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  • deniz.cingoez/robocup-speechrec
  • t.dilger/robocup-speechrec
  • msterz/robocup-speechrec
  • patric.steckstor/robocup-speechrec
  • jennifer.lee/robocup-speechrec
  • jharin/robocup-speechrec
  • f.thiemer/robocup-speechrec
  • augustin.harter/robocup-speechrec
  • jleichert/robocup-speechrec
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with 383 additions and 35 deletions
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar bringObject;
public <command> = [please] <bring> [me] [the | a] <object>;
<bring> = bring | hand | give;
<object> = mustard | peach | orange | banana | apple | pringles | cheezit | cup | bowl;
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar cleanupCall;
public <cleanupCall> = ([<robot>] [please] (<clean> <object>));
<clean> = ([please] clean);
<object> = (the table);
<robot> = (tobi | robot | tiago);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar commands;
public <command> = [<robot>] ( <followMe> | <stop> | <ordering> | <learn> | <rec> | <count> | <explain> | <listen> | <hand> | <see> | <save> | <who> | <gripper> | <demo> | <grasp> | <kitchenDrawer> | <cleanup> | <setTable> | <lookAt> );
<robot> = (tiago | robot | tobi);
<followMe> = (follow me);
<stop> = (stop);
<ordering> = (start taking orders) | (take my order);
<learn> = (learn a person);
<rec> = (recognize me);
<count> = (count the people);
<explain> = (what can you do) | (explain your skills);
<listen> = (go to location);
<hand> = (wait for waving);
<see> = (tell me what you see);
<save> = (save location);
<who> = (who are you);
<gripper> = (show me your gripper);
<demo> = (end the (demonstration | demo));
<grasp> = ((grasp | give ) [me] ( an | the ) object);
<kitchenDrawer> = (tell me about the kitchen);
<cleanup> = (clean up the table);
<setTable> = (set the table);
<lookAt> = (look at camera one | look at the camera);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar commands;
public <command> = [<robot>] ( <demo> | <save> | <place> | <introduction> | <setTable>);
<robot> = (robot | tiago | tobi);
<demo> = (tell me about the kitchen);
<save> = (save location);
<place> = (go to);
<introduction> = (introduce yourself);
<setTable> = (set the table for <guestNumber>);
<guestNumber> = (one guest) | (two guests);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar commands;
public <command> = [<robot>] ( <introduce> | <save> | <garbage>| <followHand> | <waving> | <gravity> | <handover_give> | <handober_take> | <trigger_fetch> | <trigger_sg> | <trigger_littering> | <trigger_breakfast> | <trigger_snacks>| <trigger_people> | <trigger_goto>);
<robot> = (tobi | robot | tiago);
<introduce> = (introduce yourself) | (who are you);
<save> = (save location);
<garbage> = (((take out the trash) | (take out the garbage)));
<followHand> = (come with me) | (follow by hand);
<waving> = ( search for [a] [waving] person);
<gravity> = (gravity compensation) | (show me your gripper) | (switch to gravity mode);
<handover_give> = ((handover) | (give it to me));
<handober_take> = (hold this);
<trigger_fetch> = ((bring | deliver) [me] [an] object);
<trigger_sg> = (store the groceries);
<trigger_littering> = (check for littering);
<trigger_breakfast> = (serve breakfast);
<trigger_snacks> = (serve snacks);
<trigger_people> = (describe [the] people);
<trigger_goto> = (go to location);
<followMe> = (follow me);
<exit> = (stop the task);
<describe> = (tell me what you see);
<difference> = (spot the difference);
<ordering> = (start taking orders) | (take my order);
<count> = (count the people);
<explain> = (what can you do) | (explain your skills);
<demo> = (end the (demonstration | demo));
<grasp> = ((grasp) [me] ( an | the ) object);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar actions;
public <action> = [<robot>] ( <demo> | <goto> | <introduction> | <setTable>);
<robot> = (robot | tiago | tobi);
<demo> = (tell me about the kitchen);
<goto> = ([go to the] <location>);
<location> = (table) | (kitchen);
<introduction> = (introduce yourself);
<setTable> = (set the table for <guestNumber>);
<guestNumber> = (one guest) | (two guests);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar commands;
public <command> = [<robot>] ( <introduce> | <save> | <wait> | <goTo> | <followMe> | <followHand> | <gravity> | <exit> | <lookAt> | <trash> | <drop> | <nothing> | <search> | <describe> | <difference> | <take> | <give> | <count> | <explain> | <store_groceries> );
<robot> = (tobi | robot | tiago);
<introduce> = (introduce yourself) | (who are you);
<save> = (save location);
<wait> = (wait for me);
<goTo> = (go to location);
<followMe> = (follow me);
<followHand> = (come with me);
<gravity> = (gravity compensation) | (show me your gripper) | (switch to gravity mode);
<exit> = (end the (demonstration | demo));
<lookAt> = (look at camera one | look at the camera);
<trash> = (((take out the trash) | (take out the garbage)));
<drop> = (((throw it away)));
<nothing> = (do nothing);
<search> = ( search for [a] [waving] person);
<describe> = (tell me what you see);
<difference> = (spot the difference);
<take> = (handover);
<give> = (((give it to me) | (give me the object)));
<count> = (count the people);
<explain> = (what can you do) | (explain your skills);
<store_groceries> = (store the groceries);
\ No newline at end of file
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar ToBI_object;
public <statement> = [<verb>] [<article>] <objects> [please];
<objects> = <object>;
<object> = <grab_object>;
<grab_object> = <cleaning_class> | <food_class> | <other_class> | anything;
<cleaning_class> = cloth | soap | sponge;
<food_class> = salt | apple | pringles | cereals | cornflakes | peas | (coconut milk);
<other_class> = trash | garbage ;
<verb> = (bring me) | bring | carry | retrieve | fetch | get | remember | memorize;
<article> = the | an | some | a | this;
\ No newline at end of file
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar getCalled;
public <call> = <robot>;
<robot> = (tobi | robot | tiago);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar learning;
public <command> = [tobi] (<save> | <stop> );
public <command> = [<robot>] (<save> | <stop> );
<robot> = (tobi | robot | biron | pepper | tiago);
<NP_location> = ([the] <location>);
<save> = <pre> <NP_location>;
<pre> = ([please] save) | (here is) | memorize;
<location> = (table <numberOfTable>) | (shelf) | (bar);
<location> = (table <numberOfTable>) | (bar) | (bin) | (garbage collection);
<numberOfTable> = (one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine);
<stop> = stop | (wait [here]);
<stop> = (stop the task) | (wait here);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar commands;
public <command> = [tobi] ( <goto> | <stop> );
public <command> = [<robot>] ( <goto> | <stop> );
<robot> = (tobi | robot | biron | pepper | tiago);
<goto> = ([go to] <NP_location>);
<stop> = ((abort save) | (stop));
<stop> = ((abort listen) | (stop the task));
<NP_location> = ([the] <location>);
<location> = (table <numberOfTable>) | shelf | bar;
<location> = (table <numberOfTable>) | bar | bin | (garbage collection);
<numberOfTable> = (one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar orderCoffee;
public <orderCoffee> = ([<robot>] (<request> | <wish>));
<request> = ([please] (give | bring | make) me [(a | the)] <drink>);
<wish> = (i would like [(a | the)] <drink> [please]);
<drink> = (coffee);
<robot> = (tobi | robot | tiago);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar commands;
public <command> = [<robot>] ( <introduce> | <save> | <wait> | <goTo> | <followMe> | <followHand> | <gravity> | <exit> | <lookAt> | <trash> | <drop> | <nothing> | <search> | <describe> | <difference> | <take> | <give> | <count> | <explain> | <store_groceries> | <serve_breakfast> | <describe_side>);
<robot> = (tobi | robot | tiago);
<introduce> = (introduce yourself) | (who are you);
<save> = (save location);
<wait> = (wait for me);
<goTo> = (go to location);
<followMe> = (follow me);
<followHand> = (come with me);
<gravity> = (gravity compensation) | (show me your gripper) | (switch to gravity mode);
<exit> = (end the (demonstration | demo));
<lookAt> = (look at camera one | look at the camera);
<trash> = (((take out the trash) | (take out the garbage)));
<drop> = (((throw it away)));
<nothing> = (do nothing);
<search> = ( search for [a] [waving] person);
<describe> = (tell me what you see);
<describe_side> = (tell me what is on top of the side table);
<difference> = (spot the difference);
<take> = (handover);
<give> = (((give it to me) | (give me the object)));
<count> = (count the people);
<explain> = (what can you do) | (explain your skills);
<store_groceries> = (store the groceries);
<serve_breakfast> = (serve breakfast);
\ No newline at end of file
!exclamation-point EH K S K L AH M EY SH AH N P OY N T
!exclamation-point EH K S K L AH M EY SH AH N P OY N T
!exclamation-point(2) EH K S K L AH M EY SH AH N P OY N T
"close-quote K L OW Z K W OW T
"double-quote D AH B AH L K W OW T
"end-of-quote EH N D AH V K W OW T
......@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@
;semi-colon(2) S EH M IH K OW L AH N
?question-mark K W EH S CH AH N M AA R K
a AH
an AH N
a's EY Z
a(2) EY
a. EY
......@@ -6094,8 +6093,8 @@ asimov AE S IH M AA V
asimov's AE S IH M AA V Z
asimov's(2) AE Z IH M AA V Z
asimov(2) AE Z IH M AA V
asimov(3) AE S IH M OW
asimow AE S IH M OW
asimov(3) AE S IH M OH
asinine AE S AH N AY N
ask AE S K
aska AE S K AH
......@@ -6503,6 +6502,7 @@ atlantis'(2) AE T L AE N T IH S IH Z
atlantis's AE T L AE N T IH S IH Z
atlantis(2) AE T L AE N IH S
atlas AE T L AH S
atlas(2) AH T L AH S
atlas's AE T L AH S IH Z
atlases AE T L EY S IH Z
atlases(2) AE T L AH S IH Z
