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Commit 1b7add8a authored by Olivier Bertrand's avatar Olivier Bertrand
Browse files

Fix quaternion issues in blender

parent ac3ca4d0
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%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from navipy.processing.mcode import optic_flow
from navipy.maths.coordinates import cartesian_to_spherical
from navipy.moving.agent import posorient_columns
from navipy.moving.agent import velocities_columns
from navipy.scene import __spherical_indeces__
%% Output
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# Optic Flow
Optic flow is defined as the change of light in the image, e.g. on the retina or the camera’s sensor, due to a relative motion between the eye or camera and the scene.
In this section we focus on calculating the optic flow from the animal or camera motion and the distance to surrounding objects. Note, that in applied task, the problem of interest is the opposite of our current focus, namely the problem is how to find the animal or camera motion and the distance to surrounding objects from an estimate of the optic flow obtained from a series of images.
To avoid confusion between, we qualify the optic flow from known animal or camera motion and distance to surrounding objects as geometrical, and will call it geometrical optic flow or gOF.
Koendering Van Dorn in their 1987 article 'Facts on optic flow' derive geometrical optic flow, and obtained the following equation
$$ gOF_i = -\mu_i(t-t. d_i)d_i)-R\times d_i $$
* $gOF_i$ is the geometrical optic flow in the $i-th$ viewing direction $d_i$.
* $t$ and $R$ are the translational and angular velocity, respectively.
* $\mu_i$ is the nearness (inverse of the distance) to the closest object in the $i-th$ viewing direction
The equation can be rewritten by using the "apparent rotation" due to the translation $A_i=\mu_i di_i\times t$, and become
$$ gOF_i = -(A_i+R)\times d_i $$
The optic flow is thus the sum of apparent rotation due to the translation and the angular rotation projected to a plane orthogonal to the viewing direction.
The eye is sometimes described as a spherical apparatus (espectially in insect research), here each viewing direction can be expressed in a spherical coordinate system. The gOF in a spherical system as three component, but the one along the viewing direction (i.e. the $\rho$ of the coordinate system) equates zero, because the gOF is othogonal to that direction.
In the remaining sections we will assume that the distance to close object have already been calculated (see renderering tutorials) and will only look at a single point along a trajectory at which the differences in x,y,z,and euler angles could be obtained. Furthermore we will use the yaw-pitch-roll (zyx) for the euler angles
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``` python
tuples_posvel = posorient_columns(convention)
index_posvel = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples_posvel,
velocity = pd.Series(index=index_posvel, data=0)
# Define the eye
elevation = np.linspace(-np.pi/2,np.pi/2,11)
azimuth = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,21)
imshape = me.shape
viewing_directions = np.zeros((ma.shape[0], ma.shape[1], 2))
viewing_directions[..., __spherical_indeces__['elevation']] = me
viewing_directions[..., __spherical_indeces__['azimuth']] = ma
# Useful for quiver plots
vdir_az = viewing_directions[..., __spherical_indeces__['azimuth']]
vdir_el = viewing_directions[..., __spherical_indeces__['elevation']]
# Create a scene
scene = np.random.rand(imshape[0],imshape[1])
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## Optic flow in an x,y plane
When the objects are at equidistances
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``` python
vel = velocity.copy() # to avoid overwright
sce = scene.copy() # to avoid overwright
sce = 0*sce + 10 # equidistant
rof, hof, vof= optic_flow(sce, viewing_directions, vel)
plt.quiver(vdir_az,vdir_el,hof,vof, label='optic flow')
plt.plot([az],[el],'ro', label='Focus of Expension')
plt.xlabel('azimuth [rad]')
plt.ylabel('elevation [rad]');
%% Output
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With one object closer than the rest
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``` python
vel = velocity.copy() # to avoid overwright
sce = scene.copy() # to avoid overwright
sce = 0*sce + 10 # equidistant
azindeces = np.arange(7,10)
sce[:,azindeces,...]=5 # closer
rof, hof, vof= optic_flow(sce, viewing_directions, vel)
plt.quiver(vdir_az,vdir_el,hof,vof, label='optic flow',scale=5)
label='at the objects',scale=5)
plt.plot([az],[el],'ro', label='Focus of Expension')
plt.xlabel('azimuth [rad]')
plt.ylabel('elevation [rad]');
%% Output
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## Optic flow around the yaw axis
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
vel = velocity.copy() # to avoid overwright
sce = scene.copy() # to avoid overwright
rof, hof, vof= optic_flow(sce, viewing_directions, vel)
plt.quiver(vdir_az,vdir_el,hof,vof, label='optic flow', scale=5)
plt.xlabel('azimuth [rad]')
plt.ylabel('elevation [rad]');
%% Output
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## Optic flow around the pitch axis
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
vel = velocity.copy() # to avoid overwright
sce = scene.copy() # to avoid overwright
rof, hof, vof= optic_flow(sce, viewing_directions, vel)
plt.quiver(vdir_az,vdir_el,hof,vof, label='optic flow', scale=5)
plt.xlabel('azimuth [rad]')
plt.ylabel('elevation [rad]');
%% Output
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## Optic flow around the roll axis
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
vel = velocity.copy() # to avoid overwright
sce = scene.copy() # to avoid overwright
rof, hof, vof= optic_flow(sce, viewing_directions, vel)
plt.quiver(vdir_az,vdir_el,hof,vof, label='optic flow', scale=5)
plt.xlabel('azimuth [rad]')
plt.ylabel('elevation [rad]');
%% Output
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## Optic flow of relevant points
We consider N relevant points, named as follow
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from navipy.trajectories import Trajectory
points_name = ['nest', '1', '2', '3', '4']
relevant_points = pd.Series(index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([points_name,['x','y','z']]))
relevant_points.nest=[0,0,0] # [x,y,z] of the point
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and want to calculate the optic flow of these point along the following trajectory
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``` python
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We convert the point from the world coordinate system to the bee coordinate system, and then express them in spherical coordinates, i.e. the coordinate system used in the optic_flow functions.
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``` python
markers2bee = mytraj.world2body(relevant_points)
from navipy.maths.coordinates import cartesian_to_spherical
from navipy.scene import spherical_indeces
markers2bee_sh = pd.DataFrame(index=markers2bee.index,
d = dict(zip(['x','y','z'], ['elevation','azimuth','radius']))
markers2bee_sh = markers2bee_sh.rename(columns=d, level=1)
markers2bee_sh = markers2bee_sh.swaplevel(axis=1)
markers2bee_sh = markers2bee_sh.swaplevel(axis=1)
%% Output
/home/bolirev/.virtualenvs/toolbox-navigation/lib/python3.6/site-packages/navipy-0.1-py3.6.egg/navipy/trajectories/ UserWarning: Prior to 12/09/2018:
world2body was doing a reverse transformed
Please use body2world instead
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
The optic flow not only need the trajectory, but also the differentiation of it,
and merge traj with its velocity because the optic flow depend also of the agent orientation
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
mytrajdiff = mytraj.differentiate(periods=1)
mytrajvel = mytraj.join(mytrajdiff)
%% Output
location zyx location \
x y z alpha_0 alpha_1 alpha_2 dx
1446 64.633030 12.514757 14.383999 0.738181 0.126137 0.167408 0.286749
1447 64.781736 12.358705 14.548036 0.759602 -0.000240 0.158936 0.148706
1448 64.908390 12.285283 14.674417 0.718028 0.099787 0.051479 0.126654
1449 65.156870 12.207232 14.615128 0.720968 0.244536 0.256502 0.248480
1450 65.322761 12.144090 14.666038 0.754467 0.097272 0.039248 0.165891
dy dz dalpha_0 dalpha_1 dalpha_2
1446 0.035240 -0.305388 -0.029131 0.119534 -0.010741
1447 -0.156052 0.164037 0.021421 -0.126377 -0.008473
1448 -0.073422 0.126382 -0.041574 0.100027 -0.107457
1449 -0.078051 -0.059289 0.002941 0.144750 0.205023
1450 -0.063142 0.050910 0.033498 -0.147265 -0.217254
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
We loop through all time point in the velocity and calculate the optic flow of the selected
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
tmp = markers2bee_sh.swaplevel(axis=1)
for ii, velocity in mytrajvel.dropna().iterrows():
# get the elevation, azimuth of the seen point of interest
# and the distance to it
elevation = tmp.loc[ii,'elevation']
azimuth = tmp.loc[ii,'azimuth']
distance = tmp.loc[ii,'radius'].values
# Build viewing direction of all objects
viewing_dir = np.zeros((elevation.shape[0],2))
viewing_dir[...,spherical_indeces()['elevation']] = elevation
viewing_dir[...,spherical_indeces()['azimuth']] = azimuth
# Calculate the optic flow of these points
rof,hof,vof = optic_flow(distance,viewing_dir,velocity)
# save the results in df
# swap level again, to index optic flow with point of interest
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
of_norm = my_opticflow.swaplevel(axis=1).hof**2+my_opticflow.swaplevel(axis=1).vof**2
of_norm = np.sqrt(of_norm.astype(float))
%% Output
(0, 0.4)
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## Optic flow from a database
Database of rendered views along a trajectory can be created by using the tool `blendalongtraj`. Once the database has been created, optic flow can be obtain by using the difference in the position orientation and the distance to surrounding objects (The 'D' channel).
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import pkg_resources
from navipy.database import DataBase
import time
mydbfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
'navipy', 'resources/database.db')
mydb = DataBase(mydbfile)
mytraj = mydb.posorients
mytrajdiff = mytraj.differentiate(periods=1)
mytrajvel = mytraj.join(mytrajdiff)
%% Output
location zyx location zyx \
x y z alpha_0 alpha_1 alpha_2 dx dy dz dalpha_0
2 -0.25 -0.50 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25 0.00 0.0 0.0
3 0.00 -0.50 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25 0.00 0.0 0.0
4 0.25 -0.50 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25 0.00 0.0 0.0
5 0.50 -0.50 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25 0.00 0.0 0.0
6 -0.50 -0.25 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.00 0.25 0.0 0.0
dalpha_1 dalpha_2
2 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0
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### without multiprocessing
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
t_start = time.time()
horizontal_of = np.zeros((mytrajvel.shape[0],*mydb.viewing_directions[...,0].shape))
vertical_of = horizontal_of.copy()
for ii, (frame_i, velocity) in enumerate(mytrajvel.dropna().iterrows()):
scene = mydb.scene(velocity)
distance = scene[...,3,0]
# Calculate the optic flow of these points
_,hof,vof = optic_flow(distance,mydb.viewing_directions,velocity)
# save the results in df
t_elapse = time.time()-t_start
print('Optic flow was calculated on {} frame in {}s'.format(mytrajvel.dropna().shape[0],
%% Output
Optic flow was calculated on 24 frame in 421.6605281829834s
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### with mulitprocessing
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial
def calc_optic_flow(ii,dbfile,trajvel):
db = DataBase(dbfile)
velocity = trajvel.iloc[ii,:]
scene = db.scene(velocity)
distance = scene[...,3,0]
# Calculate the optic flow of these points
_,hof,vof = optic_flow(distance,db.viewing_directions,velocity)
return (ii, hof, vof)
t_start = time.time()
indeces = list(np.arange(mytrajvel.dropna().shape[0]))
with Pool() as p:
result =
# Place results in a usable array
nb_of = len(result)
size_of = result[0][1].shape
horizontal_of = np.zeros((nb_of,*size_of))
vertical_of = horizontal_of.copy()
for flow in result:
ii = flow[0]
t_elapse = time.time()-t_start
print('Optic flow was calculated on {} frame in {}s'.format(mytrajvel.dropna().shape[0],
%% Output
Optic flow was calculated on 24 frame in 104.01745867729187s
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Remarks
### misconception about rotational optic flow
In the formulation of the optic flow the angular velocity $R$ of the animal is used. This velocity is a vector expressed in the animal coordinates system, and is **not** equal to the vector formed by the differentiation of the euler angles between two time points $t$ and $t-1$, i.e. $[yaw(t)-yaw(t-1),pitch(t)-pitch(t-1),roll(t)-roll(t-1)]$, because each euler angle is the rotation from one frame to the next frame, and only the final frame correspond to the coordinate system of the bee. It implies for the optic flow, that an arbitrary orientation, if droll is not zero, we can not expect the optic flow to be a rotation around the bee x-axis.
