.. toctree::
Average place-code vector homing
Homing with an average skyline vector consist of deriving the skyline \
or an approximation of it from the visual information. For example, \
ultra violet light is mostly present in the sky, and thus by summing \
ultra violet light along the elevation one may obtain the skyline. \
This approximation was inspired by the visual system of insect and has \
been succesffuly applied to model of homing (Basten and mallott), and robots (Thomas Stone). \
Once the skyline have been optained, the center of mass of it is calcualted. \
The center of mass of the skyline is a vector lying in the equatorial \
plane of the visual system (due to the sumation along the elevation). \
The center of mass of the skyline was succeffully applied in simulation \
and robots (Hafner, Mangan).
The center of mass of the skyline, also refered as average skyline \
vector, at the goal and current location are compared by simple difference. \
The difference gives the homing vector, i.e. a vector proportional to \
the velocity of the agent.
Our agent needs to have a function to convert its current state to a motion. \
This function, velocity, can be added as follow:
.. literalinclude:: examples/
On a grid
By restricting the agent motion on a grid, we can used a database containing \
images rendered at pre defined location (the grid nodes).
.. literalinclude:: examples/
:lines: 36
And initialise the senses of our virtual agent
.. literalinclude:: examples/
:lines: 37
Now we have to initialise an agent moving on a grid (i.e. a GridAgent)
.. literalinclude:: examples/
:lines: 39
at an initial position
.. literalinclude:: examples/
:lines: 42-44
a mode of motion corresponding to the grid used in the database
.. literalinclude:: examples/
:lines: 47-51
Finally our agent is ready to fly for a number of step or until its velocity is null.
.. literalinclude:: examples/
:lines: 54-55