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  • deniz.cingoez/robocup-speechrec
  • t.dilger/robocup-speechrec
  • msterz/robocup-speechrec
  • patric.steckstor/robocup-speechrec
  • jennifer.lee/robocup-speechrec
  • jharin/robocup-speechrec
  • f.thiemer/robocup-speechrec
  • augustin.harter/robocup-speechrec
  • jleichert/robocup-speechrec
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......@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@
grammar ToBI_person;
public <statement> = <naming> ;
<naming> = [(my name is) | (i am)] <name>;
<name> = sophia | isabella | emma | olivia | ava | emily | abigail | madison | mia | chloe | james | john | robert | michael | william | david | richard | charles | joseph | thomas;
<name_old> = sophia | isabella | emma | olivia | ava | emily | abigail | madison | mia | chloe | james | john | robert | michael | william | david | richard | charles | joseph | thomas;
<name> = alex | charlie | elizabeth | francis | jennifer | linda | mary | patricia | james | john | michael | robert | robin | skyler | william;
\ No newline at end of file
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar ToBI_carrymyluggage;
public <statement> = <command>;
<robot> = (tobi | robot | tiago);
<command> = [<robot>] ( <followMe> | <arrived> | <goBack> | <pickUp> ) [<robot>];
<goBack> = ( [thanks you can] go back [now] );
<followMe> = [please] ((follow | come with ) me [to the <place>]);
<arrived> = ((stop [(here | following me)]) | (wait here) | (we arrived [ at the <place>]) );
<place> = ( car );
<pickUp> = ( [can you] pick up the bag);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar dynamic;
public <string> = [<robot>] (<command>);
<robot> = ((tobi) | (robot) | (tiago));
<command> = ( <introduce> | <trash> | <search>);
<introduce> = (introduce yourself);
<trash> = ([please] ((take out the trash) | (take out the garbage)));
<search> = ([please] search for [a] [waving] person);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar speechRecognition;
public <sentence> = [could you | robot | tobi | tiago] [please] <command> [please] ;
<command> = <CMDcountObj> | <CMDtransferObj> | <CMDfollow> | <CMDcountPpl> | <CMDoffer> | <cmdfndppl> | <cmdfndobj> | <cmdguide> | <cmdfollow> | <cmdfollowout> | <cmdman> | <complexman>;
<CMDcountObj> = (<V_count> <NP_category> (items | objects) at <NP_placement> and (inform | (report to)) <NP_me>) | (<V_count> <NP_category> (items | objects) are in <NP_placement>);
<CMDtransferObj> = <V_deliver> <NP_me> some <NP_category> from <NP_placement>;
<CMDfollow> = <V_follow> the person at <NP_beacon>;
<CMDcountPpl> = (<V_count> ((<N_posture> <NP_agegenderpersonplural>) | (<NP_agegenderpersonplural> [are] <N_gesture>)) [there are] in <NP_room>) | (<V_count> <NP_agegenderpersonplural> in <NP_room> are (<N_posture> | <N_gesture>));
<CMDoffer> = <V_offer> something to <eatdrink> to all (([the] <N_posture> <NP_agegenderpersonplural>) | (<NP_agegenderpersonplural> [are] <N_gesture>)) in <NP_room>;
<cmdfndppl> = <countPrsInRoom> | <talkInfoToGestPrsInRoom> | (<findPrsInRoom> and <answerQuestion>) | (<goToLoc> <findPrs> and (<answerQuestion> | <talkInfo>)) | (<answerToGestPrsInRoom>);
<cmdfndobj> = <findObjInRoom> | <countObjOnPlcmt> | <tellObjPropOnPlcmt> | <findThreeObjInRoom>;
<cmdguide> = <guideNameFromBeacToBeac> | (<meetPrsAtBeac> and <guidePronToBeacon>) | (<goToLoc> <meetName> and <guidePronToBeacon>) | <guideNameToBeacFindAtBeac>;
<cmdfollow> = <followNameFromBeacToRoom> | (<meetPrsAtBeac> and <followPrsToRoom>) | (<goToLoc> <meetName> and (<followPrs> | <followPrsToRoom>));
<cmdfollowout> = <meetPrsAtBeac> <followPrs> and (<goToLoc> | <guidePronBack>);
<cmdincomplete> = <followName> | <deliverObjToMe> | <guideNameToBeacon>;
<cmdman> = <bringMeObjFromPlcmt> | <bringCatFromRoomToPlcmt> | <takeObjFromPlcmt> | (<takeObjFromPlcmt> and (<deliverObjPronToMe> | <deliverObjToNameAtBeac>)) | ((<takeObjFromPlcmt> | <takeObj>) and <placeObjPronOnPlcmt>) | <deliverObjToGestPrsInRoom> | (<goToLoc> <findObj> and (<deliverObjPronToMe> | <placeObjPronOnPlcmt>));
<complexman> = <deliverObjToPlacement>;
<goToLoc> = <V_go> <toLocPrep> (<NP_room> | <NP_placement> | <NP_beacon>);
<findObj> = <V_find> <NP_object>;
<findObjInRoom> = <V_find> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>) <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<findThreeObjInRoom> = <V_find> <N_three> <NP_category> <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<takeObj> = <V_take> <NP_object>;
<takeObjFromPlcmt> = <V_take> <NP_object> <fromLocPrep> (<NP_room> | <NP_placement>);
<findPrs> = <V_find> (<NP_gestperson> | <NP_genderperson> | <NP_poseperson>);
<findPrsInRoom> = <V_find> (<NP_gestperson> | <NP_poseperson>) <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<placeObjOnPlcmt> = <V_place> <NP_object> <placePrep> <NP_placement>;
<placeObjPronOnPlcmt> = <V_place> <NP_objectpron> <placePrep> <NP_placement>;
<talkInfo> = <V_talk> <NP_talk>;
<talkInfoToGestPrsInRoom> = <V_talk> <NP_talk> <talkPrep> <NP_gestperson> <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<answerQuestion> = <V_answer> <NP_answer>;
<answerToGestPrsInRoom> = <V_answer> <NP_answer> <talkPrep> <NP_gestperson> <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<followPrs> = <V_follow> <NP_personalpron>;
<followPrsToRoom> = <V_follow> <NP_personalpron> <toLocPrep> <NP_roomTwo>;
<followName> = <V_follow> <NP_name>;
<followNameFromBeacToRoom> = <V_follow> <NP_name> <fromLocPrep> (<NP_beacon> | <NP_room>) <toLocPrep> <NP_roomTwo>;
<meetName> = <V_meet> <NP_name>;
<meetNameAtBeac> = <V_meet> <NP_name> <atLocPrep> <NP_beacon>;
<meetPrsAtBeac> = <V_meet> <NP_name> <atLocPrep> <NP_beacon>;
<meetprsAtDoor> = <V_meet> <NP_name> <atLocPrep> <NP_door>;
<bringObjFromRoomToPlcmt> = <V_take> <NP_object> <fromLocPrep> <NP_room> <toLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<bringCatFromRoomToPlcmt> = <V_take> <NP_category> <fromLocPrep> <NP_room> <toLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<bringMeObj> = <V_bring> <NP_me> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>);
<bringMeObjFromPlcmt> = ((<V_bring> <NP_me> <NP_relObject> <NP_object> <fromLocPrep> <NP_placement>) | (<V_bring> <NP_me> <NP_object> <fromLocPrep> <NP_placement>));
<bringMeShapedObjFromPlcmt> = <V_bring> <NP_me> <NP_objectprop> (object | <NP_category>) <fromLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<countObjOnPlcmt> = <V_count> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>) there are <placePrep> <NP_placement>;
