The source project of this merge request has been removed.
WIP: Edits Ch5: bib entries, main text
This MR contains these changes:
- Title
From the original:
Visualizing FLAME Economic models - FLAViz
This new title covers the content a bit better:
Visualization of economic agent-based simulations: introducing the FLAViz toolbox
This also fits as running title at the top of the left-hand pages!
- Authors.
Vidya Ayer, Sander van der Hoog
On March 29 this became:
Vidya Ayer, Krishna Devkota, Philipp Cimiano, Sander van der Hoog
My author list would be:
Sander van der Hoog, Philipp Cimiano
- Footnotes
All footnotes in \subsection{The FLAME Environment} are now after a full-stop, not before.
- URLs
The format of the URLs looks strange with <> but if that is the preferred format, then OK.
- Refs
Two new bib entries were added to the Introduction.
Edited by Sander van der Hoog