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  • scs/ipaaca
  • ramin.yaghoubzadeh/ipaaca
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with 5953 additions and 3568 deletions
* This file is part of IPAACA, the
* "Incremental Processing Architecture
* for Artificial Conversational Agents".
* Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Social Cognitive Systems Group
* (formerly the Sociable Agents Group)
* CITEC, Bielefeld University
* This file may be licensed under the terms of of the
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 (the ``LGPL''),
* or (at your option) any later version.
* Software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
* express or implied. See the LGPL for the specific language
* governing rights and limitations.
* You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this
* program. If not, go to
* or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The development of this software was supported by the
* Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology.
* The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche
* Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German
* Excellence Initiative.
* \file ipaaca-cmdline_parser.h
* \brief Header file for basic command line parser
* Users should not include this file directly, but use ipaaca.h
* \author Ramin Yaghoubzadeh (
* \date February, 2019
#ifndef __ipaaca_cmdline_parser_h_INCLUDED__
#define __ipaaca_cmdline_parser_h_INCLUDED__
#ifndef __ipaaca_h_INCLUDED__
#error "Please do not include this file directly, use ipaaca.h instead"
// in
// additional misc classes ( Command line options )//{{{
/** \brief Command line argument container for CommandLineParser
* Contains the results of argument parsing from CommandLineParser::parse()
* The parser is preconfigured to handle some standard options:
* Option | Function
* --------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --help | Print list of available options
* --verbose | Set verbose flag
* --character-name <name> | Set character name (legacy)
* --component-name <name> | Set component name (legacy)
* --ipaaca-payload-type <type> | Set default ipaaca payload type (default JSON, set STR for legacy protocol)
* --ipaaca-default-channel <name> | Set default channel name (default 'default')
* --ipaaca-enable-logging <level> | Set console log level, one of NONE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
* --rsb-enable-logging <level> | Set rsb (transport) log level
class CommandLineOptions {
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline CommandLineOptions()
{ }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~CommandLineOptions() {
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<std::string, std::string> param_opts;
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<std::string, bool> param_set;
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT void set_option(const std::string& name, bool expect, const char* optarg);
/// Get the option argument or default value (if the option expected an argument)
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string get_param(const std::string& o);
/// Check whether option has been set
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT bool is_set(const std::string& o);
typedef std::shared_ptr<CommandLineOptions> ptr;
* \brief Command line parser for ipaaca programs.
* The parser is preconfigured to handle some standard options:
* Option | Function
* --------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --help | Print list of available options
* --verbose | Set verbose flag
* --character-name <name> | Set character name (legacy)
* --component-name <name> | Set component name (legacy)
* --ipaaca-payload-type <type> | Set default ipaaca payload type (default JSON, set STR for legacy protocol)
* --ipaaca-default-channel <name> | Set default channel name (default 'default')
* --ipaaca-enable-logging <level> | Set console log level, one of NONE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
* --rsb-enable-logging <level> | Set rsb (transport) log level
class CommandLineParser {
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<char, std::string> longopt; // letter->name
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<std::string, char> shortopt; // letter->name
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<std::string, bool> options; // name / expect_param
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<std::string, std::string> defaults; // for opt params
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<std::string, int> set_flag; // for paramless opts
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT bool library_options_handled;
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT bool consume_library_option(const std::string& name, bool expect, const char* optarg);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT void ensure_defaults_in( CommandLineOptions::ptr clo );
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~CommandLineParser() { }
/// Create a new parser object reference.
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static inline std::shared_ptr<CommandLineParser> create() {
return std::shared_ptr<CommandLineParser>(new CommandLineParser());
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT void initialize_parser_defaults();
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT void dump_options();
/** \brief Add a user-defined option
* \param optname The long option name, e.g. verbose for --verbose
* \param shortn The short option (or \0 for none)
* \param expect_param Whether an argument is expected for the option
* \param defaultv The default string value (unused if expect_param is false)
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT void add_option(const std::string& optname, char shortn, bool expect_param, const std::string& defaultv);
/** \brief Parse argument list and return result.