<countPrsInRoom> = <V_count> people in <NP_room> <arePrep> (<NP_posture> | <NP_genderpersonplural>);
<tellPrsInfoInLoc> = <V_tell> me <NP_personattribute> of the person <LocPrep> (<NP_room> | <NP_beacon>);
<tellObjPropOnPlcmt> = <V_tell> me ((what is) | whats | (which are)) <NP_objectprop> (object | objects) <onLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<tellCatPropOnPlcmt> = <V_tell> me ((what is) | whats | (which are)) <NP_objectprop> <NP_category> <onLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<deliverObjToMe> = <V_deliver> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>) <deliverPrep> <NP_me>;
<deliverObjPronToMe> = <V_deliver> <NP_objectpron> <deliverPrep> <NP_me>;
<deliverObjToGestPrsInRoom> = <V_deliver> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>) <deliverPrep> <NP_gestperson> <inLocPrep> <NP_roomTwo>;
<deliverObjToNameAtBeac> = <V_deliver> <NP_objectpron> <deliverPrep> <NP_name> <atLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo>;
<deliverObjToPlacement> = <V_take> <NP_object> <deliverPrep> <NP_placement>;
<guidePronIncomplete> = <V_guide> <NP_personalpron>;
<guidePronBack> = <V_guide> <NP_personalpron> back;
<guidePronToBeacon> = <V_guide> <NP_personalpron> <toLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo>;
<guideNameToBeacon> = <V_guide> <NP_name> <toLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo>;
<guideNameFromBeacToBeac> = <V_guide> <NP_name> <fromLocPrep> <NP_beacon> <toLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo>;
<guideNameToBeacFindAtBeac> = <V_guide> <NP_name> <toLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo> you (may | can | will) find (them | him | her) <atLocPrep> <NP_beacon>;
<deliverPrep> = to;
<placePrep> = on;
<inLocPrep> = in;
<fromLocPrep> = from;
<toLocPrep> = to;
<atLocPrep> = at;
<talkPrep> = to;
<LocPrep> = in | at;
<onLocPrep> = on;
<arePrep> = are;
<absPrep> = (at the (left | right) of) | ((left | right) most);
<relPrep> = (at the (left | right)) of | (above | behind | under | (on top of));
<color> = blue | yellow | black | white | red | orange | gray;
<eatdrink> = eat | drink;
<V_offer> = offer;
<V_take> = bring | take | get | grasp | (pick up);
<V_place> = put | place;
<V_deliver> = bring | give | deliver;
<V_bring> = bring | give;
<V_go> = go | navigate;
<V_find> = find | locate | (look for) | pinpoint | spot;
<V_talk> = tell | say;
<V_answer> = answer;
<V_follow> = follow;
<V_meet> = meet | face | contact | greet | find | (get to know) | (get acquainted with);
<V_guide> = guide | escort | take | lead | accompany;
<V_tell> = tell;
<V_count> = (count the) | (tell me how many);
<V_serve> = serve | arrange | deliver | distribute | give | provide;
<V_introduce> = introduce;
<V_ask> = ask;
<V_leave> = leave;
<V_clean> = (clean out) | (clean up) | (tidy (up | op)) | order | neaten;
<V_dump> = (take out) | dump;
<NP_object> = (the <N_object>) | (a <N_object>) | (an <N_object>) | (<N_object>);
<NP_colObject> = (<color> <N_object>);
<NP_absobject> = (the <absPrep> object);
<NP_relObject> = (the object <relPrep>);
<NP_objectpron> = (<N_objectpron>);
<NP_category> = (the <N_category>) | <N_category>;
<NP_objectprop> = (the <N_objectprop>);
<NP_placement> = (the <N_placement>);
<NP_placementTwo> = (the <N_placementTwo>);
<NP_beacon> = (the <N_beacon>);
<NP_beaconTwo> = (the <N_beaconTwo>);
<NP_room> = (the <N_room>);
<NP_roomTwo> = (the <N_roomTwo>);
<NP_me> = (<N_me>);
<NP_gestperson> = (the <N_gestperson>) | (a <N_gestperson>);
<NP_poseperson> = (a <N_poseperson>);
<NP_genderperson> = (a <N_genderperson>);
<NP_genderpersonplural> = (<N_genderpersonplural>);
<NP_agegenderpersonplural> = (<N_agegenderpersonplural>);
<NP_name> = <N_name>;
<NP_talk> = <N_talk>;
<NP_answer> = <N_answer>;
<NP_personalpron> = <N_personalpron>;
<NP_personattribute> = (the <N_personattribute>);
<NP_posture> = <N_posture>;
<NP_taxi> = ([the] <N_taxi>);
<NP_partyfood> = <N_partyfood>;
<NP_door> = (the <N_door>);
<NP_garbage> = (the <N_garbage>);
<N_objectpron> = it;
<N_objectprop> = biggest | largest | smallest | heaviest | lightest | thinnest;
<N_me> = me;
<N_gestperson> = person <N_gesture>;
<N_poseperson> = (person sitting) | (person standing) | (person lying down);
<N_genderperson> = man | woman | boy | girl | (male person) | (female person);
<N_genderpersonplural> = men | women | boys | girls | male | female;
<N_agegenderpersonplural> = people | men | women | elders | children;
<N_talk> = (something about yourself) | (the time) | (what day is (today | tomorrow)) | (your teams (name | country | affiliation)) | (the day of the (week | month)) | (a joke);
<N_answer> = (a question);
<N_personalpron> = them | her | his | him | it;
<N_personattribute> = name | gender | pose;
<N_posture> = sitting | standing | lying down;
<N_three> = three;
<N_gesture> = (waving) | (raising their left arm) | (raising their right arm) | (pointing to the left) | (pointing to the right);
<N_clothed> = (dressed in);
<N_object> = (dice | (tennis ball) | baseball | (rubiks cube) | (soccer ball) | bowl | spoon | cup | fork | plate | knife | cheezit | nuts | pretzels | (peanut puffs) |
pringles | sugar | (tomato soup) | tuna | corn | (strawberry jello) | (chocolate jello) | cornflakes | (coffee grounds) | spam | mustard | ketchup | sponge |
(laundry cleaner) | cleanser | (sponge cloth) | (dish soap) | pear | banana | (orange juice) | (apple juice) | apple | plum | lemon | peach | strawberry | orange |
coke | (ice tea) | fanta | milk) ;
<N_category> = (toys | dishes | snacks | food | (cleaning supplies) | fruits | drinks) ;
<N_room> = kitchen | (living room) | bedroom | office | corridor;
<N_roomTwo> = kitchen | (living room) | bedroom | study;
<N_placement> = ((bedside table) | bed | dresser | armchair | cabinet | desk | fridge | dishwasher | (kitchen table) | bookshelf | (coffee table) | bar | (tv sideboard)) ;
<N_placementTwo> = ((bedside table) | bed | dresser | armchair | cabinet | desk | fridge | dishwasher | (kitchen table) | bookshelf | (coffee table) | bar | (tv sideboard)) ;
<N_beacon> = ((bedside table) | bed | dresser | armchair | cabinet | (desk chair) | desk | fridge | dishwasher | (kitchen table) | bookshelf | (coffee table) | bar | (tv sideboard) | sink | (trash bin) | sofa | wardrobe | entrance | exit) ;
<N_beaconTwo> = ((bedside table) | bed | dresser | armchair | cabinet | (desk chair) | desk | fridge | dishwasher | (kitchen table) | bookshelf | (coffee table) | bar | (tv sideboard) | sink | (trash bin) | sofa | wardrobe | entrance | exit) ;
