# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from primo.reasoning import RandomNode
import random
class ContinuousNode(RandomNode):
Represents a random-variable with a real-valued domain. Can only be defined
on a subset or on whole R. The probability density can have different forms.
Objects of this class can be created by a ContinuousNodeFactory.
def __init__(self, name, value_range, DensityClass):
super(ContinuousNode, self).__init__(name)
#value_range is a 2-tuple that defines this variable's domain.
self.value_range = value_range
#the class density_class defines the class of function that is used
#for this ContinuousNode's pdf.
self.density_class = DensityClass
#cpd - ConditionalProbabilityDensity is the concrete density function
#of this ContinuousNode, conditioned on this Node's parents.
self.cpd = DensityClass(self)
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "str(ContinuousNode)"")"
def set_density_parameters(self, density_parameters):
# def sample_uniform(self):
# sampled_value = random.uniform(self.value_range[0],self.value_range[1])
# return sampled_value
# def sample_proposal(self, x=None):
# return self.cpd.sample_proposal(x)

Manuel Baum
def sample_local(self, x, evidence):
This method can be used to do a random walk in the domain of this node.
@param x: The spot around which the next sample shall be generated.
@param evidence: Evidence which is to be concerned when new samples are
being generated. I am not entirely sure that this belongs here or is
correct in theory...
This is the most simple and stupid implementation of the method. It
uses bogo-search to find a sample that fits the evidence. You could
reimplement it by constructing the integral over the normalvariate in the
intervalls allowed by the evidence and then generate a sample directly.
Currently this method has O(inf).'''

Manuel Baum
if self in evidence.keys():
while not (evidence[self].is_compatible(v) and self.value_range[0]<v and v<self.value_range[1]):
while not (self.value_range[0]<v and v<self.value_range[1]):
return v

Manuel Baum
def sample_global(self, state):
This method can be used to sample from this local distribution.
@param state: A Dict from Node-objects to values. You can specify the
values of this nodes parents in this dict and the conditional
probability density will be adjusted accordingly.

Manuel Baum
return proposal
def get_probability(self, value, state):
This method can be used to query the cpd for how probable a value is,
given this nodes markov-blanket.
@param value: The value for this random-variable.
@param state: A Dict from Node-objects to values. Should at least contain
all variables from this nodes markov-blanket.
return self.cpd.get_probability(value, state)