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Commit 65766f17 authored by Olivier Bertrand's avatar Olivier Bertrand
Browse files

Add dlt calibration tools and triangulation

parent cf77feed
No related merge requests found
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def dlt_reconstruct(coeff, campts, z=None):
This function reconstructs the 3D position of a coordinate based on a set
of DLT coefficients and [u,v] pixel coordinates from 2 or more cameras
:param coeff: - 11 DLT coefficients for all n cameras, [11,n] array
:param campts: - [u,v] pixel coordinates from all n cameras over f frames
:param z: the z coordinate of all points for reconstruction \
from a single camera
:returns: xyz - the xyz location in each frame, an [f,3] array\
rmse - the root mean square error for each xyz point, and [f,1] array,\
units are [u,v] i.e. camera coordinates or pixels
# number of cameras
ncams = campts.columns.levels[0].shape[0]
if (ncams == 1) and (z is None):
raise NameError('reconstruction from a single camera require z')
# setup output variables
xyz = pd.DataFrame(index=campts.index, columns=['x', 'y', 'z'])
rmse = pd.Series(index=campts.index)
# process each frame
for ii, frame_i in enumerate(campts.index):
# get a list of cameras with non-NaN [u,v]
row = campts.loc[frame_i, :].unstack()
validcam = row.dropna(how='any')
cdx = validcam.index
if validcam.shape[0] >= 2:
# Two or more cameras
u = campts.loc[frame_i, cdx].u
v = campts.loc[frame_i, cdx].v
# initialize least-square solution matrices
m1 = np.zeros((cdx.shape[0]*2, 3))
m2 = np.zeros((cdx.shape[0]*2, 1))
m1[0: cdx.size*2: 2, 0] = u*coeff.loc[8, cdx]-coeff.loc[0, cdx]
m1[0: cdx.size*2: 2, 1] = u*coeff.loc[9, cdx]-coeff.loc[1, cdx]
m1[0: cdx.size*2: 2, 2] = u*coeff.loc[10, cdx]-coeff.loc[2, cdx]
m1[1: cdx.size*2: 2, 0] = v*coeff.loc[8, cdx]-coeff.loc[4, cdx]
m1[1: cdx.size*2: 2, 1] = v*coeff.loc[9, cdx]-coeff.loc[5, cdx]
m1[1: cdx.size*2: 2, 2] = v*coeff.loc[10, cdx]-coeff.loc[7, cdx]
m2[0: cdx.size*2: 2, 0] = coeff.loc[3, cdx]-u
m2[1: cdx.size*2: 2, 0] = coeff.loc[7, cdx]-v
# get the least squares solution to the reconstruction
xyz.loc[frame_i, ['x', 'y', 'z']] = \
np.linalg.lstsq(m1, m2, rcond=None)[0]
# compute ideal [u,v] for each camera
uv =[frame_i, ['x', 'y', 'z']].transpose())
# compute the number of degrees of freedom in the reconstruction
dof = m2.size-3
# estimate the root mean square reconstruction error
rmse.loc[frame_i] = (np.sum((m2-uv) ** 2)/dof) ^ 0.5
elif (validcam.shape[0] == 1) and (z is not None):
# equation 19 with z = constant
# the term with z can be move to right side
# then equation 21 can be solved as follow:
u = campts.loc[frame_i, cdx].unstack().u
v = campts.loc[frame_i, cdx].unstack().v
# initialize least-square solution matrices
m1 = np.zeros((cdx.shape[0]*2, 2))
m2 = np.zeros((cdx.shape[0]*2, 1))
m1[0: cdx.size*2: 2, 0] = u*coeff.loc[8, cdx]-coeff.loc[0, cdx]
m1[0: cdx.size*2: 2, 1] = u*coeff.loc[9, cdx]-coeff.loc[1, cdx]
m1[1: cdx.size*2: 2, 0] = v*coeff.loc[8, cdx]-coeff.loc[4, cdx]
m1[1: cdx.size*2: 2, 1] = v*coeff.loc[9, cdx]-coeff.loc[5, cdx]
m2[0: cdx.size*2: 2, 0] = coeff.loc[3, cdx]-u
m2[1: cdx.size*2: 2, 0] = coeff.loc[7, cdx]-v
m2[0: cdx.size*2: 2, 0] -= \
(u*coeff.loc[10, cdx] - coeff.loc[2, cdx])*z.loc[frame_i]
m2[1: cdx.size*2: 2, 0] -= \
(v*coeff.loc[10, cdx] - coeff.loc[6, cdx])*z.loc[frame_i]
# get the least squares solution to the reconstruction
xyz.loc[frame_i, ['x', 'y']] = \
np.squeeze(np.linalg.lstsq(m1, m2, rcond=None)[0])
xyz.loc[frame_i, 'z'] = z.loc[frame_i]
# compute ideal [u,v] for each camera
uv =[frame_i, ['x', 'y']].transpose())
# compute the number of degrees of freedom in the reconstruction
dof = m2.size-3