......@@ -9520,6 +9520,7 @@ beatify B IY AE T AH F AY
beating B IY T IH NG
beatings B IY T IH NG Z
beatle B IY T AH L
beatlemania B IY T AH L M EY N IY AH
beatles B IY T AH L Z
beatles' B IY T AH L Z
beatnik B IY T N IH K
......@@ -18104,6 +18105,7 @@ captain K AE P T AH N
captain's K AE P T AH N Z
captaining K AE P T AH N IH NG
captains K AE P T AH N Z
captcha K AE P T CH AA
caption K AE P SH AH N
captioned K AE P SH AH N D
captioning K AE P SH AH N IH NG
......@@ -20262,6 +20264,7 @@ chastising CH AE S T AY Z IH NG
chastity CH AE S T AH T IY
chat CH AE T
chataqua SH AH T AA K W AH
chatbot CH AE T B AA T
chateau SH AE T OW
chateaux SH AH T OW
chatfield CH AE T F IY L D
......@@ -20438,6 +20441,7 @@ cheerleading CH IH R L IY D IH NG
cheers CH IH R Z
cheery CH IH R IY
cheese CH IY Z
cheezit CH IY Z IH T S
cheeseburger CH IY Z B ER G ER
cheeseburgers CH IY Z B ER G ER Z
cheesecake CH IY Z K EY K
......@@ -20966,16 +20970,17 @@ choco CH AO K AO
cocopops CH AO K AO P AA P S
chocopops CH AO K AO P AA P S
chocolate_cereals CH AO K L AH T S IH R IY AH L Z
chocosticks CH AO K S T IH K S
chococrispies CH AO K AO K R IH S P IY S
chocolat CH AA K L AH T
chocosticks CH AO K OW S T IH K S
chocolate CH AO K L AH T
chocolate_cookies CH AO K L AH T K UH K IY Z
chocolate_jello CH AO K L AH T JH EH L OW
chocolate_milk CH AO K L AH T M IH L K
chocolatemilk CH AO K L AH T M IH L K
chocolates CH AO K L AH T S
chocolatology CH AA K L AH T AA L AH JH IY
chocosticks CH AO K S T IH K S
chocosticks(2) CH AO K OW S T IH K S
chodorow CH OW D ER OW
choe CH OW
choi CH OY
......@@ -22414,6 +22419,7 @@ coasts(2) K OW S S
coasts(3) K OW S
coat K OW T
coathanger K OW T HH AE NG ER
coatrack K OW T R AE K
coat's K OW T S
coate K OW EY T
coated K OW T AH D
......@@ -22617,8 +22623,10 @@ coexisting K OW IH G Z IH S T IH NG
coey K OW IY
cofer K OW F ER
coffaro K OW F AA R OW
coffe K AA F IY
coffee K AA F IY
coffee_table K AA F IY T EY B AH L
coffee_grounds K AA F IY G R AW N D Z
coffeecup K AA F IY K AH P
coffeepads K AA F IY P AE D Z
coffee's K AA F IY Z
......@@ -25260,6 +25268,7 @@ cornfeld K AO R N F EH L D
cornfield K AO R N F IY L D
cornfields K AO R N F IY L D Z
cornflakes K AO R N F L EY K S
cornflakes(2) K AO R N F L AY K S
cornflower K AO R N F L AW ER
cornflowers K AO R N F L AW ER Z
cornforth K AO R N F ER TH
......@@ -25386,7 +25395,7 @@ corrib K AO R IH B
corrick K AO R IH K
corridor K AO R AH D ER
corridor(2) K AO R IH D ER
corridor(3) 1K AA R IH D AO
corridor(3) K AA R IH D AO
corridor(4) K AO R IH D AO
corridors K AO R IH D ER Z
corridors(2) K AO R AH D ER Z
......@@ -32511,7 +32520,6 @@ discriminating D IH S K R IH M AH N EY T IH NG
discrimination D IH S K R IH M AH N EY SH AH N
discriminative D IH S K R IH M AH N AH T IH V
discriminatory D IH S K R IH M AH N AH T AO R IY
disc D IH S K
discs D IH S K S
discursive D IH S K ER S IH V
discus D IH S K AH S
......@@ -32580,6 +32588,7 @@ disgusts D IH S G AH S T S
disgusts(2) D IH S G AH S S
disgusts(3) D IH S G AH S
dish D IH SH
dish_soap D IH SH S OW P
disharmony D IH S HH AA R M AH N IY
disharoon D IH SH ER UW N
dishaw D IH SH AO
......@@ -36986,6 +36995,7 @@ eloisa EH L OY S AH
eloise IH L OY Z
eloise(2) EH L OW IY Z
elommal IH L OW M AH L
elon IY L AO NG
elongate IH L AO NG G EY T
