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🚨 Deprecation 🚨

This repository was merged into the CloWM backend and will NOT be developed further.
Everything is in read-only mode.

CloWM Workflow Service


This is the Workflow service of the CloWM service.



Env variable Config file key Default Value Example Description
CLOWM_CONFIG_FILE_YAML - config.yaml Filepath /path/to/config.yaml Path to a YAML file to read the config. See example-config/example-config.yaml.
CLOWM_CONFIG_FILE_TOML - config.toml Filepath /path/to/config.toml Path to a TOML file to read the config. See example-config/example-config.toml.
CLOWM_CONFIG_FILE_JSON - config.json Filepath /path/to/config.json Path to a JSON file to read the config. See example-config/example-config.json.
CLOWM_API_PREFIX api_prefix unset URI path /api Prefix before every URL path
DEV_SYSTEM dev_system false Boolean false Activates an endpoint that allows execution of an workflow from an arbitrary Git Repository.
* CLOWM_UI_URI ui_uri unset HTTP URL https://localhost HTTP URL of the CloWM website


Env variable Config file key Default Value Example Description
CLOWM_DB__HOST localhost <db hostname / IP> localhost IP or Hostname Address of DB
CLOWM_DB__PORT db.port 3306 Integer 3306 Port of the database
* CLOWM_DB__USER db.user unset String db-user Username of the database user
* CLOWM_DB__PASSWORD db.password unset String db-password Password of the database user
* CLOWM_DB__NAME unset String db-name Name of the database
CLOWM_DB__VERBOSE db.verbose false Boolean false Enables verbose SQL output.
Should be false in production


Variable Config file key Default Value Example Description
CLOWM_SMTP__SERVER smtp.server unset SMTP domain / console localhost Hostname of SMTP server. If console, emails are printed to the console. If not set, emails are not sent.
CLOWM_SMTP__PORT smtp.port 587 Integer 587 Port of the SMTP server
CLOWM_SMTP__SENDER_EMAIL smtp.sender_email Email Email address from which the emails are sent.
CLOWM_SMTP__REPLY_EMAIL smtp.reply_email unset Email Email address in the Reply-To header.
CLOWM_SMTP__CONNECTION_SECURITY smtp.connection_security unset starttls / ssl starttls Connection security to the SMTP server.
CLOWM_SMTP__LOCAL_HOSTNAME smtp.local_hostname unset String clowm.local Overwrite the local hostname from which the emails are sent.
CLOWM_SMTP__CA_PATH smtp.ca_path unset Filepath /path/to/ca.pem Path to a custom CA certificate.
CLOWM_SMTP__KEY_PATH smtp.key_path unset Filepath /path/to/key.pem Path to the CA key.
CLOWM_SMTP__USER smtp.user unset String smtp-user Username to use for SMTP login.
CLOWM_SMTP__PASSWORD smtp.password unset String smtp-password Password to use for SMTP login.


Env variable Config file key Default Value Example Description
* CLOWM_S3__URI s3.uri unset HTTP URL http://localhost URI of the S3 Object Storage
* CLOWM_S3__ACCESS_KEY s3.acess_key unset String ZR7U56KMK20VW Access key for the S3 that owns the buckets
* CLOWM_S3__SECRET_KEY s3.secret_key unset String 9KRUU41EGSCB3H9ODECNHW Secret key for the S3 that owns the buckets
* CLOWM_S3__ADMIN_ACCESS_KEY s3.admin_acess_key unset String ZR7U56KMK20VW Access key for the Ceph Object Gateway user with user=*,bucket=* capabilities.
* CLOWM_S3__ADMIN_SECRET_KEY s3.admin_secret_key unset String 9KRUU41EGSCB3H9ODECNHW Secret key for the Ceph Object Gateway user with user=*,bucket=* capabilities.
CLOWM_S3__PARAMS_BUCKET s3.params_bucket clowm-workflow-params String clowm-workflow-params Bucket where the workflow execution parameters should be saved
CLOWM_S3__WORKFLOW_BUCKET s3.workflow_bucket clowm-workflows String clowm-workflows Bucket where to cache workflow files
CLOWM_S3__ICON_BUCKET s3.icon_bucket clowm-icons String clowm-icons Bucket where to save workflow icons


Env variable Config file key Default Value Example Description
* CLOWM_PUBLIC_KEY / CLOWM_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE public_key / public_key_file unset Public Key / Path to Public Key /path/to/ Public part of RSA Key in PEM format to verify JWTs
* CLOWM_OPA__URI opa.uri unset HTTP URL http://localhost URI of the OPA Service


Env variable Config file key Default Value Example Description
* CLOWM_CLUSTER__SLURM__URI cluster.slurm.uri unset HHTP Url http://localhost HTTP URL to communicate with the Slurm cluster
* CLOWM_CLUSTER__SLURM__TOKEN cluster.slurm.token unset String - JWT for communication with the Slurm REST API.
* CLOWM_CLUSTER__SLURM__USER cluster.slurm.user slurm String slurm User on the slurm cluster who should run the job. Should be the user of the cluster.slurm.token
* CLOWM_CLUSTER__NXF_CONFIG cluster.nxf_config unset Path on slurm cluster /path/to/nextflow.config Configuration file on the slurm cluster that is the same for every nextflow run
* CLOWM_CLUSTER__NXF_BIN cluster.nxf_bin nextflow Path on slurm cluster /path/to/nextflow Path to the nextflow executable. Default it is in the PATH
* CLOWM_CLUSTER__WORKING_DIRECTORY cluster.working_directory /tmp Path on slurm cluster /path/to/directory Working directory for the slurm job with the nextflow command
* CLOWM_CLUSTER__ACTIVE_WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_LIMIT cluster.active_workflow_execution_limit 3 Integer 3 Limit of active workflow execution a user is allowed to have. -1 means infinite
* CLOWM_CLUSTER__JOB_MONITORING cluster.job_monitoring EXPONENTIAL EXPONENTIAL,LINEAR,CONSTANT,NOMONITORING EXPONENTIAL Strategy for polling the slurm job status for monitoring the workflow execution
* CLOWM_CLUSTER__EXECUTION_CLEANUP cluster.execution_cleanup true Boolean true Enable/Disable the cleanup after a workflow execution


Env variable Config file key Default Value Example Description
CLOWM_OTLP__GRPC_ENDPOINT otlp.grpc_endpoint unset String localhost OTLP compatible endpoint to send traces via gRPC, e.g. Jaeger. If unset, no traces are sent.
CLOWM_OTLP__SECURE false Boolean false Connection type

Nextflow Variables

All environment variables with the prefix WORKFLOW_ENV_ are included in the environment of the nextflow job of the cluster with the prefix cut off.

Example: Pin the nextflow version WORKFLOW_ENV_NXF_VER=23.04.0 -> NXF_VER=23.04.0


The API is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the License file for more information.