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  • scs/ipaaca
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// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "../rapidjson.h"
#ifdef __clang__
/*! \file error.h */
/*! \defgroup RAPIDJSON_ERRORS RapidJSON error handling */
//! Character type of error messages.
The default character type is \c char.
On Windows, user can define this macro as \c TCHAR for supporting both
unicode/non-unicode settings.
//! Macro for converting string literial to \ref RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE[].
By default this conversion macro does nothing.
On Windows, user can define this macro as \c _T(x) for supporting both
unicode/non-unicode settings.
// ParseErrorCode
//! Error code of parsing.
\see GenericReader::Parse, GenericReader::GetParseErrorCode
enum ParseErrorCode {
kParseErrorNone = 0, //!< No error.
kParseErrorDocumentEmpty, //!< The document is empty.
kParseErrorDocumentRootNotSingular, //!< The document root must not follow by other values.
kParseErrorValueInvalid, //!< Invalid value.
kParseErrorObjectMissName, //!< Missing a name for object member.
kParseErrorObjectMissColon, //!< Missing a colon after a name of object member.
kParseErrorObjectMissCommaOrCurlyBracket, //!< Missing a comma or '}' after an object member.
kParseErrorArrayMissCommaOrSquareBracket, //!< Missing a comma or ']' after an array element.
kParseErrorStringUnicodeEscapeInvalidHex, //!< Incorrect hex digit after \\u escape in string.
kParseErrorStringUnicodeSurrogateInvalid, //!< The surrogate pair in string is invalid.
kParseErrorStringEscapeInvalid, //!< Invalid escape character in string.
kParseErrorStringMissQuotationMark, //!< Missing a closing quotation mark in string.
kParseErrorStringInvalidEncoding, //!< Invalid encoding in string.
kParseErrorNumberTooBig, //!< Number too big to be stored in double.
kParseErrorNumberMissFraction, //!< Miss fraction part in number.
kParseErrorNumberMissExponent, //!< Miss exponent in number.
kParseErrorTermination, //!< Parsing was terminated.
kParseErrorUnspecificSyntaxError //!< Unspecific syntax error.
//! Result of parsing (wraps ParseErrorCode)
Document doc;
ParseResult ok = doc.Parse("[42]");
if (!ok) {
fprintf(stderr, "JSON parse error: %s (%u)",
GetParseError_En(ok.Code()), ok.Offset());
\see GenericReader::Parse, GenericDocument::Parse
struct ParseResult {
//!! Unspecified boolean type
typedef bool (ParseResult::*BooleanType)() const;
//! Default constructor, no error.
ParseResult() : code_(kParseErrorNone), offset_(0) {}
//! Constructor to set an error.
ParseResult(ParseErrorCode code, size_t offset) : code_(code), offset_(offset) {}
//! Get the error code.
ParseErrorCode Code() const { return code_; }
//! Get the error offset, if \ref IsError(), 0 otherwise.
size_t Offset() const { return offset_; }
//! Explicit conversion to \c bool, returns \c true, iff !\ref IsError().
operator BooleanType() const { return !IsError() ? &ParseResult::IsError : NULL; }
//! Whether the result is an error.
bool IsError() const { return code_ != kParseErrorNone; }
bool operator==(const ParseResult& that) const { return code_ == that.code_; }
bool operator==(ParseErrorCode code) const { return code_ == code; }
friend bool operator==(ParseErrorCode code, const ParseResult & err) { return code == err.code_; }
bool operator!=(const ParseResult& that) const { return !(*this == that); }
bool operator!=(ParseErrorCode code) const { return !(*this == code); }
friend bool operator!=(ParseErrorCode code, const ParseResult & err) { return err != code; }
//! Reset error code.
void Clear() { Set(kParseErrorNone); }
//! Update error code and offset.
void Set(ParseErrorCode code, size_t offset = 0) { code_ = code; offset_ = offset; }
ParseErrorCode code_;
size_t offset_;
//! Function pointer type of GetParseError().
This is the prototype for \c GetParseError_X(), where \c X is a locale.
User can dynamically change locale in runtime, e.g.:
GetParseErrorFunc GetParseError = GetParseError_En; // or whatever
const RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE* s = GetParseError(document.GetParseErrorCode());
typedef const RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE* (*GetParseErrorFunc)(ParseErrorCode);
// ValidateErrorCode
//! Error codes when validating.
\see GenericSchemaValidator
enum ValidateErrorCode {
kValidateErrors = -1, //!< Top level error code when kValidateContinueOnErrorsFlag set.
kValidateErrorNone = 0, //!< No error.
kValidateErrorMultipleOf, //!< Number is not a multiple of the 'multipleOf' value.
kValidateErrorMaximum, //!< Number is greater than the 'maximum' value.
kValidateErrorExclusiveMaximum, //!< Number is greater than or equal to the 'maximum' value.
kValidateErrorMinimum, //!< Number is less than the 'minimum' value.
kValidateErrorExclusiveMinimum, //!< Number is less than or equal to the 'minimum' value.
kValidateErrorMaxLength, //!< String is longer than the 'maxLength' value.
kValidateErrorMinLength, //!< String is longer than the 'maxLength' value.
kValidateErrorPattern, //!< String does not match the 'pattern' regular expression.
kValidateErrorMaxItems, //!< Array is longer than the 'maxItems' value.
kValidateErrorMinItems, //!< Array is shorter than the 'minItems' value.
kValidateErrorUniqueItems, //!< Array has duplicate items but 'uniqueItems' is true.
kValidateErrorAdditionalItems, //!< Array has additional items that are not allowed by the schema.
kValidateErrorMaxProperties, //!< Object has more members than 'maxProperties' value.
kValidateErrorMinProperties, //!< Object has less members than 'minProperties' value.
kValidateErrorRequired, //!< Object is missing one or more members required by the schema.
kValidateErrorAdditionalProperties, //!< Object has additional members that are not allowed by the schema.
kValidateErrorPatternProperties, //!< See other errors.
kValidateErrorDependencies, //!< Object has missing property or schema dependencies.
kValidateErrorEnum, //!< Property has a value that is not one of its allowed enumerated values
kValidateErrorType, //!< Property has a type that is not allowed by the schema..
kValidateErrorOneOf, //!< Property did not match any of the sub-schemas specified by 'oneOf'.
kValidateErrorOneOfMatch, //!< Property matched more than one of the sub-schemas specified by 'oneOf'.
kValidateErrorAllOf, //!< Property did not match all of the sub-schemas specified by 'allOf'.
kValidateErrorAnyOf, //!< Property did not match any of the sub-schemas specified by 'anyOf'.
kValidateErrorNot //!< Property matched the sub-schema specified by 'not'.
//! Function pointer type of GetValidateError().
This is the prototype for \c GetValidateError_X(), where \c X is a locale.
User can dynamically change locale in runtime, e.g.:
GetValidateErrorFunc GetValidateError = GetValidateError_En; // or whatever
const RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE* s = GetValidateError(validator.GetInvalidSchemaCode());
typedef const RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE* (*GetValidateErrorFunc)(ValidateErrorCode);
#ifdef __clang__
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "stream.h"
#include <cstdio>
#ifdef __clang__
//! File byte stream for input using fread().
\note implements Stream concept
class FileReadStream {
typedef char Ch; //!< Character type (byte).
//! Constructor.
\param fp File pointer opened for read.
\param buffer user-supplied buffer.
\param bufferSize size of buffer in bytes. Must >=4 bytes.
FileReadStream(std::FILE* fp, char* buffer, size_t bufferSize) : fp_(fp), buffer_(buffer), bufferSize_(bufferSize), bufferLast_(0), current_(buffer_), readCount_(0), count_(0), eof_(false) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(bufferSize >= 4);
Ch Peek() const { return *current_; }
Ch Take() { Ch c = *current_; Read(); return c; }
size_t Tell() const { return count_ + static_cast<size_t>(current_ - buffer_); }
// Not implemented
void Put(Ch) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); }
void Flush() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); }
Ch* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
// For encoding detection only.
const Ch* Peek4() const {
return (current_ + 4 - !eof_ <= bufferLast_) ? current_ : 0;
void Read() {
if (current_ < bufferLast_)
else if (!eof_) {
count_ += readCount_;
readCount_ = std::fread(buffer_, 1, bufferSize_, fp_);
bufferLast_ = buffer_ + readCount_ - 1;
current_ = buffer_;
if (readCount_ < bufferSize_) {
buffer_[readCount_] = '\0';
eof_ = true;
std::FILE* fp_;
Ch *buffer_;
size_t bufferSize_;
Ch *bufferLast_;
Ch *current_;
size_t readCount_;
size_t count_; //!< Number of characters read
bool eof_;
#ifdef __clang__
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "stream.h"
#include <cstdio>
#ifdef __clang__
//! Wrapper of C file stream for output using fwrite().
\note implements Stream concept
class FileWriteStream {
typedef char Ch; //!< Character type. Only support char.
FileWriteStream(std::FILE* fp, char* buffer, size_t bufferSize) : fp_(fp), buffer_(buffer), bufferEnd_(buffer + bufferSize), current_(buffer_) {
void Put(char c) {
if (current_ >= bufferEnd_)
*current_++ = c;
void PutN(char c, size_t n) {
size_t avail = static_cast<size_t>(bufferEnd_ - current_);
while (n > avail) {
std::memset(current_, c, avail);
current_ += avail;
n -= avail;
avail = static_cast<size_t>(bufferEnd_ - current_);
if (n > 0) {
std::memset(current_, c, n);
current_ += n;
void Flush() {
if (current_ != buffer_) {
size_t result = std::fwrite(buffer_, 1, static_cast<size_t>(current_ - buffer_), fp_);
if (result < static_cast<size_t>(current_ - buffer_)) {
// failure deliberately ignored at this time
// added to avoid warn_unused_result build errors
current_ = buffer_;
// Not implemented
char Peek() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
char Take() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
size_t Tell() const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
char* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
size_t PutEnd(char*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
// Prohibit copy constructor & assignment operator.
FileWriteStream(const FileWriteStream&);
FileWriteStream& operator=(const FileWriteStream&);
std::FILE* fp_;
char *buffer_;
char *bufferEnd_;
char *current_;
//! Implement specialized version of PutN() with memset() for better performance.
inline void PutN(FileWriteStream& stream, char c, size_t n) {
stream.PutN(c, n);
#ifdef __clang__
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "rapidjson.h"
// encodings.h
template<typename CharType> struct UTF8;
template<typename CharType> struct UTF16;
template<typename CharType> struct UTF16BE;
template<typename CharType> struct UTF16LE;
template<typename CharType> struct UTF32;
template<typename CharType> struct UTF32BE;
template<typename CharType> struct UTF32LE;
template<typename CharType> struct ASCII;
template<typename CharType> struct AutoUTF;
template<typename SourceEncoding, typename TargetEncoding>
struct Transcoder;
// allocators.h
class CrtAllocator;
template <typename BaseAllocator>
class MemoryPoolAllocator;
// stream.h
template <typename Encoding>
struct GenericStringStream;
typedef GenericStringStream<UTF8<char> > StringStream;
template <typename Encoding>
struct GenericInsituStringStream;
typedef GenericInsituStringStream<UTF8<char> > InsituStringStream;
// stringbuffer.h
template <typename Encoding, typename Allocator>
class GenericStringBuffer;
typedef GenericStringBuffer<UTF8<char>, CrtAllocator> StringBuffer;
// filereadstream.h
class FileReadStream;
// filewritestream.h
class FileWriteStream;
// memorybuffer.h
template <typename Allocator>
struct GenericMemoryBuffer;
typedef GenericMemoryBuffer<CrtAllocator> MemoryBuffer;
// memorystream.h
struct MemoryStream;
// reader.h
template<typename Encoding, typename Derived>
struct BaseReaderHandler;
template <typename SourceEncoding, typename TargetEncoding, typename StackAllocator>
class GenericReader;
typedef GenericReader<UTF8<char>, UTF8<char>, CrtAllocator> Reader;
// writer.h
template<typename OutputStream, typename SourceEncoding, typename TargetEncoding, typename StackAllocator, unsigned writeFlags>
class Writer;
// prettywriter.h
template<typename OutputStream, typename SourceEncoding, typename TargetEncoding, typename StackAllocator, unsigned writeFlags>
class PrettyWriter;
// document.h
template <typename Encoding, typename Allocator>
class GenericMember;
template <bool Const, typename Encoding, typename Allocator>
class GenericMemberIterator;
template<typename CharType>
struct GenericStringRef;
template <typename Encoding, typename Allocator>
class GenericValue;
typedef GenericValue<UTF8<char>, MemoryPoolAllocator<CrtAllocator> > Value;
template <typename Encoding, typename Allocator, typename StackAllocator>
class GenericDocument;
typedef GenericDocument<UTF8<char>, MemoryPoolAllocator<CrtAllocator>, CrtAllocator> Document;
// pointer.h
template <typename ValueType, typename Allocator>
class GenericPointer;
typedef GenericPointer<Value, CrtAllocator> Pointer;
// schema.h
template <typename SchemaDocumentType>
class IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider;
template <typename ValueT, typename Allocator>
class GenericSchemaDocument;
typedef GenericSchemaDocument<Value, CrtAllocator> SchemaDocument;
typedef IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider<SchemaDocument> IRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider;
template <
typename SchemaDocumentType,
typename OutputHandler,
typename StateAllocator>
class GenericSchemaValidator;
typedef GenericSchemaValidator<SchemaDocument, BaseReaderHandler<UTF8<char>, void>, CrtAllocator> SchemaValidator;
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "../rapidjson.h"
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && defined(_M_AMD64)
#include <intrin.h> // for _umul128
#pragma intrinsic(_umul128)
namespace internal {
class BigInteger {
typedef uint64_t Type;
BigInteger(const BigInteger& rhs) : count_(rhs.count_) {
std::memcpy(digits_, rhs.digits_, count_ * sizeof(Type));
explicit BigInteger(uint64_t u) : count_(1) {
digits_[0] = u;
BigInteger(const char* decimals, size_t length) : count_(1) {
digits_[0] = 0;
size_t i = 0;
const size_t kMaxDigitPerIteration = 19; // 2^64 = 18446744073709551616 > 10^19
while (length >= kMaxDigitPerIteration) {
AppendDecimal64(decimals + i, decimals + i + kMaxDigitPerIteration);
length -= kMaxDigitPerIteration;
i += kMaxDigitPerIteration;
if (length > 0)
AppendDecimal64(decimals + i, decimals + i + length);
BigInteger& operator=(const BigInteger &rhs)
if (this != &rhs) {
count_ = rhs.count_;
std::memcpy(digits_, rhs.digits_, count_ * sizeof(Type));
return *this;
BigInteger& operator=(uint64_t u) {
digits_[0] = u;
count_ = 1;
return *this;
BigInteger& operator+=(uint64_t u) {
Type backup = digits_[0];
digits_[0] += u;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count_ - 1; i++) {
if (digits_[i] >= backup)
return *this; // no carry
backup = digits_[i + 1];
digits_[i + 1] += 1;
// Last carry
if (digits_[count_ - 1] < backup)
return *this;
BigInteger& operator*=(uint64_t u) {
if (u == 0) return *this = 0;
if (u == 1) return *this;
if (*this == 1) return *this = u;
uint64_t k = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count_; i++) {
uint64_t hi;
digits_[i] = MulAdd64(digits_[i], u, k, &hi);
k = hi;
if (k > 0)
return *this;
BigInteger& operator*=(uint32_t u) {
if (u == 0) return *this = 0;
if (u == 1) return *this;
if (*this == 1) return *this = u;
uint64_t k = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < count_; i++) {
const uint64_t c = digits_[i] >> 32;
const uint64_t d = digits_[i] & 0xFFFFFFFF;
const uint64_t uc = u * c;
const uint64_t ud = u * d;
const uint64_t p0 = ud + k;
const uint64_t p1 = uc + (p0 >> 32);
digits_[i] = (p0 & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (p1 << 32);
k = p1 >> 32;
if (k > 0)
return *this;
BigInteger& operator<<=(size_t shift) {
if (IsZero() || shift == 0) return *this;
size_t offset = shift / kTypeBit;
size_t interShift = shift % kTypeBit;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(count_ + offset <= kCapacity);
if (interShift == 0) {
std::memmove(digits_ + offset, digits_, count_ * sizeof(Type));
count_ += offset;
else {
digits_[count_] = 0;
for (size_t i = count_; i > 0; i--)
digits_[i + offset] = (digits_[i] << interShift) | (digits_[i - 1] >> (kTypeBit - interShift));
digits_[offset] = digits_[0] << interShift;
count_ += offset;
if (digits_[count_])
std::memset(digits_, 0, offset * sizeof(Type));
return *this;
bool operator==(const BigInteger& rhs) const {
return count_ == rhs.count_ && std::memcmp(digits_, rhs.digits_, count_ * sizeof(Type)) == 0;
bool operator==(const Type rhs) const {
return count_ == 1 && digits_[0] == rhs;
BigInteger& MultiplyPow5(unsigned exp) {
static const uint32_t kPow5[12] = {
5 * 5,
5 * 5 * 5,
5 * 5 * 5 * 5,
5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5,
5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5,
5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5,
5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5,
5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5,
5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5,
5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5,
5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * 5
if (exp == 0) return *this;
for (; exp >= 27; exp -= 27) *this *= RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0X6765C793, 0XFA10079D); // 5^27
for (; exp >= 13; exp -= 13) *this *= static_cast<uint32_t>(1220703125u); // 5^13
if (exp > 0) *this *= kPow5[exp - 1];
return *this;
// Compute absolute difference of this and rhs.
// Assume this != rhs
bool Difference(const BigInteger& rhs, BigInteger* out) const {
int cmp = Compare(rhs);
const BigInteger *a, *b; // Makes a > b
bool ret;
if (cmp < 0) { a = &rhs; b = this; ret = true; }
else { a = this; b = &rhs; ret = false; }
Type borrow = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < a->count_; i++) {
Type d = a->digits_[i] - borrow;
if (i < b->count_)
d -= b->digits_[i];
borrow = (d > a->digits_[i]) ? 1 : 0;
out->digits_[i] = d;
if (d != 0)
out->count_ = i + 1;
return ret;
int Compare(const BigInteger& rhs) const {
if (count_ != rhs.count_)
return count_ < rhs.count_ ? -1 : 1;
for (size_t i = count_; i-- > 0;)
if (digits_[i] != rhs.digits_[i])
return digits_[i] < rhs.digits_[i] ? -1 : 1;
return 0;
size_t GetCount() const { return count_; }
Type GetDigit(size_t index) const { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < count_); return digits_[index]; }
bool IsZero() const { return count_ == 1 && digits_[0] == 0; }
void AppendDecimal64(const char* begin, const char* end) {
uint64_t u = ParseUint64(begin, end);
if (IsZero())
*this = u;
else {
unsigned exp = static_cast<unsigned>(end - begin);
(MultiplyPow5(exp) <<= exp) += u; // *this = *this * 10^exp + u
void PushBack(Type digit) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(count_ < kCapacity);
digits_[count_++] = digit;
static uint64_t ParseUint64(const char* begin, const char* end) {
uint64_t r = 0;
for (const char* p = begin; p != end; ++p) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9');
r = r * 10u + static_cast<unsigned>(*p - '0');
return r;
// Assume a * b + k < 2^128
static uint64_t MulAdd64(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t k, uint64_t* outHigh) {
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64)
uint64_t low = _umul128(a, b, outHigh) + k;
if (low < k)
return low;
#elif (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) && defined(__x86_64__)
__extension__ typedef unsigned __int128 uint128;
uint128 p = static_cast<uint128>(a) * static_cast<uint128>(b);
p += k;
*outHigh = static_cast<uint64_t>(p >> 64);
return static_cast<uint64_t>(p);
const uint64_t a0 = a & 0xFFFFFFFF, a1 = a >> 32, b0 = b & 0xFFFFFFFF, b1 = b >> 32;
uint64_t x0 = a0 * b0, x1 = a0 * b1, x2 = a1 * b0, x3 = a1 * b1;
x1 += (x0 >> 32); // can't give carry
x1 += x2;
if (x1 < x2)
x3 += (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 32);
uint64_t lo = (x1 << 32) + (x0 & 0xFFFFFFFF);
uint64_t hi = x3 + (x1 >> 32);
lo += k;
if (lo < k)
*outHigh = hi;
return lo;
static const size_t kBitCount = 3328; // 64bit * 54 > 10^1000
static const size_t kCapacity = kBitCount / sizeof(Type);
static const size_t kTypeBit = sizeof(Type) * 8;
Type digits_[kCapacity];
size_t count_;
} // namespace internal
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "../rapidjson.h"
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(UNDER_CE)
#include <intrin.h>
#if defined(_WIN64)
#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse64)
#pragma intrinsic(_BitScanReverse)
namespace internal {
inline uint32_t clzll(uint64_t x) {
// Passing 0 to __builtin_clzll is UB in GCC and results in an
// infinite loop in the software implementation.
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(UNDER_CE)
unsigned long r = 0;
#if defined(_WIN64)
_BitScanReverse64(&r, x);
// Scan the high 32 bits.
if (_BitScanReverse(&r, static_cast<uint32_t>(x >> 32)))
return 63 - (r + 32);
// Scan the low 32 bits.
_BitScanReverse(&r, static_cast<uint32_t>(x & 0xFFFFFFFF));
#endif // _WIN64
return 63 - r;
#elif (defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4) || RAPIDJSON_HAS_BUILTIN(__builtin_clzll)
// __builtin_clzll wrapper
return static_cast<uint32_t>(__builtin_clzll(x));
// naive version
uint32_t r = 0;
while (!(x & (static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << 63))) {
x <<= 1;
return r;
#endif // _MSC_VER
} // namespace internal
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// This is a C++ header-only implementation of Grisu2 algorithm from the publication:
// Loitsch, Florian. "Printing floating-point numbers quickly and accurately with
// integers." ACM Sigplan Notices 45.6 (2010): 233-243.
