"Within a certain range of a goal location, the difference between memorized and currently experienced views can provide instructions on how to move towards the goal.\n",
"The strong colour contrast of terrestrial objects against the sky may be of particular importance to localization and the demonstration that in outdoor scenes, panoramic image differences develop smoothly with distance from a reference location (translational Image Difference Functions, IDFs) and in addition, provide robust visual compass information (rotational IDFs) [Zeil 2012, Visual homing: an insect perspective].\n",
Within a certain range of a goal location, the difference between memorized and currently experienced views can provide instructions on how to move towards the goal.
The strong colour contrast of terrestrial objects against the sky may be of particular importance to localization and the demonstration that in outdoor scenes, panoramic image differences develop smoothly with distance from a reference location (translational Image Difference Functions, IDFs) and in addition, provide robust visual compass information (rotational IDFs) [Zeil 2012, Visual homing: an insect perspective].
### Translational
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### Rotational
Rotational IDFs is done as follow: The current view is rotated by $\alpha$ and compared pixelwise to the memorised image: