"You need to ensure that no integer division is performed in case you do not want to loose the decimal places. However, in Python you do not need to worry about this."
"The primer's properties are all in a suitable range. However, to evaluate the actual suitability of the primer, its mapping uniqueness and mapping capability to the site of interest are also relevant."
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"**Additional exercises**"
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"2.5) Test if the primer contains a hairpin structure."
ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'Python'
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1.7) What is a pitfall in regards to division when working with int/float?
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a = 3
b = 2
print(a / b)
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You need to ensure that no integer division is performed in case you do not want to loose the decimal places. However, in Python you do not need to worry about this.
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## Part2 - Functions
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2.1) Calculate length of primer and print it!
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%% Output
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2.2) Get number of 'G's and print it!
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positions = [i for i in range(len(primer)) if primer[i] == 'G']
[2, 7, 13, 19]
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2.3) Write a function to analyze the nucleotide composition of a primer and print it!
gc_clamp = (primer[-1] == "G" or primer[-1] == "C") and (primer[-2] == "G" or primer[-2] == "C")
print(f"GC clamp: {gc_clamp}")
%% Output
Length: 20
GC content: 50.0 %
Temperature: 60 degrees celsius
GC clamp: True
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The primer's properties are all in a suitable range. However, to evaluate the actual suitability of the primer, its mapping uniqueness and mapping capability to the site of interest are also relevant.
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**Additional exercises**
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2.5) Test if the primer contains a hairpin structure.
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def get_reverse_complement(sequence):
bases = {'A': 'T', 'T': 'A', 'C': 'G', 'G': 'C'}
rev_comp = []
for i in range(len(sequence)-1, -1, -1):
rev_comp += [bases[sequence[i]]]
return ''.join(rev_comp)
Computes all exact matches between seq and other_seq
this method is naive and can be optimized
output is a list of 4-tuples of the form
(start position in seq, start position in other_seq, length of the match, matching string)