#include "../rapidjson.h"
#include "clzll.h"
#include <limits>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#include <intrin.h>
#pragma intrinsic(_umul128)
namespace internal {
#ifdef __GNUC__
#ifdef __clang__
struct DiyFp {
DiyFp() : f(), e() {}
DiyFp(uint64_t fp, int exp) : f(fp), e(exp) {}
explicit DiyFp(double d) {
union {
double d;
uint64_t u64;
} u = { d };
int biased_e = static_cast<int>((u.u64 & kDpExponentMask) >> kDpSignificandSize);
uint64_t significand = (u.u64 & kDpSignificandMask);
if (biased_e != 0) {
f = significand + kDpHiddenBit;
e = biased_e - kDpExponentBias;
else {
f = significand;
e = kDpMinExponent + 1;
DiyFp operator-(const DiyFp& rhs) const {
return DiyFp(f - rhs.f, e);
DiyFp operator*(const DiyFp& rhs) const {
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64)
uint64_t h;
uint64_t l = _umul128(f, rhs.f, &h);
if (l & (uint64_t(1) << 63)) // rounding
return DiyFp(h, e + rhs.e + 64);
#elif (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6)) && defined(__x86_64__)
__extension__ typedef unsigned __int128 uint128;
uint128 p = static_cast<uint128>(f) * static_cast<uint128>(rhs.f);
uint64_t h = static_cast<uint64_t>(p >> 64);
uint64_t l = static_cast<uint64_t>(p);
if (l & (uint64_t(1) << 63)) // rounding
return DiyFp(h, e + rhs.e + 64);
const uint64_t M32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
const uint64_t a = f >> 32;
const uint64_t b = f & M32;
const uint64_t c = rhs.f >> 32;
const uint64_t d = rhs.f & M32;
const uint64_t ac = a * c;
const uint64_t bc = b * c;
const uint64_t ad = a * d;
const uint64_t bd = b * d;
uint64_t tmp = (bd >> 32) + (ad & M32) + (bc & M32);
tmp += 1U << 31; /// mult_round
return DiyFp(ac + (ad >> 32) + (bc >> 32) + (tmp >> 32), e + rhs.e + 64);
DiyFp Normalize() const {
int s = static_cast<int>(clzll(f));
return DiyFp(f << s, e - s);
DiyFp NormalizeBoundary() const {
DiyFp res = *this;
while (!(res.f & (kDpHiddenBit << 1))) {
res.f <<= 1;
res.f <<= (kDiySignificandSize - kDpSignificandSize - 2);
res.e = res.e - (kDiySignificandSize - kDpSignificandSize - 2);
return res;
void NormalizedBoundaries(DiyFp* minus, DiyFp* plus) const {
DiyFp pl = DiyFp((f << 1) + 1, e - 1).NormalizeBoundary();
DiyFp mi = (f == kDpHiddenBit) ? DiyFp((f << 2) - 1, e - 2) : DiyFp((f << 1) - 1, e - 1);
mi.f <<= mi.e - pl.e;
mi.e = pl.e;
*plus = pl;
*minus = mi;
double ToDouble() const {
union {
double d;
uint64_t u64;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(f <= kDpHiddenBit + kDpSignificandMask);
if (e < kDpDenormalExponent) {
// Underflow.
return 0.0;
if (e >= kDpMaxExponent) {
// Overflow.
return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
const uint64_t be = (e == kDpDenormalExponent && (f & kDpHiddenBit) == 0) ? 0 :
static_cast<uint64_t>(e + kDpExponentBias);
u.u64 = (f & kDpSignificandMask) | (be << kDpSignificandSize);
return u.d;
static const int kDiySignificandSize = 64;
static const int kDpSignificandSize = 52;
static const int kDpExponentBias = 0x3FF + kDpSignificandSize;
static const int kDpMaxExponent = 0x7FF - kDpExponentBias;
static const int kDpMinExponent = -kDpExponentBias;
static const int kDpDenormalExponent = -kDpExponentBias + 1;
static const uint64_t kDpExponentMask = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x7FF00000, 0x00000000);
static const uint64_t kDpSignificandMask = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x000FFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
static const uint64_t kDpHiddenBit = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x00100000, 0x00000000);
uint64_t f;
int e;
inline DiyFp GetCachedPowerByIndex(size_t index) {
// 10^-348, 10^-340, ..., 10^340
static const uint64_t kCachedPowers_F[] = {
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xfa8fd5a0, 0x081c0288), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xbaaee17f, 0xa23ebf76),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8b16fb20, 0x3055ac76), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xcf42894a, 0x5dce35ea),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9a6bb0aa, 0x55653b2d), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xe61acf03, 0x3d1a45df),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xab70fe17, 0xc79ac6ca), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xff77b1fc, 0xbebcdc4f),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xbe5691ef, 0x416bd60c), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8dd01fad, 0x907ffc3c),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xd3515c28, 0x31559a83), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9d71ac8f, 0xada6c9b5),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xea9c2277, 0x23ee8bcb), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xaecc4991, 0x4078536d),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x823c1279, 0x5db6ce57), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc2109436, 0x4dfb5637),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9096ea6f, 0x3848984f), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xd77485cb, 0x25823ac7),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa086cfcd, 0x97bf97f4), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xef340a98, 0x172aace5),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xb23867fb, 0x2a35b28e), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x84c8d4df, 0xd2c63f3b),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc5dd4427, 0x1ad3cdba), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x936b9fce, 0xbb25c996),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xdbac6c24, 0x7d62a584), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa3ab6658, 0x0d5fdaf6),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xf3e2f893, 0xdec3f126), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xb5b5ada8, 0xaaff80b8),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x87625f05, 0x6c7c4a8b), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc9bcff60, 0x34c13053),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x964e858c, 0x91ba2655), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xdff97724, 0x70297ebd),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa6dfbd9f, 0xb8e5b88f), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xf8a95fcf, 0x88747d94),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xb9447093, 0x8fa89bcf), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8a08f0f8, 0xbf0f156b),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xcdb02555, 0x653131b6), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x993fe2c6, 0xd07b7fac),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xe45c10c4, 0x2a2b3b06), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xaa242499, 0x697392d3),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xfd87b5f2, 0x8300ca0e), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xbce50864, 0x92111aeb),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8cbccc09, 0x6f5088cc), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xd1b71758, 0xe219652c),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9c400000, 0x00000000), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xe8d4a510, 0x00000000),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xad78ebc5, 0xac620000), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x813f3978, 0xf8940984),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc097ce7b, 0xc90715b3), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8f7e32ce, 0x7bea5c70),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xd5d238a4, 0xabe98068), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9f4f2726, 0x179a2245),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xed63a231, 0xd4c4fb27), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xb0de6538, 0x8cc8ada8),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x83c7088e, 0x1aab65db), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc45d1df9, 0x42711d9a),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x924d692c, 0xa61be758), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xda01ee64, 0x1a708dea),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa26da399, 0x9aef774a), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xf209787b, 0xb47d6b85),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xb454e4a1, 0x79dd1877), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x865b8692, 0x5b9bc5c2),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc83553c5, 0xc8965d3d), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x952ab45c, 0xfa97a0b3),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xde469fbd, 0x99a05fe3), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa59bc234, 0xdb398c25),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xf6c69a72, 0xa3989f5c), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xb7dcbf53, 0x54e9bece),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x88fcf317, 0xf22241e2), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xcc20ce9b, 0xd35c78a5),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x98165af3, 0x7b2153df), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xe2a0b5dc, 0x971f303a),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa8d9d153, 0x5ce3b396), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xfb9b7cd9, 0xa4a7443c),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xbb764c4c, 0xa7a44410), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8bab8eef, 0xb6409c1a),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xd01fef10, 0xa657842c), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9b10a4e5, 0xe9913129),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xe7109bfb, 0xa19c0c9d), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xac2820d9, 0x623bf429),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x80444b5e, 0x7aa7cf85), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xbf21e440, 0x03acdd2d),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x8e679c2f, 0x5e44ff8f), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xd433179d, 0x9c8cb841),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9e19db92, 0xb4e31ba9), RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xeb96bf6e, 0xbadf77d9),
RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xaf87023b, 0x9bf0ee6b)
static const int16_t kCachedPowers_E[] = {
-1220, -1193, -1166, -1140, -1113, -1087, -1060, -1034, -1007, -980,
-954, -927, -901, -874, -847, -821, -794, -768, -741, -715,
-688, -661, -635, -608, -582, -555, -529, -502, -475, -449,
-422, -396, -369, -343, -316, -289, -263, -236, -210, -183,
-157, -130, -103, -77, -50, -24, 3, 30, 56, 83,
109, 136, 162, 189, 216, 242, 269, 295, 322, 348,
375, 402, 428, 455, 481, 508, 534, 561, 588, 614,
641, 667, 694, 720, 747, 774, 800, 827, 853, 880,
907, 933, 960, 986, 1013, 1039, 1066
return DiyFp(kCachedPowers_F[index], kCachedPowers_E[index]);
inline DiyFp GetCachedPower(int e, int* K) {
//int k = static_cast<int>(ceil((-61 - e) * 0.30102999566398114)) + 374;
double dk = (-61 - e) * 0.30102999566398114 + 347; // dk must be positive, so can do ceiling in positive
int k = static_cast<int>(dk);
if (dk - k > 0.0)
unsigned index = static_cast<unsigned>((k >> 3) + 1);
*K = -(-348 + static_cast<int>(index << 3)); // decimal exponent no need lookup table
return GetCachedPowerByIndex(index);
inline DiyFp GetCachedPower10(int exp, int *outExp) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(exp >= -348);
unsigned index = static_cast<unsigned>(exp + 348) / 8u;
*outExp = -348 + static_cast<int>(index) * 8;
return GetCachedPowerByIndex(index);
#ifdef __GNUC__
#ifdef __clang__
} // namespace internal
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// This is a C++ header-only implementation of Grisu2 algorithm from the publication:
// Loitsch, Florian. "Printing floating-point numbers quickly and accurately with
// integers." ACM Sigplan Notices 45.6 (2010): 233-243.
#include "itoa.h" // GetDigitsLut()
#include "diyfp.h"
#include "ieee754.h"
namespace internal {
#ifdef __GNUC__
RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(array-bounds) // some gcc versions generate wrong warnings
inline void GrisuRound(char* buffer, int len, uint64_t delta, uint64_t rest, uint64_t ten_kappa, uint64_t wp_w) {
while (rest < wp_w && delta - rest >= ten_kappa &&
(rest + ten_kappa < wp_w || /// closer
wp_w - rest > rest + ten_kappa - wp_w)) {
buffer[len - 1]--;
rest += ten_kappa;
inline int CountDecimalDigit32(uint32_t n) {
// Simple pure C++ implementation was faster than __builtin_clz version in this situation.