<N_name> = kai | noah | unique | luca | evelyn| jayden | james | riley | harper | quinn | avery | remi | river | atlas;
<N_taxi> = taxi | cab | uber;
<N_partyfood> = snacks | drinks;
<N_door> = ( front | back | main | rear ) (entrance | door);
<N_garbage> = litter | garbage | trash | waste | debris | junk;
<N_luggage> = bag | valise | baggage | suitcase | trolley;
\ No newline at end of file
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar speechRecognition;
public <sentence> = [could you | robot | tobi | tiago] [please] <start_command> [please] ;
<commands> =
<verb_take> = (take | get | grasp | fetch) ;
<verb_place> = (put | place) ;
<verb_deliver> = (bring | give | deliver) ;
<verb_bring> = (bring | give) ;
<verb_go> = (go | navigate) ;
<verb_find> = (find | locate | (look for)) ;
<verb_talk> = (tell | say) ;
<verb_answer> = (answer) ;
<verb_meet> = (meet) ;
<verb_tell> = (tell) ;
<verb_greet> = (greet | salute | (say hello to) | (introduce yourself to)) ;
<verb_remember> = (meet | contact | (get to know) | (get acquainted with)) ;
<verb_count> = (tell me how many) ;
<verb_describe> = ((tell me how) | describe) ;
<verb_offer> = (offer) ;
<verb_follow> = (follow) ;
<verb_guide> = (guide | escort | take | lead) ;
<verb_accompany> = (accompany) ;
<prep_deliver> = (to) ;
<prep_place> = (on) ;
<prep_inLoc> = (in) ;
<prep_fromLoc> = (from) ;
<prep_toLoc> = (to) ;
<prep_atLoc> = (at) ;
<prep_talk> = (to) ;
<prep_loc> = (in | at) ;
<prep_onLoc> = (on) ;
<prep_are> = (are) ;
<prep_ofPrs> = (of) ;
<article> = (an | a) ;
<talk> = ((something about yourself) | (the time) | (what day is today) | (what day is tomorrow) | (your teams name) |
(your teams country) | (your teams affiliation) | (the day of the week) | (the day of the month)) ;
<question> = (question | quiz) ;
<color> = (blue | yellow | black | white | red | orange | gray) ;
<cloth> = ((t shirt) | shirt | blouse | sweater | coat | jacket) ;
<clothes> = ((t shirts) | shirts | blouses | sweaters | coats | jackets) ;
<color_cloth> = (<color> <cloth>) ;
<location_placement> = (bed | (bedside table) | dresser | armchair | cabinet | desk | fridge | dishwasher | (kitchen table) | bookshelf | (coffee table) | bar | (tv sideboard)) ;
<location_no_placement> = ((desk chair) | sink | (trash bin) | sofa | wardrobe | entrance | exit) ;
<location> = (<location_placement> | <location_no_placement>) ;
<room> = (bedroom | (living room) | corridor | office | kitchen)
<inRoom_atLoc> = ((in the <room>) | (at the <location>)) ;
<object> = (dice | (tennis ball) | baseball | (rubiks cube) | (soccer ball) | bowl | spoon | cup | fork | plate | knife | cheezit | nuts | pretzels | (peanut puffs) |
pringles | sugar | (tomato soup) | tuna | corn | (strawberry jello) | (chocolate jello) | cornflakes | (coffee grounds) | spam | mustard | ketchup | sponge |
(laundry cleaner) | cleanser | (sponge cloth) | (dish soap) | pear | banana | orange | apple | plum | lemon | peach | strawberry | (apple juice) | (orange juice) |
coke | (ice tea) | fanta | milk) ;
<object_categories> = (toys | dishes | snacks | food | (cleaning supplies) | fruits | drinks) ;
<object_category> = (toy | dish | snack | food | (cleaning supply) | fruit | drink) ;
<person_info> = (name | pose | gesture) ;
<object_comparison> = (biggest)
<person_command> = (<goToLoc> | <findPrsInRoom> | <meetPrsAtBeac> | <countPrsInRoom> | <tellPrsInfoInLoc> |
<talkInfoToGestPrsInRoom> | <answerToGestPrsInRoom> | <followNameFromBeacToRoom> |
<guideNameFromBeacToBeac> | <guidePobject_categoryrsFromBeacToBeac> | <guideClothPrsFromBeacToBeac> |
<greetClothDscInRm> | <greetNameInRm> | <meetNameAtLocThenFindInRm> | <countClothPrsInRoom> |
<countClothPrsInRoom> | <tellPrsInfoAtLocToPrsAtLoc> | <followPrsAtLoc>) ;
<object_command> = (<goToLoc> | <takeObjFromPlcmt> | <findObjInRoom> | <countObjOnPlcmt> | <tellObjPropOnPlcmt> | <bringMeObjFromPlcmt> | <tellCatPropOnPlcmt>) ;
<start_command> = (<person_command> | <object_command>) ;
<followup_command_at_location> = (<findPrs> | <meetName> | <findObj>) ;
<followup_command_object_taken> = (<placeObjOnPlcmt> | <deliverObjToMe> | <deliverObjToPrsInRoom> | <deliverObjToNameAtBeac>) ;
<followup_command_object_found> = <takeObj> ;
<followup_command_person_found> = (<talkInfo> | <answerQuestion> | <followPrs> | <followPrsToRoom> | <guidePrsToBeacon>) ;
<goToLoc> = (<verb_go> <prep_toLoc> the <room> then <followup_command_at_location>) ;
<takeObjFromPlcmt> = (<verb_take> <article> <object_category> <prep_fromLoc> the <location_placement> and <followup_command_object_taken>) ;
<findPrsInRoom> = (<verb_find> <article> <prep_inLoc> the <room> and <followup_command_person_found>) ;
<findObjInRoom> = (<verb_find> <art> <object_category> <inLocPrep> the <room> then <followup_command_object_found>) ;
<meetPrsAtBeac> = (<verb_meet> <name> <inLocPrep> the <room> and <followup_command_person_found>) ;
<countObjOnPlcmt> = (<verb_count> <plurCat> there are <prep_onLoc> the <location_placement>) ;
<countPrsInRoom> = (<verb_count> <gestPersPlur_posePersPlur> are <inLocPrep> the <room>) ;
<tellPrsInfoInLoc> = (<verb_tell> me the <persInfo> of the person <inRoom_atLoc>) ;
<tellObjPropOnPlcmt> = (<verb_tell> me what is the <objComp> object <prep_onLoc> the <location_placement>) ;
<talkInfoToGestPrsInRoom> = (<verb_talk> <talk> <prep_talk> the <gestPers> <inLocPrep> the <room>) ;
<answerToGestPrsInRoom> = (<verb_answer> the <question> <prep_ofPrs> the <gestPers> <inLocPrep> the <room>) ;
<followNameFromBeacToRoom> = (<verb_foinLocPrepllow> <name> <fromLocPrep> the <loc> <toLocPrep> the <room>) ;
<guideNameFromBeacToBeac> = (<verb_guide> <name> <fromLocPrep> the <loc> <toLocPrep> the <loc_room>) ;
<guidePrsFromBeacToBeac> = (<verb_guide> the <gestPers_posePers> <fromLocPrep> the <loc> <toLocPrep> the <loc_room>) ;
<guideClothPrsFromBeacToBeac> = (<verb_guide> the person wearing a <colorClothe> <fromLocPrep> the <loc> <toLocPrep> the <loc_room>) ;
<bringMeObjFromPlcmt> = (<verb_bring> me <art> <obj> <fromLocPrep> the <location_placement>) ;
<tellCatPropOnPlcmt> = (<verb_tell> me what is the <objComp> <singCat> <prep_onLoc> the <location_placement>) ;
<greetClothDscInRm> = (<verb_greet> the person wearing <art> <colorClothe> <inLocPrep> the <room> and <followup_command_person_found>) ;
<greetNameInRm> = (<verb_greet> <name> <inLocPrep> the <room> and <followup_command_person_found>) ;
