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Commit 586974c5 authored by Christopher Lenke's avatar Christopher Lenke
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parent d8393155
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-- DROP PROCEDURE schema_xyz.pattern_matching_b_ii_pg(text, text, text);
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE schema_xyz.pattern_matching_b_ii_pg(input_table text, output_table text, process_name text)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $procedure$
#variable_conflict use_variable
epc cursor is SELECT epid, uid_, pattern_nf, pattern_city from schema_xyz.exclude_pattern;
Exclusion pattern, remaining categories, lowest level.
input_table: result_IV
output_table: result_V
exclude_pattern RECORD;
/*############################## schema_xyz.process_info ###############################*/
EXECUTE 'insert into schema_xyz.process_info select '''||process_name||''', ''Start pattern_matching_b_II'', '''||current_timestamp::varchar||'''';
/* +++++++ EXCLUDE: Application of exclusion patterns. No differentiation between pattern-specific and non-pattern-specific exclusion - only at address level ++++++++ */
EXECUTE 'alter table '||input_table||' add column exclude numeric, add column exclude_id numeric';
for exclude_pattern in epc
EXECUTE 'update '||input_table||' set exclude=1, exclude_id='||exclude_pattern.epid|| '
where (uid_='||exclude_pattern.uid_||' and upper(address_full) like '''||exclude_pattern.pattern_nf||''' and (city is null or upper(city) like '''||exclude_pattern.pattern_city||'''))';
/*############################## schema_xyz.process_info ###############################*/
EXECUTE 'insert into schema_xyz.process_info select '''||process_name||''', ''Exclude completed'', '''||current_timestamp::varchar||'''';
Remaining and collective categories: the pattern should only apply here if no other applies.
4751 Remaining category: Companies, not yet assigned (domain_id=1)
1005 MPG remaining category, without unique institute address (domain_id=6)
230 Collective category practices (domain_id=19)
4138 HGF remaining category, without unique institute address (domain_id=4)
4127 FhG remaining category, without unique institute address (domain_id=3)
4128 Leibniz remaining category, without unique institute address (domain_id=10)
4752 Remaining category: Clinics, not yet assigned (domain_id=17)
4428 Remaining category: Universities (domain_id=9)
4429 Remaining category: Universities of Applied Sciences (domain_id=15)
EXECUTE 'alter table '||input_table||' add column delete_rest numeric';
/* Remaining category Germany: 3987 */
EXECUTE 'update '||input_table||'
set delete_rest = 1
where uid_ = 3987
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||' where exclude is null
group by adr_id having count(distinct uid_)>1)
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||'
where uid_ <> 3987
and exclude is null
/* Remaining category Companies, domain_id=1, Restuid= 4751 */
CALL schema_xyz.build_tree_for_sector_pg('1');
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree where uid_=4751';
EXECUTE 'update '||input_table||'
set delete_rest=1
where uid_ = 4751
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||' where exclude is null
group by adr_id having count(distinct uid_)>1)
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||'
where uid_ in (select uid_ FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree)
and exclude is null
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree';
/* Remaining category MPG, domain_id=6, Restuid= 1005 */
call schema_xyz.build_tree_for_sector_pg('6');
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree where uid_=1005';
EXECUTE 'update '||input_table||'
set delete_rest=1
where uid_ = 1005
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||' where exclude is null
group by adr_id having count(distinct uid_)>1)
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||'
where uid_ in (select uid_ FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree)
and exclude is null
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree';
/* Remaining category practices, domain_id=19, Restuid= 230 */
CALL schema_xyz.build_tree_for_sector_pg('19');
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree where uid_=230';
EXECUTE 'update '||input_table||'
set delete_rest=1
where uid_ = 230
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||' where exclude is null
group by adr_id having count(distinct uid_)>1)
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||'
where uid_ in (select uid_ FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree)
and exclude is null
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree';
/* Restkategorie HGF, domain_id=4, Restuid= 4138 */
CALL schema_xyz.build_tree_for_sector_pg('4');
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree where uid_=4138';
EXECUTE 'update '||input_table||'
set delete_rest=1
where uid_ = 4138
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||' where exclude is null
group by adr_id having count(distinct uid_)>1)
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||'
where uid_ in (select uid_ FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree)
and exclude is null
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree';
/* Restkategorie FhG, domain_id=3, Restuid= 4127 */
CALL schema_xyz.build_tree_for_sector_pg('3');
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree where uid_=4127';
EXECUTE 'update '||input_table||'
set delete_rest=1
where uid_ = 4127
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||' where exclude is null
group by adr_id having count(distinct uid_)>1)
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||'
where uid_ in (select uid_ FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree)
and exclude is null