# estimate the root mean square reconstruction error
rmse.loc[frame_i] = (np.sum((m2-uv) ** 2)/dof) ** 0.5
return xyz, rmse
def dlt_inverse(coeff, frames):
This function reconstructs the pixel coordinates of a 3D coordinate as
seen by the camera specificed by DLT coefficients c
:param coeff: - 11 DLT coefficients for the camera, [11,1] array
:param frames: - [x,y,z] coordinates over f frames,[f,3] array
:returns: uv - pixel coordinates in each frame, [f,2] array
# write the matrix solution out longhand for vector operation over
# all pointsat once
uv = np.zeros((frames.shape[0], 2))
frames = frames.loc[:, ['x', 'y', 'z']].values
normalisation = frames[:, 0]*coeff[8] + \
frames[:, 1]*coeff[9]+frames[:, 2]*coeff[10] + 1
uv[:, 0] = frames[:, 0]*coeff[0]+frames[:, 1] * \
coeff[1]+frames[:, 2]*coeff[2]+coeff[3]
uv[:, 1] = frames[:, 0]*coeff[4]+frames[:, 1] * \
coeff[5]+frames[:, 2]*coeff[6]+coeff[7]
uv[:, 0] /= normalisation
uv[:, 1] /= normalisation
return uv
def dlt_compute_coeffs(frames, campts):
A basic implementation of 11 parameters DLT
: param frames: an array of x, y, z calibration point coordinates
: param campts: an array of u, v pixel coordinates from the camera
: returns: dlt coefficients and root mean square error
Notes: frame and camera points must have the same number of rows and at \
least contains six rows. Also the frame points must not all lie within a \
single plane.
# remove NaNs
valid_idx = frames.dropna(how='any').index
valid_idx = campts.loc[valid_idx, :].dropna(how='any').index
# valid df
vframes = frames.loc[valid_idx, :]
vcampts = campts.loc[valid_idx, :]
# re arange the frame matrix to facilitate the linear least
# sqaures solution
matrix = np.zeros((vframes.shape[0]*2, 11)) # 11 for the dlt
for num_i, index_i in enumerate(vframes.index):
matrix[2*num_i, 0:3] = vframes.loc[index_i, ['x', 'y', 'z']]
matrix[2*num_i+1, 4:7] = vframes.loc[index_i, ['x', 'y', 'z']]
matrix[2*num_i, 3] = 1
matrix[2*num_i+1, 7] = 1
matrix[2*num_i, 8:11] = \
vframes.loc[index_i, ['x', 'y', 'z']]*(-vcampts.loc[index_i, 'u'])
matrix[2*num_i+1, 8:11] = \
vframes.loc[index_i, ['x', 'y', 'z']]*(-vcampts.loc[index_i, 'v'])
# re argen the campts array for the linear solution
vcampts_f = np.reshape(np.flipud(np.rot90(vcampts)), vcampts.size, 1)
# get the linear solution the 11 parameters
coeff = np.linalg.lstsq(matrix, vcampts_f, rcond=None)[0]
# compute the position of the frame in u,v coordinates given the linear
# solution from the previous line
matrix_uv = dlt_inverse(coeff, vframes)
# compute the rmse between the ideal frame u,v and the
# recorded frame u,v
rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.sum((matrix_uv-vcampts)**2)))
return coeff, rmse
import argparse
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import cv2
import os
from navipy.arenatools.cam_dlt import dlt_inverse
from navipy.arenatools.cam_dlt import dlt_compute_coeffs
keybinding = dict()
keybinding['Quit without saving'] = 'q'
keybinding['Save and quite'] = 'e'
keybinding['Forward'] = 'f'
keybinding['Backward'] = 'b'
keybinding['Skip'] = 's'
keybinding['Calculate coeff'] = 'c'
def parser_dlt_calibrator():
# Create command line options
description = 'DLT calibrator provide a elementary user '
description += 'interface to determine the dlt coeffs of '
description += 'a camera from an image and calibration'
description += '\n\n'
description += 'Key bindings:\n'
description += '-------------\n'
for key, val in keybinding.items():
description += '{} : {}\n'.format(val, key)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
arghelp = 'Path to the calibration image'
parser.add_argument('-i', '--image',
arghelp = 'Path to the csv files containing calibration points'