if (n < 10) return 1;
if (n < 100) return 2;
if (n < 1000) return 3;
if (n < 10000) return 4;
if (n < 100000) return 5;
if (n < 1000000) return 6;
if (n < 10000000) return 7;
if (n < 100000000) return 8;
// Will not reach 10 digits in DigitGen()
//if (n < 1000000000) return 9;
//return 10;
return 9;
inline void DigitGen(const DiyFp& W, const DiyFp& Mp, uint64_t delta, char* buffer, int* len, int* K) {
static const uint32_t kPow10[] = { 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000 };
const DiyFp one(uint64_t(1) << -Mp.e, Mp.e);
const DiyFp wp_w = Mp - W;
uint32_t p1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(Mp.f >> -one.e);
uint64_t p2 = Mp.f & (one.f - 1);
int kappa = CountDecimalDigit32(p1); // kappa in [0, 9]
*len = 0;
while (kappa > 0) {
uint32_t d = 0;
switch (kappa) {
case 9: d = p1 / 100000000; p1 %= 100000000; break;
case 8: d = p1 / 10000000; p1 %= 10000000; break;
case 7: d = p1 / 1000000; p1 %= 1000000; break;
case 6: d = p1 / 100000; p1 %= 100000; break;
case 5: d = p1 / 10000; p1 %= 10000; break;
case 4: d = p1 / 1000; p1 %= 1000; break;
case 3: d = p1 / 100; p1 %= 100; break;
case 2: d = p1 / 10; p1 %= 10; break;
case 1: d = p1; p1 = 0; break;
if (d || *len)
buffer[(*len)++] = static_cast<char>('0' + static_cast<char>(d));
uint64_t tmp = (static_cast<uint64_t>(p1) << -one.e) + p2;
if (tmp <= delta) {
*K += kappa;
GrisuRound(buffer, *len, delta, tmp, static_cast<uint64_t>(kPow10[kappa]) << -one.e, wp_w.f);
// kappa = 0
for (;;) {
p2 *= 10;
delta *= 10;
char d = static_cast<char>(p2 >> -one.e);
if (d || *len)
buffer[(*len)++] = static_cast<char>('0' + d);
p2 &= one.f - 1;
if (p2 < delta) {
*K += kappa;
int index = -kappa;
GrisuRound(buffer, *len, delta, p2, one.f, wp_w.f * (index < 9 ? kPow10[index] : 0));
inline void Grisu2(double value, char* buffer, int* length, int* K) {
const DiyFp v(value);
DiyFp w_m, w_p;
v.NormalizedBoundaries(&w_m, &w_p);
const DiyFp c_mk = GetCachedPower(w_p.e, K);
const DiyFp W = v.Normalize() * c_mk;
DiyFp Wp = w_p * c_mk;
DiyFp Wm = w_m * c_mk;
DigitGen(W, Wp, Wp.f - Wm.f, buffer, length, K);
inline char* WriteExponent(int K, char* buffer) {
if (K < 0) {
*buffer++ = '-';
K = -K;
if (K >= 100) {
*buffer++ = static_cast<char>('0' + static_cast<char>(K / 100));
K %= 100;
const char* d = GetDigitsLut() + K * 2;
*buffer++ = d[0];
*buffer++ = d[1];
else if (K >= 10) {
const char* d = GetDigitsLut() + K * 2;
*buffer++ = d[0];
*buffer++ = d[1];
*buffer++ = static_cast<char>('0' + static_cast<char>(K));
return buffer;
inline char* Prettify(char* buffer, int length, int k, int maxDecimalPlaces) {
const int kk = length + k; // 10^(kk-1) <= v < 10^kk
if (0 <= k && kk <= 21) {
// 1234e7 -> 12340000000
for (int i = length; i < kk; i++)
buffer[i] = '0';
buffer[kk] = '.';
buffer[kk + 1] = '0';
return &buffer[kk + 2];
else if (0 < kk && kk <= 21) {
// 1234e-2 -> 12.34
std::memmove(&buffer[kk + 1], &buffer[kk], static_cast<size_t>(length - kk));
buffer[kk] = '.';
if (0 > k + maxDecimalPlaces) {
// When maxDecimalPlaces = 2, 1.2345 -> 1.23, 1.102 -> 1.1
// Remove extra trailing zeros (at least one) after truncation.
for (int i = kk + maxDecimalPlaces; i > kk + 1; i--)
if (buffer[i] != '0')
return &buffer[i + 1];
return &buffer[kk + 2]; // Reserve one zero
return &buffer[length + 1];
else if (-6 < kk && kk <= 0) {
// 1234e-6 -> 0.001234
const int offset = 2 - kk;
std::memmove(&buffer[offset], &buffer[0], static_cast<size_t>(length));
buffer[0] = '0';
buffer[1] = '.';
for (int i = 2; i < offset; i++)
buffer[i] = '0';
if (length - kk > maxDecimalPlaces) {
// When maxDecimalPlaces = 2, 0.123 -> 0.12, 0.102 -> 0.1
// Remove extra trailing zeros (at least one) after truncation.
for (int i = maxDecimalPlaces + 1; i > 2; i--)
if (buffer[i] != '0')
return &buffer[i + 1];
return &buffer[3]; // Reserve one zero
return &buffer[length + offset];
else if (kk < -maxDecimalPlaces) {
// Truncate to zero
buffer[0] = '0';
buffer[1] = '.';
buffer[2] = '0';
return &buffer[3];
else if (length == 1) {
// 1e30
buffer[1] = 'e';
return WriteExponent(kk - 1, &buffer[2]);
else {
// 1234e30 -> 1.234e33
std::memmove(&buffer[2], &buffer[1], static_cast<size_t>(length - 1));
buffer[1] = '.';
buffer[length + 1] = 'e';
return WriteExponent(kk - 1, &buffer[0 + length + 2]);
inline char* dtoa(double value, char* buffer, int maxDecimalPlaces = 324) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(maxDecimalPlaces >= 1);
Double d(value);
if (d.IsZero()) {
if (d.Sign())
*buffer++ = '-'; // -0.0, Issue #289
buffer[0] = '0';
buffer[1] = '.';
buffer[2] = '0';
return &buffer[3];
else {
if (value < 0) {
*buffer++ = '-';
value = -value;
int length, K;
Grisu2(value, buffer, &length, &K);
return Prettify(buffer, length, K, maxDecimalPlaces);
#ifdef __GNUC__
} // namespace internal
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#ifndef RAPIDJSON_IEEE754_
#define RAPIDJSON_IEEE754_
#include "../rapidjson.h"
namespace internal {
class Double {
Double() {}
Double(double d) : d_(d) {}
Double(uint64_t u) : u_(u) {}
double Value() const { return d_; }
uint64_t Uint64Value() const { return u_; }
double NextPositiveDouble() const {
return Double(u_ + 1).Value();
bool Sign() const { return (u_ & kSignMask) != 0; }
uint64_t Significand() const { return u_ & kSignificandMask; }
int Exponent() const { return static_cast<int>(((u_ & kExponentMask) >> kSignificandSize) - kExponentBias); }
bool IsNan() const { return (u_ & kExponentMask) == kExponentMask && Significand() != 0; }
bool IsInf() const { return (u_ & kExponentMask) == kExponentMask && Significand() == 0; }
bool IsNanOrInf() const { return (u_ & kExponentMask) == kExponentMask; }
bool IsNormal() const { return (u_ & kExponentMask) != 0 || Significand() == 0; }
bool IsZero() const { return (u_ & (kExponentMask | kSignificandMask)) == 0; }
uint64_t IntegerSignificand() const { return IsNormal() ? Significand() | kHiddenBit : Significand(); }
int IntegerExponent() const { return (IsNormal() ? Exponent() : kDenormalExponent) - kSignificandSize; }
uint64_t ToBias() const { return (u_ & kSignMask) ? ~u_ + 1 : u_ | kSignMask; }
static int EffectiveSignificandSize(int order) {
if (order >= -1021)
return 53;
else if (order <= -1074)
return 0;
return order + 1074;
static const int kSignificandSize = 52;
static const int kExponentBias = 0x3FF;
static const int kDenormalExponent = 1 - kExponentBias;
static const uint64_t kSignMask = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x80000000, 0x00000000);
static const uint64_t kExponentMask = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x7FF00000, 0x00000000);
static const uint64_t kSignificandMask = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x000FFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);
static const uint64_t kHiddenBit = RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x00100000, 0x00000000);
union {
double d_;
uint64_t u_;
} // namespace internal
#endif // RAPIDJSON_IEEE754_
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "../rapidjson.h"
namespace internal {
inline const char* GetDigitsLut() {
static const char cDigitsLut[200] = {
return cDigitsLut;
inline char* u32toa(uint32_t value, char* buffer) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(buffer != 0);
const char* cDigitsLut = GetDigitsLut();
if (value < 10000) {
const uint32_t d1 = (value / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d2 = (value % 100) << 1;
if (value >= 1000)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1];
if (value >= 100)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1];
if (value >= 10)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1];
else if (value < 100000000) {
// value = bbbbcccc
const uint32_t b = value / 10000;
const uint32_t c = value % 10000;
const uint32_t d1 = (b / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d2 = (b % 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d3 = (c / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d4 = (c % 100) << 1;
if (value >= 10000000)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1];
if (value >= 1000000)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1];
if (value >= 100000)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4 + 1];
else {
// value = aabbbbcccc in decimal
const uint32_t a = value / 100000000; // 1 to 42
value %= 100000000;
if (a >= 10) {
const unsigned i = a << 1;
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i + 1];
*buffer++ = static_cast<char>('0' + static_cast<char>(a));
const uint32_t b = value / 10000; // 0 to 9999
const uint32_t c = value % 10000; // 0 to 9999
const uint32_t d1 = (b / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d2 = (b % 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d3 = (c / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d4 = (c % 100) << 1;
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4 + 1];
return buffer;
inline char* i32toa(int32_t value, char* buffer) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(buffer != 0);
uint32_t u = static_cast<uint32_t>(value);
if (value < 0) {
*buffer++ = '-';
u = ~u + 1;
return u32toa(u, buffer);
inline char* u64toa(uint64_t value, char* buffer) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(buffer != 0);
const char* cDigitsLut = GetDigitsLut();
const uint64_t kTen8 = 100000000;
const uint64_t kTen9 = kTen8 * 10;
const uint64_t kTen10 = kTen8 * 100;
const uint64_t kTen11 = kTen8 * 1000;
const uint64_t kTen12 = kTen8 * 10000;
const uint64_t kTen13 = kTen8 * 100000;
const uint64_t kTen14 = kTen8 * 1000000;
const uint64_t kTen15 = kTen8 * 10000000;
const uint64_t kTen16 = kTen8 * kTen8;
if (value < kTen8) {
uint32_t v = static_cast<uint32_t>(value);
if (v < 10000) {
const uint32_t d1 = (v / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d2 = (v % 100) << 1;
if (v >= 1000)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1];
if (v >= 100)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1];
if (v >= 10)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1];
else {
// value = bbbbcccc
const uint32_t b = v / 10000;
const uint32_t c = v % 10000;
const uint32_t d1 = (b / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d2 = (b % 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d3 = (c / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d4 = (c % 100) << 1;
if (value >= 10000000)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1];
if (value >= 1000000)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1];
if (value >= 100000)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4 + 1];
else if (value < kTen16) {
const uint32_t v0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(value / kTen8);
const uint32_t v1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(value % kTen8);
const uint32_t b0 = v0 / 10000;
const uint32_t c0 = v0 % 10000;
const uint32_t d1 = (b0 / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d2 = (b0 % 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d3 = (c0 / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d4 = (c0 % 100) << 1;
const uint32_t b1 = v1 / 10000;
const uint32_t c1 = v1 % 10000;
const uint32_t d5 = (b1 / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d6 = (b1 % 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d7 = (c1 / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d8 = (c1 % 100) << 1;
if (value >= kTen15)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1];
if (value >= kTen14)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1];
if (value >= kTen13)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2];
if (value >= kTen12)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1];
if (value >= kTen11)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3];
if (value >= kTen10)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3 + 1];
if (value >= kTen9)
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d5];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d5 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d6];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d6 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d7];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d7 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d8];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d8 + 1];
else {
const uint32_t a = static_cast<uint32_t>(value / kTen16); // 1 to 1844
value %= kTen16;
if (a < 10)
*buffer++ = static_cast<char>('0' + static_cast<char>(a));
else if (a < 100) {
const uint32_t i = a << 1;
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i + 1];
else if (a < 1000) {
*buffer++ = static_cast<char>('0' + static_cast<char>(a / 100));
const uint32_t i = (a % 100) << 1;
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i + 1];
else {
const uint32_t i = (a / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t j = (a % 100) << 1;
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[i + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[j];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[j + 1];
const uint32_t v0 = static_cast<uint32_t>(value / kTen8);
const uint32_t v1 = static_cast<uint32_t>(value % kTen8);
const uint32_t b0 = v0 / 10000;
const uint32_t c0 = v0 % 10000;
const uint32_t d1 = (b0 / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d2 = (b0 % 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d3 = (c0 / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d4 = (c0 % 100) << 1;