* Parse argument list (e.g. from main()) with the parser, consuming the internal options.
* The remaining options are packaged into a CommandLineOptions object.
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT CommandLineOptions::ptr parse(int argc, char* const* argv);
typedef std::shared_ptr<CommandLineParser> ptr;
* This file is part of IPAACA, the
* "Incremental Processing Architecture
* for Artificial Conversational Agents".
* Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Social Cognitive Systems Group
* (formerly the Sociable Agents Group)
* CITEC, Bielefeld University
* This file may be licensed under the terms of of the
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 (the ``LGPL''),
* or (at your option) any later version.
* Software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
* express or implied. See the LGPL for the specific language
* governing rights and limitations.
* You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this
* program. If not, go to
* or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The development of this software was supported by the
* Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology.
* The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche
* Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German
* Excellence Initiative.
* \file ipaaca-backend.h
* \brief Header file for abstract backend participant implementation
* (used in the core library and as a base to derive specific backends).
* Users should not include this file directly, but use ipaaca.h
* \b Note: This file is only included during compilation of ipaaca,
* for regular use, the full internal API is not exposed.
* Users generally need never touch the internal transport layer.
* \author Ramin Yaghoubzadeh Torky (
* \date December, 2018
#ifndef __ipaaca_config_h_INCLUDED__
#define __ipaaca_config_h_INCLUDED__
#ifndef __ipaaca_h_INCLUDED__
#error "Please do not include this file directly, use ipaaca.h instead"
class Config {
typedef std::shared_ptr<Config> ptr;
std::map<std::string, std::string> _data;
std::set<std::string> _messages_delivered;
template<typename T> T get_with_default_internal(const std::string& key, T const& default_value, bool warn);
template<typename T> void config_key_not_found(const std::string& key, T const& default_value, bool warn)
if (!_messages_delivered.count(key)) {
if (warn) { IPAACA_WARNING("Config: no key '" << key << "', using default value " << default_value) }
else { IPAACA_DEBUG("Config: no key '" << key << "', using default value " << default_value) }
template<typename T> void config_conversion_failed(const std::string& key, T const& default_value)
if (!_messages_delivered.count(key)) {
IPAACA_WARNING("Config: failed conversion for key '" << key << "', using default value " << default_value)
bool get_key_and_value(const std::string& line, std::string& key, std::string& value);
inline std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator data_cbegin() const { return _data.begin(); }
inline std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator data_cend() const { return _data.end(); }
void populate_from_global_sources();
void populate_from_environment();
void populate_from_any_conf_files();
void populate_from_conf_file(std::fstream& fs);
template<typename T> T get_with_default(const std::string& key, T const& default_value) {
return get_with_default_internal(key, default_value, false);
template<typename T> T get_with_default_and_warning(const std::string& key, T const& default_value) {
return get_with_default_internal(key, default_value, true);
//inline std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator begin() { return std::map<std::string, std::string>::begin(); }
//inline std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator end() { return std::map<std::string, std::string>::end(); }
Config::ptr get_global_config(bool auto_parse_on_demand=true);
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* "Incremental Processing Architecture
* for Artificial Conversational Agents".
* Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Social Cognitive Systems Group
* Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Social Cognitive Systems Group
* (formerly the Sociable Agents Group)
* CITEC, Bielefeld University
......@@ -49,88 +49,58 @@
* \date March, 2015
#ifndef __ipaaca_internal_h_INCLUDED__
#define __ipaaca_internal_h_INCLUDED__
#ifndef __ipaaca_converters_h_INCLUDED__
#define __ipaaca_converters_h_INCLUDED__
#ifndef __ipaaca_h_INCLUDED__
#error "Please do not include this file directly, use ipaaca.h instead"
namespace converters {
// Wrap a serialized inner object and a wire type in a protobuf::TransportLevelWrapper
std::string cooked_message(const std::string& raw_message, ipaaca::protobuf::TransportMessageType msg_type);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT class CallbackIUPayloadUpdate: public rsb::patterns::LocalServer::Callback<IUPayloadUpdate, int64_t> {//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT CallbackIUPayloadUpdate(Buffer* buffer);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT boost::shared_ptr<int64_t> call(const std::string& methodName, boost::shared_ptr<IUPayloadUpdate> update);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT class CallbackIULinkUpdate: public rsb::patterns::LocalServer::Callback<IULinkUpdate, int64_t> {//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT CallbackIULinkUpdate(Buffer* buffer);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT boost::shared_ptr<int64_t> call(const std::string& methodName, boost::shared_ptr<IULinkUpdate> update);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT class CallbackIUCommission: public rsb::patterns::LocalServer::Callback<protobuf::IUCommission, int64_t> {//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT CallbackIUCommission(Buffer* buffer);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT boost::shared_ptr<int64_t> call(const std::string& methodName, boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IUCommission> update);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT class CallbackIUResendRequest: public rsb::patterns::LocalServer::Callback<protobuf::IUResendRequest, int64_t> {//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT CallbackIUResendRequest(Buffer* buffer);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT boost::shared_ptr<int64_t> call(const std::string& methodName, boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IUResendRequest> update);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT class CallbackIURetraction: public rsb::patterns::LocalServer::Callback<protobuf::IURetraction, int64_t> {//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT CallbackIURetraction(Buffer* buffer);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT boost::shared_ptr<int64_t> call(const std::string& methodName, boost::shared_ptr<protobuf::IURetraction> update);
// protobuf serialization for all supported types (replaces converter repository)
std::string internal_serialize(std::shared_ptr<ipaaca::IU> iu);
//std::string internal_serialize(std::shared_ptr<ipaaca::Message> msg);
std::string internal_serialize(std::shared_ptr<ipaaca::IUPayloadUpdate> pup);
std::string internal_serialize(std::shared_ptr<ipaaca::IULinkUpdate> lup);
std::string internal_serialize(std::shared_ptr<protobuf::RemoteRequestResult> pb);
std::string internal_serialize(std::shared_ptr<protobuf::IURetraction> pb);
std::string internal_serialize(std::shared_ptr<protobuf::IUCommission> pb);
std::string internal_serialize(std::shared_ptr<protobuf::IUResendRequest> pb);
std::string internal_serialize(std::shared_ptr<protobuf::IUPayloadUpdateRequest> pb);
std::string internal_serialize(std::shared_ptr<protobuf::IULinkUpdateRequest> pb);
std::string internal_serialize(std::shared_ptr<protobuf::IUCommissionRequest> pb);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT class IUConverter: public rsb::converter::Converter<std::string> {//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string serialize(const rsb::AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT rsb::AnnotatedData deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema, const std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT class MessageConverter: public rsb::converter::Converter<std::string> {//{{{
// deserialization (just switching here instead of the converter registry business)
std::shared_ptr<ipaaca::backend::Event> internal_deserialize(const std::string& wire);
class IUConverter {//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT MessageConverter();
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string serialize(const rsb::AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT rsb::AnnotatedData deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema, const std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static std::string serialize(std::shared_ptr<ipaaca::IU> iu); // const rsb::AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static std::shared_ptr<ipaaca::IUInterface> deserialize(const std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT class IUPayloadUpdateConverter: public rsb::converter::Converter<std::string> {//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT class MessageConverter {//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT IUPayloadUpdateConverter();
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string serialize(const rsb::AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT rsb::AnnotatedData deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema, const std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static std::string serialize(std::shared_ptr<ipaaca::Message> msg); // const rsb::AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static std::shared_ptr<ipaaca::RemoteMessage> deserialize(const std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT class IULinkUpdateConverter: public rsb::converter::Converter<std::string> {//{{{
class IUPayloadUpdateConverter {//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string serialize(const rsb::AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT rsb::AnnotatedData deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema, const std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static std::string serialize(std::shared_ptr<ipaaca::IUPayloadUpdate> pup); // const rsb::AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static std::shared_ptr<ipaaca::IUPayloadUpdate> deserialize(const std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT class IntConverter: public rsb::converter::Converter<std::string> {//{{{
class IULinkUpdateConverter {//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string serialize(const rsb::AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT rsb::AnnotatedData deserialize(const std::string& wireSchema, const std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static std::string serialize(std::shared_ptr<ipaaca::IULinkUpdate> lup); // const rsb::AnnotatedData& data, std::string& wire);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static std::shared_ptr<ipaaca::IULinkUpdate> deserialize(const std::string& wire);
} // of namespace converters
#endif // __ipaaca_converters_h_INCLUDED__
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* "Incremental Processing Architecture
* for Artificial Conversational Agents".
* Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Social Cognitive Systems Group
* Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Social Cognitive Systems Group
* (formerly the Sociable Agents Group)
* CITEC, Bielefeld University
......@@ -96,324 +96,4 @@ enum IUAccessMode {
/// generate a UUID as an ASCII string
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string generate_uuid_string();
* Exception with string description
class Exception: public std::exception//{{{
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::string _description;
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline Exception(const std::string& description=""): _description(description) { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~Exception() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT const char* what() const throw() {
return _description.c_str();
class Abort: public std::exception//{{{
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::string _description;
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline Abort(const std::string& description=""): _description(description) { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~Abort() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT const char* what() const throw() {
return _description.c_str();
/// IU was not found in a buffer
class IUNotFoundError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUNotFoundError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUNotFoundError() { //boost::shared_ptr<IU> iu) {
_description = "IUNotFoundError";
/// IU was already published
class IUPublishedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUPublishedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUPublishedError() {
_description = "IUPublishedError";
/// IU had already been committed to
class IUCommittedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUCommittedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUCommittedError() {
_description = "IUCommittedError";
/// IU had already been retracted
class IURetractedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IURetractedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IURetractedError() {
_description = "IURetractedError";
/// Remote IU update failed because it had been modified in the mean time
class IUUpdateFailedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUUpdateFailedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUUpdateFailedError() {
_description = "IUUpdateFailedError";
/// Requested resend of old IU due to malformed channel specification
class IUResendRequestFailedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUResendRequestFailedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUResendRequestFailedError() {
_description = "IUResendRequestFailedError";
/// Write operation failed because IU had been set read-only
class IUReadOnlyError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUReadOnlyError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUReadOnlyError() {
_description = "IUReadOnlyError";
/// Buffer::add() failed because the IU had been previously placed in another buffer
class IUAlreadyInABufferError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUAlreadyInABufferError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUAlreadyInABufferError() {
_description = "IUAlreadyInABufferError";
/// A request was made that is only valid for an already published IU
class IUUnpublishedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUUnpublishedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUUnpublishedError() {
_description = "IUUnpublishedError";
/// IU had already been allocated a UID
class IUAlreadyHasAnUIDError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUAlreadyHasAnUIDError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUAlreadyHasAnUIDError() {
_description = "IUAlreadyHasAnUIDError";
/// IU had already been allocated an owner name
class IUAlreadyHasAnOwnerNameError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUAlreadyHasAnOwnerNameError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUAlreadyHasAnOwnerNameError() {
_description = "IUAlreadyHasAnOwnerNameError";
/// UID generation failed (Windows only)
class UUIDGenerationError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~UUIDGenerationError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline UUIDGenerationError() {
_description = "UUIDGenerationError";
/// Not implemented (e.g. invalid request parameters via backend)
class NotImplementedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~NotImplementedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline NotImplementedError() {
_description = "NotImplementedError";
/// PayloadEntryProxy requested type conversion failed (including lenient interpretation)
class PayloadTypeConversionError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~PayloadTypeConversionError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline PayloadTypeConversionError() {
_description = "PayloadTypeConversionError";
/// PayloadEntryProxy was addressed as list when not a list or as map when not a map
class PayloadAddressingError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~PayloadAddressingError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline PayloadAddressingError() {
_description = "PayloadAddressingError";
/// Malformed json was received for a Payload
class JsonParsingError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~JsonParsingError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline JsonParsingError() {
_description = "JsonParsingError";
/// PayloadEntryProxy invalidated (unused)
class PayloadEntryProxyInvalidatedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~PayloadEntryProxyInvalidatedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline PayloadEntryProxyInvalidatedError() {
_description = "PayloadEntryProxyInvalidatedError";
/// Iterator over Payload entries was invalidated by an intermediate IU update operation
class PayloadIteratorInvalidError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~PayloadIteratorInvalidError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline PayloadIteratorInvalidError() {
_description = "PayloadIteratorInvalidError";
/** \brief Static library initialization for backend
* This static class (singleton) is called once (explicitly or on-demand).