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree';
/* Remaining category Leibniz, domain_id=10, Restuid= 4128 */
CALL schema_xyz.build_tree_for_sector_pg('10');
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree where uid_=4128';
EXECUTE 'update '||input_table||'
set delete_rest=1
where uid_ = 4128
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||' where exclude is null
group by adr_id having count(distinct uid_)>1)
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||'
where uid_ in (select uid_ FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree)
and exclude is null
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree';
/* Remaining category clinics, domain_id=17, Restuid= 4752 */
CALL schema_xyz.build_tree_for_sector_pg('17');
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree where uid_=4752';
EXECUTE 'update '||input_table||'
set delete_rest=1
where uid_ = 4752
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||' where exclude is null
group by adr_id having count(distinct uid_)>1)
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||'
where uid_ in (select uid_ FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree)
and exclude is null
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree';
/* Restkategorie Firmen, domain_id=9, Restuid= 4428 */
CALL schema_xyz.build_tree_for_sector_pg('9');
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree where uid_=4428';
EXECUTE 'update '||input_table||'
set delete_rest=1
where uid_ = 4428
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||' where exclude is null
group by adr_id having count(distinct uid_)>1)
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||'
where uid_ in (select uid_ FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree)
and exclude is null
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree';
/* Restkategorie Firmen, domain_id=15, Restuid= 4429 */
CALL schema_xyz.build_tree_for_sector_pg('15');
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree where uid_=4429';
EXECUTE 'update '||input_table||'
set delete_rest=1
where uid_ = 4429
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||' where exclude is null
group by adr_id having count(distinct uid_)>1)
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||'
where uid_ in (select uid_ FROM schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree)
and exclude is null
/* Remaining category University Hospitals Munich for everything that cannot be assigned to 101 or 102, Restuid= 5140 */
execute 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.relation_01';
execute 'create table schema_xyz.relation_01 as (select * from schema_xyz.relation where type in (0,1))';
execute 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree';
execute 'create table schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree as (
SELECT uid_1
FROM connectby(''schema_xyz.relation_01'', ''uid_1'', ''uid_0'', ''101'',0)
AS t(uid_1 bigint, uid_0 bigint, level int)
execute 'insert into schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree (
SELECT uid_1
FROM connectby(''schema_xyz.relation_01'', ''uid_1'', ''uid_0'', ''102'',0)
AS t(uid_1 bigint, uid_0 bigint, level int)
execute 'update '||input_table||'
set delete_rest=1
where uid_ = 5140
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||' where exclude is null
group by adr_id having count(distinct uid_)>1)
and adr_id in (
select adr_id
from '||input_table||'
where uid_ in (select uid_ from schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree)
and exclude is null
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.zwischen_sector_tree';
EXECUTE 'insert into schema_xyz.process_info select '''||process_name||''',
''Remaining categories finalised'', '''||current_timestamp::varchar||'''';
/* Application of the pattern table for collection categories: PATTERN_SAMMELKAT_LIKE. */
---Uncoded temporary storage
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.zzz_sammelkat_I';
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.zzz_sammelkat_II';
EXECUTE 'create table schema_xyz.zzz_sammelkat_I as (select adr_id, address_full, city
from schema_xyz.result_II
where not adr_id in (select adr_id from schema_xyz.result_IV
where delete_rest is null and exclude is null))';
EXECUTE 'create table schema_xyz.zzz_sammelkat_II as (
select address_full, city, adr_id, uid_, pid_sk
from schema_xyz.zzz_sammelkat_I a
join schema_xyz.pattern_sammelkat_like b
on a.address_full like b.pattern_nf and (( is null and b.pattern_city=''%'') or like b.pattern_city))';
--- Insert in result_IV
EXECUTE 'insert into schema_xyz.result_IV (
select address_full, city, adr_id, uid_, null, null, null
from (select address_full, city, adr_id, uid_ from schema_xyz.zzz_sammelkat_II group by address_full, city, adr_id, uid_) as skii)';
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists schema_xyz.zzz_sammelkat_I';
/* Exclude and group to reduce the calculation time for the lowest level. Index */
EXECUTE 'drop table if exists '||output_table||'';
EXECUTE 'create table '||output_table||' as (select
adr_id, address_full, city, uid_
from '||input_table||'
where exclude is null and delete_rest is null
group by adr_id, address_full, city, uid_)';
EXECUTE 'alter table '||output_table||' add column is_TE bigint';
EXECUTE 'drop index if exists schema_xyz.i_'||replace(output_table,'.','_')||'_uid';
EXECUTE 'create index i_'||replace(output_table,'.','_')||'_uid on '||output_table||' (uid_)';
EXECUTE 'drop index if exists schema_xyz.i_'||replace(output_table,'.','_')||'_afci';
EXECUTE 'create index i_'||replace(output_table,'.','_')||'_afci on '||output_table||' (address_full, city)';
EXECUTE 'insert into schema_xyz.process_info select '''||process_name||''',
''End pattern_matching_b_II'', '''||current_timestamp::varchar||'''';
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