const uint32_t b1 = v1 / 10000;
const uint32_t c1 = v1 % 10000;
const uint32_t d5 = (b1 / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d6 = (b1 % 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d7 = (c1 / 100) << 1;
const uint32_t d8 = (c1 % 100) << 1;
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d1 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d2 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d3 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d4 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d5];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d5 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d6];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d6 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d7];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d7 + 1];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d8];
*buffer++ = cDigitsLut[d8 + 1];
return buffer;
inline char* i64toa(int64_t value, char* buffer) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(buffer != 0);
uint64_t u = static_cast<uint64_t>(value);
if (value < 0) {
*buffer++ = '-';
u = ~u + 1;
return u64toa(u, buffer);
} // namespace internal
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "../rapidjson.h"
#ifdef __GNUC__
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
#include <type_traits>
namespace internal {
// Helper to wrap/convert arbitrary types to void, useful for arbitrary type matching
template <typename T> struct Void { typedef void Type; };
// BoolType, TrueType, FalseType
template <bool Cond> struct BoolType {
static const bool Value = Cond;
typedef BoolType Type;
typedef BoolType<true> TrueType;
typedef BoolType<false> FalseType;
// SelectIf, BoolExpr, NotExpr, AndExpr, OrExpr
template <bool C> struct SelectIfImpl { template <typename T1, typename T2> struct Apply { typedef T1 Type; }; };
template <> struct SelectIfImpl<false> { template <typename T1, typename T2> struct Apply { typedef T2 Type; }; };
template <bool C, typename T1, typename T2> struct SelectIfCond : SelectIfImpl<C>::template Apply<T1,T2> {};
template <typename C, typename T1, typename T2> struct SelectIf : SelectIfCond<C::Value, T1, T2> {};
template <bool Cond1, bool Cond2> struct AndExprCond : FalseType {};
template <> struct AndExprCond<true, true> : TrueType {};
template <bool Cond1, bool Cond2> struct OrExprCond : TrueType {};
template <> struct OrExprCond<false, false> : FalseType {};
template <typename C> struct BoolExpr : SelectIf<C,TrueType,FalseType>::Type {};
template <typename C> struct NotExpr : SelectIf<C,FalseType,TrueType>::Type {};
template <typename C1, typename C2> struct AndExpr : AndExprCond<C1::Value, C2::Value>::Type {};
template <typename C1, typename C2> struct OrExpr : OrExprCond<C1::Value, C2::Value>::Type {};
// AddConst, MaybeAddConst, RemoveConst
template <typename T> struct AddConst { typedef const T Type; };
template <bool Constify, typename T> struct MaybeAddConst : SelectIfCond<Constify, const T, T> {};
template <typename T> struct RemoveConst { typedef T Type; };
template <typename T> struct RemoveConst<const T> { typedef T Type; };
// IsSame, IsConst, IsMoreConst, IsPointer
template <typename T, typename U> struct IsSame : FalseType {};
template <typename T> struct IsSame<T, T> : TrueType {};
template <typename T> struct IsConst : FalseType {};
template <typename T> struct IsConst<const T> : TrueType {};
template <typename CT, typename T>
struct IsMoreConst
: AndExpr<IsSame<typename RemoveConst<CT>::Type, typename RemoveConst<T>::Type>,
BoolType<IsConst<CT>::Value >= IsConst<T>::Value> >::Type {};
template <typename T> struct IsPointer : FalseType {};
template <typename T> struct IsPointer<T*> : TrueType {};
// IsBaseOf
template <typename B, typename D> struct IsBaseOf
: BoolType< ::std::is_base_of<B,D>::value> {};
#else // simplified version adopted from Boost
template<typename B, typename D> struct IsBaseOfImpl {
typedef char (&Yes)[1];
typedef char (&No) [2];
template <typename T>
static Yes Check(const D*, T);
static No Check(const B*, int);
struct Host {
operator const B*() const;
operator const D*();
enum { Value = (sizeof(Check(Host(), 0)) == sizeof(Yes)) };
template <typename B, typename D> struct IsBaseOf
: OrExpr<IsSame<B, D>, BoolExpr<IsBaseOfImpl<B, D> > >::Type {};
// EnableIf / DisableIf
template <bool Condition, typename T = void> struct EnableIfCond { typedef T Type; };
template <typename T> struct EnableIfCond<false, T> { /* empty */ };
template <bool Condition, typename T = void> struct DisableIfCond { typedef T Type; };
template <typename T> struct DisableIfCond<true, T> { /* empty */ };
template <typename Condition, typename T = void>
struct EnableIf : EnableIfCond<Condition::Value, T> {};
template <typename Condition, typename T = void>
struct DisableIf : DisableIfCond<Condition::Value, T> {};
// SFINAE helpers
struct SfinaeTag {};
template <typename T> struct RemoveSfinaeTag;
template <typename T> struct RemoveSfinaeTag<SfinaeTag&(*)(T)> { typedef T Type; };
typename ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::internal::RemoveSfinaeTag \
< ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::internal::SfinaeTag&(*) type>::Type
#define RAPIDJSON_ENABLEIF(cond) \
typename ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::internal::EnableIf \
typename ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::internal::DisableIf \
#define RAPIDJSON_ENABLEIF_RETURN(cond,returntype) \
typename ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::internal::EnableIf \
#define RAPIDJSON_DISABLEIF_RETURN(cond,returntype) \
typename ::RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE::internal::DisableIf \
} // namespace internal
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__clang__)
#ifdef __GNUC__
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#ifndef RAPIDJSON_POW10_
#define RAPIDJSON_POW10_
#include "../rapidjson.h"
namespace internal {
//! Computes integer powers of 10 in double (10.0^n).
/*! This function uses lookup table for fast and accurate results.
\param n non-negative exponent. Must <= 308.
\return 10.0^n
inline double Pow10(int n) {
static const double e[] = { // 1e-0...1e308: 309 * 8 bytes = 2472 bytes
1e+1, 1e+2, 1e+3, 1e+4, 1e+5, 1e+6, 1e+7, 1e+8, 1e+9, 1e+10, 1e+11, 1e+12, 1e+13, 1e+14, 1e+15, 1e+16, 1e+17, 1e+18, 1e+19, 1e+20,
1e+21, 1e+22, 1e+23, 1e+24, 1e+25, 1e+26, 1e+27, 1e+28, 1e+29, 1e+30, 1e+31, 1e+32, 1e+33, 1e+34, 1e+35, 1e+36, 1e+37, 1e+38, 1e+39, 1e+40,
1e+41, 1e+42, 1e+43, 1e+44, 1e+45, 1e+46, 1e+47, 1e+48, 1e+49, 1e+50, 1e+51, 1e+52, 1e+53, 1e+54, 1e+55, 1e+56, 1e+57, 1e+58, 1e+59, 1e+60,
1e+61, 1e+62, 1e+63, 1e+64, 1e+65, 1e+66, 1e+67, 1e+68, 1e+69, 1e+70, 1e+71, 1e+72, 1e+73, 1e+74, 1e+75, 1e+76, 1e+77, 1e+78, 1e+79, 1e+80,
1e+81, 1e+82, 1e+83, 1e+84, 1e+85, 1e+86, 1e+87, 1e+88, 1e+89, 1e+90, 1e+91, 1e+92, 1e+93, 1e+94, 1e+95, 1e+96, 1e+97, 1e+98, 1e+99, 1e+100,
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(n >= 0 && n <= 308);
return e[n];
} // namespace internal
#endif // RAPIDJSON_POW10_
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "../allocators.h"
#include "../stream.h"
#include "stack.h"
#ifdef __clang__
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4512) // assignment operator could not be generated
#ifdef __GNUC__
namespace internal {
// DecodedStream
template <typename SourceStream, typename Encoding>
class DecodedStream {
DecodedStream(SourceStream& ss) : ss_(ss), codepoint_() { Decode(); }
unsigned Peek() { return codepoint_; }
unsigned Take() {
unsigned c = codepoint_;
if (c) // No further decoding when '\0'
return c;
void Decode() {
if (!Encoding::Decode(ss_, &codepoint_))
codepoint_ = 0;
SourceStream& ss_;
unsigned codepoint_;
// GenericRegex
static const SizeType kRegexInvalidState = ~SizeType(0); //!< Represents an invalid index in GenericRegex::State::out, out1
static const SizeType kRegexInvalidRange = ~SizeType(0);
template <typename Encoding, typename Allocator>
class GenericRegexSearch;
//! Regular expression engine with subset of ECMAscript grammar.
Supported regular expression syntax:
- \c ab Concatenation
- \c a|b Alternation
- \c a? Zero or one
- \c a* Zero or more
- \c a+ One or more
- \c a{3} Exactly 3 times
- \c a{3,} At least 3 times
- \c a{3,5} 3 to 5 times
- \c (ab) Grouping
- \c ^a At the beginning
- \c a$ At the end
- \c . Any character
- \c [abc] Character classes
- \c [a-c] Character class range
- \c [a-z0-9_] Character class combination
- \c [^abc] Negated character classes
- \c [^a-c] Negated character class range
- \c [\b] Backspace (U+0008)
- \c \\| \\\\ ... Escape characters
- \c \\f Form feed (U+000C)
- \c \\n Line feed (U+000A)
- \c \\r Carriage return (U+000D)
- \c \\t Tab (U+0009)
- \c \\v Vertical tab (U+000B)
\note This is a Thompson NFA engine, implemented with reference to
Cox, Russ. "Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast (but is slow in Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby,...).",
template <typename Encoding, typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
class GenericRegex {
typedef Encoding EncodingType;
typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch;
template <typename, typename> friend class GenericRegexSearch;
GenericRegex(const Ch* source, Allocator* allocator = 0) :
ownAllocator_(allocator ? 0 : RAPIDJSON_NEW(Allocator)()), allocator_(allocator ? allocator : ownAllocator_),
states_(allocator_, 256), ranges_(allocator_, 256), root_(kRegexInvalidState), stateCount_(), rangeCount_(),
anchorBegin_(), anchorEnd_()
GenericStringStream<Encoding> ss(source);
DecodedStream<GenericStringStream<Encoding>, Encoding> ds(ss);
bool IsValid() const {
return root_ != kRegexInvalidState;
enum Operator {
static const unsigned kAnyCharacterClass = 0xFFFFFFFF; //!< For '.'
static const unsigned kRangeCharacterClass = 0xFFFFFFFE;
static const unsigned kRangeNegationFlag = 0x80000000;
struct Range {
unsigned start; //
unsigned end;
SizeType next;
struct State {
SizeType out; //!< Equals to kInvalid for matching state
SizeType out1; //!< Equals to non-kInvalid for split
SizeType rangeStart;
unsigned codepoint;
struct Frag {
Frag(SizeType s, SizeType o, SizeType m) : start(s), out(o), minIndex(m) {}
SizeType start;
SizeType out; //!< link-list of all output states
SizeType minIndex;
State& GetState(SizeType index) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < stateCount_);
return states_.template Bottom<State>()[index];
const State& GetState(SizeType index) const {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < stateCount_);
return states_.template Bottom<State>()[index];
Range& GetRange(SizeType index) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < rangeCount_);
return ranges_.template Bottom<Range>()[index];
const Range& GetRange(SizeType index) const {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index < rangeCount_);
return ranges_.template Bottom<Range>()[index];
template <typename InputStream>
void Parse(DecodedStream<InputStream, Encoding>& ds) {
Stack<Allocator> operandStack(allocator_, 256); // Frag
Stack<Allocator> operatorStack(allocator_, 256); // Operator
Stack<Allocator> atomCountStack(allocator_, 256); // unsigned (Atom per parenthesis)
*atomCountStack.template Push<unsigned>() = 0;
unsigned codepoint;
while (ds.Peek() != 0) {
switch (codepoint = ds.Take()) {
case '^':
anchorBegin_ = true;
case '$':
anchorEnd_ = true;
case '|':
while (!operatorStack.Empty() && *operatorStack.template Top<Operator>() < kAlternation)
if (!Eval(operandStack, *operatorStack.template Pop<Operator>(1)))
*operatorStack.template Push<Operator>() = kAlternation;
*atomCountStack.template Top<unsigned>() = 0;
case '(':
*operatorStack.template Push<Operator>() = kLeftParenthesis;
*atomCountStack.template Push<unsigned>() = 0;
case ')':
while (!operatorStack.Empty() && *operatorStack.template Top<Operator>() != kLeftParenthesis)
if (!Eval(operandStack, *operatorStack.template Pop<Operator>(1)))
if (operatorStack.Empty())
operatorStack.template Pop<Operator>(1);
atomCountStack.template Pop<unsigned>(1);
ImplicitConcatenation(atomCountStack, operatorStack);
case '?':
if (!Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrOne))
case '*':
if (!Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrMore))
case '+':
if (!Eval(operandStack, kOneOrMore))
case '{':
unsigned n, m;
if (!ParseUnsigned(ds, &n))
if (ds.Peek() == ',') {
if (ds.Peek() == '}')
m = kInfinityQuantifier;
else if (!ParseUnsigned(ds, &m) || m < n)
m = n;
if (!EvalQuantifier(operandStack, n, m) || ds.Peek() != '}')
case '.':
PushOperand(operandStack, kAnyCharacterClass);
ImplicitConcatenation(atomCountStack, operatorStack);
case '[':
SizeType range;
if (!ParseRange(ds, &range))
SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, kRegexInvalidState, kRangeCharacterClass);
GetState(s).rangeStart = range;
*operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(s, s, s);
ImplicitConcatenation(atomCountStack, operatorStack);
case '\\': // Escape character
if (!CharacterEscape(ds, &codepoint))
return; // Unsupported escape character
// fall through to default
default: // Pattern character
PushOperand(operandStack, codepoint);
ImplicitConcatenation(atomCountStack, operatorStack);
while (!operatorStack.Empty())
if (!Eval(operandStack, *operatorStack.template Pop<Operator>(1)))
// Link the operand to matching state.