* Unless called manually, it is initialized when ipaaca is first used
* (i.e. the first Buffer is created).
class Initializer
/// Initialize the backend [DEPRECATED] (old name, use initialize_backend() instead)
[[deprecated("Use initialize_backend() instead")]]
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static void initialize_ipaaca_rsb_if_needed();
/// Explicitly initialize the backend (usually not required). No effect if already initialized. Automatically called during first Buffer construction.
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static void initialize_backend();
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static bool initialized();
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static void dump_current_default_config();
/** Perform rsb pre-setup before the implicit initialization
* (when first instantiating something). Pre-setup includes
* finding the RSB plugin dir, looking through several parent
* directories for a path "deps/lib/rsb*"/plugins. The path
* can also be set directly (env var RSB_PLUGINS_CPP_PATH),
* which disables the automatic search.
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static void auto_configure_rsb();
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT static bool _initialized;
// in
// additional misc classes ( Command line options )//{{{
/** \brief Command line argument container for CommandLineParser
* Contains the results of argument parsing from CommandLineParser::parse()
* The parser is preconfigured to handle some standard options:
* Option | Function
* --------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --help | Print list of available options
* --verbose | Set verbose flag
* --character-name <name> | Set character name (legacy)
* --component-name <name> | Set component name (legacy)
* --ipaaca-payload-type <type> | Set default ipaaca payload type (default JSON, set STR for legacy protocol)
* --ipaaca-default-channel <name> | Set default channel name (default 'default')
* --ipaaca-enable-logging <level> | Set console log level, one of NONE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
* --rsb-enable-logging <level> | Set rsb (transport) log level
class CommandLineOptions {
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline CommandLineOptions()
{ }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~CommandLineOptions() {
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<std::string, std::string> param_opts;
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<std::string, bool> param_set;
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT void set_option(const std::string& name, bool expect, const char* optarg);
/// Get the option argument or default value (if the option expected an argument)
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string get_param(const std::string& o);
/// Check whether option has been set
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT bool is_set(const std::string& o);
typedef boost::shared_ptr<CommandLineOptions> ptr;
* \brief Command line parser for ipaaca programs.
* The parser is preconfigured to handle some standard options:
* Option | Function
* --------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --help | Print list of available options
* --verbose | Set verbose flag
* --character-name <name> | Set character name (legacy)
* --component-name <name> | Set component name (legacy)
* --ipaaca-payload-type <type> | Set default ipaaca payload type (default JSON, set STR for legacy protocol)
* --ipaaca-default-channel <name> | Set default channel name (default 'default')
* --ipaaca-enable-logging <level> | Set console log level, one of NONE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
* --rsb-enable-logging <level> | Set rsb (transport) log level
class CommandLineParser {
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<char, std::string> longopt; // letter->name
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<std::string, char> shortopt; // letter->name
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<std::string, bool> options; // name / expect_param
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<std::string, std::string> defaults; // for opt params
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::map<std::string, int> set_flag; // for paramless opts
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT bool library_options_handled;
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT bool consume_library_option(const std::string& name, bool expect, const char* optarg);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT void ensure_defaults_in( CommandLineOptions::ptr clo );
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~CommandLineParser() { }
/// Create a new parser object reference.