<meetNameAtLocThenFindInRm> = (<verb_meet> <name> <atLocPrep> the <loc> then <verb_find> them <inLocPrep> the <room>) ;
<countClothPrsInRoom> = (<verb_count> people <inLocPrep> the <room> are wearing <colorClothes>) ;
<tellPrsInfoAtLocToPrsAtLoc> = (<verb_tell> the <persInfo> of the person <atLocPrep> the <loc> to the person <atLocPrep> the <loc2>) ;
<followPrsAtLoc> = (<verb_follow> the <gestPers_posePers> <inRoom_atLoc>) ;
<findObj> = (<verb_find> <art> <object_category> and <followup_command_object_found>) ;
<findPrs> = (<verb_find> the <gestPers_posePers> and <followup_command_person_found>) ;
<meetName> = (<verb_meet> <name> and <followup_command_person_found>) ;
<placeObjOnPlcmt> = (<verb_place> it <prep_onLoc> the <location_placement2>) ;
<deliverObjToMe> = (<verb_deliver> it to me) ;
<deliverObjToPrsInRoom> = (<verb_deliver> it <deliverPrep> the <gestPers_posePers> <inLocPrep> the <room>) ;
<deliverObjToNameAtBeac> = (<verb_deliver> it <deliverPrep> <name> <inLocPrep> the <room>) ;
<talkInfo> = (<verb_talk> <talk>) ;
<answerQuestion> = (<verb_answer> a <question>) ;
<followPrs> = (<verb_follow> them) ;
<followPrsToRoom> = (<verb_follow> them <toLocPrep> the <loc2_room2>) ;
<guidePrsToBeacon> = (<verb_guide> them <toLocPrep> the <loc2_room2>) ;
<takeObj> = (<takeVerb> it and <followup_command_object_taken>) ;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ public <sentence> = ([could you | robot | tobi] [please] <VP1> [([and|then] <V
<VP1> = (<SingleCommands> | <NeedsToBeFirst> | <NoRestriction>);
<VP2> = (<NeedsReference> | <NoRestriction>);
<VP3> = (<NeedsReference> | <NoRestriction>);
<NeedsToBeFirst> = (<goToLoc> | <meetPrsAtBeac> | <findPrsInRoom>);
<SingleCommands> = (<countObjOnPlcmt> | <countPrsInRoom> | <tellPrsInfoInLoc> | <tellObjPropOnPlcmt> | <deliverObjToGestPrsInRoom> | <followNameFromBeacToRoom> | <guideNameFromBeacToBeac> | <guideNameToBeacFindAtBeac> | <bringMeObjFromPlcmt> | <tellCatPropOnPlcmt> | <findObjInRoom> | <talkInfoToGestPrsInRoom> | <answerToGestPrsInRoom>);
<NeedsReference> = <followPrsToRoom> | (<followPrs> | <placeObjPronOnPlcmt> | <deliverObjPronToMe> | <guidePrsToBeacon> | <deliverObjToNameAtBeac> | <answerQuestion> | <talkInfo> | <meetName> | <findPrs> | <placeObjOnPlcmt>);
<NoRestriction> = (<findObj> | <takeObj> | <takeObjFromPlcmt> | <bringMeObj> | <deliverObjToMe>);
<NoRestriction> = (<findObj> | <takeObj> | <takeObjFromPlcmt> | <bringMeObj> | <deliverObjToMe>);
<goToLoc> = <V_go> <toLocPrep> (<NP_room> | <NP_placement> | <NP_beacon>);
......@@ -120,12 +120,20 @@ public <sentence> = ([could you | robot | tobi] [please] <VP1> [([and|then] <V
<N_personattribute> = name | gender | pose;
<N_posture> = sitting | standing | lying down;
<N_object> = basket | cereals | cloth | (coconut milk) | coke | cornflakes | noodles | orange (juice | drink) | peas | plate | pringles | red bowl | salt | soap | sponge | (tomato paste) | water;
<N_category> = care | drink | (cleaning stuff) | container | food | snack | cutlery;
<N_room> = corridor | (living room) | kitchen | (bath room);
<N_object_old> = basket | cereals | cloth | (coconut milk) | coke | cornflakes | noodles | orange (juice | drink) | peas | plate | pringles | red bowl | salt | soap | sponge | (tomato paste) | water;
<N_object> = (chocolate milk) | milk | cola | (soap box) | (choco krispies) | bowl | plate | fork | knife | spoon | cup | lemon | banana | peach | pear;
<N_category_old> = care | drink | (cleaning stuff) | container | food | snack | cutlery;
<N_category> = fruits | cutlery | drinks | snacks | (pantry items);
<N_room_old> = corridor | (living room) | kitchen | (bath room);
<N_room> = kitchen | (living room) | hallway | bathroom | office;
<N_roomTwo> = corridor | (living room) | kitchen | (bath room);
<N_placement> = (living table) | (kitchen counter) | sink | stove | cabinet | bar;
<N_placementTwo> = (living table) | (kitchen counter) | sink | stove | cabinet | bar;
<N_beacon> = (living table) | sink | bar | sofa | fridge | (comfy chair);
<N_beaconTwo> = (living table) | sink | bar | sofa | fridge | (comfy chair);
<N_name> = emma | olivia | sophia | ava | isabella | mia | abigail | emily | charlotte | harper | noah | liam | mason | jacob | william | ethan | james | alexander | michael | benjamin;
<N_placement_old> = (living table) | (kitchen counter) | sink | stove | cabinet | bar;
<N_placementTwo_old> = (living table) | (kitchen counter) | sink | stove | cabinet | bar;
<N_placement> = (kitchen table) | desk | (side board) | (side table) | sink | (kitchen counter) | cabinet | workstation;
<N_placementTwo> = (kitchen table) | desk | (side board) | (side table) | sink | (kitchen counter) | cabinet | workstation;
<N_beacon_old> = (living table) | sink | bar | sofa | fridge | (comfy chair);
<N_beaconTwo_old> = (living table) | sink | bar | sofa | fridge | (comfy chair);
<N_beacon> = fridge | sink | dishwasher | (easy chair) | (arm chair) | (kitchen table) | workstation;
<N_beaconTwo> = fridge | sink | dishwasher | (easy chair) | (arm chair) | (kitchen table) | workstation;
<N_name_old> = emma | olivia | sophia | ava | isabella | mia | abigail | emily | charlotte | harper | noah | liam | mason | jacob | william | ethan | james | alexander | michael | benjamin;
<N_name> = amelia | angel | ava | charlie | charlotte | hunter | max | mia | olivia | parker | sam | jack | noah | oliver | thomas | william;
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar speechRecognition;
public <sentence> = [could you | robot | tobi | tiago] [please] <command>;
<command> = (<cmdfndppl> | <cmdfndobj> | <cmdguide> | <cmdfollow> | <cmdfollowout> | <cmdincomplete> | <cmdman> | <complexman> | <cmdpartyhost>);
<cmdfndppl> = <tellPrsInfoInLoc> | <countPrsInRoom> | <talkInfoToGestPrsInRoom> | (<findPrsInRoom> and <answerQuestion>) | (<goToLoc> <findPrs> and (<answerQuestion> | <talkInfo>)) | (<answerToGestPrsInRoom>);
<cmdfndobj> = <findObjInRoom> | <countObjOnPlcmt> | <tellCatPropOnPlcmt> | <tellObjPropOnPlcmt> | <findThreeObjInRoom>;
<cmdguide> = <guideNameFromBeacToBeac> | (<meetPrsAtBeac> and <guidePronToBeacon>) | (<goToLoc> <meetName> and <guidePronToBeacon>) | <guideNameToBeacFindAtBeac>;
<cmdfollow> = <followNameFromBeacToRoom> | (<meetPrsAtBeac> and <followPrsToRoom>) | (<goToLoc> <meetName> and (<followPrs> | <followPrsToRoom>));
<cmdfollowout> = <meetPrsAtBeac> <followPrs> and (<goToLoc> | <guidePronBack>);
<cmdincomplete> = <followName> | <deliverObjToMe> | <guideNameToBeacon> | ([<goToLoc>] <meetName> and <guidePronIncomplete>);