if (operandStack.GetSize() == sizeof(Frag)) {
Frag* e = operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
Patch(e->out, NewState(kRegexInvalidState, kRegexInvalidState, 0));
root_ = e->start;
printf("root: %d\n", root_);
for (SizeType i = 0; i < stateCount_ ; i++) {
State& s = GetState(i);
printf("[%2d] out: %2d out1: %2d c: '%c'\n", i, s.out, s.out1, (char)s.codepoint);
SizeType NewState(SizeType out, SizeType out1, unsigned codepoint) {
State* s = states_.template Push<State>();
s->out = out;
s->out1 = out1;
s->codepoint = codepoint;
s->rangeStart = kRegexInvalidRange;
return stateCount_++;
void PushOperand(Stack<Allocator>& operandStack, unsigned codepoint) {
SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, kRegexInvalidState, codepoint);
*operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(s, s, s);
void ImplicitConcatenation(Stack<Allocator>& atomCountStack, Stack<Allocator>& operatorStack) {
if (*atomCountStack.template Top<unsigned>())
*operatorStack.template Push<Operator>() = kConcatenation;
(*atomCountStack.template Top<unsigned>())++;
SizeType Append(SizeType l1, SizeType l2) {
SizeType old = l1;
while (GetState(l1).out != kRegexInvalidState)
l1 = GetState(l1).out;
GetState(l1).out = l2;
return old;
void Patch(SizeType l, SizeType s) {
for (SizeType next; l != kRegexInvalidState; l = next) {
next = GetState(l).out;
GetState(l).out = s;
bool Eval(Stack<Allocator>& operandStack, Operator op) {
switch (op) {
case kConcatenation:
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag) * 2);
Frag e2 = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
Frag e1 = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
Patch(e1.out, e2.start);
*operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(e1.start, e2.out, Min(e1.minIndex, e2.minIndex));
return true;
case kAlternation:
if (operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag) * 2) {
Frag e2 = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
Frag e1 = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
SizeType s = NewState(e1.start, e2.start, 0);
*operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(s, Append(e1.out, e2.out), Min(e1.minIndex, e2.minIndex));
return true;
return false;
case kZeroOrOne:
if (operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag)) {
Frag e = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, e.start, 0);
*operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(s, Append(e.out, s), e.minIndex);
return true;
return false;
case kZeroOrMore:
if (operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag)) {
Frag e = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, e.start, 0);
Patch(e.out, s);
*operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(s, s, e.minIndex);
return true;
return false;
case kOneOrMore:
if (operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag)) {
Frag e = *operandStack.template Pop<Frag>(1);
SizeType s = NewState(kRegexInvalidState, e.start, 0);
Patch(e.out, s);
*operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(e.start, s, e.minIndex);
return true;
return false;
// syntax error (e.g. unclosed kLeftParenthesis)
return false;
bool EvalQuantifier(Stack<Allocator>& operandStack, unsigned n, unsigned m) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(operandStack.GetSize() >= sizeof(Frag));
if (n == 0) {
if (m == 0) // a{0} not support
return false;
else if (m == kInfinityQuantifier)
Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrMore); // a{0,} -> a*
else {
Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrOne); // a{0,5} -> a?
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m - 1; i++)
CloneTopOperand(operandStack); // a{0,5} -> a? a? a? a? a?
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m - 1; i++)
Eval(operandStack, kConcatenation); // a{0,5} -> a?a?a?a?a?
return true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) // a{3} -> a a a
if (m == kInfinityQuantifier)
Eval(operandStack, kOneOrMore); // a{3,} -> a a a+
else if (m > n) {
CloneTopOperand(operandStack); // a{3,5} -> a a a a
Eval(operandStack, kZeroOrOne); // a{3,5} -> a a a a?
for (unsigned i = n; i < m - 1; i++)
CloneTopOperand(operandStack); // a{3,5} -> a a a a? a?
for (unsigned i = n; i < m; i++)
Eval(operandStack, kConcatenation); // a{3,5} -> a a aa?a?
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
Eval(operandStack, kConcatenation); // a{3} -> aaa, a{3,} -> aaa+, a{3.5} -> aaaa?a?
return true;
static SizeType Min(SizeType a, SizeType b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
void CloneTopOperand(Stack<Allocator>& operandStack) {
const Frag src = *operandStack.template Top<Frag>(); // Copy constructor to prevent invalidation
SizeType count = stateCount_ - src.minIndex; // Assumes top operand contains states in [src->minIndex, stateCount_)
State* s = states_.template Push<State>(count);
memcpy(s, &GetState(src.minIndex), count * sizeof(State));
for (SizeType j = 0; j < count; j++) {
if (s[j].out != kRegexInvalidState)
s[j].out += count;
if (s[j].out1 != kRegexInvalidState)
s[j].out1 += count;
*operandStack.template Push<Frag>() = Frag(src.start + count, src.out + count, src.minIndex + count);
stateCount_ += count;
template <typename InputStream>
bool ParseUnsigned(DecodedStream<InputStream, Encoding>& ds, unsigned* u) {
unsigned r = 0;
if (ds.Peek() < '0' || ds.Peek() > '9')
return false;
while (ds.Peek() >= '0' && ds.Peek() <= '9') {
if (r >= 429496729 && ds.Peek() > '5') // 2^32 - 1 = 4294967295
return false; // overflow
r = r * 10 + (ds.Take() - '0');
*u = r;
return true;
template <typename InputStream>
bool ParseRange(DecodedStream<InputStream, Encoding>& ds, SizeType* range) {
bool isBegin = true;
bool negate = false;
int step = 0;
SizeType start = kRegexInvalidRange;
SizeType current = kRegexInvalidRange;
unsigned codepoint;
while ((codepoint = ds.Take()) != 0) {
if (isBegin) {
isBegin = false;
if (codepoint == '^') {
negate = true;
switch (codepoint) {
case ']':
if (start == kRegexInvalidRange)
return false; // Error: nothing inside []
if (step == 2) { // Add trailing '-'
SizeType r = NewRange('-');
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(current != kRegexInvalidRange);
GetRange(current).next = r;
if (negate)
GetRange(start).start |= kRangeNegationFlag;
*range = start;
return true;
case '\\':
if (ds.Peek() == 'b') {
codepoint = 0x0008; // Escape backspace character
else if (!CharacterEscape(ds, &codepoint))
return false;
// fall through to default
switch (step) {
case 1:
if (codepoint == '-') {
// fall through to step 0 for other characters
case 0:
SizeType r = NewRange(codepoint);
if (current != kRegexInvalidRange)
GetRange(current).next = r;
if (start == kRegexInvalidRange)
start = r;
current = r;
step = 1;
GetRange(current).end = codepoint;
step = 0;
return false;
SizeType NewRange(unsigned codepoint) {
Range* r = ranges_.template Push<Range>();
r->start = r->end = codepoint;
r->next = kRegexInvalidRange;
return rangeCount_++;
template <typename InputStream>
bool CharacterEscape(DecodedStream<InputStream, Encoding>& ds, unsigned* escapedCodepoint) {
unsigned codepoint;
switch (codepoint = ds.Take()) {
case '^':
case '$':
case '|':
case '(':
case ')':
case '?':
case '*':
case '+':
case '.':
case '[':
case ']':
case '{':
case '}':
case '\\':
*escapedCodepoint = codepoint; return true;
case 'f': *escapedCodepoint = 0x000C; return true;
case 'n': *escapedCodepoint = 0x000A; return true;
case 'r': *escapedCodepoint = 0x000D; return true;
case 't': *escapedCodepoint = 0x0009; return true;
case 'v': *escapedCodepoint = 0x000B; return true;
return false; // Unsupported escape character
Allocator* ownAllocator_;
Allocator* allocator_;
Stack<Allocator> states_;
Stack<Allocator> ranges_;
SizeType root_;
SizeType stateCount_;
SizeType rangeCount_;
static const unsigned kInfinityQuantifier = ~0u;
// For SearchWithAnchoring()
bool anchorBegin_;
bool anchorEnd_;
template <typename RegexType, typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
class GenericRegexSearch {
typedef typename RegexType::EncodingType Encoding;
typedef typename Encoding::Ch Ch;
GenericRegexSearch(const RegexType& regex, Allocator* allocator = 0) :
regex_(regex), allocator_(allocator), ownAllocator_(0),
state0_(allocator, 0), state1_(allocator, 0), stateSet_()
if (!allocator_)
ownAllocator_ = allocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(Allocator)();
stateSet_ = static_cast<unsigned*>(allocator_->Malloc(GetStateSetSize()));
state0_.template Reserve<SizeType>(regex_.stateCount_);
state1_.template Reserve<SizeType>(regex_.stateCount_);
~GenericRegexSearch() {
template <typename InputStream>
bool Match(InputStream& is) {
return SearchWithAnchoring(is, true, true);
bool Match(const Ch* s) {
GenericStringStream<Encoding> is(s);
return Match(is);
template <typename InputStream>
bool Search(InputStream& is) {
return SearchWithAnchoring(is, regex_.anchorBegin_, regex_.anchorEnd_);
bool Search(const Ch* s) {
GenericStringStream<Encoding> is(s);
return Search(is);
typedef typename RegexType::State State;
typedef typename RegexType::Range Range;
template <typename InputStream>
bool SearchWithAnchoring(InputStream& is, bool anchorBegin, bool anchorEnd) {
DecodedStream<InputStream, Encoding> ds(is);
Stack<Allocator> *current = &state0_, *next = &state1_;
const size_t stateSetSize = GetStateSetSize();
std::memset(stateSet_, 0, stateSetSize);
bool matched = AddState(*current, regex_.root_);
unsigned codepoint;
while (!current->Empty() && (codepoint = ds.Take()) != 0) {
std::memset(stateSet_, 0, stateSetSize);
matched = false;
for (const SizeType* s = current->template Bottom<SizeType>(); s != current->template End<SizeType>(); ++s) {
const State& sr = regex_.GetState(*s);
if (sr.codepoint == codepoint ||
sr.codepoint == RegexType::kAnyCharacterClass ||
(sr.codepoint == RegexType::kRangeCharacterClass && MatchRange(sr.rangeStart, codepoint)))
matched = AddState(*next, sr.out) || matched;
if (!anchorEnd && matched)
return true;
if (!anchorBegin)
AddState(*next, regex_.root_);
internal::Swap(current, next);
return matched;
size_t GetStateSetSize() const {
return (regex_.stateCount_ + 31) / 32 * 4;
// Return whether the added states is a match state
bool AddState(Stack<Allocator>& l, SizeType index) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(index != kRegexInvalidState);
const State& s = regex_.GetState(index);
if (s.out1 != kRegexInvalidState) { // Split
bool matched = AddState(l, s.out);
return AddState(l, s.out1) || matched;
else if (!(stateSet_[index >> 5] & (1u << (index & 31)))) {
stateSet_[index >> 5] |= (1u << (index & 31));
*l.template PushUnsafe<SizeType>() = index;
return s.out == kRegexInvalidState; // by using PushUnsafe() above, we can ensure s is not validated due to reallocation.
