Explore projects
Incremental Processing Architecture for Artificial Conversational Agents
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Christian Petersmeier / RTDE_Python_Client_Library
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
AGGI Projects / FFGC
BSD 2-Clause with views sentenceFamily Free Genome Comparison (FFGC) is a self-contained workflow system that provides functionality for all steps of a family-free gene order analysis starting from annotated genome sequences.
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This software implements a heavily parallelized pipeline to recognize handwritten text in PDF files.
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SFB 1288 - INF / File Setup Pipeline
MIT LicenseThis software implements a parallelized pipeline to setup image files. It is used for nopaque's File setup service but you can also use it standalone, for that purpose a convenient wrapper script is provided.
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A very simple face perception based on openCV.
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Base for using an aaambos architecture with the qibullet robot simulator.
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AGGI Projects / ding-cf
MIT LicenseUpdated -
A behaviour scheduler that starts and executes multiple behaviors with restricted resource handling, message interests and exchange memory.
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BiBiGrid is a tool for an easy cluster setup inside a cloud environment.
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Tim Marvin Heptner / Learning to Style Check
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Marco Adamczyk / PyChaoSon
MIT LicenseUpdated -