We recommend using Anaconda (https://www.anaconda.com/) and create a virtual environment within it before installing the toolbox.
If you want to use Navipy with Blender, please jump to the Blender section
Start the Anaconda Prompt, and then enter
conda update conda
@@ -67,22 +69,13 @@ pip install navipy
## Blender-python version
Navipy can be interfaced with blender. It is highly recommended to use the same version of packages of blender when doing so, in order to reduce problem of compatibility.
To determine the packages that you will need, you can run the script: https://gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/olivier.bertrand/navipy/blob/master/navipy/scripts/check_blender_versions_pip.py in blender or via commandline
blender -b -P check_blender_versions_pip.py
To determine the packages that you will need, you can run the script: https://gitlab.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/olivier.bertrand/navipy/blob/master/navipy/scripts/check_blender_versions.py in blender or via commandline
It will create a textfile containing all packages used by blender. They can be installed in your virtualenvironment (prior to navipy) by doing:
pip install -r requirement.txt
blender -b -P check_blender_versions.py
| Blender version | Python version |
| --------------- | -------------- |
| 2.79b | 3.5.3 |
You can then follow the instruction displayed in the terminal