bool MatchRange(SizeType rangeIndex, unsigned codepoint) const {
bool yes = (regex_.GetRange(rangeIndex).start & RegexType::kRangeNegationFlag) == 0;
while (rangeIndex != kRegexInvalidRange) {
const Range& r = regex_.GetRange(rangeIndex);
if (codepoint >= (r.start & ~RegexType::kRangeNegationFlag) && codepoint <= r.end)
return yes;
rangeIndex =;
return !yes;
const RegexType& regex_;
Allocator* allocator_;
Allocator* ownAllocator_;
Stack<Allocator> state0_;
Stack<Allocator> state1_;
uint32_t* stateSet_;
typedef GenericRegex<UTF8<> > Regex;
typedef GenericRegexSearch<Regex> RegexSearch;
} // namespace internal
#ifdef __GNUC__
#if defined(__clang__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "../allocators.h"
#include "swap.h"
#include <cstddef>
#if defined(__clang__)
namespace internal {
// Stack
//! A type-unsafe stack for storing different types of data.
/*! \tparam Allocator Allocator for allocating stack memory.
template <typename Allocator>
class Stack {
// Optimization note: Do not allocate memory for stack_ in constructor.
// Do it lazily when first Push() -> Expand() -> Resize().
Stack(Allocator* allocator, size_t stackCapacity) : allocator_(allocator), ownAllocator_(0), stack_(0), stackTop_(0), stackEnd_(0), initialCapacity_(stackCapacity) {
Stack(Stack&& rhs)
: allocator_(rhs.allocator_),
rhs.allocator_ = 0;
rhs.ownAllocator_ = 0;
rhs.stack_ = 0;
rhs.stackTop_ = 0;
rhs.stackEnd_ = 0;
rhs.initialCapacity_ = 0;
~Stack() {
Stack& operator=(Stack&& rhs) {
if (&rhs != this)
allocator_ = rhs.allocator_;
ownAllocator_ = rhs.ownAllocator_;
stack_ = rhs.stack_;
stackTop_ = rhs.stackTop_;
stackEnd_ = rhs.stackEnd_;
initialCapacity_ = rhs.initialCapacity_;
rhs.allocator_ = 0;
rhs.ownAllocator_ = 0;
rhs.stack_ = 0;
rhs.stackTop_ = 0;
rhs.stackEnd_ = 0;
rhs.initialCapacity_ = 0;
return *this;
void Swap(Stack& rhs) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT {
internal::Swap(allocator_, rhs.allocator_);
internal::Swap(ownAllocator_, rhs.ownAllocator_);
internal::Swap(stack_, rhs.stack_);
internal::Swap(stackTop_, rhs.stackTop_);
internal::Swap(stackEnd_, rhs.stackEnd_);
internal::Swap(initialCapacity_, rhs.initialCapacity_);
void Clear() { stackTop_ = stack_; }
void ShrinkToFit() {
if (Empty()) {
// If the stack is empty, completely deallocate the memory.
Allocator::Free(stack_); // NOLINT (+clang-analyzer-unix.Malloc)
stack_ = 0;
stackTop_ = 0;
stackEnd_ = 0;
// Optimization note: try to minimize the size of this function for force inline.
// Expansion is run very infrequently, so it is moved to another (probably non-inline) function.
template<typename T>
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE void Reserve(size_t count = 1) {
// Expand the stack if needed
if (RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(sizeof(T) * count) > (stackEnd_ - stackTop_)))
template<typename T>
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE T* Push(size_t count = 1) {
return PushUnsafe<T>(count);
template<typename T>
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE T* PushUnsafe(size_t count = 1) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(sizeof(T) * count) <= (stackEnd_ - stackTop_));
T* ret = reinterpret_cast<T*>(stackTop_);
stackTop_ += sizeof(T) * count;
return ret;
template<typename T>
T* Pop(size_t count) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(GetSize() >= count * sizeof(T));
stackTop_ -= count * sizeof(T);
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(stackTop_);
template<typename T>
T* Top() {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(GetSize() >= sizeof(T));
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(stackTop_ - sizeof(T));
template<typename T>
const T* Top() const {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(GetSize() >= sizeof(T));
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(stackTop_ - sizeof(T));
template<typename T>
T* End() { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(stackTop_); }
template<typename T>
const T* End() const { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(stackTop_); }
template<typename T>
T* Bottom() { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(stack_); }
template<typename T>
const T* Bottom() const { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(stack_); }
bool HasAllocator() const {
return allocator_ != 0;
Allocator& GetAllocator() {
return *allocator_;
bool Empty() const { return stackTop_ == stack_; }
size_t GetSize() const { return static_cast<size_t>(stackTop_ - stack_); }
size_t GetCapacity() const { return static_cast<size_t>(stackEnd_ - stack_); }
template<typename T>
void Expand(size_t count) {
// Only expand the capacity if the current stack exists. Otherwise just create a stack with initial capacity.
size_t newCapacity;
if (stack_ == 0) {
if (!allocator_)
ownAllocator_ = allocator_ = RAPIDJSON_NEW(Allocator)();
newCapacity = initialCapacity_;
} else {
newCapacity = GetCapacity();
newCapacity += (newCapacity + 1) / 2;
size_t newSize = GetSize() + sizeof(T) * count;
if (newCapacity < newSize)
newCapacity = newSize;
void Resize(size_t newCapacity) {
const size_t size = GetSize(); // Backup the current size
stack_ = static_cast<char*>(allocator_->Realloc(stack_, GetCapacity(), newCapacity));
stackTop_ = stack_ + size;
stackEnd_ = stack_ + newCapacity;
void Destroy() {
RAPIDJSON_DELETE(ownAllocator_); // Only delete if it is owned by the stack
// Prohibit copy constructor & assignment operator.
Stack(const Stack&);
Stack& operator=(const Stack&);
Allocator* allocator_;
Allocator* ownAllocator_;
char *stack_;
char *stackTop_;
char *stackEnd_;
size_t initialCapacity_;
} // namespace internal
#if defined(__clang__)
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "../stream.h"
#include <cwchar>
namespace internal {
//! Custom strlen() which works on different character types.
/*! \tparam Ch Character type (e.g. char, wchar_t, short)
\param s Null-terminated input string.
\return Number of characters in the string.
\note This has the same semantics as strlen(), the return value is not number of Unicode codepoints.
template <typename Ch>
inline SizeType StrLen(const Ch* s) {
const Ch* p = s;
while (*p) ++p;
return SizeType(p - s);
template <>
inline SizeType StrLen(const char* s) {
return SizeType(std::strlen(s));
template <>
inline SizeType StrLen(const wchar_t* s) {
return SizeType(std::wcslen(s));
//! Custom strcmpn() which works on different character types.
/*! \tparam Ch Character type (e.g. char, wchar_t, short)
\param s1 Null-terminated input string.
\param s2 Null-terminated input string.
\return 0 if equal
template<typename Ch>
inline int StrCmp(const Ch* s1, const Ch* s2) {
while(*s1 && (*s1 == *s2)) { s1++; s2++; }
return static_cast<unsigned>(*s1) < static_cast<unsigned>(*s2) ? -1 : static_cast<unsigned>(*s1) > static_cast<unsigned>(*s2);
//! Returns number of code points in a encoded string.