### Calculating the translational and rotational optic flow
It may be sometimes interesting to look at the optic flow field as the animal would have experience if it would not have rotated or translated. In other words it may be interesting to look at the translational and rotational optic flow instead of the full optic flow.
In `navipy` you can calculate such optic flow by using `optic_flow_translational` and `optic_flow_rotational`.
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def from_matrix(matrix):
r = matrix
# Split cases according to equation 145
if r[1, 1] > -r[2, 2] or r[0, 0] > -r[1, 1] or r[0, 0] > -r[2, 2]:
if (r[1, 1] >= -r[2, 2]) and (r[0, 0] >= -r[1, 1]) and (r[0, 0] >= -r[2, 2]):
# equation 141
return (1/2)*np.array([np.sqrt(1 + r[0, 0] + r[1, 1] + r[2, 2]),
(r[1, 2] - r[2, 1]) /
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ def from_matrix(matrix):
(r[0, 1] - r[1, 0]) /
np.sqrt(1 + r[0, 0] + r[1, 1] + r[2, 2])])
if r[1, 1] < -r[2, 2] or r[0, 0] > r[1, 1] or r[0, 0] > r[2, 2]:
if (r[1, 1] < -r[2, 2]) and (r[0, 0] > r[1, 1]) and (r[0, 0] > r[2, 2]):
# equation 142
return (1/2)*np.array([(r[1, 2] - r[2, 1]) /
np.sqrt(1 + r[0, 0] - r[1, 1] - r[2, 2]),
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ def from_matrix(matrix):
np.sqrt(1 + r[0, 0] - r[1, 1] - r[2, 2]),
(r[2, 0] + r[0, 2]) /
np.sqrt(1 + r[0, 0] - r[1, 1] - r[2, 2])])
if r[1, 1] > r[2, 2] or r[0, 0] < r[1, 1] or r[0, 0] < -r[2, 2]:
if (r[1, 1] > r[2, 2]) and (r[0, 0] < r[1, 1]) and (r[0, 0] < -r[2, 2]):
# equation 143
return (1/2)*np.array([(r[2, 0] - r[0, 2]) /
np.sqrt(1 - r[0, 0] + r[1, 1] - r[2, 2]),
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ def from_matrix(matrix):
np.sqrt(1 - r[0, 0] + r[1, 1] - r[2, 2]),
(r[1, 2] + r[2, 1]) /
np.sqrt(1 - r[0, 0] + r[1, 1] - r[2, 2])])
if r[1, 1] < r[2, 2] or r[0, 0] < -r[1, 1] or r[0, 0] < r[2, 2]:
if (r[1, 1] < r[2, 2]) and (r[0, 0] < -r[1, 1]) and (r[0, 0] < r[2, 2]):
# equation 144
return (1/2)*np.array([(r[0, 1] - r[1, 0]) /
np.sqrt(1 - r[0, 0] - r[1, 1] + r[2, 2]),
......@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ class BlenderRender(AbstractRender):
if self._renderaxis == '+x':
initrot = quatmatrix([0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5])
initrot = quatmatrix([0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
# The camera is aligned in -z
# A rotation along z wll thus roll the camera
# Althougth the camera should yaw in such case
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