public <basicFunctionalities> = <question1> | <question2> | <question3> | <question4> | <question5> | <question6> | <question7> | <question8> | <question9> | <question10> | <continue> | <stop>;
<continue> = tobi continue | continue;
<question1> = what time is it;
<question2> = what is your name;
<question3> = what is the capital of brazil;
<question4> = in which year was robocup founded;
<question5> = how many rings has the olympic flag;
<question6> = what is the answer to the ultimate question about life the universe and everything;
<question7> = what is the worlds most popular green vegetable;
<question8> = what is the oldest drug used on earth;
<question9> = which insect has the best eyesight;
<question10> = who lives in a pineapple under the sea;