template<typename Encoding>
bool CountStringCodePoint(const typename Encoding::Ch* s, SizeType length, SizeType* outCount) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(outCount != 0);
GenericStringStream<Encoding> is(s);
const typename Encoding::Ch* end = s + length;
SizeType count = 0;
while (is.src_ < end) {
unsigned codepoint;
if (!Encoding::Decode(is, &codepoint))
return false;
*outCount = count;
return true;
} // namespace internal
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "ieee754.h"
#include "biginteger.h"
#include "diyfp.h"
#include "pow10.h"
#include <climits>
#include <limits>
namespace internal {
inline double FastPath(double significand, int exp) {
if (exp < -308)
return 0.0;
else if (exp >= 0)
return significand * internal::Pow10(exp);
return significand / internal::Pow10(-exp);
inline double StrtodNormalPrecision(double d, int p) {
if (p < -308) {
// Prevent expSum < -308, making Pow10(p) = 0
d = FastPath(d, -308);
d = FastPath(d, p + 308);
d = FastPath(d, p);
return d;
template <typename T>
inline T Min3(T a, T b, T c) {
T m = a;
if (m > b) m = b;
if (m > c) m = c;
return m;
inline int CheckWithinHalfULP(double b, const BigInteger& d, int dExp) {
const Double db(b);
const uint64_t bInt = db.IntegerSignificand();
const int bExp = db.IntegerExponent();
const int hExp = bExp - 1;
int dS_Exp2 = 0, dS_Exp5 = 0, bS_Exp2 = 0, bS_Exp5 = 0, hS_Exp2 = 0, hS_Exp5 = 0;
// Adjust for decimal exponent
if (dExp >= 0) {
dS_Exp2 += dExp;
dS_Exp5 += dExp;
else {
bS_Exp2 -= dExp;
bS_Exp5 -= dExp;
hS_Exp2 -= dExp;
hS_Exp5 -= dExp;
// Adjust for binary exponent
if (bExp >= 0)
bS_Exp2 += bExp;
else {
dS_Exp2 -= bExp;
hS_Exp2 -= bExp;
// Adjust for half ulp exponent
if (hExp >= 0)
hS_Exp2 += hExp;
else {
dS_Exp2 -= hExp;
bS_Exp2 -= hExp;
// Remove common power of two factor from all three scaled values
int common_Exp2 = Min3(dS_Exp2, bS_Exp2, hS_Exp2);
dS_Exp2 -= common_Exp2;
bS_Exp2 -= common_Exp2;
hS_Exp2 -= common_Exp2;
BigInteger dS = d;
dS.MultiplyPow5(static_cast<unsigned>(dS_Exp5)) <<= static_cast<unsigned>(dS_Exp2);
BigInteger bS(bInt);
bS.MultiplyPow5(static_cast<unsigned>(bS_Exp5)) <<= static_cast<unsigned>(bS_Exp2);
BigInteger hS(1);
hS.MultiplyPow5(static_cast<unsigned>(hS_Exp5)) <<= static_cast<unsigned>(hS_Exp2);
BigInteger delta(0);
dS.Difference(bS, &delta);
return delta.Compare(hS);
inline bool StrtodFast(double d, int p, double* result) {
// Use fast path for string-to-double conversion if possible
// see
if (p > 22 && p < 22 + 16) {
// Fast Path Cases In Disguise
d *= internal::Pow10(p - 22);
p = 22;
if (p >= -22 && p <= 22 && d <= 9007199254740991.0) { // 2^53 - 1
*result = FastPath(d, p);
return true;
return false;
// Compute an approximation and see if it is within 1/2 ULP
inline bool StrtodDiyFp(const char* decimals, int dLen, int dExp, double* result) {
uint64_t significand = 0;
int i = 0; // 2^64 - 1 = 18446744073709551615, 1844674407370955161 = 0x1999999999999999
for (; i < dLen; i++) {
if (significand > RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x19999999, 0x99999999) ||
(significand == RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x19999999, 0x99999999) && decimals[i] > '5'))
significand = significand * 10u + static_cast<unsigned>(decimals[i] - '0');
if (i < dLen && decimals[i] >= '5') // Rounding
int remaining = dLen - i;
const int kUlpShift = 3;
const int kUlp = 1 << kUlpShift;
int64_t error = (remaining == 0) ? 0 : kUlp / 2;
DiyFp v(significand, 0);
v = v.Normalize();
error <<= -v.e;
dExp += remaining;
int actualExp;
DiyFp cachedPower = GetCachedPower10(dExp, &actualExp);
if (actualExp != dExp) {
static const DiyFp kPow10[] = {
DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xa0000000, 0x00000000), -60), // 10^1
DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc8000000, 0x00000000), -57), // 10^2
DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xfa000000, 0x00000000), -54), // 10^3
DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x9c400000, 0x00000000), -50), // 10^4
DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xc3500000, 0x00000000), -47), // 10^5
DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0xf4240000, 0x00000000), -44), // 10^6
DiyFp(RAPIDJSON_UINT64_C2(0x98968000, 0x00000000), -40) // 10^7
int adjustment = dExp - actualExp;
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(adjustment >= 1 && adjustment < 8);
v = v * kPow10[adjustment - 1];
if (dLen + adjustment > 19) // has more digits than decimal digits in 64-bit
error += kUlp / 2;
v = v * cachedPower;
error += kUlp + (error == 0 ? 0 : 1);
const int oldExp = v.e;
v = v.Normalize();
error <<= oldExp - v.e;
const int effectiveSignificandSize = Double::EffectiveSignificandSize(64 + v.e);
int precisionSize = 64 - effectiveSignificandSize;
if (precisionSize + kUlpShift >= 64) {
int scaleExp = (precisionSize + kUlpShift) - 63;
v.f >>= scaleExp;
v.e += scaleExp;
error = (error >> scaleExp) + 1 + kUlp;
precisionSize -= scaleExp;
DiyFp rounded(v.f >> precisionSize, v.e + precisionSize);
const uint64_t precisionBits = (v.f & ((uint64_t(1) << precisionSize) - 1)) * kUlp;
const uint64_t halfWay = (uint64_t(1) << (precisionSize - 1)) * kUlp;
if (precisionBits >= halfWay + static_cast<unsigned>(error)) {
if (rounded.f & (DiyFp::kDpHiddenBit << 1)) { // rounding overflows mantissa (issue #340)
rounded.f >>= 1;
*result = rounded.ToDouble();
return halfWay - static_cast<unsigned>(error) >= precisionBits || precisionBits >= halfWay + static_cast<unsigned>(error);
inline double StrtodBigInteger(double approx, const char* decimals, int dLen, int dExp) {
const BigInteger dInt(decimals, static_cast<unsigned>(dLen));
Double a(approx);
int cmp = CheckWithinHalfULP(a.Value(), dInt, dExp);
if (cmp < 0)
return a.Value(); // within half ULP
else if (cmp == 0) {
// Round towards even
if (a.Significand() & 1)
return a.NextPositiveDouble();
return a.Value();
else // adjustment
return a.NextPositiveDouble();
inline double StrtodFullPrecision(double d, int p, const char* decimals, size_t length, size_t decimalPosition, int exp) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(length >= 1);
double result = 0.0;
if (StrtodFast(d, p, &result))
return result;
int dLen = static_cast<int>(length);
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(length >= decimalPosition);
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(length - decimalPosition <= INT_MAX);
int dExpAdjust = static_cast<int>(length - decimalPosition);
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(exp >= INT_MIN + dExpAdjust);
int dExp = exp - dExpAdjust;
// Make sure length+dExp does not overflow
// Trim leading zeros
while (dLen > 0 && *decimals == '0') {
// Trim trailing zeros
while (dLen > 0 && decimals[dLen - 1] == '0') {
if (dLen == 0) { // Buffer only contains zeros.
return 0.0;
// Trim right-most digits
const int kMaxDecimalDigit = 767 + 1;
if (dLen > kMaxDecimalDigit) {
dExp += dLen - kMaxDecimalDigit;
dLen = kMaxDecimalDigit;
// If too small, underflow to zero.
// Any x <= 10^-324 is interpreted as zero.
if (dLen + dExp <= -324)
return 0.0;
// If too large, overflow to infinity.
// Any x >= 10^309 is interpreted as +infinity.
if (dLen + dExp > 309)
return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
if (StrtodDiyFp(decimals, dLen, dExp, &result))
return result;
// Use approximation from StrtodDiyFp and make adjustment with BigInteger comparison
return StrtodBigInteger(result, decimals, dLen, dExp);
} // namespace internal
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "../rapidjson.h"
#if defined(__clang__)
namespace internal {
//! Custom swap() to avoid dependency on C++ <algorithm> header
/*! \tparam T Type of the arguments to swap, should be instantiated with primitive C++ types only.
\note This has the same semantics as std::swap().
template <typename T>
inline void Swap(T& a, T& b) RAPIDJSON_NOEXCEPT {
T tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
} // namespace internal
#if defined(__clang__)
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "stream.h"
#include <iosfwd>
#include <ios>
#ifdef __clang__
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4351) // new behavior: elements of array 'array' will be default initialized
//! Wrapper of \c std::basic_istream into RapidJSON's Stream concept.
The classes can be wrapped including but not limited to:
- \c std::istringstream
- \c std::stringstream
- \c std::wistringstream
- \c std::wstringstream
- \c std::ifstream
- \c std::fstream
- \c std::wifstream
- \c std::wfstream
\tparam StreamType Class derived from \c std::basic_istream.
template <typename StreamType>
class BasicIStreamWrapper {
typedef typename StreamType::char_type Ch;
//! Constructor.
\param stream stream opened for read.
BasicIStreamWrapper(StreamType &stream) : stream_(stream), buffer_(peekBuffer_), bufferSize_(4), bufferLast_(0), current_(buffer_), readCount_(0), count_(0), eof_(false) {
//! Constructor.
\param stream stream opened for read.
\param buffer user-supplied buffer.
\param bufferSize size of buffer in bytes. Must >=4 bytes.
BasicIStreamWrapper(StreamType &stream, char* buffer, size_t bufferSize) : stream_(stream), buffer_(buffer), bufferSize_(bufferSize), bufferLast_(0), current_(buffer_), readCount_(0), count_(0), eof_(false) {
RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(bufferSize >= 4);
Ch Peek() const { return *current_; }
Ch Take() { Ch c = *current_; Read(); return c; }
size_t Tell() const { return count_ + static_cast<size_t>(current_ - buffer_); }
// Not implemented
void Put(Ch) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); }
void Flush() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); }
Ch* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
// For encoding detection only.
const Ch* Peek4() const {
return (current_ + 4 - !eof_ <= bufferLast_) ? current_ : 0;
BasicIStreamWrapper(const BasicIStreamWrapper&);
BasicIStreamWrapper& operator=(const BasicIStreamWrapper&);
void Read() {
if (current_ < bufferLast_)
else if (!eof_) {
count_ += readCount_;
readCount_ = bufferSize_;
bufferLast_ = buffer_ + readCount_ - 1;
current_ = buffer_;
if (!, static_cast<std::streamsize>(bufferSize_))) {
readCount_ = static_cast<size_t>(stream_.gcount());
*(bufferLast_ = buffer_ + readCount_) = '\0';
eof_ = true;
StreamType &stream_;
Ch peekBuffer_[4], *buffer_;
size_t bufferSize_;
Ch *bufferLast_;
Ch *current_;
size_t readCount_;
size_t count_; //!< Number of characters read
bool eof_;
typedef BasicIStreamWrapper<std::istream> IStreamWrapper;
typedef BasicIStreamWrapper<std::wistream> WIStreamWrapper;
#if defined(__clang__) || defined(_MSC_VER)
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "stream.h"
#include "internal/stack.h"
//! Represents an in-memory output byte stream.
This class is mainly for being wrapped by EncodedOutputStream or AutoUTFOutputStream.
It is similar to FileWriteBuffer but the destination is an in-memory buffer instead of a file.
Differences between MemoryBuffer and StringBuffer:
1. StringBuffer has Encoding but MemoryBuffer is only a byte buffer.
2. StringBuffer::GetString() returns a null-terminated string. MemoryBuffer::GetBuffer() returns a buffer without terminator.
\tparam Allocator type for allocating memory buffer.
\note implements Stream concept
template <typename Allocator = CrtAllocator>
struct GenericMemoryBuffer {
typedef char Ch; // byte
GenericMemoryBuffer(Allocator* allocator = 0, size_t capacity = kDefaultCapacity) : stack_(allocator, capacity) {}
void Put(Ch c) { *stack_.template Push<Ch>() = c; }
void Flush() {}
void Clear() { stack_.Clear(); }
void ShrinkToFit() { stack_.ShrinkToFit(); }
Ch* Push(size_t count) { return stack_.template Push<Ch>(count); }
void Pop(size_t count) { stack_.template Pop<Ch>(count); }
const Ch* GetBuffer() const {
return stack_.template Bottom<Ch>();
size_t GetSize() const { return stack_.GetSize(); }
static const size_t kDefaultCapacity = 256;
mutable internal::Stack<Allocator> stack_;
typedef GenericMemoryBuffer<> MemoryBuffer;
//! Implement specialized version of PutN() with memset() for better performance.
inline void PutN(MemoryBuffer& memoryBuffer, char c, size_t n) {
std::memset(memoryBuffer.stack_.Push<char>(n), c, n * sizeof(c));
// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.
// Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.
// Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
#include "stream.h"
#ifdef __clang__
//! Represents an in-memory input byte stream.
This class is mainly for being wrapped by EncodedInputStream or AutoUTFInputStream.
It is similar to FileReadBuffer but the source is an in-memory buffer instead of a file.
Differences between MemoryStream and StringStream:
1. StringStream has encoding but MemoryStream is a byte stream.
2. MemoryStream needs size of the source buffer and the buffer don't need to be null terminated. StringStream assume null-terminated string as source.
3. MemoryStream supports Peek4() for encoding detection. StringStream is specified with an encoding so it should not have Peek4().
\note implements Stream concept
struct MemoryStream {
typedef char Ch; // byte
MemoryStream(const Ch *src, size_t size) : src_(src), begin_(src), end_(src + size), size_(size) {}
Ch Peek() const { return RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(src_ == end_) ? '\0' : *src_; }
Ch Take() { return RAPIDJSON_UNLIKELY(src_ == end_) ? '\0' : *src_++; }
size_t Tell() const { return static_cast<size_t>(src_ - begin_); }
Ch* PutBegin() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
void Put(Ch) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); }
void Flush() { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); }
size_t PutEnd(Ch*) { RAPIDJSON_ASSERT(false); return 0; }
// For encoding detection only.
const Ch* Peek4() const {
return Tell() + 4 <= size_ ? src_ : 0;
const Ch* src_; //!< Current read position.
const Ch* begin_; //!< Original head of the string.
const Ch* end_; //!< End of stream.
size_t size_; //!< Size of the stream.
#ifdef __clang__