parser.add_argument('-p', '--points',
arghelp = 'Scaling of the image'
parser.add_argument('-s', '--scale',
return parser
def click(event, x, y, flags, param):
# grab references to the global variables
global campts, index_i, scale
# if the left mouse button was clicked, record the starting
# (x, y) coordinates and indicate that cropping is being
# performed
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
campts.loc[index_i, ['u', 'v']] = [x/scale, y/scale]
def main():
# Fetch arguments
args = vars(parser_dlt_calibrator().parse_args())
# Load the u,v points if any, otherwise
# set all u,v for each frame to nan, because
# we do not know the position of x,y,z points on cam
frames = pd.read_csv(args['points'])
if ('u' in frames.columns) and ('v' in frames.columns):
campts = frames.loc[:, ['u', 'v']]
frames = frames.drop('u', axis=1)
frames = frames.drop('v', axis=1)
campts = pd.DataFrame(index=frames.index, columns=['u', 'v'])
# The image may need to be scale because screen may have
# less pixel than the image
scale = args['scale']
imageref = cv2.imread(args['image'])
# define some constants
showframe_ref = 50
showframe = showframe_ref
coeff = None
# create an image window
cv2.setMouseCallback("image", click)
# Loop until users quit
idx = 0 # User will control it during the loop
while True:
# Make sure the idx do not go outof bound
idx = np.clip(idx, 0, frames.shape[0]-1)
# load image
index_i = frames.index[idx]
mimage = imageref.copy()
# Display stuff at given time
if showframe > 0:
cv2.putText(mimage, str(index_i), (50, 50),
font, 2, (0, 0, 255), 3, cv2.LINE_AA)
showframe -= 1
for nbi, row in campts.dropna().iterrows():, (row.u.astype(int), row.v.astype(int)),
5, (0, 0, 255), 1)
cv2.putText(mimage, str(nbi),
(row.u.astype(int), row.v.astype(int)),
font, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
if coeff is not None:
matrix_uv = dlt_inverse(coeff, frames)
# print(matrix_uv)
matrix_uv = pd.DataFrame(data=matrix_uv,
columns=['u', 'v'])
matrix_uv[matrix_uv < 0] = np.nan
matrix_uv[matrix_uv.u > mimage.shape[0]] = np.nan
matrix_uv[matrix_uv.v > mimage.shape[1]] = np.nan
for nbi, row in matrix_uv.dropna().iterrows():, (row.u.astype(int), row.v.astype(int)),
5, (0, 255, 0), 1)
cv2.putText(mimage, str(nbi),
(row.u.astype(int), row.v.astype(int)),
font, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
mimage = cv2.resize(mimage, (0, 0), fx=scale, fy=scale)
cv2.imshow("image", mimage)
# Wait for keys
key = cv2.waitKey(20) & 0xFF # 20ms
# Key binding
if key == ord("q"):
print('quit without saving')
if key == ord("f"):
# forward
showframe = showframe_ref
idx += 1
if key == ord("s"):
# skip
showframe = showframe_ref
campts.loc[index_i, :] = np.nan
idx += 1
if key == ord("b"):
# backward
showframe = showframe_ref
idx -= 1
if key == ord("e"):
print('save and quit')
frames['u'] = campts.u
frames['v'] = campts.v
if key == ord("c"):
coeff, rmse = dlt_compute_coeffs(frames, campts)
coeff = pd.Series(data=coeff)
# close all open windows
if __name__ == "__main__":
# execute only if run as a script
...@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ setup_dict = {'name': 'navipy', ...@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ setup_dict = {'name': 'navipy',
'blendunittest=navipy.scripts.blendunittest:main', 'blendunittest=navipy.scripts.blendunittest:main',
'blendongrid=navipy.scripts.blend_ongrid:main', 'blendongrid=navipy.scripts.blend_ongrid:main',
'blendoverlaytraj=navipy.scripts.blend_overlaytraj:main', 'blendoverlaytraj=navipy.scripts.blend_overlaytraj:main',
'blendalongtraj=navipy.scripts.blend_alongtraj:main' 'blendalongtraj=navipy.scripts.blend_alongtraj:main',
]}, ]},
} }
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