<cmdman> = <bringMeObjFromPlcmt> | (<takeObjFromPlcmt> and (<deliverObjPronToMe> | <deliverObjToNameAtBeac>)) | ((<takeObjFromPlcmt> | <takeObj>) and <placeObjPronOnPlcmt>) | <deliverObjToGestPrsInRoom> | <bringToTaxi> | <bringMeObj> | (<goToLoc> <findObj> and (<deliverObjPronToMe> | <placeObjPronOnPlcmt>)) | <placeObjOnPlcmt> | <bringObjFromRoomToPlcmt>;
<complexman> = <deliverObjToPlacement> | <bringMeRelObjFromPlcmt> | <bringMeShapedObjFromPlcmt> | <cleanRoom> | <takeOutTheGarabage>;
<cmdpartyhost> = <serveDrinks> | ((<meetPrsAtBeac>| <meetprsAtDoor>) and <introduce>) | (<meetPrsAtBeac> and <requestleave>) | (<meetPrsAtBeac> and <guidePrsToTaxi>);
<goToLoc> = <V_go> <toLocPrep> (<NP_room> | <NP_placement> | <NP_beacon>);
<findObj> = <V_find> <NP_object>;
<findObjInRoom> = <V_find> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>) <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<findThreeObjInRoom> = <V_find> <N_three> <NP_category> <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<takeObj> = <V_take> <NP_object>;
<takeObjFromPlcmt> = <V_take> <NP_object> <fromLocPrep> (<NP_room> | <NP_placement>);
<findPrs> = <V_find> (<NP_gestperson> | <NP_genderperson> | <NP_poseperson>);
<findPrsInRoom> = <V_find> (<NP_gestperson> | <NP_genderperson> | <NP_poseperson>) <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<placeObjOnPlcmt> = <V_place> <NP_object> <placePrep> <NP_placement>;
<placeObjPronOnPlcmt> = <V_place> <NP_objectpron> <placePrep> <NP_placement>;
<talkInfo> = <V_talk> <NP_talk>;
<talkInfoToGestPrsInRoom> = <V_talk> <NP_talk> <talkPrep> <NP_gestperson> <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<answerQuestion> = <V_answer> <NP_answer>;
<answerToGestPrsInRoom> = <V_answer> <NP_answer> <talkPrep> <NP_gestperson> <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<followPrs> = <V_follow> <NP_personalpron>;
<followPrsToRoom> = <V_follow> <NP_personalpron> <toLocPrep> <NP_roomTwo>;
<followName> = <V_follow> <NP_name>;
<followNameFromBeacToRoom> = <V_follow> <NP_name> <fromLocPrep> (<NP_beacon> | <NP_room>) <toLocPrep> <NP_roomTwo>;
<meetName> = <V_meet> <NP_name>;
<meetPrsAtBeac> = <V_meet> <NP_name> <atLocPrep> <NP_beacon>;
<meetprsAtDoor> = <V_meet> <NP_name> <atLocPrep> <NP_door>;
<bringObjFromRoomToPlcmt> = <V_take> <NP_object> <fromLocPrep> <NP_room> <toLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<bringMeObj> = <V_bring> <NP_me> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>);
<bringMeObjFromPlcmt> = <V_bring> <NP_me> (<NP_object> | <NP_absobject>) <fromLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<bringMeRelObjFromPlcmt> = <V_bring> <NP_me> <NP_relObject> <NP_object> <fromLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<bringMeShapedObjFromPlcmt> = <V_bring> <NP_me> <NP_objectprop> (object | <NP_category>) <fromLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<countObjOnPlcmt> = <V_count> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>) there are <placePrep> <NP_placement>;
<countPrsInRoom> = <V_count> people in <NP_room> <arePrep> (<NP_posture> | <NP_genderpersonplural>);
<tellPrsInfoInLoc> = <V_tell> me <NP_personattribute> of the person <LocPrep> (<NP_room> | <NP_beacon>);
<tellObjPropOnPlcmt> = <V_tell> me ((what is) | whats | (which are)) <NP_objectprop> (object | objects) <onLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<tellCatPropOnPlcmt> = <V_tell> me ((what is) | whats | (which are)) <NP_objectprop> <NP_category> <onLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<deliverObjToMe> = <V_deliver> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>) <deliverPrep> <NP_me>;
<deliverObjPronToMe> = <V_deliver> <NP_objectpron> <deliverPrep> <NP_me>;
<deliverObjToGestPrsInRoom> = <V_deliver> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>) <deliverPrep> <NP_gestperson> <inLocPrep> <NP_roomTwo>;
<deliverObjToNameAtBeac> = <V_deliver> <NP_objectpron> <deliverPrep> <NP_name> <atLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo>;
<deliverObjToPlacement> = <V_take> <NP_object> <deliverPrep> <NP_placement>;
<guidePronIncomplete> = <V_guide> <NP_personalpron>;
<guidePronBack> = <V_guide> <NP_personalpron> back;
<guidePronToBeacon> = <V_guide> <NP_personalpron> <toLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo>;
<guideNameToBeacon> = <V_guide> <NP_name> <toLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo>;
<guideNameFromBeacToBeac> = <V_guide> <NP_name> <fromLocPrep> <NP_beacon> <toLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo>;
<guideNameToBeacFindAtBeac> = <V_guide> <NP_name> <toLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo> you (may | can | will) find (them | him | her) <atLocPrep> <NP_beacon>;
<serveDrinks> = <V_serve> <NP_partyfood> to ((((everyone | everybody) | (all the <NP_agegenderpersonplural>)) | <NP_gestperson>) in <NP_room>);
<introduce> = <V_introduce> <NP_personalpron> to ((((everyone | everybody) | (all the <NP_agegenderpersonplural>)) <LocPrep> <NP_room>) | (<NP_name> <LocPrep> <NP_beacon>));
<requestleave> = <V_ask> <NP_personalpron> to <V_leave>;
<guidePrsToTaxi> = <V_guide> <NP_personalpron> <toLocPrep> [<NP_personalpron>] <NP_taxi>;
<cleanRoom> = <V_clean> <NP_room>;
<takeOutTheGarabage> = <V_dump> <NP_garbage>;
<bringToTaxi> = <V_take> my <N_luggage> <toLocPrep> <NP_taxi>;
<deliverPrep> = to;
<placePrep> = on;
<inLocPrep> = in;
<fromLocPrep> = from;
<toLocPrep> = to;
<atLocPrep> = at;
<talkPrep> = to;
<LocPrep> = in | at;
<onLocPrep> = on;
<arePrep> = are;
<absPrep> = (at the (left | right) of) | ((left | right) most);
<relPrep> = (at the (left | right)) of | (above | behind | under | (on top of));
<V_take> = bring | take | get | grasp | (pick up);
<V_place> = put | place;
<V_deliver> = bring | give | deliver;
<V_bring> = bring | give;
<V_go> = go | navigate;
<V_find> = find | locate | (look for);
<V_talk> = tell | say;
<V_answer> = answer;
<V_follow> = follow;
<V_meet> = meet | face | contact | greet | find;
<V_guide> = guide | escort | take | lead | accompany;
<V_tell> = tell;
<V_count> = tell me how many;
<V_serve> = serve | arrange | deliver | distribute | give | provide;
<V_introduce> = introduce;
<V_ask> = ask;
<V_leave> = leave;
<V_clean> = (clean out) | (clean up) | (tidy (up | op)) | order | neaten;
<V_dump> = (take out) | dump;
<NP_object> = (the <N_object>) | (a <N_object>) | (an <N_object>) | (<N_object>);
<NP_absobject> = (the <absPrep> object);