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static inline boost::shared_ptr<CommandLineParser> create() {
return boost::shared_ptr<CommandLineParser>(new CommandLineParser());
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT void initialize_parser_defaults();
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT void dump_options();
/** \brief Add a user-defined option
* \param optname The long option name, e.g. verbose for --verbose
* \param shortn The short option (or \0 for none)
* \param expect_param Whether an argument is expected for the option
* \param defaultv The default string value (unused if expect_param is false)
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT void add_option(const std::string& optname, char shortn, bool expect_param, const std::string& defaultv);
/** \brief Parse argument list and return result.
* Parse argument list (e.g. from main()) with the parser, consuming the internal options.
* The remaining options are packaged into a CommandLineOptions object.
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT CommandLineOptions::ptr parse(int argc, char* const* argv);
typedef boost::shared_ptr<CommandLineParser> ptr;
// in
// additional misc functions ( String splitting / joining )//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string str_trim(const std::string &s);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string str_join(const std::set<std::string>& set,const std::string& sep);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string str_join(const std::vector<std::string>& vec,const std::string& sep);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT void str_split_wipe(const std::string& str, std::vector<std::string>& tokens, const std::string& delimiters );
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT void str_split_append(const std::string& str, std::vector<std::string>& tokens, const std::string& delimiters );
* This file is part of IPAACA, the
* "Incremental Processing Architecture
* for Artificial Conversational Agents".
* Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Social Cognitive Systems Group
* (formerly the Sociable Agents Group)
* CITEC, Bielefeld University
* This file may be licensed under the terms of of the
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 (the ``LGPL''),
* or (at your option) any later version.
* Software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
* express or implied. See the LGPL for the specific language
* governing rights and limitations.
* You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this
* program. If not, go to
* or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The development of this software was supported by the
* Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology.
* The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche
* Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German
* Excellence Initiative.
* \file ipaaca-errors.h
* \brief Header file for all errors and exceptions
* Users should not include this file directly, but use ipaaca.h
* \author Ramin Yaghoubzadeh (
* \date February, 2019
#ifndef __ipaaca_errors_h_INCLUDED__
#define __ipaaca_errors_h_INCLUDED__
#ifndef __ipaaca_h_INCLUDED__
#error "Please do not include this file directly, use ipaaca.h instead"
* Exception with string description
class Exception: public std::exception//{{{
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::string _description;
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline Exception(const std::string& description=""): _description(description) { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~Exception() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT const char* what() const throw() {
return _description.c_str();
class Abort: public std::exception//{{{
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT std::string _description;
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline Abort(const std::string& description=""): _description(description) { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~Abort() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT const char* what() const throw() {
return _description.c_str();
/// BackEnd failed conditions, e.g. limits
class BackEndBadConditionError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~BackEndBadConditionError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline BackEndBadConditionError() { //std::shared_ptr<BackEnd> iu) {
_description = "BackEndBadConditionError";
/// BackEnd [hard-]failed to connect a participant
class BackEndConnectionFailedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~BackEndConnectionFailedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline BackEndConnectionFailedError() { //std::shared_ptr<BackEnd> iu) {
_description = "BackEndConnectionFailedError";
/// BackEnd not found
class BackEndNotFoundError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~BackEndNotFoundError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline BackEndNotFoundError() { //std::shared_ptr<BackEnd> iu) {
_description = "BackEndNotFoundError";
/// Unknown wire type encountered
class UnhandledWireTypeError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~UnhandledWireTypeError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline UnhandledWireTypeError(int wire_type=-1) {
if (wire_type>0) {
_description = "UnhandledWireTypeError (wire type encountered: " + std::to_string(wire_type) + ")";
} else {
_description = "UnhandledWireTypeError (value not provided)";
/// IU was not found in a buffer
class IUNotFoundError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUNotFoundError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUNotFoundError() { //std::shared_ptr<IU> iu) {
