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Commit 1661f4de authored by Ramin Yaghoubzadeh's avatar Ramin Yaghoubzadeh
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Initial import of ipaaca (rsb version) for Python and Java.

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run.jvmargs= -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Xss5M -Dlogback.configurationFile=LogbackConfigs/warnlogstdout.xml
rebuild.list=Hmi/HmiUtil, Hmi/HmiXml, Hmi/HmiMath, Hmi/HmiBML, Hmi/HmiTTS, Hmi/HmiTTSMary, Hmi/HmiTTSSapi5, Hmi/HmiAnimation, Hmi/HmiNeurophysics, Hmi/HmiGraphics, Hmi/HmiPhysics, Hmi/HmiFaceAnimation, Hmi/HmiElckerlyc, Hmi/HmiDebug, Hmi/HmiFaceGraphics, Hmi/HmiEnvironment
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="IpaacaJava" default="run">
<import file="../../SoaShared/ant/build.xml" />
<ivy-module version="2.0">
<info organisation="Herwin" module="scrapbook"/>
<include file="${ivy.settings.dir}/configurations.xml"/>
<dependency org="slf4j" name="slf4j-api" rev="latest.release" />
<dependency org="google" name="guava" rev="latest.release" />
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File added
package ipaaca;
import ipaaca.Ipaaca.PayloadItem;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
* Skeleton implementation of Schlangen's incremental unit
* @author hvanwelbergen
public abstract class AbstractIU {
private Buffer buffer;
protected String ownerName;
protected Payload payload;
protected String category;
protected boolean committed = false;
private String uid;
protected int revision;
private boolean readOnly = false;
public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
this.readOnly = readOnly;
public void setRevision(int revision) {
this.revision = revision;
public boolean isReadOnly() {
return readOnly;
public String getOwnerName() {
return ownerName;
public void setOwnerName(String ownerName) {
this.ownerName = ownerName;
public String getCategory() {
return category;
public void setCategory(String category) {
this.category = category;
public Payload getPayload() {
return payload;
public Buffer getBuffer() {
return buffer;
public int getRevision() {
return revision;
public AbstractIU(String uid)
public boolean isCommitted() {
return committed;
public void setBuffer(Buffer buffer) {
this.buffer = buffer;
public boolean isPublished()
return buffer!=null;
public String getUid()
return uid;
public void setUid(String uid)
this.uid = uid;
public abstract void commit();
//XXX: might not be valid for all types of IUs
public abstract void commit(String writerName);
public void setPayload(Map<String,String> newPayload)
public void setPayload(Map<String,String> newPayload, String writername)
List<PayloadItem> items = new ArrayList<PayloadItem>();
for(Entry<String, String> entry: newPayload.entrySet())
PayloadItem item = PayloadItem.newBuilder()
.setType("") //TODO:default type?
setPayload(items, writername);
abstract void setPayload(List<PayloadItem> newItems, String writerName);
abstract void putIntoPayload(String key, String value, String writer);
abstract void removeFromPayload(Object key, String writer);
abstract void handlePayloadSetting(List<PayloadItem>newPayload, String writerName);
package ipaaca;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
* Base class for InputBuffer and OutputBuffer.
public abstract class Buffer {
private final String owningComponentName;
private List<IUEventHandler> eventHandlers = new ArrayList<IUEventHandler>();
protected final String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-","");
protected String uniqueName;
public String getUniqueName() {
return uniqueName;
public String getOwningComponentName() {
return owningComponentName;
// def __init__(self, owning_component_name, participant_config=None):
// '''Create a Buffer.
// Keyword arguments:
// owning_compontent_name --
// participant_config -- RSB configuration
// '''
// super(Buffer, self).__init__()
// self._owning_component_name = owning_component_name
// self._participant_config = participant_config #rsb.ParticipantConfig.fromDefaultSources() if participant_config is None else participant_config
// self._uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())[0:8]
// # Initialise with a temporary, but already unique, name
// self._unique_name = "undef-"+self._uuid
// self._iu_store = IUStore()
// self._iu_event_handlers = []
* @param owningComponentName name of the entity that owns this Buffer
* @param participantConfig RSB configuration
public Buffer(String owningComponentName)
this.owningComponentName = owningComponentName;
uniqueName = "undef-"+uuid;
// def register_handler(self, handler_function, for_event_types=None, for_categories=None):
// """Register a new IU event handler function.
// Keyword arguments:
// handler_function -- a function with the signature (IU, event_type, local)
// for_event_types -- a list of event types or None if handler should
// be called for all event types
// for_categories -- a list of category names or None if handler should
// be called for all categoires
// """
// handler = IUEventHandler(handler_function=handler_function, for_event_types=for_event_types, for_categories=for_categories)
// self._iu_event_handlers.append(handler)
public void registerHandler(IUEventHandler handler)
// def call_iu_event_handlers(self, uid, local, event_type, category):
// """Call registered IU event handler functions registered for this event_type and category."""