<NP_relObject> = (the object <relPrep>);
<NP_objectpron> = (<N_objectpron>);
<NP_category> = (the <N_category>) | <N_category>;
<NP_objectprop> = (the [<N_three>] <N_objectprop>);
<NP_placement> = (the <N_placement>);
<NP_placementTwo> = (the <N_placementTwo>);
<NP_beacon> = (the <N_beacon>);
<NP_beaconTwo> = (the <N_beaconTwo>);
<NP_room> = (the <N_room>);
<NP_roomTwo> = (the <N_roomTwo>);
<NP_me> = (<N_me>);
<NP_gestperson> = (the <N_gestperson>) | (a <N_gestperson>);
<NP_poseperson> = (a <N_poseperson>);
<NP_genderperson> = (a <N_genderperson>);
<NP_genderpersonplural> = (<N_genderpersonplural>);
<NP_agegenderpersonplural> = (<N_agegenderpersonplural>);
<NP_name> = <N_name>;
<NP_talk> = <N_talk>;
<NP_answer> = <N_answer>;
<NP_personalpron> = <N_personalpron>;
<NP_personattribute> = (the <N_personattribute>);
<NP_posture> = <N_posture>;
<NP_taxi> = ([the] <N_taxi>);
<NP_partyfood> = <N_partyfood>;
<NP_door> = (the <N_door>);
<NP_garbage> = (the <N_garbage>);
<N_objectpron> = it;
<N_objectprop> = biggest | largest | smallest | heaviest | lightest | thinnest;
<N_me> = me;
<N_gestperson> = (person waving) | (person (raising | rising) [their] (left|right) arm) | (person pointing to the (left|right)) | (person calling);
<N_poseperson> = (person sitting) | (person standing) | (person lying down);
<N_genderperson> = man | woman | boy | girl | (male person) | (female person);
<N_genderpersonplural> = men | women | boys | girls | male | female;
<N_agegenderpersonplural> = people | men | women | guests | elders | children;
<N_talk> = (something about yourself) | (the time) | (what day is (today | tomorrow)) | (your teams (name | country | affiliation)) | (the day of the (week | month)) | (a joke);
<N_answer> = (a question);
<N_personalpron> = them | her | his | him | it;
<N_personattribute> = name | gender | pose;
<N_posture> = sitting | standing | lying down;
<N_three> = three;
<N_object> = sponge | cleanser | (red wine) | (juice pack) | (cola) | (tropical juice) | (milk) | (iced tea) | (orange juice) | (tuna) | (tomato soup) | spam | mustard | (strawberry jello) | (chocolate jello) | (coffee grounds) | sugar | pear | plum | peach | lemon | orange | strawberry | banana | apple | (tennis ball) | (soccer ball) | (rubiks cube) | dice | baseball | pringles | cornflakes | cheezit | spoon | plate | cup | fork | bowl | knife;
<N_category> = (cleaning supplies) | drinks | food | fruits | toys | snacks | dishes;
<N_room> = kitchen | (living room) | bedroom | study;
<N_roomTwo> = kitchen | (living room) | bedroom | study;
<N_placement> = (bedside table) | shelf | trashbin | dishwasher | kitchen table | pantry | cabinet | desk | (tv stand) | (storage rack) | (bookshelf) | (side tables) | sink;
<N_placementTwo> = (bedside table) | shelf | trashbin | dishwasher | kitchen table | pantry | cabinet | desk | (tv stand) | (storage rack) | (bookshelf) | (side tables) | sink;
<N_beacon> = (bedside table) | shelf | trashbin | dishwasher | kitchen table | pantry | cabinet | desk | (tv stand) | (storage rack) | (bookshelf) | bed | (potted plant) | chairs | refrigerator | sink | coatrack | armchair | (desk lamp) | lamp | (side tables) | (sofa) | exit | entrance;
<N_beaconTwo> = (bedside table) | shelf | trashbin | dishwasher | kitchen table | pantry | cabinet | desk | (tv stand) | (storage rack) | (bookshelf) | bed | (potted plant) | chairs | refrigerator | sink | coatrack | armchair | (desk lamp) | lamp | (side tables) | (sofa) | exit | entrance;
<N_name> = adel | angel | axel | charlie | jane | john | jules | morgan | paris | robin | simone;
<N_taxi> = taxi | cab | uber;
<N_partyfood> = snacks | drinks;
<N_door> = ( front | back | main | rear ) (entrance | door);
<N_garbage> = litter | garbage | trash | waste | debris | junk;
<N_luggage> = bag | valise | baggage | suitcase | trolley;
<N_garbage> = litter | garbage | trash | waste | debris | junk;
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar speechRecognition;
public <sentence> = [could you | robot | tobi] [please] (<singleCommand> | <commandChain>)
<singleCommand> = <standalone>;
<commandChain> = (<genLoc> [and|then] <reqLocGenPrs> [and|then] <reqPrs>)
| (<genLoc> [and|then] <reqLocGenPrs> [and|then] <noReq>)
| (<genLoc> [and|then] <reqLocGenItem> [and|then] <reqItem>)
| (<genLocPrs> [and|then] <reqPrs> [and|then] <reqPrsMOVE>)
| (<genLocPrs> [and|then] <reqPrs> [[and|then] <noReq>)
| (<genLocPrs> [and|then] <reqPrs> [[and|then] <noReq>])
<noReq> = (<genLoc> | <genPrs> | <genItem>);
<genLoc> = <goToLoc>;
<genItem> = (<takeObjFromPlcmt> | <takeObj>);
<genLocPrs> = (<meetPrsAtBeac> | <findPrsInRoom>);
<reqLocGenPrs> = (<findPrs> | <meetName>);
<reqLocGenItem>= <findObj>;
<reqPrs> = (<followPrsToRoom> | <followPrs> | <guidePrsToBeacon> | <answerQuestion> | <talkInfo>;
<reqLocPrs> = <guidePrsBack>;
<reqItem> = (<deliverObjPronToMe> | <placeObjPronOnPlcmt> | <placeObjOnPlcmt> | <deliverObjToNameAtBeac>)
<standalone> = <deliverObjToMe> | <deliverObjToGestPrsInRoom> | <countObjOnPlcmt> | <countPrsInRoom> | <tellPrsInfoInLoc> | <tellObjPropOnPlcmt> | | <followNameFromBeacToRoom> | <guideNameFromBeacToBeac> | <guideNameToBeacFindAtBeac> | <bringMeObj> | <bringMeObjFromPlcmt> | <tellCatPropOnPlcmt> | <findObjInRoom> | <talkInfoToGestPrsInRoom> | <answerToGestPrsInRoom>);
<goToLoc> = <V_go> <toLocPrep> (<NP_room> | <NP_placement> | <NP_beacon>);
<findObj> = <V_find> <NP_object>;
<findObjInRoom> = <V_find> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>) <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<takeObj> = <V_take> <NP_object>;
<takeObjFromPlcmt> = <V_take> <NP_object> <fromLocPrep> (<NP_room> | <NP_placement>);
<findPrs> = <V_find> (<NP_gestperson> | <NP_genderperson> | <NP_poseperson>);
<findPrsInRoom> = <V_find> (<NP_gestperson> | <NP_genderperson> | <NP_poseperson>) <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<placeObjOnPlcmt> = <V_place> <NP_object> <placePrep> <NP_placement>;
<placeObjPronOnPlcmt> = <V_place> <NP_objectpron> <placePrep> <NP_placement>;
<talkInfo> = <V_talk> <NP_talk>;
<talkInfoToGestPrsInRoom> = <V_talk> <NP_talk> <talkPrep> <NP_gestperson> <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<answerQuestion> = <V_answer> <NP_answer>;
<answerToGestPrsInRoom> = <V_answer> <NP_answer> <talkPrep> <NP_gestperson> <inLocPrep> <NP_room>;
<followPrs> = <V_follow> <NP_personalpron>;
<followPrsToRoom> = <V_follow> <NP_personalpron> <toLocPrep> <NP_roomTwo>;
<followNameFromBeacToRoom> = <V_follow> <NP_name> <fromLocPrep> <NP_beacon> <toLocPrep> <NP_roomTwo>;