_description = "IUNotFoundError";
/// IU was already published
class IUPublishedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUPublishedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUPublishedError() {
_description = "IUPublishedError";
/// IU had already been committed to
class IUCommittedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUCommittedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUCommittedError() {
_description = "IUCommittedError";
/// IU had already been retracted
class IURetractedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IURetractedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IURetractedError() {
_description = "IURetractedError";
/// Remote IU update failed because it had been modified in the mean time
class IUUpdateFailedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUUpdateFailedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUUpdateFailedError() {
_description = "IUUpdateFailedError";
/// Requested resend of old IU due to malformed channel specification
class IUResendRequestFailedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUResendRequestFailedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUResendRequestFailedError() {
_description = "IUResendRequestFailedError";
/// Write operation failed because IU had been set read-only
class IUReadOnlyError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUReadOnlyError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUReadOnlyError() {
_description = "IUReadOnlyError";
/// Buffer::add() failed because the IU had been previously placed in another buffer
class IUAlreadyInABufferError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUAlreadyInABufferError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUAlreadyInABufferError() {
_description = "IUAlreadyInABufferError";
/// A request was made that is only valid for an already published IU
class IUUnpublishedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUUnpublishedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUUnpublishedError() {
_description = "IUUnpublishedError";
/// IU had already been allocated a UID
class IUAlreadyHasAnUIDError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUAlreadyHasAnUIDError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUAlreadyHasAnUIDError() {
_description = "IUAlreadyHasAnUIDError";
/// IU had already been allocated an owner name
class IUAlreadyHasAnOwnerNameError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~IUAlreadyHasAnOwnerNameError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline IUAlreadyHasAnOwnerNameError() {
_description = "IUAlreadyHasAnOwnerNameError";
/// UID generation failed (Windows only)
class UUIDGenerationError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~UUIDGenerationError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline UUIDGenerationError() {
_description = "UUIDGenerationError";
/// Not implemented (e.g. invalid request parameters via backend)
class NotImplementedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~NotImplementedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline NotImplementedError() {
_description = "NotImplementedError";
/// PayloadEntryProxy requested type conversion failed (including lenient interpretation)
class PayloadTypeConversionError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~PayloadTypeConversionError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline PayloadTypeConversionError() {
_description = "PayloadTypeConversionError";
/// PayloadEntryProxy was addressed as list when not a list or as map when not a map
class PayloadAddressingError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~PayloadAddressingError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline PayloadAddressingError() {
_description = "PayloadAddressingError";
/// Malformed json was received for a Payload
class JsonParsingError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~JsonParsingError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline JsonParsingError() {
_description = "JsonParsingError";
/// PayloadEntryProxy invalidated (unused)
class PayloadEntryProxyInvalidatedError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~PayloadEntryProxyInvalidatedError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline PayloadEntryProxyInvalidatedError() {
_description = "PayloadEntryProxyInvalidatedError";
/// Iterator over Payload entries was invalidated by an intermediate IU update operation
class PayloadIteratorInvalidError: public Exception//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline ~PayloadIteratorInvalidError() throw() { }
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT inline PayloadIteratorInvalidError() {
_description = "PayloadIteratorInvalidError";
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* "Incremental Processing Architecture
* for Artificial Conversational Agents".
* Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Social Cognitive Systems Group
* Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Social Cognitive Systems Group
* (formerly the Sociable Agents Group)
* CITEC, Bielefeld University
......@@ -52,6 +52,15 @@
* forward declarations
namespace backend {
//class Scope;
class Event;
class Informer;
class Listener;
class LocalServer;
class RemoteServer;
} // of namespace backend
class PayloadDocumentEntry;
class PayloadBatchUpdateLock;
......@@ -62,6 +71,7 @@ class IUInterface;
class IU;
class Message;
class RemotePushIU;
class RemoteMessage;
class IULinkUpdate;
class IUPayloadUpdate;
class IUStore;
* This file is part of IPAACA, the
* "Incremental Processing Architecture
* for Artificial Conversational Agents".
* Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Social Cognitive Systems Group
* (formerly the Sociable Agents Group)
* CITEC, Bielefeld University
* This file may be licensed under the terms of of the
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 (the ``LGPL''),
* or (at your option) any later version.
* Software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
* express or implied. See the LGPL for the specific language
* governing rights and limitations.
* You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this
* program. If not, go to
* or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The development of this software was supported by the
* Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology.
* The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche
* Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German
* Excellence Initiative.
* \file ipaaca-initializer.h
* \brief Header file for the global initializer unit
* Users should not include this file directly, but use ipaaca.h
* \author Ramin Yaghoubzadeh (
* \date February, 2019
#ifndef __ipaaca_initializer_h_INCLUDED__
#define __ipaaca_initializer_h_INCLUDED__
#ifndef __ipaaca_h_INCLUDED__
#error "Please do not include this file directly, use ipaaca.h instead"
/** \brief Static library initialization for backend
* This static class (singleton) is called once (explicitly or on-demand).
* Unless called manually, it is initialized when ipaaca is first used
* (i.e. the first Buffer is created).
class Initializer
/// Initialize the backend [DEPRECATED] (old name, use initialize_backend() instead)
[[deprecated("Use initialize_backend() instead")]]
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static void initialize_ipaaca_rsb_if_needed();
/// Explicitly initialize the backend (usually not required). No effect if already initialized. Automatically called during first Buffer construction.
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static void initialize_backend();
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static bool initialized();
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static void dump_current_default_config();
/** Perform rsb pre-setup before the implicit initialization
* (when first instantiating something). Pre-setup includes
* finding the RSB plugin dir, looking through several parent
* directories for a path "deps/lib/rsb*"/plugins. The path
* can also be set directly (env var RSB_PLUGINS_CPP_PATH),
* which disables the automatic search.
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT static void override_env_with_cmdline_set_variables();
IPAACA_MEMBER_VAR_EXPORT static bool _initialized;
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* "Incremental Processing Architecture
* for Artificial Conversational Agents".
* Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Social Cognitive Systems Group
* Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Social Cognitive Systems Group
* (formerly the Sociable Agents Group)
* CITEC, Bielefeld University
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
class Lock
boost::recursive_mutex _mutex;
std::recursive_mutex _mutex;
* This file is part of IPAACA, the
* "Incremental Processing Architecture
* for Artificial Conversational Agents".
* Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Social Cognitive Systems Group
* (formerly the Sociable Agents Group)
* CITEC, Bielefeld University
* This file may be licensed under the terms of of the
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 (the ``LGPL''),
* or (at your option) any later version.
* Software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
* express or implied. See the LGPL for the specific language
* governing rights and limitations.
* You should have received a copy of the LGPL along with this
* program. If not, go to
* or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The development of this software was supported by the
* Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology.
* The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche
* Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German
* Excellence Initiative.
* \file ipaaca-string_utils.h
* \brief Header file for data and exception types and helper functions.
* Users should not include this file directly, but use ipaaca.h
* \author Ramin Yaghoubzadeh (
* \date March, 2015
#ifndef __ipaaca_string_utils_h_INCLUDED__
#define __ipaaca_string_utils_h_INCLUDED__
#ifndef __ipaaca_h_INCLUDED__
#error "Please do not include this file directly, use ipaaca.h instead"
// in
// additional misc functions ( String splitting / joining )//{{{
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string str_trim(const std::string &s);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string str_join(const std::set<std::string>& set,const std::string& sep);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT std::string str_join(const std::vector<std::string>& vec,const std::string& sep);
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT int str_split_wipe(const std::string& str, std::vector<std::string>& tokens, const std::string& delimiters );
IPAACA_HEADER_EXPORT int str_split_append(const std::string& str, std::vector<std::string>& tokens, const std::string& delimiters );
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.