// for h in self._iu_event_handlers:
// # print('calling an update handler for '+event_type+' -> '+str(h))
//, uid, local=local, event_type=event_type, category=category)
* Call registered IU event handler functions registered for this event_type and category.
public void callIuEventHandlers(String uid, boolean local, IUEventType type, String category)
for(IUEventHandler h:eventHandlers)
{, uid, local, type, category);
public abstract AbstractIU getIU(String iuid);
package ipaaca;
public interface HandlerFunctor {
void handle(AbstractIU iu, IUEventType type, boolean local);
package ipaaca;
public enum IUAccessMode {
package ipaaca;
* Error indicating that an IU is immutable because it has been committed to.
* @author hvanwelbergen
public class IUCommittedException extends RuntimeException{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final AbstractIU iu;
public AbstractIU getIU() {
return iu;
public IUCommittedException(AbstractIU iu)
super("Writing to IU " + iu.getUid() + " failed -- it has been committed to.");
this.iu = iu;
package ipaaca;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import rsb.converter.ConversionException;
import rsb.converter.Converter;
import rsb.converter.ConverterSignature;
import rsb.converter.UserData;
import rsb.converter.WireContents;
import ipaaca.Ipaaca.IU;
import ipaaca.Ipaaca.PayloadItem;
* Serializes AbstractIUs into protocolbuffer IUs and vice versa.
* @author hvanwelbergen
public class IUConverter implements Converter<ByteBuffer>
private final ConverterSignature signature;
public IUConverter(ConverterSignature signature)
this.signature = signature;
public ConverterSignature getSignature()
return signature;
public WireContents<ByteBuffer> serialize(Class<?> typeInfo, Object obj) throws ConversionException
AbstractIU iua = (AbstractIU)obj;
List<PayloadItem> payloadItems = new ArrayList<PayloadItem>();
for(Entry<String, String> entry:iua.getPayload().entrySet())
IU iu = IU.newBuilder()
.setAccessMode(IU.AccessMode.PUSH) //TODO for other access modes (also in Python version)
return new WireContents<ByteBuffer>(ByteBuffer.wrap(iu.toByteArray()),"ipaaca-remotepushiu");
public UserData<?> deserialize(String wireSchema, ByteBuffer buffer) throws ConversionException
IU iu;
iu = IU.newBuilder().mergeFrom(buffer.array()).build();
catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if(iu.getAccessMode() == IU.AccessMode.PUSH)
RemotePushIU iuout = new RemotePushIU(iu.getUid());
iuout.committed = iu.getCommitted();
iuout.payload = new Payload(iuout,iu.getPayloadList());
return new UserData<RemotePushIU>(iuout, RemotePushIU.class);
throw new RuntimeException("We can only handle IUs with access mode 'PUSH' for now!");
package ipaaca;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Set;
* Wrapper for IU event handling functions.
* @author hvanwelbergen
public class IUEventHandler {
private final EnumSet<IUEventType> eventTypes;
private Set<String>categories;
private final HandlerFunctor handleFunctor;
// def __init__(self, handler_function, for_event_types=None, for_categories=None):
// """Create an IUEventHandler.
// Keyword arguments:
// handler_function -- the handler function with the signature
// (IU, event_type, local)
// for_event_types -- a list of event types or None if handler should
// be called for all event types
// for_categories -- a list of category names or None if handler should
// be called for all categoires
// """
// super(IUEventHandler, self).__init__()
// self._handler_function = handler_function
// self._for_event_types = (
// None if for_event_types is None else
// (for_event_types[:] if hasattr(for_event_types, '__iter__') else [for_event_types]))
// self._for_categories = (
// None if for_categories is None else
// (for_categories[:] if hasattr(for_categories, '__iter__') else [for_categories]))
public IUEventHandler(HandlerFunctor func, EnumSet<IUEventType> eventTypes, Set<String>categories)
this.eventTypes = eventTypes;
this.categories = categories;
this.handleFunctor = func;
// def condition_met(self, event_type, category):
// """Check whether this IUEventHandler should be called.
// Keyword arguments:
// event_type -- type of the IU event
// category -- category of the IU which triggered the event
// """
// type_condition_met = (self._for_event_types is None or event_type in self._for_event_types)
// cat_condition_met = (self._for_categories is None or category in self._for_categories)
// return type_condition_met and cat_condition_met
* Check whether this IUEventHandler should be called.
* @param type type of the IU event
* @param category category of the IU which triggered the event
private boolean conditionMet(IUEventType type, String category)
return eventTypes.contains(type) && categories.contains(category);
// def call(self, buffer, iu_uid, local, event_type, category):
// """Call this IUEventHandler's function, if it applies.