elongated IH L AO NG G EY T AH D
elongation IY L AO NG G EY SH AH N
......@@ -39332,8 +39342,8 @@ eveland IY V L AH N D
eveleth EH V IH L IH TH
evelina EH V EH L IY N AH
eveline EH V AH L IH N
evelyn EH V AH L AH N
evelyn(2) EH V AH L IH N
evelyn EH V EH L EH N
evelyn(2) EH V EH L IH N
even IY V IH N
evendale EH V AH N D EY L
evened IY V AH N D
......@@ -44693,6 +44703,7 @@ freshley F R EH SH L IY
freshly F R EH SH L IY
freshman F R EH SH M AH N
freshmen F R EH SH M IH N
fresh_milk F R EH SH M IH L K
freshness F R EH SH N AH S
freshour F R EH S AW R
freshwater F R EH SH W AO T ER
......@@ -51171,6 +51182,7 @@ gynecologists G AY N AH K AA L AH JH AH S T S
gynecologists(2) G AY N AH K AA L AH JH AH S S
gynecologists(3) G AY N AH K AA L AH JH AH S
gynecology G AY N AH K AA L AH JH IY
gynesh G IH N AH SH
gynex JH IH N AH K S
gyohten G Y OW T AH N
gyosai G Y OW S EY
......@@ -52511,6 +52523,9 @@ harped HH AA R P T
harpel HH AA R P EH L
harpenau HH AA R P IH N OW
harper HH AA R P ER
harper(2) HH AH R P ER
harper(3) HH AA R P AH
harper(4) HH AH R P AH
harper's HH AA R P ER Z
harpercollins HH AA R P ER K AO L IH N Z
harpers HH AA R P ER Z
......@@ -57708,6 +57723,7 @@ icebreakers AY S B R EY K ER Z
iced AY S T
icedcoffe AY S T K AA F IY
icedcoffee AY S T K AA F IY
iced_tea AY S T T IY
icefish AY S F IH SH
iceland AY S L AH N D
icelandair AY S L AE N D EH R
......@@ -57725,6 +57741,10 @@ iceskate AY S S K EY T
iceskate(2) AY S K EY T
iceskating AY S S K EY T IH NG
iceskating(2) AY S K EY T IH NG
icetea AY S T IY
ice-tea AY S T IY
ice_tea AY S T IY
ice_tea(2) IY S T IY
ich IH CH
ichi IY CH IY
ichikawa IH CH IY K AA W AH
......@@ -61581,6 +61601,7 @@ jayashankar JH AY AH SH AA NG K AA R
jaycee JH EY S IY
jaycees JH EY S IY Z
jaycox JH EY K AA K S
jayden JH EY D EH N
jaye JH EY
jayewardene JH EY W AO R D IY N
jayhawker JH EY HH AO K ER
......@@ -61634,6 +61655,7 @@ jeansonne JH EH N S AH N
jeb JH EH B
jech JH EH K
jed JH EH D
jedi JH EH D AY
jedlicka Y IH D L IH S K AH
jee JH IY
jeep JH IY P
......@@ -62485,6 +62507,8 @@ juhl JH AH L
juhlin JH UW L IH N
juhnke JH AH NG K
juice JH UW S
tropical_juice T R AA P IH K AH L JH UW S
juice_pack JH UW S P AE K
juices JH UW S AH Z
juices(2) JH UW S IH Z
juicier JH UW IH S Y ER
......@@ -63396,6 +63420,7 @@ kathleen's K AE TH L IY N Z
kathlene K AE TH L IY N
kathline K AE TH L AY N
kathman K AE TH M AH N
kathrin K AE TH R IH N
kathryn K AE TH R IH N
kathy K AE TH IY
kathy's K AE TH IY Z
......@@ -68261,6 +68286,7 @@ laundries L AO N D R IY Z
laundromat L AO N D R AH M AE T
laundromats L AO N D R AH M AE T S
laundry L AO N D R IY
laundry_cleaner L AO N D R IY K L IY N ER
launer L AO N ER
launius L AW N IY IH S
lauper L AW P ER
......@@ -69322,6 +69348,7 @@ leola L EH L AH
leoma L IH OW M AH
leominster L IY OW M IH N S T ER
leon L IY AA N
leon(2) L IY AH N
leon's L IY AA N Z
leona L IY OW N AH
leonara L EH N AA R AH
......@@ -76537,6 +76564,7 @@ meadow M EH D OW
meadowland M EH D OW L AE N D
meadowlands M EH D OW L AE N D Z
meadowlark M EH D OW L AA R K
meadow_milk M EH D OW M IH L K
meadows M EH D OW Z
meads M IY D Z
meager M IY G ER
......@@ -81163,6 +81191,8 @@ muench M Y UW NG K
muenchen M Y UW N CH AH N
muenchow M UW N CH AW
muenster M Y UW N S T ER
muesli M Y S L IH
