<name> = sophia | isabella | emma | olivia | ava | emily | abigail | madison | mia | chloe | james | john | robert | michael | william | david | richard | charles | joseph | thomas;
<name_old> = sophia | isabella | emma | olivia | ava | emily | abigail | madison | mia | chloe | james | john | robert | michael | william | david | richard | charles | joseph | thomas;
<name> = alex | charlie | elizabeth | francis | jennifer | linda | mary | patricia | james | john | michael | robert | robin | skyler | william;
# This grammar tries to restrict task combinations by checking available and required references to places, items and persons. It doesn't work yet and is not worth continuing right now.
grammar speechRecognition;
public <sentence> = [could you | robot | tobi] [please] <command>;
<N_name_old> = emma | olivia | sophia | ava | isabella | mia | abigail | emily | charlotte | harper | noah | liam | mason | jacob | william | ethan | james | alexander | michael | benjamin;
<N_name> = amelia | angel | ava | charlie | charlotte | hunter | max | mia | olivia | parker | sam | jack | noah | oliver | thomas | william;
<N_name> = alex | charlie | elizabeth | francis | jennifer | linda | mary | patricia | james | john | michael | robert | robin | skyler | william;