// Keyword arguments:
// buffer -- the buffer in which the IU is stored
// iu_uid -- the uid of the IU
// local -- is the IU local or remote to this component? @RAMIN: Is this correct?
// event_type -- IU event type
// category -- category of the IU
// """
// if self.condition_met(event_type, category):
// iu = buffer._iu_store[iu_uid]
// self._handler_function(iu, event_type, local)
public void call(Buffer buf, String iuUid, boolean local, IUEventType type, String category)
AbstractIU iu = buf.getIU(iuUid);
handleFunctor.handle(iu, type, local);
package ipaaca;
public enum IUEventType {
package ipaaca;
public class IUPublishedException extends RuntimeException{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final AbstractIU iu;
public AbstractIU getIU() {
return iu;
public IUPublishedException(AbstractIU iu)
super("IU " + iu.getUid() + " is already present in the output buffer.");
this.iu = iu;
package ipaaca;
public class IUReadOnlyException extends RuntimeException{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final AbstractIU iu;
public AbstractIU getIU() {
return iu;
public IUReadOnlyException(AbstractIU iu)
super("Writing to IU " + iu.getUid() + " failed -- it is read-only.");
this.iu = iu;
package ipaaca;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class IUStore<X extends AbstractIU> extends HashMap<String,X>{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
package ipaaca;
public class IUUpdateFailedException extends RuntimeException{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final AbstractIU iu;
public AbstractIU getIU() {
return iu;
public IUUpdateFailedException(AbstractIU iu)
super("Remote update failed for IU " + iu.getUid() + ".");
this.iu = iu;
package ipaaca;
import ipaaca.Ipaaca.IUCommission;
import ipaaca.Ipaaca.IUPayloadUpdate;
import rsb.converter.ConverterSignature;
import rsb.converter.DefaultConverterRepository;
import rsb.converter.ProtocolBufferConverter;
public final class Initializer {
// def initialize_ipaaca_rsb():#{{{
// rsb.transport.converter.registerGlobalConverter(
// IntConverter(wireSchema="int32", dataType=int))
// rsb.transport.converter.registerGlobalConverter(
// IUConverter(wireSchema="ipaaca-iu", dataType=IU))
// rsb.transport.converter.registerGlobalConverter(
// IUPayloadUpdateConverter(
// wireSchema="ipaaca-iu-payload-update",
// dataType=IUPayloadUpdate))
// rsb.transport.converter.registerGlobalConverter(
// rsb.transport.converter.ProtocolBufferConverter(
// messageClass=iuProtoBuf_pb2.IUCommission))
// rsb.__defaultParticipantConfig = rsb.ParticipantConfig.fromDefaultSources()
// #}}}
public static void initializeIpaacaRsb()
DefaultConverterRepository.getDefaultConverterRepository().addConverter(new IntConverter());
.addConverter(new ProtocolBufferConverter<IUCommission>(IUCommission.getDefaultInstance()));
.addConverter(new ProtocolBufferConverter<IUPayloadUpdate>(IUPayloadUpdate.getDefaultInstance()));
new IUConverter(new ConverterSignature("ipaaca-remotepushiu", RemotePushIU.class)));
new IUConverter(new ConverterSignature("ipaaca-localiu", LocalIU.class)));
package ipaaca;
import ipaaca.Ipaaca.IUCommission;
import ipaaca.Ipaaca.IUPayloadUpdate;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import rsb.Event;
import rsb.Factory;
import rsb.Handler;
import rsb.InitializeException;
import rsb.Listener;
import rsb.Scope;
import rsb.patterns.RemoteServer;
* An InputBuffer that holds remote IUs.
* @author hvanwelbergen
public class InputBuffer extends Buffer{
private Map<String,RemoteServer> remoteServerStore = new HashMap<String,RemoteServer>();
private Map<String,Listener> listenerStore = new HashMap<String,Listener>();
private Set<String> categoryInterests = new HashSet<String>();
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InputBuffer.class.getName());
private IUStore<RemotePushIU> iuStore = new IUStore<RemotePushIU>();
public void close()
for(Listener listener: listenerStore.values())
for(RemoteServer remServer: remoteServerStore.values())
// def __init__(self, owning_component_name, category_interests=None, participant_config=None):
// '''Create an InputBuffer.
// Keyword arguments:
// owning_compontent_name -- name of the entity that owns this InputBuffer
// category_interests -- list of IU categories this Buffer is interested in
// participant_config = RSB configuration
// '''
// super(InputBuffer, self).__init__(owning_component_name, participant_config)
// self._unique_name = '/ipaaca/component/'+str(owning_component_name)+'ID'+self._uuid+'/IB'
// self._listener_store = {} # one per IU category
// self._remote_server_store = {} # one per remote-IU-owning Component
// self._category_interests = []
// if category_interests is not None:
// for cat in category_interests:
// self._create_category_listener_if_needed(cat)
public InputBuffer(String owningComponentName, Set<String>categoryInterests)
uniqueName = "/ipaaca/component/"+ owningComponentName +"ID"+uuid+"/IB";
for (String cat:categoryInterests)
// def _get_remote_server(self, iu):
// '''Return (or create, store and return) a remote server.'''