<meetName> = <V_meet> <NP_name>;
<meetPrsAtBeac> = <V_meet> <NP_name> <atLocPrep> <NP_beacon>;
<bringMeObj> = <V_bring> <NP_me> <NP_object>;
<bringMeObjFromPlcmt> = <V_bring> <NP_me> <NP_object> <fromLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<countObjOnPlcmt> = <V_count> (<NP_object> | <NP_category>) there are <placePrep> <NP_placement>;
<countPrsInRoom> = <V_count> people in <NP_room> <arePrep> (<NP_posture> | <NP_genderpersonplural>);
<tellPrsInfoInLoc> = <V_tell> me <NP_personattribute> of the person <LocPrep> (<NP_room> | <NP_beacon>);
<tellObjPropOnPlcmt> = <V_tell> me ((what is) | whats) <NP_objectprop> object <onLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<tellCatPropOnPlcmt> = <V_tell> me ((what is) | whats) <NP_objectprop> <NP_category> <onLocPrep> <NP_placement>;
<deliverObjToMe> = <V_deliver> <NP_object> <deliverPrep> <NP_me>;
<deliverObjPronToMe> = <V_deliver> <NP_objectpron> <deliverPrep> <NP_me>;
<deliverObjToGestPrsInRoom> = <V_deliver> [<NP_objectpron>] <NP_object> <deliverPrep> <NP_gestperson> <inLocPrep> <NP_roomTwo>;
<deliverObjToNameAtBeac> = <V_deliver> <NP_objectpron> <deliverPrep> <NP_name> <atLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo>;
<guidePrsBack> = <V_guide> <NP_personalpron> back;
<guidePrsToBeacon> = <V_guide> <NP_personalpron> <toLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo>;
<guideNameFromBeacToBeac> = <V_guide> <NP_name> <fromLocPrep> <NP_beacon> <toLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo>;
<guideNameToBeacFindAtBeac> = <V_guide> <NP_name> <toLocPrep> <NP_beaconTwo> you (may | can | will) find (them | him | her) <atLocPrep> <NP_beacon>;
<deliverPrep> = to;
<placePrep> = on;
<inLocPrep> = in;
<fromLocPrep> = from;
<toLocPrep> = to;
<atLocPrep> = at;
<talkPrep> = to;
<LocPrep> = in | at;
<onLocPrep> = on;
<arePrep> = are;
<V_take> = bring | take | get | grasp | (pick up);
<V_place> = put | place;
<V_deliver> = bring | give | deliver;
<V_bring> = bring | give;
<V_go> = go | navigate;
<V_find> = find | locate | (look for);
<V_talk> = tell | say;
<V_answer> = answer;
<V_follow> = follow;
<V_meet> = meet | face | contact;
<V_guide> = guide | escort | take | lead | accompany;
<V_tell> = tell;
<V_count> = tell me how many;
<NP_object> = (the <N_object>) | (a <N_object>) | (an <N_object>) | (<N_object>);
<NP_objectpron> = (<N_objectpron>);
<NP_category> = (the <N_category>) | <N_category>;
<NP_objectprop> = (the <N_objectprop>);
<NP_placement> = (the <N_placement>);
<NP_placementTwo> = (the <N_placementTwo>);
<NP_beacon> = (the <N_beacon>);
<NP_beaconTwo> = (the <N_beaconTwo>);
<NP_room> = (the <N_room>);
<NP_roomTwo> = (the <N_roomTwo>);
<NP_me> = (<N_me>);
<NP_gestperson> = (the <N_gestperson>) | (a <N_gestperson>);
<NP_poseperson> = (a <N_poseperson>);
<NP_genderperson> = (a <N_genderperson>);
<NP_genderpersonplural> = (<N_genderpersonplural>);
<NP_name> = <N_name>;
<NP_talk> = <N_talk>;
<NP_answer> = <N_answer>;
<NP_personalpron> = <N_personalpron>;
<NP_personattribute> = (the <N_personattribute>);
<NP_posture> = <N_posture>;
<N_objectpron> = it;
<N_objectprop> = biggest | largest | smallest | heaviest | lightest | thinnest;
<N_me> = me;
<N_gestperson> = (person waving) | (person (raising | rising) [their] (left|right) arm) | (person pointing to the (left|right)) | (person calling);
<N_poseperson> = (person sitting) | (person standing) | (person lying down);
<N_genderperson> = man | woman | boy | girl | (male person) | (female person);
<N_genderpersonplural> = men | women | boys | girls | male | female;
<N_talk> = (something about yourself) | (the time) | (what day is (today | tomorrow)) | (your teams (name | country | affiliation)) | (the day of the (week | month)) | (a joke);
<N_answer> = (a question);
<N_personalpron> = them | her | him;
<N_personattribute> = name | gender | pose;
<N_posture> = sitting | standing | lying down;
<N_object_old> = basket | cereals | cloth | (coconut milk) | coke | cornflakes | noodles | orange (juice | drink) | peas | plate | pringles | red bowl | salt | soap | sponge | (tomato paste) | water;
<N_object> = (chocolate milk) | milk | cola | (soap box) | (choco krispies) | bowl | plate | fork | knife | spoon | cup | lemon | banana | peach | pear;
<N_category_old> = care | drink | (cleaning stuff) | container | food | snack | cutlery;
<N_category> = fruits | cutlery | drinks | snacks | (pantry items);
<N_room_old> = corridor | (living room) | kitchen | (bath room);
<N_room> = kitchen | (living room) | hallway | bathroom | office;
<N_roomTwo> = corridor | (living room) | kitchen | (bath room);
<N_placement_old> = (living table) | (kitchen counter) | sink | stove | cabinet | bar;
<N_placementTwo_old> = (living table) | (kitchen counter) | sink | stove | cabinet | bar;
<N_placement> = (kitchen table) | desk | (side board) | (side table) | sink | (kitchen counter) | cabinet | workstation;
<N_placementTwo> = (kitchen table) | desk | (side board) | (side table) | sink | (kitchen counter) | cabinet | workstation;
<N_beacon_old> = (living table) | sink | bar | sofa | fridge | (comfy chair);
<N_beaconTwo_old> = (living table) | sink | bar | sofa | fridge | (comfy chair);
<N_beacon> = fridge | sink | dishwasher | (easy chair) | (arm chair) | (kitchen table) | workstation;
<N_beaconTwo> = fridge | sink | dishwasher | (easy chair) | (arm chair) | (kitchen table) | workstation;
<N_name_old> = emma | olivia | sophia | ava | isabella | mia | abigail | emily | charlotte | harper | noah | liam | mason | jacob | william | ethan | james | alexander | michael | benjamin;
<N_name> = amelia | angel | ava | charlie | charlotte | hunter | max | mia | olivia | parker | sam | jack | noah | oliver | thomas | william;
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar questions;
public <question> = [(tobi | biron | robot)] (<quest_predef>);
public <quest_predef> = <predef1> | <predef2> | <predef3> | <predef4> | <predef5> | <predef6> | <predef7> | <predef8> | <predef9> | <predef10> | <predef11> | <predef12> | <predef13> | <predef14> | <predef15> | <predef16>;
<predef1> = who invented the c programming language;
<predef2> = when was the c programming language invented;
<predef3> = when was the b programming language invented;
<predef4> = where does the term computer bug come from;
<predef5> = who invented the first compiler;
<predef6> = which robot is used in the open platform league;
<predef7> = which robot is used in the domestic standard platform league;