muesli_cereals M Y S L IH S IH R IY AH L Z
muetzel M Y UW T Z AH L
muff M AH F
muffin M AH F AH N
......@@ -82117,6 +82147,7 @@ nanny N AE N IY
nano N AA N OW
nano(2) N AE N OW
nanobaby N AE N OW B EY B IY
nanobot N AE N OW B AA T
nanogram N AA N OW G R AE M
nanogram(2) N AE N OW G R AE M
nanograms N AE N OW G R AE M Z
......@@ -82548,6 +82579,7 @@ neary N IH R IY
neas N IY Z
nease N IY Z
neat N IY T
neaten N IY T AH N
neater N IY T ER
neatest N IY T AH S T
neathery N EH TH ER IY
......@@ -83872,6 +83904,7 @@ noaa N OW AH
noaa(2) EH N OW EY EY
noack N OW K
noah N OW AH
noah(2) N OW AA
noah's N OW AH Z
noakes N OW K S
noam N OW M
......@@ -85181,7 +85214,7 @@ oblak(2) OW B L AE K
oblander AA B L AH N D ER
oblast AA B L AE S T
oblate AA B L EY T
oblates AA B L EY T S
oblates AA B L EY T
obligate AA B L AH G EY T
obligated AA B L AH G EY T IH D
obligates AA B L AH G EY T S
......@@ -89570,6 +89603,7 @@ pealer P IY L ER
peanut P IY N AH T
peanut_bits P IY N AH T B IH T S
peanut_butter P IY N AH T B AH T ER
peanut_puffs P IY N AH T P AH F S
peanutbutter P IY N AH T B AH T ER
peanuts P IY N AH T S
peapack P IY P AE K
......@@ -98542,6 +98576,7 @@ redbird R EH D B ER D
redbook R EH D B UH K
redbowl R EH D B OW L
redbud R EH D B AH D
red_bull R EH D B UH L
redbull R EH D B UH L
redburn R EH D B ER N
redcay R EH D K EY
......@@ -98701,6 +98736,7 @@ redshaw R EH D SH AO
redskin R EH D S K IH N
redskins R EH D S K IH N Z
redskins' R EH D S K IH N Z
red_spritzer R EH D S P R IH T S ER
redstone R EH D S T OW N
redstone's R EH D S T OW N Z
reduce R AH D UW S
......@@ -98726,6 +98762,7 @@ redus R IY D AH S
redux R IY D AH K S
redwald R EH D W AH L D
redwine R EH D W AY N
red_wine R EH D W AY N
redwood R EH D W UH D
redwoods R EH D W UH D Z
ree R IY
......@@ -99699,6 +99736,7 @@ remerchandise R IY M ER CH AH N D AY Z
remerchandised R IY M ER CH AH N D AY Z D
remerci R IH M ER S IY
remi R EH M IY
remi(2) R EH M IH
remic R EH M IH K
remick R EH M IH K
remics R EH M IH K S
......@@ -101626,6 +101664,7 @@ riggsbee R IH G Z B IY
righetti R IY G EH T IY
righi R IY G IY
right R AY T
right(2) R IH G T
right_bookcase R AY T B UH K K EY S
right_beside_table R AY T B IH S AY D T EY B AH L
right_armchair R AY T AA R M CH EH R
......@@ -101693,6 +101732,9 @@ rile R AY L
riled R AY L D
riles R AY L Z
riley R AY L IY
riley(2) R AY L IH
riley(3) R IY L IY
riley(4) R IY L IH
riley's R AY L IY Z
rill R IH L
rill's R IH L Z
......@@ -101987,6 +102029,8 @@ rivenbark R IH V IH N B AA R K
rivenburg R IH V AH N B ER G
rivenburgh R IH V IH N B ER G
river R IH V ER
river(2) R IH V AA
river(3) R IH V AH
river's R IH V ER Z
rivera R IH V EH R AH
riverbank R IH V ER B AE NG K
......@@ -103384,6 +103428,7 @@ rubicon R UW B IH K AO N
rubie R UW B IY
rubies R UW B IY Z
rubik R UW B IH K
rubiks R UW B IH K S
rubik's R UW B IH K S
rubin R UW B IH N
rubin's R UW B IH N Z
......@@ -111352,6 +111397,7 @@ smartish S M AA R T IH SH
smartly S M AA R T L IY
smartmoney S M AA R T M AH N IY
smartness S M AA R T N IH S
smartphone S M AA R T F OW N
smarts S M AA R T S
smartt S M AA R T
smarty S M AA R T IY
......@@ -111497,6 +111543,7 @@ smoothen S M UW DH IH N
smoothens S M UW DH IH N Z
smoother S M UW DH ER
smoothest S M UW DH AH S T
smoothie S M UW DH IH