// if iu.owner_name in self._remote_server_store:
// return self._remote_server_store[iu.owner_name]
// remote_server = rsb.createRemoteServer(rsb.Scope(str(iu.owner_name)))
// self._remote_server_store[iu.owner_name] = remote_server
// return remote_server
public RemoteServer getRemoteServer(AbstractIU iu)
return remoteServerStore.get(iu.getOwnerName());
logger.debug("Getting remote server for {}",iu.getOwnerName());
RemoteServer remoteServer = Factory.getInstance().createRemoteServer(new Scope(iu.getOwnerName()));
catch (InitializeException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
remoteServerStore.put(iu.getOwnerName(), remoteServer);
return remoteServer;
// def _create_category_listener_if_needed(self, iu_category):
// '''Return (or create, store and return) a category listener.'''
// if iu_category in self._listener_store: return self._informer_store[iu_category]
// cat_listener = rsb.createListener(rsb.Scope("/ipaaca/category/"+str(iu_category)), config=self._participant_config)
// cat_listener.addHandler(self._handle_iu_events)
// self._listener_store[iu_category] = cat_listener
// self._category_interests.append(iu_category)
//"Added category listener for "+iu_category)
// return cat_listener
private Listener createCategoryListenerIfNeeded(String category)
return listenerStore.get(category);
Listener listener = Factory.getInstance().createListener(new Scope("/ipaaca/category/"+category));
listener.addHandler(new InputHandler(), true);"Added category listener for {}",category);
catch (InitializeException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return listener;
class InputHandler implements Handler
public void internalNotify(Event ev) {
// def _handle_iu_events(self, event):
// '''Dispatch incoming IU events.
// Adds incoming IU's to the store, applies payload and commit updates to
// IU, calls IU event handlers.'
// Keyword arguments:
// event -- a converted RSB event
// '''
// if type( is RemotePushIU:
// # a new IU
// if in self._iu_store:
// # already in our store
// pass
// else:
// self._iu_store[ ] =
// = self
// self.call_iu_event_handlers(, local=False, event_type=IUEventType.ADDED,
// else:
// # an update to an existing IU
// if == self.unique_name:
// # Discard updates that originate from this buffer
// return
// if not in self._iu_store:
// # TODO: we should request the IU's owner to send us the IU
// logger.warning("Update message for IU which we did not fully receive before.")
// return
// if type( is iuProtoBuf_pb2.IUCommission:
// # IU commit
// iu = self._iu_store[]
// iu._apply_commission()
// iu._revision =
// self.call_iu_event_handlers(, local=False, event_type=IUEventType.COMMITTED, category=iu.category)
// elif type( is IUPayloadUpdate:
// # IU payload update
// iu = self._iu_store[]
// iu._apply_update(
// self.call_iu_event_handlers(, local=False, event_type=IUEventType.UPDATED, category=iu.category)
* Dispatch incoming IU events.
private void handleIUEvents(Event event)
if(event.getData() instanceof RemotePushIU)
RemotePushIU rp = (RemotePushIU)event.getData();
//a new IU
// already in our store
iuStore.put(rp.getUid(), rp);
this.callIuEventHandlers(rp.getUid(), false, IUEventType.ADDED, rp.getCategory());
if (event.getData() instanceof IUPayloadUpdate)
IUPayloadUpdate iuUpdate = (IUPayloadUpdate)event.getData();
logger.debug("handleIUEvents invoked with an IUPayloadUpdate: {}", iuUpdate);
//Discard updates that originate from this buffer
logger.warn("Update message for IU which we did not fully receive before.");
RemotePushIU iu = this.iuStore.get(iuUpdate.getUid());
callIuEventHandlers(iu.getUid(), false, IUEventType.UPDATED, iu.category);
if (event.getData() instanceof IUCommission)
IUCommission iuc = (IUCommission)event.getData();
logger.debug("handleIUEvents invoked with an IUCommission: {}", iuc);
logger.debug("{}, {}",iuc.getWriterName(), this.getUniqueName());
//Discard updates that originate from this buffer
logger.warn("Update message for IU which we did not fully receive before.");
RemotePushIU iu = this.iuStore.get(iuc.getUid());
callIuEventHandlers(iuc.getUid(), false, IUEventType.COMMITTED, iu.getCategory());
public InputBuffer(String owningComponentName) {
public AbstractIU getIU(String iuid)
return iuStore.get(iuid);
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