)]) header = header.replace("{OFFSET_X}", f"{offset:.4f}") header = header.replace("{OFFSET_Y}", f"{offset:.4f}") header = header.replace( "{PATIENT_ORIENTATION}", header_proj[InterfileKeys.patient_orientation] ) header = header.replace( "{PATIENT_ROTATION}", header_proj[InterfileKeys.patient_rotation] ) header = parse_interfile_header_str(header) return Interfile(header, image) def reconstruct( projection: Interfile, mu_map: Optional[Interfile] = None, mask: Optional[Interfile] = None, init: Optional[Interfile] = None, n_subsets: Optional[int] = 4, n_iterations: Optional[int] = 10, postfilter: Optional[GaussianFilter] = None, ): """ Perform OSEM reconstruction with STIR. :param projection: the projection to reconstruct :param mu_map: the attenuation map used for reconstruction :param mask: a mask defining which voxels should be reconstructed - if not given all voxels are reconstructed - if an attenuation map is given only positive pixels in the attenuation map are reconstructed :param init: an initial estimate for the reconstruction which defaults to all ones :param n_subsets: number of subsets :param n_iterations: number of iterations :param postfilter: optional filter applied after the reconstruction :returns: a reconstruction of the projection """ # sanitize parameters for STIR n_subiterations = n_subsets * n_iterations save_intervals = n_subiterations dir_tmp = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() filename_projection = os.path.join(, "projection.hv") write_interfile(filename_projection, projection) params = TEMPLATE_RECON_PARAMS.replace("{PROJECTION}", filename_projection) output_prefix = os.path.join(, "out") filename_out = f"{output_prefix}_{save_intervals}.hv" params = params.replace("{OUTPUT_PREFIX}", output_prefix) params = params.replace("{N_SUBSETS}", str(n_subsets)) params = params.replace("{N_SUBITERATIONS}", str(n_subiterations)) params = params.replace("{SAVE_INTERVALS}", str(save_intervals)) # prepare attenuation parameters if mu_map is not None: filename_mu_map = os.path.join(, "mu_map.hv") write_interfile(filename_mu_map, mu_map) params = params.replace("{ATTENUATION_TYPE}", "Full") params = params.replace("{ATTENUATION_MAP}", filename_mu_map) else: params = params.replace("{ATTENUATION_TYPE}", "No") params = params.replace("attenuation map", ";attenuation map") # prepare mask parameters if mask is not None: filename_mask = os.path.join(, "mask.hv") write_interfile(filename_mask, mask) params = params.replace("{MASK_TYPE}", "Explicit Mask") params = params.replace("{MASK_FILE}", filename_mask) else: params = params.replace("mask file", ";mask file") params = params.replace( "{MASK_TYPE}", "Attenuation Map" if mu_map is not None else "No" ) init = uniform_estimate(projection) if init is None else init filename_init = os.path.join(, "init.hv") write_interfile(filename_init, init) params = params.replace("{INIT_FILE}", filename_init) if postfilter: params = postfilter.insert(params) filename_params = os.path.join(, "OSEM_SPECT.par") with open(filename_params, mode="w") as f: f.write(params.strip()) recon = stir.OSMAPOSLReconstruction3DFloat(filename_params) recon.reconstruct() return load_interfile(filename_out) if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse from mu_map.file.util import load_as_interfile from mu_map.recon.project import forward_project parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Reconstruct a projection or another reconstruction with attenuation correction", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) parser.add_argument( "--projection", type=str, help="a projection in INTERFILE format" ) parser.add_argument( "--recon", type=str, help="a reconstruction in DICOM or Interfile format - if specified the projection will be overwritten", ) parser.add_argument( "--mu_map", type=str, help="a mu map for attenuation correction in DICOM or Interfile format", ) parser.add_argument( "--out", type=str, required=True, help="the filename to store the reconstruction", ) parser.add_argument( "--n_subsets", type=int, default=3, help="the number of subsets for OSEM reconstruction", ) parser.add_argument( "--n_iterations", type=int, default=10, help="the number of iterations for OSEM reconstruction", ) parser.add_argument( "--postfilter", choices=["gaussian", "none"], default="gaussian", help="apply a postfilter to the reconstruction", ) parser.add_argument( "--postfilter_width", type=float, default=1.0, help="the filter witdth for the postfilter is based on the spacing in the projection and can be modified with this factor", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbosity", type=int, default=1, help="configure the verbosity of STIR" ) args = parser.parse_args() assert ( args.projection is not None or args.recon is not None ), "You have to specify either a projection or a reconstruction" stir.Verbosity_set(args.verbosity) mu_map = load_as_interfile(args.mu_map) if args.mu_map else None mu_map_slices = None if mu_map is None else mu_map.image.shape[0] if args.recon: recon = load_as_interfile(args.recon) projection = forward_project(recon, n_slices=mu_map_slices) else: projection = load_as_interfile(args.projection) postfilter = None if args.postfilter == "gaussian": postfilter = GaussianFilter(projection, args.postfilter_width) recon_header, recon_image = reconstruct( projection, mu_map=mu_map, n_subsets=args.n_subsets, n_iterations=args.n_iterations, postfilter=postfilter, ) recon_image = recon_image[ :, :, ::-1 ] # STIR creates reconstructions flipped on the x-axes (, this is reverted here recon = Interfile(recon_header, recon_image) write_interfile(args.out, recon)