smoothing S M UW DH IH NG
smoothly S M UW DH L IY
smoothness S M UW DH N AH S
......@@ -113278,6 +113325,7 @@ spomer S P OW M ER
sponaugle S P AA N AO G AH L
spong S P AO NG
sponge S P AH N JH
sponge_cloth S P AH N JH K L AO TH
sponged S P AH N JH D
spongeform S P AH N JH F AO R M
sponges S P AH N JH AH Z
......@@ -115486,6 +115534,7 @@ stravinsky's S T R AH V IH N S K IY Z
straw S T R AO
strawberries S T R AO B EH R IY Z
strawberry S T R AO B EH R IY
strawberry_jello S T R AO B EH R IY JH EH L OW
strawbridge S T R AO B R IH JH
strawder S T R AO D ER
strawderman S T R AO D ER M AH N
......@@ -116406,6 +116455,8 @@ suffused S AH F Y UW Z D
suffuses S AH F Y UW Z IH Z
suffusing S AH F Y UW Z IH NG
sugar SH UH G ER
sugar(2) SH UH G AA
sugar(3) SH UH G AH
sugar's SH UH G ER Z
sugarcane SH UH G ER K EY N
sugared SH UH G ER D
......@@ -120378,7 +120429,7 @@ tia T IY AH
tiaacref T IY AH K R EH F
tiaacref's T IY AH K R EH F S
tiago T IY AA G OW
tiago (2) T IH AH G OW
tiago(2) T IH AH G OW
tian T Y AA N
tiananmen T IY EH N AE N M EH N
tianjin T IY AE N JH IH N
......@@ -120873,7 +120924,6 @@ tobias T AH B AY AH S
tobiason T AH B AY AH S AH N
tobi T OW B IH
tobi(2) T OW B IY
tobi(3) T OW B
tobin T OW B IH N
tobler T OW B AH L ER
tobler(2) T OW B L ER
......@@ -121062,6 +121112,8 @@ tomato_sauce T AH M EY T OW S AO S
tomato_sauce(2) T AH M AA T OW S AO S
tomatosauce T AH M EY T OW S AO S
tomatosauce(2) T AH M AA T OW S AO S
tomato_soup T AH M EY T OW S UW P
tomato_soup(2) T OW M EY T OW S UW P
tomatoe T AH M EY T OW
tomatoe(2) T AH M AA T OW
tomatoes T AH M EY T OW Z
......@@ -122927,6 +122979,7 @@ tubman T AH B M AH N
tubs T AH B Z
tubular T UW B Y AH L ER
tubule T UW B Y UW L
tuc T UH K
tucci T UW CH IY
tucci's T UW CH IY S
tucciarone T UW CH ER OW N IY
......@@ -123801,7 +123854,7 @@ unavoidable AH N AH V OY D AH B AH L
unavoidably AH N AH V OY D AH B L IY
unaware AH N AH W EH R
unawares AH N AH W EH R Z
unbalance AH N B AE L AH N Stu
unbalance AH N B AE L AH N S
unbalanced AH N B AE L AH N S T
unbearable AH N B EH R AH B AH L
unbearably AH N B EH R AH B L IY
......@@ -125434,6 +125487,7 @@ valiente V AA L IY N T IY
valin V AE L IH N
valiquette V AE L IH K EH T
valis V AE L IH S
valise V AE L IH S
valium V EY L IY AH M
valk V AO K
valko V AE L K OW
......@@ -128380,6 +128434,7 @@ wasmer W AO S AH M ER
wasmund W AO Z M AH N D
wasmuth W AO Z M UW TH
wasn't W AA Z AH N T
wasnt W AA Z AH N T
wasn't(2) W AH Z AH N T
wason W AA S AH N
wasp W AA S P
......@@ -130092,6 +130147,7 @@ whoever's HH UW EH V ER Z
whole HH OW L
wholehearted HH OW L HH AA R T IH D
wholeheartedly HH OW L HH AA R T IH D L IY
whole_milk HH OW L M IH L K
wholeness HH OW L N IH S
wholes HH OW L Z
wholesale HH OW L S EY L
......@@ -130559,7 +130615,7 @@ willhoit W IH L HH OY T
willhoite W IH L HH OY T
willi W IH L IY
william W IH L Y AH M
william W IH L AY AE M
william(2) W IH L AY AE M
william's W IH L Y AH M Z
williams W IH L Y AH M Z
williams' W IH L Y AH M Z
......@@ -132519,6 +132575,7 @@ yonce Y AA N S
yonder Y AA N D ER
yoneyama Y OW N IY AA M AH
yong Y AO NG
yonge Y AH NG
yongbyon Y AO NG B Y AO N
yongbyon's Y AO NG B Y AO N Z
yongchaiyudh Y AO NG CH EY Y UW D
......@@ -133553,6 +133610,7 @@ zucker Z AH K ER
zucker's Z AH K ER Z
zucker's(2) Z UW K ER Z
zucker(2) Z UW K ER
zuckerberg Z AH K ER B ER G
zuckerman Z AH K ER M AH N
zuckerman's Z AH K ER M AH N Z
zuckerman's(2) Z UW K ER M AH N Z
......@@ -133664,18 +133722,3 @@ zywicki Z IH W IH K IY
{left-brace L EH F T B R EY S
}close-brace K L OW Z B R EY S
}right-brace R AY T B R EY S
fresh_milk F R EH SH M IH L K
icetea AY S T IY
ice-tea AY S T IY
meadow_milk M EH D OW M IH L K
muesli M Y S L IH
muesli_cereals M Y S L IH S IH R IY AH L Z
oblates AA B L EY T S
red_bull R EH D B UH L
red_spritzer R EH D S P R IH T S ER
whole_milk HH OW L M IH L K
tuc T UH K
smoothie S M UW DH IH
leon L IY AH N
gynesh G IH N AH SH
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar ToBI_assistance;
public <statement> = [<robot>] [<verb>] [<article>] <objects> [please];
<objects> = <object>;
<object> = snacks | cracker | drinks;
<verb> = (bring me) | bring | (i want);
<article> = the | an | some | a | this;
<robot> = (tiago)| (tobi) | (robot);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar getName;
public <namestring> = [<prefix>] <name> [<robot>];
<prefix> = (<iam> | <nameis> | <callme>);
<iam> = (i am);
<nameis> = ((my | the) name is);
<callme> = (call me);
<name> = (zoe) | (kathrin) | (jonas) | (bernd) | (leander) | (laurin) | (michel) | (caro) | (linus) | (dennis) | (leroy) | (johannes);
<robot> = (tobi) | (robot) | (tiago);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar ToBI_helpGreet;
public <statement> = [<robot>] [please] <verb> [<guest>] [please];
<verb> = greet | introduce | (let in) | open | (open for) | (open door) | (open the door);
<robot> = (tiago)| (tobi) | (robot);
<guest> = [the | my | our | a] (guest | guests | friend | friends);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar ToBI_helpPreparation;
public <statement> = [<robot>] [please] [<help_verb>] [to] <verb> [<party>] [please];
<help_verb> = (help me) | help | assist;
<verb> = prepare | (make ready) | ready | start;
<robot> = (tiago)| (tobi) | (robot);
<party> = (the party) | (party) | (meeting) | (get together);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar ToBI_object;
public <statement> = [<verb>] [<article>] <objects> [please];
<objects> = <object>;
<object> = <grab_object>;
<grab_object> = <cleaning_class> | <food_class> | anything;
<cleaning_class> = cloth | soap | sponge;
<food_class> = salt | apple | pringles | cereals | cornflakes | peas | (coconut milk);
<verb> = (bring me) | bring | carry | retrieve | fetch | get | remember | memorize;
<article> = the | an | some | a | this;
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar ToBI_object;
public <statement> = [<verb>] [<article>] <objects> [please];
<objects> = <object>;
<object> = <grab_object>;
<grab_object> = <cutlery_class> | <drink_class> | <fruit_class> | <pantry_class> | tool | drinks | snacks | object | food | something | stuff | item | beverage | things;
<cutlery_class> = fork | cup | bowl | plate | knife | spoon;
<drink_class> = milk | coke | milo;
<fruit_class> = orange | banana | pear | peach;
<pantry_class> = (potted meat) | cracker | mustard | soap | cornflakes;
<verb> = (bring me) | bring | carry | retrieve | fetch | get | give | find | search for | put | learn | remember | memorize;
<article> = the | an | some | a | this;