<predef8> = which robot is used in the social standard platform league;
<predef9> = (what is | whats) (your teams name | your team name | the name of your team);
<predef10> = what time is it;
<predef11> = what day is today;
<predef12> = do you have dreams;
<predef13> = in which city will next years robocup be hosted;
<predef14> = what is the origin of the name canada;
<predef15> = what is the capital of canada;
<predef16> = what is the national anthem of canada;
public <quest_predef> = <predef1> | <predef2> | <predef3> | <predef4> | <predef5> | <predef6> | <predef7> | <predef8> | <predef9> | <predef10> | <predef11> | <predef12> | <predef13> | <predef14> | <predef15> | <predef16>|<predef17> |<predef18> |<predef19> |<predef20> |<predef21> |<predef22> |<predef23> |<predef24> |<predef25> |<predef26> |<predef27> | <predef28> | <predef29> | <predef30> | <predef31> | <predef32> | <predef33> | <predef34> | <predef35> | <predef36> | <predef37> | <predef38> | <predef39> | <predef40> | <predef41> | <predef42> | <predef43>|<predef44> |<predef45> |<predef46> |<predef47> |<predef48> |<predef49> |<predef50>;
<predef1> = (who s the most handsome person in canada);
<predef2> = (how many time zones are there in canada);
<predef3> = (whats the longest street in the world);
<predef4> = (how long is yonge street in ontario);
<predef5> = (whats the name of the bear cub exported from canada to the london zoo);
<predef6> = (where was the blackberry smartphone developed);
<predef7> = (what is the worlds largest coin);
<predef8> = (in what year was canada invaded by the usa for the first time);
<predef9> = (what year was canada invaded by the usa for the second time);
<predef10> = (what country holds the record for the most gold medals at the winter olympics);
<predef11> = (who coined the term beatlemania);
<predef12> = (why is canada named canada);
<predef13> = (when was the mounted police formed);
<predef14> = (when was the royal canadian mounted police formed);
<predef15> = (how big is the r c m p);
<predef16> = (what else is montreal called);
<predef17> = (where is the hotel de glace located);
<predef18> = (how many tons of ice are required to build the hotel de glace);
<predef19> = (how many tons of snow are required to build the hotel de glace);
<predef20> = (can i visit the hotel de glace in summer);
<predef21> = (where is canadas only desert);
<predef22> = (how big is canadas only desert);
<predef23> = (name three famous male canadians);
<predef24> = (name three famous female canadians);
<predef25> = (whats the origin of the comic sans font);
<predef26> = (what is a nanobot);
<predef27> = (how small can a nanobot be);
<predef28> = (why wasnt tron nominated for an award by the motion picture academy);
<predef29> = (which was the first computer with a hard disk drive);
<predef30> = (when was the first computer with a hard disk drive launched);
<predef31> = (how big was the first hard disk drive);
<predef32> = (what does captcha stands for);
<predef33> = (what was the first computer bug);
<predef34> = (name all of the robots on mars);
<predef35> = (who is the worlds first android);
<predef36> = (what is a mechanical knight);
<predef37> = (what was the first computer in pass the turing test);
<predef38> = (what does moravec s paradox state);
<predef39> = (what is the ai knowledge engineering bottleneck);
<predef40> = (why is elon musk is worried about ais impact on humanity);
<predef41> = (do you think robots are a threat to humanity);
<predef42> = (what is a chatbot);
<predef43> = (are self driving cars safe);
<predef44> = (who invented the compiler);
<predef45> = (who created the c programming language);
<predef46> = (who created the python programming language);
<predef47> = (is mark zuckerberg a robot);
<predef48> = (who is the inventor of the apple i microcomputer);
<predef49> = (who is considered to be the first computer programmer);
<predef50> = (which program do jedi use to open p d f files);
......@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ public <drinkstring> = [<prefix>] <drink> [<robot>];
<ilike> = (i like);
<drink> = ( (apple_juice) | (iso_drink) | (orange_juice) | (red_spritzer) | (sparkling_water) | (milk) | (coke) | (water) | (lemon juice));
<drink> = (apple juice) | (orange juice) | (coke) | (ice tea) | (fanta) |(milk);
<robot> = (tobi) | (robot) | (biron) | (pepper);
......@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ public <namestring> = [<prefix>] <name> [<robot>];
<callme> = (call me);
<name> = sophia | isabella | emma | olivia | ava | emily | abigail | madison | mia | chloe | james | john | robert | michael | william | david | richard | charles | joseph | thomas;
<name> = (kai) | (noah) | (unique) | (luca) | (evelyn) | (jayden) | (james) | (riley) | (harper) | (quinn) | (avery) | (remi) | (river) | (atlas);
<robot> = (tobi) | (robot) | (biron) | (pepper);
<robot> = (tobi) | (robot) | (tiago);
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar ordering;
public <restaurant> = ([tobi] [(i want) | (bring me)] [one | a ] <objects> [please]);
<objects> = (<drinks> | <combo> | <food>);
<combo> = ((<orderings> [and | with] <orderings> [ [and | with] <orderings> ]));
<orderings> = (<drinks> | <food>);
<food> = ( (cereal) | (lemon) | (orange) | (bouillon) | (corn) | (noodles) | (pepper) | (salt) | (sauerkraut) |(seasoning_mix) | (tomatoes) | (cereal_bar_chocolate) | (cereal_bar_chocolate_banana) | (cracker) | (fruit_bar_apple) | (fruit_bar_forest_fruit) | (get_it) | (nut_fruit_mix) | (peanut_bits));
<drinks> = ( (apple_juice) | (iso_drink) | (orange_juice) | (red_spritzer) | (sparkling_water) | (coke) | (lemon_juice) | (water) | (milk));
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar ordering;
public <restaurant> = ([tobi] [(i want) | (bring me)] [one | a ] <objects> [please]);
<objects> = (<drinks> | <food> | <fruits> | <snacks>);
<food> = (
(tuna) |
(cornflakes) |
(spam) |
(mustard) |
(strawberry jello)|
(chocolate jello) |
(ketchup) |
(sugar) |
(coffee grounds)|
(tomato soup));
<fruits> = (
(pear) |
(plum) |
(peach) |
(orange) |
(strawberry) |
(banana) |
<snacks> = (
(cheezit) |
(nuts) |
(pretzels) |
(peanut puffs) |
<drinks> = ((apple juice) | (orange juice) | (coke) | (ice tea) | (fanta) |(milk));
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar position;
public <restaurant> = ([tobi] [(i am) | (im)] [(one) | (at) | (in) ] [(your)] <position> [(side) | (of you) | (you)]);
<position> = ((left) | (right) | (behind) | (front));