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Created with Raphaël 2.2.030Jul2930Apr5Mar15Feb7643231Jan3029281814Dec11Oct18Jul1429Jun2829May22Apr16Feb10726Jan524Dec237643228Oct29Sep124Aug28Apr2726330Mar124Feb2229Jan1918718Dec16109854326Nov201613122Aug26Jun1711May8Apr28Mar2724327Feb26252423212016149530Jan2623222016618Dec125330Sep2227Jul15624Apr17Feb14131131Jan2826211312622Nov21183Sep227Aug5Jul28Jun25201924May2321Mar28Feb2229Jan2017141211109875421Dec201714325Nov15141214Oct28Sep252019181230Aug232120151493227Jul24214Jun430May27Apr2614131211103219Mar171312527Feb24212014138223Jan915Dec97523NovAutomatic version tagging in Doxygen from C++ protocol versionipaaca4ipaaca4Merge into ipaaca4Added Windows README in docsWindows build fixesC++: added the handler bind macroPy: Removed stray prints in backend-mqttC++: meaningful ROS node names generated from process name (Linux)Some cleanup work; moved some stuff to more meaningful file names; fix.Sniffer and injector: added info about active back-end; warningsPython: gave MQTT backend time to publish final (atexit) retractionsPy: fixed mismatch in old IUResend error signature; added extra errorC++: ROS backend worksC++: ROS version 0.1 (partially done, Pub/Sub works)Added 'b64.c' tiny base64 lib (MIT license, embedded into the files)C++ and Python: parse ipaaca.conf in cwd or ~/.config/Py: correct ROS teardown to unregister node from roscorePython: added ROS back-endJava: === DISABLED JAVA LIB ===Py: expose backend name; e.g. used in sniffer to set 'all' listenerMerge ../ipaaca-gitlab into mqtt_portC++: Windows compatibility establishedEnvironment-based config for Python, toopartialImproved CMake file. Testing libs and adding available back-ends.C++: updated doxygen docsC++: provided additional event dispatcher (threaded as in Python)Py: Threaded event dispatcher for mqtt backend + some cleanupC++ convenience bind macro (to avoid future end-user code changes)C++: MQTT version fully workingC++: MQTTLocalServer OK + some logging improvementsConfig improvedFurther exposition in the headersSplit abstract backend and mqttPrep switchable backendSync connect() + async loop_start() works best, despite the guidesAsync conn causes automatic 1s delays in the backend (by design)Odd connection issues in C++ version (some hangs on connect/subscribe)Added my patch for python-paho-mqtt, which prevents long connection delaysInformer and Listener OK; LocalServer and RemoteServer to doPrep config in C++